The size of the trellis for grapes. Formation of a grapevine. How to make do-it-yourself vineyard trellises? Making a support for grapes

Is it possible to make do-it-yourself trellises for grapes in such a way as to increase the yield by 2 or more times? Yes! - after all, the main condition for the yield of grapes is uniform illumination of the bush throughout the daylight hours, good watering and ventilation of the vine. And different designs of trellis for grapes provide these conditions in different ways.

How to make simple do-it-yourself trellises for grapes.

The simplest (single-plane) grape trellises can be made with your own hands from wooden stakes with a diameter of 12-15 cm or metal pipes. The length of the supports is 2.8 m - 60 cm is dug into the depth and 2.2 m is the height of the finished trellis. The distance between the supports in the trellis is 3 m. Between the supports we stretch the wire - the first at a height of 50 cm from the ground, the rest at a distance of 30 cm from the previous one. The bunches of grapes on the first wire will be able to receive heat from the heated earth, but will remain clean after the rain.

The direction of the trellis is from south to north. When planting grapes next to the bush to a depth of 80 cm, a pipe is dug in to feed the bush - watering and fertilizing the grapes go through it. These trellises are best suited for covering grapes - from such a trellis it is easy to remove and cover for the winter.

But there are more efficient trellis designs - two-plane ones, which provide maximum sparsity and illumination of the bushes, a more powerful bush is formed on them and, consequently, the yield increases.

Do-it-yourself two-plane trellis for grapes.

Two-plane tapestries have the shape of an inverted trapezoid. This design provides a more intensive cultivation of grapes. the bush is formed on two planes. For the manufacture of trellises for grapes, we use metal pipes with a diameter of 30-40 mm and 3 m in length.

Other popular vine trellis designs:

The original design of a two-plane trellis for grapes.

Let's compare the two main types of trellis for grapes.

Obviously, two-plane trellises significantly exceed the cost of single-plane ones - this implies that if we have no shortage of garden area or if we are engaged in covering grape varieties, then it is more practical to make single-plane trellises for grapes with our own hands - they are cheaper and easier to use. manufacturing. After all, traditional industrial vineyards have been successfully using simple trellises on wooden pegs for centuries. And the illumination and sparseness of the vine can be achieved by the correct formation of the vine, which is much cheaper than building a trellis from expensive metal pipes.

Decorative canopies and trellises for grapes.

In addition to a rich harvest, you can enjoy the rich decorative possibilities of grapes. Garden design takes on a special charm thanks to the cool shade of the grapes.

Terraces and gazebos surrounded by green vines look much livelier and more organic.

By the way, it’s not at all difficult to make grapes trail along the wall of the house! By fixing the ends of the wire on the bolt heads or in threaded rings, you can not only fix the wire for the vine on the wall, but also adjust its tension with nuts.

In addition, you can use plastic ties and clamps that electricians use to fasten cables, they are attached to the wall, and instead of a cable, a vine is fixed in them. Just don't over tighten.

Want to know how these fantastic vine-covered canopies are made?

How to make decorative trellises for grapes with your own hands

We will tell you how easy it is to make a canopy covered with grapes near the garage. To begin with, you will need to make strong trellises that can withstand a lot of weight. Pipes and fittings are the ideal material for creating such tapestries. They are strong, durable and provide good rigidity. At the same time, the skills of a carpenter or welder are not needed to work with them.

Connecting pipes with a fitting is almost child's play. It's not much more difficult than building a constructor.

There are things that are nice and easy to do with your own hands, even if you have never done them before. Tapestries for grapes definitely belong to such things. This does not require special knowledge or skills. All you need is minimal material costs and some free time.

Now you know that you can easily make trellises for grapes with your own hands! Connect your loved ones to this, spend time together at work, and do something valuable and pleasant for yourself and your family!

The vine is a vine. She is unable to hold the trunk vertically on her own and needs support. To do this, grapes are planted along the walls or arrange various props, pull the wire or mount the trellis. What is a trellis and what are its advantages over other supports?

Principles of arranging supports in the vineyard

Not everywhere grapes are grown on supports. In the Middle East and Central Asia, whips are still simply laid out on the surface of the soil. Standard culture is popular in Europe and America. In Italy and the Transcaucasus, a strong tree is chosen as a support, near which bushes are planted.

But viticulture has long ceased to be the prerogative of the southern regions. It is grown far from the traditional regions of growth. The term "northern viticulture" appeared. The technology of growing this sunny berry is constantly being improved, new ways of shelters and supports appear.

As for the tapestries, the principle of their device depends on:

  • grape varieties
  • Landing patterns
  • cutting technologies.

If in the south grapes winter without shelter, then in other regions dessert varieties will not survive the cold without additional protection. With this in mind, and choose a trellis.

Immediately after planting, the bushes can be tied to temporary supports. But do not pull with the device of a stationary trellis. Its installation must be completed no later than the second year after laying the vineyard. And it is better to do this in the year of planting. It has to do with plant biology. For the 3rd year, the grapes are able to give the first harvest, and by this time the bush should already be formed and tied up. And we should not forget about the root system. Over the course of the year, it has grown rapidly. It is easy to damage a swarm of pits for poles.

