Wise sayings about a man's birthday. Aphorisms, quotes, sayings about birthday

This collection includes birthday quotes of great people for understanding the deep processes of personality. And here is the first saying: Happiness is when nothing hurts.

Start thanking God for what you have and He will give you what you lack.

Ideal people do not exist, just find the same as yourself and stop.

Life is harsh, but for a person with a strong spirit, it is beautiful and interesting, despite all the difficulties. R. Rollan

When a thief has nothing to steal, he pretends to be honest.

From the point of view of youth, life is an infinitely distant future; from the point of view of old age, a very short past. A. Schopenhauer

Life begins where your comfort zone ends.

The problem with this world is that well-mannered people are full of doubts and idiots are full of confidence.

A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity, while an optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill

Love the one who loves you.

The ancient Greeks despised women as the lower sex. Therefore, it seems to me, such a thing as Platonic love arose - Plato also did not like women. Olga Arnold

True education is achieved through self-education.

Who cannot take a child with caress, he will not take it with severity A. P. Chekhov

In love, the spiritual is controlled by nature, but it is enriched with all its colors and power. A. Kruglov

The highest degree of embarrassment is two glances that met in the keyhole. M. Zhvanetsky

You will not grow unless you try to do something beyond what you already know perfectly. Ralph Emerson

I hate all advice except my own. Actor, director, screenwriter and producer Jack Nicholson

Every person has three characters: one that is attributed to him; one that he ascribes to himself; and, finally, the one that is in reality. Victor Hugo

Any mutual affection between a man and a woman begins with a stunning illusion that you think the same about everything in the world. Agatha Christie

When you need to knock on wood, you discover that the world is made of aluminum and plastic. Flagg's law

To fall in love means to feel like the builder of your own life. After all, having fallen in love, we lay the foundation for happiness.

Sometimes it happens that very small things take up a lot of space in the heart. - Alan Milne. Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all.

The one who does nothing is not mistaken! Don't be afraid to make mistakes - be afraid to repeat mistakes! Theodore Roosevelt

You need to learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to do them all on your own. Hyman George Rickover

You can hit me with the truth, but never pity me with a lie. Jack Nicholson.

Love is a weakness, but it is forgivable if not left unanswered.

Don't laugh at the person taking a step back. Maybe he's taking a run.

The longest we remember is that we have been forgotten. Albert de Sircourt

He who has never committed recklessness is not as wise as he thinks. François de La Rochefoucauld

People are divided into those who can be relied on and those who need to be relied on. M. Zhvanetsky

You don't have to think too much. So you create problems that were not there in the first place. - Friedrich Nietzsche. - smart thoughts of great people.

My dear, good, beloved, dear! You are the light in my window, you are my love!

It doesn't matter how many buckets of milk you spill, it's important not to lose the cow.

Blessed is life as long as you live without thoughts. Sophocles

We want to be the source of all the joys or, if that is not possible, all the misfortunes of the one we love. J. La Bruyère.

If you fail you will be grieved; if you put your hands down you are doomed. beaverly hills

I was one of those who agree to talk about the meaning of life in order to be ready to edit the layout on this topic. Eco W.

When we surround ourselves good people and good thoughts life begins to change for the better.

You love to talk about your love, but you forget to share it.

Sleep. Dream. Wake up. Take action. Come up with. Fight. Win. Sleep. Dream. Jared Leto

You have to live in such a way that you are remembered and bastards! Faina Ranevskaya

First, don't do anything without a reason and purpose. Secondly, do not do anything that would not tend to benefit society. Marcus Aurelius

Life is a constant process of rebirth. The tragedy of life for most of us is that we will die before we are fully born. E. Fromm

We see everything not as it is, we see everything as we are.

A person has in the depths of his soul an indelible demand that his life be good and have a reasonable meaning. Tolstoy L. N. (about the goal in life)

Even if the desire for understanding ... was not the original form of love, did not form its genesis and culmination, it would still be necessary to recognize that this desire is its clearest sign. Ortega y Gasset H.

It's hard to get into history, but it's easy to fall into it. M. Zhvanetsky

Platonic love is a pure idea, arising from the contemplation of a dress and a smile. Goncourt brothers

The words I love you ... are empty words that mean nothing ...

Women harass men simply because they are harassed by other women. Mahabharata, V, 33

To be able to enjoy the life lived means to live twice. — Martial.

