Working woman cleaning schedule. Cleaning schedule - sample - schedule and general cleaning schedule for the month

Any activities require accounting and control. Cleaning is provided by cleaning and cleaning services in most large and medium-sized cities. To simplify mutual understanding, maintenance of cleaning schedules is imputed. Such documents are created in accordance with the specific requirements prescribed in the contract, drawn up taking into account the norms and standards for cleaning certain types of premises. For example, the conditions for cleaning apartments and cleaning offices will be different.

The classic version of the cleaning schedule with a manager-controller.

Table for calculating the total working hours of a specialist.

(click to enlarge image) DOWNLOAD toilet cleaning schedule

A photo. Toilet cleaning schedule

You are invited to download the cleaning schedule, a sample is presented in Microsoft Word. Also a list of tasks for a specific employee (a cleaning schedule in the form of a task list is suitable for controlling specific or private events, for example, in one cottage you need to clean windows, stove, refrigerator, balcony and computer desk, and in the other microwave, toilet and windows and dry-clean carpets and dry-clean furniture). To control the monthly plan or payroll, use the schedule (schedule) of the total working hours.

Cleaning norms - standards and technology

The technology of professional cleaning is prescribed in state standard. You can find out the typical cleaning standards industrial premises. Naturally, the requirements for different premises are different. Must follow state standards cleaning of a particular type of premises.

The documents are available for download in Microsoft Word format.

The state standard, compiled to verify the provision of household cleaning.

The document offers cleaning rates and formulas for calculations.

Quality indicators of professional cleaning GOST R51870-2014

Call and order cleaning in the cleaning company "Dokman" (St. Petersburg).

A lot of women became fans of the system that freed them from domestic slavery. Now they flutter around their home, maintaining beauty and cleanliness.

There are no more weekly general cleanings, which for some reason do not help and force a more thorough inspection of the territory every month. By the way, corners with rubbish and closets full of obscure things are a thing of the past.

Principles of the fly lady system "take off together"

The hostesses who adhere to this order of the day have their own commandments, they allow you not to go astray. It is noted that for their implementation you will not have to work hard:

  • the sink in the house should not be dirty;
  • all household chores are performed according to the control log;
  • we must not forget that every morning the clothes and shoes of the hostess are put on only comfortable ones;
  • you should control yourself and not devote much time to a computer or TV;
  • after the object has been removed from somewhere, it should be put back in place;

  • no need to get excited, it's better to do one thing than to leave several unfinished;
  • every day should include an act done for yourself;
  • the sooner the end of the task comes, the sooner the period of pleasant affairs will come;
  • you need to smile every day, even if you don’t really want to;
  • You need to love and pamper yourself.

Fly lady in the Russian way, features

According to the flying housewives, days off should be given only to rest. No work or alterations, just a pleasant pastime. Otherwise, the routine will swallow the woman headlong, and it will be impossible to get out of this swamp.

You can do without general cleaning, for this there is a fly lady system. Cleanliness in the house will be maintained with the help of the time allotted daily for regular cleaning. Every day for 15 minutes for one of the zones.

It is worth cleaning up not only during the period of pollution, the surface is constantly processed. Therefore, despite appearance appliances, furniture or floors, they should be put in order. By the way, things that are taken for use must be back in place at the end of manipulations with them.

It’s not worth saving extra things in your apartment, it’s better to give it to someone or just throw out what is not used. Keeping unused items on the shelves is the first step to cluttering up the space.

It is not necessary to buy for future use or something new without throwing away the old one. Spare a few kilos of rice or new towels when there are still old ones - too much! If kitchen accessories were purchased, then the available copies go to the trash can.

Note! The fly lady system helps a woman to use her time wisely so as not to fall off her feet after cleaning her home. At the same time, for the correct execution of tasks, she is rewarded with a clean and well-groomed apartment.

Fly lady system: where to start

Getting into the right daily routine always starts with 31 steps from the fly lady system. The hostess will be able to gradually immerse themselves in the schedule and learn the basics of this guide. A sudden change in your usual life will not lead to anything good.

Often, the beginning of the system is a mailing list with letters of recommendation, the whole month the lady will receive one “envelope”. This is not convenient for everyone, so below is detailed description manipulations. It is noted that the steps of the system may differ, so do not be surprised if differences are found.

Some women, as soon as they get comfortable, allow themselves to adjust the points of the plan. This has a beneficial effect on the result, because they adjust this schedule for themselves.

31 step fly lady

Psychologists agreed that a habit is developed in a month, which is probably why this system suggests taking steps in order to enter into a rhythm.

1. The first day involves bringing the shell to a mirror finish.

2. They devote the morning to themselves, but in the evening they are again engaged in the sink. The beginning of a new life requires hanging reminder notes in prominent places.

