Unusual stories from the life of mankind. The most incredible stories from the life of people. The Girl Who Can Only Eat Tic Tac

Rene Truta survived after a terrible hurricane lifted her 240 meters into the air and 12 minutes later lowered her 18 kilometers from home. As a result of an incredible adventure, the unfortunate woman lost all her hair and one ear, broke her arm, and also received many minor wounds.

“Everything happened so quickly that it seems to me that it was a dream,” Rene said after being discharged from the hospital on May 27, 1997. I posed for the camera and then something caught me like a dry leaf. There was a noise like from a freight train. I found myself in the air. Dirt, debris, sticks hit my body and I felt a sharp pain in my right ear. I was lifted higher and higher and I lost consciousness.

When René Truta woke up, she was lying on top of a hill 18 kilometers from home. From above, a freshly plowed strip of land sixty meters wide was visible - this was the tornado "worked".
Police said no one else in the area was hurt by the tornado. As it turned out, such cases have already happened. In 1984, near Frankfurt am Main (Germany), a tornado lifted 64 schoolchildren into the air and lowered them unharmed 100 meters from the take-off site.

Survive in the desert

1994 Mauro Prosperi from Italy was discovered in the Sahara desert. Incredibly, the man spent nine days in the debilitating heat and survived. Mauro Prosperi took part in the marathon race. Due to a sandstorm, he lost his way and got lost. Two days later he ran out of water. Miro decided to open his veins and commit suicide, but he did not succeed, because due to the lack of water in the body, the blood began to clot very quickly. Nine days later, the athlete was found by a nomad family. By this time, the marathon runner was practically unconscious and had lost 18 kilograms.

Nine o'clock at the bottom

The owner of the pleasure yacht, 32-year-old Roy Levin, his girlfriend, cousin Ken, and most importantly, Ken's wife, 25-year-old Susan, were incredibly lucky. They all survived. The yacht was calmly drifting under sail in the waters of the Gulf of California, when a squall suddenly came from a clear sky. The ship capsized. Susan, who was in the cabin at that time, went down with the yacht. It happened not far from the coast, but in a deserted place, and there were no eyewitnesses.

"It's incredible that the ship sank without any damage," said rescuer Bill Hutchison. And another accident: while sinking, the yacht turned over again, so that it lay on the bottom in a “normal” position. The "swimmers" who were overboard did not have life jackets and belts. But they were able to hold out on the water for two hours until they were picked up by boats passing by. The owners of the boat contacted the coast guard, and a group of scuba divers was immediately sent to the crash site.

A few more hours passed. “We knew that one passenger remained on board, but we did not hope to find her alive,” Bill continued. “One could only hope for a miracle.”

The portholes were tightly battened down, the saloon door was hermetically sealed, but the water still seeped in, thereby displacing the air. With the last of her strength, the woman kept her head above the water - there was still an air layer under the very ceiling. “Leaning into the porthole, I saw Susan's face as white as chalk,” Bill said. Almost 8 hours have passed since the disaster!

Releasing the unfortunate was not an easy task. The yacht was at a depth of twenty meters, and handing her aqualung would have meant letting water inside. Something had to be done urgently. Bill went upstairs for an oxygen tank. His colleagues signaled to Susan that she should hold her breath and open the salon door. She understood. But it turned out differently. The door opened, but a lifeless body in a fancy cocktail dress floated out. She still took water into her lungs. The count went by seconds. Bill picked up the woman, rushed to the surface and did it! The doctor on the boat literally pulled Susan from the other world.

great hover

Yogi Ravi Varanasi from the city of Bhopal, right in front of the astonished public, quite deliberately hung himself on eight hooks, catching them on the skin of his back and legs. And when, three months later, he moved from a hanging position to a standing position, he began to perform a set of physical exercises as if nothing had happened.

During the "great hover" Ravi Varanasi was one meter above the ground. To increase the effect, the students pierced the skin on his hands and tongue with needles. All this time, the yogi ate quite moderately - a handful of rice and a cup of water during the day. He hung in a structure that looked like a tent. When it rained, a tarpaulin was thrown over the wooden frame. Ravi willingly communicated with the public and was under the supervision of the German doctor Horst Groning.

“After hanging, he remained in excellent physical shape,” said Dr. Groning. “It is a pity that science still does not know the methodology of self-hypnosis, which is used by yoga to stop bleeding and relieve pain.”

Wing mechanic

On May 27, 1995, during tactical maneuvers, the MiG-17, having left the runway, got stuck in the mud. Ground service mechanic Pyotr Gorbanev, together with his comrades, rushed to the rescue. By joint efforts, the plane was able to push to the GDP. Freed from the mud, the MiG began to quickly pick up speed and a minute later took to the air, "grabbing" the mechanic, who was bent around the front of the wing by the air flow.

While climbing, the fighter pilot felt that the plane was behaving strangely. Looking around, he saw on the wing foreign object. The flight took place at night, so it was not possible to consider it. From the ground they gave advice to shake off the "foreign object" by maneuvering.

To the pilot, the silhouette on the wing seemed very human-like and he requested permission to land. The plane landed at 23:27, having been in the air for about half an hour. All this time, Gorbanev was conscious on the wing of a fighter - he was firmly held by the oncoming air flow. After landing, they found out that the mechanic got off with a strong fright and a fracture of two ribs.

Girl - night lamp

Nguyen Thi Nga is a resident of the small village of Anthong, Hoan An County, in Binh Dinh Province (Vietnam). Until recently, the village itself and Nguyen did not differ in anything special - the village is like a village, a girl is like a girl: she went to school, helped her parents, picked oranges and lemons with her friends on the surrounding plantations.