Tapestry is not a temporary structure, it settles down for decades. Therefore, if a tree is used for poles, then the places that will be in contact with the ground must be treated with a 3-5% solution of copper sulfate. In such a liquid, the pillars can withstand 10 days. This will increase the life of the wood. It is not recommended to use special impregnations and antiseptics - they can negatively affect the root system of grapes. The lower ends of the metal poles are coated with bitumen to prevent corrosion.

Vine trellis designs

The support is installed for many years, and its device must be approached carefully. There are various systems:

  • vertical single strip trellis
  • two-plane tapestries
  • horizontal and decorative tapestries.

Bushes are planted one at a time near the support or in a row with one support for everyone. There may be several rows. It is not recommended to plant bushes of different varieties in the same row. Their farming techniques may differ, and growing in close proximity to each other will complicate the care of the vineyard.

Read about how to make a birdhouse with your own hands.

Rows should be arranged from south to north. Thus, the vineyard will be well illuminated by the sun at any time of the day. Amateurs practice other directions in landings.

Agrotechnics of culture on a personal plot differs from the industrial method of cultivation. In large farms, supports are arranged in such a way that equipment has free access to plantings.. In small areas, mechanization is not always used, so the choice of trellises is wider here.

If you decide to grow grapes for your table or for sale, then you should pay attention to the most popular and easy-to-use vertical trellises.

You will find all the information about forms for garden paths.

Single plane wire trellis


  • Single plane trellis
  • Single plane with two wires
  • Single-plane trellis with a visor
  • Single-plane trellis with hanging growth.

All of them are simple and convenient. They are a series of poles with a horizontally stretched wire in several rows.

Materials for the device: poles and wire

  • Pillars (wooden, asbestos-concrete, reinforced concrete, steel)
  • Steel galvanized wire 2–3 mm thick.


To make a do-it-yourself trellis for grapes, the poles are placed on a plot in one row, observing an interval of 4–6 m.

The reliability of the structure will give slopes or wire extensions on these pillars. For columns in a row, it is enough to have material 7-10 cm in diameter. The supports are dug in as deep as possible - no less than 50–60 cm. After that, the wire is pulled.

The bottom row is best placed at a height of about 40 cm from the ground. If at the beginning of the season this distance looks too long, then during the ripening of the crop you will realize that a lower wire tension will not keep the bunches from contact with the ground. After 35–40 cm, pull the next row. Sometimes they manage 3 such rows.

4-5 row trellis is considered optimal. It all depends on how the bush is formed. The Guyot system suggests limiting yourself to 3 rows.

The method of fastening the wire does not matter. Nails, metal staples, wire rings will do. There are no clear recommendations regarding the height of the trellis. In industrial viticulture, supports 90–250 cm high are used, in household plots they can be up to 350 cm. Poles about 200 cm high are most often used.

A single-plane double-wire trellis differs only in the way the wire is attached. Crossbars are attached to the extreme posts and the wire is pulled over them. This creates a corridor with two rows of wire along one row of posts.

Supports with visors are arranged next to low buildings. The visor is directed to the roof of this building. It is better if the visor is directed to the south. Winter-hardy varieties are planted near such supports.

Another option is a T-shaped trellis. It is more often used in industrial viticulture, but sometimes amateurs also use it. 4 rows of wire are pulled onto the T-shaped supports. Two are attached from above on the upper ledges (a corridor 50 cm wide is formed between them) and two from the bottom (25 cm between them). The height of the supports is 150 cm.

Another type is a trellis with hanging growth. The stems are tied to supports, and the entire growth literally hangs from the upper horizontal platform made of rows of wire.

Single-strip vertical trellises are used in covering viticulture. Therefore, it is necessary to decide on the method of shelter for the winter even in the process of installing the pillars. If the vine is planned to be hidden in boxes or under slate, then the pillars can be shifted relative to the axis of the row by 40 cm. So they will not interfere with the shelter, and the roots will be less damaged when digging holes for pillars.

For a tunnel film or roofing material shelter, a bottom wire is used. Covering material is thrown through it and thus niches are created in which the vine is laid for the winter. In this case, the displacement of the pillars is not appropriate.

Benefits of single strip trellis

  • not expensive
  • Easy to install
  • Bushes are well ventilated
  • Allows mechanization
  • Facilitates pruning, bush formation and shelter for the winter.


  • Difficulties with the placement of powerful grape bushes with many sleeves;
  • Landings may thicken;
  • A large number of vines cannot be placed on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe trellis; the yield of the variety falls.

Two-plane tapestries

Device options:

  • Straight(consists of two parallel planes)
  • V-shaped(two planes set at an angle)
  • Y-shaped(the lower part is one plane, the upper one diverges up to 45 - 60 degrees between the planes)
  • Y-shaped with drooping growth.

A V-shaped trellis is widely discussed, which consists of two planes located at an angle relative to the row. Use them for vigorous high-yielding varieties on fertile soils.

The height of such supports is 180 - 220 cm. In the southern regions, larger spalls (heights) are installed and the vine is not covered for the winter.

In amateur viticulture, V-shaped ones are becoming more and more popular. With such a trellis, it becomes possible to form a powerful above-ground part and a bush with a large number of sleeves.

