Why do not celebrate the 40th anniversary of a woman. How to celebrate the fortieth anniversary - important tips

Each person, approaching his fortieth birthday, one way or another,
is faced with the question: why not celebrate 40 years?
Various folk beliefs and taboos have left their mark on
this date. Particularly superstitious people completely refuse this
anniversary, and someone, having heeded all the advice, celebrates it with success.
Some reasons make us laugh, and over something, perhaps,
and worth considering.

Why don't they celebrate 40 years?

How can one explain the belief that has already developed among the people that,
celebrating your fortieth birthday, you may not live to see your next

1) The number 40 is the fatal number of death.

It is believed that indeed this number carries a mysterious
sense and pushes for strange and mystical superstitions.

This number is often found in the Christian religion, and each
times has a negative connotation:

It was 40 years, according to legend, Moses and the entire Jewish people
wandered in the desert;
exactly 40 days after his baptism, Jesus Christ remained
in the desert (and it has always been associated with death);
it was 40 days that the well-known great flood lasted.

I must say that both in the east and in the west (an example can be
Tarot cards) the number 40 is an unambiguous and precise designation of death.

Even some African tribes bypass this date.
Local shamans believe that after 40 years the human body dies.
soul. Therefore, the mortality in such tribes after 40 years is very high.
However, in fact, most likely, elementary
lack of hygiene and diseases developing in connection with this.

And as a result, both in mythology and in the Bible, the number 40 is not very
good reputation. Therefore, it is believed that it is impossible to celebrate
40 years. Celebrating the holiday, you can bring on yourself and your loved ones
sorrows, troubles and even death.

2) 40 years is the age of the internal transformation of a person.

It is believed that it is at this age that a person's life is strongly
transforms: or remains in its usual course,
or drastically change. And in order not to frighten off success and good luck,
You can't celebrate 40 years.

It has long been known that it is at this age that people
(especially men) diseases begin to appear that have come
because of the carefree life of past years and the wrong attitude
to your health.

40 years - identity crisis. Questions popping up in my head:

Did you manage to achieve something on the career ladder in this life,
whether your own unit of society has been created (spouse and children),
Do you have your own accommodation (apartment or house),
is everything still in order with sexual functions
(After all, they can gradually worsen by this age).

In general, this age for many is a kind of life equator,
summing up, albeit intermediate, but the results, an objective assessment
already lived half of life.

3) 40 years - transition to another age category.

This is the age when a person becomes older and wiser, he no longer
refers to youth. Now he's approaching a very different
generation, soon he will become a grandmother or grandfather. But not for
mountains and the first serious anniversary - 50 years. And it's been half a century.

So the subjective desire of a person to delay at least a little
one can understand one's old age and not celebrating this anniversary.

4) Astrological approach.

Astrologers believe that each planet from the very birth of a person
makes revolutions of one degree per year according to the Zodiac (from the point of its
position in the horoscope). And 40 degrees is the strongest karmic
aspect. It is called the aspect of duty and submission. Everyone
compelled to come to terms with something or to submit to something, as well as
pay off all karmic debts.

Circumstances in this life period develop in a person
so that a situation is formed around him, from which, while it
you won’t work, you won’t break out for anything.
It is around your 40th birthday that strange events will unfold,
which (if avoided or ignored) are bound to make you
overtaken, but already in an extremely tough form. This situation needs
accept and work out, and then it will soften by itself.

Therefore, many do not celebrate 40 years, i.e. pretend not to notice
this karmic debt and intuitively avoid it.

Signs related to birthday.

In addition to the superstition about the 40th anniversary celebration, there are many
various signs related to birthday.

Here are the most famous ones.

Sweets. According to Slavic beliefs, to the birthday man on his birthday
three evil spirits come. They want to send him suffering and harm
in life. To distract them, you need to put a sweet treat on the table.
and red wine.

An odd number of guests. It is believed that for a birthday you need
come in pairs. After all, a lonely person can envy or
jinx the birthday boy.

Candles on the cake. Candles on a birthday cake are symbols of the human soul
and his guardian angels. If they are placed in a circle, they will create power
and the energy that is needed to fulfill the wishes of the birthday man.
They need to be blown out all the first time, so that the desire is fulfilled.