But one day, when Nguyen went to bed, her body began to glow brightly, as if phosphorescent. A huge halo enveloped the head, and golden-yellow rays began to emanate from the arms, legs and torso. In the morning they took the girl to the healers. They did some manipulations, but nothing helped. Then the parents took their daughter to Saigon, to the hospital. Nguyen was taken for examination, but no abnormalities were found in his health.

It is not known how this story could have ended if Nguyen had not been examined by the well-known healer Thang in those parts. He asked if the glow bothered her. She replied that no, but only the incomprehensible fact that happened on the second day of the new year according to the lunar calendar worries.

“The most favorable time for the grace of the Almighty,” the healer reassured her. - At this time, God rewards according to merit. And if you haven’t earned anything yet, then you still deserve it.” Peace of mind returned to Nguyen, but the glow remained.

When conducting an experiment, a piece of meat and a leaf of a plant were placed in front of 29-year-old artist Jody Ostroit. Nearby stood an ordinary electron microscope. Jody studied the objects with the naked eye for a couple of minutes, then took a sheet of paper and depicted their internal structure. Then the researchers could approach the microscope and make sure that the artist zoomed in, but did not distort the essence of the depicted in any way.

“It didn’t come to me right away,” Jody said. - At first, for some reason, I began to scrupulously draw the texture of various objects - trees, furniture, animals. After that, I began to notice that I see much smaller details that are elusive to the ordinary eye. Skeptics say I use a microscope. But where can I get an electron microscope?”

Jody Ostroit sees the smallest cells of matter, photographs them, as it were, and then transfers them to paper with ultra-thin brushes and a pencil. “It would be better if my gift went to some scientist. Why is he to me? So far, my pictures are being sold out, but the fashion for them will pass. Although I see deeper than any professor, but only in the literal sense of the word.

Captain behind the windshield

Wearing a seat belt is important not only for motorists: the commander of the British Airways BAC 1-11 Series 528FL aircraft, Tim Lancaster, certainly remembered this elementary safety rule forever after June 10, 1990.

While flying the plane at an altitude of 5273 meters, Tim Lancaster relaxed his seat belt. Shortly thereafter, the windshield of the airliner burst. The captain immediately flew out through the opening, and he was pressed with his back to the fuselage of the aircraft from the outside. Lancaster's legs got stuck between the helm and control panel, and the cockpit door torn off by the air current landed on the radio and navigation panel, shattering it.

Flight attendant Nigel Ogden, who was in the cockpit, did not lose his head and firmly grabbed the captain's legs. The co-pilot managed to land the plane only after 22 minutes, all this time the captain of the plane was outside.

The flight attendant holding Lancaster believed that he was dead, but did not let go, as he was afraid that the body would get into the engine and it would burn out, reducing the aircraft's chances of a safe landing. After landing, it was found out that Tim was alive, the doctors diagnosed him with bruises, as well as fractures. right hand, finger on the left hand and right wrist. After 5 months, Lancaster again sat at the helm. Steward Nigel Ogden escaped with a dislocated shoulder, frostbite on his face and left eye.

Used materials of Nikolai Nepomniachtchi, "Interesting newspaper"

For all times, the crowns of nature have accumulated many amazing stories about themselves. Some of them are truly frightening, others are alarming, and others amaze and even inspire to accomplishments. So what situations that happened to people in different eras have the right to be called the most unusual of all?

Among the amazing stories of people living side by side with wild animals, the story of Marina can be considered almost a canonical embodiment of the Tarzan stories of Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Chapman, then a little 5-year-old girl, ended up in the Colombian jungle in the 50s of the last century. She ended up in impenetrable forests because she was kidnapped, and then, for some reason, left there by unknown men. Soon the baby was found by a flock of monkeys. Its representatives began to show a mild interest in a larger, but still similar individual. The girl quickly settled in and became in her community: she began to move around on all fours, steal food, look for fleas and, if possible, make some sounds.

After 5 years, Marina inadvertently gave herself away to poachers, who immediately decided to make money on the young creation of money and send her to a brothel. However, due to her age, Chapman performed only the work of a servant there. Then the bitter fate of the girl continued with beatings and imprisonment already in the house of the mafia, where she found herself after escaping from the brothel. Soon justice prevailed, and Mowgli found good people. One of the women became her foster mother.

Today Marina lives in Bradford, UK with her husband and children. She again mastered human speech and even trained as a chef. However, an amazing story from her life still reminds of itself. For example, Chapman can still move confidently on all fours, climb trees and give a tough rebuff.

bird child

The next amazing story from life will also be dedicated to the baby, only it is no longer 50, but more than 280 years away from the present. In 1735, the German Schmidt family from the small town of Taucha was preparing for the birth of 4 children. The couple, 28-year-old Johanna-Sofia and 38-year-old Andreas, not only did not expect to face preterm labor at 8 months of pregnancy, but also to see what they would bring with them ...

The baby that appeared combined the features of a man and a chicken. The strangeness of the phenomenon was further enhanced by the fact that all the previous offspring of the couple were absolutely normal and healthy. Gottlieb Friderichi, who published the work “The Rarest Human Monster”, took up the explanation of this amazing case in his time - it was he who alcoholized the baby’s body, which then ended up in the Waldenburg Museum in Germany. However, even today, progressive doctors and researchers have not been able to identify the nature of the appearance of such a creature and find in history other examples of people with a clair-shaped skull, no auricles, an underdeveloped lower jaw, an anomalous heart, and long fingers ending in claws. Scientists managed to establish only the gender of the bird child, which brought another mystery to this life - it was a girl.

Three-eyed patient

Some amazing cases from life can bring a lot of inconvenience to the main characters. For example, once in China, doctors discovered a 25-year-old man with 3 eyes. For all the time, mankind has encountered such precedents only 3 times.

