Cheerful and playful behavior. People with a playful disposition are more attractive

I solemnly swear that I am only plotting a prank.

Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban

This year you must behave well. If I get an owl again with the news that you've done something - blow up the toilet or...
- They blew up the toilet? one wondered. - We've never blown up toilets.
- Can we try? the second chuckled. - Great idea, thanks mom.

Joanne Rowling. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Playfulness as a personality trait is a tendency to show frivolous and playful behavior, expressed in playful tricks, funny pranks, and actions for fun.

Long time ago in ancient city the Master lived, surrounded by disciples. The most capable of them once thought: “Is there a question that our Master could not answer?” He went to a flowering meadow, caught the most beautiful butterfly and hid it between his palms. Butterfly paws clung to his hands, and the student was ticklish. Smiling mischievously, he approached the Master and asked: “Tell me, what kind of butterfly is in my hands: alive or dead?” He firmly held the butterfly in his closed palms and was ready at any moment to squeeze them for the sake of his truth. Without looking at the disciple's hands, the Master replied, “Everything is in your hands.

Playfulness is a strange, playful, not very correct behavior. Children play pranks out of curiosity, because of a lack of attention to themselves, because of ignorance. In pranks, the child asserts himself. The father tells about the pranks of his son: - I come home from work, I'm tired as hell. I fall on the sofa and watch TV, gradually falling asleep. A 5-year-old son runs up to me, he doesn’t know that the folder is tired. He starts to play pranks, in general, the child wants to play. Then he wanted to play doctor and patient. He says: - Let me treat your back! - Please, - I answer, as they say, no matter what the child amuses ... He pulled all sorts of tools from his room, takes them and strokes, scratches his back. So I fell asleep. The next day I'm going to the pool - every Saturday I go there. I swim, relax, but out of the corner of my eye I notice suspicious smiles in my address. Some do not hold back at all - they point at me and laugh! It's slowly starting to get to me. I ask the man to look what is wrong on the back. He looked, answered: - Yes, boy! Surprised! Why did you inject yourself with Cheburashka? It turns out that when I fell asleep, my "doctor" got tired of playing, and he decided to draw a little, however, he took special markers for this, which are difficult to wash off.

Adult pranks can turn into children's in nine months. Adults, like children, often play pranks for fun, out of boredom, to play off some forms of adult behavior. For example, play a flight attendant, a schoolgirl, a governess, a plumber or a doctor.

If an adult prank is similar to a child's one, then the person has not played enough in childhood. Adults came up with specific pranks for themselves - casinos, drunkenness, spree, gossip. Phone jokes and pranks are especially popular with them. By phone, you can send a message with information that all funds from the user's balance have been transferred in favor of planting the moon. You can tell your friends that they have won a large amount in the lottery.

AT Russian history was an interesting character, distinguished by playfulness, cheating, red tape and a love of duels. This is a legendary person - Count Fyodor Ivanovich Tolstoy, nicknamed "The American". Now we will find out why. The count lived a stormy life, often violating the foundations of universal morality and ignoring the criminal code. At the same time, he was a brave, energetic, intelligent, witty man, educated for his time and a devoted friend of his friends. His life is interesting, firstly, as the life of an extraordinary person, full of entertaining incidents, secondly, because it reflects the life of the era in which he lived, thirdly, because he was on friendly terms with some outstanding people of his time, and, fourthly, because his sharply expressed individuality served as material for several works of the best Russian writers.

When he was 21, he went to trip around the world. Sergei Tolstoy recalls: - In August 1803, Fedor Ivanovich set off on a round-the-world voyage. Krusenstern's expedition was the first round-the-world voyage of Russian ships. Two sailing ships "Nadezhda" and "Nova" were equipped under the general command of Lieutenant Commander Ivan Kruzenshtern. Ironically, F.I. Tolstoy was featured on the expedition as "young well-bred person".

There was nothing for Tolstoy to do on the ship. Meanwhile, his violent temper demanded activity, and his activity manifested itself - in malicious pranks. Here is what his great-niece M.F. Kamenskaya, who personally knew him: “On the ship, Fedor Ivanovich came up with impermissible pranks. At first, Kruzenshtern looked at them through his fingers, but then he had to be put under arrest. But for each punishment he paid the authorities with new antics, he quarreled with all the officers and sailors, but how he quarreled! Even now on the knives! Misfortune could happen at any moment, and Fyodor Ivanovich was rubbing his hands. The old ship's priest was weak on wine. Fyodor Ivanovich got him drunk until the robes were folded, and when the priest lay like a dead man on the deck, he sealed his beard with sealing wax to the floor with a government seal stolen from Kruzenshtern. I sealed it and sat over it; and when the priest woke up and wanted to get up, Fyodor Ivanovich shouted: “Lie down, don’t you dare! You see, a government seal! I had to cut my beard just below my chin.

