The body language of a man if he likes a girl. Gestures of sympathy of a man for a woman. Explicit female sympathy: what not everyone knows

Whether a particular man likes you or not is easy to understand by his gestures. Knowing some of the secrets of communication will help you accurately determine the mood of the interlocutor. One has only to observe his movements, posture and direction of gaze.

Often, when meeting a man, women face such a problem: it is very difficult to determine from his behavior whether he feels sympathy for the interlocutor, or whether he shows signs of attention only out of politeness. There are times when a man behaves rather ambiguously, and even strangely - then it becomes even more difficult to determine his mood. But there is good news: it is still possible to do this if you know a few secrets of the psychology of communication.

The fact is that not every man feels confident in the presence of a girl, especially if he likes her. Some, due to their natural temperament, behave modestly, others cannot show their true feelings due to hidden complexes or fear of failure. If a woman can determine the nature of the doubts of the object of her sympathy and tactfully help him open up, then a generous reward awaits her: gratitude and an increased degree of trust from the chosen one.

The decisive role of facial expressions and pantomime

Psychologists have proven that the impression that a person makes on his interlocutor is 55% dependent on the appearance and body movements of the speaker, and much less attention is paid to the speech and content of the conversation. At the same time, the process of “sending” and “reading” information by interlocutors takes place mainly on a subconscious level - therefore, an inexplicable feeling of sympathy or antipathy for a certain person often appears, which is difficult to explain from a logical point of view. In order to consciously send the necessary signals, and correctly decipher those coming from the interlocutor, you need to learn a few simple laws of body language - facial expressions and pantomimics.

The simple movements of a man can tell a lot

Facial expressions and pantomimics are a complex of movements that reflect the internal state of a person and his attitude to the outside world. Facial expressions are called the work of the facial muscles (smile, eye movements), pantomime - a change in body position (gestures, postures, gait, posture). Actors have been studying this science for years so that the viewer does not have even a fraction of a doubt about the realism of the image they portray. And if you apply knowledge of this body language in Everyday life, then success in communication is guaranteed.

Gestures of a man as a reflection of his intentions

As a rule, it is the gesture of a person that carries the largest number information about the mood of a person, his emotional state. Controlling your movements and gestures is not an easy task, requiring special training. But even if the interlocutor makes very few movements, then his posture, posture, head turn can say a lot. Consider the most obvious gestures of a man, indicating that he has a clear sympathy for his interlocutor.

    His body is turned towards the object of sympathy. As a rule, a man turns his whole body towards the woman he likes - this is a sign of his openness. He can also put one foot forward - this may indicate that he is taking a step towards her.

    Follows posture. If a man straightens his shoulders, pushing his chest forward, stretches, as if he wants to appear taller, plays with muscles, raises his chin - this indicates his desire to impress a woman.

    Something turns in his hands. If a man during a conversation does not know where to put his hands - he twists the ring on his finger, fiddles with the edge of his clothes, a cufflink or a button on his jacket, we can safely conclude that he is worried. And the reason for his excitement, most likely, was a charming companion.

    He fixes his clothes and hair. Pulling down his jacket, straightening his tie, straightening his shirt collar, or simply smoothing his clothes with his hands or shaking dust off them - these gestures indicate that a man seeks to please a woman, so he begins to “clean feathers” in order to appear in front of her in the most presentable way.

He can tidy himself up for you personally.

    A very eloquent gesture when a man keeps his hands on his hips or in his pockets, sticking out his thumbs. Thus, he subconsciously draws the attention of the interlocutor to the area of ​​​​his genitals. An even more outspoken gesture is when the thumb is placed behind the belt or belt of the trousers. But if in your presence he put his hands completely into his pockets, and his shoulders clenched or stooped, this indicates his emotional "tightness".

    Widely spaced legs. If a man sits in front of a woman with his legs wide apart, this may either indicate that he feels free, relaxed, or he subconsciously draws her attention to the intimate parts of his body.

    He passed by several times. If a man “revolves” around a certain woman, periodically passing by her for no apparent reason, this is one of the most obvious signs that she is interested in her. A man may not look at the object of sympathy when he is nearby - in this way he demonstrates himself, tries to arouse interest in his own person and not betray his feelings. It is important to be especially careful here, because a man can pass by you several times and not of his own free will, but, for example, performing some kind of assignment. In order to most accurately determine his intentions, it is better to play it safe and carefully observe him: does he still show any signs of attention to you.