Uncharacteristic for ordinary people an additional eye was located at young man on the temple on the left side. The eye included all the necessary elements: eyelid, pupil, lacrimal gland and even the superciliary arch. But he also had one significant drawback - he saw absolutely nothing, and also significantly worsened the eyesight of his "partners".

Blood that conquers poison

The next amazing and incredible story will also involve inexplicable features human body, however, in this case You need to move to India. Today Singh-Abu lives here, earning the nickname "Lord of the Serpents", although he could also be called the "Lord of Death". The fact is that this man experimentally found out: the bites of creeping dangerous vipers not only do not kill him, but even make him stronger!

Research has established that Indian blood has an unusual composition that breaks down poison and then converts it into useful nutrients. It is truly amazing, but circulating in circulatory system Lord of the Serpent liquid does not belong to any group known today (0, A, B, AB). Singh-Abu decided to turn a good chance into a business and earn a living from his uniqueness: at the moment he gives people performances where he walks barefoot on a floor infested with reptiles and performs various tricks with them.

Tears of plastic

And here is another story that is considered one of the most amazing not only in North Africa, where the Hanuma phenomenon girl lives, but throughout the world. How many people have cried at least once in their lives? Of course, many. However, the main character of this story is not familiar with tears in the usual sense.

The baby grew up naughty and obedient child, so her parents did not immediately notice her feature. Only when the girl grew up enough to help her mother with the housework, the couple realized how much she was different from the rest. One day, Khanuma was cutting onions, when suddenly hard, like beads, grains fell from her eyes. The amazing case would have remained the property of the North African family if its head had not decided to use beautiful and well cut crystals in his jewelry work. Stories about beautiful jewelry began to pass from buyer to buyer, until a researcher interested in its composition purchased the product. He found out that the main element, namely the tears of Khanuma, is a special type of plastic, the manufacturing method of which is still unknown to the world.

Scientists still have not been able to explain this amazing story. The most interesting and joyful thing is that the “grains” falling from the eyes do not interfere with Khanuma in any way. real life. They harden already on the eyelashes, do not stick to the skin, do not spoil the eyesight and do not cause pain.

Funny incidents and coincidences

Among the most amazing stories from life are not only those that can cause bewilderment, but also those that make you just smile. Here is some of them:

  • After landing on the surface of the moon in 1969, the American Neil Armstrong immediately uttered the phrase: “I wish you success, Mr. Gorsky!”. Once, while still a boy, the future astronaut witnessed a quarrel between a couple living nearby. In the course of a showdown, Mrs. Gorsky blurted out that it's more likely that a neighbor's kid flies to the moon than her husband can satisfy a woman.

  • A phenomenal incident happened in 1965 in a village in Scotland. Residents gathered at the local cinema to enjoy the film "Around the World in 80 Days". At the moment when sending was shown in the frame hot air balloon and cutting off the rope, the audience heard a roar. It turned out that exactly the same ship landed on the roof!

  • In 1966, a 4-year-old boy named Roger Losier nearly drowned near Salem, USA. He was noticed in time and pulled out of the water by the brave Alice Blaze. In 1974, Roger, without knowing it, returned the debt to the savior, namely, in the same place he saved the man who turned out to be her husband from death.

14.11.2013 - 14:44

Many people do not believe that there are unknown forces that influence our lives - positively or negatively. But they also have to deal with the unknown. Some will consider the stories in this article fiction, but they are all told in the first person. They were found on the Internet, on forums dedicated to mystical cases ...

Damn brush

A large place in virtual stories about paranormal phenomena is occupied by stories about the mysterious disappearance of things.

Here, for example, is such a mysterious event: “We bought our son a toothbrush in the store. On the way home, sitting in the back seat of the car, he held the package with this brush in his hands, as if it were his own. We arrived before getting out of the car, we find that there is no brush. "Dani, where is the brush?" He does not remember at what point he let go of her, and where she went. They searched the ENTIRE car, on the seat, under the seat, under the rugs - there is no brush. They scolded the child, the husband dropped us off and left on his own business. After 10 minutes, he calls me from the road and in a nervous voice informs me that he just heard some sound from behind, like a pop, turned around - and on the seat, right in the middle, lies this damn brush "...

And this is far from an isolated case of the mysterious disappearance and no less mysterious return of things.

Here is a story told by another forum member:

“We just moved into the apartment, my husband was collecting a bookcase in an empty room on the floor. He comes to the kitchen, his eyes are round: he laid out all the details in piles, put everything together - one leg is missing. Could not roll - nowhere - bare floor. We searched, searched, went to drink tea, we return - the leg lies right in the middle of the room "...

One can only guess where exactly this brush or the leg from the whatnot has been - in a parallel space or at the brownies who played with the new owners.

Death is somewhere near

Sometimes unknown forces save people from inevitable death. How can one rationally explain these two cases?

“I had this last winter: I’m walking near the house, suddenly I hear someone calling me, I turn around to see who it was, but there’s no one behind, and at that time a huge icicle falls from the roof onto that the place where I could have ended up if I hadn’t stopped.”

“I will tell you a story that happened to my husband many years ago. At that time I was in the hospital, and he was going to visit me. Suddenly, after a couple of stops, he gets out almost unconsciously. In general, only at the bus stop found that got out. He gets into the next trolleybus and at the crossroads he sees that the first trolleybus had an accident. Almost in the place where he was standing, drove a truck. The dent, as he said, was impressive. If he had stayed, at best, he would have become disabled ... It happens like that.

But this amazing story has a sad ending, but nevertheless its main character surprises with her extraordinary forebodings...

“One of my acquaintances, 72 years old, didn’t even have a card in the clinic in her advanced years - she didn’t get sick. When asked to go check her health, she always answered - "Why be treated, such a life here - you can treat money, and a brick will fall on your head!" You will laugh - she died from a broken skull - a brick fell. I'm serious".

