Dangerous games of Malakhov and Korikova. The ex-lover Malakhov for the first time commented on the breakup with him Margarita and Andrey Malakhov

The first serious relationship Andrei tied himself at the university. At Moscow State University, he met a girl named Liza, with whom he later began to live in civil marriage. He was not embarrassed by either the age difference (the chosen one was 13 years older), or the origin of the girl (she was Swedish). However, the last fact still played a decisive role in their romance: Lisa was eager to go home and called her lover with her, but Malakhov wanted to become a TV star in Russia. The story ended tragically. Lisa nevertheless returned to Sweden, but a few years later she committed suicide. It took the host a long time to recover from this loss.

rich woman

The main characters of the gossip column in the middle of the 2000s were Andrei Malakhov and his new passion, Marina Kuzmina, who was also older than the showman. There were legends about the wealth of the lady: as the president of a company engaged in the extraction of metallurgical raw materials on the international market, she loved to relax in a big way and light up at the loudest parties. It was believed that it was she who helped Malakhov save up for an apartment, and indeed she gave her lover in every possible way. The novel, which lasted about two years, ended abruptly. During a vacation in Turkey, Marina simply stopped answering her boyfriend's calls, and later found a replacement for him in the face of a young bartender. Later, Kuzmina admitted that she was then tired of the noisy life in front of everyone and turned her attention to raising her growing daughter Arina.

Malakhov was humiliated, but found the strength to move on. A kind of revenge was his book “My Favorite Blondes”, in which he spoke in an allegorical form, including about these relationships.

“Only now, when time has passed, I remember Andrei with great warmth and understand that he was an important person in my life, very close. And everything could have turned out differently if I had a different character, more tolerant, able to adapt, ”Kuzmina said in an interview with Tatler.

fatal blonde

After breaking up with Marina Malakhov, they were suspected of having ties with designer Elena Yarmak and top stylist Anna Burmistrova, but most of all they discussed his romance with Elena Korikova, the star of the series Poor Nastya. True, it was not possible to be in the black either: Elena is a well-known plunderer of male hearts, and, according to rumors, she broke up with Malakhov as soon as she found out that he was ready to propose to her at the TEFI ceremony.

The heroine of the program

Margarita Buryak is another wealthy blonde from Malakhov's list. At the time of her alleged affair with Andrei, she was married to businessman Dmitry Buryak and had three children. The affair with the TV presenter ended as quickly as it began, but the former lovers managed to maintain friendly relations, and Margarita returned to the family. When a few years later it turned out that Dmitry had another woman and children in Ukraine, a scandalous trial began - the spouse literally put Margarita out the door, refusing alimony. To fight for money, a woman came to the program “Let them talk”, which at that time was led by Andrei.

The same one from VIA Gra

The hot clip “Get Used” with the participation of Andrey Malakhov in 2008 caused a lot of talk. It seemed that the passion that flared up on the screen was transferred to life. There were rumors in the secular party that the TV presenter wanted to connect life with the former soloist of the VIA Gra group on a magical date - 09/09/09. But the ceremony never happened. The stars themselves have always assured the public that there is only a strong friendship between them, and no more. The birth of a son. The wife's pregnancy coincided with the dismissal from the show "Let them talk", which Andrei led for 16 years. According to rumors, the permanent TV presenter, was refused by the leadership and eventually filed a letter of resignation. However, without work, the star in any case will not remain. Malakhov is still the favorite TV presenter on the main buttons of the country, besides, he is still the editor-in-chief of StarHit magazine.