The essence of this design is the compaction of landings. It has proven itself well in small areas of personal plots. The Y-shaped trellis is a variation worthy of attention. It allows you to achieve better lighting than other types.

It is possible that the material about will be useful to you.


  • Ability to grow varieties with powerful bushes
  • High yield per bush and per unit area
  • The clusters are protected from the wind and the scorching sun.


  • Construction is expensive
  • Requires special skills for installation
  • Difficulties in sheltering vines for the winter.

Horizontal and decorative trellises or pergolas


  • Arbors
  • Arched
  • Cupped and decorative supports.

These types of trellises are used in non-covering viticulture, they are wooden or metal structures of various shapes. Such trellises are successfully arranged on personal plots. The whole secret is in the horizontal plane. Grapes need sun, and this method of molding allows the leaves to be illuminated by the sun all day.

Do-it-yourself trellis for climbing plants is described in detail.

Video: how to do it yourself

In this video, watch how to build a simple two-plane trellis:


It is not necessary to speak unambiguously about the advantages of one type of trellis over others. Each of them has its adherents. If your plans are to grow grapes without shelter, and you are not limited in funds, then pay attention to two-plane V-shaped trellises. If you can’t do without shelter, and you value comfort at work, and are also not ready to spend a significant amount on a trellis, then it’s better to stop at a single-plane molding method. But nothing stands still: amateur gardeners continue to improve existing designs to optimize the entire process of caring for the vineyard.

A grape plant is not a tree. This is a liana. The bush cannot support the weight of the bunches on its branches - it needs a support on which the vines and green shoots of this bush will be attached. Vine growers have come up with a huge number of designs of such supports. I will only talk about some - the simplest - types of supports for placing vines.

The choice of support design for vine bushes is very important. All the substances that make up the entire grape bush are produced precisely thanks to the leaves well-lit by the sun. The whole life of a grape bush depends on how well the leaves will be illuminated by the sun. All green shoots with leaves are placed on supports, and It is from the design of the support for grape shoots that the quality of the illumination of the leaves by the sun depends.
The more leaves grow on a grape bush, the more berries can grow and ripen on this bush. It depends on the design of the support how many leaves on a bush can be grown and well illuminated by the sun. Consequently, the yield of berries on one bush directly depends on the design of the support.
It depends on the choice of the type of support at what distance the bushes should be planted in a row, so that all thirty green shoots of one bush can be best placed on the trellis. It depends on the choice of support design at what distance one row of bushes should be planted from another, so that the shoots of adjacent rows do not obscure each other. It turns out that the choice of the type of support for vines depends on how much area of ​​the site one bush will occupy. It is on this area that all thirty green shoots with clusters from one bush will be grown. Therefore, the yield of berries from one square meter of land depends very much on the choice of support..
Making a support for bushes is a very expensive thing. It is very difficult to change the design after growing mature bushes, so the choice of support design when planning a vineyard must be given special attention.
It should be borne in mind that grape vines have the phenomenon polarity . As a result of the action of polarity, shoots from the upper eyes develop best on vertically tied annual vines. Therefore, on all types of supports, fruiting arrows - annual vines, from which all shoots with a crop are grown - are placed only horizontally.
Green shoots are most often tied vertically on supports. With this arrangement, the leaves on the shoots are better and illuminated and ventilated. On vertically growing shoots, the formation and growth strength of stepchildren is reduced, which reduces the amount of work to remove them.

Single-plane (single-row) trellis.
Usually grape bushes are planted in rows. And supports for placing vines are also located along these rows.
The most popular type of support for vine bushes is vertical tapestries . Posts are installed along a row of bushes, several rows of wire are pulled on them, to which vines and green shoots will be tied. Rows of wires with green shoots tied to them form trellis plane. If only one row of columns with one plane is installed along a row of bushes, such a trellis is called single-plane. Or single-row single-plane. This design of the trellis is the most convenient to maintain and easy to manufacture. It is on the same plane of the wires of such a trellis that all the vines and green shoots from one row of bushes are placed - fig. 10.
The smaller the distance between the posts, the less the wire will sag under the weight of a huge crop. If the distance between the bushes in a row is three meters, I usually set the posts in the middle between the bushes. A number of columns of a single-plane trellis must be installed a little to the side of a number of bushes. About thirty centimeters. Then the posts will not interfere with laying the vines on the ground for shelter - fig. 10.10a.

A few tips for making such a trellis.
On top - instead of the top wire - it is better to connect the columns with a crossbar. It will keep the end posts of the trellis from bending inward when the wire pulls the posts under the weight of the bushes. If it is not possible to install such a crossbar, it is imperative to strengthen the extreme posts in a row with thrust posts - fig. eleven.
All fruiting arrows, annual vines from which green shoots grow, are placed horizontally only
on the first wire. Above on the plane of the trellis, only green shoots are placed - they are tied vertically to the wires. The height of the first wire above the soil level is chosen such that very large clusters do not touch the ground. And so that there is good ventilation between the soil and the green shoots. I usually place the first wire at least fifty centimeters above the ground.
The height of the trellis plane is chosen so that it is convenient to work on the top wire, but not less than two meters. You can make the height of the plane and more. The greater the height of the trellis, the longer the green shoots will be, there will be more leaves on the shoots. But it all depends on the growth of those working in the vineyard. If you make the trellis too high, it will be very difficult to reach the top wire on the trellis with your hands to tie green shoots to it and remove stepchildren at the tops of the shoots. So such a height of the trellis is chosen so that it is not necessary to use stairs for work.