    Copying gestures of the interlocutor. If a man unconsciously repeats the gestures of a woman with whom this moment talks (also crosses his legs, tilts his head in the same direction, moves in the same rhythm), - this indicates that he is attuned to the wave of his interlocutor, and she is deeply sympathetic to him.

    When a man uses "closed" postures when communicating - arms crossed on his chest, legs crossed in a sitting or standing position (unless, of course, he copies the interlocutor's posture), this is a sign that he feels constrained, and cannot yet open up to close communication. Try to interest him by touching on topics that are interesting to him.

Reading mimic movements

If your interlocutor stands like an idol, practically not using gestures, pay attention to his face, catching even the smallest changes and movements.

    Blush. If you notice that the man's cheeks are blushing, then most likely you are dealing with a very shy person. To determine the cause of his excitement, you need to observe him more closely.

    Smile. An open, benevolent smile is most often easy to distinguish from a “stretched”, insincere, resembling the grin of an animal. Take a closer look at how tense or relaxed the muscles of his face are when he smiles.

    Raised eyebrows. Raising eyebrows, as a rule, indicate that a person is showing interest in the interlocutor. But this is the case if the conversation is relaxed, because a serious topic of conversation can cause a concentrated or even tense expression on the face of the interlocutor.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul

In the event that a man controls not only his gestures, but also does not allow himself unnecessary facial movements, and at some point it even seemed to you that he was paralyzed, it would be useful to observe the movements of his eyes. If his gaze wanders somewhere, and rarely returns to you, try to interest him in something and after you catch his attention, follow how he looks at you.

Don't forget to follow his gaze

When a man is sincerely interested in a woman, he keeps his gaze on her longer than usual. But, it should not be a critical look, rather, it should say: “Everything is fine in you!”. Often the eyes of a man who feels sympathy for a woman linger for a long time in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bher neckline - you should not think that at this moment a man thinks “only one thing”, often he looks there unconsciously.

A long eye-to-eye look also indicates that a man has a genuine interest in a woman and is open to communicating with her. In this case, the pupils of his eyes will be dilated. If the gaze is fixed, but “cold”, a little indifferent, and the pupils remain narrow, this indicates that the man evaluates the woman, but has not yet determined for himself whether she is interesting to him or not.

Listening to a man speak

Of course, it is necessary not only to observe the gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor, but also to listen to what he is talking about, otherwise you can get into a very uncomfortable position for you. You should carefully monitor the content of his speech, the meaning of his jokes, changes in mood during the conversation.

If in a conversation a man takes the initiative in his own hands, directing the conversation, asking a lot of questions, this indicates that the interlocutor is very interesting to him. On the other hand, if the conversation is exclusively business or professional, this may mean that the man has not yet seen an attractive woman in his communication partner.

The desire of a man to talk only about himself and his hobbies may be a sign that he is not interested in a woman too much. Sincere, open laughter in the company of a woman indicates that a man is not shy about expressing his emotions in her presence, and this already speaks of trust.

In order not to become a victim of your rich imagination and not to indulge yourself in vain illusions about the object of sympathy, you need to be patient and carefully analyze all the facts. Remember: each feature of behavior should be interpreted in conjunction with others, no less important. Watch him in different situations, come up with several reasons for communication and topics for conversation if he does not approach you. And when you have a firm conviction that he likes you, but for some reason he cannot say this directly, feel free to take the initiative in your own hands, casting aside all doubts.

You can control speech, that is, the verbal way of communication, and actions. But random movements are dictated by our subconscious. Therefore, the gestures of a man in love can say much more than words. According to them, a girl can understand what a person feels for her, and develop a further line of behavior in order to interest him even more.

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    External signs of love

    In psychology, it is believed that in men the language of non-verbal gestures is less developed than in women. If a girl expresses her sympathy with one glance or a smile, then the young man must be "evaluated" by all signs. A single gesture still does not mean anything, but if a set of signals is repeated regularly, this indicates sympathy.

    It is important not to miss the moment, as a man stops flirting and flirting from time to time when he does not see a response.

    Signs of a man in love

    Features of the perception of reality

    Depending on how a person is aware of the space around him, signs of love will also appear:

    1. 1. The visual perceives information through eye contact. The lover begins to "wake up" at those moments when the chosen one catches his eye.
    2. 2. Auditile understands sounds better. The voice of the beloved will encourage this personality to express itself through non-verbal signs.
    3. 3. A kinesthetic person experiences the world through touch. Recognizing such a man is as easy as shelling pears: he will try to touch the person he likes as often as possible.