June 23, 2011, 10:31 am

The host of the talk show “Let them talk” gained fame as an avid bachelor. It seemed that Andrei MALAKHOV, who would soon turn 40, would never marry. Suddenly, in September 2009, he appeared at the wedding of Yana RUDKOVSKY and Yevgeny Plushenko hand in hand with 30-year-old Natalya SHKULEVA, the daughter of his publisher boss. Less than a month later, the couple set a wedding date. True, it took place a year later than planned. In the meantime, Andrey is getting used to the role of a married man, we decided to remind readers about the heroines and heroes of his Don Juan list. In just five years, MALAKHOV turned from a charming simpleton into a thoughtful macho Tanya Moskalenko Andrei spent his childhood and youth in the northern city of Apatity. At school, he fell in love with a classmate Tanya Moskalenko. Andryusha sought the location of the little beauty for a long time, but once he struck her on the spot. Instead of an essay on the topic “How I spent the summer,” the future TV presenter went to the blackboard and in a thin voice sang Alla Pugacheva’s hit “Summer, oh, summer!”. The teacher gave him an A for resourcefulness. Moskalenko was engaged in music, so she also appreciated the feat of Malakhov and began to let him carry his briefcase. But in the eighth grade, their paths diverged - their parents took Tanya to Murmansk, where she entered a music school, and later married a local singer. Swedish Lisa After school, Malakhov went to conquer Moscow and entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. During his senior years, he fell in love with the Swedish opera singer Lisa. They say that it was she who made Andrei a man. Soon the couple began to live in a civil marriage, which lasted almost seven years. The guy was not embarrassed that the foreigner was 13 years older than him. Lisa constantly insisted that they should move to Stockholm.
Liza dreamed of making a family nest with Andryusha in Stockholm Say, work in dirty and fussy Moscow is unbearable for her. But Malakhov dreamed of making a career in his native country. After receiving a diploma, he got a job working on TV. The salary of a young specialist on the "first button" grew by leaps and bounds. But his personal life has fallen apart. In the end, the Swede broke off relations with Malakhov and left for her homeland. And after a while the news came that she committed suicide by throwing herself out of the window. Andrey was very upset by the loss, went headlong into work and for a long time could not find a soul mate. Marina Kuzmina In the mid-2000s, a popular TV presenter began to appear with businesswoman Marina Kuzmina. They met at a sports club party. The chosen one turned out to be much older again. Envious people spread rumors that the enviable groom had an affair under a contract with the owner of the mines in South Africa. With Marina KUZMINA, the TV presenter did crazy somersaults The conversations intensified when it became known that Kuzmina added the missing amount to Malakhov to buy an apartment. But the showman said that he borrowed money, and having paid it off, he soon broke up with Marina. “She couldn’t buy me,” Malakhov later summed up. In total, their relationship lasted about two years. Elena Korikova When they began to write about Andrei's romance with the star of "Poor Nastya" Korikova in gossip columns, not everyone believed in its authenticity - Malakhov was courting her painfully picturesquely. Elena KORIKOVA - the pearl of the journalist's collection What, for example, are his ostentatious steps when he presented the actress with a chic ring and began to spread rumors that he would make an offer to Elena from the stage at the TEFI ceremony. As expected, no proposal followed, and the couple announced that they had broken up. Margarita Buryak Korikova was replaced by another mature companion - Margarita Buryak. At first, there were rumors around the party that Andrei was taking this lady to nightclubs for the sake of her 16-year-old daughter, whom he was allegedly going to marry. But the journalists of "Express newspaper" found out that this is not so.
Margarita BURYAK... ... the showman even brought home to Apatity, where he celebrated the New Year in a family way Anna Sedokova In the spring of 2009, Malakhov and Anna Sedokova suddenly became the most popular star couple. Together they participated in television projects, hosted programs and even shot a video clip.
In Anya SEDOKOVA, Andrey most of all liked magnificent forms and lovely curls. At the celebration of his birthday, Andryusha publicly promised to take Anya down the aisle and even set a wedding date - 09/09/09. But instead of a celebration in September 2009, Malakhov introduced a new girlfriend to the party - Natasha Shkuleva. Natalya Shkuleva Love for Natasha in the TV star did not wake up immediately. Shkuleva and Malakhov looked at each other for a long time, called each other, went to restaurants. Soon, friendly relations reached a new level. Malakhov's friends assured: Andrei likes Natasha that she is a non-secular person, does not like parties, beautiful, modest, from a good family and at least not a star, but her income is no less than his own. More than once, the TV presenter said that in his beloved he was surprised by her insight. Enviable bride Natalya SHKULEVA became the wife of an enviable bachelor For example, when she first saw the duet from Azerbaijan, which participated in Eurovision, she immediately said: - They will win! Such incredible energy and talent! Recently, news came from France, where the marriage of Malakhov and Shkuleva took place in Versailles, which, according to rumors, cost half a million euros. One dress of the bride pulled 50 thousand. HERO OF THE BLUE SCREEN It has long been rumored that Malakhov is not indifferent to the male sex. For example, according to the life-star.ru website, Andrey was somehow caught in the Three Monkeys gay club, accompanied by a tanned brutal handsome man, whom the blue screen hero was holding by the hand. Andrei Malakhov And on the Rumors.ru website, information was once posted that the alleged Odessa singer Maxiwave is a dear friend of the TV presenter. In an interview, the TV star told how he relates to hints of his “blueness”: - At first, he was upset out of habit: what if his parents read it. And then he spat: Am I supposed to prove the opposite with terrible force? My older comrades reassured me: “On the contrary, you should be pleased that both women and men like you: this is precisely the real success!” So I try to be calm about this hype.
With fashion designer Elena Yarmak, the star still has something to discuss LET THEM TALK close relationships in different time Malakhov was credited with: * fur queen Elena Yarmak; * the sister of the oil oligarch Alla Ruga; * TV presenter and socialite Ksenia Sobchak; * relative of the owner trademark"Bosco di Chileggi" by Anna Moiseeva; * fashion designer and press secretary of the State Duma deputy Emma Salimova; * designer Anna Burmistrova; * the wife of an employee of the British Embassy Svetlana Samoryaninova; * American fashion designer Calvin Klein; * Odessa singer Maxim Viktorovich Maxiwave; * General Director of the R.S.V.P boutique agency Bettina von Schlippe. Married business lady Bettina von SCHLIPPE admitted that they are just friends with MALAKHOV, but she is pleased when they are considered lovers
Having noticed somehow MALAKHOV on a white “MG” of 1964 with model Nikita Zabrodin, secular gossips immediately “established”: close friends!
It happened in the life of a celebrity and this: under the supervision of journalist Akhmed BAZIEV and artist Andrei DANILKO (right), Philip Kirkorov held him tightly to himself

