Bryukhanov Mikhail Vyacheslavovich The agency may undergo personnel changes. Office of the President for ensuring the activities of the State Council of the Russian Federation

In 1984 he graduated from the Faculty of History of the Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov.

He worked in state and public organizations in the field of international tourism.

2002 - 2005 - Deputy Head of the Presidential Protocol Department Russian Federation.


New composition of the Presidential Administration of Russia announced

Putin made changes to the regulation on the presidential administration

Russian presidential administration discusses options for postponing single voting day

Mikhail Bryukhanov became the head of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for ensuring the activities of the State Council

Russian President Vladimir Putin has appointed Mikhail Bryukhanov as head of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Ensuring the Activities of the State Council of the Russian Federation.
link: 1196836/

Mikhail Bryukhanov became the head of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for ensuring the activities of the State Council

Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the appointment of Mikhail Bryukhanov as head of the Russian President's Office for Supporting the Activities of the State Council of the Russian Federation. This was reported today by the press service of the Kremlin.

Kremlin reform

A new chief is also expected in the expert department, which for a long time remained without a leader (before moving to the government, Dvorkovich was in charge of it). They will be Ksenia Yudaeva from Sberbank, Ivanov said. And the department for ensuring the activities of the State Council will be headed by Mikhail Bryukhanov, who previously worked as deputy head of the presidential protocol department.

Bryukhanov was entrusted with ensuring the activities of the State Council

Mikhail Bryukhanov became the head of the presidential department for ensuring the activities of the State Council of the Russian Federation. The decree on his appointment was signed by the head of state Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin press service reports. Previously, Bryukhanov was deputy head of the presidential protocol department.

For two decades, all trips of the “Kremlin pool” of journalists have been provided by Mosco Company CJSC, owned by Mikhail Bryukhanov, head of the presidential department for ensuring the activities of the State Council of the Russian Federation. Two other co-owners of the tour operator: Nikita Mikhalkov's son-in-law - businessman Albert Bakov and his ex-partner in the chemical business Igor Lebedev. Only for booking hotel rooms for the pool, the media transfer tens of millions of rubles to Mosko. But on paper, the company practically does not show profit, which allows the AP official not to advertise his asset.

The "Kremlin Pool" is a group of several dozen journalists who accompany the president on all his trips - around Russia and around the world. Being in the "pool" is an honor and privilege (as well as an opportunity to get exclusive material about the first persons of our country) for the majority of correspondents who write and film. But it is also a limitation. A third of their lives "Pulovsky" spend on trips, and the team "to start" can arrive at any time.

This is where organizational moments begin. With the flight, everything is simple: it is provided by a special flight squad "Russia". And then the question arises with the settlement in hotels.

The most interesting - on our channel in Yandex.Zen

Official, chemist and son-in-law of Mikhalkov

Since the beginning of the 2000s, the following scheme has been in effect. The organizers of the trip (the press service of the president, the protocol department, the presidential administration, the FSO, etc.) inform the correspondents in which hotel they plan to stay. At the same time, the editorial offices of the media receive invoices from CJSC Mosko Company for paying for these hotel rooms.

There is no absolute dictatorship with resettlement, - one of the journalists of the pool told Storm (he asked not to be named. - Note. "Storm"). - You can refuse the proposed hotel and choose the hotel yourself. But usually no one does. It is also more convenient for the organizers that everyone lives in one place - it is easier to transport and collect the pool from the events.

Such an approach, when the tour operator does not act through the presidential administration, but, as it were, in parallel with it, allowed Mosko to avoid the procedure for participating in public procurement. Interaction with authorities remains exclusively virtual, and the general public does not see it.

For CJSC Mosko Company, this is important, given the composition of the company's shareholders. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the majority of the company's shares (51%) belong to the director general of the Russian Cultural Foundation, Albert Bakov, the husband of Nikita Mikhalkov's daughter. Another 33% belongs to Igor Lebedev, Bakov's partner in the chemical business in the Nikos group of companies.

The smallest number of shares (16%) belongs to Mikhail Bryukhanov, head of the President's department for ensuring the activities of the State Council of the Russian Federation. However, according to Storm's sources, it is he who is responsible for the life of Mosko. This is a direct violation of Russian anti-corruption legislation - an official cannot own company shares if a conflict of business interests with the interests of the service is possible.

The fact that of the three shareholders it is Bryukhanov who is closest to the operational activities of Mosko is evidenced by several other things, in addition to the story of the Shtorm source. The general director of the tour operator "Kremlin pool" Lyudmila Melender is a friend of Alexandra Bryukhanova, the wife of an official of the Presidential Administration.

