Description tiger habits character. Tiger: photo and video, description of the breed, subspecies, lifestyle, hunting. Built to kill. Structure and functions

The tiger is a large mammal, a predator of the cat family. To date, the tiger is listed in the Red Book, so hunting for it is prohibited. And this means that there are few tigers left. So where do tigers live, the largest and smallest tabby cats?

Tiger habitats

Now the tiger can be found in a very specific area - this is exclusively Asia. Specific areas are the Russian Far East, China, India, Iran, Afghanistan, the countries of Southeast Asia and the Indonesian Islands. The habitat of tigers was formed in the north of China, later they spread across the Malay Peninsula, India, on the islands of Java, Bali and Sumatra. In Russia, tigers can be found in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, in the Far East. What habitats do tigers choose for themselves? These are mangrove swamps, tropical rainforests, bamboo thickets, semi-deserts, savannahs, rocky hills and northern taiga. You can meet tigers in the mountains - they rise up to 3 km above sea level. Where exactly does each species of tiger that exists today live?

  • Where do Amur tigers live? The Amur tiger (other names are Siberian, Ussuri, Manchurian, North Chinese) is found in Russia - in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, in northeastern China.
  • The Royal Bengal Tiger lives in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Bhutan.
  • The Indochinese tiger can be found in southern China, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.
  • The Malayan tiger walks in the southern part of the Malay Peninsula.
  • The Sumatran tiger lives only on the island of Sumatra.
  • The South China tiger is under severe threat of extinction, the remaining individuals can only be found in China.

The tiger is the largest animal in the cat family. This family also includes panther, lynx, cheetah, but the tiger surpasses them in size.

Species: Tiger

Genus: Panthers

Family: Feline

Class: Mammals

Order: Carnivores

Type: Chordates

Kingdom: Animals

Domain: Eukaryotes

tiger anatomy

The size and weight of a tiger animal depends on its species. There are 6 species of tiger in total. The largest species of tigers can reach up to 2.5 meters in length without a tail. The height of the tiger is approximately 115 cm. The weight of the largest individuals can vary up to 200-300 kg. The color of the tiger also depends on its species, the color of the coat is from rusty red to rusty brown, while the inside of the ears, paws, belly and chest are light. The iris of the eye is yellow. The whole body is in black stripes. Each animal has a unique arrangement of stripes, which helps to recognize different individuals. The tail is long, even, also in black stripes, the tip of the tail is always black. The spine of the tiger is flexible, the body is muscular, the pelvic bones are structured in such a way that the animal can develop high speed, and also has good jumping power.

It is extremely difficult to detect the appearance of a tiger in advance, because there are soft, fleshy pads on its feet, thanks to which its steps become silent. The skull of the tiger is short, rounded, powerful. Has a massively developed jaw. With its help, the tiger can inflict a crushing bite on the enemy. The predator's mouth opens wide, the jaws have a strong bone structure, powerful muscles provide great squeezing force when biting. When attacking, the tiger plunges its teeth into the prey in such a way that the prey cannot escape under any of its maneuvers. Canines length 8 cm without root.

Where does the tiger live?

Tigers were originally distributed in Asia. To date, they have survived in only 16 countries: Laos, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, Russia, India, Iran, Indonesia, China, North Korea (not confirmed), Malaysia, Pakistan, Nepal, Thailand. At the same time, they choose completely different places for their habitat - this is the taiga in the north, and semi-deserts, and forests, and dry savannahs, and humid tropics.

What does a tiger eat?

Tigers can feed on all kinds of animals that he can knock down with one jump. These are deer, wild boars, roe deer, rhinos. Living in captivity, they do not disdain smaller animals such as hare, cows, donkeys, horses. The desire to use the plant gifts of nature in tigers appears only in the summer. Nuts, grass, fruits are used.

Tiger lifestyle

Tigers are territorial animals. All adults live alone and have their own area, which they hunt and protect from other representatives of their kind. The territory of the male can reach from 60 to 100 km2, while the females usually have less - 20 km2. Territories of males do not intersect, otherwise a fight begins. But the territories of males and females can overlap.

tiger breeding

Tigers are polygamous animals. Their mating season is in December-January. The male locates the female by the smell of her urine. By the nature of the behavior of the female and the smell of her urine, it becomes clear how ready she is for the reproduction of offspring. In a year, the female has only a few days when she is ready for fertilization. In cases where mating was not fruitful, the female's estrus is repeated the next month.