3. In the first half of the day they take care of themselves, then they clean the sink, after which they read yesterday's notes.

The fly lady system in a Russian way: it is not necessary to completely adopt the lifestyle and behavior of American housewives, you can simply adopt principles that are convenient for you.

4. The previous steps are repeated again, now reminders of them are hung in a couple more places.

5. Reinforce habit formation and repeat steps. For many, during a period of change, a voice is heard inside that says that its owner is not so good and does everything badly.

Therefore, a piece of paper is taken, on one side the shortcomings are written, which are imposed by the critic inside. The second side remains for the merits, it is necessary that there be more of them.

6. After the steps from the previous points have been taken, the reminders need to be read again. If the inner voice again reminds you of the shortcomings, it is worth reading the virtues written on paper. Now, comes the transition to a new level, the allocation of hotspots.

Hotspots are points that suggest the reproduction of a mess. Workplace, a shelf by the mirror or a coffee table, each has its own. Having allocated exactly 2 minutes, you need to put things in order. Not perfect cleanliness, but as much as possible, along the way collecting important papers that are lying there.

7. Repeat all past actions, including cleaning hotspots. Before going to bed, it is recommended to prepare clothes for tomorrow.

8. Yesterday's dress preparation at the fly lady's is called an evening routine. As the graph shows, it also includes a morning routine that involves cleaning the sink. In the first half of the day, you should devote yourself to reading reminders, forget about the inner critic and remember him for the last time.

In the evening, an outfit for the morning is prepared, the sink is cleaned and a 2-minute cleaning of hot spots takes place. Before going to bed, a folder with rings is prepared, in which some clean sheets are placed. This is the beginning of the Fly Lady's Audit Log.

9. In the morning you need to clean yourself up again, read the reminders and praise yourself. After that, a run on hotspots, which are given 2 minutes. In the evening, the cleanliness of the sink is maintained, and morning clothes are prepared.

Hot spots are bypassed once more to see order and cleanliness in the morning. You can spend a few minutes decluttering to ruthlessly throw out or give away unnecessary things.

10. The first half of the day is given to putting yourself in order, reading reminders and personal praise. Hotspots are extinguished in 2 minutes, and 5 minutes are allocated for cleaning the room.

In the evening, the preparation of the morning outfit, the cleaning of the sink and the analysis of hot spots are carried out.

This day involves the introduction of a new habit, dismantling an apartment in 15 minutes. During this period, all the rubbish and garbage in the house that is encountered on the way is sent to the trash can or to the needy. The next 15 minutes are given for pleasure, you can read a book or look through the news.

It is important to know that the right housewives do the work with pleasure, and do not suffer from the completion of basic tasks!

11. Now in the morning, after cleaning yourself up, praising yourself and reading notes, you need to devote 2 minutes to hot areas, 5 minutes to clean the room and 15 minutes to litter. In the evening it will be easier, as the last thing left is cleaning the sink, preparing clothes and a 2-minute run to the hotspots.

They make entries in the control journal, talk about routines in the morning and evening. And also, write poems or quotes for inspiration.

You can record tasks for every day: cleaning the house, littering or cleaning hotspots can be in a paper journal, or you can keep an electronic file.

12. Looking into the fly lady's control log, they carry out the morning and evening routine. A new note appears, reminding you to check with the journal.

13. After the routines for the morning and evening are done, 15 minutes of decluttering is done again. In order to dilute the system, the first task from Kelly is added.

14. After repeating the previous day, there is time to create a family calendar.

15. From the third week a new habit is formed, now prerequisite becomes making the bed. According to the plan, tasks from the control log are carried out in the morning and in the evening.

16. After the routines for the day are done, you can read inspirational entries.

17. Another repetition of past actions, after which there is an addition of cases for the evening. It is important to indicate good time so as not to suffer from lack of sleep.

18. Performing tasks according to the control log, getting to know the main rules for the fly lady.

19. The day is given to the usual routine, so as not to get tired of it, in the evening it is worth reading something useful and interesting.

20. Morning and evening routines do not change, laundry is added to them. Linen is sorted, washed, dried, ironed and laid out in place.

21. Continued morning and evening activities.

22. After the routine tasks are completed, it is required to remember about the problems of hot spots, decluttering and Kelly's tasks.

23. Planned tasks are executed according to the journal, a new item is also introduced into it. Plans to be made after work or lunch.

24. The execution of plans takes place during the day, they are added to cleaning the toilet with a brush, wiping the edges of the bathroom with a sponge. Extra items from it will need to be removed.

25. Enough time has passed for the plans to execute automatically. Actions for the morning, afternoon and evening are carried out according to the journal.