At the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Mosco Company at the 25:45 restaurant, it was Mikhail Bryukhanov, together with Lyudmila Melender, who accepted congratulations. The two remaining shareholders were not present at the celebrations.

When the tour operator just started working with the pool in the 2000s, journalists connected it not with the little-known at that time Bakov and Bryukhanov (he served as deputy head of the protocol department of the President of the Russian Federation), but with the president's press secretary Alexei Gromov.

Pool Hotels

“The pool's journalists make about 100 trips a year,” our interlocutor continues. - On average, about 40-50 correspondents and operators are taken to each. The "premier's pool" works with the same intensity. They also cooperate with Mosko.

According to him, journalists are usually accommodated in Pullman, Mercure, Novotel, Ibis and Azimut hotels. But there are other options - it all depends on the particular city.

“The worst thing from the point of view of the hotel was the visit to Nyagan,” says a Pulovsky journalist. - There turned out to be more correspondents accompanying the president than living places in hotels. As a result, we were sent to some hostel. We got a room for six or seven beds, I don't remember exactly. But we were one person more than the beds. As a result, when the check-in was celebrated, the most drunk remained sleeping on the floor.

The most bombastic recent visit was to New York in September 2015, when Putin spoke at the UN General Assembly. Mosco placed the journalists at the Manhattan NYC Hotel, where the room cost $436 per night.

“Expensive, but, in fact, nothing special, a simple hotel among skyscrapers,” explains the source of “Storm” and gives another example. - It is best to live during the G20 summits. They usually take place in resort towns, and there is a chance to get a hotel on the ocean coast. If you have a free minute, you can run to swim. Well, or in the pool, if not. In Mexico, on the California Peninsula, there was a chic place - only hotels, and around the ocean and desert. Journalists were immediately offered a glass of tequila upon check-in.”

Taking into account the geography of the pool trips, it is quite difficult to talk about the average cost of a hotel, but more or less you can focus on the price of 5,000 rubles per night for a person.

Part of this money is received by the hotel, part remains with the intermediary - Mosko.

“If a white scheme works, then the more expensive the hotel, the more the operator earns. The percentage of the cost is approximately always the same, - explains Alexey Peskov, editor-in-chief of the portal. - Black and gray - when some prices are declared, and later others are used inside. All this is based on personal contacts, like a lot in the tourism business.”

The class of the majority of hotels in which "Mosko" lodges journalists of the pool is average. There are two exceptions: Pullman - the highest, and Ibis - economy.

It is noteworthy, however, that most of the chain hotels (Pullman, Mercure, Novotel, Ibis), where correspondents are accommodated, belong to a single company - AccorHotels.

Great prospects

But placing the presidential and prime minister's pool is not Mosko's only income. Over the past five years alone, the tour operator has received state contracts (most of them on a non-competitive basis - “purchase from a single supplier”) worth over 230 million rubles. The main client of Mosko is the Bolshoi Theatre.

And here again personal contracts are visible. The general director of the company, Lyudmila Melender, has warm relations not only with the wife of Mikhail Bryukhanov. She is also a close friend of Dmitry Medvedev's press secretary, Natalya Timakova.

The main topic for discussion on Facebook for Melender and Timakova is ballet and theater.

The special relationship between the prime minister's press secretary and the Bolshoi is no secret. Timakova's husband Alexander Budberg is the former chairman of the executive committee of the Board of Trustees of the Bolshoi. Natalya Alexandrovna herself regularly attends theater performances. In addition, Timakova and Budberg, according to media reports, are actively friends with ballerina Elena Kasyanova.

In addition to Timakova, Melender has other personal contacts. For example, the deputy general director of the Bolshoi Oleg Miskovets. In contracts with Mosco, Miskovec occupies the first position in the list of persons authorized to place travel orders.

Oleg Miskovets can be seen in photographs from the same 25th anniversary of the Mosko Company, in which Mikhail Bryukhanov was captured. True, Miskovets was present not as an official envoy of the Bolshoi, but as a guest musician. He performed at the celebration with his group "Modern Post".

modest numbers

In 2018, the Mosko Company has already received state contracts for 25 million rubles (18.9 million from the Bolshoi, the rest from other metropolitan theaters).

The tour operator's revenue over the past five years has not fallen below 50 million rubles, but the net profit from which dividends could be paid (data on them in Mosko is not disclosed) did not exceed 3.6 million. In the last reporting year (2016), it amounted to a modest 86 thousand rubles.

