Mass Effect 3 Cerberus Poison for Turians. Beautiful and toxic family. Citadel: military medical supplies

Synonym: pong-pong, buta-buta, nyan, tree of suicides.

Cerberus Mangas - evergreen tree with whorled branches, dark green leaves and fragrant white-pink flowers. The fruits of the plant look like mangoes, but are inedible. The plant is highly poisonous. Cerberus mangas is known as an ornamental culture in indoor floriculture.

The plant is poisonous!

Ask the experts

In medicine

Cerberus mangas is a non-pharmacopoeial plant and is not used in official medicine. The plant is highly poisonous, but some peoples of Malaysia use Cerberus latex for medicinal purposes in case of poisoning, causing a gag reflex.

Contraindications and side effects

The plant is highly poisonous, so it is very dangerous to use it for medical purposes. All parts of the plant contain the cardiac glycoside cerberin, which in large doses can be fatal. Inhalation of Cerberus mangas vapors provokes severe malaise. Cerberus mangas fruits look like mangoes, but taste very bitter. There are known cases of poisoning of people with the fruits of Cerberus.

In floriculture

Cerberus Mangas - ornamental plant, known in indoor floriculture. Growing it is quite easy. The plant is unpretentious in care. It grows quite slowly. Cerberus - photophilous plant, grows well in western, eastern exposure. Cerbera requires moderate watering, does not need spraying. In winter, the plant is kept at a temperature not lower than +18 degrees, in summer - at +25 - 30 degrees.


Cerberus mangas (lat. Cerbera manghas) is an evergreen tree, a species of the genus Cerberus (lat. Cerbera). Belongs to the Kutrovye family (lat. Apocynaceae). The genus Cerberus (lat. Cerbera) includes 6 species, including Cerberus mangas.

Botanical description

Cerbera mangas is a perennial evergreen tree reaching 8, occasionally 20 m in height. The bark of the tree is gray-brown, the branches grow whorled. The leaves are dark green, obovate in shape with a pointed end, on long petioles up to 5 cm. The leaves are arranged oppositely on the branches. In the leaves and other organs there are tubules-glands that contain a milky juice - latex.

Cerberus blooms with corymbose dense inflorescences up to 20 cm wide and long, which consist of small fragrant flowers. The corolla has a pure white limb and a red-pink tube. The calyx is divided into ovate-quadrangular or ovate-triangular sepals. Stamens up to 1 mm long, have lanceolate anthers up to 2.6 mm long, pistil - up to 1 mm long.

The Cerberus fruit is a large green drupe up to 8 cm long and up to 6 cm wide, resembling a mango fruit. The fruit contains several seeds. The flowering of the plant can be observed from March to mid-autumn.


Mangas Cerberus natural range - Malaysian islands in the west Pacific Ocean. The plant is also found in Australia, the Seychelles, Madagascar. India is considered the birthplace of Cerberus. It grows along the shores of sea bays or along the sandy banks of rivers; it is found everywhere in saline mangrove swamps.

Procurement of raw materials

The plant is highly poisonous, as it contains poisonous milky juice. However, the locals use the dried leaves as an external remedy. Dry the leaves in the shade under a canopy.

Chemical composition

Chemical composition Cerberus mangas is not well understood. The milky juice contains a large amount of rubber. The poisonousness of the plant determines the presence of alkaloids, among which cerberin is isolated. This toxin is found in the greatest amount in the fatty oil of the seeds of the plant. In addition to cerberin, cerberoside glycoside has been isolated in the composition of cerberus.

Pharmacological properties

Cerberus latex (milky juice) and seed oil contain the poisonous cardiac glycoside cerberin, which causes severe poisoning, and in large quantities can kill a person. Cerberin is similar in structure to digoxin, a toxin of digitalis or foxglove, which blocks the conduction of impulses in the body, including the heart rhythm. 3-4 hours after the intake of Cerberus poison, death occurs. Even inhalation of smoke from a fire from the wood of a plant can provoke severe intoxication of the body. Inhabitants of some Pacific islands use the minimum amount of Cerberus for medical purposes to induce vomiting in cases of poisoning.

Application in traditional medicine

Traditional healers use dried leaves of Cerberus Mangas externally, applying to places of skin irritation.

History reference

Local residents have known about the poisonousness of the plant for a long time. Fishermen from the Philippines used Cerberus seeds to fish. The natives of Madagascar used toxic seeds to determine the guilt of the defendant. It was believed that the one who ate the Cerberus seed and remained alive was not guilty. Conversely, the culprits from the use of this plant poison died. However, after 1861, such "justice" was canceled due to the tragic death of almost two percent of the island's population. Mangas Cerberus fruits look like mangoes, so many mistakenly confuse them, being in danger.

Cerbera odollam is named after the mythological Cerberus, a monstrous dog that guards the gates to the realm of the dead. People believed that his saliva was highly poisonous, destroying all life around him. Another well-known name for Cerberus is suicide tree, which means “suicide tree”. Residents of many countries of Southeast Asia call the plant nyan, pong-pong, buta-buta.


1. Family 165. Apocynaceae // Flora Vitiensis Nova. - 1988. - Vol. 4. - P. 89-92.

2. S. Scott, C. Thomas. Poisonous Plants of Paradise. - 2000. - P. 37-41.

Citadel - first visit

Reporting on Normandy
On the Citadel opposite the holographic artificial intelligenceAvinaThere is a waiting area whereDiana Allers. We start a conversation with her. Shewants to report on the ship Normandy. We agree to her request by answering “let's try". That, in fact, is all. We are rewarded withAlliance news feed data and Diana Allers data.
Property location
Shooting Range at the Embassy

It is located in a room opposite Udina's office in the Embassy on the Citadel. Here you can shoot at three targets, having previously fixed the range of their location. You can also find a weapon modification station here, which will allow you to install the modifications found on weapons in your backpack.
Property location
Shrike Abyss: Prothean Obelisk

Volus diplomat needs a Prothean obelisk. You need to find it in the Shrike Abyss and give it to Volus at the Embassy on the Citadel.

We fly into the Shrike Abyss (Above and slightly to the left of the center of the Milky Way). We fly to the Urla Rast system and scan the area near the planet Talis Fia. We enter its orbit and launch the scanner. We find a Prothean obelisk there. We return to the Embassy on the Citadel and return the obelisk to Volus.

Property location
Shepard got drunk on firewood!

You need to go to the bar and drink three glasses of vodka. Afterwards, Shepard falls asleep and wakes up next to Aria. After the second, we wake up for four cups near the elevator.
Property location
Journalist Demanding Answers!

Kalissa Al Jilanidownright calling for Shepard near the exit from the Embassy. We approach her and start talking. She demands that we answer her questions and is generally outraged. During her monologue, click on the [Left Mouse Button], since it carries absolute nonsense. For this act they give5 Renegade points. It's okay, we'll get through it somehow.

Property location Normandy

James punched Shepard in the face?

On Normandy, you can spar with James. To do this, you need to go down the elevator to the Shuttle Dock and approach the pulling James. In the process of dialogue, he will challenge us to battle. We spar with him, learning a little about James.

Property location Panacelin for aliens

We go down to the DOC of the shuttles and buy an improved panacelin for alien races in the store, where there is a 10% mark-up due to a remote purchase.

Property location
Thermal pipe GX12

After curing the genophage, we approach the Galaxy Map, where the assistant tells us that Adams wants to see us.

We go down to the engineering deck and start talking to him. He says the safety of the Normandy engines needs to be improved. We only need to buy a GX12 thermal pipe at the Citadel. Reply to Adams:I will definitely buy".

We go down to the Shuttle Dock and approach the interface of the supply channels. We choose "Elkoss Harvester" and buy a thermal pipe there. After a while, Trainor will say that you need to approach Adams. We ride the elevator to the Engineering Deck and talk to Adams. He will say that the pipe we bought has been successfully installed and is working normally

Property location Citadel - visit after mission on Palaven


Ambassador Dominic Osoba wants to know what happened to his son, who went missing in action on Benning. We need to find something that indicates the fate of his son and take the evidence to the ambassador.