Birthday is said to be one of the most favorite holidays for most people. Perhaps the whole point is that on this significant day a person receives more gifts and wishes than for all the other 364 days of the year. In addition, meetings with friends, pleasant surprises and compliments also play a role. Birthday quotes, however, are more controversial. Some argue that there is no more fun holiday, others that it is sad, because you are growing up. In any case, everyone has this date and there is no getting away from it. So we have selected aphorisms, statuses and quotes about the birthday of the most diverse, so that everyone can choose a phrase for their mood.

Birthday Quotes With Meaning

Lord, for what?! But we agreed! Let others grow old, not me!

The surest way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it at least once.

Only a fool can celebrate the years of approaching death.

At what point did lighting candles become more interesting than blowing them out?

Thank you mom for giving birth!

You still experience a strange feeling on your birthday, even if you don’t attach any importance to it.

Every year on the same day, a person reminds himself that he is able to light a fire, and then extinguish it with his breath.

Celebrating a birthday is an attempt to fight the sadness that life is passing by.

There is no point in having a birthday. But even though he is not there, there are feelings. People want to celebrate the fact that you came into this world.

At first, you are surprised how quickly the day passes, and then you realize that it was not a day, but life.

Name days are a great opportunity to get together with family and friends, congratulate each other and have a good time. A holiday is always a guarantee of a good mood, no matter how old you are. In any case, I want to believe in it. One day a year everyone feels the most significant, important and loved on the whole Earth. In one quote on this subject, it is well said that, they say, you listen to speeches on your birthday and look around, as if asking: who is this about?

sayings about birthday famous people

I can't stand birthdays... It's an evolution for me. I don't celebrate the past. I like the present and the future more.
Karl Lagerfeld

Birthday is such a thing that terribly depresses self-esteem.
Erich Maria Remarque

I don't celebrate birthdays. It seems to me that this is a waste of time. For me, this day is no different. In a way, every day is a birthday. You wake up in the morning, everything is fresh and new, and the main thing is that this new day brings you something important.
Dalai Lama XIV

Birthday as personal New Year. You can sum up, make plans.
Elchin Safarli

My birthday is not my merit.
Arkady Arkanov

As a boy, I was happy about my birthday, and now you are upset - the numbers are frightening.
Ilya Erenburg

What to do with the person who was the first to celebrate a birthday? Killing is not enough.
Mark Twain

Only on your birthday do you find out how many unnecessary things there are in the world.
Mikhail Zhvanetsky

I always thought that a birthday is such a holiday, and age has nothing to do with it ... It turned out, on the contrary, that a holiday has nothing to do with a birthday.
Pavel Sanaev

A husband is a person who always forgets your birthday and never misses an opportunity to tell you your age.
Marilyn Monroe

Statuses and quotes about a birthday are not able to replace toasts, but they can throw in a couple of ideas about what to say to a birthday person. So we recommend that you better study the phrases and expressions collected here for ideas for congratulations.

Birthday quotes are short and beautiful

Birthdays are a pleasant thing, but in large doses they are deadly.

Average age: when all you want on your birthday is not to be reminded of it.

The doll is sleeping, she is tired... celebrating her birthday...

Birthdays are a very useful thing. According to statistics, the more of them a person has, the longer he lives.

Don't you know that every day is someone's birthday? Estimate!

Born - this is the beginning, so there will be an end.

Fortunately, everyone has a birthday.

My birthday passed many years ago, and I still celebrate it ...

The happiest moment in life is when you wake up in the morning and your mother, hugging you tightly and kissing you on the cheek, wishes you a happy birthday.

Birthday is a holiday on which we hear as much flattery as we have not heard for the whole year.

This is definitely a fun and memorable holiday. After him, there are many pleasant memories, and, of course, a mountain of various gifts. Sayings and quotes about the birthday will help refresh the memory of events. After all, year after year we all get older (well, or older), and events are no longer so well remembered.

Statuses about "jam day"

Jam Day! Bring me happiness.

My first birthday was celebrated without me, but then I recouped all subsequent times!

If it comes down to cake on a birthday, it means it didn't work out.

Don't forget to congratulate yourself!

With each day of my birth, the cost of it grows much faster than I do!

And for my birthday, give me a large set of colored pencils - I will color my life.

The most difficult thing is to look at a greeting card, read its contents and pretend that you do not notice the money invested.

Childhood ends when on your birthday you stop wanting to obey mom and dad.

A sense of tact is to wake up the guests and inform them that the birthday has already ended two days ago.