A tigress is able to bear offspring as early as 3-4 years. She gives birth every 2-3 years. Pregnancy lasts +/- 100 days. At the same time, the male does not take part in the upbringing of children at all. All this is successfully done by the female. Cubs are born in March-April in the amount of 2-4 cubs. Less often there is 1 tiger cub or more than 4 in a brood. They are born completely helpless. 1.5 months they feed on mother's milk.

The female does not let the male near the children, as foreign males are capable of killing babies. At 2 months old, the cubs already leave their den and follow their mother. At 1.5 years old, they become independent, sometimes staying close to their mother for 2-3 years. Then they start looking for their territory. Tigers live up to 20-26 years.

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Listed in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

The number of tigers today is very low. In just over a century, about 97% of the species was lost. They are not saved even by the fact that they are one of the most revered animals in the world.

Today, only about 4,000 tigers remain in the wild. Fears for animals are caused by the rapid increase in the human population in the habitat of tigers.

Today, 6 subspecies of the tiger have survived, which are teetering on the verge of extinction:


Males of the largest subspecies, such as the Amur tiger, can weigh up to 300 kilograms, while males of the smallest subspecies (the Sumatran tiger) weigh only 140 kilograms. Tigers are essentially solitary animals, and because of their size and needs, these huge cats need to have large territories. Due to the fact that the native habitats of the tiger are densely populated areas, conflicts arise between the tiger and humans. Big cats do not patrol their territories, but they may mark them with urine and feces, which is a sign of occupied territory for other animals.

The color of tigers is usually orange with characteristic black stripes, but there are also individuals with black stripes on white fur. They are not distinguished into a separate subspecies, but are considered genetically mutated individuals of the Bengal subspecies of tigers. This mutation does not mean that white tigers will have babies with the same color, as there is evidence that white tigers are born with cubs with the usual reddish color.

Tigers rely primarily on visual and auditory sensations, and not on smell. Mostly they hunt alone, and achieve their goal thanks to the inconspicuous pursuit of prey and powerful body structure. A tiger can eat up to 40 kilograms of meat at a time. The diet of big cats includes wild boars, buffaloes, crocodiles, snakes, deer, leopards, camels and other animals. Due to the speed that it develops, which is up to 90 km / h, the tiger is considered a very fast animal. It is known that when meeting, for example, with a rhinoceros or an elephant, he has an undeniable predominance in speed.


On average, these felines can produce offspring in the amount of 2-3 tiger cubs every 2-2.5 years. Tiger cubs are born blind and extremely vulnerable. Upon reaching 18 months of age, the cubs are able to hunt. As you know, tiger cubs grow very quickly, and weight gain is about 100 grams daily. If all babies in one litter die, then the next one is possible after 5 months. As a rule, tigers gain independence at the age of two, but the connection with the mother plays an important role for them. When the cubs get big and strong enough, they go to live in the jungle alone. Female tigers reach sexual maturity at 3-4 years of age, while males only at 4-5 years of age. Mortality among the offspring is high, about half of the cubs do not even live up to two years. In the wild, tigers can live up to 26 years.


Throughout their lives, tigers face relentless pressure from animal killing on the one hand, poaching on the other, and habitat loss on the third. Unfortunately, they are forced to compete for habitats, with a person who is developing more and more new lands that previously belonged to wild animals.

Tigers have lost 93% of their historical habitats due to human activities associated with the destruction, degradation and dismemberment of land, which was facilitated by deforestation for agriculture and the timber trade, the development of activities such as the construction of road networks and other engineering and infrastructure systems. Only a small number of tigers can survive on scattered land, and this leads to higher risks of inbreeding. Also, limited territories make the tiger more vulnerable to poaching.

There are laws restricting activities on protected lands in countries where tigers live. But, even those countries in which compliance with the legislative framework is at a high level, there is a constant struggle against poaching. In China, poaching is so widespread that thousands of hectares of forest land are empty of tigers.

The impact of a single tiger's death at the hands of a poacher goes beyond a single loss. If this tiger is a female with weak and dependent offspring, then most likely the babies will die without a mother, which affects the possible future reproduction of the next generation. If a male is killed, then the death can lead to intense competition for his territory among other males in the population, thus creating interruptions in the further reproduction of these males.

Planet Earth is inhabited by many animals that have beauty and grace, but if you add strength to these qualities, then only the tiger comes to mind.

Exactly the tiger is one of the largest predators, whose description is truly delightful.

