Amazing facts about Russia. Ten interesting facts about the Russian Federation

There was everything in the history of the Russian state: ups and downs, times of stagnation and prosperity, bitter defeats and great victories. I offer you a few interesting facts from the history of Russia, which are not known to everyone.

The first capital of the Slavs - the city of Slovensk, was founded in 2409 BC

So it says in the text called "The Legend of Slovena and Rus and the city of Slovensk." In this legend, the ancestors of the Russian people are called the princes Sloven and Rus - the descendants of Prince Skif. According to legend, in 3099 from the creation of the world (2409 BC), Sloven and Rus with their families began to leave in search of new lands from the shores of the Black Sea and after 14 years came to the shores of Lake Moisko (Ilmen), where Sloven was the city of Slovensk (modern Veliky Novgorod) was founded, and the city of Rusa (modern Staraya Russa) was founded by Rus.

Pre-revolutionary Russia was the most non-drinking country in Europe

For three centuries from the 17th to the beginning of the 20th century, Russia was one of the most sober countries in Europe. In certain periods of time, alcohol consumption per capita was less than in Russia only in Norway.

September 9, 1941 Hitler was awarded the command of the Soviet Union with the medal "For Courage"

Yes, yes, you heard right. The award was received by the Red Army machine gunner Semyon Konstantinovich Hitler, a Jew by nationality. It was written in the award sheet: “Being a gunner of an easel machine gun, he supported the advance of his platoon with fire. Encircled and wounded, Comrade Hitler fired until he ran out of ammunition, after which, without throwing his weapons, he got out to his own, in total destroying more than a hundred Wehrmacht soldiers.

The most expensive fish in history was caught in Russia

In 1924, a beluga fish was caught in the Silent Pine River, weighing 1227 kilograms. In her belly was 245 kg of black caviar. This case is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the fact of harvesting the most expensive fish in the world. In our time, the cost of this caviar would be 290 thousand dollars.

Peter the Great personally tortured and killed people

The fact that Peter from the very early childhood to put it mildly, he had a dislike for archers known to everyone. It was their bloody riots that sowed confusion in the country for several years. Not surprisingly, having come to power, Peter personally led the massacre of the archers. Helping the famous Moscow executioners Alyoshka and Tereshka, Peter personally tortured the rebels, and even cut off the heads of five with his own hand.

Falcon in Russia was one of the most valuable gifts

Falconry has been known in Russia since the 9th century. But its heyday came during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, nicknamed "The Quietest". However, already in the days of the Golden Horde, falcons often paid tribute to the Tatars. One white gyrfalcon was then equal in value to three thoroughbred horses.

Turkey as a state now could not exist at all

At the very end of the Great Patriotic War The Soviet Union made territorial claims against Turkey, planning to punish this state for cooperation with Nazi Germany. At the same time, the leadership did not even consider the creation of the Turkish Federal Socialist Republic. According to the plan, the occupied lands of Turkey were simply to be divided between the Georgian SSR and the Armenian SSR. But the United States and Great Britain spoke out sharply against such a development of events, and in 1953, immediately after Stalin's death, the leadership of the USSR announced its renunciation of territorial claims.

The letter "Er", the current solid sign is the most expensive letter of the alphabet

Before the reform of 1917–1918, this letter was written at the end of each word after the consonants. At the same time, it was a “silent” letter, that is, it was not readable, and, accordingly, it did not affect either the meaning or the spelling at all. That's just on paper, "er" took up to 8% of the space and time when printing. This letter alone cost the Russian treasury more than 400,000 rubles a year.

Free sale of weapons

Before the 1917 revolution, weapons in Russian Empire sold completely freely, without any certificates and licenses. Absolutely anyone could come to a hunting shop and buy a firearm or edged weapon.

Until the 17th century, the Russian state did not have an official flag.

The Russian flag acquired its current form during the reign of Peter the Great. Prior to this, a uniform flag was used, which was installed during the construction of the first Russian warship. What he looked like is still unknown. Even earlier, various military banners and church banners were used as flags.

And this made me think about what I can give my readers right now. And I found a gift, friends! This will be a list of 80 most interesting facts about Russia which I was able to find and check all over the internet.

I attached my picture to each fact. Each of the pictures is clickable. That is, you can click on it to open it in a new tab in full size. Many of the pictures complement the information provided in the text. In general, fly in, people!

And don't forget to repost, friends! Happy Holidays everyone! Let's go!

Interesting fact about Russia No. 1

Russia is the largest country in the world, its area is 17,125,000 square kilometers. It is twice the size of the USA. The area of ​​Russia is approximately equal to the surface area of ​​the planet Pluto.

Interesting fact about Russia number 2

Russia is home to the world's largest active volcano, Klyuchevskaya Sopka. Its height is 4 kilometers 850 meters. It throws columns of ash eight kilometers up. With each eruption, it gets higher and higher. The Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano has been erupting for the past 7 thousand years.