During Quest N7: Cerberus Abductions, you can find a token near the first population group that is panicking. We return this token to the ambassador at the Embassies on the Citadel.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.
Property location
Hanar diplomat- [This mission may cause glitches, as a result of which it will not be possible to complete it. To solve the problem, it is worth loading earlier saves and trying to complete the mission again. The problem may be that it will not be possible to activate the first terminal]

Salarian Specter Yondum Bau suspects that one of the salarian diplomats has been drugged by the Reapers. We need to find evidence of this in the Embassies of the Presidium.

We go to the District office of the Specters and approach the Spectra terminal. We turn on surveillance in the embassy of the khanars. Now go down the stairs and turn right. We put a bug near the terminal. We ride the elevator to the Docks: storage area and put a bug near the console at the checkpoint. We pass to Dock E28 and put a bug near the terminal.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.
Property location
Improved power grid

The tech in Purgatory on the Citadel needs to improve the power grid to keep the club running. We need to find drawings of an improved electrical network and transfer the equipment

We go to the District office of the Specters and approach the Spectra terminal. We turn on surveillance in the embassy of the khanars. In mission N7: Cerberus Attack, the old electrical circuit is located next to the control panel. We need to find someone on the Citadel who will need them. We fly to the Citadel to the Purgatory bar and give it to Alison.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.
Property location

Prototype Components

A scientist searches for missing prototype biotic amplification systems. We need to find these prototypes in the Ismar Reach and deliver them to the scientist on the Citadel at the Guerte Hospital.

We fly to the Ismar Reach (To the left of the center of the Milky Way) and scan a place near the planet Metaponto. We enter the orbit of the planet and launch the scanner. We find improved biotic implants there. We return to the Citadel to the Guerte hospital and give the implants to the scientist.

As a reward we get 90 XP.
Property location

Barla Won

First, we talk with Liara around coffee. Then we approach Barla Won (See Location of the object). We talk to him. He says that we have one mutual friend - Captain Anderson. We answer him: "He is a brave man." We agree to help Barla.

He said there were Broker Gray troops in the Dranek system. We need to convince them to join the war with the Reapers, and then return to Barle Von.

We fly to the Krogan DMZ in the Dranek system and examine a place near the planet Rotla. We go into orbit and launch the scanner. We find there the support of the mercenaries of the Gray Broker. We return to the Presidium Community on the Citadel to Barle Vaughn. We report that we convinced the mercenaries to join the war with the Reapers.

Property location

Citadel - visit after the attack on the Citadel

Cerberus ciphers

An officer stationed at the Citadel needs updated ciphers to break the Cerberus codes. We need to find the ciphers and deliver to the Officer.

On Normandy, after mission N7: Communications Center, we take the elevator to the Shuttle Dock and approach the supply channels interface. We select "Spectrum Requests" there and buy codes in the Cerberus ciphers. We return to the officer at the Citadel to the Embassy and give the ciphers.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Reaper Code Fragments

The Asari Strategist needs Reaper's code fragments to predict the enemy's moves. We need to find such a fragment and give it to the Azari Strategist.

On Normandy we go down to the Shuttle Dock and approach the interface of the supply channels. We select "Spectrum Requests" and buy a fragment of the Reaper code there. We go to the Citadel to the embassies and give it to the asari strategist.

For the completed task, we will be given +5 to the Hero, credits and support.

Property location
Rings of Alune

The Asari Consultant needs Alune's Rings. We need to find them in the Selian Nebula and take the Azari to the Guerte Hospital.

We fly to the Selian Nebula (To the left of the Milky Way). We fly to the Teiolia system and scan a place near the planet Nevos. We enter the orbit of the planet and launch the scanner. We find the Rings of Alune there. We return to the Citadel to the Guerte hospital and give them to the asari-consoltants.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Treatment of chemical burns

A doctor is trying to cure a patient who suffered from chemical burns. We need to find a plan to treat these injuries and get him to the Guerte hospital.

When completing task N7: Fuel reactors, after entering the complex on the planet Zion, we go a little to the left of Nyrek to a dead end. There will be a treatment plan. We give it to the doctor at the Guerte hospital on the Citadel.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Cerberus venom for turians

A doctor working on the Citadel is looking for a poison developed by Cerberus specifically for the turians. We need to find a sample of Toxin and deliver it to the Guerte hospital.

On Normandy we go down to the Shuttle Dock and approach the interface of the supply channels. We select "Spectrum Requests" and buy poison against turians there. We go to the Citadel to the Guerte hospital and give it to the doctor.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Human Physician vs Salarian Physician - Debate!

You need to support either one or the other. If you support a salarian, they will give 2 Hero points, and if a person, they will give 2 renegade points.

Property location
Book of Plenix

Volus on the Citadel wants to inspire his people with the Book of Plenix. You need to find a book on the planet Irune and give it to Volus in the Presidium Community.

We fly to the Eton Cluster (lower left of the center of the Milky Way) and scan a place near the planet Iruna. We go into orbit and launch the scanner. We find there the book of Plenix. We give it to Volus on the Citadel in the Presidium Community.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
A bank employee

You need to go up to him and talk. Military resources will be added, and he will help us financially.

Property location
Hesperian statue

The asari at the Presidium Community need a statue of the Hesperian period to work on the FORGE. We need to find this statue in the Nebula of Athena and give it to Azari.

We fly to the Athena Nebula (To the left of the center of the Milky Way). We fly to the Vernio system and examine the area near the planet Poliss. We enter its orbit and launch the scanner. We find there a statue of the Hesperian period. We return to the Citadel in the Presidium Community and transfer the statue to Azari.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Wounded Batarian - Arguing Citizens - Revenge on Cerberus

A badly wounded batarian could be a terrorist. We need to find him in the refugee camp and deal with the situation. The citizens of the Citadel are about to commit murder in the C-Sec office in the Presidium Community. You need to go there and find something suspicious.

Well, let's prevent another assassination attempt. We approach Captain Aaron Sommers, who is sitting on a bench at the C-Sec Outpost and start talking to him. Sommers tells him to kill a Cerberus agent who has been killing his friends for Cerberus. We answer: "Speak." As a result, we are given +5 Renegade points. After that we go to the Docks, namely to the honey. To the personnel in Cargo Bay C. We need to talk to Gorek. During the conversation, Gorek reports that he is not a terrorist at all, but simply took revenge for the peaceful people who lived on Ararat. We answer: "Should have stopped the Reapers". Gorek wants to go to his relatives in another world ... Choose the answer: “[Disable Life Support]". He thanks us. For the completed task, we are given 5000 credits and +5 to the Hero

Property location
Schemes of Cerberus guns

Since we already found the Cerberus weapon schematics on the planet Tuchanka when we defused the bomb, we simply give it to the officer. For this we get 1000 credits, 30 experience points and +5 hero.

Property location
Heat stabilizers

Salarian on the Citadel needs new heat stabilizers. We need to find them and give them to the salarian at the Citadel.

After completing task N7: Fuel Reactors on Normandy, we go down to the Shuttle Dock and approach the supply channels interface. We select "Spectrum Requests" and buy heat stabilizers. We return to the Citadel and give the heat stabilizers to the salarian.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
CBC employees - dispute

It is necessary to support either a patient employee or an evil one. By supporting a patient employee, we will be given +2 to the Hero. By supporting the evil employee, we will be given +2 to the Apostate.

Property location
Batarian codes

Officer Knowles is asking for help. We start talking to her. She asks to trace the illegal use of batarian codes. You need to use the Specter terminal, then find access points on the Citadel.

So, we take the elevator to the Embassy and go to the Spectra District Office (Marked on the map). We go in a straight line to the Spectra terminal and activate it. Choose "Batarian Access Codes” and turn it on.

Now we go to the Guerte hospital in the Laboratory and study the console. We go to the Normandy dock in the recreation area for passengers and study the console. The last code is in the Docks on the very left side. We activate it and contact Knowles.