26. Routine work is being carried out, it will not be superfluous to talk to yourself. Look at your successes, praise for achievements.

Interesting to know! You don't need to quit logging in if a failure occurs and a day is skipped or performed incorrectly. Changes in life occur gradually, so some errors at first are forgivable.

27. It is supposed to perform all the given tasks for different times of the day. Until 18:00, it is worth thinking about a dish for dinner, this is recorded in the journal.

28. It is important to check with the control book and perform all routine tasks. The new item in the plan will be taking care of the hostess. You need to eat right, do not forget to rest and drink enough fluids.

29. Overcoming a certain barrier, it's been 4 weeks since the start of the habit marathon. The hostess should praise herself for perseverance, and then complete any task from Dana.

30. After the tasks are done, you need to pay attention to the plans for the next month. Time is allotted per day to choose gifts or cards for the upcoming celebrations.

31. You do not need to know about all the nuances of the system, it is enough to correctly perform the tasks. During the day, work is carried out on routine plans from the control log.

Fly lady system - house cleaning

fly lady littering

Every day, flying housewives spend 15 minutes cleaning the house. Due to this, their home is transformed, free space appears, and less effort is spent when disassembling an apartment. To consolidate the effect, you need to get rid of the trash. For this, littering is introduced, 15 minutes are also allocated for it.

In the allotted time, a woman needs to sort out things in various places in the house. Not globally, on the shelves, in parts, while the extra things need to be thrown away. Ruthlessly say goodbye to items that have not been used for the last year.

House (apartment) cleaning according to the fly lady system

  • execution of the routine in the morning and evening;
  • fixing the monthly habit;
  • production of stickers with reminders;
  • neutralization of bad thoughts;
  • keeping an audit trail;
  • using a timer;
  • execution daily on a task from Kelly;
  • disposal of trash, regular;
  • maintaining a family calendar;
  • drawing up a weekly plan;
  • division of the room into 5 zones.

Fly lady - housekeeping

Fly Lady: Accounting for Financial Costs

Flying housewives have a few rules to control their profits and expenses. A woman begins to monitor her budget for various reasons. In order for money not to evaporate for no reason, tasks must be completed.

  • All receipts, invoices and other payment documents are stored in one place.
  • The blessing of the financial condition, at a certain hour, women have a conversation with higher powers.
  • It will not be superfluous to get a bank card, it is convenient to keep track of expenses.
  • Why not try on the role of a banker and enter your expenses and incomes in audit journals.
  • Keep track of how much money is spent on food.

  • Wasted income should be kept to a minimum we are talking about damaged products.
  • Before you go shopping, make a list.

Interesting fact! Even those women who liked to spend money without accounting like the financial tracking system. They appreciated its benefits and were able to make impressive savings without losing quality of life.

Fly lady menu

Before replenishing food stocks, you should draw up a nutrition plan for a certain time period. To do this, you need to go through several steps to achieve a high-quality result.

First, the hostess inspects her stock, notes which items should be used first due to the limited shelf life. After that, the item about the family's favorite dishes is filled in.

Of course, for the first time you will have to devote a lot of time to these manipulations. However, next time the woman will be already prepared and will cope faster.

Now, a menu is being compiled for 3 days, for the first time this will be enough. And on a separate piece of paper they write out the products that need to be purchased. The main thing is not to deviate from the list in the store and follow only it. Promotions, discount packages and other enticing factors should not be of interest to the fly lady.

Fly lady system for different women

Fly lady system for working women

When the fair sex works, it seems that it will be more difficult for her to do everything according to the system. In fact, it is precisely for such ladies that the fly lady allows you to get more free time to communicate with the household.

Important points for working women:

  • Each family has its own routine, where households get up at about 7 o'clock. To follow the rules of a fly lady, you should get up half an hour or an hour earlier. During this period, while everyone is still sleeping, things are done for the morning routine.
  • Combining cases will also allow you not to suffer due to lack of time. Cooking dinner is combined with cleaning the kitchen, and brushing your teeth with putting things in order in the bathroom.
  • It is cooking that takes a lot of time from women in order to free the evening, you can cook for the future. Reheated food from the freezer is not inferior in taste to the one that has just been prepared.

  • There is a rule for family members that if you do not litter, then you will not have to clean up. That is, all taken items must be returned to their place.
  • We must not forget about automation, which is aimed at helping the hostess. In the house it is worth giving space to a robot vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, a slow cooker.

Fly lady system for moms

A woman with a child cannot refuse herself to do some things because of the presence of a baby. She needs ironing, washing or cleaning every day, but these tasks can be done gradually. Under the system of flying women, the routine will take a little time, while important things will be done.