Interesting Fact about Russia #3
The St. Petersburg metro station "Admiralteyskaya" is the deepest in Russia. Its laying depth is 102 meters. It is also one of the three deepest metro stations in the world.

Interesting Fact about Russia #4
The oldest Christian church in Russia is the ancient temple of Tkhaba-Erdy, located in the Republic of Ingushetia, in the Dzheirakh region, between the villages of Khairakh and Pui. It was built in the VIII-IX centuries. The three oldest of the current temples are located in the village of Nizhny Arkhyz in Karachay-Cherkessia. They were built in the 10th century.

Interesting Fact about Russia #5
The Trans-Siberian Railway is the longest Railway in the world. The Great Siberian Way, connecting Moscow with Vladivostok, is 9298 kilometers long, crosses 7 time zones, passes through 87 cities and towns and crosses 16 rivers, including the Volga. In addition, it has a throughput capacity of 100,000,000 tons of cargo per year.

Interesting Fact about Russia #6
Siberian Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world and the largest source of fresh water on the planet. There are over 23,615 cubic kilometers of water in Baikal. All the largest rivers in the world - the Volga, Don, Dnieper, Yenisei, Ural, Ob, Ganges, Orinoco, Amazon, Thames, Seine and Oder - must flow for almost a year to fill a basin equal in volume to Lake Baikal.

Interesting Fact about Russia #7
Russia is the only state whose territory is washed by 12 seas.

Interesting Fact about Russia #8

Russia is separated from America by 4 kilometers. This is the distance between Ratmanov Island (Russia) and Krusenstern Island (USA) in the Bering Strait.

Interesting Fact about Russia #9

From Moscow to Chicago is closer than from Chicago to Rio de Janeiro.

Interesting Fact about Russia #10
In the cultural capital of Russia, St. Petersburg, there are 2,000 libraries, 221 museums, 100 concert organizations, more than 70 theaters, 80 clubs and houses of culture, 62 cinemas, 45 art galleries.

Interesting Fact about Russia #11
The Urals are the oldest mountains in the world. Located in the Kusinsky district near the village of Aleksandrovka, Mount Pencil arose 4.2 billion years ago. The historical names of the Ural Mountains are Big Stone, Siberian Stone, Earth Belt, Belt Stone. Once the Ural Mountains were very high, but now only the foundations remain of the former mountains.

Interesting Fact about Russia #12
There are 7 absolutely identical high-rise buildings in Moscow: 2 hotels, 2 administrative buildings, 2 residential buildings and a university. In English, this ensemble is called the Seven Sisters, and in Russian simply Stalin's skyscrapers. The style in which skyscrapers are built is called Stalinist Gothic.

Interesting Fact about Russia #13

The Moscow Kremlin is the largest medieval fortress in the world.

Interesting Fact about Russia #15

In Moscow there is a large fountain from which drinking water flows. The fountain is part of the architectural group "Alexander and Natalie" with a sculptural composition of Pushkin and Goncharova in an elegant rotunda.

Interesting Fact about Russia #16
St. Petersburg is the northernmost city in the world with a population of over a million people.

Interesting Fact about Russia #17

The area of ​​Siberia is 9 million 734.3 thousand square kilometers, which is 9% of the earth's land.

Interesting Fact about Russia #18
Russia has borders with 16 countries:

  1. Norway
  2. Finland
  3. Estonia
  4. Latvia
  5. Lithuania
  6. Poland
  7. Belarus
  8. Ukraine
  9. Georgia
  10. Azerbaijan
  11. Kazakhstan
  12. China
  13. Mongolia
  14. North Korea
  15. Japan

Russia also shares borders with two unrecognized states: South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

Interesting Fact about Russia #19
There are more Kalashnikovs in the world than all other designs combined.

Interesting Fact about Russia #20
Russia proclaimed equal rights for men and women earlier than the United States. In Russia women were granted the right to vote in 1918, in the United States in 1920.

Interesting Fact about Russia #21
Russia has never known slavery. The period of the most fully expressed form of feudal dependence, serfdom, was shorter in Russia than, for example, in England and most European countries. Serfdom in Russia had softer forms. Russia abolished serfdom in 1861, the United States abolished slavery in 1865.

Interesting Fact about Russia #22
On January 16, 1820, the Russian expedition of Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev discovered Antarctica.

Interesting Fact about Russia #23
The most famous computer game Tetris was created by Russian programmer Alexey Pajitnov in 1985. This game became popular in the Soviet Union, and then, in 1986, in the West.

Interesting Fact about Russia #24
Ivan the Terrible was not a tyrant, he ruled softly, unprecedented for his time. With the same size of Europe and Russia at that time, Grozny executed 100 times fewer people during his reign than his European counterparts over the same period - 3-4 thousand people against 300-400 thousand people.