Congratulations in advance. One of the main birthday rules
its timeliness is considered. Can't celebrate a birthday or
accept congratulations in advance. To every man on his day
birth are angels and spirits of already deceased loved ones.
They listen to all the wishes of the birthday man and fulfill them.
If the birthday man is congratulated on another day, then the spirits are nothing
do not know about wishes.

Broken dishes. Broken during a birthday party
tableware - Bad sign. However, it can be bypassed by removing
fragments only after absolutely all the guests leave the house.

How to celebrate the fortieth anniversary and deceive all signs.

So, it is up to you to decide whether or not to celebrate 40 years. Someone believe
in superstition, and someone does not pay attention to them. However, if
You are still gnawed by a feeling not of calm, but to celebrate the anniversary
If you want, please follow the following tips.

According to church customs, a man celebrates 40 years
you can, but it's better to do it outside the home. Recommended especially for the superstitious
go to a restaurant or cafe or have a festive picnic
Outdoors. This, by the way, is much more interesting and useful than
home vacation.

To avoid the harmful effects of disease on health,
enough to follow the right way of life. Failure or
minimizing alcohol and smoking will significantly improve
your well-being and in 40 years. And sports will make more
and younger.

And most importantly, do not listen to anyone but your heart.
As long as you don't believe, nothing will happen to you.
And if you already believe, then be careful.
And if you really want to, celebrate every holiday,
despite all the superstitions.

Each of us at least once heard such a belief that it is impossible to celebrate the 40th anniversary. But why the 40th anniversary is not celebrated, not everyone can explain. In our country, as in no other, every holiday is celebrated on a grand scale, and only a few spend it in a calm, friendly company. Is it worth trusting predictions from the past, or do they have reasonable confirmation?

At one time, even Pythagoras and his students tried to express the whole world with the help of numbers. In part, he succeeded, but much remained beyond conjecture. However, a strange craving for numbers was inherent in many nationalities and tribes. Modern people, though in many ways they trust the scientifically proven facts, are still influenced by ancient superstitions.

  • For 40 days after death, a person's soul wanders around the world, forcing his relatives to be more careful in their words and deeds.
  • For 40 years the Jewish people were forced to wander in the desert before finding their happiness in promised land.
  • 40 days after giving birth, a woman must cleanse herself before she is allowed to approach her husband's bed or enter a church.
  • The Flood lasted for 40 days and claimed the lives of many sinners.
  • For 40 days Jesus was in the wilderness after his baptism, subjected to temptations and various temptations of the devil.
  • 40 years in ancient Greece was considered the highest point of prosperity and the beginning of decline, when death begins to get so close that almost no one lived to celebrate 50 years.

In the history of mankind, you can still find examples of how the number 40 brought grief and disappointment. And if the number 13 was doubted only because among the 12 Apostles surrounding Jesus, one turned out to be a traitor, then is it any wonder to be wary of the number?

In the very sound of the word "forty" you can hear "Sor" and "Rock". As if Rock itself begins to collect or throw away everything superfluous (sweep dirty linen from the hut of life). Is it worth it to interfere in this process and attract additional attention of higher powers? Perhaps the fun irritates the Arbiter of Fates, so he begins to mix notes of bitterness into the life of the birthday man who dared to celebrate 40 years of life.

Why can't you celebrate your 40th birthday? It is believed that the celebration can cause long-term illness, mental suffering and even death. And if suddenly the birthday man himself somehow escapes the evil turn of Fate, then one of his close relatives or friends will take on all the troubles. Whether this is true or not is difficult to judge, because there are quite a few situations where there is a different, simpler explanation for certain events.

Looking deeper or "the other side of the coin"

There is always another point of view, which should also be listened to. Given that the Slavs used the 40-ary system of measurement, it is not surprising that there were many events described using this number. If desired, one could find a lot of good things, but bad things are better remembered and passed on from generation to generation as a warning to future descendants. So there is nothing negative about reaching the age of 40…

The above examples can be regarded in a completely different way:

  1. the human soul “completes” all its affairs… Is it bad? It means that loving hearts they can have time to say kind words to the deceased person and ask for forgiveness for some of their actions.
  2. Jews roamed the desert in search of the Promised Land. But after all, the period of testing ended happily for them! In addition, if they were pure in soul, they could have reached their destination earlier.
  3. after the birth of a baby, a woman can relax more, devote herself to understanding her new role, find a “golden mean” between husband and child.
  4. The Flood cleansed the earth of sinners and all sorts of impurities. But the righteous were given the opportunity to unite during this period and save not only their souls, but also their bodies!
  5. Christ successfully passed the tests, showing his endurance and fidelity to the idea of ​​the divinity of the Father. Temporary hardships always pass, but a pure soul stays for a long time.
  6. 40 years among the Greeks were still considered the peak of prosperity, so you should rejoice at this. The decline was associated with poor medicine, frequent wars and increased mortality among the entire population. In the modern world, there are many examples of those who happily lived to 100 years, so there is someone to look up to in their lives.