Internet sex

A very large place in mystical forums is occupied by stories related to love and sex. Love itself is quite a paranormal phenomenon, it is not surprising that so many mysterious things happen to lovers ...

Here is the amazing story of one woman:

“My future husband and I went to English courses, fell in love. But since I was modest and notorious, then, of course, no continuation happened, the courses ended, and I went, suffered, thinking how to meet him again. A month later, he and his friends, playing on the phone, called my apartment. Sheer mysticism: and that among so many numbers mine accidentally dialed, and that I picked up the phone, not my parents, and that I didn’t immediately send, but chatted, and that we managed to identify each other and agree on a date! Already 15 years together. Mysticism and fate, I think."

But this young man's love story has deep roots in childhood and dreams.

“When I was little, I had a dream, as if I were in another city and met some girl there. We played together, and then I feel that I am drawn home to my city. She hands me her watch, says that we will meet again sometime ... I was "swept" back, and I woke up. In the morning, I remember crying for a long time - I don't know why. When I grew up, I went to visit relatives in Moscow, and there I met a girl, I spent all my time with her. free time fell in love with each other. But I had to leave. She saw me off at the station, took off her watch and gave it to me as a keepsake, I did not attach any importance to this, because I forgot about the dream. I came home, called her, and she said that when she was little, she dreamed that she gave some boy a watch, and you, she says, are my boy from a dream. I hung up the phone and then a shot went through my head, I remembered a dream, I understood what city I was in then and who, promised that I would see you again. It may be a coincidence, but the case is healthy. Two people had a dream that came true. We have been in a relationship for 3 years, see each other often and will soon live together.

An equally mysterious story happened to one girl on the Internet. “I hung up, I remember, a profile on a dating site. I had such a black streak, no personal life. For a couple of months I met with three or four men, but “the wrong one” ...

And suddenly, one fine evening, some type writes to me. A questionnaire without a photo, and the information in it is only and everything: "Boy, I'll meet a girl." And I must say that there, on the site, everyone is simply obsessed with one phrase: "I won't answer without a photo." Well, I also wrote like that and, indeed, did not answer without a photo - suddenly there is some kind of “crocodile” there. And then, I don’t know what came over me - I answered. And besides, we agreed to meet. And a handsome man came to this meeting, who, as it turned out, lived on the next street, and went on the Internet that day FIRST AND LAST TIME just to make fun of him. Now I often joke: “Probably, you went there for me, took me and immediately left. Pinned!”

But all virtual acquaintances end so well. Here is a spooky story about the horrors of the web.
“Once upon a time I talked on the Internet with an American. This American was fond of runes and other northern rituals. In particular, he had his own totem - a wolf.

Since we were separated by a huge distance and a meeting in real life did not shine for us, we decided to try to meet in a dream. He assured me that it will work if we both tune in. We chose the night, talked on the Internet - and went to sleep, with the intention of meeting in a dream.

I woke up in the morning and was terribly surprised: indeed, I dreamed of him! True, the only thing I remember is how I hung on him, clasping my legs, and he stood and supported me for my ass. In this position, they chatted. I went online, let's ask the uncle (without telling my dream) - and he dreamed the same thing! But that's not the point. The main thing, aunts, is that I found scratches on my pope! Can you imagine?! And I slept alone and in pajamas. Well, where does a person get scratches on the pope at night? Not otherwise this American wolf scratched. By the way, after that I began to be afraid of him and soon our communication stopped.

Magic ball and tongue of angels

This mystical story was told in his blog by the famous writer Sergey Lukyanenko. “In Kyiv, I lived in the same hotel room with the famous critic B. And so in the morning I woke up, slowly and sadly washed my face, made myself a glass of tea and sat by the window.

And the critic B. went to bed at seven in the morning the day before, and therefore could not wake up at nine at all. I did not try to wake him up - a man is sleeping, he is fine ...

And suddenly critic B. spoke in an unknown language! It was precisely the language, articulate, with some kind of clear internal logic... But the critic B. could only speak Russian!

I kicked the bed in a friendly way and exclaimed: "B.! Buddy! What language do you speak?"

B. turned heavily in bed and without opening his eyes said: "This is the language in which Yahweh speaks to the angels." And continued to sleep. An hour later, when he managed to wake up, he did not remember anything and listened to me with wild surprise. (Yes, by the way, the word "Yahweh" - well, absolutely not from his vocabulary). So I am one of the few people who have heard the language that Yahweh speaks to the angels.”

But this funny story suggests that, nevertheless, an excessive passion for mysticism sometimes leads to comic situations.

“Once in the office of the Moscow company M., one of the employees (a middle-aged woman, deeply “turned”” on esotericism, shamans, sorcerers, etc.) finds a strange-looking object under her desk - a small, rather heavy gray ball of of indefinite material, hard and warm to the touch: on this occasion, the entire female part of the team is convened, and without thinking twice, they come to the conclusion that something is unclean here, and decide to immediately turn to a familiar sorcerer.

The sorcerer arrived, examined the ball, made a terrible mine, and said that the ball is a really powerful magical artifact, that their company was jinxed by competitors, and in order to avoid consequences, the ball must be burned. Immediately.

With the observance of the appropriate magical rituals. They burn the ball, rejoice, disperse satisfied ... After a couple of hours, a local system engineer comes to work, sits down at the computer and silently starts working; after a while, he stops, with a puzzled look, takes the mouse and begins to examine it from all sides ... and then jumps up with a cry: "Damn! Who stole the ball from the mouse ?!"


It annoys me when you look for some urgent information on the Internet, for example, how to cook pasta, and on every fucking site they describe to you how pasta appeared, how many types of them and what it is. Tell me how much to cook, and that's it! I dream of creating websites without unnecessary information.