Interesting Fact about Russia #25
Trains in the Moscow metro run more often than in any other metro in the world. During peak hours, the interval between trains in it is 90 seconds. Among them there are "nominal" trains, such as the "Watercolor" train, which is a traveling art exhibition.

Interesting Fact about Russia #26
There are 176 fountains in Peterhof near St. Petersburg, of which 40 are gigantic, and 5 cascades.

Interesting Fact about Russia #27
In the Russian village of Oymyakon, the lowest air temperature was recorded. The coldest record was set in 1924 and amounted to -71.2 °C.

Interesting Fact about Russia #28
Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first person to travel into space.

Interesting Fact about Russia #29
During World War II, the metro stations were used as bomb shelters. During the air raids, 150 people were born in this perfectly safe shelter.

Interesting Fact about Russia #30
There are many wonderful sightseeing and tourist routes in Russia. The most famous so-called "families of tourist routes" are gold ring Russia, the Silver Ring of Russia and the Big Ural Ring.

Interesting Fact about Russia #31
The total length of 12 lines of the Moscow metro is 310 km. Almost 10,000 trains run between 182 stations. The average duration of a passenger trip is 13 kilometers. In addition, the Moscow metro is the second busiest in the world.

Interesting Fact about Russia #32

In the 19th century, Russia was the 3rd largest empire in human history, spanning from European Poland to North American Alaska.

Interesting Fact about Russia #33
The West Siberian Plain is the largest plain on Earth.

Interesting Fact about Russia #34
The Hermitage is one of the largest and oldest museums in the world. It contains three million works of art from the Stone Age to the present. If you give each of these works one minute, then it will take more than 25 years to go to the Hermitage as if to work, and inspect the exhibits for 8 hours a day to see them all.

Interesting Fact about Russia #35
Russia occupies one seventh of the earth's land.

Interesting Fact about Russia #36
On the opening day of the 700-seat McDonalds restaurant on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow, there were 5,000 people in line in front of it by 5 am. During the first day, the restaurant served 3,000 customers. To this day, it remains the most visited McDonald's in the world.

Interesting Fact about Russia #37
250-300 swans and 1.5-2 thousand wild ducks annually arrive at Swan Lake in the Altai Territory. They arrive in autumn to spend the winter.

Interesting Fact about Russia #38
There are more than 820 glaciers in Altai, covering a total area of ​​600 square kilometers.

Interesting Fact about Russia #39

Appeared in Russia the new kind sports - helicopter golf. Two helicopters, equipped with 4-meter clubs, play two balls with a diameter of a meter.

Each team has five people. One pilots a helicopter, the second hits the ball, the third coordinates the actions of the first two, two more are in reserve. They replace the one with the club when he runs out of steam.

Interesting Fact about Russia #40

Interesting Fact about Russia #41

The largest bell ever cast is the Russian Tsar Bell, made by Ivan Fyodorovich Motorin and his son Mikhail. The weight of the Tsar Bell is 12327 pounds and 19 pounds, that is, 201 tons 924 kilograms. Its height is 6 meters 14 centimeters.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 42

The city of Suzdal covers only 15 square kilometers and has just over 10,000 people. At the same time, there are 53 churches in Suzdal.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 43

Myth about myth: Russians think Americans think bears walk the streets in Moscow. In fact, bears don't visit Russian cities that often, and Americans don't have the stereotype of wild Russia.

Interesting Fact about Russia #44

Japanese sushi is more popular in Russia than in Japan.

Interesting Fact about Russia #45

Russian scientists have invented:

  1. light bulb
  2. TV set
  3. Electron microscope
  4. Helicopter
  5. Bomber
  6. Video recorder
  7. Crawler
  8. color photograph
  9. artificial heart model
  10. Gas engine
  11. grain harvester
  12. Machine
  13. electric welding
  14. Synthetic rubber
  15. Coal gas mask
  16. Radio
  17. Turbodrill
  18. Searchlight
  19. Automatic telephone exchange
  20. Periodic system of chemical elements
  21. electric submarine
  22. heat engine
  23. Synthetic detergents
  24. coal harvester
  25. Heart-lung machine
  26. Mortar
  27. electric motor
  28. backpack parachute
  29. and many more useful things.

Interesting Fact about Russia #46

In the Novosibirsk Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, over the past 50 years, domestic foxes have been bred, affectionate, friendly and devoted, like dogs, and independent, like cats.

Interesting Fact about Russia #47

Interesting Fact about Russia #48

In the 1930s, in the Tikhaya Sosna River near Belgorod, Russian fishermen caught a sturgeon containing 245 kilograms of black caviar.