The natural biorhythms of a person at the turn of forty begin to change internal laws. It is not given to everyone, when consciousness changes, to reorganize and begin to build new way find your place in life. Hence - the appearance of fear, the attraction of trouble, the complete concentration on the bad.

Many look back on their lives at this age and realize with horror that everything did not go the way they once dreamed. Because of this bitterness, there is no desire at all to celebrate your birthday. Why have fun? The fact that a significant part of his life was spent in turmoil and joy was not enough? Gray hair has been added on the head (or hair has decreased), wrinkles are visible under the eyes, and the future has ceased to beckon with its dreams. The soul is still young, but the body is no longer.

If we perceive 40 years as another milestone, the passage of which will only benefit, then a positive result will not be long in coming. The beginning of the next period of life may well be successful if you treat it accordingly. Even at the age of 60 you can find pleasure in life.

How can you celebrate the fortieth birthday of a superstitious person

It is one thing when the birthday man is very critical of various superstitions, and it is completely different if he takes the recommendations of his ancestors seriously. Thoughts can attract certain situations in life and even cause illness in the body. So the strengthened belief that 40 years are not celebrated can play a bad joke when trying to follow the persuasion of relatives and celebrating your birthday.

However, you can always turn in the other direction people's craving for superstition. There are several options for celebrating 40 years with minimal consequences.

  1. Celebrate the departure of 39 years. To all those invited to announce the decision of the birthday man "to bring toasts and congratulations to the celebration of the outgoing 39 years." It seems that the feast will also take place in the usual rhythm, but the emphasis on “ominous figures” will disappear. Additionally, there will be a revival among the guests, because it is so unusual - to see off the last age of the birthday man, and not to meet the new one.
  2. Gather a narrow circle of guests. In esotericism, 40 years means a turning point in a man's life, when his energy is significantly weakened. During this period, it is very easy to jinx a person, even if it is done unconsciously. Therefore, reducing the number of guests will allow to gather only the closest and dearest people who sincerely wish all the best to the birthday man. Since it concerns men, birthday women can safely celebrate their 40 years, unless they are ashamed to voice their age aloud ...
  3. Reschedule the holiday. Sometimes a simple shift of the date of celebration from the date of birth is enough for the sign to lose its power. When the holiday falls in the middle of the week, it is very easy for guests to justify their decision with the desire to have a good rest on the weekend.
  4. Change the reason for gathering guests. You can always think of a themed party. For example, decorate a house in the New Year's style, create Halloween paraphernalia, find another international holiday on the calendar. And let all wishes be addressed to the birthday man, but without mentioning his age. For example, at a New Year's party, wish Santa Claus to fulfill the wishes of a particular person. And on the Day of the Railwayman - so that the road is always straight and even, without sharp turns. The idea of ​​such a holiday, most likely, will be supported by all the guests with pleasure.
  5. In Christianity, it is believed that "all are equal before God." This applies not only to people, but also to numbers. Therefore, it is not fitting for a believing person to single out one of the numbers before the others, attributing magical properties to it. So 40 is considered as good as 39.

You need to be grateful for every day you live, not trying to guess the date of your death and somehow push it back or move it forward with your actions ... What if signs really have power ?!

Astrological sign addition

39–43 - precarious age

Why 40 years are not celebrated, astrologers explain. In their opinion, at this age a person is dominated by such planets as Uranus, Pluto, Neptune. These planets decide the fate of man. During this period, under the influence of three planets, the following changes can occur:

  • 39–43 - age is shaky, a person easily succumbs to the negative effects of the external environment. The owner of the age is expected to change and in negative side. The financial side will be affected. Business owners know bankruptcy. Families collapse, divorces, nervous breakdowns, suicides.
  • Health will deteriorate. Beginnings will fail.