On a trellis of this height, from the first wire to the top, you can grow shoots one and a half meters long, about fifteen leaves on each shoot. The same length of these shoots are obtained and annual vines - about fifteen eyes on each vine.
I place the second wire from the soil level with a distance of thirty centimeters from the first. After all, shoots that have just begun to grow are attached to it. At this age, they are most easily broken off from the vine by strong spring winds. And the sooner you can tie them to the wire, the better. Also, if possible, I try to replace the second wire with a stronger rod. It is on the second wire that the weight of huge clusters falls.
The next wires on the plane are placed with a distance of about forty centimeters between them. Maybe more often. But do not make the distance between the wires more than fifty centimeters. Until the tops of the green shoots reach the next wire, they can be broken off by the wind - fig.12.
Making trellises is one of the most expensive parts of creating a vineyard. At the same time, it is impossible to do without supports when growing a vineyard. Therefore, it is necessary to plan and procure materials for the manufacture of tapestries in advance. If in the first year of the life of your bushes you can still get by with temporary supports (stakes, rods, etc.), then in the second year of growth of the bushes it is already necessary to install a trellis. Moreover, you need to install it by the very beginning of the season - by spring. Otherwise, then construction work can greatly damage the green shoots that have begun to grow.
The trellis will last as long as your vineyard will live. And the materials for its manufacture must be selected the same durable. Of course, the choice here depends on the financial condition - basically. But in any case, it is necessary to take into account the working conditions of the trellis structures. The trellis racks are deepened into the soil, so the underground part of the posts must be protected from corrosion and decay. It is not easier for the above-ground parts - racks and wire. Rain, treatment with various preparations. So you need to paint the racks completely. A wire to use at least galvanized.
Racks for trellis must be very durable. The weight of grape bushes with a harvest is quite rather big. And if the vineyard is located somewhere in the steppe, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of very strong winds.
I will not talk about all the possible options for using materials for the manufacture of tapestries. Only about the simplest ones.
It is best to use metal pipes of round or rectangular cross section for posts. The diameter or side of the rectangle of the rack is fifty millimeters, the wall thickness of the pipe is at least three millimeters. With the help of welding from such pipes, you can quickly make a convenient and durable trellis design. The ends of such columns must be closed on both sides so that water does not get inside the racks. Otherwise, in winter, when water freezes, pipes will be destroyed. The length of the racks depends on the height of the trellis plane and the depth of digging the racks into the soil. I deepen the racks no less than fifty centimeters. Of course, if strong winds are possible on your site, you need to dig the racks into the soil much more.
I never concrete trellis posts in the ground. I just weld stops on the pipes - from pieces of the same pipes, pieces of reinforcement or metal plates - at the border of the pipe entering the soil - fig. 13. Such stops do not allow the racks to "dive" into the soil under the weight of the bushes. It turns out pretty reliable. Over the years, this design has proven itself.
To attach the wire to the pipes in the right places, I weld hooks made of wire six millimeters thick - fig. 13a.
With such fasteners, the wire can be easily pulled on and removed from the racks for the winter. Due to the mobility of the wire in the fasteners, the weight of the bushes is evenly distributed along the entire length of the wire.
If it is not possible to make the wire fastening movable, I fix the wire on the posts using clamps from pieces of the same wire - Figure 14.
But it is very difficult to tighten the stretched wire every year with such an attachment.
On trellises, I use wire with a diameter of three to four millimeters. Corrosion protected - galvanized.
I repeat once again - I told the variant of the design of the trellis, the simplest and most reliable. Unfortunately, not the most economical.
Video - A separate bush on a single-plane trellis

Two-layer tapestries.

On two-plane trellises, the vines and green shoots of one row of bushes are located on two planes. In fact, two single-plane trellises are installed on both sides of a row of grape bushes.

The most common type of supports for vines in home gardens. A fairly easy-to-maintain type of support, while this type of trellis gives the highest yield per vineyard area. An important advantage of two-plane trellises is the ability to provide a large load of shoots on a bush without increasing the distance between bushes in a row too much. For example, this is necessary when growing vigorous varieties. At the same time, the length of perennial branches will not be too large.
Unfortunately, this type of support can only be used in those vineyards where the rows of vines are arranged in a north-south direction. Otherwise, the closely spaced planes of the trellis of one row of bushes will strongly obscure each other.