Interesting Fact about Russia #49

In 1980, the Swedish Navy tracked strange sounds coming from the water column, the source of which they announced were Soviet submarines. When the diplomatic conflict between the USSR and Sweden was already ready to break out, scientists found out that farting fish produce sounds. For this discovery, scientists were awarded the parody Ig Nobel Prize.

Interesting Fact about Russia #50

Dacha is a purely Russian phenomenon, in many European languages ​​​​it is called dacha. Dachas appeared during the time of Peter the Great, who gave his subjects country plots so that they would not hesitate to experiment in architecture. This was given by the king and was called - cottage.

Interesting Fact about Russia #51

The Russian Emperor Nicholas II was the first to propose to the world the idea of ​​general disarmament. He put forward such a proposal at a conference of European heads of state on the limitation of armaments that he convened in The Hague in 1898. Forces and capital squandered on excessive armaments, he called for the use of education and the development of the well-being of the people. Europe admired the generosity of the Russian Sovereign, but took the very idea very reservedly.

Interesting Fact about Russia #52

Before the 1917 revolution, the Russian family was one of the largest in the world. In Russia, it was believed that 8 children in a family is regrettably small. It was normal to have 12-14 children.

Interesting Fact about Russia #53

Each monarch of the Romanov dynasty left to his heir a country larger than he received from his father.

Interesting Fact about Russia #54

Under Ivan the Terrible in Russia, the alcohol content in various intoxicating drinks ranged from 1 to 6%. Wine, according to Greek custom, was diluted with water. They drank on holidays no more than twice a month.

Interesting Fact about Russia #55 Russian cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev set a record for staying in space - 803 days. In addition, this versatile person is a world champion in aerobatics on gliders, a candidate for master of sports in all-around and the founder of the genre of space photography.

Interesting Fact about Russia #56

In tsarist Russia, until 1917, anyone could buy a revolver in a shop as freely as a loaf of bread.

Interesting Fact about Russia #57

The garden and park area in Moscow is much larger than in Western metropolitan areas. Founded in 1931, Izmailovsky Park is one of the largest city parks in the world. With an area of ​​15.34 square kilometers, it is six times the size of New York's Central Park.

Interesting Fact about Russia #58 The largest European botanical garden is the Main Botanical Garden named after N.V. Tsitsin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, founded in 1945.

Interesting Fact about Russia #59 In the Volga delta near Astrakhan there is a Lotus Valley.

Interesting Fact about Russia #60

The tallest building in Europe is the Ostankino TV Tower in Moscow. It is also one of the five tallest buildings in the world.

Interesting Fact about Russia No. 61 Half of Chelyabinsk is located in the Urals, half - in Siberia. At the same time, a camel is depicted on the coat of arms of Chelyabinsk. It would seem, why a camel, because there are no camels in Chelyabinsk? Not now, but 200 years ago they were. Chelyabinsk often received trade caravans of loaded camels.

Russia is the largest state on the planet Earth. Throughout history, many political and social events have taken place in this country. Many great writers, poets, artists, musicians and military men were born here. Russia has made a great contribution to science and is one of the world's leading space powers. It has always remained a political force that not only the closest neighbors, but also more distant states must reckon with. Interesting facts about Russia attract the attention of not only foreigners, but also citizens of this country. Few can be sure that they are familiar.

Interesting geographical facts about Russia

Russia occupies an immense territory. Large areas of land still require human development. Getting to know such a topic as interesting facts about Russia can inspire young people to be proud of their native country. And the older generation, perhaps, will want to go on vacation not to distant Turkey, but to make a tour of domestic open spaces. Many interesting things are still waiting for their discoverers. This is a state with the oldest mountains and a freshwater lake. Russia occupies an area equal to the area of ​​a space object and hides many secrets to be unraveled.



Sometimes it is interesting to look at the facts about Russia through the eyes of foreigners. It allows you to experience life from a different perspective and helps you look at some ordinary things with a smile. Daily British newspaper "Daily Telegraph" about Russia.

1. Hitler planned to give a gala dinner on the occasion of the capture of Leningrad at the Astoria Hotel.

2. Russia's greatest museum, the Hermitage, is home to over 70 cats that guard its treasures from rodents. The tradition goes back to the decree of Empress Elizabeth, daughter of Peter the Great, issued in 1745. The total length of the museum's marble corridors is almost 14 miles (about 22 kilometers).

3. Subbotnik is a day when residents of Russian cities voluntarily take to the streets to sweep and put them in order. Subbotniks appeared after the revolution, but continue to this day.

4. The name Red Square has nothing to do with communism. It comes from the word "red", which once meant "beautiful".

5. Icicles hanging from rooftops in Moscow in winter are so big they can kill you if they fall on your head. Therefore, sidewalks in front of buildings are fenced off.

6. At the metro station Revolution Square there is a bronze dog with a shining nose. The nose shines, as it is believed that touching it brings good luck.