In order to follow the system, one task from the mother must be immediately assigned to the standard plans. At the same time, little time should be devoted to it so as not to fully load your schedule. Depending on what a woman needs more, she puts certain tasks in the first place.

Such women will have more reminders near the mirror, because for her busy schedule it will be a tragedy not to get the minced meat in time or not to wash the child's linen. Therefore, special attention is paid to notes with tips.

It is important to know! In order not to run an apartment during the period of bearing a child, a woman is offered to make a schedule for 30 days. It is following all the points that will allow you to spend days without stress and have a clean apartment.

Fly lady system for pregnant women

An interesting situation should not be a reason for refusing to fulfill the usual schedule. On the contrary, it was after pregnancy that many ladies became fans of such an excellent method.

When carrying a baby, many are prescribed bed rest, allowing them to make efforts only occasionally. Entry into the system is gradual, therefore it is ideal for such ladies.

To make your day easier, specific tasks for pregnant women are included in the plan. For example, in the morning it is planned to exercise, and in the afternoon a visit to the doctor. Since this is not a daily task, it will easily fit into the fly lady's schedule.

In some families, the husband takes on some of the worries, for example, he helps his beloved and vacuums on the weekend. In a special situation, such interventions and adjustments are quite permissible.

Fly lady: tasks for today and for every day

When drawing up a plan, it is necessary to take into account many nuances in order not to go beyond the usual system. If you follow a few points, then the development of tasks will not bring problems.

  1. Each task is given no more than 15 minutes, if it has a large volume, then it is better to divide it.
  2. The list of tasks should not exceed 7 pieces, because there is one for each day.
  3. Provided that there are a lot of things to do, but it doesn’t work out to accommodate them, you can transfer some of them to cleaning by zones.
  4. The load should be even, if an easy task falls on a 15-minute task, it is supplemented with another one.

Fly Lady System: Daily Quests (Tables)

Every week a woman prepares a new schedule with tasks for each day. It will list all scheduled activities. You need to devote enough time to this activity so as not to lose sight of anything.

Below is a ready-made table, according to which you can compile a personal copy.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Hour of blessing at home Case Planning Execution of pending tasks Purchase day Other cases Family Day day for myself
Working with a vacuum cleaner 15 min to clean 1 zone 15 min to clean 1 zone 15 min to clean 1 zone 15 min to clean 1 zone Cinema visit shopping
Washing the floor in the hallway, toilet and bathroom Hotspot parsing in 2 minutes Hot spot analysis Hotspot parsingHotspot parsingShopping mall tripTaking a bath with goodies
Dusting furniture and windows Washing the kitchen floor Throw away 10 unnecessary things Drop 10 items Throw away 10 extra items Walking in the park area Epilation
Cleaning mirrors and doors Watering plantsCleaning the floor in the living room Purchase of products Washing the floor in the bedroom Games with the younger generation Manicure and pedicure
Change of bedding Analysis of products, medicines Aquarium cleaning Purchase of household chemicals Fix broken things Family dinnerWatching a movie
WashMenu planning Cat bowl cleaning Buying gifts for the coming dates shoe shine Reading your favorite work
Analysis of old printed materials Making a shopping list Making an appointment with a doctor Payment of billsPutting things in order in your purse and car
Taking out the trashWeekend planning Tidying up the fridge Cleaning your phone of junk Have a nice evening with your loved one

Important fact! The preparation of such a table is mandatory, if it is not possible to do this on electronic media, you can draw it by hand. Such things organize a person very much, support is implied when entering the system.

Control journal (diary) fly lady, how to do

Every fly lady should have an audit trail that she follows daily.

In order to have an additional incentive, the notebook for notes needs to be made bright and unusual. To create a creative magazine you will need:

  1. Notebook or notebook, it is desirable that the sheets are in a box and connected by rings.
  2. A set of pens and bright markers to highlight text or headings.
  3. Stickers, dividers that are pasted inside and contain important information.
  4. Clippings from printed materials, business cards, motivators.
  5. Paper clips, beautiful tape, stapler.

Now skilful hands are used, and a bright head will tell them their actions. In 60 minutes, you can build a beautiful book to record daily tasks in it.

Fly lady audit trail:

Fly lady: negative and positive reviews

The female half does not have a common opinion on the use of the fly lady system in everyday life. As statistics show, it is those who are fans of cleaning who refuse to adhere to the schedule. After all, in their opinion, it is worth cleaning not only the sink every day, but the whole apartment.

But for busy people, the system becomes a salvation, and they get a clean room in a minimum of time.

Fly Lady: A Book by Marla Scilly

A useful guide for those who decide to join the ranks of the flying housewives. Of course, you can do without it, but After reading the book, a woman will have an impressive stock of new terms.