    Of course, this does not mean that the kinesthetic will constantly stroke the hand, and the visual will only look at the beloved. But some advantage will remain behind these signs of attention.

    Small but sure signs of falling in love are easy to recognize, and they will help facilitate the process of flirting.

    Scorpio man how to understand that he likes you


    Men are not as good at maintaining eye contact as women. However, you need to watch your face and eyes.

    Visual signals can be divided into two categories:

    1. 1. "Reviews". If the girl is not very familiar young man, but he likes her, then he will constantly stop looking at her, but not for long. The moment he realizes that his interest has not gone unnoticed, he will immediately look away. But soon the guy will resume the attempt again, and each time the duration will increase: from 2-3 seconds to 10-15.
    2. 2. Long contact. More assertive people or those to whom a woman has long been introduced will look at her for a long time and carefully.

    When he looks at a girl, his pupils increase in size, his face turns red, his eyebrows rise.. This reaction of the body is due to great sympathy.

    It is also worth paying attention to exactly where the subject you like is looking. If he constantly watches a woman and his gaze stops at the chest and hips, then he is definitely interested.

    Other non-verbal cues will let you know that there is more to this.

    How to understand that this is your person


    By nature, the male tries to feel like a leader, he needs power and a sense of his own superiority. Therefore, their signals of sympathy may seem insistent:

    1. 1. Invasion of a woman's personal space. This does not mean that he will constantly cuddle up to her, but he can tilt his head in her direction during a conversation, turn around to her with his whole body.
    2. 2. Quick touches. When talking, a man will sometimes easily, but regularly touch his beloved. By such actions, he emphasizes that the girl is his chosen one, and only he can allow such contact.
    3. 3. Finger movements. If a young man puts his fingers behind the belt of his trousers or keeps his hands in his pockets with his fingers left on the surface, then this means sexual desire and an attempt to emphasize his "male" qualities (aggression, courage, strength, will). Such gestures are purely instinctive and cannot be controlled.

    Rolling objects in the palm of your hand is another sure sign of liking and affection.

    Such gestures will appear unconsciously. According to them, one can conclude that a person is in love, if there are no signs, then the lady does not cause high feelings.


    When a man, when a woman appears, wants to look in the mirror, adjusts his belt, smoothes his hair, this person is not indifferent to him. The young man straightens his posture, he tries to straighten his shoulders as wide as possible, and his gait becomes smoother and gliding. With such actions, the guy is trying to stand out from the rest.

    Personal contact

    Everyone has their own comfort zone, where a person lets only people very close to him. Adoption in this "circle" - a sure sign that friendly or amorous sympathy. A man in love on a date will try:

    • take the girl by the hand;
    • to press cheek to cheek when meeting or parting;
    • hugging, holding hands on the waist, his girth will be a little stronger and stronger;
    • kiss the palm;
    • press your lips and forehead against the head of a woman.

    But if a young man picks up a girl and holds her in his arms, then she can be sure of his sincere feelings.

    Signs of love according to the signs of the zodiac

    Signs of sympathy for each sign are manifested in certain gestures and features of verbal behavior:

    1. 1. Aries. Such men are bold and assertive, and their courtship will be similar. Intimate touches, smiles and frank glances are a small list of those signals that representatives of fire signs have.
    2. 2. Taurus. These people are not too fond of using non-verbal gestures, they are more accustomed to talking with their chosen one and trying to win her over with words. An open smile and a look, a light handshake and a kiss - this is the maximum that these men are capable of at the beginning of a relationship.
    3. 3. Gemini. They try to shield their beloved girl in every possible way from the attention of others. When rivals appear on the horizon, Gemini stands up, spreads his legs wide and straightens his shoulders, tries to be close to the woman and cover her.
    4. 4. Cancer. These men do not like to show their interest with gestures, it is easier for them to confess their feelings in words (which is extremely rare).
    5. 5. Lev. This zodiac sign is distinguished by truly royal manners, and his courtship is similar. The gestures will be extremely respectful: he will open the door in front of the lady, give her his hand when leaving the car and kiss her hand goodbye.
    6. 6. Virgo. Like Cancer, he is afraid to immediately admit his sympathies, trying to control even non-verbal behavior, so it is better not to expect gestures of love from such a person.
    7. 7. Scales. Loving men easily and quickly switch to body language. They often touch the girl, stroke her hand or hug her and are absolutely not shy about it.
    8. 8. Scorpions. Assertive and confident representatives of the water sign will simply come up and kiss, rather than play a love game. Their gestures are straightforward and speak of sympathy better than any words.
    9. 9. Sagittarius. It is not difficult for these men to talk about feelings right away, without prior flirting.
    10. 10. Capricorn. He is careful in his actions, he will slowly show his attitude towards the girl with the help of some signals: a half-smile, a turn in her direction. But this will only happen if the woman seriously hooks him, and this does not happen often.
    11. 11. Aquarius. He starts active actions only after he is convinced of serious intentions for the chosen one, before that he does not betray his feelings in any way.
    12. 12. Pisces. Men in love and romantic will secretly look at the girl, turn in her direction and try to embellish themselves.