Superstition of the peoples of the world

The ancient Greek life expectancy of a person was short. People lived to the age of fifty. The teachings of that time interpreted that at the age of forty a person reaches the peak of life. After this period, life goes downhill. To celebrate a birthday at this age, folk cultures are extraordinary. Some can, others can't.

The fear of this date is actively traced among the peoples of the Far East. Japanese culture has excluded this symbol. Residents refuse not only to celebrate the anniversary, but also to meet the figure in their lives. It is bad to live on the fourth floor, to be on the school or work list under this sign. Have some fun this birthday.

The opposite of superstition

The events and this anniversary can be given another explanation. Slavic peoples in order to foreshadow the event used a measurement system with the sign forty. Superstitions can be given positive interpretation, the events that happen have a different side. After death, the human soul roams the earth. During this time, relatives have the opportunity to say goodbye to the deceased, to let him go with peace of mind.

The sign says that a woman is separated from a man after childbirth for forty days. This is for the best, because during this period she can realize her new mission. The Jews walked in the desert for a designated period. The event belongs to bad sign. On the other hand, the incident ended in success.

The reason for this was the existing sins. The global flood, due to its duration, united people, cleansed souls and bodies. The Greek theory of longevity has met with criticism. The low duration is not related to the number. And with a poor level of medicine, enemy attacks, the wrong diet.

Thinkers give preference to the person himself, his mind and the command that he will send to his consciousness. You can celebrate another birthday with good mood and avoid troubles. You can give the brain a command, set it to negativity, and your birthday will be the beginning of the end. To believe in such superstitions or not is an individual matter.

It is customary to celebrate birthdays with family. There are those who give to this day great importance having fun and not thinking about what good or bad can happen. The anniversary is recommended to be celebrated taking into account the following requirements:

  • Thirty nine years of age to spend. The reason for gathering guests will be another date - 39 years. Accent. At the true age of the birthday man, decrease.
  • Circle of guests. For a man, a birthday with an ominous number is more difficult to transfer than for a woman. It is important to reduce the number of guests to a minimum. Those people who wish the birthday man well should be present.
  • Transferring a birthday. There is no prohibition that fun can be transferred to another day, even for one day.
  • Theme party. Birthday can be celebrated in the style of the New Year, a masquerade. Warn guests about the theme evening. Attention will be focused on the style itself.

You can think of an infinite number of reasons why it is necessary to believe or not folk omens, superstitions, oriental wisdom. The real reason lies within you.

Almost every man approaching the age of forty will surely begin to learn from others with surprise that this anniversary cannot be celebrated. Bad omen. And, what is most interesting, no one can really explain the essence of this sign. No wonder it is one of the most popular queries in the search engines of the worldwide web.

In order not to bring misfortune ...

Having wandered through the links, you can find many stories from life about how people gave up on signs, celebrated cheerfully - and as a result brought misfortune upon themselves. Forum visitors willingly tell stories from their lives - about how a lady called guests, received a bunch of gifts, and one gift turned out to be “with a surprise” - with severe damage, which the lady could not get rid of for a long time. Or about how a certain married couple celebrated their wife's anniversary in a restaurant, and from there she was taken away in an ambulance - problems with pressure. Or about how a man was going on a long business trip on the eve of the anniversary, the whole family tearfully asked him not to celebrate, but his colleagues insisted, and the man celebrated, after which ... the finger seemed to dislocate.

However, there are no less stories about how someone did not notice, but he still felt sad.

“My aunt just didn't want to celebrate her 40th birthday,” says one forum visitor. - On a grand scale celebrated thirty-nine years, arguing that in next year there will be no holiday. And what do you think - four days later I had an accident! There is also a very sad case - the man did not live up to the planned anniversary exactly one day. It seems that they did not celebrate, but still some kind of sediment remained ...

In contrast to these gloomy stories, there are a lot of stories about grandfathers, great-grandfathers and grandmothers-great-grandmothers, whom the anniversary feast did not prevent them from living happily up to eighty and ninety.

Historical background

As usual, how many people - so many opinions. Whom to listen to? And why not celebrate 40 years?