The largest representative of the cat family by one of its species inspires respect And even some trepidation.

All about tigers

The tiger belongs to kind panthers, subfamilies big cats. Such a cat can reach a weight of up to 300 kilograms and be up to 3 meters long. To date, a record has been recorded, where the mass of the animal reached 388.7 kilograms. Having a powerful and elastic body, the height at the withers of which can reach more than a meter, the tiger is considered one of the most dangerous predators on the planet. When talking about how much a tiger weighs, it is important to note that different species can have different maximum weights. However, the Bengal is considered the most massive - the weight of the tiger is more than 300 kg.

The animal is characterized by a rounded forehead and round eyes, which are able not only to see perfectly in the dark, but also to distinguish colors. Rigid white whiskers give the cat an excellent sense of smell, which is a big plus when hunting. The tigress actually does not differ from the male, with the exception of smaller sizes, but this difference is also very insignificant.

The undoubted advantage of the famous predator are fangs, reaching 8 centimeters. Such a "tool of labor" quickly cracks down on prey and is able to kill the victim from the first bite. In matters of nutrition, the tongue, which has keratinized growths on the sides, plays an important role. It is thanks to them that the animal is able to quickly butcher the carcass of its victim and separate the pieces of meat. It is not necessary to talk much about what the tiger eats. It is clear that the main food of a predator is meat. Moreover, a big cat loves fresh meat more, but in difficult times it will not disdain carrion.

Summing up the appearance of the largest cat on the planet, we can draw the following conclusions:

  1. The predator is quite large in size and poses a threat to virtually all animals.
  2. Physical data allow you to hunt even very large individuals.
  3. The physiology of the body is fully consistent with the hunting lifestyle and allows the cat to quickly deal with prey.

It is impossible not to note the ears of the animal, which are relatively small, but have very acute hearing. Interestingly, the front paws have five toes, while the hind paws have four. Each paw has retractable and very sharp claws, as well as soft pads that make the movement of the predator almost silent.

Thinking about the genealogy of predators, it should be noted that today they find the remains of a large saber-toothed tiger that lived during the existence of dinosaurs. He was much more powerful than his descendant and could reach up to a ton of weight.

Modern individuals represent nine species known to science, three of which have already been irretrievably lost. However, there is a claim that the ancient species was a saber-toothed cat, but not a tiger.

The division into species can be qualified by the height and weight of individuals, which differ somewhat, as well as the lifestyle of predators. The whole list will be:

  1. Amur (Ussuri), Bengal and Indochinese tiger.
  2. Sumatran, Malay and South Chinese.
  3. Bali, Caspian and Javanese are extinct species of predator.

It is worth considering each species separately in order to understand where animals can live, how much to weigh and what lifestyle to lead. It is better to characterize the types of predators from the largest:

  • The Amur tiger lives in the South-East of Russia, partly in North Korea and the northern regions of China. The predator reaches 100 centimeters or more at the withers, and can weigh more than 200 kilograms. It must be said that the tiger population has declined sharply and has no more than 500 individuals;
  • the Bengal species is the largest. Predators have a red color with black stripes, the height at the withers is more than a meter and the weight can exceed 300 kilograms. It lives in the territories of South and partly Central Asia. The species has more than 5 thousand individuals;
  • the Indochinese predator, with narrower stripes, can be up to one and a half meters long and weigh no more than 120 kg. The number of individuals of the species has declined sharply and has a little over a thousand;
  • Malayan cat is the smallest species, the length of which does not exceed 240 centimeters, and the weight is 120 kg. Today, scientists have counted no more than 800 representatives of this unique species;
  • Sumatran cat reaches a length of just over two meters, and weighs no more than 140 kg. It is mainly found in the reserves of the island of Sumatra and has about 500 individuals;
  • the southern Chinese species is no longer than two meters and no heavier than 130 kg. It lives in the center of China and does not tolerate captivity very well. This species is of most concern to scientists, because every year it becomes less and less numerous.

There are several more subspecies of large predators of the cat family, which are hybrids. A striking representative of such "mixtures" is the liger (lion and female tiger) and tigon (tiger and female lion). Such predators are distinguished by their huge size and the most varied color, which is simply impossible to predict. As a rule, hybrids are not less than three meters in length and can weigh more than 300 kilograms.

Where is the best place for tigers to live?

Of course, each species of the legendary predator has its own range, where it is most comfortable and familiar. However, each species has some specificity, which manifests itself not only in matters of hunting, but also in such an important aspect as breeding.