Sister fell in love with the boy wheelchair. He himself is a good person, but objectively she is no match. She is beautiful, our family is not poor. The guy is stupid, there is no money at all. If she stays with him, she will carry him all her life. Of course, he loves her (where else can he find such a springboard). Parents are against such a union, but they can’t stand her brain, but they don’t help with money anymore. Now she snapped at me! That they give me money. But I only spend them on myself, and not on drugs for left-wing dudes.

I am six years old. Mom fried potatoes. I decided to add ketchup, and it so happened that almost half of the contents spilled out of the glass bottle. Mother was terribly angry and said that until I eat, I won’t get up from the table. I cried and choked on this potato, but I finished it. I'm 30 and I still don't eat ketchup. And my mom brags about it.

I live abroad, and every time after talking on the phone with my grandmother, I do not immediately hang up and listen to her retell our conversation to my grandfather - it immediately becomes so warm and calm in my soul.

We first met when I was three and immediately became friends. He is in the village, and I am in the city, but every summer, for 17 years in a row, we were inseparable. He is handsome, smart, loved by all. My sisters and I still remember how he saved us from angry cows. His hearing began to deteriorate, but he ran just as fast. He could still live and live, but he was run over to death by a car. The driver saw him, but did not want to go around the one who was just a deaf dog.

I do not like and do not know how to congratulate people. AT recent times I do this: I go to the site with congratulations, choose a decent text and start redoing it. I add personal details, write wishes specifically for this person, insert our brand words and jokes. Sometimes I get so carried away that only a couple of words remain from the original text. And everyone is happy. Friends say that my congratulations are the most accurate and sincere.

Once I bought a bottle of berry smoothie, put it on the kitchen shelf and forgot to drink it. Soon I had to leave for a month. I come back, I find it, I think that I should go to pour it into the toilet. I started to unscrew the cap, and it exploded in my hands. White plumbing, white tiles, white floor, ceiling - everything was in these scraps. Now I have a good idea of ​​what exploding brains look like.

Since childhood, I did not consider myself attractive. Even the complex was, one might say, still remains, although it has already been noted 25. I have been living in Europe for 9 years and the situation is terrible for me. Here it is somehow more free with morals and they simply rush after me in crowds. Glue everywhere: at work, on the street, in bars and clubs. But it so happened that not girls, but gays of all stripes and ages. Sometimes it came to harassment. Now I understand women and how hard life is for them. Patience to us! Unfortunate heterosexual :)

My cat loves carrots. Not whole, not cut into pieces, but grated on a grater. As soon as he hears that I'm rubbing carrots, he rushes to the kitchen at a gallop, sits on a chair and begins to beg, tilting his head to one side, like a dog.

We arrived at the cottage, rested, began to gather home. I started the car to warm up, and went out, and let my dog, a fox terrier, into the salon. She jumped into the driver's seat and with her paws pressed the door lock on the dashboard. She had never heard so many kind words from the whole family in her entire life. Persuasion and cunning did not help, I did not want to break the glass, I had to call a burglar from the city ...

My grandmother is already 75. And she started drawing five years ago, she just went to study at a drawing school. Now she comes up with paintings herself and gives them to her relatives. Recently I realized that I want to write, and voila - I'm ready to publish a book of poems with my own illustrations. Prior to that, she ran, led classes at a children's school, worked in a rural parish, and ran the household at her home. Old age is different.

She was on the train. Summer time, so there are a lot of people: most of summer residents, many children; noise and din, in a word. Opposite sat a mother with her daughter and read to her with expression. Slowly, everyone began to shut up and listen. As a result, the whole car listened to the tale. The kids even moved closer. And the fairy tale was wonderful - "Silver Hoof".

My wealthy grandfather left me, the only granddaughter, an inheritance - several apartments in the center of our city and a solid bank account. I left my unloved job, bought a modest kopeck piece, rented an apartment in the center. The money from the apartments is enough for everything I need. I live for my own pleasure - traveling, language courses, dancing, yoga. But many of my friends turned their backs on me because I didn't work. They call me a major and say that I am degrading. And I honestly don't understand what's wrong with that.

When my friend was a teenager, her father drank heavily. One day she was walking home, and near the entrance she was attacked by a scumbag. During the fight, a friend fell badly and broke her nose. Blood gushed like a river, and the failed robber got scared and ran away. She came home, her father was sleeping drunk. When she woke up, she said that he put it on her. They went to the emergency room in the morning, everything is fine with her nose. The father really does not drink anymore and cannot forgive himself for "hitting" his daughter.

Three years ago I was raped. He climbed out the window and right at home, on my bed, while no one was there. I do not know who it was - I did not see the face and could not describe it. It was terrible: painful and disgusting. But almost immediately after that, I had a person who supported me, helped me a lot, literally brought me back to life. And here we are with him. And recently, while cleaning out the closet, I found the exact same purple sweater that the rapist was wearing. And I can't help but think that this isn't just a coincidence. Very scary.

I'm an honorable fool. She lived with a guy who was eager to start his own business. Day and night on the phone, leaving for meetings, drawing some schemes. When one investor merged, he asked me to take a credit card from the bank “for a couple of months” in order to return it from the first profit. It seemed logical, because the budget is general, and he has no time for banks. Bottom line: I close the loan for a year, he displeasedly gives half the minimum payment and frowns that I ask for more. He has meetings in restaurants, and the loan will “wait”.

Three days ago I was fired, and on top of everything else, they began to sort things out with my husband. We will most likely get divorced. On the same evening, heartbroken, I sat on Facebook, found a vacancy in my profession. Immediately unsubscribed, threw a resume. I recently had an interview. They called back and said they got it. One day I quit, I go out to new job. Life is a strange thing.

From time to time I live in another country, I do not know the language well. I have been buying for a long time delicious porridge, somewhat reminiscent of our barley or so. Today I decided to translate what kind of porridge this is. It turned out that I eat bran ...