Thanks to such low payments, income from Mosko shares does not spoil the declaration of Mikhail Bryukhanov. The head of the President's Department for Ensuring the Activities of the State Council annually reports on five and a half million rubles of income.

Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation.

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Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation

Born March 31, 1959 in Magadan.
In 1984 he graduated from the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
He worked in state and public organizations in the field of international tourism.
2002 - 2005 - Deputy Head of the Protocol Department of the President of the Russian Federation.
2005 - 2007 - Referent of the Office of the Press Service and Information of the President of the Russian Federation.
2007 - 2008 - Deputy Head of the Press Service and Protocol Department of the Government of the Russian Federation.
2008 - 2012 - Deputy Head of the Protocol Department of the President of the Russian Federation.
2012 - 2018 - Head of the Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation for ensuring the activities of the State Council of the Russian Federation.
From June 2018 to the present - Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation of the first class.
State awards:

  • Order of Friendship
  • Order of Honor
  • Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", 1st class
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th class
  • Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation

It became known about new personnel decisions that may soon be announced in the government of the Russian Federation and the presidential administration.

The main parameters of the new composition of the Presidential Administration, which will work during the term of office of President Vladimir Putin, which began in May, became known at the end of June: on June 22, decrees were signed on the appointment of the heads of almost all departments and divisions of the Presidential Administration, and several more decisions were published later.

Based on the results of the published decrees, it can be seen that, in general, the structure of the Presidential Administration has undergone minor changes, all key figures have remained in their posts. However, experts noted that the heads of two departments - Mikhail Bryukhanov (department for ensuring the activities of the State Council) and Dmitry Zhuikov (department for ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens) - left the Kremlin administration. Bryukhanov was appointed deputy head of Rossotrudnichestvo on the same day, and Alexander Kharichev took his place in the Presidential Administration (in the previous composition of the Presidential Administration - deputy head of the department for domestic politics). As for Zhuikov, there is no decision yet on his successor or where he will be appointed.

Recall that Dmitry Zhuikov has served as head of the department for ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens since 2004, and before that (since 1997) he worked as an assistant to the head of the Presidential Administration. According to several Kommersant sources, a fundamental decision has already been made on his transfer to the government apparatus (in what position is not specified). Also, the sources of the publication say that Zhuikov's successor has also been chosen. With a high degree of probability, they will be Deputy Minister of Justice Maxim Travnikov. According to sources in state structures, his candidacy has already passed all the necessary checks and approvals, the decree on appointment may be issued in the near future.

A Kommersant source in the ministry also confirmed Travnikov's departure from the Ministry of Justice to the Presidential Administration, noting that as deputy minister he dealt with approximately the same issues that he would have to oversee in a new place - he developed extradition agreements, dealt with the subject of pardon, dealt with the transfer of convicts and issues citizenship.

Maxim Travnikov's career began in the legal department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1996, when Yevgeny Primakov was still minister. In 1999, he moved to the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, and in 2003-2004 he worked for the first time in the Presidential Administration, in the apparatus of the first deputy head of the administration, Dmitry Kozak (now - Deputy Prime Minister). In 2004-2008, he worked in the government apparatus: from March to May 2004 - assistant to the head of the apparatus (Dmitry Kozak was in charge of the apparatus), from May 2004 to July 2008 - deputy head of the Department of International Cooperation of the Government of the Russian Federation. In July 2008, Travnikov holds the post of Deputy Minister of Regional Development, where he remains until September 2012 (Minister - until October 2008 Dmitry Kozak, then until April 2012 Viktor Basargin and after him Oleg Govorun). On September 30, 2012, he was appointed Deputy Head of the Ministry of Justice, where he oversees the Department of International Law, whose status, according to Kommersant, has noticeably grown in recent times in connection with the sanctions and the diplomatic crisis: the Ministry of Justice began to officially ensure the representation and protection of the interests of the Russian Federation in the courts of foreign states (previously, the ministry had such powers only in one court - the ECHR). Since 2009, Travnikov has been included in the presidential personnel reserve.

Pavel Krasheninnikov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on State Building and Legislation, Co-Chairman of the Association of Lawyers of Russia, names Travnikov “a competent person who knows not only Russian, but also foreign and international law”.

Director of the Institute of Political Law and Administration, political strategist Alexei Vasiliev shares his opinion on the interpenetration of the presidential administration and the government:

I think this continues the trend of merging presidential and government hardware. The trend began at a time when the president was prime minister and the prime minister was president. Then there was the first wave of this kind of rotation. Subsequently, such transitions periodically occurred.<…>In principle, there has been talk for a long time about uniting the Presidential Administration and the government apparatus. In many ways, their activities are duplicative in nature, and in the conditions of absolute unity of the presidential power and the powers of the government, this can really be. This particular transition of Travnikov means that he is simply sent to a new job site.