    The gestures of men in love may vary, but the most common ones still periodically appear when sympathy for a woman arises.

Prostomen will talk about the psychology of female sign language and teach you how to "read" a girl by her gestures. Women gesticulate a lot more men for two reasons. Firstly, they are more emotional, and secondly, the rules of decency, which have been formed over the centuries, impose many “no” on the behavior of charmers: you can’t be the first to take the initiative, you can’t show sympathy too clearly. Therefore, the representatives of the weaker sex are forced to invent and look for other, non-verbal ways of communication.

The body of women, unlike their language, always tells the truth. Gestures are almost impossible to control. The success of a man on the love front directly depends on his ability to pick up these signals. So, what do girls' gestures mean?

In communicating with a man, women use gestures of sympathy, sexual gestures and gestures of irritation.

Gestures of a woman in love or gestures of sympathy

She is standing or sitting and her feet are facing you.

She "pointed her skis" in your direction and says: "I'm interested in you."

Dilated pupils (cases of chemical, drug and alcohol exposure are excluded).

“In your presence, my pulse quickens, what does this mean? I must have fallen in love…”

Blush (except when you are standing outside in -30 degrees below zero), rapid breathing, dilated nostrils (unless she runs away from you at night in the park).

“..., it is at least 40 degrees, I am squeezed to the maximum. Drunk from him today…”

He preens: straightens non-existent folds on clothes, looks at himself in front of you in everything that can reflect, paints his lips.

"I want to look good... for you."

Looks into the eyes.

"I'm trying to see into your soul."

Shaking her hips.

Presentation, the purpose of which is to demonstrate your fifth point as profitably as possible.

Sideways glance, furtively.

She teases you: “Cuckoo, honey!”

I smiled at you several times.

"I invite you to meet."

She crossed her legs coquettishly.

"Don't mind flirting!"

Plays with a shoe (the heel either dives into it, then emerges), knocks with his toe on the leg of a chair or table.

These gestures signal the girl's playful mood, that she is in the mood for a romantic wave.

Often touches hair, straightens it, throws it from one shoulder to another.

Hair is a sign of femininity, so she says that she sees a man in you and asks you to see a woman in her.

Invades your personal space.

It doesn't matter if she stretches her legs towards you, leans towards you, puts her bag on the table between you, or "accidentally" touches you, all these gestures say: "I want to be closer!"

Wrist demonstration

"With you, I can afford to be weak."

Gestures of sexual arousal

Widely spaced legs, regardless of whether the girl is sitting or standing.

"I don't mind the continuation of the banquet."

Strokes his knees, calves or thighs.

“I love affection, I might not mind accepting it from you if you “play your cards” right, but for now ... you have to deal with it yourself.

Licks lips.

“How sweet you are, I would have eaten it!”

Open mouth.

"In awe of you!" The girl literally "dropped her jaw." You have made an indelible impression with your prowess, and she cannot recover herself.

Strokes objects of a cylindrical shape (a glass, a stem of a glass, a lighter, a pen).

She hints at the continuation of the evening.

Annoyance gestures

funny video

2 year old loves to throw. Look what happened when his parents bought him a basketball hoop!

Sometimes, it happens that many of the environment of a woman understand that a certain man is interested in her, but she herself does not realize this. To be convinced of the sympathy of another person, it is not at all necessary to hear direct confessions from him - sometimes everything becomes clear by certain gestures.

Gesticulation and facial expressions of a person in love, their meaning

How to recognize them

In general, recognizing that a certain woman is interested in a certain man is quite easy. One of the most obvious signs in favor of this circumstance will be the fact that in the presence of the object of sympathy, a person in love unconsciously tries to demonstrate himself from the best side. How does this happen? First, a man will immediately take care of his appearance. This can be expressed in a cursory adjustment of the hair or collar, pulling the sweater and other similar trifles.