There are a lot of designs of two-plane trellises. I will talk about the three main ones - their advantages and disadvantages.
Two-row two-plane trellis with a vertical arrangement of planes.
Video - Two-plane trellis
Two rows of vertical posts with wires are installed on one row of grape bushes - Fig. 15. The design of these rows is exactly the same as the design of a single-plane trellis. One row is installed on one side of the row of grape bushes, the other row is installed on the other side, at the same distance from the row of grape bushes. For myself, I determined the most convenient distance between the planes of one meter. Such a distance between the planes allows, if necessary, to pass with the sprayer inside the trellis, which significantly improves the quality of bush treatments. At the same time, the illumination of the leaves from all sides of the plane is also quite good.
The height of the planes of such a trellis is the same as in a single-plane trellis - at least two meters - Fig.16.
The design of the trellis of two rows of columns has one very good advantage - it allows you to install the trellis "in installments" - which facilitates the financial burden in the manufacture of the structure. After all, the rows of trellis columns for one row of bushes are absolutely independent of each other. In the first year after planting bushes, all the shoots of one bush can be easily placed on temporary supports - high stakes, rods, etc. In the second year, you can install not the entire structure of the trellis, but only half of it. One row of posts with wire per row of bushes. A row of posts is set at a distance of fifty centimeters from a row of bushes. Bushes this year are formed according to all the rules of formation for a two-plane trellis. But all the vines and green shoots of the bushes are placed on this one plane. Only in the third year after planting the bushes, the trellis structure must be completely made - install the second row of posts with wire on the other side of the row of bushes. Thus, the cost of manufacturing the trellis is spread over at least two years.
Video - Two-plane trellis
Two-row two-plane trellis with an inclined arrangement of planes.
On one row of grape bushes, two rows of posts with wires are also installed. But the columns are installed at an angle - towards the row spacing. Another such design of the trellis is called V-shaped - Fig. 17.
The slope of the planes depends on the tastes of the grower, and does not affect the illumination of the planes by the sun. After all, the more the illumination of the plane on one side improves - due to the inclination, the illumination of the plane on the other side also worsens. Therefore, in terms of illumination, this design does not have any advantages compared to the trellis of the previous design. Due to the inclination of the planes, the design becomes a little more complicated - a mandatory connection between the columns of both planes with a jumper is required. Otherwise, the rows of posts may collapse under the weight of the bushes.
The V-shaped trellis has its own, very big advantage, in comparison with the trellis with vertically arranged planes. Due to the slope of the posts, the bunches will hang off the plane, and the wire will not get tangled inside the bunch as the berries grow. Also, at the hottest time of the day - at noon - due to the inclination of the plane, the leaves will shade the clusters. What will protect the berries from sunburn.
Otherwise, in terms of manufacturing and ease of use, such a trellis is no different from the previous one.
Single-row two-plane trellis.
One row of posts is installed on one row of bushes. On the posts, at the same levels where the wire should be attached, horizontal crossbars are installed. The wire is attached to the ends of these crossbars, forming two planes of the trellis. The distance between the planes of the trellis and the slope of the planes will depend on the length of the horizontal bars - Fig. 18.

This is the most inconvenient design of a two-plane trellis.

A number of racks of such a trellis are difficult to install away from a number of bushes. When tying the vines to the wires, you will have to go around the columns of the racks with perennial vines. When the perennial vines become thick, it will be very difficult to bend them for a garter on the first wire. You have to either install racks opposite the head of the bush, which increases the number of columns in a row, or install a number of columns in the same axis with a number of grape bushes. Grape vines are laid for shelter on the ground along the rows of bushes, and trellis columns installed in the same axis with the bushes will greatly interfere with laying the vine on the soil, while also preventing the laying of covering material.
With this design of the racks, it is no longer possible to pass with the sprayer inside the trellis, between the planes. The ends of the horizontal bars sticking out to the side of the row spacing are constantly trying to damage the grower working here.
At the same time, the consumption of materials for the manufacture of such supports is not much less than the consumption for the manufacture of the previous two structures.
A support with a horizontal arrangement of green shoots is a pergola.
On such a support, a plane with wires and green shoots is located horizontally above the head of the grower, at a height of about two meters - fig. 19, 19a.

It is better to place green shoots on a plane in the same way as on a vertical plane - parallel to each other. Then it is simplified to carry out green operations with shoots - removal of stepchildren, etc. The dimensions of the horizontal plane should be such that green shoots with a length of at least one and a half meters can be placed there. Green shoots of this length have a sufficient number of relatively young leaves, which will ensure the normal development of the bushes throughout the season.

This type of support has recently become increasingly popular among winegrowers. The fact is that, according to the conclusions of practical studies, productivity is significantly increased on such supports. Thanks to the very good sun exposure of the leaves on the plane. True, such studies were carried out mainly on bushes of technical varieties - for the production of wine.
Indeed, on such supports, the leaves on the plane are illuminated by the sun almost all day. True, only on one side of the plane. Clusters are well arranged - hanging under a tent of leaves. Clusters hanging overhead - very beautiful. The clusters are protected from sunburn and well ventilated.
But such a support also has a lot of disadvantages.
Leaves on a plane are always illuminated from one side only. All work on the care of green shoots and clusters must be carried out with hands raised above the head, which is very difficult. Spraying green shoots from above the plane is very inconvenient.
It becomes more difficult to lay the vines on the ground to cover Nazima. Sleeves or shoulders have to be grown very long and bent in a special way - a loop. Otherwise, it is impossible to lay them on the ground.
For me it is very important, when working in the vineyard, the pleasure of such work, and then the profit from the harvest. Therefore, in my opinion, such difficulties in work are hardly justified by an increase in productivity.
That's all about the basic structures of supports for placing vines of vines. It is enough that lovers who are just going to grow grapes in their small backyards can choose the most convenient type of trellis for their bushes.