Political scientist, candidate of legal sciences, director of the Center for Political Science of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Pavel Salin argues about the relationship between the appointments of Zhuykov and Travnikov:

I think that these changes should not be viewed through a strategic lens.<…>This is probably due to the fact that some personnel changes, which were expected in the Ministry of Justice, did not occur.<…>In this regard, I would not consider the transfer of Mr. Travnikov to the Presidential Administration and the transfer of someone else from the administration from another position to the government apparatus. These are two personnel decisions that are not related to each other.

Associate Professor of the RANEPA, Vice President of the International Academy of Communicology Vera Zakharova considers Travnikov's appointment to be correct:

In the President's messages, the idea is constantly heard that ensuring the rights of citizens is one of the main directions of the state's policy. At the same time, the Academy of Sciences has a fairly broad structure in this area and rather strong personnel trained in the best universities of the country. In this regard, strengthening the structure of the AP by literate people would be of great help. Maxim Travnikov really had all the best chances to head the President's Office for Ensuring the Constitutional Rights of Citizens. Travnikov has always held good positions in the embassy, ​​in the Foreign Ministry, for him a new appointment is certainly a big leap. It is possible that later on he will be bid on when he is appointed to the post of governor in one of the regions.

Personnel changes are possible in the Federal Agency for the CIS, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo). Immediately, several informed interlocutors of Kommersant said that they had heard or knew about the discussion of the issue of transferring the current head of the agency, Eleonora Mitrofanova, to another job. According to one of Kommersant's sources, the candidacy of a successor is also being discussed: Mikhail Bryukhanov, the current deputy of Mrs. Mitrofanova, may become it. Mr. Bryukhanov told Kommersant that he had not heard anything about such plans.

Interlocutors in Russian government agencies involved in international relations told Kommersant about the discussions about the new head of Rossotrudnichestvo. “There are rumors, yes. But I don’t know for sure,” one source told Kommersant. Another said that Eleonora Mitrofanova was tipped off for the post of Russian ambassador to one of the European countries.

The third interlocutor of Kommersant knows not only about the discussion of the issue of replacing the current head of the department, but also names the potential candidate. Mitrofanova's successor, he says, could be her current deputy, Mikhail Bryukhanov.

The interlocutor of Kommersant connects the possible replacement of the head of the department with the search for a model for more efficient use of the capabilities of Rossotrudnichestvo to promote Russian interests abroad.

A Kommersant source close to the leadership of the agency commented on the information about a possible replacement of the head of the department as follows: "Any federal executive body has such a risk."

Rossotrudnichestvo was established in September 2008 in accordance with a presidential decree. The agency, subordinated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is engaged in promoting a positive image of Russia, supporting the Russian language, working with compatriots and humanitarian assistance. Has a developed network of branches: 74 Russian center science and culture in 62 countries and 24 representatives in embassies in 22 countries. The head of the agency is appointed by the president on the proposal of the government.

Eleonora Mitrofanova has headed it since December 19, 2017. Mikhail Bryukhanov was appointed as her deputy by presidential decree on June 22, 2018. Prior to that, from 2002 to 2012, Mr. Bryukhanov worked in various divisions of the presidential administration, which was supervised by the first deputy head of the Presidential Administration Alexei Gromov, and since 2012 he headed the department of the President of the Russian Federation to ensure the activities of the State Council.

Mikhail Bryukhanov, when asked by Kommersant to comment on rumors of possible reshuffles, replied that Eleonora Mitrofanova "feels the foreign policy nerve very well, has all the necessary knowledge, contacts and experience to lead the agency." “I have not heard of any plans for personnel changes. On the this stage I consider it extremely important to focus on operational work in such strategic areas as the formation of humanitarian cooperation programs for border states,” Mr. Bryukhanov told Kommersant.

He called the work in Rossotrudnichestvo “very interesting” and “very important at this historical period, when the resources of official diplomacy can no longer do without the support of such public diplomacy tools as public and digital diplomacy.”

An employee of the press service of Rossotrudnichestvo, Anastasia Krykanova, in an interview with Kommersant, called the information about the imminent change in the leadership of the agency false. According to her, Eleonora Mitrofanova "works and is not going anywhere."

Vladimir Solovyov, Elena Chernenko