Suddenly, the signal weakens and Balak sneaks up from behind. He says that Shepard is to blame for all the troubles. We answer: "Blame the Reapers". During the dialogue, we answer:Help us!". As a result, we get the support of the batarians and +7 to the Hero.

P.S.It is better to enable and allow everything that was sent to the terminal. As a result, you can get support.

Property location
Merchants - dispute!

You need to support either a merchant who sells weapons to everyone in a row, or a worried merchant who is afraid that the store will close the C-Sec. We support either an angry or worried merchant. For the support of the evil one we get +5 to the Renegade, and for the support of the troubled one we get +5 to the Hero.

Property location
Krogan dying farewell

In the mission “Attic Traverse: Krogan Squad” we found a dead body of a krogan and studied it. You need to give the note to Erebe. For the transfer of the note, we get +5 to the Hero.

Property location
Obelisk of Karza

The researcher needs Karza's obelisk to help with the HORN project. You need to find this obelisk in the Hades Center and give it to the researcher in the Presidium Community.

We fly to the Center of Hades (Top right of the center of the Milky Way). Then we fly to the Oplos system and scan a place near the Kopis satellite. We enter the orbit of the satellite and launch the scanner. We find the obelisk of Karza there. We return to the Citadel to the Community of the Presidium and give the obelisk to the researcher.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Jamming technology

A C-Sec officer needs jamming technology to avoid future enemy attacks. We need to find this technology and transfer it to an officer in the Presidium Community.

On Normandy we go down to the Shuttle Dock and approach the interface of the supply channels. We select "Spectrum Requests" and buy jamming technology there. We go to the Citadel to the Presidium Community and give it to the C-Sec officer.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Dispute between coffee owner and officer

We need to support either the coffee owner or the C-Sec officer. If you support the officer, then we will be given +5 to the Hero and support. If you support the owner of the coffee, then we will be given +5 to the Apostate.

Property location
Remains of a kaklysaurus

A salarian scientist needs a well-preserved remains of a kaklysaur to develop a species that will help the krogan survive on toxic planets. It is necessary to find the remains of their scientist in the Presidium Community.

We fly to Rho Argos in the Phoenix system. We scan a place near the planet Intai'Sei and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find the Petrified Kaklisavr there. We return to the scientist and give him the remains.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Code of the Ancients

The Elcor on the Citadel wants to inspire their tribesmen with the Codex Drvenich. You need to find the holy book on Dekuun and give it to the elcor in the Purgatory bar.

We fly to the Selian Nebula in the Fontes system and scan a place near the planet Dekuuna. We go into orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find the code of the ancients there. We return the codex to the elcor in the Purgatory bar on the Citadel.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Library in Ashi

The military instructor needs texts from the library in Ash. You need to find these texts in the Nimbus Cluster and take them to the Purgatory bar on the Citadel.

We fly to Nimbus in the Agaiu system and scan a place near the planet Carcosa. We go out to the orbir and launch the scanner. We find Asha's library there. We give the instructor the texts of the library in the Purgatory bar on the Citadel.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Banner of the First Regiment

A turian officer wants to get the Banner of the First Regiment to inspire his men. You need to find this banner on Castellus in the Apian Cross and deliver it to the officer in the Purgatory bar on the Citadel.

We fly to the Apian Cross (To the left of the center of the Milky Way). From there we fly to another cluster "Castel". Scan [Right mouse button] Digeris and enter its orbit. We start the scanner. Hold down the [Right Mouse Button] and begin to lead where the white bar is directed. We bring it to a white tint and launch the probe right there. The task will be updated. We press and fly to the Citadel. We go to the Purgatory bar and give the Banner to the officer.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, credits and support.

Property location
Joker in love?

We start talking to the Joker. He asks what Shepard thinks about EDI and the Joker. We answer: "Certainly". The Joker has an idea, but he said it was the dumbest idea. We answer: "You need to be an idiot". As a result, we are given +2 to the Hero.

Property location
Shepard the dance master

In the Purgatory bar, go to the dance floor and press "Dance Floor". Shepard will show you how real soldiers dance!

Property location
Inspirational stories

We approach Solik Vass, who wants to take a couple of pictures for the public. He complains that they don't let him in and wants to ask us to take a couple of pictures for him. We answer: "I will help you". You need to find video material on the Citadel and transfer it to Vass. To do this, we go to the honey. To the staff at the Docks and activate the Photo-opportunity. We also take pictures of the place between the E-24 dock and the E-26 dock. Taking another shot in Cargo Hold B. That's enough, according to Wass. We return to him. We are given 5000 credits and +5 to the Hero.

Property location
Refugees are not allowed

You need to support either a dock worker who does not want to let the refugee family into the Citadel, because all the places are full, or a refugee who will give everything just to be let in. For supporting a refugee they will give +2 to the Hero, and for supporting an employee by Doc they will give +2 to the Renegade.

Property location
Columns of power

A refugee batarian needs pillars of strength to bolster the morale of his people. You need to find these columns in the Kite's Nest and give them to the batarian in the refugee camp on the Citadel.

We fly to the Kite's Nest (Located to the right below the center of the Milky Way) and scan a place near the planet Khar'shan and enter orbit. We launch the scanner and find columns of power there. We return to the Citadel in the Docks: Storage Area and give the columns of power to the batarian refugee.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Broken dispensers

Someone broke the dispensers at the refugee camp on the Citadel. We need to find dispensers and fix them. Total dispensers 4: Near the entrance to the cargo compartment C; Near the entrance to the cargo compartment A; Inside cargo hold A; In the leftmost part (looking at the map) Docks. We return to the doctor from whom we learned about the breakdown and inform him about the elimination of the problem. In return, we are given 5,000 credits and support.

Property location
Prothean Sphere

The refugee believes that a Prothean sphere can be found somewhere on Gay Hinnom. It is necessary to find and tell the refugee in the refugee camp on the Citadel about this.

In the Hades Center in the Sheol system, we scan a place near the planet Gay-Hinn. We enter its orbit and launch the scanner. We find a Prothean sphere there. We return to the refugee in the Docks: storage area on the Citadel and return the Prothean sphere.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Prothean Data

The Alliance soldier knows where the Prothean data carriers are located, which can speed up work on the GORN project. You need to find them on Gorvug in the Threshold of Valhalla and transfer them to the soldier in the docking bay.

We fly to the Threshold of Valhalla (Located at the very top of the center of the Milky Way), and from there to Fly to Paz and explore the area [Right mouse button] near the planet Gorvug. We enter the orbit of the planet and launch the scanner. We find Prothean data carriers.

We fly to the Citadel and in the Dock of Normandy we give the carriers to the soldier that he wanted to find. We get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location Normandy - visit after the destruction of the Dreadnought

military medicines

First you need to go to Dr. Chakvas and take the task. Meet with Tactus at the Citadel Refugee Camp and exchange simple medicines for military medicines.

We fly to the Citadel and take the elevator to the Docks: storage area. We go to the cargo hold: B and start talking to Tactus. During the conversation, he says that the exchange does not suit him and that he needs to pay extra. We answer him:Do what you must". He says that Normandy will soon be contacted and exchanged. We get +5 to the Hero.

Upon returning to Normandy, Traynor will say that Dr. Chakvas wants to see us in honey. compartment. We ride the elevator to the Living Deck and approach Chakvas in honey. compartment. She will let you know that everything is fine. She also said something about Glyph. You need to contact the intelligence terminal in Liara's office to find out the details.

For this we will be given +5 to the Hero.

Property location
Volus Ambassador

In his message, Primarch Victus suggests that Volus Ambassador Dil Kornak has become an informant for Cerberus. We need to check the primarch's assumption at the Embassy on the Citadel.