Immersed in reading, it will be difficult for a woman to tear herself away from the work. You can buy a copy at any bookstore. Almost all network markets have a famous book on their shelves.

To understand the benefits or lack thereof, you need to try this system on yourself.

Of course, due to busy schedules or personal reasons, some people turn away from the life of a flying woman. However, it is enough to make a little effort and overcome yourself to appreciate the benefits of the fly lady system in everyday life.

Fly lady system in Russian style. Where to begin?

Fly lady system - house cleaning, tasks for every day:

Depending on what things, surfaces and corners in the house are used and dirty the fastest, we made a rough cleaning schedule and divided the cleaning tasks into 7 categories: daily cleaning, cleaning once a week, two weeks, a month, a quarter, half a year and a year.


The daily cleaning schedule starts with the first and obvious:


Make it a habit to wash the dishes after every meal, or at least wash the dishes accumulated during the day in the evening before going to bed, without leaving them for tomorrow. Dirty dishes become a very convenient breeding ground for bacteria, and in the morning it will be more difficult to wash them. This also includes bowls of pets.

Table and floors in the kitchen

Don't leave dust, crumbs, grease, and other food waste on your counters and countertops if you don't want to encourage bacteria to grow right in front of your nose. The same applies to the floor, where the same crumbs and particles of food fall, and where tenants and pets walk, who then spread the garbage throughout the apartment. It is best to wipe the floors and the table not just with a damp cloth, but with a disinfectant.


Imagine how often even one person wipes their hands on a kitchen towel during the day - what can we say about the whole family! The number of bacteria remaining on it is enormous. That's why we put this item on our cleaning schedule: Be sure to start washing your hand towels daily.

Once a week

But some furniture and plumbing needs to be monitored at least once a week:

  • Wipe kitchen cabinets, doors and drawers on the outside with a cleaning agent - grease and dust accumulate on them. The same applies to hob plates.
  • An important point in how to keep the house clean is washing the trash can. Many do not do this for months, but in fact, in just one week, a lot of bacteria accumulate in it.

  • Clean the toilet bowl with a special tool, you can use vinegar or bleach, so that plaque does not stagnate on it and rust does not form.
  • The weekly cleaning plan also includes washing the tub and/or shower stall with gentle cleaners or antibacterial sprays to remove bacteria, dirt and grease.
  • Do not be lazy on weekends to vacuum carpets, upholstered furniture, and pillows: not only dust, but also pet hair clings to them.

Every two weeks

  • An important detail on how to properly clean an apartment is caring for door handles and light switches. Bacteria accumulate on them actually every day, but at least once every two weeks they definitely need to be wiped with cleaning products.
  • Do you have a rug in the bathroom? It needs to be at least cleaned and vacuumed, and it can also be washed in a washing machine to prevent the formation of mold. For the same reason, don't forget to wipe down your shower curtain.

  • The cleaning schedule for 2 weeks includes cleaning microwave oven. Remove the turntable from it and wash it with detergent, and put a glass of water with lemon on heat for a few minutes in the microwave itself. Grease, dried-on pieces of food and dirt will soften, and it will be possible to wipe the "insides" of the stove with a rag.

Every month

  • Drains in the bathroom and in the kitchen can become clogged with hair, grease and small debris. To soften and punch all this, fill the hole with a solution of baking soda and vinegar, soak for 10-15 minutes and rinse hot water.
  • And here's how to properly clean the apartment if you have a dishwasher: without dishes, start the wash cycle with a glass of vinegar, and then with baking soda.

  • Shake out the bag and clean the filters of the vacuum cleaner in time, so as not to store a bunch of dust in the house and at the same time improve the efficiency of the device.
  • Be sure to wash all children's soft toys in the washing machine. Select the "delicate wash" mode.

Every three months

At least once a quarter, in order to maintain cleanliness in the house, it is necessary:

  • Rinse in soapy hot water extractor filters.
  • Gently clean the walls of the refrigerator with a soda solution and rinse the shelves.
  • Thoroughly clean the front of the stove and oven, using soapy water and a vinegar solution to soften old food and grease.

Every six months

Add the following tasks to your cleaning schedule that you can spend only one day in six months:

  • washing chandeliers, floor lamps and other lamps;
  • delicate washing of pillows and blankets to prevent allergies;
  • cleaning the shower head from plaque, for example, by soaking in vinegar;
  • cleaning windows inside and out.

Once a year

We save the most time-consuming part of what our cleaning schedule contains for last:


To properly clean the apartment, carpets need not only to be vacuumed every week, but also washed. Dirt, small litter and dust accumulate in them a lot, plus pet hair, if you have any. The process is laborious, so it is worth devoting a day to it at least once a year.