We repeat that the ban on the celebration of the fortieth anniversary is one of the most mysterious and unreasonable. This superstition is most likely connected with the fact that the number forty is sacred in many cultures. It had a special meaning among the ancient Jews, for example. Let's open the Bible - it is found there all the time: for forty years Moses led the Jews through the desert, for forty days the Great Flood continued, forty days Jesus spent in the desert after baptism ... Our Slavic ancestors also treated the forty with respect - there is an opinion that on it was based on the number system. Let's remember forty forty churches in Moscow, for example: not thirty thirty... Many ceremonies connected with birth and death were tied to the number 40. For example, a child could not be shown to strangers for forty days after his birth. On the fortieth day after death, the deceased was commemorated for the last time: it was believed that his soul on this day finally said goodbye to the earthly world. Until the forties they say, mentioning the deceased: "Let the earth rest in peace to him", after: "The kingdom of heaven to him."

And in Kievan Rus at the dawn of Christianity, there was an interesting custom of checking the body of the deceased precisely on the fortieth day. If the deceased led a righteous life and showed signs of incorruptibility, the question of his canonization could arise. Perhaps it is the association with forty posthumous days that is the main reason why forty years cannot be celebrated. Although, according to this logic, it is not recommended for a child to celebrate nine years, but this is not heard anywhere.

Some esotericists cite numerology and Tarot cards as an argument. Indeed, in Eastern magic, 40 is the number of death. Rather, not 40, but 4, but according to numerological laws, this is practically the same thing: 4 + 0 = 4. In the Tarot, the main Arcana "Death" has the letter designation "M", and the letter "Mem" of the Hebrew alphabet just corresponds to the number 40. All this, of course, is interesting, but it is unlikely that our grandmothers, who supported the tradition with the arguments “If you celebrate forty, you won’t live to be fifty!” know about tarot cards...

Only for men?..

Perhaps this superstition has a very practical basis. Recall that the life expectancy of our ancestors was not so great compared to ours: after forty years, a person was considered to have already decently lived, having reached almost old age (the general standard of living was lower, and medicine was not up to par). It turns out that anything could happen to him, and the general weakening of his health contributed to this. The body began to age - hair and teeth fell out, diseases came that the forty-year-old body no longer coped so well with ... Celebrating forty years meant saying hello to impending old age and, possibly, death, which could well look into the light. It was better not to remind such a guest of her age. According to one of the superstitions, a guardian angel generally retreated from a person at the age of forty, leaving him without higher protection.

What is interesting - it was, as a rule, about men. AT last years women also stopped celebrating their fortieth birthday, but initially this ban did not concern them at all. Perhaps this is an echo of early Christian beliefs, which generally denied a woman a soul.

The modern Orthodox Church considers this custom to be complete nonsense. The priests say that one can somehow understand and support a person’s reluctance to celebrate 33 years (the age of Christ), but one should not think that if you still arrange a holiday, then you can incur some troubles and suffering: such things are not can offend higher power. As for the number 40, in the same Bible there are quite a lot of joyful or neutral events associated with it: King David, for example, ruled for forty years - is that good or bad? .. The width of the temple built by Solomon was forty cubits - is this due to death?.. After his resurrection, Christ spent forty days on earth, trampling death by death and giving people new hope. So the position of the Orthodox Church on this issue is unequivocal: any superstition is evil, sin and temptation.

Protective Measures

For a long time, people have developed many ways to somehow protect themselves and get around any sacred prohibition. There is a lot of “good advice”: to celebrate not forty years, but forty years and one day, to celebrate the passing of the thirty-ninth year, to celebrate within the walls of your home (which, as you know, help), to celebrate in the circle of relatives and friends who cannot wish nothing wrong with the hero of the day ... If your fortieth birthday is of great importance to you, you can use one of these loopholes with peace of mind. But we should not forget that superstition "works" only with those who seriously believe in it. Weak people tend to look for someone to blame for all their troubles - they got up on the wrong foot, combed their hair in the wrong direction, and so on. The black cat and empty buckets are to blame, the anniversary celebrated at the wrong time and the service not presented from the bottom of the heart. But still, if you really and seriously have been puzzling over the question “why you can’t celebrate 40 years” for more than a day, then it’s better not to really celebrate this ambiguous date and not spoil yourself and your loved ones with doubts and torments.

The approach of the fortieth anniversary of many men and women causes some fear. Indeed, the fortieth anniversary is a round date, which is a kind of milestone, a confirmation of maturity and experience. There are many superstitions associated with this date, so most birthday people try to avoid celebrating. Why can't we celebrate 40 years?