7. And this is not the only statue of a dog in Russia - there is also a monument to Laika, who went into space in 1957.

8. Chicken paw soup (jelly) is considered a delicacy.

9. They love dressing rooms. As soon as you enter a restaurant, museum, bar or gallery, you will be asked to hand over your outerwear and bag to the dressing room. The best dressing rooms are efficiently managed by teams of grandmothers.

10. Giving flowers to local residents is governed by subtle rules of etiquette. You need to make sure you give an odd number of flowers. An even number of flowers should be brought to the funeral.

11. Under the bridge leading to the Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg, a statuette of a hare is installed. It was erected in memory of the numerous hares that lived on the island and fought against the constant misfortune in the form of floods. Throwing a coin at a figurine is considered to bring good luck.

12. As you move away from the capital, the number of cars in Russia is sharply reduced, and the hairstyle becomes more and more strange.

13. They rank fourth in the world for drunkenness, behind Belarus, Moldova and Lithuania, according to WHO. The UK is ranked 25th.

14. The word "vodka" comes from the word "water".

15. Male life expectancy is 63 years, lower than in North Korea or Iraq. The life expectancy of women is 75 years.

16. On the island of Itigran is the so-called "Whale Skeleton Alley" (Whale Alley), where the remains of marine mammals are neatly arranged like this.

17. The Moscow subway is probably the most beautiful in the world.

18. According to the generally accepted opinion, there is another, secret subway "Metro-2", connecting military bunkers.

19. They pickle everything - cucumbers, beets and former leaders.

20. In Moscow, you can find trees hung with castles. Locks are hung by couples as proof of their love.

21. In the crypt-museum under the Monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad, only one sound is played - the sound of a metronome. During the siege, the local radio broadcast the beat of a metronome to let the residents know that the city was still alive.

22. It is believed that only a weakling lowers his ears with earflaps if the temperature does not fall below -20 degrees Celsius.

23. Traffic in Moscow is so bad that rich Russians hire fake ambulances to get through traffic.

24. Moscow’s Park of Downed Monuments (Park of Arts) has a lot of unwanted sculptures on display. Soviet era as well as examples of contemporary art.

25. There are about 11 million more women in Russia than men.

26. It is estimated that 50% of police officers take bribes.

27. There is a restaurant in Moscow, the entire staff of which are twins.

28. There is not only tundra and taiga, you can also walk along volcanoes.

29. Many tourist sites charge higher entrance fees for foreigners. It's not fair, but there's nothing you can do about it, and it's pointless to complain. It's better to just laugh, imagining how Roman Abramovich pays five times less than you, using a discount for Russian citizens.

30. Postnik Yakovlev is famous, first of all, as the architect of St. Basil's Cathedral. Legend has it that Tsar Ivan the Terrible then blinded him so that Yakovlev could no longer build anything similar.

31. Russia has more time zones (11) than any other country.

32. While things have gotten better, Russian cops are still notorious for shaking foreigners for "paperwork violations." Always carry all your documents with you.

33. One of the biggest mysteries of the Second World War is the fate of the Amber Room, a chamber decorated with amber plates with gold leaf and mirrors. She was once in the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo. The Nazis stole it and transported it to Koenigsberg for restoration. The further fate of the Amber Room is unknown.

34. Olkhon Island, the largest in Lake Baikal, is the center of shamanism. On its southern shore stands Shamanka Rock.

35. Western leaders are not welcome in at least one airport duty-free shop.

36. In the White dining room in the Hermitage, there is a clock on the mantelpiece. They stopped at 2:10 am on October 25, 1917, when the Bolsheviks arrested the Provisional Government of Kerensky, which had been in power after the February Revolution. At this point, Russia rolled into communism.

37. Mikhail Gorbachev recorded an album of romantic ballads. Vladimir Putin has a judo DVD.

38. For a short period in the 1990s, Pepsi owned a large number of submarines (one of the largest submarine fleets in the world) thanks to Russia.

39. Without applying for a visa, you can visit Helsinki by ferry on a short cruise (from St. Petersburg).

40. Russia has one of the creepiest bridges in the world - the 439-meter Sky Bridge.

41. There is a beach in St. Petersburg - next to the Peter and Paul Fortress. The so-called "walruses", who believe that swimming in the icy water has a healing effect, gather there to swim in the winter.

42. Vasilievsky Island in St. Petersburg has a rather odd collection of sights, including a pair of 15th-century Egyptian sphinxes on the waterfront and a museum of biological curiosities housing the skeleton and heart of a giant, personal servant of Peter the Great.

43. 1800 skiers and snowboarders in bikinis gathered on the slopes of Sheregesh this year to get into the Guinness Book of Records.

44. There is an ambitious plan to build a 20,000-kilometer highway between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

45. In Russia, there is the longest river in Europe - the Volga, its length is 3690 kilometers. More than 200 tributaries flow into it, and their total length, together with the Volga, is 357 thousand kilometers.