First of all, you, as a novice grower, need to know that a sunny berry - and this is how grapes are called - loves light, space, breeze and will not refuse watering. Therefore, if you start from scratch, then choose a free area for grapes that will not be shaded by neighboring trees or buildings. And remember that this plant, ideally, will delight you with an excellent harvest for not a year or two, or even one decade, and therefore approach the issue responsibly.

Plan rows with grape trellises from north to south. Aisle, of course, the more the better. But even if you are limited in space, you still have to maintain a distance of 2 m. Moreover, this place will probably not be empty for you either - vegetables and berries can take it. But this is only if, when choosing a trellis design for grapes, you prefer a single-plane variety. This is the simplest option, assuming, as the name suggests, that the plant will develop in one plane. It is used most often, and therefore we will pay more attention to it.

If the choice falls on, then more space for row spacing will be needed, and it is unlikely to be used for something else. Of course, one cannot but mention the arched trellises that create shade and comfort over garden paths, gazebos, and playgrounds near the house. In fact, grapes also grow on them in two planes: vertically and horizontally. Only the height of the structure will be slightly higher than usual.

Do-it-yourself trellises for grapes - where do we start?

Even if you have already decided on a variety or varieties of grapes (according to the conditions of your region and personal taste preferences), you have chosen a place for a vineyard, then the beginner’s head is still spinning from the abundance of questions. What should be the height, dimensions, how to make trellises for grapes? Don't worry - it's all fixable! If for some reason you were not able to equip the trellis in the first year, do not be sad - young bushes may well support wooden stakes or other temporary props. But for two-three-year-old plants, one cannot do without a serious design. The most budget option would be - single-plane.

First of all, you need to decide on the material. The pillars can also be wooden, but sooner or later they will still have to be replaced with something more durable, and the construction process involves the preliminary preparation of the tree, but more on that later. Widely used options are prefabricated reinforced concrete posts or metal round or square pipes.

If we choose the latter, then it must be taken into account that the weight of a plant with a vine, a large number of leaves and, in fact, berries will be decent. Therefore, the installation of a trellis for grapes must be approached responsibly. The diameter of the main pillars is recommended to be at least 10-15 cm, the intermediate ones - about 5 cm. When planting, the distance between the vine bushes must be kept about 3 m, ideally about the same amount between the supports.

As for the height, it should be convenient for you to take care of the plant - be guided by your height and keep in mind that you need to bury the column by 50-60 cm. So it turns out that you need a support with a length of at least 2.5 m. By the way, the diameter of the pit for the posts is around half a meter. Having installed the pipe strictly vertically, we fill the space with broken stone, brick or rubble, fill it with cement mortar. We'll get back to work in a couple of days. First, we attach the upper crossbar between the posts, it is she who will ensure the rigidity of the structure and redistribute the weight.

When figuring out how to make trellises for grapes, one more question needs to be solved: what material to make the part supporting the vine from.

The option with a rope, even a synthetic one, should be considered solely as a temporary one. And therefore - only wire, and not subject to rust. An ideal option would be galvanizing with a diameter of 2-4 cm, under which you will drill holes in the supports. It is possible to use copper and aluminum wire, but metal collectors can covet them. We stretch the lower level at a height of 40 cm from the ground, the rest - about half a meter apart. Further, as the vine grows, you will take up the grape bush. This also needs to be given sufficient attention.

Making and installing a trellis is important for grapes!

If, when arranging the trellis, you nevertheless decided to make the posts wooden, then, firstly, preference should be given to hardwoods: ash, chestnut, oak, acacia or mulberry, and secondly, the underground part of the structure must be well tarred or soaked with used oil, or copper sulfate. By the way, note that grapes certainly need moisture, but within reasonable limits. Groundwater should be no higher than 2.5 m. Otherwise, water will turn from a blessing into a disaster.

To lay the foundation for many years of comfortable existence of the vineyard, feed the plants even when planting. In the special literature, the following recipe is most often found: a couple of buckets of humus, two liter cans of ash and 0.5 kg of superphosphate are mixed in a hole with the ground and poured with plenty of water. In order not to burn the roots, sprinkle with earth again before planting and water. Well, and finally, one cannot fail to mention the need for grape bushes. Without this, alas, all the rest of the time and effort will be in vain.

Few gardeners can resist the temptation to grow a wonderful sunny berry - grapes - on their plot. After all, fruit vines, which include grapes, successfully develop and bear fruit even in the middle lane. However, in order to get a good harvest, the plant needs to create favorable conditions. He needs space to grow, enough light, water and, of course, a support for which the vine can cling. A grape trellis prevents vines from sagging and performs a number of other useful functions. For example, it helps to create a shadow where it is needed, and simply decorates the site. Learn how to make such a useful design with your own hands.

Traditionally, grapes are grown in the southern regions: here the plant does not need shelter in the winter. In the south, tapestries are not always used. For example, in Central Asia and the Middle East, vines are simply placed on the surface of the soil. America and Europe are characterized by an unsupported standard culture. Often in the Caucasus, a large tree is simply used as a support, around which grape vines are placed.

