Quotes about love. Elchin Safarli. The dream has no expiration date. Quotes and sayings of Elchin Safarli


Quotes and Aphorisms 01.11.2018

Dear readers, today I would like to talk to you about the work of one of my favorite authors - Elchin Safarli. This is absolutely and one hundred percent my writer. Sometimes he is accused of the fact that his books are more like incoherent stories, that it is very difficult to catch the thread that connects them. But at a certain point in your life, you will always find in his works exactly those words that are close to you and that you need at that particular moment.

I literally enjoy every line of his stories. I love such soft, enveloping, unhurried stories that are literally created for long autumn and winter evenings. And today I propose to enjoy together the quotes from the books of Elchin Safarli, so vital, wise, true, seasoned with a pinch of exotic spices of the East. Perhaps, after reading them, you will want to re-read his books.

In every separation a new meeting is hidden

This book is a real find for those in whose life a difficult period has now come. The hero of this novel survived a terrible tragedy - he lost his beloved wife, who, moreover, was pregnant. A woman from his past helps him survive this terrible grief, at first just as a comrade, then they become something incommensurably greater for each other.

There is no happy ending in the book. But still, Elchin Safarli's novel "They Promised You to Me" is very bright and life-affirming, and quotes from it really help to come to terms with the fact that the past must be left behind and move forward.

"It's me. Hiding and lying that this is just an image is ridiculous. He included in this story a difficult period of his life, when time took me away from me. Talking about loss hurts. It's better to write about it. I tried, and I did not notice how I grew out of it. It is impossible to rediscover the beauty of the world without losing something important. In the place of the lost, there are voids of bottomless ravines. And trying to fill them, you begin to appreciate life more. Let our losses be a test for us, but not torture.

“There is a power in the heart of every person that helps to get what you want. She will not give rest until you reach the very point to which you aspired. Everything is possible under one condition: to really want what you are going for.

“Love is the very thing that causes the desire to live.”

“Your” people stay with you, no matter how you whine, no matter how you scream, no matter how you disappear. They just eat, they are happy to open the door for you, stretch out their hands, share a sandwich.

“I haven’t seen anything wrong with my own loneliness for a long time. People greatly exaggerate the importance of the relationship between two people. Yes, it is important, but it is not so important to dissolve in torment, like a fizz in a glass of water. Everything is much easier. Yes, it means good; no, it means it will be. And if it doesn't, then that's the way it should have been. Or not so much. At times it is good to go with the flow. When we cling to something, we miss something more important.”

“Over the years, the ease of steps is lost. Not taking into account that it is impossible to become a winner without learning to lose, we measure, think over, analyze a hundred times, which simply harms the cause. And it’s useful to completely forget about “can” and “can’t”, and without any ulterior motive, enjoy something simple, enjoying the taste of life. At times, you have to allow yourself to get carried away by doing nothing. Without haste, walk with a soft step to a waltz of snowflakes, and not run headlong; just sit on a chair and look out the window as the house opposite is being built; just don't talk, close your eyes and hug.

“In the question, is the glass half full or empty, I prefer the answer “there is water in the glass.” The main thing is that there is still water. Encouraging realism...?

“We have forgotten how to look at clouds crumpled by flying planes. We became hostages of self-centered theories smart words describing someone else's experience, ideas that betray general indifference, the colorless realities of everyday life. We no longer peer at sunsets, we are more interested in an advertising offer in a magazine. We should look into ourselves more often. It does not require money or special conditions. Everything is very simple. Stop and carefully look inside, where a quiet heart has already despaired of calling us ... But it's easier for us to justify our inability to live busy. I myself am like that.”

“The life of two is much happier when the desire to understand is more important than to be understood; when the desire to do something pleasant is not fraught with plans to get something in return, even gratitude. When love does not even change to love, but only is given.

“There are places where we definitely need to be. If not constantly, then at least periodically return there.

"The greatest misfortune is to be happy in the past."

“Fate throws up dilemmas, and you always have to choose - we lose one thing, we gain another. To hell with the talk of harmony. She is not. There is a balance between losses and gains.”

“In order for the state of enchanting happiness not to turn into a routine, attacks of wild melancholy must necessarily occur.”

"The right choice in reality does not exist - there is only the choice made and its consequences."

“In life, people periodically crumble into pieces, and then they are collected, and a new picture is obtained. I don’t know what kind of picture I am, I’m all the time in pieces. Sometimes they are larger, and then I feel better, and it seems that some kind of harmonious prudence is about to come. And sometimes they are so small that I don’t understand at all what to do with these crumbs. Exhausting. I would like to straighten my back, not to stoop - so I would always live. But in the evening I return home, I understand that I did not find answers for the day, and I crumble again. Scattered life. Until the final whistle."