I am always 18, the rest is experience!

Birthday is the next step on the way to the future, which is marked by certain accomplishments and achievements. Therefore, the gifts that we receive on this day include knowledge, experience and life wisdom. Involuntarily, on this day, we evaluate our achievements in career, friendship, love ... I really want to believe that the assessment of achievements will be positive and positive. As positive as these statuses.

Birthday quotes are positive

I want to wish myself health, health and more money!

Hooray! I am of legal age! Now I can do everything that my mother forbade! First of all, she licked the swing in the cold and stuck her fingers into the socket.

You're waiting for this day, you're waiting. And he passes, and again to wait!

Nobody wished me happy birthday today. No wonder I don't have it today...

Usually, at a birthday party, a birthday boy is needed only for the first 3-4 glasses.

I want something special for my birthday. So that I can say, "Wow, Porsche."

A birthday is considered successful if the gifts exceed the cost of the holiday.

The habit of forgetting other people's birthdays allows you to save a significant amount over the year ...

The more modest the birthday, the more imperceptibly the years go ...

Born to crawl and meets his birthday under the table ...

These were funny birthday quotes. But this holiday can be characterized by more than one positive. It happens that sadness and disappointment cover on this date. The point is either age, or the fact that it did not work out to achieve everything that I wanted. The feeling that something is missing in life, something right and real, something worthwhile does not leave. Such thoughts are best driven away. We must believe that the birthday is a new page, that everything will be fine.

Sad birthday statuses

A newborn cries not from deep emotions about his appearance in the world. No, being separated from his mother, he experiences loneliness for the first time. Therefore, a birthday is the beginning of loneliness.

Your life experience is rich
Not weakened and not faded,
And we are today with this date
We heartily congratulate you!

Wise birthday greetings to the birthday man

Happy birthday congratulations!
And with all our hearts we wish
Be funny, cute,
Young and energetic.
Never grieve
Sleep tight, sleep tight at night
To have such power
To always stay cute -
For legal spouse
And maybe another friend.
May health be strong
Happiness your house will not forget
A lot of joy, warmth,
So that fate is good
So that youth is not sluggish,
To not know old age.

Wise original congratulations on your birthday

Let the years rush - it does not matter;
Time heals wounds.
And let them go forever
Troubles and fogs.

And what is light for the soul,
Let it stay with you.
We wish this day
What do you want yourself.

Wise congratulations to a girlfriend on her birthday

We congratulate you all
Today with an arbitrary date!
We wish your life
She was happy and free!

In any dress you are good -
After all, a proud posture,
Mind, femininity, your soul -
Diamond, and the rest - cutting!

And we want you
Stayed like this for many years
So that all dreams come true
So that everything was, and not seemed ...

So that there is happiness and love,
Health, joy - everything is according to the estimate,
To feel everything again and again
That you do not live in vain in the world!

Cool wise birthday greetings from a friend

Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask -
Remember the rules are simple
And carry through your life
Always dignity and strength!

..... (name), I want to tell you
What happens in life
But the main thing is not to lose heart,
And to live easily and prosperously!

Beautiful wise verse-congratulations on your birthday

And your day has come again
Your date has come again
May everything be fine on this day
And fun from dawn to dusk!

May there be more light in your life
And kindness, and earthly joys,
With your smile we are always warmed
We share sorrow and joy with you!

May love keep you
Let joy overflow
The betrothed idolizes
Let happiness not leave!

All smiles for you today
All flowers for you today.
And so that God gives you in abundance
Health, happiness, beauty.

Wise birthday wishes

Take care of your youth
Take care of your youthful days -
They fly by unnoticed
And they won't come back again.

Live, love, count the minutes -
They are very good.
But, without knowing the person,
Do not open your soul to him.

Short wise birthday greetings

In this joyful moment of the birthday
There is no reason to sigh and be sad.
We celebrate not the date of aging,
And the day you started living!

Even if not small years,
If there is little joy in fate,
Even if there are adversities -
Life is beautiful in itself!

Wise birthday greetings to a man

Let the stars shine in your eyes
Let happiness sparkle like champagne
Let tears never shine in them,
And let sadness not knock on the heart.

May this day, like a song of a nightingale,
Cross out all the gloomy days of bad weather.
May your life be like a May dawn
Brings happiness every day!