Also, one of the eloquent gestures showing that a young man likes a girl is his unconscious drawing of attention to his lower body. He can put his thumbs behind the belt, keep his hand on his hip, or sit with his legs wide apart, and so on.

When communicating with a girl he likes, a man tries to turn his whole body in her direction, straightening his shoulders, and also leaning slightly towards her. Also pay attention to such a trifle as the socks of a guy’s shoes - if a young man likes you, then they will most likely “look” in your direction.

Among other things, we advise you to consider the face of a man who is talking to you, if it is friendly and relaxed, then there is a high probability that he really likes to communicate with you. Also, in this case, most likely he will have slightly dilated pupils and raised eyebrows. It is possible that a slight blush from excitement will appear on the cheeks.

How to use such gestures to your advantage

Of course, when you see that a man likes you, you can use this fact for your own benefit. It is hardly possible to count on any selfish goals, because if a man suspects you of this, then all his love can disappear in an instant. However, if you yourself feel sympathy for the guy who shows you certain signs attention, then it will not be difficult for you to completely charm him, thereby arranging your own personal life.

What gestures of a man indicate sympathy for a woman

It is very difficult for a person in love to hide his feelings, because often his body language and gestures speak for him. A man obsessed with a certain woman often involuntarily splashes out his true emotions, and with a certain amount of attentiveness, this is easy to notice.

Behavior of a man when he is in love

When a young man is interested in a certain girl, he tries, as if by accident, to touch her - to hug her waist, shake off a non-existent speck of dust, touch her hand, or at least put her hand on a chair on which the person she likes is located. With such gestures, a man unconsciously demonstrates to potential rivals (even if they are not yet in sight) that this woman belongs to him, that they are on the same territory with her.

If a guy likes some girl, and at the same time they will be in the company, he will try to use this circumstance to his own advantage. First of all, he will try to be in the spotlight, or at least "not lose face." If a man is generally sociable, then he will try to demonstrate his erudition, sharp mind, and make the company laugh in front of others. However, the opposite situation can also happen - from an overabundance of feelings, the guy will become so timid that he will behave stupidly or simply close in on himself.

A man who wants to make a special impression on the object of sympathy will try to demonstrate some of his virtues to her - as if by chance he will tell about some kind of expensive purchase, achievements in a particular area, and so on. He wants to somehow stand out, draw attention to himself.

The look of a man if he likes you

Often, the interest of a man is easy to determine by his look - in the presence of the person he likes, his look will probably “glow”. Surely, you have heard such an expression as "eyes glow with happiness" - that's about it and we are talking about. When looking at the object of sympathy, the pupils of his eyes dilate slightly, and often his eyebrows rise involuntarily.

In general, if a man really likes you, then he will try to look at you as often as possible, even if, at times, it will look indecent - he simply cannot do otherwise. Even when he is not looking specifically at you, his gaze is still directed in your direction. He will want to follow you and your movements, to intercept your gaze at least for a moment. It is noteworthy that if a man still manages to catch the eye of the person he likes, he often stews and quickly takes him away, as if he was taken by surprise.

In addition, if a young man likes a certain girl, then his gaze can be directed not only at him, but simply in the direction where the object of sympathy is looking. Looking at the face of a desired person, a man often lingers on the lips of a woman and some parts of the body - however, this speaks not only of love, but also of sexual interest. In this case, they say: "he devoured her with his eyes."

A man is shy when in love

It is generally accepted that if a man liked a woman, then he tries to “fluff his tail” in front of her, demonstrate his strongest sides, and also conquer her with eloquence and sense of humor. Indeed, often, an interested man behaves in this way.

However, pay attention to the saying of the famous writer Agatha Christie, who once remarked: “A man, when he pretends to be in love, tries to be cheerful, gallant, to give all kinds of attention. But if he's truly in love, he's like a sheep." There is a significant amount of truth in these words. Having met a woman who evokes strong feelings in him, a man can simply be confused and behave truly stupid. At the same time, he can be a very sociable and sociable person in life! If you notice that in your presence a certain man behaves strangely - he is shy, stammers, says something out of place, then you have a serious reason to think about whether he has fallen in love with you. He himself is probably aware that his behavior looks rather stupid, and this, as often happens, makes him even more worried.