“No one owes anything to anyone, everyone just needs each other.”

"The longer you wait, the more likely you are waiting in the wrong place."

“You have to cross the abyss to get to the other side. This is how everything new begins.

“Everyone forgets differently. Someone seeks salvation in vodka, someone in illusions, someone in the past. If I'm looking for salvation, does that mean I still believe? Or is it just a temporary pain reliever?”

"Convincedly happy people were once necessarily unhappy."

Without you, it's not so much, without you - there's no need

Randomly opening his book on any page, you can find accurate and precise words everywhere. And Elchin Safarli's quotes about love are simply amazing with their sensuality. Just listen to them...

“I was waiting all the time that the one that would become my destiny was about to appear. Like in books. So rarely does anyone get lucky. Personally, I was not lucky ... Brother, do not set the bar high in your personal life. Our halves are also the fruit of our efforts. It is possible to mold what you want. Not immediately, of course. With time. We, men, are most often to blame for our loneliness, subconsciously choosing freedom.

You were promised to me

"I hate myself for missing you unbearably."

You were promised to me

“- Son, remember, a man should not force a woman to live in uncertainty. Then love will definitely be replaced by hatred, sooner or later. They know how to love even in anticipation. It's us, men, when a woman goes away for a while, we start in our minds or openly look for a replacement for her. If you know you're not coming back, better tell the truth. She will cry, but she will accept. Just don't neglect it. This is something women don't deserve."

You were promised to me

“Love does not have a single recipe: who knows, maybe if there was one, separation would not be so painful and would be treatable ...”

The corner of her round house

“I know you won’t come back, but I will still love you. Is always. There, inside, somewhere between a restless heart and tight ribs, you filled everything with a radiant light.

The corner of her round house

“Love must be constantly maintained in oneself. Good emotions and deeds, favorite places, books, people, solitude, animals. Love is like a muscle that needs to be constantly trained.

Tell me about the sea

“People associate too much with sex, while real intimacy goes deeper. She is in a gentle touch, in a calm look and even breathing nearby ... "

The corner of her round house

“Love is like a mountain river. Sweeps away any obstacles in its path. If not instantly, then very soon ... "

The corner of her round house

“To live differently is true madness. This is the biggest love mistake ... "

No memories without you

“Great love turns everything upside down - mixes seasons, devalues ​​old values, changes tastes, directions. It somehow imperceptibly, gradually, like a stubborn sprout of a snowdrop, sprouts in that corner of the heart that seemed obsolete for a long time. And no one is immune from becoming, under the influence of this love, exactly what he was always afraid to become ... "

The corner of her round house

“I didn’t need anything from you but love. So ordinary, human. No touching notes in bouquets of flowers, no beautiful words from the other end of the wire, no plush "hare" and "sun" dozens of times a day. I just wanted to be by your side."

If you only knew

“There are so many of you in me that sometimes I lose myself.”

The corner of her round house

“Love turns even the most grown-up people into sentimental teenagers…”

The corner of her round house

“There are people who are as comfortable as home. You hug them - and you understand: I'm at home.

If you only knew

“In love, it is not only possible, but also necessary to believe in the impossible, incredible, as well as in the improbable, unthinkable, unproven. We have become too reasonable and down to earth, we are too afraid to make a mistake, and if we do make a mistake, we cannot forgive ourselves for too long. We don’t think about the fact that in this way its charm, lightness disappear from life - really very soon we will fly only by planes? .. "

The corner of her round house

I have failed in love...

This poignant book is so feminine that it is even surprising that a man wrote it. Elchin Safarli's novel "If You Knew" is, in fact, a collection of quotes for those who have had unrequited love. It's unbelievable how much soul and emotion it has!

“You cannot leave me, because no one ever leaves the heart. Physically it is possible, but not at the level of the heart. Those who are admitted to it remain forever in it. Only a rearrangement of seats is possible, for example, from the front rows to the far ones, but this does not change the essence: it is impossible to stay in the heart, they remain only for permanent residence in it.

“Before I left, I asked: “Tell me, do you love me?” You did not answer for a long time, and then dropped stubbornly: “I feel good with you. This is not enough?" At that moment, I was once again convinced that I was able to embellish absolutely everything in a womanish way - my life, the feelings of my beloved man, the world. Women are born decorators. With a brush in hand and an easel to boot. And men are sometimes blank canvases for us - we draw, paint, wipe somewhere, cover something up. Only now, as a rule, in the end it turns out that we do not draw from nature, but following the lead of fantasies, desires: and here it is - a complete inconsistency with reality. That's what happened to me. Although I don't regret anything. There were a lot of good things."