Washing machine

The very piece of household appliances that helps us keep our house clean throughout the year also sometimes needs care. One has only to start the wash cycle without laundry, pouring a solution of citric acid into the water and setting the maximum water heating temperature.


The water heater needs to be flushed every year. It is necessary to completely block the flow to it. cold water, open hot - thus the pressure in the tank will drop. And then just drain the water from the boiler.

We have looked at the most basic things and corners of the house that need to be cleaned to maintain cleanliness. We hope you find this cleaning schedule useful! You can adjust it for yourself if you have the opportunity to wash something more often than the above plan suggests.

If general cleaning needs to be done urgently, literally in 20 minutes, then a different approach is needed - for more details, see the following video:

Take it, tell your friends!

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The long-awaited day off has come and instead of spending it at home for relaxation, many women start cleaning the house. They wash, wash, dry all day, and at the end of the day they realize that their day off is over, and tomorrow they will go to work again, but they really want to relax, forgetting about these things.

Compiling a list of house cleaning tasks and distributing them by day will help simplify cleaning tasks

If you want to manage your usual affairs and pay attention to your loved ones in one day, then this is quite feasible. So take a pen and make a plan for cleaning your house or apartment.

Schedule of activities for the week

If you correctly make a plan for the days of the week, then for each day you will have one action planned. For example, on Wednesday - washing and ironing, Thursday - cleaning the bathroom and toilet. Such an uncomplicated schedule will reduce your weekend cleaning time.

The weekly cleaning plan necessarily includes such an item as grocery shopping. For example, you can buy all the required products on Friday evening, and prepare meals on the weekend.

Most often, housewives try to cook for the whole week on their day off, so that when they come home from work, they don’t bother. But there are some products that need to be purchased every day. This should include: bread, milk, vegetables, fruits, herbs. As for freezing, cereals and other accessories, they can be bought once a month.

Sample cleaning schedule

The plan for the days of the week must necessarily include such things that do not have to be done every week. This can be attributed. In addition, try not to scatter things around the house. Teach your household to order, so that everyone cleans up after themselves. Then cleaning every day will be quick and easy. A properly designed cleaning schedule in a house or apartment is a great solution to free up time for going to the cinema or for gatherings at home in front of the TV.

Schedule your daily cleaning

Cleaning should include a number of simple activities, the implementation of which will reduce the time for cleaning on the weekend. So, what parts of the house or apartment need constant cleanliness? Of course, this is the kitchen and the restroom.

Cleaning up the kitchen

Includes washing dishes. She must always be clean. Accustom yourself to the fact that even the smallest dirt should not remain in the pan and pots. If you leave them for later, they will get bigger and bigger, and then you have to spend half a day cleaning them. When washing saucers and plates, be sure to pay attention to the bottom. It is there that the gray coating concentrates.

Daily comprehensive cleaning will not do without washing the stove. Probably, every housewife has such situations when something “ran away” onto the stove during cooking. If you cook often and intensively, then the floor in the room must be wiped every day after cooking is completed.

Be sure to include cleaning the toilet bowl in the cleaning plan for the house or apartment on the days of the week. To do this, it will be necessary to use special tools that will eliminate the formation of harmful bacteria and rust. Be sure to include in the plan daily to clean with a rag in the bathroom and on the stove the available droplets of water after taking water procedures. If this is not done, then over time lime deposits will form there.

Cleaning work in the bathroom

When you have a home or a pet, then be prepared for the fact that your plan daily cleaning not without a vacuum cleaner. If there are no pets, then vacuuming is necessary as necessary. The same can be said about dust. If you live in a large and dusty metropolis, close to a dusty road, then you need to wipe the dirt on the furniture 2 times a day.

When evening comes, most people scatter their things, and then in the morning you need to spend time cleaning them. To prevent this from happening, include in your daily plan cleaning is a necessary procedure for putting things in their places.

The daily cleaning plan should include airing the apartment or house. In winter, this should be done 2 times a day for 15-20 minutes, and in summer the windows can be completely left open.

Cleaning every 2-3 days

To make your work easier, you can change the schedule for the days of the week a little and reschedule some things, cleaning every 2-3 days. In addition, this way you can even throw something out of your daily plan.

Carrying out floor cleaning

If you have made a habit of floors every day, but you do not have small children, then you can do such actions every 2-3 days. But here you should already be guided by the degree of pollution. For some, it is enough to perform wet cleaning every 7 days. But you need to walk on the carpets of vacuum cleaners every day. Some other housewives are doing the finished one every 2-3 days. Thus, they will cook for several days at once and can be free the next evening.

A properly drawn up schedule for the days of the week will allow each housewife to clearly define her task plan and quickly clean the house. If you have everything at home on the weekends, then you can shift part of the responsibilities to their shoulders. Then you can quickly cope with your duties and can go somewhere with the whole family in the evening or just drink tea together.

