How to please a man of a certain zodiac sign, an adult, married, his boss? How to please a male boss and then how to determine that he likes you? What does a boss like in a woman

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

It is clear that you do not want to please! It is much calmer just to work in good conscience, and to be appreciated for it, which would be expressed both in attitude and in salary. But there is never too much happiness, and if you are not very lucky with your bosses at a good job, well, you will have to learn to adapt. But as? Let's try to figure it out!

It sometimes seems to us that, according to common sense, professionalism, punctuality, and reliability, which you have plenty of, should be enough for the bosses to carry you in their arms! But this is a theory, and, in fact, bosses are people too, and, accordingly, each of them has his own set of whims, predilections and ideas about what is good and what they don’t like! Therefore, in order to please your particular boss, you must first understand what type he belongs to, understand his character and views.

If you are lucky and you got to a competent leader with a high professional level, then for him the main criterion for assessing your professional suitability will be specific deeds, non-standard solutions, good reaction, high efficiency and the ability to constantly learn. For a set of such qualities, you will be forgiven a lot - both some willfulness and minor errors.

A pedantic boss is not bad at all for business, because punctuality and accuracy do not harm anyone. But for creative people, these requirements will become truly disastrous, because many can work day and night and at the same time are not able to bring themselves to come to work exactly at the specified time. Here you have to choose - either put up with military discipline, or look for another job, or rather, another boss.

If your boss is a tyrant and despot, then, in order to please him, you need to demonstrate complete submission and obedience. If you resignedly listen to the reprimands, then you will be forgiven for all sorts of minor errors - and delays, and shortcomings in the work, and even the lack of creativity and fresh ideas. But if you show obstinacy, then all your talents will no longer be saved - dismissal is just around the corner!

For a boss who suffers from excessive democracy and wants to constantly be in the "thick of the people", your pedantry is completely useless, moreover, in general slight disregard for conventions, it will look like a challenge to everyone, including the boss. Yes, and your desire to work overtime, to the bitter end, no one will understand either.

If the main thing for your boss is to make the team cohesive and friendly family, then you will have to work hard to demonstrate a rare livability, sociability, friendliness. You will not be forgiven for causticity, a tendency to conflict, aggressiveness, intemperance in statements or intrigues.

A careerist boss who is constantly striving to rise somewhere, and where he himself does not always imagine, although he drags the whole team behind him - this is a heavy burden. You will have to forget about your plans and personal time, about your interests and your own opinion. All your time and energy will be devoted to achieving the highest goal. True, it is possible that the boss himself has a poor idea of ​​where he is leading. So, if you do not want to sacrifice yourself for tasks that are incomprehensible and unnecessary to you, draw your own conclusions.

Worst of all is the option of an incompetent boss with a bunch of inferiority complexes. Constant fear for his position pushes him to the dismissal and survival of all those who may be dangerous. And, of course, first of all, these are competent, proactive and self-confident employees. Want to keep your job? Be quiet, respectful, and completely inconspicuous in the workplace. Yes, do not forget to admire the business qualities and talents of your boss from time to time. He will definitely be informed, and you will have a certain margin of safety.

And what about those who cannot understand what type of boss they are? From the very first day of work, clearly define the scope of your duties and strictly fulfill them. This setting will make your positions invulnerable to any type of leader. And do not forget that you will need to observe polite subordination with your superiors and be constantly correct and friendly in the team. At the same time, you should neither stay away nor get too close. And then - time will tell!

You got a job and everything seems to suit you, but the relationship with the boss does not add up. How to build them - with minimal moral and material losses For you? Remember our 10 tips.

1. Review the list of your job responsibilities. Each enterprise should have such approved lists or your duties: they must be clearly stated in the work contract. Typically, such a contract is concluded after a probationary period. Remember our 10 tips.

A clear definition of your duties and responsibilities will allow you to establish a clear service relationship with management. The contract and prescribed duties - all this disciplines both the employee and the manager.

If your boss is incompetent, it is very possible that he does not clearly understand how the duties are divided between employees. Therefore, after the trial period, write them yourself, as you imagine them and agree on the list with the boss, with subsequent inclusion in the work contract.

2. Find out what type of leader you are dealing with?

According to the hierarchy, you have to adapt to the boss, not him to you, so understand his requirements. Is he meticulous? Submit detailed reports to him.

He is an amateur in your business or prefers to decide global problems without going into details? Try to give him two or three a week good ideas even if he finds flaws in them.