But with the development of technologies for growing this berry, as well as with the improvement of frost protection methods, the plant began to actively spread to the north. Supports have also become superfluous, helping to preserve the strength of the grapes for abundant fruiting. The principles of the device of the supporting structure depend on several factors.

Of course, such a young plant does not yet need trellises, but it should be planted already, taking into account the fact that this design will have enough space.

Including from:

  • landing patterns;
  • plant varieties;
  • pruning technology.

Taking into account these circumstances, they select suitable trellises.

If the grapes are planted for the first time on the site, it is not at all necessary to immediately use stationary trellises, it will be enough to build temporary supports. But with the installation of a stationary structure, it is not recommended to tighten it. In the third year from planting the plant, you can expect the first harvest. By this time, the bush itself should be fully formed, and its root system reaches a fair amount. If the construction of the trellis is started during this period, this may adversely affect the plant.

Choosing a place for a vineyard

It should be understood that the trellis is not a temporary structure. It has been installed for many years. So, the choice of a place for a vineyard should be approached responsibly. Find a free area on the site, well lit by the sun. Rows of supports should be oriented in the direction of the server - south. This method allows you to achieve uniform illumination of the plant throughout the daylight hours.

These tapestries are a prime example of how you can use the empty space between the rows. As you can see, it is densely planted

The required spacing between rows cannot be less than 2 meters. If the site is small and we are faced with the task of using all its space as efficiently as possible, row spacing can be used, for example, for planting vegetables. That's just the design of the trellis in this case, you should use a single-plane.

Vine support structures

Tapestries come in the following designs:

  • single-plane;
  • two-plane;
  • decorative.

Bushes can be located each at their own support or in a row, when several plants are oriented to one support. You can build several rows, but remember that in one row there should be bushes of only one variety. Different grape varieties often require different care, and if planted closely, this can be difficult.

In addition to its main task - supporting the vines, the trellis can also perform a decorative function. It decorates the site and creates a romantic atmosphere.

Single plane vertical trellis

This support is called single-plane because the plant attached to it will develop in one plane. This type of trellis is also different, which we will talk about a little later. Each support type has its own advantages. Outwardly, they are several pillars, between which a wire is stretched horizontally.

To build a single-plane trellis, you do not need to buy a lot of materials. Just a few poles and wire create a solid support

Advantages and disadvantages of the design

This is a relatively inexpensive design that is easy to install. On it, the plant is well ventilated, nothing will prevent its pruning. Grapes placed in one plane are easy to cover for the winter. And between the rows of supports, you can grow vegetables or flowers.

However, it is problematic to form powerful plants with several arms in one plane: there is a danger that the plantings will thicken. In addition, the area of ​​​​the trellis does not allow you to place many vines.

Materials needed for work

To build a trellis for grapes with your own hands, you will need the following material:

  • poles;
  • wire.

Pillars can be from different materials. For example, steel, reinforced concrete, wood. The height of the future structure depends on the length of the pillars. For a personal plot, a height above the soil of 2 meters is considered optimal, but in practice there are trellises up to 3.5 meters.

You can use poles from different materials: metal, wood, and concrete are suitable for this purpose. It is important that they are reliable, because the structure will be in operation for a long time.

Wire is best used from galvanized steel, and not from copper or aluminum, because it is copper and aluminum products that most often become the prey of metal hunters in the winter, when the owners do not live in the country. The optimal wire thickness is 2-3 mm.

We build a single-plane trellis

A single-plane trellis should be lined up with an interval of 4-6 meters. Since the main load will fall at the beginning and end of the row, it is for these supports that the strongest poles are chosen. Additional reliability will be given to them by wire extensions or slopes, which allow redistributing the load.

Pillars in a row can have a diameter of 7-10 cm, but it is better to make the extreme supports more massive. They should be dug into the ground to a depth of at least half a meter. If wood is chosen as the material for the poles, the places where the wood touches the ground must be secured. For this, a 3-5% solution of copper sulfate is used, in which the pillars must be kept for 10 days. This will keep your structure from rotting.

It is not recommended to treat the poles with antiseptics or special impregnations, since aggressive liquids can damage the roots of the grapes. If the poles are metal, their lower part should be covered with bitumen, which protects the metal from corrosion.

When we choose the height of the structure, it must be taken into account that the pillars will be deepened into the ground by half a meter, so their length must be equal to or greater than 2.5 m

The next stage of work is the tensioning of the wire. If there are several rows, the lower one should be located about 40 cm from the ground. The clusters should not touch the ground, and under their weight the wire can be deformed, so the recommended distance should not be ignored. The next row can be stretched at a distance of 35-40 cm from the previous one. Often summer residents are limited to three rows, although a trellis with four or five rows is considered the most effective.

The wire must be fixed as securely as possible. Depending on the material of the posts, wire rings, nails or metal staples are suitable for this purpose. Some of the nuances of the construction of a single-plane support can be found in the video:

Varieties of single-plane trellises

Consider several types of supports to choose the one that is best suited for your farm.