There is no clear and specific answer to the question. Orthodox Church considers this ban unreasonable. The Bible is full of examples of both positive and negative events regarding the fortieth jubilee. For example, King David celebrated his fortieth birthday. Many sad events are associated with the number 40. The Jewish people wandered in the desert for 40 years. It is believed that the soul leaves the body after death on the 40th day. This figure also applies to children. They say that you can not show the baby to anyone 40 days after his birth, although according to another superstition it is unacceptable to open the baby's face in front of strangers until the moment of his baptism. What about unbaptized children? Never show them to anyone? In Eastern religion, 40 is considered a deadly number, more precisely the number 4. In some cities in Japan, this number is not posted anywhere. Chambers and apartments with this number do not sign. There is an opinion that such an inscription can bring trouble.

The Greeks have many negative events associated with the number 40. In ancient Greece, living to the age of forty was considered a luxury. Therefore, if a person has crossed this age limit, then death is close. The standard of living and medicine in those days left much to be desired, and after 40 years of age, health deteriorated, and teeth fell out. How to celebrate the fortieth anniversary and not bring trouble? To do this, you can resort to some tricks. You need to invite guests not on your birthday, but a day later. The number 40 should not sound in toasts. You can drink for 40 years and one day.

Non-superstitious people can safely celebrate their fortieth birthday. After all, superstitions come true only with those who believe in them. If you don’t want to bring trouble, but there is a desire to arrange a holiday for yourself and your loved ones, then you can safely use one of the “loopholes”. Some advise to celebrate the anniversary with humor. Instead of the fortieth anniversary, you need to celebrate New Year or March 8th. When inviting guests, do not mention the anniversary and the “terrible” date. It is advisable to stop using candles and characteristic inscriptions on the cake. Guests should be asked not to give greeting cards that indicate a “dangerous” age.

Why can't you celebrate your fortieth birthday, if before that all your birthdays were held in a noisy and festive atmosphere? Is it worth believing the strange superstition? What if you still really want to gather relatives and friends? This raises so many questions that have just as many conflicting answers. But it is still better to familiarize yourself with different interpretations in order to choose your own version than to trust any one unverified judgment.

Why not celebrate the 40th anniversary?

At one time, Pythagoras tried to express the whole world with the help of numbers. He partially succeeded, but much still remained beyond conjecture. But a strange craving for numbers was a characteristic of many nationalities and tribes. Although modern people trust in many respects scientifically proven facts, they are still influenced by ancient superstitions.

What is the reason for the ban on the celebration of the fortieth birthday? Why is the number 40 associated with unhappiness? There are many examples of the fact that it is this number, and not the number 13, as many believe, that is the carrier of negativity.

    - Within 40 days after death, the human soul wanders around the world, forcing his loved ones to be more careful in their actions and words.
    - For 40 years the Jewish people wandered in the desert until they found their happiness in the promised land.
    - Within 40 days after the birth of a child, a woman must be cleansed in order to be allowed to enter the church or approach the marital bed.
    - The Flood lasted for 40 days, which claimed the lives of many sinners.
    - Within 40 days after his baptism, Jesus was in the wilderness, subjected to various temptations and temptations of the devil.
    - In ancient Greece, 40 years was considered the peak of prosperity, but at the same time the beginning of decline, the period when death begins to creep up so close that almost no one lived to 50 years.

Throughout the history of mankind, you can still find examples of how the number 40 brought disappointment and grief. In its very sound, you can hear "Sor" and "Rock", as if Rock itself begins to collect and then throw away all that is superfluous, as if sweeping rubbish from the hut of life. Still, perhaps, it is not worth interfering in all this and incurring additional attention of the higher forces on yourself? Maybe the fun irritates the Arbiter of Fates, why does he begin to mix drops of bitterness into the life of the birthday boy, who still dared to celebrate his fortieth birthday?

It is believed that the celebration of the 40th anniversary can cause a long illness or mental suffering, and possibly even an early death. And if the birthday man himself suddenly somehow avoids the evil turn of his Fate, one of his friends or relatives will take on all the troubles.

It is difficult to judge whether this is actually the case, because there are quite a few situations when one or another event has a different, simpler explanation. It is difficult to understand whether they can be attributed to a coincidence, or whether their weight should still be associated with the celebration of the fortieth anniversary. Everyone interprets even an obvious fact in their own way, and what can we say about reasoning about the non-material world.