Summarizing what has been said, try to analyze the strengths and weak sides your boss, so you can avoid his irritation and give a positive assessment of your actions.

3. What worries your boss the most?

You need to know leadership priorities. This will allow you to direct your own efforts in the right direction and avoid completely unnecessary expenditure of time and energy on work that will not be appreciated by your boss.

4. Exploit the leader's weaknesses

Perhaps your manager's weakness lies in the fact that there is a job that he does not do for any reason. Perhaps due to excessive employment or due to ignorance, financial problems. Instead of slandering the boss while he is trying to be a procurement or HR manager, if you have experience, try to offer to help him. In addition to improving relationships with your actions, higher management (if any) will appreciate your initiative and take note of you.

5. Focus on the success of the whole team

Your work should contribute to the achievement of success in the work of the entire enterprise, the entire team. If the firm is doing well, then your contribution will be appreciated, you will significantly improve your relationship with management.

6. Organize your workflow

Every time the manager calls you to give a new task, always have a list of work accepted for execution with you, which indicates the deadline for their completion. This will help to reasonably explain that you will be happy to take on the task "x", but then the task "y" will be postponed for such and such a period.

It's a civilized form of not saying "no" and, moreover, allows you to evaluate the priorities of the boss, who will know that the task "y" is being delayed. Always have a clear idea of ​​the order of work to be done, and do not start task #5 until task #1 is completed.

7 . Meet with your manager regularly

It doesn't matter if the boss calls you: take the lead. At least once a week, ask him for an audience in which to present a report on the work done. Tell us about the difficulties you had to face and what solution you found.

This will help prioritize work, advise on how to get it done, and help your boss get his job done, even against his will.

8. Don't let antipathy win

Each of us sympathizes with some people, but does not endure some at all. However, at work, your success depends on how well you can work with different psychological types of people. If you are experiencing communication difficulties, read the literature on the subject. You don't have to "love" your boss, the first step is to make sure he doesn't hate you.

9. Look at the situation with optimism

No matter how bad the boss seems to you, probability theory says that he cannot be completely "sucks." Open in your manager positive sides, they are always there, appreciate them, and this will help to overcome professional difficulties. Remember: whatever your boss is, he will become better if he likes you as an employee.

10. Remember, write down and take into action our advice: you will succeed!

Performing your duties correctly, being a pro in the workplace - it seems that these are the basic rules that should instantly move you up the career ladder. However, not everything is so rosy. You understand that the real world is relationships between people that are based on subjective assessments. People look at you from different angles. Someone notices such moments when you work in the sweat of your brow, someone notices only such moments when you are relaxing (lounging). The second happens much more often, because it is common for superiors to criticize the staff, rather than praise them.

In such conditions, you need to please, show your best sides and create an excellent impression of yourself with the boss. Let's talk about some tricks that help to show yourself in a favorable light. By the way, it is easier for a woman in this matter if the boss is a man, since you can use all your charm (the main thing is not to overdo it).

How to please a male boss: basic techniques

- People love praise. This is especially true for men, and bosses are no exception. However, you also need to be able to praise. If you were previously quiet all the time, closed in on your problems, not noticing anyone, then such a sharp change in behavior may arouse suspicion. The boss will immediately feel something is wrong and think that you are an ordinary sycophant.

This is where subtle play is required. Study your boss, start to notice something good in him. Perhaps he changed his suit for a new one, or made a good deal? Sincerely rejoice for him and congratulate him. Keyword here - "sincerely". Falsehood always crawls out, so praise through hatred is a very bad option. Start praising your boss once a week, then more often, gradually increasing the number of times for compliments. At the same time, notice all the good that is in it, even if you don’t like it at all.

- Be visible, but not too often. Being constantly in sight, you annoy people with your appearance and behavior. However, you still need to be visible. Remind yourself by walking with a folder wherever you go. Even if you want to go to the ladies' room or make yourself a coffee, take a folder of documents with you: it adds solidity and makes you look like an always busy employee. “Talking to colleagues? Probably on an important matter, ”the chief will think. While pretending, do not get carried away either: sooner or later the deceit is exposed. The main essence of this technique is to show that you are really doing something in the workplace.