First, we go to the Spectra District Office and turn on the location of Kornak. The results will not reveal anything suspicious. After that, we approach the guard of the embassy (standing to the left of the elevator when exiting further than the crowd of people) and start talking to him. He says he will give access to the volus ambassador's room whenever Shepard wishes. We speak with him again and get into the room. Now we reproduce record No. 3 and find out that the ambassador has placed a bug in the office of the Embassies. We turn around 180 degrees and approach the locker. We find a bug.

We go to the Community of the Presidium and go to the Dwelling. We go around the door to the room. We hit the treasure hunters in the groin and then ask the ambassador: "Are you okay?". After that we say: "I want to save the colony."

As a reward, we are given +7 to the Hero and Credits.

Property location
Former Cerberus scientists

A group of gifted scientists have broken away from Cerberus and left their former master. We need to save the scientists on the planet Array before they are discovered by Cerberus.

We are flying into the Minos Wasteland (Top left of the center of the Milky Way). We fly to the Arrae system and enter the orbit of the planet Gellix. Landing. We clean the area from Stormtroopers and Centurion. Now we need to find the scientists themselves. They are to the left of the main entrance to the complex. They hid the one where they shot the Stormtroopers in the video. We speak with Jacob. Then Brynn opens the door to the complex for us and says that they worked for Cerberus, but then fled. We answer: "Did the right thing". Shepard says that you need to evacuate, but Jacob says that you need to turn on the anti-aircraft guns at the top, which suppresses Cerberus. We go up the stairs to Brynn. On the way to Brynn, you can ask Dr. Archer about the complex itself. During a conversation with Brynn, we speak to her: "Too much at stake".

We approach Jacob in the office a little further from the place where we just talked about the fact that Shepard himself is going to repair anti-aircraft guns, and Jacob will guide him. We talk to him. We leave the room and turn right. We go into the chamber, we reach the stairs and climb to the roof. We leave the window, destroying the Centurion, Phantom and Stormtroopers. We run to the control panel. We destroy the enemies that have flown up and use the control panel (Telemetry correction). Now the connection is working, but the anti-aircraft guns are not turned on so far. We return back, destroying the newly arrived enemies along the way.

We rise to the platform where the shuttle of enemies arrived. We destroy the entire crew, then the second shuttle arrives, we destroy everyone. We approach the control center. For better orientation, press [V]. We turn on the first gun without problems, and the second one needs to be repaired by one of the partners. We leave the partner and begin to protect him until he fixes the control of anti-aircraft weapons. After repairing, we approach the gun and turn it on. Both weapons will be ready for use. We return to Jacob and say: "Begin evacuation immediately". We send the first shuttle and a group of enemies suddenly attack. We destroy them and go down to Jacob on the launch pad. We destroy the opponents and the second shuttle flies out. There is one more left. We just need to hold positions and destroy groups of the enemy, which we will do. the evacuation ends. But right after him, Atlas appears from behind. We destroy him. Jacob flies up on a shuttle and we get into it. In the shuttle, Jacob says that he wants to stay with his squad. We answer: "I understand". However, in return, we ask Brynn for help in the battle with the Reapers. She agrees.

As a reward, we get +15 to the Hero and 75 to the total strength of the troops.

Property location
Distress signal

The asari high command has asked for help with a distress signal sent from one of the colonies. We need to go to Mesana and find out what happened.

We fly to the Nimbus in the Mesana system and enter the orbit of the planet Lesuss. Landing.

On the shuttle, Liara will inform you that you need to destroy the kind of asari vampires that mate with a partner and hatch nervous system a partner from oneself, as a result of which biotic reserves are added, and this causes addiction. They can be destroyed with bombs. We answer: "Bombs are a last resort”.

We go in the door. We jump over and go down the stairs. We reach a dark room. If you go left, you can reach the Gallic Electronic Signature, which can be exchanged for one of the upgrades in Liara's cabin in Normandy. We leave the room and run to the opposite room. We study the body of the asari. It was the captain who fought the Reapers and did not finish the job - did not blow up the complex. You need to finish what you started. We answer: "I can't blame them for this.". Move on. We jump over a small barrier and go through the door. We run to the right and bypass the door.

On the right will lie the body of the asari. We study the PDA and get the task:

P.S.Azari Widow

You need to give a note to the wife of Veshra. You need to find your spouse on the Citadel and give her a note. We fly to the Citadel to the Presidium Community. Near the courtyard, on the stairs, there will be an Azari Widow. We talk to her.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero.

We go to the door. We leave the park and go down. Banshee appears - destroy it. Next, we destroy the Cannibals and go into the room. Meet Falera. She asks to save her sister, who was taken to the main hall, in order, probably, to be turned into a Banshee. We answer her:We can try". We go to the door to the right. We destroy the enemies and reach the entrance to the next room. We destroy the enemies and go into the room and study the body of the asari. We go into the elevator and activate it. We reach the bomb and study it. We need to find a detonator, but our search is interrupted by a group of enemies led by a Banshee. We kill them. We approach the bomb and study again. Sister Farele wakes up and holds a detonator in her hand. Everyone runs away except for her. She detonates the bomb.

After we go outside, Farele yells at us and says that we promised to save her! We answer: "She decided to save you". She asks to be left on this planet. We ask: "That's for sure?She confirms.

On Normandy, an asari advisor contacts us and thanks us for preventing the spread of the Banshee.
As a reward we get Credits.

Property location
Citadel - visit in front of the Cerberus base

Elcor evacuation

The Elcor Ambassador to the Citadel is asking for help. We talk to him and answer: "I'll do what I can". He asks to urgently evacuate the fighters and civilians trapped on their home planet of Dekuun. We need to find survivors on Dekuun and rescue them, and then return to the elcor ambassador at the Embassy on the Citadel.

We fly to the Selian Nebula in the Fontes system and scan a place near the planet Dekuuna. We go into orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and save the elcors from there. We inform the Elcor ambassador about the completion of the task.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero.

Property location
Liara and Shepard...

In the Presidium Community on the Citadel, you can talk to Liara. If you answer her gently and with interest, then you can kiss her at the end, thereby starting an affair with her.

Property location
Garrus is the best shooter on the Citadel!

At the Normandy Dock on the Citadel, you can approach Garrus. At first he wanted to go to a bar and sit like a man, talk about life. But his idea has changed. He wants to take a shuttle ride. We take a shuttle and fly to the partition of one of the buildings of the Citadel. He wants to find out who is the best shooter. The first time both shooters will hit, but then you can decide: "[Miss intentionally]" or "[Hit the target]". If you miss, then Garrus's mood will rise and we will be given +2 to the Hero. And if we decide to remain the best shooter, then they will give us +2 to the Renegade and we will lower the motivation of Garrus.

Property location

Tasks N7

N7: Cerberus Lab

The Alliance found a new Cerberus lab on the Sanctuary. Examine it and neutralize the potential danger.

To complete the task, you need to go to the Galaxy Map on the Normandy ship and select "Sigurd's Cradle". We enter the system. Now we need to quickly fly to the “Decoris” cluster so that the Reapers do not catch up with us - a sort of mini-game. We fly to Decoris. There are three more planets, we need the one where the Cerberus laboratory is located. We're going into orbit. We land on the planet and recruit a detachment. After that, Hacket recalls the purpose of the task, and we leave the shuttle. So here we are in the lab.

You need to find and pick up the artifact of the Reapers. Turn right and enter the room. We go around the whole room and go up the stairs. And here are the Stormtroopers. We destroy them and the Centurion. We find the “containment system” and “bypass” it by pressing the [Space] next to the control system. The artifact now holds nothing back. He is a little to the right, but on the same table. We take it. We return to the shuttle. We are told the coordinates of another artifact. Another wave of enemies that appeared out of nowhere.

Now, mixed with Centurions and Stormtroopers, Cerberus combat Engineers attack us. They have a shield and are slightly stronger than Stormtroopers. We repeat the manipulations with the release of the artifact, we take it away, a new group of Stormtroopers lands. It's too hot on the court, so Cortez flew away. You need to fight off waves of enemies until the ship arrives. When he arrives, quickly jump on board.