Andrei literally glowed with joy, standing on stage next to Elena Malakhov and Korikova for about a year appeared together at social events

Andrey's recent meeting with Elena Korikova inspired romantic memories for him.

The TV presenter, who was going to marry "poor Nastya" a year and a half ago, as it turned out, does not intend to give up his desires and wants to return the actress.

Their meeting took place at the "Most Stylish" ceremony. Korikova popped into the event for literally five minutes to pick up the figurine and go to the shooting. Andrey Malakhov was supposed to present the award to the fragile beauty.

After Andrey once again complimented the actress from the stage, and Elena said that she was “pleased to receive a prize from the hands of her beloved man,” the two of them went backstage.

Korikova was in a hurry, and Malakhov volunteered to walk her to the car. The TV presenter admitted to the actress that he was very happy to see her again, and offered to start all over again. Korikova promised to think about it.

“I asked her to come back to me and start all over again,” Andrey Malakhov admitted to “TD”.

- Seeing her, I realized that I want to be always with this woman and only she can make me a happy person.


Recall that the relationship between Korikova and Malakhov developed rapidly soon after he broke up with business lady Marina Kuzmina. Elena, who by this time had become a popular actress after the series "Poor Nastya", was an old dream of a TV presenter. One fine day, he plucked up the courage and invited Lena to accompany him to a social event. This is how their relationship was born. Then he flew to her for shooting in Kyiv, bought a ring and was ready to propose to her from the stage. But Korikova did not want to go to the Tefi ceremony, where this significant event was to take place. This was the end of their relationship.

But even after a while, Malakhov does not want to give up his dream. He is ready to do anything to get Korikova back to him. And on his desktop in Ostankino there is still a portrait of the actress.

“Now Lena is not in Moscow, she left for a few days,” says Andrey. “But when she comes back, I'm sure everything will be fine.

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:


Russian theater and film actress


Elena Korikova was born in the family of ballerina Tatyana Korikova. When the girl was still very young, her parents divorced, and until the second grade, Lena lived in the village with her maternal grandparents. Later, when her mother completed her touring activities, she took the girl to her place, and together they moved to Rostov-on-Don.