- Tell good news and trust others to deliver bad news. In ancient times, messengers with bad news were beheaded. Although today “leave without a head” is more civilized, the essence of this does not change. It is enough to come to the boss with bad news 2-3 times so that you begin to associate him with negativity. What do they do with such a person? They're trying to get rid of. If you constantly call the boss good mood, then perhaps he will not notice some of your oversights.

- Value your boss's time and show it in every way. Any boss will appreciate your desire to save his precious time. Even if he has been sitting in social network and watch funny movies. When entering his office, do not forget to ask if you are distracting him from an important matter. Formulate what you wanted to say very briefly and clearly, without unnecessary emotions and preludes (leave emotional conversations about nothing for the evening for girlfriends), trying not to stutter and not be nervous (bosses do not like this either).

- A cold is not a reason to skip work. Got a cold and want to take sick leave? The boss will immediately suspect. Of course, you should not “burn out” at work, giving up your last strength and health. Why not call a cold something more serious? For example, a sore throat with a high temperature. If you are really sick, do not ask for sick leave. Instead, show your boss that you feel bad, but you continue to do your job. Wrap your throat with a scarf, pick up a scarf. Go like this for a day or two. Perhaps the boss will take pity and send you home himself.

- Don't show your boss that you're holding on to your job as for the last and only chance. The fact that you were chosen is only your merit. Surely the employer had other candidates, but he chose you. Remember that you also made a choice from a number of vacancies, and this one just suits you better than others at the moment. Never hold on to a job and don't humiliate yourself, even if you got the job with great difficulty. Keep your dignity, be kind, and everything will work out.

- Take criticism appropriately. Did the boss go too far by reprimanding you? He may have raised his voice, but you should not react with tears or take every remark with hostility. Calmly tell him that you admit your mistake and correct it. A neutral business tone is very appropriate here. It neutralizes the negative directed at you. If your boss lashes out at you for any reason, it may be worth talking to him when he calms down and find out the real reason for such hostility towards you.

- Always look 100%. Stick to a business style and remain a woman at the same time. Beautiful, neat, but not bright makeup, not too revealing clothes that emphasize your dignity, well-groomed hands - all this is liked by any man with a normal orientation, regardless of whether he is a boss, colleague or subordinate.

- Don't give reasons for criticism. Learn to organize yourself workplace, schedule. Write down all the things that need to be done, make a checklist and check the boxes in it, completing the things. Do not be late and try to arrive early: a few minutes earlier than the boss. Punctuality is a big plus for you.

And remember: you can always be patient Bad mood boss, his not exactly affectionate attitude towards you. However, if for the sake of work you have to humiliate your dignity and spend your health, consider: maybe you should find the best place under the sun?

Men and how to twist ropes from them Antonova Irina

How to please your boss

Sense of proportion - above all! Especially when it comes to your favorite boss. He certainly will not leave unnoticed anything defiant, superfluous and too bold. And nothing "too much" at all. Try not to look deliberately sexy and accessible. The more accessible a woman is, the less interesting she is for a strong man who is used to overcoming difficulties, which, of course, is your own boss. It is better to focus on the details that attract in the first place.

Conventionally, all men are divided into males of "two floors": lower and upper. Representatives of the "lower floor" first of all pay attention to the woman's ass and legs. For such a boss, you can (and should) wear a short skirt. Or very long skirt. Narrow. Or a very long and very wide skirt. But! A slit is required for a skirt of any length. Here you can adjust it however you like. From "very bold" to "school cut". If your boss is a "downstairs" man, he will definitely notice. The slit at the back, which, when walking, either opens or covers the legs, especially affects men. That's it in this skirt, but a few steps up the stairs! Mmm, I think that, following you up to the fourth floor, he will be ready to continue the relationship. By the way, for information, the cut in front of such magical influence does not render, everything is too open and clear. I want riddles.

Men of the "upper floor" look at the shoulders, neck and bust. For them, you need to stock up on low-cut blouses, tops, modest (but always stylish) shirts, unbuttoned with a few extra buttons, transparent blouses, and so on. Do not try to kill two birds with one stone and open up to the maximum. It is not right. It is possible and necessary to expose only one “floor”, otherwise, using an erroneous technique, you will become deliberately “open”. And further. All these bold outfits are not suitable for everyday wear. Here corporate party, birthday, New Year- these are just the days when you can shine without fear of seeming overly tempting. By the way, you can use the technique of contrast. That's what one of my friends did. Having got a job, for six months, she constantly went to work in strict business suits, which completely disguised her super-sexy figure. But she came to the New Year's party in such an outfit carefully thought out to the smallest detail that her boss, who she really liked, could not recover for a long time when he met her in the corridor. Contrast is great!