My father is a real m "duck. He left me and my mother when I was four years old. I remember only one thing about him: when he took me" for a walk ", he left me in the car to sit and play with toys while he went to his mistress From the stories of my mother, who was on maternity leave without money, when the food ran out, and there was nothing to feed me ( breast milk Mom didn’t have one), he went to the store, returned only the next day. Instead of food for the baby - me - I bought myself new shoes with the last money. Mom had to ask the neighbors for help. After leaving, he congratulated me once on my birthday, when I was 18, and then - he mixed up the date with another sister - he has many children and ex-wives. And now I’m 21, my mother said that my father had come to the city, he wants to see me, to see what I have become. Of course, I told my mother to tell him the path three letters from me. After that, I heard from her and my grandmother a lecture about how insensitive I had grown up, and that parents should be respected, whatever they may be.

A friend told how she went to the petting zoo with her son and his friends. All animals were in cages, and it was impossible to go beyond the black line. A friend took a picture of the guys, and then out of the corner of her eye looked into the cage where the monkey was sitting ... with her phone! It turned out, while her friend was distracted, the monkey quietly stole her phone and began to disassemble it! First I opened the lid, and then I started eating my SIM card! The employees saw everything, but came up only after the monkey had eaten the Sim card. Phone intact.

My mother-in-law divorced me from my wife. He married a girl from another village, everything was fine, he worked, managed to help his parents, and looked after his household with his father-in-law. One day, the father-in-law became ill, and he was taken away with appendicitis. In the evening of the same day, my wife's water broke, and I asked a neighbor to take her to the hospital. A girl was born. Three of us began to celebrate - me, my mother-in-law and a neighbor. The neighbor drank a couple of glasses and left. I went to bed. The door opens, the mother-in-law comes in and began to undress impudently, and to me. I kicked her out. Bottom line - I live alone.

I live in the USA, and I had a friend who set me up a lot. Not from the category of "stole the guy", but seriously, with a bunch of related problems. It was because I called the immigration office and turned it in. A friend was deported because she lived here illegally. She lost everything: the boyfriend, and the job, and the money, and life in the States. She returned to her parents with empty pockets and the experience of serving time in a prison for illegal immigrants. It's cruel, but I don't regret it. All her dreams are shattered, just like mine, which she shattered.

I am a city dweller to the marrow of my bones, I never had my own dacha, and I didn’t really want to, but when my daughter was a year old, my relatives downright insisted that the child needed fresh air. They rented a house in the neighboring region and floated us there for almost the whole summer. A neighbor, a good-natured middle-aged village man, somehow immediately decided that I was single and gave birth for myself (my husband is in the city at work), and three days later showed up on the threshold to announce that, of course, I was a little old (33 years old) , and "with a trailer", but I look like nothing. In general, I suit him. Having received a turn from the gate, he swore at me, broke two windows with a stone, pissed on the door and threatened to poison the dog. I called the owner of the dacha in a panic, and she said: “Ah, this is Sanyok, he is mentally ill, even if he kills, nothing will happen.” Comforted so consoled, nothing to say! In short, the rest of the summer I sat in the house, afraid to lean out once again, and in the coffin I saw their "fresh air". Two years have passed, you can’t even lure me to the dacha to my friends for barbecue now. Who knows who they have in their neighbors!

There is a grandmother in line at the pharmacy, and through a person, already at the checkout, - our grandfather. He does not see her, he is dressed very modestly, old trousers and a stretched gray T-shirt. He was then about 90 years old. He stands, shakes, squeezes out an unhappy look, counts the same coins in his palm, hoping that this time he will have enough for the chosen medicine. After a couple of minutes, the grandmother can not stand it and announces the desire to add a couple of rubles to the unfortunate. To which the pharmacist, not knowing that they are a family, says that it is not necessary, that he arranges this circus here every week. And someone usually adds, and if not, he finds it himself. Oh, my grandfather got home. We knew that for 15 years he had been dragging around the garbage cans, collecting bottles and wire for delivery, but the fact that he was still working in stores was news. At the same time, there were a lot of new clothes at home and a always full refrigerator.

I don't like poor friends. They used to be so good friends. Now my financial situation is a little better than theirs. And that's the end of friendship. Envy is felt, all conversations come down to money. The phrase "we have no money" already infuriates me. I'm not a major either! Until recently, my salary was 20-30, now it is 35 thousand. Trips to the sea, repairs, also relatively modest, we can afford thanks to my husband's salary. And what, now snort with me every time? I try not to be offended by them and write first. But soon I won't be...

I can't bring myself to throw away my old clothes. I get used to things and automatically put on the usual thing, although it has long been burned out, stretched out, worn out. As a result, two closets are crammed with clothes, and I dress in junk. But I found a great way to deal with it. I take old things on trips and then throw them away as I go. As a result, I got rid of clothes, there are no dirty things in the bag, and space is freed up in the suitcase. Half of Europe is already marked with my old panties, socks, pajamas, jeans and T-shirts.

It is so usual in the husband’s family that everyone reports to the mother-in-law about their plans, down to the smallest detail, everything is coordinated with her. When we started dating, I immediately said that I didn’t like it, it was time to cut the umbilical cord. The husband supported the idea, he was tired of it. We recently had a wedding at which she was outraged that we chose the wrong restaurant and the cake did not agree with her. In front of all the guests, she declared that I was part of their family and should respect their rules, to which I replied that now we have our own family and our own rules.

Worked as a trainer in the gym. I remember I had one "student" - a major, who built something out of himself, although he did not hold anything heavier than his pisyun. We did bench presses with him, on the contrary there were exercise bikes, where the pampushka, whom I always helped, worked out. This major threw a caustic phrase in the direction of the pampushka, her eyes filled with tears, and my heart felt bitter. He asked her weight, she honestly said: "108". It made him laugh. Well, I hung him 110 kg on the bar. I will not forget his face and my pleasure.