46. ​​Russian hard labor camps, known as gulags, may soon become "tourist bases." A controversial plan to attract tourists last year was announced by the regional tourism department of the Republic of Sakha in Eastern Siberia.

47. About 10,000 British tourists visit the country every year. Most of them go only to Moscow and/or St. Petersburg.

48. In Uglich, about 200 kilometers from Moscow, a red-and-white church over the Volga marks the spot where, in 1591, eight-year-old Tsarevich Dmitry, son of Ivan the Terrible and the last of the Rurik dynasty, was killed. Presumably, he was killed on the orders of Boris Godunov. To calm the unrest, Moscow sent investigators, and they found that the prince accidentally fell on a knife and stabbed himself (“And so seven times,” the locals added with irony).

49. Russia has the coldest inhabited place in the world - Oymyakon. On February 6, 1933, a temperature of -67.7 degrees Celsius was recorded there.

50. The Russians once built a round warship. Here is his model.

51. In 1908, the Russian Olympic team arrived at the Olympics in London 12 days later, since the Julian calendar was still used in the country.

52. The Terek-Sami language on the Kola Peninsula is on the verge of extinction. It is spoken by only two people.

53. Old stamps you can buy in a small tobacco shop on the street.

54. According to the biography of Peter the Great, written by Henri Troyat, the tsar loved his toy soldiers so much that he executed by hanging a rat that bit off the head of one of them. He also imposed a tax on beards.

55. There is a network of Russian cafes where everything is free, but you pay for the time spent in them. A branch of this network appeared in London a few years ago.

56. Lake Karachay, a nuclear waste dump, is so radioactive that you will surely die if you spend even an hour near it.

57. One museum in St. Petersburg claims that among its exhibits is Rasputin's severed penis, placed in a glass jar. Experts doubt its authenticity.

58. They love DVRs.

59. And, apparently, they are building a military-themed ski resort.

If you want to know the most interesting facts about Russia then welcome. Here you will learn a lot about how mysterious, unusual and in many ways unique the country of Russia is the homeland, and.

Behind last years interest in the Russian state has escalated significantly due to the fact that ... however, we will talk about politics another time.

Many people know that it is Russia that is the largest state in the world. Its area is 17,125,191 km², which is approximately equal to the area. To be convinced of this, open any geographical map and shudder soberly when you see the vast expanses of the Russian land.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka or Klyuchevskoy Volcano is the largest active volcano in Eurasia, which is over 7000 years old. The height of this volcano is almost 5 kilometers. The last eruption was on August 15, 2013. Since then, the height of the volcano is 4835 meters.

An interesting fact is that some people think that St. Petersburg has the deepest metro in the sense of a particular station. However, the superiority of this subway is determined by the average depth of the stations.

St. Petersburg is called the Venice of the North because there are 342 bridges in this metropolis. In general, if you count all the rivers and canals, adjacent to Peter, then there will be about 800 bridges. Here confusion arises, since some citizens believe that there are more bridges in St. Petersburg than in Venice.

In fact, there are more than 400 bridges within the city of Venice, while St. Petersburg is still limited to 342 bridges.

In the North Caucasus, in Karachay-Cherkessia, there is the oldest Christian church in Russia. The Church of Elijah the Prophet was built around 900 by the Alans, who then inhabited this part of the Caucasus.

An interesting fact is that they received baptism from the Byzantines in 916, that is, before the official baptism of Russia.

Russia has the longest railway in the world. The Trans-Siberian Railway (Transsib) has a length of 9298 kilometers. Construction began in 1891 and completed in 1916. This road connects Moscow and Vladivostok, crossing 87 cities.

An interesting fact about Russia is that there is a station "Erofey Pavlovich" on the Trans-Siberian. It takes 6 days and 2 hours to get to Vladivostok by high-speed branded train. Nothing! It is impressive that the capacity of the Trans-Siberian Railway is 100 million tons of cargo per year.

The unique Lake Baikal, located in Siberia, is the world's largest source of fresh water and the deepest lake in the world (1642 meters).

Baikal has 23,615.39 km³ of fresh water, which is 19% of the world's reserves. There is more water in Lake Baikal than in the five Great Lakes North America(Ontario, Huron and Michigan, Erie and Upper).

Lake Baikal
Baikal has extremely clean water

Fans of interesting facts will be pleased to know that Russia is the only country in the world that is washed by 12 seas at the same time, of which one (the White Sea) is inland. .

What do you think, what is the distance from Russia to America? Not right! There are only 4 kilometers between the Russian island of Ratmanov and the American island of Krusenstern! So a Russian person, if desired, can get to America by boat.