For example, tigers have never lived in Africa, and this is primarily due to climatic conditions.

To answer the question of where tigers live, you need to know about the nuances of tiger physiology:

  1. For Amur And Bengal species the most favorable conditions are those where the average temperature is not very high. These species, thanks to a beautiful and reliable cover, perfectly tolerate cold. Tenacious paws and sharp claws allow you to calmly overcome rocky terrain, while developing excellent speed.
  2. Malay And sumatran view has a darker color and a lower height at the withers. This factor allows you to be invisible in the dense thickets of the Indonesian jungle. Such cats are able to develop a high starting speed and have an excellent jump.
  3. South Chinese And indochinese tiger- a typical predator, able to hunt both on flat terrain and in dense thickets. Such predators are characterized by ambushes near water bodies or in dense bamboo thickets, from where an instant and deadly attack is applied.

Despite the fact that the tiger is considered to be lone hunter, quite often individuals grouped into families. Even lone tigers are periodically present in families during the mating season. Possessing great strength, the tiger has no competitors in its habitat. The area is systematically marked with urine or stripped bark from trees. It is the territory that causes conflicts between adult males.

Considering the question of how long do tigers live, it is important to note the diet of predators. In the wild, cats do not have a specific “mode” that forces them to hunt or rest at the right time. Predators go hunting when they feel hungry and never get food more than they need.

The main pastime of the tiger is rest in a shady place or funny games when it comes to the family. With a lifespan of no more than 30 years, the tiger has virtually no competitors or enemies that could oppose it. With some caution and apprehension, the predator applies only to elephants and rhinos. Even small crocodiles can be included in the diet of a strong cat. The main and favorite "dish" are ungulates and large herbivores.


Fights for the right to take part in the breeding of offspring are a breathtaking sight. Against the background of numerous males, only one - the strongest - can approach the female. To briefly characterize breeding process you need to know the following:

  1. A tigress can bear offspring at the age of 3–4 years, and a male - by five years.
  2. The breeding season is usually in December or January.
  3. A tigress is able to bear offspring several times a year, but with a period of 2–3 years.
  4. The gestation time does not exceed 103 days.

As a rule, no more than four cubs are born, which at the age of two months become completely independent. However, small predators prefer to stay with their mother for a long time, sometimes even up to five years. In 25–30 years, a tigress is able to give birth to twenty new individuals. However, more than half of young cats die at a fairly young age, becoming a victim of hyenas, wolves or other predators.

Tigers are unique animals whose lives are in danger due to the careless activities of mankind. That is why most of the species are placed in the Red Book or protected by the state.

As early as the beginning of the 20th century, about 100,000 tigers lived on Earth, most of which lived in India (40,000 individuals). In the 21st century, the number, as well as the habitat of animals, has significantly decreased. According to rough estimates, there are no more than 4,000 tigers left in the wild.

Previously, these striped animals lived on the territory of many countries: India, China, the eastern part of Russia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Armenia, Iraq, Iran, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan. In addition to the mainland, tigers inhabited the islands of Sumatra, Java, and Bali. Now it is rare to meet a tiger even in the once most common places.

The largest population of Bengal tigers lives in the territories of such states: Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan. A representative of the panther genus prefers to settle in dry savannas, rain and mangrove forests. Its population is about 2,000 individuals.

indochinese tiger inhabits the territories of China, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand. One of the largest populations lives in Malaysia. It was possible to save the animal population in this country with the help of harsh laws punishing poaching.

Another representative of the species Amur tiger lives in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky regions of Russia. A small number of Amur tigers inhabit the territory of North Korea and northeast China. This is the largest subspecies of all living tigers, already at the age of six months, its weight and dimensions exceed the parameters of an adult leopard.

Chinese tigers- a species that is on the verge of extinction. There are no animals left in the wild. All tigers of this species live in captivity in China. The government of the country is doing everything possible to return the tigers to the wild.

In addition to the mainland, tigers also live on the Malay Peninsula and the island of Sumatra. These tigers differ from their mainland relatives in their size. Malayan and Sumatran tigers weigh much less than relatives. The male Malayan tiger weighs up to 120 kg, and the weight of the Sumatran is 100-130 kg.

In nature, there are also white and golden tigers. This color of animals is the result of a mutation. As a rule, one such individual appears in 10,000 individuals with a normal color. Most often, animals appear in captivity, because they are descendants of the same animal. White and golden tigers live mainly in zoos and private nurseries.