Upon returning to Normandy, Hacket contacts us and thanks us for completing the task. As a reward, we receive funding from the Alliance
Property location
N7: Cerberus Abductions

Cerberus destroys civilians on Benning. We need to land there and protect the civilians while we evacuate.

We fly into the Arcturus Stream (Bottom of the center of the Milky Way) to the Euler system. We enter the orbit of the planet Benning and land.

We run to the civilians, killing Cerberus Stormtroopers and Centiruons on our way. Have new ones arrived? We kill! Cortez sends new coordinates to the civilians. We run and shoot enemies. Now you need to withstand a long wave of Cerberus attacks. After the destruction of all enemies, Cortez will report that he will pick us up on a shuttle. We run to the shuttle and sit in it. On our return to Normandy, Hackett congratulates us on a job well done.

Property location

N7: Cerberus Assault

Cerberus took over the old military base on Tuchanka. We need to land there and thwart Cerberus' plans, whatever they may be.

We fly to the Krogan DMZ and enter the orbit of the planet Tuchanka and land.

Now you need to get to the control panel, killing everyone along the way. Made! Activate the control panel. Suddenly the power goes out. It is necessary to restore the supply by manually turning on the power modules .. Along the way, we destroy everyone and everything. First, we repair one power module, having previously shot off the latch, and then another. We return to the control panel, destroying enemies in sight. We activate the control panel and bombard the declassified ship. We return to Normandy. Hacket thanks for the completed task.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero and Credits.

Property location
N7: Cerberus Fighter Base

Hackett asked to deal with the fighter base on Noveria. We need to go there and disable the defense systems of the base.

We fly to the Horsehead Nebula and enter the orbit of the planet Noveria. Landing.

Now you need to find the command center. To begin with, we clean the area from enemies. We go down to the complex and find the security console. We leave the partner to turn off the security system. Now you need to protect your partner from the offensive forces of enemies. After destroying all the enemies, turn off the adjacent control console. Now we go to the landing site and clean up the enemies. After them, the Atlas appears - we destroy it. We sit down on the flying shuttle. Upon returning to Normandy, Hackett thanks for the excellent work.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero and Credits.

Property location
N7: Fuel Reactors

Communication with one of the key storage facilities was interrupted, the Alliance fleet was left without fuel. You need to visit the repository and restore its work. The task is issued after the destruction of the Geth Dreadnought.

We fly to the Selian Nebula and enter the orbit of the planet Ziona. Landing.

We need to meet in Riley. She is to the right of the entrance. Let's get into it and talk. After that, a large box is moved away. We approach the crane and activate it. Click on the button on the right. Move the box to the right. Another one needs to be moved. To do this, click on the middle button, and then on the left. Now click on the middle button, and then on the right. The path has been cleared. Riley's group went to investigate the complex. We move further - deeper into the complex. We run to the console and blow through sector A1. We approach the control of the fuel rod and use it. Suddenly we are attacked by Huskies. We destroy them.

Now you need to close the depressurized tanks. Let's go and close them. Turn around and restart the reactor. We are being attacked by enemies. We destroy them and send help to Riley, who is in the minority. We send a partner to her. The Creature appears and more enemies. We destroy everyone and go to the console next to the second tank and start the last countdown. We return to the shuttle. On Normandy, Hackett thanks us for our help.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero and Credits.

Property location
N7: Communication Center

Cerberus attacked the communications center on Ontaroma. We need to land there and prevent Cerberus from capturing important objects.

We fly to the Keplerian limit (Slightly to the right of the center of the Milky Way). We enter the orbit of the planet Ontarom and land.

We land near the complex and begin to destroy the enemies. Kill the enemies and go up the stairs. We reach the sabotage device of Cerberus and turn it off. A new batch of enemies appears. We destroy them and disable the second Cerberus sabotage device. We contact Grace Sato. She will report that she cannot speak. We tell her: We need you". We destroy the fighters that appeared in the complex through the window opening. We go into the complex and turn off the next Cerberus sabotage device. Cortez reveals that he cleared the area and picked up Ms. Sato. We return to Normandy, and Hacket congratulates us on our mission.

Property location

Grissom Academy
Traynor is worried about something, we approach her. She reveals that the Grissom Academy is asking for help because the Reapers want to visit them. We answer: " I would like to help them". Trainor reports that someone has tampered with the signal and sends word that they are doing well and there is a complete evacuation, but it's a fake! We answer: " Worth checking out

We fly to the Petra Nebula and enter the orbit of the Grissom Academy. We land on the shuttle and go through the door. We destroy Stormtroopers and study the half-open door. Meet Cali Sanders there. We talk with her and in the process of dialogue we answer: “ It's dangerous for students". We go to the opened door. We run to the cadet, who put the block to the Stormtroopers. We destroy the Stormtroopers and talk with the Cadets. We get +5 to the Hero and jump over the fence. We reach a group of enemies and destroy them. We go to the door on the right. And we run to Sean Bellarmine. We talk to her. We get + 5 to the Hero and run to the door opposite. We reach the cadets. Atlas appears. Let's destroy it. We talk with the cadets and say: “ I will help you". We answer the cadet: “ That's the way it should be”.

Now you need to find the Cerberus laptop. She's at the same level where we stand. After we found the laptop, we activate it. We rise into the room with the cadets and activate the manual control of the door. We get down and go to the door. We go around her. We answer the cadets: Don't risk". We answer the girl: you can handle it". We go out to the shuttles and destroy all enemies. We go in the door and reach the barrier of two people. We destroy two Stormtroopers and we speak with Octavia. Contacting Kali Sanders.

We enter the next door and study the console. We are given the task:

Biotic interfaces

We need to find someone on the Citadel who can benefit from blueprints for improved interfaces. We fly to the Citadel and go to the Guerte hospital. There it will be possible to give interfaces to Azari.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

We leave through the next door and find an empty Atlas. We kill the engineer nearby and sit down in the Atlas. Climb up the stairs and start shooting enemies. After the shuttles are ready, exit the Atlas with [X] and go to the shuttle. On the shuttle we answer Sali Kanders: " Keep them out of danger".

As a reward we get Credits.

Property location Aria

Encounter with Aria T'Loak

Slightly to the right of the inductor sits Aria T'Loak. We start talking to her. She complains to Cerberus that they used her for their own purposes. We say: “ But you are alive". Aria made us an offer and we just need to finish the job, then we will get an army. We answer: " Whatever it takes". As a result, we get three tasks for Aria.
Property location
Aria: Blue Luminaries

We approach Darner Wax in the Docks. He says that someone needs to be eliminated, who is very hindering Darner. We answer: " I won't kill anyone for you". Aria contacts us and says that there is no need to kill anyone, General Orak needs only to be convinced not to interfere with Wax. We answer: " One hell". We go down to the courtyard in the Presidium Community. We speak with Oraka. Oraka wants to destroy the Blue Suns, but he needs weapons to do so. We answer: " Give it up". He refuses. We say: “ [Send Oraka to Death]". As a result, we get +5 to the Renegade and the support of the Blue Suns faction.

Aria: "Bloody Pack"

We go into Narl's room in the Dwelling. Narl says that the leader of the Bloody Age is coming, you need to play a scene, as Narl took Shepard hostage. We answer: " I will have to rely on you". Enter Crete and his right hand. After a short dialogue, we kill Crete, but not him right hand. He is an agent of Aria. Narle says he will tell Aria that everything went well. As a result, we are given 5000 credits, +7 to the Hero and support.

Aria: "Eclipse"

We go to Bailey's office, the one in the embassy. During the conversation, we say Bailey: “ Can you hang out with her?". We go to Sederis in the Presidium Community at the Outpost. We speak with the assistant of Cerberus. It links us to Sederis. During the dialogue, she speaks inadequately. We answer: " Don't threaten me". We contact Bailey and he asks if he was right about her inadequacy. We answer him: I will find another solution". Now we're going to the Docks. We go to the cargo compartment A to Sein. In the process of dialogue, we say to him: “ You don't need Sederis". We get +2 to the Hero and go to the exit. Bailey contacts us and we receive 5000 credits and support.