Everyone knows that St. Petersburg is called the cultural capital of Russia. However, not everyone knows interesting facts about this intellectual city. So, in St. Petersburg there are 2000 libraries, 221 museums, more than 80 theaters and 45 art galleries.

It is believed that the Ural Mountains are, along with the Scandinavian, the most ancient on earth. They were formed approximately 410-360 million years ago.

There are seven high-rise buildings in Moscow, which are called "Seven Sisters" in international guidebooks. In Russia they are known as Stalin's skyscrapers (they were built under). These are seven almost identical buildings, built by order of the "leader of the peoples."

By themselves, these buildings are extremely beautiful and impress with their magnificence. Here is a list of the "Seven Sisters": The building of Moscow State University, the hotel "Ukraine" and the hotel "Leningradskaya", the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the building on Kudrinskaya Square and Red Gate Square, the house on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment.

Interesting facts about Russia cannot do without the main, official residence of the President of the Russian Federation. The Moscow Kremlin is the oldest (built in 1482-1495) and the largest fortress of the Middle Ages throughout Europe.

The length of the Kremlin walls is 2500 meters. There are 4 gates, 20 towers, and their height reaches 80 meters.

Moscow Kremlin

It is appropriate to add that Red Square has only an indirect relation to communism, and it was named so from the old Russian word “Krasnaya”, which means “Beautiful”.

It is curious that the same St. Petersburg is the northernmost city in the world, with a population of more than one million people. To be more precise, the population of St. Petersburg is just over 5 million.

The area of ​​Siberia (geographical) is 9.8 million km², which is about 57% of the territory of Russia.

An interesting fact is that Russia has the most neighboring countries. On the map, you can check that this number is 18, including two unrecognized and two partially recognized countries.

These states are: Norway and Finland, Estonia and Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, Belarus and Ukraine, LPR and DPR, Abkhazia and Georgia, South Ossetia and Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and China, Mongolia and North Korea. And that's just on land. By sea, Russia borders on Japan and the United States.

The Kalashnikov assault rifle (AK), invented by Russian designer Mikhail Kalashnikov, is a unique, most widespread small arms in the world. According to some estimates, a fifth of all firearms on earth are directly related to Kalashnikov, that is, if we take into account all unlicensed copies and developments built exclusively on the basis of AKs.

For sixty years, more than 70 million different modifications of the Kalashnikov assault rifle have been produced, which are in service with more than 50. The closest competitor to the AK is the American M16 automatic rifle.

However, she is significantly inferior to her older brother. Over the years of the existence of the M16, about 8 million pieces were produced, with which 27 foreign armies are armed.

Mikhail Kalashnikov with his unique invention

Interestingly, Russia equalized the rights of women and men in 1918, while the United States did so in 1920.

On the same topic. Russia abolished serfdom in 1861, and in the USA slavery was abolished in 1865. Here we must add an interesting fact that serfdom itself in Russia was much softer and more humane than in most European countries, where slaves were considered just a thing , property of the owner.

Do you know who discovered Antarctica? Of course they are Russians! The expedition led by navigators F.F. Bellingshausen and Lazarev, during world travel refuted the statement of the famous Cook that it was impossible to swim further than him, since “there” is solid ice. In 1820 they discovered the mainland Antarctica and 29 other islands.

One of the most famous old games, Tetris, was invented by Russian Alexei Pajitnov. This happened in 1985, after which Tetris gained immense popularity and popularity in and around the world.

Alexey Pajitnov with Tetris invented by him

In the Moscow metro, the interval between trains is shorter than in any other metro in the world. During peak hours, trains run every 90 seconds.

The length of the entire Moscow metro is 333.5 kilometers. The number of stations for 2016 is 200. The fleet of wagons is about 4535 pcs. If this number is divided by the average number of cars per train, it turns out that about 650 trains run in the Moscow Metro. Many trains have their own names.

Near St. Petersburg there is a small but world-famous city of Peterhof. An interesting fact that made this city famous is that the Lower Park of Peterhof has 176 fountains (40 of which are gigantic structures) and 4 cascades.

Fountains of Peterhof

In Russia, in the city of Oymyakon, a temperature of -77.8 ° C was recorded, which is an absolute record for the northern hemisphere. This indicator was registered in 1938.

The first person to visit space was a Russian guy, a citizen of the USSR -.

Yuri Gagarin

If you like not only to read interesting facts about Russia, but also want to see some of them with your own eyes, take advantage of the unique tourist routes. Three such excursion "paths" are known all over the world: the Golden Ring of Russia, the Silver Ring of Russia, the Big Ural Ring.

The State Hermitage is one of the largest and most important museums in the world. The Hermitage has about 3 million exhibits from the Stone Age to the present day.


There is a solid flock of cats in the Hermitage that protect the museum collections from various rodents. It is difficult to imagine what would happen if mice and rats had access to the world's richest heritage. Each cat has a passport with a photo.