Kitchen towels

How. Wash in the machine according to the instructions.

Why. Kitchen towels get dirty very quickly, because we use them many times a day. This is especially true if you have a large family. Towels can look clean but contain a lot of bacteria.


How. Before going to bed, wash all the accumulated dishes or just put them in the dishwasher.

Why. If you leave dirty dishes and pans overnight, they will be harder to clean in the morning. In addition, dried food particles serve as an environment for the development of bacteria and cause bad smell.

Kitchen table

How. Wipe down the table with disinfectant. By the way, do not wipe all kitchen surfaces with one rag: this way you only spread germs in the kitchen.

Why. What we don't put on kitchen table: keys, bags, money, not to mention the products brought from the store. Bacteria from all these items can get into food.

Pet bowls

How. Most bowls are machine washable. Just be sure to thoroughly rinse the dishes so that there are no traces of detergent left on them.

Why. Unwashed water and food bowls attract various pests and can cause health problems for your pets.

Once a week

Kitchen cabinets

How. Wipe with a cloth and detergent. Pay special attention to areas where food particles may fall.

Why. On the doors kitchen cabinets collects dust and grease from cooking. There may also be pathogenic microbes.

Toilet bowl

How. Pour 100 ml of white vinegar or 50 ml of chlorine bleach into the toilet bowl (most importantly, never mix them) and leave for a few minutes. Clean everything inside with a brush, and then drain the water.

If there is limescale and rust on the toilet, leave the vinegar or bleach on for an hour. Walk outside with a special disinfectant.

Why. Most likely, you yourself know that a lot of bacteria accumulate in the toilet bowl.


How. After each use, simply rinse the tub with water. But once a week you need to wash everything more thoroughly. Use sparing ones so as not to damage the enamel.

Why. Bacteria accumulate in the bath, and the enamel darkens from dirt, grease and hard water.

shower cabin

How. Wash the cabin walls with warm water and treat with a special antibacterial spray.

Why. This will protect the walls from discoloration, limescale and mold.

Food Waste Disposer

How. Put ice cubes, frozen lemon juice, or vinegar into the cleaner.

Why. Food particles and bacteria accumulate on the internal chopper blades, and ice will help remove them.

Cushioned furniture

How. Vacuum the furniture itself, pillows and do not forget to vacuum under chairs and sofas.

Why. On the upholstered furniture dust and pet hair accumulate especially quickly. Don't forget to get rid of it, especially if someone in your family has allergies.


How. Wash with warm water and soap or a disinfectant solution.

Why. Food particles and bacteria accumulate in the bin.

Once in two weeks

Curtain in the bathroom

How. Vacuum gently with the brush attachment. Wash by hand or in the washing machine depending on the material.

Why. The curtain in the bathroom absorbs odors and attracts dust.

Switches and door handles

How. Wipe with a cloth and detergent.

Why. On handles and switches, a mass of microbes accumulates daily.

Sleeping area for pets

How. Vacuum and wash separately from your clothes. If you just want to get rid of the bad smell, sprinkle the bed with baking soda and leave it for 15 minutes. Then vacuum up the baking soda.

Why. Your pet's bedding collects hair, dander and dirt.

Bath mat

How. Wash with hot water in the washing machine.

Why. Mold can easily grow on a rug, especially if it doesn't dry well. In addition, germs and dirt accumulate there.


How. If your oven has a turntable, remove it and wash it in warm soapy water or in the dishwasher. For the insides of the microwave, put a glass of water with lemon slices in it and heat for 3-4 minutes.

Then wipe off the softened dirt with a damp sponge. Add baking soda to the water to eliminate the unpleasant odor. Then dry thoroughly with a dry cloth.

Why. After each use, food particles remain in the microwave.

Once a month

Vacuum cleaner

How. Replace the bag, clean the filters and wipe the inside of the vacuum cleaner.

Why. Regular cleaning of the vacuum cleaner will increase the cleaning efficiency.


How. Remove the filter, soak it in soapy water, and then rinse thoroughly. Insert the filter back, put a glass of vinegar on the bottom of the machine and run a full cycle without dishes. Leave baking soda in the bottom of the car overnight.

Run the cycle again in the morning without dishes.

Why. Over time, dirt, grease and food particles accumulate in the dishwasher. This results in an unpleasant smell and plaque on the dishes.

Kids toys

How. Wash soft toys once a month in the washing machine on a delicate cycle. Use a lint roller to dust them between washes.

Why. Bacteria quickly accumulate on toys, and children's immune systems are still not strong enough.