Someone has unlucky clothes, someone performs a certain sequence of actions, thereby attracting the desired luck, but for me this is: in any month, if the fifth day falls on a Monday, some kind of bullshit happens to me exactly on this day. Either I quarrel with people close to me, then some kind of trouble happens at school. Up to the ups and downs with the teacher and much more. But the funniest thing is, if the fifth number falls on another day of the week, for example, on Friday, something very joyful happens on the contrary.

I’m going to the subway and I see the cycle of microbes: a homeless person came in, rubbed his dirty sore hand on the railing and decided to go to the other end of the car. All of them moved to the place where the bum was standing. The man first grabbed the handrail exactly in the very place where the bum was rubbing himself, then took out the phone with the same hand, clattered, put it in his pocket and again wiped his face with the same hand, especially carefully around the mouth. But surely his wife and children are waiting for him at home, ready to kiss and hug on the threshold of the house. I almost got sick.

When it comes to strange, at first glance, inexplicable things, ghostly anomalies that have no scientific or other sound explanation, we attribute mysterious and even magical qualities to these things. I want to present you a list of 10 strange, unsolved cases from life, the explanation of which no one has found.

10th place. Poltergeist made of coal

January 1921

Purchasing coal for his hearth in winter, Mr. Frost from Hornsey (London) had no idea how dangerous this purchase was and how much trouble coal could bring at first glance. After the first dose solid fuel was sent to the fireplace, it immediately became obvious that he was somehow "wrong". The red-hot coal pebbles exploded in the furnace, destroyed the protective grill and rolled out onto the floor, after which they disappeared from view and appeared only in the form of bright sparks in another room. This did not end the matter. The Frost family began to notice strange things in their house, knives and forks floated through the air, as if they were in open space. The Reverend Al Gardiner and Dr. Herbert Lemerle witnessed an unusual and frightening phenomenon.

There were several versions regarding the devilry taking place in the Frost house. Skeptics put all the blame on the sons, who allegedly decided to play a prank on their parents. Others were sure that these were the tricks of miners who mixed dynamite with coal (later this version was tested and refuted). Still others believed that the raging spirit of the dead miners, resting in a corner and disturbed by the Frosts, was to blame.

The latest news that has been preserved about the Frosts is disappointing. On April 1 of the same year, five-year-old Muriel Frost died, allegedly from fright when she saw a poltergeist. Her brother Gordon was so shocked by the death of his sister that he was hospitalized with a nervous breakdown in the hospital. The further fate of the family is shrouded in mystery ...

9th place. rain of seeds

February 1979

The coal incident is not the only curiosity in England. For example, in 1979 it rained seeds in Southampton. Seeds of watercress, mustard, corn, peas and beans rained down from the sky, covered in an incomprehensible jelly-like shell. Amazed by what he saw, Roland Moody, who was in a home mini-conservatory with a glass roof, ran outside to get a better look at what was happening. There he met his neighbor, Mrs. Stockley, who said that this was not the first time that this had happened the previous year. As a result of the seed rain, Moody's entire garden, as well as the gardens of three of his neighbors, were covered with seeds. What was the cause of the strange atmospheric phenomenon, the police failed to find out.

Unusual rain repeated several more times, after which it did not happen again. Mr. Moody alone collected 8 buckets of watercress on his territory, not counting the seeds of other plants. He later grew them into watercress and claimed it tasted great.

One of the episodes of the series "The Mysterious World" by Arthur C. Clarke, aired in 1980, is dedicated to this incident. Until now, an adequate opinion regarding the strange rain does not exist.

8th place. The mysterious death of Netta Fornario

November 1929

The main character of the following strange story is Nora Emily Edita "Netta" Fornario, a writer who considered herself a healer, a resident of London. In August or September 1929, she left London for Iona, an island off the west coast of Scotland, where she died under unclear circumstances. Among the versions of her death are psychic murder, heart failure, the action of hostile spirits.

Arriving on Iona, Netta set about exploring the island. During the day she traveled, and at night she searched for traces of the spirits of the island, with whom she tried in every possible way to contact. Her search dragged on for several weeks, after which, on November 17, her behavior changed dramatically. Netta hastily packed up her things and intended to head back to London. She told her friend, Mrs. McRae, that she was telepathically wounded after receiving messages from other worlds. It happened at night, so Mrs. McRae, apparently looking at the chic silver jewelry of the healer and fearing for her health, persuaded her to go on the road in the morning.

The next day, Netta went missing. Her body was later found on a "fairy mound" near Loch Staonaig. The corpse lay on a cross made of turf, completely naked under a black cloak, covered with scratches and abrasions. There was a knife nearby. The legs were beaten to the blood, as a result of jogging over rough terrain. Was Netta killed by a maniac, died of hypothermia, or by an absurd accident, is unknown. Discussions on this issue have not yet ended.

7th place. fire poltergeist

April 1941

After finishing breakfast, farmer William Hackler, a resident of Indiana (USA), went outside to get some fresh air. After leaving the house, he felt that his clothes smelled of smoke. Without paying much attention to it, he went to the barn. A few minutes later he returned back to the house, where we found a fire in the bedroom (the house was without electricity) - the walls were burning. The local fire brigade quickly arrived at the scene and extinguished the fire. But that was only the beginning of a hard day for the Hacklers...

Immediately after the fire engine left, a mattress caught fire in the guest room. The fire was located directly inside the mattress. Fires broke out in various places (including under the cover of the book) and rooms throughout the day. By evening, the number of extinguished fires reached 28. Having played enough, the fiery poltergeist no longer disturbed Mr. Hackler and his family. Those, in turn, demolished the old wooden house and built in its place a new, non-combustible lumber.