The other side of the coin

There is always an opposing point of view, which is also worth listening to. Given that the Slavs used the 40-ary system of measurement, it is not surprising that there were many events that were described using this number. And if you wanted to, you could also find a lot of good things, but bad things are remembered better, passed down from generation to generation as a warning to posterity. That is why there is nothing negative in reaching the age of forty.

The examples listed above with the number 40 can be regarded in a completely different way.

  • For 40 days after death, the soul is given the opportunity to "complete" its affairs. Is it bad? This means that loving people they can have time to say kind words to the deceased person and ask for forgiveness for their actions.
  • Yes, the Jewish people were indeed forced to walk in the desert for 40 years, but the end of the trial period was happy. Besides, if they were pure in heart, they could reach their destination sooner.
  • A woman within 40 days after the birth of a child gets the opportunity to relax more and devote herself to fully understanding the new role (the role of the mother), as well as to find, as they say, the “golden mean” between the child and her husband.
  • The Flood lasted 40 days, but it brought cleansing to the earth from all impurities and sinners. And the righteous were given the opportunity to unite and be saved.
  • Jesus successfully passed all the tests in 40 days, showing all his endurance and fidelity. However, all temporary hardships will pass, but a pure soul will remain forever.
  • In ancient Greece, 40 years was still considered the peak of prosperity, so this should be rejoiced. The decline was associated with frequent wars, poor medicine and increased mortality among the population. Today, in the modern world, there are many examples of those people who happily lived to be a hundred years old, so there is someone to look up to.

Our natural biorhythms begin to change internal laws at the turn of forty. When the state changes, not everyone is given the opportunity to rebuild and begin to build their new path and find a place for themselves in life. Hence the emergence of fear, complete concentration on the bad and the attraction of trouble.

Many at this age look back at their own lives, realizing with horror that everything did not go as they once dreamed. Because of this bitterness, there is no desire to celebrate your own birthday at all. What is there to rejoice here? To the fact that almost the main part of life flew by in turmoil and was almost devoid of joy? Hair has decreased on the head or gray hair has been added, wrinkles are already visible under the eyes, and the future no longer beckons with dreams. The soul is still just as young, but the body is no more.

If you perceive 40 years as another milestone, through which it will be useful, a positive result will not keep you waiting. The beginning of a new life period can be quite successful if you treat it accordingly. Even at 60 you can find pleasure in life.

How to celebrate the fortieth birthday of a superstitious person?

It is one thing if the birthday man is critical of various superstitions, and it is quite another thing if he takes seriously all the recommendations of his ancestors. The fact is that thoughts can attract certain situations to life and even cause illness. That is why the strengthened belief that 40 years are not celebrated can, when trying to celebrate your birthday at 40, play a bad joke.

However, people's craving for superstition can always be turned in the other direction. There are several options for celebrating the fortieth anniversary with minimal consequences.

  1. Celebrate the departure of 39 years. Warn all those invited to reduce congratulations and toasts to the celebration of the departure of 39 years. It seems that the rhythm of the feast will be familiar, but the emphasis of the number 40 will disappear. An additional revival will appear among the guests, because it is very unusual not to meet the new age of the birthday man, but to see off the past.
  2. You can gather a narrow circle of guests. 40 years in esotericism means a turning point in life, when the energy is significantly weakened. During this period, it is easy to jinx a person, even unconsciously. That is why reducing the number of guests will allow you to gather only the most trusted and close people who sincerely wish you all the best. But this applies, as a rule, only to male birthdays, so women can safely celebrate their fortieth birthday, unless, of course, they are not afraid to voice their own age out loud.
  3. You can also move the date of celebration from the date of birth so that all signs become invalid. If the holiday, for example, falls in the middle of the week, it will be very easy to justify your decision with the desire to have a great rest on the weekend.
  4. You can change the reason for gathering guests. You can always come up with a themed party. Well, wishes for the birthday man can be expressed without mentioning his age. The idea of ​​a holiday depends on your imagination, but guests will definitely support it with pleasure.

Christianity believes that everyone is equal before God. And this applies not only to people, but also to numbers. That is why a believing person should never single out one of the numbers before the others and attribute to it the presence of certain magical properties. That is why it is believed that 40 years is as good as 39. You should be grateful for every day you live, while not trying to guess the date of your death and somehow trying to push it back or move it forward with specific actions.