What do vulgar gestures of a guy say

If you notice that a guy is showing vulgar gestures towards you, then you can be sure that you are clearly attracted to him as a sexual object. At the same time, it is not at all excluded that he is even in love with you, but first of all he is led by lust. Some women take these gestures as a personal insult, but in fact, the man who shows them rarely actually plans to cause offense or anything like that. It is possible that he himself will regret his behavior and decide that it was stupid, but at that particular moment, he was probably simply unable to control his emotions.

To find out and understand how a man treats you - watch his behavior

If you want to determine how interesting you are to a young man, then pay attention to how he behaves. Having noticed at least some of the listed points, you can be sure that the guy is not indifferent to you.

So, learn to analyze the verbal and non-verbal signals that a man sends you. By evaluating them together, you can understand his true attitude. If you notice only one or two of the mentioned gestures, then this may not mean anything, but if there are more of them, then there is probably still sympathy.

One of the most obvious signs that signal a guy's interest is that he tries to be closer to you, to be present in the zone of your personal space. As you know, it is natural for a person to allow only especially close people into this space, so you can draw certain conclusions.

If a man tries to spend as much time in your company as possible, then it is obvious that he likes you. Perhaps in last days Have you noticed that from time to time you accidentally cross paths with a certain man, began to communicate with someone more than usual? Probably, we are talking not at all about chance, but about a planned rapprochement.

Body language can tell a lot about a person, their thoughts and feelings. The body without words, non-verbally, unconsciously, with the help of special gestures, movements, speaks about the characteristics of a person.

Specialists of professions such as "Man-Man" can understand by non-verbal signs: who works, what is sick, what are the mental abilities, temperament, basic emotion of a person, what he feels at the moment.

It is easy for any person to see fear, anger, joy and all other vivid emotions. With complex emotions and feelings, it is more difficult to deal with. Love is sometimes manifested in imperceptible gestures and poses.

How to find out about sympathy without asking about it directly? How do you know if a person is really in love? Are the words about love true?

There are gestures of love that are performed consciously, their meaning is clear, these are gestures of love that are customary to express one's feelings in society. The danger may lie in the fact that such gestures of love can be demonstrated by a person who does not have feelings, only for the sake of seduction and seduction.

The article will talk about those gestures of a person in love, which are performed unconsciously, instinctively, without intent and therefore are true.

To recognize body signals, you need to be attentive, watch your partner, but do it unobtrusively; take into account the situation and mood of a person during communication; each gesture should be interpreted in conjunction with the others. It is important to remember that body language is more important and more truthful than its words.

Gestures common to both sexes

  1. Preening, straightening clothes, hair,
  2. The person with the whole body turns to the interlocutor,
  3. Prolonged and frequent eye-to-eye contact
  4. Dilated pupils, blush on cheeks,
  5. Sincere smile.

A man in love always tries to be closer to a woman, strives for communication, watches her, tries to take care and help.

Gestures of a man in love

Gestures of a woman in love

  1. Flirtatious "shooting" eyes. The woman looks furtively, then modestly looks away, while smiling, and again throws it at the man.
  2. Preening, correcting hair and clothes.
  3. Dilated pupils and reddening of the skin of the face.
  4. A turn with the whole body towards the man or the direction of the feet in his direction.
  5. Shaking the head, so as to push the hair out of the face.
  6. Demonstration of the wrist and neck, other attractive parts of the body.
  7. Special smoothness of movements and grace. The woman shakes her hips, arches her back, pushes her chest forward.
  8. The voice becomes more gentle, melodic, deep.
  9. Relaxation of the legs, they are slightly apart or crossed so that one knee is directed towards the man.
  10. Slightly open mouth. A woman's lips are naturally relaxed and moisturized.
  11. Playing with clothes, jewelry, hair.
  12. Lip coloring. While the man is not looking, the woman adjusts her makeup, applies a fresh coat of lipstick.

When a woman is in love, she "blooms": she becomes more feminine and beautiful.

To perfectly master the art of understanding a person without words in his behavior and gestures, read books on this subject. There are a lot of them! Here are some:

  1. Allan Pease, Barbara Pease "Sign Language in Love"
  2. Allan Pease, Barbara Pease "Body Language"
  3. Allan Pease, Barbara Pease "Body Language at Work"
  4. D. Space “Truth detector We read thoughts with the help of facial expressions and gestures”
  5. E. Atay “Reading by faces and gestures for beginners”
  6. S. Stepanov “Language of appearance. Gestures, facial expressions, facial features, handwriting and clothing”
  7. N. Rom “Kamasutra of communication. The magic of words and gestures”
  8. J. Messinger “Gesture Dictionary”