Coffee maker

How. Pour a mixture of water and white vinegar (1:1) into the water tank and turn on the coffee maker. When several cups have drained, turn off the appliance and leave for an hour. Then turn it back on and run a few cycles with water only.

Why. This will help remove the scale.

Draining the sink and tub

How. Pour ½ cup of baking soda down the drain and immediately pour the same amount of table vinegar into it. Cover the hole with a rubber glove, let the mixture work for 10-15 minutes, and then turn on the hot water.

Why. Fat and small debris collecting on the walls of the pipes causes an unpleasant odor and.

Once in two months

Behind and below the washing machine

How. Vacuum gently behind and under the washing machine, especially around the power cord.

Why. Dust and debris accumulate under the washing machine, which increases the risk of fire.


How. Treat each blade with white vinegar and then wipe with a rag.

Why. Dust collects on the surface of the blades and spreads throughout the house when the fan is running. This can lead to an exacerbation of allergies and respiratory diseases.


How. Vacuum. If the blinds are very dirty, remove them and wash in the closed position with warm water using a soft brush. Turn over and repeat the same on the other side. Then open and leave to dry.

Why. They accumulate a lot of dust, which is especially harmful for allergy sufferers.

Once a quarter


How. Remove the filter from the hood and rinse it in hot soapy water, then rinse thoroughly. dishwasher better not to use.

Why. Dust, grease and food particles accumulate in the filter, which hinder the operation of the hood.


How. Soak the drawers and shelves in warm soapy water, and wipe the inside of the refrigerator with a sponge. To remove stains, it is better to use plain soda, rather than disinfectants.

Why. This will reduce the risk of food poisoning and get rid of accumulated bacteria.


How. Remove books from shelves, dust thoroughly, and flip quickly to remove dust from pages as well. If you store books in a stack, swap them around so the covers don't warp.

Why. Paper pages lose color and deteriorate, and they can also start.

under the flower pots

How. Once a quarter, move the pots to another place so that the window sill or floor under them does not burn out. And of course, do not forget to wipe the place where your flowers stand at least once a week.

Why. If the pots are always in the same place, the coating underneath may become darker than the rest of the areas due to the uneven distribution of light.

Stove (hob)

How. Remove all handles and wash them in hot soapy water, wash the panel behind (under) them thoroughly and dry with a dry cloth. If the handles are not removable, wipe them with a well-wrung sponge and detergent, and go through hard-to-reach places with a toothpick.

By the way, the working surface of the stove should be regularly wiped with a special cleaning agent or soda with lemon juice (1: 1).

Why. Dust and food debris not only spoil the view, but also serve as a breeding ground for bacteria.


How. Treat burnt spots with soda, and then sprinkle with vinegar to start the reaction. Wash the grate with soap and water.

To clean the glass door, use a glass cleaner or a 1:1 mixture of water and vinegar. Soak a rag or paper towel in the mixture, wring it out and place it on the glass with the door open. Leave for half an hour to soften the dirt. Rinse with water and dry with paper towels or a lint-free cloth.

Why. Food particles remaining in the oven will smoke when heated.

Twice a year

Pillows and blankets

How. Wash by hand or in the washing machine on a delicate cycle and air dry.

Why. This is especially important for those who suffer from allergies.


How. Turn the mattress over, while alternating turns from one side to the other and turns "head - legs".

Why. This will prevent the mattress from warping.


How. Turn off the power before removing any parts of the lamp. Wipe gently with a damp cloth, you can use soap.

Why. Dust and dirt accumulated on the lamps can dim the light from the bulbs by 30%.

Behind and under the refrigerator

How. Unplug the refrigerator, remove the protective grill at the back, clean it and gently wipe the condenser and fan. Vacuum the wall behind the refrigerator. Wipe the side walls of the appliance, the floor under it with a rag.

Why. Dust on the floor, mixing with moisture, can damage flooring. And excess dust on the walls increases the risk of fire. Plus, cleaning will greatly increase the efficiency of the cooling system, which will increase the life of the refrigerator and save you money.

shower head

How. Remove the watering can and soak it in white vinegar, then rinse thoroughly.

Why. Over time, the watering can becomes clogged, and because of this, the water pressure deteriorates.


How. Go over both sides with a sticky roller to collect dust. If there is a lot of dirt, wash with water and a brush. Mix 2 teaspoons of vinegar in 3.5 liters of water, pour into a spray bottle and wash the windows with this mixture, wiping them thoroughly with a microfiber cloth.

Why. Dirty windows let in less light, and dust can cause various diseases respiratory tract.

Once a year


Washing machine

How. Pour 100 ml of chlorine bleach or 100 g of citric acid into the drum and run the wash without laundry at the highest temperature. container for detergents manually.

Why. Drum washing machine easily soiled, and over time it may develop an unpleasant odor.