100% star systems survey

[Void Shrike Survey 100%]

In the Abyss of the Shrike, we examine the area just below and to the right of the central star. There you can find fuel reserves.

In the Abyss of the Shrike, we examine the area near the planet Zada ​​Ban. We enter the orbit of the planet and launch the scanner. We find Credits there.

In the Shrike Abyss in the Urla Rast system, we scan the area just above and to the right of the center of the star. There you can find fuel reserves.

[Selian Nebula Survey 100%]

In the Selian Nebula, we scan the area near the planet Hanalei. We enter the orbit of the planet and launch the scanner. We find support there.

In the Celian Nebula in the Loropi system, we scan the place on the right just above the central star of the system. We find fuel reserves. We also scan a place near the planet Yasilium and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there.

In the Selian Nebula in the Nahuala system, we scan a place near the planet Gietiana. We enter its orbit and launch the scanner. We find support there. We also scan the area to the left and below the central star of the system. We find fuel reserves there.

In the Selian Nebula in the Fontes system, we scan a place near the planet Oltan. We enter its orbit and launch the scanner. We find support there. We also examine the area to the right of the central star of the system. We find fuel reserves there.

In the Selian Nebula in the Teiolia system, we scan a place near the planet Querence and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find Credits there. We also scan the area to the right of the central star of the system and find fuel reserves there.

[100% Eton Cluster Survey]

In the Eton Cluster, scan the area to the upper left of the central star of the Eton Cluster. We find fuel reserves there. We also examine a place near the planet Cherk Sab and go into orbit. We launch the scanner and find support there.

In the Eton Cluster in the Satu Arrd system, we scan a place near the planet Nalisin and enter its orbit and launch the scanner. We find support there. We also scan the area a little to the left and below the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

Fuel reserves can be found in the Eton Cluster in the Esori system to the right of the central star of the system. We also scan a place near the planet Solu Paolis. We go into orbit and launch the scanner. We find support there.

In the Eton Cluster in the Nura system, we scan a place near the planet Oma Ker and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find the Volus intelligence archives there. Also, from above, slightly to the right of the central star of the system, we scan the area. There you can find fuel reserves.

[Survey Athena Nebula 100%]

We scan a place near the planet Tevura in the Athena Nebula. We go into orbit and launch the scanner. We find support there.

In the Athena Nebula, we fly to the Ialess system and scan a place near the planet Trikalon and enter its orbit. We launch the scanner and find support there.

To the right of the star in the Ialess system, we scan the area and find fuel reserves there.

In the Athena Nebula, we fly to the Orisoni system and scan a place near the planet Egalik. We enter the orbit of the planet and launch the scanner. We find support there.

Slightly to the right and below the star in the center of the Orisoni system, we scan the area and find fuel reserves there.

In the Athena Nebula, we fly to the Tomaros system and explore the area near the planet Pronoia. We enter its orbit and launch the scanner. We find support there.

In the same Tomaros system, below and to the left of the central star, we examine the area and find fuel reserves there.

In the Vernio system, we examine the territory to the right and above the central star. There you can find fuel reserves.

[Surveying the Hades Center at 100%]

We examine the area near the planet Asteria in the Center of Hades. We launch the scanner and find military support there.
Fuel reserves can also be found to the right of the center of the star in the Center of Hades.

In the Hades Center in the Memory system, we scan a place near the planet Dobrovolski and enter its orbit. We scan the planet and find military support.

Below, slightly to the right of the star in the Memory system, you can find fuel reserves.

To the left and just below the star in the Kopis system, fuel reserves can be found.

[Nimbus Examination 100%]

We fly to the Nimbus and scan the area to the right of the central star of the Nimbus. There will be fuel supplies. Also to the left and just below the central star of the Nimbus there will be fuel reserves.

We fly to the Nimbus and scan a place near the planet Trategos and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find the schemes of the Reapers' weapons.

In Nimbus in the Callini system, we examine the area below the central star of the system. We find fuel reserves there.

[Examination of the Apian Cross at 100%]

On Castell you can scan well and discover the remains of a fuel depot. This will replenish our fuel supply, and the system will be 100% inspected.

We go into the Gemmei system and examine the [Right mouse button] area near the planet. One place - the collapse of the fuel base. Another place is the planet Feiros. We launch the scanner on it and find the loss, it is not known which one. Third place - the collapse of the fuel base.

[Exploring the Kite's Nest at 100%]

In the Kite's Nest, we scan a place near the planet Verush and enter orbit. We launch the scanner and find a set of weapon upgrades there. We also examine the place a little higher and a little to the right of the central star of the Kite's Nest and find fuel reserves there.

In the Kite's Nest in the Untrel system, we scan a place near the planet Adek. We enter the orbit of the planet and launch the scanner. We find Credits there. We also scan the area just above and slightly to the left of the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

[Valhalla Threshold Survey 100%]

We enter the Threshold of Valhalla and scan the place in the upper right. There will be fuel supplies.

In Paz, we examine the area just below and to the right of the big star. There will be fuel supplies.

We fly to Mika and scan a place near the planet Eloi. We go into orbit and launch the scanner and find spare fuel tanks.

Let's examine Miki's system also just below and to the right of its center. There will be fuel supplies.

There is one more place that you can explore, you need to scan the place on the right and just above the center of Mika. There will be an asteroid Farlas. We launch the scanner and find the zero dimension converter on the asteroid.

[Survey Krogan DMZ at 100%]

In the Krogan DMZ in the Nith system, we examine the area slightly to the right and above the central star of the system. There will be fuel supplies.

In the Krogan DMZ in the Dranek system, we explore a place slightly to the right and below the central star. There you can find fuel reserves.

[Exodus Cluster Survey 100%]

In the Exodus Cluster, we scan a place near the planet Zion and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there. We also scan the area a little to the right and just below the central star of the Exodus Cluster. There you can find fuel reserves.

In the Exodus Cluster in the Asgard system, we scan a place near the planet Tyr. We enter its orbit and launch the scanner. We find support there. We also scan a place near the planet Borr and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find the wreckage of the Reaper Destroyer there.

In the same Asgard system, we scan the area to the upper left of the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

In the Asgard system, we scan a place near the planet Terra Nova and enter its orbit. We launch the scanner and find support there.

In the Asgard system, we scan a place near the planet Loki and enter its orbit. We launch the scanner and find support there.

[Inspection Nebula Clock at 100%]

In the Clock Nebula, we scan a place near the planet Erinle and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find Credits there.

In the same Clock Nebula, we scan the area a little to the right and just below the central star of the Clock Nebula. There you can find fuel reserves.

In the Clock Nebula in the Ploitari system, we scan a place near the planet Zanetu and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there.

In the Clock Nebula in the Sovilo system, we scan a place near the planet Hagalaz and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there. We also scan the area above from the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

In the Clock Nebula in the Fariar system, we scan a place near the planet Alingon and go out of the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there. We also scan the area above the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

[Survey Arcturus Threshold 100%]

In the Threshold of Arcturus, we scan a place near the station Arcturus and enter orbit. We find there data on the battle for Arcturus. We also scan the place a little to the right and above the central star Arcturus Threshold. There you can find fuel reserves.

In the Threshold of Arcturus in the Euler system, we scan the area to the left of the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

[Examination of Sigurda's Cradle at 100%]

In the Cradle of Sigurd, we scan a place near the planet Watson and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there. We also scan the area to the upper right of the central star of the Cradle of Sigurda. There you can find fuel reserves.

In the Cradle of Sigurd in the Decoris system, we scan a place near the planet Laena and enter its orbit. We launch the scanner and find Credits there. We also scan the area below the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

[Nubian Expanse Survey 100%]

In the Nubian expanse, we scan a place near the planet Pragia and enter its orbit. We launch the scanner and find research data from Pragia there. We also scan the area on the right just below the central star of the Nubian expanse. There you can find fuel reserves.