On the ship was a dexterous, intelligent and receptive orangutan. Once, when Kruzenshtern sailed on a boat somewhere to the shore, Tolstoy dragged the orangutan into his cabin, opened the notebooks with his notes, put them on the table, put a sheet of clean paper on top and, in front of the monkey, began to smear and pour ink White list… The monkey watched carefully. Then Fyodor Ivanovich took a smeared sheet from the notes, put it in his pocket, and left the cabin. The orangutan, left alone, began to imitate Fyodor Ivanovich so diligently that he destroyed all the records of Krusenstern. For this, Kruzenshtern landed Tolstoy on some little-known island and immediately set sail. Judging by the stories of Fyodor Ivanovich, he continued to smoke on the island, living with savages, until some kind ship picked him up - tattooed from head to toe.

D.V. Grudev relates the following story: “On the ship, Tolstoy's inclinations soon showed up, and he made such a game and drink that Kruzenshtern decided to get rid of him. A stop was made in the Aleutian Islands, everyone disembarked and dispersed along the shore. The signal for departure was somehow unexpected; everyone gathered and sailed away, as if they had not found Tolstoy. He had a monkey with him; he went for a walk with her, and then told for a laugh that the first days of his loneliness he ate his monkey.

Petr Kovalev 2013

See playful ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. playful, mischievous, mischievous, mischievous; restless, playful; lively, playful, boyish, boyish… Synonym dictionary

Naughty, oh, oh; iv. 1. Prone to pranks. Sh. child. 2. Frivolously playful. W. tone. Playfully (adv.) to look. | noun playfulness, and, wives. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

playful- Naughty, oh, oh. Iron. epithet. Your eyes are playful. Playful hands... Dictionary of Russian Argo

App. 1. Prone to pranks, loving to play pranks 1 .. 2. Frivolously playful. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

Playful, playful, playful, playful, playful, playful, playful, playful, playful, playful, playful, playful, playful, playful, playful, playful, playful, playful, playful, playful, ... ... Forms of words

playful- playful ... Russian spelling dictionary

playful - … Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

Aya, oh; liv, ah, oh. Prone to pranks, loving to play pranks. Sh. child. Shaya girl. // Expressing such a desire, testifying to it; cheerful, playful. Sh. look, tone. Wow mood. ◁ Playfully, adv. Sh. take a look. Playfulness, and; Well… … encyclopedic Dictionary

playful- Serious and frivolous human behavior ... Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language

playful- prank ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech


  • Playful grandfather, Daria Kalinina, Dasha and her enterprising girlfriends could not refuse another adventure. And who will refuse the treasures of the pharaoh! Moreover, the key to the hiding place where they are hidden is in their hands. Cost… Publisher: Eksmo, electronic book
  • Ah, this Eros is playful! .., Nikolay Voichenko, This book is for those who love and appreciate humor, for those who love erotic fantasies. Especially it will appeal to those who love both in one bottle. Warning: Book... Publisher: City Organization of the Union of Writers, electronic book


According to psychologists, people with a good sense of humor are more attractive to the opposite sex, they are more likely to find a partner than gloomy, taciturn people.

A new study has shown that flirting is a kind of strategy designed by nature itself to make yourself more attractive in the eyes of potential partners.

A team of US scientists conducted an interesting survey, which was attended by 250 students. Experts found that both representatives of the male and female added a sense of humor, a cheerful and playful disposition to the list of desirable character traits of their second half. In their opinion, it is these qualities that are among the most important after loyalty and good relations. And these are the characteristics that their potential partner should have for a long-term relationship.

Man is practically the only living being that can play. The results obtained allow us to explain why people can play all their lives, while the rest of the animal world stops doing it, having barely crossed the line of adulthood. Scientists say that playful behavior can provide evolutionary benefits by cashing in on qualities such as lack of aggressiveness or easy perception of the world. It is these qualities that attract many.

Most of the respondents want to see these character traits in their chosen one or chosen one. Study lead author Professor Garry Chick, head of the recreation department and lecturer in the Department of Tourism Management at Pennsylvania State University, said humans and other animals are all possible ways trying to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Flirting is part of this scenario.

Just like in wild nature birds with their bright plumage or coloring can attract females, just as men display expensive cars or clothes in order to attract the attention of a woman they want to get. There is one more important point that psychologists talk about. The playful mood of a man indicates the absence of aggression in him. From the point of view of evolution for a woman, this means that such a man is not dangerous for children and he cannot harm future offspring.

The playfulness of a woman, in turn, may indicate her youth and fertility. That's what psychologists say. In their opinion, such a woman attracts the attention of the opposite sex more than modest representatives of the fair sex. Playfulness in the weak field is an integral feature of the ideal woman. Most of the interviewed men say this.

The results of this study are closely intertwined with the conclusions obtained by scientists earlier. A playful and cheerful disposition is on the list of leading characteristics that we want to see in our potential partner. It is worth noting that this applies to both the female and male sexes.