A schoolgirl, Elena Korikova attended classes at the Epos Historical Studio Theater in Rostov-on-Don, created by director Mikhail Viktorovich Izyumsky and Elena Prozorovskaya (Izyumskaya). After school, she went to enter Moscow, successfully passed her exams and was accepted into VGIK, in the workshop of Sergei Solovyov.

Elena began to actively act in films from the first year of the institute. In addition, she was constantly invited to shoot music videos.

Some time after graduation, the actress and her family moved to New York, where she tried herself as a model and actress.


Returning to Russia, Korikova received an offer from Galina Volchek to join the troupe of the Sovremennik Theater and worked there from 2001 to 2004. In the repertoire of the actress, the role of Pat in "Three Comrades" by E.M. Remarque, Irina in "Three Sisters" by A.P. Chekhov, Ninochka in "Anfisa" by Leonid Andreev, Dasha Shatova in "Demons" by F. M. Dostoevsky. Later, Elena collaborated with other theater groups.

Theatrical work:


  • "Three Comrades", based on the novel by E. M. Remarque - Pat
  • "Three Sisters", based on the play by A.P. Chekhov - Irina
  • "Anfisa", based on the play by Leonid Andreev - Ninochka
  • "Demons", based on the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky - Dasha Shatova

Film Actor Theater

  • "Tales of the Old Arbat", based on the play by Alexei Arbuzov - Viktosh
  • "Don't Wake the Sleeping Dog" by D. B. Priestley - Fred

"Commonwealth of Taganka Actors"

  • "The Seagull", based on the play by A. P. Chekhov (dir. Sergei Solovyov) - Nina Zarechnaya
  • "Charming Cuckolds"

"Millennium Theatre"

  • "Criminal Duet", based on the play by Viktor Merezhko "Two from the High Road" (dir. Olga Shvedova)

Moscow Independent Theater

  • "When the husband is not at home" (dir. A. Lyubchenko)
  • "Women in search of love!"


Barely enrolling in a theater university, Elena began acting in films. Her first role was the young Masha in Anatoly Mateshko's fairy tale "Ha-bi-assy", which was released in 1990. Two years later, there was a role in the melodrama "I promised, I'll leave ...", the actress played the young provincial Irina. In addition, in 1994 she starred in Viktor Titov's historical-romantic melodrama The Duran Curse and Sergei Solovyov's drama Three Sisters.

A year later, Elena played the role of Liza Muromskaya in the film based on Pushkin's story "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman". This image brought the actress considerable popularity, Korikova received the prize for best actress at the Kinoshock festival and the Nika award.

In 1997, the actress starred in the title role in the film "The Dead Man's Friend", and a year later she played Tatiana in Yuri Grymov's sensational film "Mu-mu".

In the early 2000s, the serial melodrama "Poor Nastya" began to appear, in which Elena Korikova also performed leading role. The series was very popular with the audience and the actress became widely known.

Later, Elena Korikova played leading roles in such films as: "Agent in Love", "The Right to Love", "Champion", "Promotion", "Complex of usefulness", "Kiss of Socrates", "My mother is against", "Threads of Love" ".

In 2017, with the participation of the actress, the picture "The Cycle" was released.


Varvara Grishina works at her uncle's medical center. She is a pediatrician, loves her profession, but she cannot have children herself. It was because of this that her past relationship with football coach Ivan collapsed. But Varya was able to start new life. She agreed to marry her colleague Rodion Kozlov. The wedding day arrives, the guests gather, but the groom is late. At this moment, he rushes to the hospital along with his mistress Karina, who went into premature labor with severe complications. Karina dies during childbirth. An obstetric surgeon who found out the day before that she had run away surrogate mother, who was carrying a child for a rich childless couple, decides to commit a crime: to give away her son Rodion and the deceased Karina.

The revealed deceit of her husband seriously injures Varya, they quarrel at the moment when Varya has long years there has been progress in the treatment of infertility and there is a chance to become pregnant. Finally, Ivan appears. The ex-fiance decides to return Varya at all costs. Will the heroes be able to get out of the cycle of deceit, betrayal and insurmountable circumstances in order to find their long-awaited and genuine happiness?..