In the Nubian expanse in the Kalabsha system, we scan a place near the planet Yamm and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there. We also scan the area just above and to the right of the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

In the Nubian expanse in the Kertassi system, we scan a place near the planet Noresa and enter its orbit. We launch the scanner and find support there. We also scan the area to the right of the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

[Survey Beta Attica 100%]

In Beta Attica, we scan a place near the planet Eletania and enter its orbit. We launch the scanner and find support there. We also scan the area below and slightly to the right of the central star of Beta Attica. There you can find fuel reserves.

In Beta Attica in the Theseus system, we scan a place near the planet Feros and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there. Also, to the right above the central star of the Theseus system, we scan the area. There you can find fuel reserves.

[Survey Rho Argos 100%]

In Rho Argos, we scan the area a little to the right and below the central star of Rho Argos. There you can find fuel reserves. We also scan the area near the planet Kanrum and enter its orbit. We launch the scanner and find support there.

In Rho Argos in the Phoenix system, we scan a place near the “Top” station and enter its orbit. We launch the scanner and find support there. We also scan the area above and slightly to the left of the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

In Rho Argos in the Gorgon system, we scan a place near the planet Camaron and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there.

[Examination of Sigma Gemini at 100%]

In Gemini Sigma, we scan a place near the planet Mavigon and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find Credits there. We also scan the place to the right of the central star Sigma Gemini. There you can find fuel reserves.

In Sigma Gemini in the Ming system, we scan a place near the planet Parag and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there. We also scan the area a little to the right and just below the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

[Examination of Gamma Hades at 100%]

In Gamma Aida, we scan a place near the planet Trebin and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find Credits there. We also scan the area to the right of the central star of Gamma Hades. There you can find fuel reserves.

In Gamma Hades in the Plutos system, we scan a place near the planet Nonuel and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there.

In Gamma Hades in the Dis system, we scan the area just to the right of the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves. We also scan a place near the planet Klensal and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find Credits there.

In Gamma Aida in the Farinat system, we scan a place near the planet of Yunthauma and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there. We also scan the area slightly above and slightly to the right of the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

In Gamma Aida in the Kakus system, we scan a place near the planet Chohe and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find Credits there. We also scan the area on the left just above the central star of the system.

[Survey Minos Wastes 100%]

We examine Fortis near the planet Pietas and find two places: Planet Pietas, where you can use the scanner to find Credits and the collapse of the fuel base.

Cerberus (Cerbera odollam) from the kutrovye family (Apocynaceae) is a fairly common plant, whose homeland is considered to be India. However, it also grows in Vietnam, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean. In India, Cerbera odollam is called othalanga maram (othalanga maram) or in Tamil kattu arali (kattu arali). In the east, its range is limited to French Polynesia.

The plant is a large bush or small tree, the height of which does not exceed ten meters. Cerberus grows on sandy coasts, along the shores of sea bays or rivers, almost everywhere it can be found in saline mangrove swamps.

Beautiful opposite shiny dark green leaves grow in a lush whorl on rather thin branches. Cerberus leaves feed on the larvae of many Asian butterflies. Graceful white flowers with a reddish core smell pleasantly of jasmine.

After flowering, a green fruit is formed, resembling a small mango, as it ripens, it becomes bright red. Cerberus fruits dry right on the branches, the dried fruit-drupe has a length of 5-10 cm. When the dried fruits fall to the ground, a thin, outer film flies off, exposing a thick, fibrous, very decorative shell.

Due to this fibrous shell, Cerberus fruits are very light, they are easily picked up by ocean currents and transported over long distances, contributing to the spread of the plant in the region. The fruit itself consists of two halves, each of which contains one very poisonous bone.

This plant resembles a plumeria, however, the Cerberus leaves are slightly smaller, slightly more wavy, and have a reddish midrib. All parts of Cerbera odollam are highly poisonous, however, the largest number the toxin is found in the seed oil.

The seed oil contains the alkaloid cerberin, which is similar in structure to digoxin, a toxin of digitalis (digitalis), as well as the glycoside cerberoside. These poisons block the passage of calcium ions in the heart muscle, which causes a gradual slowing of the heartbeat until it stops completely. Death occurs 3-4 hours after the poison enters the body.

The most active toxin is cerberin. Moreover, if it was not known about the use of Cerberus by the victims, it is practically impossible to determine the cause of cardiac arrest.

If we take into account that this, one of the most potent poisons on earth, is practically unknown to Western doctors, chemists, analysts and forensic scientists, and, moreover, cerberin decomposes very quickly without a trace in the body, and therefore is not determined when establishing the causes of death, This makes Cerberus the perfect natural killer.

IN Lately When it became possible to carry out studies using high-tech methods of chromatography and spectrometry to test plant samples, scientists suggested that the number of deaths caused by cerberin poisoning could be a much higher percentage than previously thought.

Also, a certain percentage of suicides could well be considered criminal murders. Even if we count only officially recorded deaths from Cerberus poisoning, their number is steadily growing. During the period from 1989 to 1999, this number increased almost tenfold.

In India, the "perfect killer" Cerberus is used quite often. Since the kernels of the stones have a bitter taste, they are usually ground and mixed with spicy and spicy local food.

Traditionally, this tool is more often used by Indian women who cannot otherwise resolve their matrimonial or legal problems.

In some Indian states, where the birth of girls in a family is considered undesirable and almost shameful, Cerberus is used to "regulate" the birth of babies of the desired sex. A pregnant woman who has undergone an ultrasound examination, which determined that she is carrying a girl, is simply killed in a proven way for centuries. Or, already after birth, “unnecessary” girls are killed in the same way.

In the countries of Southeast Asia, Cerberus is called pong-pong, buta-buta or nyang. Its oil is successfully used as an insecticide. In Madagascar, Cerberus has long been used as a "God's court" in determining the guilt of a particularly dangerous criminal. Took poison, died - so guilty! Especially often the verdict of guilt Cerberus "carried out" in the trials of witches or conspirators against royal power. This custom has survived to this day. According to official figures, in 1991, more than six thousand Madagascarians died as a result of such a "divine judgment."

Cerbera odollam is named after the mythological Cerberus - a terrible dog guarding the gates to the realm of the dead. His saliva was so poisonous that it destroyed all living things for several meters around him. Well, the tropical plant bears its name worthily.

Not so long ago, Cerberus began to be grown in Hawaii as an ornamental plant. If you are careful, it can be quite successfully bred at home - Cerberus is very decorative. The plant feels great in a small pot, standing on the windowsill, desk or anywhere else - beautiful foliage and graceful white flowers will adequately decorate your apartment. But enjoying the pleasant jasmine scent, you should always remember that in front of you is the perfect killer from distant India. And treat him accordingly.

Since I saw a lot of questions about side quests on the forums, I decided to write this guide. Spoilers are kept to a minimum here to help resolve quest issues without revealing the plot. I will not describe the obvious quests, I will only describe the passage of those that can cause difficulties. For convenience, they are divided into time periods.

Side Quest Guide

Side Quest GuideShepard wonders why side quests got so boring.

Note: N7 tasks are issued by Samantha Trainor, they take place on the same maps that are present in the multiplayer. It is best to collect the rest of the side quests first, and only then go on mission N7.

    List of tasks N7:

    N7: Cerberus Fighter Base

    N7: Cerberus Lab

    N7: Cerberus Assault

    N7: Cerberus Abductions

    N7: fuel reactors

    N7: communication center

Time period before Palaven:

Shrike Abyss: Prothean Obelisk

From whom to take: Volus Diplomat in Embassies

Side Quest Guide

Side Quest Guide

Where to find: planet Talis Fia, Urla Rast system, Shrike Abyss

Citadel: panacellin for aliens

From whom to take: Dr. Ravin, Guerta Hospital

Where to find: Found during the first mission N7. To the right of the drop point, up the stairs and right again.