And another very important detail. Pomade. Makeup generally plays an important role in seducing the desired man, but you must admit that if you go too far with mascara, it will not be a disaster. And you are unlikely to use eye shadow in bright green or radical black. But lipstick is a special article. It can become both a lure trap (if chosen correctly), and a signal of danger and alarm for a man (if chosen incorrectly). Lipstick is the alpha and omega of our female sex appeal. For example, a blood-red mouth is rather vulgar, but very attractive for a man, however, most likely only at the first meeting (the second meeting is unlikely to happen). Then it becomes frustrating and annoying, because a normal man does not dare to kiss a woman in "active color" lipstick. Firstly, men are aware that such lipsticks eat into the skin so that they are not so easy to remove even with soap, and secondly, no man will endure the feeling of discomfort for a long time, which, undoubtedly, will bring him the color of the applicant's lipstick . It has also been noticed that dry lipstick for men is more attractive than oily. They like warm shades much more than cold ones, and from blue-violet they fall into a state of depression.

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You got a job and everything seems to suit you, but the relationship with the boss does not add up. How to build them - with minimal moral and material losses for you? Remember our 10 tips.

1. Review the list of your job responsibilities. Each enterprise should have such approved lists or your duties: they must be clearly stated in the work contract. Typically, such a contract is concluded after a probationary period. Remember our 10 tips.

A clear definition of your duties and responsibilities will allow you to establish a clear service relationship with management. The contract and prescribed duties - all this disciplines both the employee and the manager.

If your boss is incompetent, it is very possible that he does not clearly understand how the duties are divided between employees. Therefore, after the trial period, write them yourself, as you imagine them and agree on the list with the boss, with subsequent inclusion in the work contract.

2. Find out what type of leader you are dealing with?

According to the hierarchy, you have to adapt to the boss, not him to you, so understand his requirements. Is he meticulous? Submit detailed reports to him.

Is he an amateur in your business or does he prefer to solve global problems without going into details? Try to give him two or three good ideas a week, even if he finds flaws in them.

In summary, try to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your boss, so you can avoid his irritation and give a positive assessment of your actions.

3. What worries your boss the most?

You need to know leadership priorities. This will allow you to direct your own efforts in the right direction and avoid completely unnecessary expenditure of time and energy on work that will not be appreciated by your boss.

4. Exploit the leader's weaknesses

Perhaps your manager's weakness lies in the fact that there is a job that he does not do for any reason. Perhaps due to excessive employment or due to ignorance, financial problems. Instead of slandering the boss while he is trying to be a procurement or HR manager, if you have experience, try to offer to help him. In addition to improving relationships with your actions, higher management (if any) will appreciate your initiative and take note of you.

5. Focus on the success of the whole team

Your work should contribute to the achievement of success in the work of the entire enterprise, the entire team. If the firm is doing well, then your contribution will be appreciated, you will significantly improve your relationship with management.

6. Organize your workflow

Every time the manager calls you to give a new task, always have a list of work accepted for execution with you, which indicates the deadline for their completion. This will help to reasonably explain that you will be happy to take on the task "x", but then the task "y" will be postponed for such and such a period.

It's a civilized form of not saying "no" and, moreover, allows you to evaluate the priorities of the boss, who will know that the task "y" is being delayed. Always have a clear idea of ​​the order of work to be done, and do not start task #5 until task #1 is completed.

7 . Meet with your manager regularly

It doesn't matter if the boss calls you: take the lead. At least once a week, ask him for an audience in which to present a report on the work done. Tell us about the difficulties you had to face and what solution you found.

This will help prioritize work, advise on how to get it done, and help your boss get his job done, even against his will.

8. Don't let antipathy win

Each of us sympathizes with some people, but does not endure some at all. However, at work, your success depends on how well you can work with different psychological types of people. If you are experiencing communication difficulties, read the literature on the subject. You don't have to "love" your boss, the first step is to make sure he doesn't hate you.

9. Look at the situation with optimism

No matter how bad the boss seems to you, probability theory says that he cannot be completely "sucks." Discover positive aspects in your leader, they are always there, appreciate them, and this will help to overcome professional difficulties. Remember: whatever your boss is, he will become better if he likes you as an employee.

10. Remember, write down and take into action our advice: you will succeed!