You can make a version with a double wire. A distinctive feature of this design is the way the wire is attached. On the extreme pillars, the crossbars are strengthened, between which the wire is pulled. Thus, a corridor is created along one plane, the wire in which is stretched both to the right and to the left.

This is how you can schematically represent the design of a single-plane trellis with a visor. The presence of a visor allows you to increase the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe support without increasing its height

Another option is a trellis with a visor. The vertical trellis receives a continuation directed to the side. Several additional wires are pulled on it. Thanks to this design, the usable area, the possibility of ventilation and lighting increases, and the care of grapes becomes easier.

A double wire trellis, like any other design, also has its adherents. The choice of support model always depends on the specific conditions of its subsequent operation.

The T-shaped model is also popular. The height of the supports for this model does not exceed 150 cm. The wire is fixed on them in pairs: two rows on the upper ledges of the trellis on the right and left with a distance of 50 cm and two rows on the lower ones, also on the sides - 25 cm gap.

The advantage of the model is that young shoots do not need to be tied up: they find themselves inside the corridor and cling to the supports on their own.

And finally, the last option is a trellis with hanging growth. With this design, the stem is tied to the supports. Growth hangs down.

The growth is on the top platform with several rows of wire placed horizontally

If the vine is sheltered for the winter, it is best to use the tunnel method. To do this, a protective film or roofing material is thrown through the bottom wire, forming a kind of protective niches.

Single-plane structures are used mainly for covering grape varieties, because it is quite simple to cover the vine on such a trellis using the tunnel method

If it is planned to cover the grapes with the help of slate or boxes, then it is better to initially shift the pillars relative to the base of the vine by 40 cm. Then the roots will suffer less when digging holes for the pillars, and it will be easier to cover the plants.

Two-plane grape trellis

In two planes, the support for the vine can also be installed in various ways. To make a suitable support for country grapes with your own hands, you need to have an idea about all the possible options, so that later you can choose the best one.

This is a two-plane trellis, which is designed for non-covering grape varieties and allows you to grow quite powerful, abundantly fruiting plants.

Varieties of two-plane tapestries

Supports in two planes are:

  • Direct. The structure consists of two parallel planes located next to each other.
  • V-shaped. The same two planes are placed obliquely - at an angle to each other.
  • Y-shaped. The lower part of the structure is a single plane, and then the planes diverge at an angle of 45-60 degrees to each other.
  • Y-shaped with an increase that hangs down. The design is similar to a single-plane model with a visor, only visors are available for each of the planes, they are directed to the sides opposite to the central axis. The basis of the structure is Y-shaped.

Thanks to a more powerful design on such supports, it is possible to grow varieties with active growth. As a result, the yield per unit area increases. The design allows the clusters to be in cover and not suffer from the direct rays of the sun or from the wind.

This Y-shaped design is especially popular for its successful combination of the advantages of a single and double-sided trellis: it is well ventilated and lit, allowing you to hold strong branched plants.

Of course, this structure is more complicated than a single-plane one. And the materials for it will need almost twice as much. In addition, it is not so easy to mount it. And this design is used mainly for non-covering varieties.

How exactly a two-plane grape support is made can be found in the video:

We construct a V-shaped two-plane structure

Material consumption is based on one three-meter row of trellis. If desired, you can make several rows, respectively, increasing the amount of material spent.

So we need:

  • 4 metal pipes, 2.5 meters each;
  • crushed stone and cement;
  • 30 meters of wire;
  • wooden pegs for marking;
  • chalk and tape measure.

The length of our structure will be 3 meters, and the width will be 80 cm. Let's outline such a rectangle in the place chosen for the vineyard. We will drive pegs into its corners. In the place where we have pegs, we need to dig holes. The width of each pit is 30 cm, and the depth is 40-50 cm. We insert pipes into the resulting pits, the lower part of which is treated with bitumen.

As a result of our work, we should get such a V-shaped structure. Its construction took about twice as much materials as for a single-plane trellis.

It turns out that at the base of the structure, the distance between the pipes is 80 cm. We will separate their upper ends by 120 cm from each other. We fix the position of the pipes with crushed stone, after which we pour diluted cement into the pits. You can continue to work only after the cement has completely hardened.

Now you can stretch the wire. The lowest string should be at a distance of 50-60 cm from the ground. If the grapes are expected to be very large, the distance from the soil can be increased. The remaining rows should be spaced 40-50cm apart. You can fix the wire using special hooks. It is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also reliable.

If the poles are made of wood, it is very convenient to use such wire mounts: they help extend the life of the wire

Decorative trellises for non-covering varieties

If non-covering grape varieties are grown on the site, decorative supports of pergola, arched, bowl-shaped and other decorative types can be used for these purposes. They can be made from various materials, but the easiest way is from wood.

A decorative vine trellis can provide shade where needed. But you have to wait for the grapes to grow

How to make such a trellis, you can learn from the video:

Of all the trellis designs presented in this article, it is difficult to single out one to call it the most convenient and reliable. Each option has its own supporters. The choice depends on many factors, and you will have to make it yourself. We hope that we have given you enough information to make it error-free. Build a trellis with your own hands, and the grapes will delight you with a bountiful harvest for many years.