Wise birthday greetings to a woman

What woman's happiness? In bouquets of flowers?
In hot kisses?
In the trembling of the lips or in the magic of words?
In dreams consisting of several dreams?
In the rays of the rising sun?
What is called happiness for women?
What to wish? This time the question
Smiles happiness - it's not new
Everyone congratulates so now
And we want not so, but in a different way.
May life be full of miracles
And the road is full of flowers
Let the stars fall from the sky
Only to your doorstep
And on this day we sincerely wish
All earthly blessings in the world and goodness
Happy birthday hearty congratulations
We wish you happiness, joy, health and warmth!

Wise birthday greetings in verse

Forget about all the sorrows
Forget about grief.
Today is your holiday
Today is birthday.

Do not be sad that it is imperceptible
So many years have passed.
From the bottom of my heart I wish you happiness
For your long, long age.

Congratulations-rhyme wise birthday

There is no recipe for longevity
However, everyone dreams about it.
Health in life for many years
We wish you with all our hearts.

You don't care about the year
If you strive for a big goal
Stay always young
Never grow old at heart.

Wise congratulations in prose for your birthday

Happy Birthday! I wish you not to know irreparable losses and intelligently adjust your outlook on life - so as to be always happy.

Birthday is the day when we turn another page of our life and take stock.

You can be a master at coming up with different greetings for your friends, relatives, loved ones and loved ones. To joke, to rejoice, to come up with various jokes. But there are times when jokes are inappropriate, and for a person much older and more experienced than you, you will need to come up with a very serious and wise birthday greeting.

So, if the birthday is in the head of your family, or in the boss, or a friend of the family, you need to take care to buy a serious gift and pick up good words for a wise birthday greeting.

You can borrow interesting wise sayings in great writers, critics, musicians, artists. You can write a wise birthday greeting in verse, it is best to compose them yourself so that they are unique. On the Internet you will find many beautiful ideas wise congratulations. Look at the toasts of Caucasian writers - you will find there a whole pantry of interesting statements and stories.

The main thing in congratulations is to pay attention to your intonation of speech. It must match the text. Speak smoothly, look the birthday man in the eyes. Do not try to tell jokes - the public may not perceive them. Finish the congratulations with sincere wishes, but in no case touch the personal life of the birthday man - by and large, it does not concern you.

In this case, it would be best to give an appropriate gift. It can be a wise book, interesting films.

If you are counting on a more expensive gift, buy a ticket for the birthday man to travel, for example, to Europe, or to Egypt - where he can not only relax physically, but also draw spiritual food for himself, learn a lot of new things and see historically important things with his own eyes.

To live life wisely
You need to know a lot.
Two important rules remember to start:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it's better to be alone than with just anyone!

I want to congratulate you on your birthday
Wish you only the best in life!
Your age - 33 - is the age of Christ,
Time to rethink your life!

Your life experience is rich
Not weakened and not faded,
And we are today with this date
We heartily congratulate you!

Life is like a garden at 18
And it reminds me of spring
But do not forget about the main thing, nevertheless:
The one who works - he gets happiness!

I wish you inspiration
And I want to wish you good health
Well, the main thing in life is luck!
So, friend, do not think to lose heart!

If, son, you decide something -
So always go ahead!
We wish you to be happy
And also - let you be lucky!

Life is wise, son, don't forget
All good things happen!
Never, please, do not be discouraged
And do not know about longing and sadness!

Adulthood is a great time
All tasks will be on the shoulder then
And you can turn any mountain -
Know that this path will be so beautiful!

Let luck follow you in step
On the way, let only happiness await you,
Let your love warm you
Happiness and fun will be again and again!

Let the years rush - it does not matter;
Time heals wounds.
And let them go forever
Troubles and fogs.

And what is light for the soul,
Let it stay with you.
We wish this day
What do you want yourself.

Let them hurry, the years run -
We cannot stop them!
But be always young!
It doesn't matter how many years have passed.

We won't judge by age
By the number of years that have come!
If you are still full of vigor -
So there is no place for old age!

Let a smile light up your face
Even if the gray hair is like snow!
Age is, by God, a mistake,
If a person is young at heart!

As you grow older, you begin to understand
That life is sometimes very difficult,
We have to believe and suffer -
Otherwise, it's simply impossible!

I really want to tell you:
Egor, dream, and what you ask will come true,
After all, in life you need to know a lot,
When you bring your gifts to her!

Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask -
Remember the rules are simple
And carry through your life
Always dignity and strength!

Egor, I want to tell you
What happens in life
But the main thing is not to lose heart,
And to live easily and prosperously!