Music and TV

Elena Korikova starred in many music videos and participated in various entertainment TV shows. So, Elena can be seen in the videos: Masha Fedorova "Mother", Alina Grosu "Boat", Valery Leontiev "Eternal Love", Dmitry Malikov "Golden Dawn", the Prime Minister group "Vostochnaya", Alla Pugacheva "Call me with you" , Leonid Agutin "Cheer Up", "Summer Rain", Igor Krutoy "You are in my September".

Korikova participated in many television projects, for example, in the show "Two Stars" and "Circus with Stars" on Channel One, in the show "Dancing with the Stars" on the Ukrainian channel STB. She was the host of the Fort Boyard TV program on the Rossiya TV channel in 2006, along with Ekaterina Konovalova and Leonid Yarmolnik.

Personal life

Elena Korikova was married more than once. Elena's first husband was the writer Dmitry Lipskerov. After a divorce from him, the actress had an affair with Dmitry Roshchin, the son of actress Ekaterina Vasilyeva and playwright Mikhail Roshchin. It was from Dmitry Roshchin that Elena gave birth on July 20, 1993 to her son Arseny. In 2006, together with his mother, he starred in the film "Captain's Children". According to rumors, mother Roshchina intervened in the relationship of the couple, who considered that the actress was not the best match for her son. Dmitry subsequently took the priesthood, got married, and has four children.

For eleven years, the actress lived in a civil marriage with Maxim Osadchiy, director and video clip operator. For some time she met with TV presenter Andrey Malakhov. The actress also had an affair with the famous Russian tennis player Marat Safin, but it did not come to marriage.

In September 2011, Elena's apartment was robbed by an unknown person. In addition to the personal belongings of the actress, things belonging to the married actor Sergei Astakhov were also stolen. This circumstance prompted numerous gossip about the romance between the actors. According to Elena, this moment there is only a working relationship between them. But already in 2011-2013 they had a relationship with Astakhov, which they did not hide.

"IN last years I live only for work and my son. But they diligently sculpt the image of a dissolute girl for me. It is worth Korikova to go out with someone - and the next day they put me to bed with this person. It's disgusting. Cruel. And my jaw drops when I find out that I have apartments-palaces and a couple of Bentleys under the porch. People! I have not changed the car since 2004 - there is no way, "the actress said in a recent interview.

TV presenter Andrey Malakhov is trying his best to convince the audience of his love for the beautiful actress "poor Nastya" Elena Korikova. At the opening of the XXVII Moscow International Film Festival, Andrey Malakhov took Elena Korikova everywhere with him, firmly taking the actress by the hand.


Their fingers were intimately entwined throughout the evening. True, it is not clear why Andrei did not sit down with his companion in the stalls, but went up to the balcony, where photojournalists were accommodated. The whole look of Malakhov said that Korikova was his new girl, and he no longer remembers his ex-girlfriend Marina, who so treacherously exchanged him for a young bartender.

And the other day he announced his feelings for Elena to the whole country. This happened live on the musical show "Golden Gramophone" on Channel One, hosted by Andrey Malakhov. Andrei invited the singer Dima Bilan to the stage, who intended to sing his hit "You should be next to me." Dima started to sing, but then Malakhov intervened: - I dedicate this song to the most beautiful woman in the world - actress Elena Korikova! the host shouted into the microphone.

By the way, Elena did not receive any big roles after "Poor Nastya". For a while, she seemed to fade into the background and the press remembered her only in connection with changes in the personal life of the actress. And soon there should be a picture with her participation "In Love". Perhaps, to raise her popularity, Elena decided to meet with Andrei. One also gets the impression that they simply agreed to play a couple in love in public, because both Andrei and Elena are now very profitable: Korikova will raise her ratings before the premiere due to the most popular presenter Malakhov, Andrei will divert public attention from his recent break with Marina. In any case, it all looks like a carelessly planned pr-action. But the public has already been taught by the false novel of Yevgeny Mironov and Alena Babenko, and therefore the fake love of Andrei and Elena can seriously harm their image. The material was prepared by Alla Zhidkova