Citadel: Columns of Power

From whom to take: Batarian Preacher at the Docks

Where to find: planet Har "Shan, Hars system, Kite's Nest

Citadel: Banner of the First Regiment

To whom to give: Turian at Purgatory Bar

Where to find: planet Diseris, Castel system, Apian Cross

Time period to Sur "Kesh:

Benning: Evidence

From whom to take: Ambassador Dominik Osoba, Embassies

Where to find: is on mission N7 on Benning.

Side Quest Guide

Side Quest Guide

Citadel: Improved Power Grid

From whom to take: Alison, Purgatory Bar

Where to find: Can be bought in "Spectrum Requests" after mission N7 on Tuchanka, or found on this mission. They are located at the terminal, which is next to the gun control terminal.

Citadel: Barla Won

From whom to take: Appears after talking with Liara in the cafe, then taken from the volus Barla Von. It is in a bank in the Presidium Community.

Where to find: planet Rotla, Dranek system, Krogan DMZ

Citadel: Biotic Interfaces

From whom to take: Azari Scientist, Guerta Hospital

Where to find: Found in Grissom Academy, terminal after meeting with Octavia.

Side Quest Guide

Side Quest Guide

Citadel: Prototype Components

From whom to take: Lead Scientist, Guerta Hospital

Where to find: planet Metalonto, Aquila system, Ismar Reach

Citadel: Book of Plenix

From whom to take: Evil Accountant Volus, Presidium Community

Where to find: planet Iruna, Aru system, Eton cluster

Citadel: heat stabilizers

From whom to take: Salarian Sally, Presidium Community

Where to find: Can be purchased from Spectrum Requests after the attack on the Citadel.

Time period to Tuchanka and on it:

Citadel: Krogan's Death Message(I don't see it in quests for some reason)

To whom to give: Azari Ereba, Presidium Community, standing behind a stall in Meridian Market

Where to find: Found on the mission "Attic Traverse: Rachni" on a krogan corpse behind one of the webs.

Side Quest Guide

Side Quest Guide

Citadel: Cerberus weapon plans

To whom to give:

Where to find: Found during the mission "Tuchanka: Bomb"

Side Quest Guide

Side Quest Guide

Time period after the attack on the Citadel:

Citadel: Cerberus ciphers

From whom to take: Turian Officer Dellk, Embassies

Where to find: Can be purchased from Spectrum Requests after the mission "N7: Communication Center"

Citadel: Reaper Code Fragments

From whom to take: Azari Strategist, Embassies

Where to find: Found during the mission "Rannoch: Geth Slayers"

Silean Nebula: Rings of Alune

From whom to take: Azari Consultant, Guerta Hospital

Where to find: planet Nevos, Theolia system, Silean Nebula

Citadel: treatment of chemical burns

From whom to take: Salarian Dr. Silon, Guerta Hospital

Where to find: Found during the mission "N7: Fuel Reactors", or bought in "Spectrum Requests" after it.

Citadel: military medical supplies

From whom to take: Dr. Chakwas/Chloe Michel on the Normandy

What to do: Go to the docks on the Citadel and meet with the turian Tactus, persuade him to exchange.

Citadel: Cerberus Poison for Turians

From whom to take: Salarian Doctor, Guerta Hospital

Where to find: On mission "Arrae: Former Cerberus Scientists"

Side Quest Guide

Side Quest Guide

Threshold of Valhalla: Prothean Data

From whom to take: Alliance soldier

Where to find: planet Gorvug, Paz system, Threshold of Valhalla

Hades Center: Prothean Sphere

From whom to take: Refugee, docks

Where to find: planet Gay-Hinnom, Sheol system, Center of Hades

Citadel: broken dispensers

From whom to take: Refugee camp doctor, docks

Where to find: How to get out of the nook with the doctor - to the left. On the way you will meet only three dispensers. They look like this:

Side Quest Guide

Side Quest Guide

Dekuuna: Code of the Ancients

From whom to take: Evil elcor, at the entrance to "Purgatory"

Where to find: planet Dekuuna, Fontes system, Selian Nebula

Nimbus: library in Ash

From whom to take: Azari Military Instructor, Purgatory Bar

Where to find: planet Carcosa, Aganu system, Nimbus

Athena Nebula: Hesperian Statue

From whom to take: Azari Scholar, Presidium Community

Where to find: Poliss planet, Vernio system, Athena Nebula

Citadel: Wounded Batarian

Where to get: eavesdrop on a conversation in the Commons of the Presidium

What to do: go to the docks and talk to NPC Medical staff.

Citadel: the remains of a kaklysaurus

From whom to take: Military strategist, Presidium Community

Where to find: planet Intai "sei, Phoenix system, Rho Argos

Citadel: Jamming Technology

From whom to take: C-Sec Officer, Presidium Community

Where to find: Can be bought from Specter Requests after the mission "Rannoch: Admiral Koris"

Center of Hades: Obelisk of Karza

From whom to take: Researcher, Presidium Community

Where to find: planet Kopis, Oplos system, Hades Center

Citadel: Azari Widow

To whom to give: Veshra, Presidium Community

Where to find: Found during the mission "Mesana: Distress Signal"

Side Quest Guide

Side Quest Guide

Dekuuna: Elcor Evacuation

From whom to take: Elcor, Embassies, next to the elevator, to the right of it

What to do: I had already visited Dekuun when I got this quest. It could be handed over immediately, without additional flights anywhere.

A few quests (that will give you a little more trouble) I would like to describe separately:

Aria T'Loak's quest (divided into three subquests):

Note: Aria is in the Purgatory bar, on the lower levels, to the right of the entrance. Gives all three tasks at once.

1. Aria: "Blue Luminaries"

Let's go talk to Darner Wax at the docks. He will send us to the turian general Oraka. Further, the situation can be resolved in two ways: kill the general (short way), or deal with the suppliers of weapons for him (you will have to tinker). If you chose the second path, we go to the salarian merchant named Kannik. He's behind a stall in the Meridian Market in the Presidium Community. A salarian can get a weapon for the general, but doesn't want the money for it. And he wants rare artifacts in exchange. You can find them here: the planet Vana, the Vular system, the Kite's Nest.

2. Aria: "Blood Pack"

Meet with Narl in the community of the Presidium, in the only open area where the Dwellings are. Let's watch the video.

3. Aria: "Eclipse"

We go to Bailey in the Embassies. You can convince him to release the crazy asari (short cut), or put her deputy, the salarian Sein, in charge of the Eclipse. If you chose the second path, we go to the Presidium Communities to the C-Sec post and talk with the turian. Let's watch the video. We go to the docks, we speak with Sein.

Citadel: Hanar Diplomat:

Starts with a letter. Specter Yodnum Bau asks for help. We meet him at the Citadel in the Embassies. After talking with him, we go to the Spectra terminal and turn on surveillance at the Hanar embassy. The first terminal is located at the Embassies:

Side Quest Guide

Side Quest Guide

The second is the same in the docks. The third one is in the same place, near the E28 dock. When we finish with the terminals, we go to the Embassies. Let's watch the video.

Engineer Adams Quest / Citadel: Thermal Tube GX12:

Samantha Trainor will say that Adams would like to talk to us. We are talking. The pipe can be bought at the Citadel (Presidium Community, Bank), or at the shuttle dock on the Normandy in the Arsenal Elkoss Harvester store. This pipe is called "heat transfer circuit".

Citadel: inspiring stories:

Salarian named Solik at the entrance to the docks will ask us to take pictures of the plight of the refugees for the documentary. Pictures can be taken at the following locations:

Side Quest Guide

Side Quest Guide

Side Quest Guide

Side Quest Guide

Side Quest Guide

Side Quest GuideCitadel: batarian codes:

The quest begins with a conversation with Officer Knowles outside the offices of the CBC (Community of the Presidium). We go to the Spectra terminal. Turn on tracking. The first console is in the Guerta hospital, the second at the Normandy dock, the third at the docks. If we use a replica of the Hero / Renegade in the dialogue, we get the remains of the batarian fleet.