An interesting fact is that Russia occupies about 1/9 of the entire earth's land.

The Russian State Library, founded in Moscow in 1862, is one of the largest libraries in Europe. It ranks fifth in the world, after two US libraries, as well as libraries in the UK and Canada.

Sculpture in the foreground of the library

And this interesting fact about Russia directly breathes with its natural freshness. Every year, 400-450 whooper swans and 1.5-2 thousand ducks arrive in the Altai Territory to Swan Lake. They winter in this unusually beautiful place.

Swan lake in Altai

UNESCO in 2002 included Yekaterinburg in the list of twelve ideal cities in the world. How!

The Tsar Bell is considered the largest bell in the world in the history of casting. Ivan Motorin and his son Mikhail cast this truly impressive masterpiece for that time in 1733-1735. Its height is 6.24 m, its diameter is 6.6 m, and its weight is 202 tons! Recall that this bell was made in 1735!

The Tsar Bell in the Moscow Kremlin

An extremely interesting fact about Russia can be considered a legal incident related to the following. Ethnic Russians make up more than 80% of the total population of Russia, but the Constitution of the Russian Federation does not even mention the Russian people. It remains to be hoped that this misunderstanding will be resolved sooner or later.

On the territory of Russia there are more than 10 secret cities that are not marked on any map of the world. There are no signs or public routes to them. They host military and Scientific research marked with the highest secrecy.

In 1924, Russian fishermen caught in the Caspian Sea, near the Biryuchaya Spit, a female beluga weighing 1224 kg. It contained 246 kg of caviar.

An interesting fact is that in 1980 a serious diplomatic conflict almost arose between the USSR and Sweden. The fact is that the Swedes tracked down strange sounds coming from the depths of the Baltic Sea.

Naturally, they decided that it was Soviet submarines spying. However, later scientists found out that these are giant fish, sorry, they fart. For this, pundits were awarded the Ig Nobel Prize. And rightly so!

Dacha is an exclusively Russian invention. It all started with the fact that Peter the Great introduced the practice of distributing country plots to courtiers so that they could build houses there for their own needs. This is what the tsar called the dacha. In almost all European languages, this word is not translated, but is written like this - dacha.

At times Tsarist Russia you could buy a revolver in any store just like we buy food today.

Where do you think it is the highest building Europe? Yes, yes, in Moscow! The Federation Tower is the tallest skyscraper in all of Europe. The height of this 95-storey building is 374 meters.

Russia has the largest reserves of natural gas. The share of Russia's reserves is almost a quarter (24.6%) of all world reserves.

Russia, with varying degrees of success, ranks first in the world in oil production. Russia, the United States and Saudi Arabia are in the top three oil production leaders.

St. Petersburg has the longest tram network of almost 700 kilometers. This record is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

The largest forest in the world is located in Russia. This is the East Siberian taiga, with an area of ​​3,900,000 km².

East Siberian taiga

Despite the fact that diplomatic relations are in perfect order, the official peace treaty as of 2016 has not yet been signed. It happens!

Back in 1990, a record was set in Soviet Russia for the number of circulation of a paper newspaper. Komsomolskaya Pravda was printed in 22 million copies.

In Russia, in the Republic of Dagestan, there is one of the oldest cities in the world - Derbent. The first settlements arose here at the end of the 4th millennium BC. e. The modern city was founded in 438 AD as a Persian fortress.

The longest land border in the world is between Russia and Kazakhstan, at 7,512.8 km.

Chistye Prudy in Moscow, until 1703, were called Filthy Swamps. However!

Chistye Prudy

The artificial heart was first invented in Russia by a scientist named Vladimir Demikhov. An interesting fact is that the young genius had to spend money sent by his parents to buy a costume for a motor. The invention was tested on animals in 1936.

The Russian state flag under Peter the Great had a clear designation of each stripe.

  • The red line below is the physical world of people with all their worries, sufferings and passions.
  • The blue line is the angelic, heavenly world.
  • The white, highest band is the divine world of Faith, Hope and Love.

To date, there is no official interpretation of the tricolor.

Peter the Great "awarded" drunkenness with a special medal weighing 7 kg. And that's without the chain. Interesting pedagogy!

The beginning of Russian statehood was laid in 862. In 2016, the population of the country is 146 million people. The Russian Federation includes 85 subjects, 46 of which are called regions, 22 - republics, 9 - territories, 3 - cities of federal significance, 4 - autonomous districts and 1 - autonomous region.

In total, we collected 57 facts. If we list all the interesting facts about Russia, then, probably, a whole site will not be enough to describe the more or less significant features of this vast country.

note that various interesting facts about Russia and Russian people on many sites contain unverified information. In preparing this material, the number of erroneous statements led the author downright into confusion!

All of the above facts have been verified and are completely true. If you find a controversial statement, in your opinion, write about it in the comments.

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