6th place. Third Eye

November 1949

Students of one of the universities South Carolina in the city of Columbia (USA) late in the evening they were returning from the theater on Longstreet. At one point, they froze in place, confronted by a strange man in a silver suit, who then moved the cover of a nearby manhole and disappeared into the sewers. From that moment on, the strange man was nicknamed "the sewer man". A little later, this "character" again made it known about its existence, but in a more terrible case. In April 1950, in one of the lanes, a policeman noticed a man near a pile of mutilated chicken carcasses. It happened in the dark, the policeman sent a flashlight in the direction of an incomprehensible object, and was stunned when he saw a man with three eyes. The third eye showed off right in the center of the forehead. While the policeman came to his senses and called for reinforcements on the radio, the mysterious creature disappeared from view.

The third meeting with the "sewer man" took place in the 60s in the tunnels under one of the universities. After the tunnels were carefully examined, but no clear evidence of the existence of a three-eyed man was found. Who or what is he? Human? Ghost? Alien? No one knows, but random meetings continued until the early 90s.

5th place. Connecticut stylet

February 1925

For several months, women from Bridgeport (Connecticut, USA) were intimidated by a "phantom stiletto" that strikes the chest and buttocks and then hides in an unknown direction. The victims of an unknown, but very real criminal, were 26 persons, whose bodies felt all the pain and anguish from powerful blows of sharp weapons.

The attacker did not adhere to a specific type of victim, women were chosen spontaneously and randomly. While the victim screamed in pain and came to his senses, the perpetrator quickly ran away, not allowing himself to be identified. Police investigations led nowhere, the identity of the "stylet tormentor" was never identified. In the summer of 1928, the attacks changed dramatically and were never repeated. Who knows, maybe the maniac got old and artosis began to torment him ...

4th place. electric girl

January 1846

Do you think "X" people are fiction? Wrong, some of the characters are quite real. At least one. A fourteen-year-old resident of La Perriere in Normandy began to frighten her comrades with unusual abilities: approaching her, people received electric shocks, chairs moved away when she tried to sit down, some objects soared into the air as if they were light and weightless floats. Later, Angelina received the nickname "electric girl".

Not only those around, but also the girl herself suffered from the unusual abilities of the body. She often suffered from convulsions. In addition, by attracting various objects to herself, Angelina received painful injuries. Parents considered their daughter possessed by the devil and took her to church, but the priest convinced the unfortunate that the reason for their child's abnormality lies not in spirituality, but in physical features.

After listening to the rector, the parents took their daughter to the scientists in Paris. After examination, the famous physicist Francois Arago concluded that the unusual qualities of the girl are associated with electromagnetism. Scientists invited Angie to participate in research and testing that were supposed to make her normal. In April 1846, a few months after the start of the program, the "electric girl" forever said goodbye to her amazing abilities.

3rd place. Another fire poltergeist

January 1932

Housewife Mrs. Charlie Williamson from Blundenboro (North Carolina, USA) was wildly horrified when her chintz dress broke into a bright flame for inexplicable reasons. At this point, she was not standing near a fireplace, stove or other heat source, she was not smoking or using any flammable products. Luckily, her husband and teenage daughter were at home, ripping off her flaming dress before it burned the unfortunate woman.

The adventures of Mrs. Williamson did not end there. On the same day, the pants in her closet burned to the ground. The trials by fire continued the next day, when, in the presence of witnesses, for unknown reasons, a bed and curtains in another room caught fire. Spontaneous combustion continued for three days, after which the Williamsons surrendered to an unknown element and left the house. The housing was examined by firefighters and police, no reasons for what was happening were identified. On the fifth day, the fires stopped by themselves and no longer disturbed the owners of the house. Thankfully, no one was hurt by the fire.

2nd place. blind reading

January 1960

We note right away that we are not talking about blind people who have learned to read special books by moving their fingers along the bulges on paper, but about a completely ordinary girl, sighted and healthy. The originality of Margaret Foos was that she could read ordinary books blindfolded. Her father called this phenomenon psychic vision through the skin. He himself taught his daughter this incredible skill and hurried to prove the uniqueness of the method to scientists.

In 1960, Mr. Foos arrived with his daughter in Washington DC to participate in scientific research. For the duration of the experiment, psychiatrists put on Margaret's eyes "fool protection" - a tight bandage. For the purity of the experience, the father was taken to the next room. Blindfolded, using only her fingers, the girl was able to read the pages of the Bible, kindly provided by scientists. After that, she was offered to play checkers, recognize different pictures, with which Margaret successfully coped.

Despite the fact that the girl managed to pass all the tests, psychiatrists could not explain how she managed to do this. They insisted on their own, arguing that it was impossible to see without eyes, that what was happening was a deception.

1st place. sniper ghost

1927-1928 years

For two years, a mysterious "ghost sniper" terrorized the residents of Camden, New Jersey. The first incident occurred in November 1927, when Albert Woodruff's car was shot at with a gun. The windows of the car were riddled with bullets, but the investigation did not yield any results - not a single cartridge case was found at the scene. Later, two city buses, windows of houses and shop windows were damaged by mysterious shelling. As in the first case, the perpetrators and shell casings were not found. The good news is that no one was hurt by the actions of a ghost or a real criminal.

The mysterious sniper hunted not only in Camden, residents of the cities of Lindenwood and Collingswood, New Jersey, as well as Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, suffered from his tricks. Most often, the victims were private cars and urban transport (buses, trolleybuses), residential buildings. Only in one of many cases did the witness hear the shots, but did not see anything or anyone.

The attacks stopped abruptly in 1928. Later, people suffered only from abnormal imitators who wanted to act as the famous "ghost sniper".