When you scream “I hate” in tears, it means that inside you shout “I love” even louder.

“I have nothing but myself. Everything that was there is still there. Now I do not divide time into past, present, future. Only today - in it one beginning, continuation and, most likely, the end of my life. Calendar with one page. That's better. Soberly evaluate what you have on this moment. Don't look back and don't look forward. No self-deception. Illusion is far from hope, and hope is not always reality. This is not pessimism. I accept life as it is. IN German there is a word "hassliebe". If according to the dictionary, then it is translated as "a feeling oscillating between love and hate." This is how I feel about each of my “todays”.

“Unrequited love is like… a sore throat. Quite compatible with life, just unpleasant, but it is impossible not to think about it. Tea with lemon and honey helps for a while, and also time and silence. When you speak, it only becomes more painful - even your breath catches. So it's best to sit down and write. With each letter, the sore becomes sick. True, you don’t feel it right away - the effect comes a little later. ”

“I haven't seen you for a long time. Changed my phone number, deleted all your contacts. She learned to restrain herself when unbidden tears betray longing, and to hide her hands in her pockets when they themselves clench into fists with rage. I cheerfully answer questions, communicate with people and sometimes dance when the music is cheerful and does not resemble our songs. And I also work a lot. Everything seems to be fine, but all this is ... a game.

“The exhausting search for a loved one everywhere and everywhere, even when you know his specific location, is what is most irresistible in longing.”

“In true love, there is no point. You can break up, quarrel, be disappointed - absolutely everything is possible. But whatever the reason, true love still lives on in my heart."

"Every woman only once meets a man who divides her life into two parts: before meeting him and after."

“I tried to negotiate with my heart, to explain to him: they say, stop torturing me - well, it didn’t work out, well, it didn’t agree, with whom it doesn’t happen. Let him go! Don't torment me, stop reminding me of him. It hurts. Understand, finally, that because he is always inside, it doesn’t make me feel better - I need him next to me. Make up your mind at last: now you want to forget him, then always remember him. Long requests, almost praying on her knees, but this competition of my own life with life without him continued.

Before going to bed, think about tomorrow. In it - a new morning, a new life

Behind the stories of this young talented author about everyday life ordinary people lies something more. Elchin Safarli's book "Tell me about the sea" is so warm and cozy, filling with love for life, let's enjoy together beautiful quotes from her.

“Life and people are a big garden of flowers. Each has its own color, smell, place, history. But absolutely all of them are loved by the sun. Reach for the sun, Finik, wait for it, no matter how long it rains.

Life is, of course, a choice. We choose every day, every minute, second - between good and evil, light and dark. Several doors open for us, the next is up to us - with whom, which one to enter. However, I know for sure that in the matter of meeting “your” person, it is important to wait. That from the very first step we go to each other, seeing a lot on the way different people. When the time is right (and that is decided up there, or perhaps within us), the meeting will take place. The main thing is not to give up and not to associate life with strangers.

We waste ourselves and time on the past and not yet happened - always there, not here. We fantasize about the future, mourn the past, missing the present moment. Phoenix, no one is responsible for your happiness except you.

Don’t force yourself to be happy when you’re unhappy, don’t try on endless advice like “get together and force yourself to do something”, “while you cry, happiness is leaving”, “it’s time not to dream, but to act” and so on. It is even more dangerous to compare yourself with those who are supposedly stronger, stronger, more successful. Everyone has their own pace of life. But even at the bottom, remember that the sun is shining above, and believe that the morning will surely come when you wake up and understand: it has become easier.

The ability to rise to the next level comes with self-acceptance. Suppression is useless and harmful. You need to get to know yourself the present, accept yourself, forgive, try to become better. We came into this world solely for happiness. Only a happy person spreads goodness.

“Don't be afraid of the past, Phoenix. It must be remembered, but do not dive deep. And if you dive deep, have time to emerge in time. Otherwise, you will suffocate. Before going to bed, think about tomorrow. It has a new morning, a new life.”

Once I asked Uncle Orhan: “What is the best feeling in life?” He replied: "Go home, where they are waiting."

Man should be given a chance new life rather than throwing stones at the mistakes of the past.

In difficult situations, the best thing you can do for yourself is not to forget that everything is for the best, even if it is not immediately obvious.

There is healing in both happiness and sorrow. The rebirth of man.

Fear no one but yourself; do not run away from anyone, especially from yourself; do not poison your days with the bitterness of the past and the illusions of the future. The whole world - sunrises and sunsets, countries and cities, oceans and seas, partings and meetings - is in you.

“People seem to be able to control time, delay it or speed it up. That time belongs to them, and not vice versa. Phoenix, take good care of your minutes. Wasting time, wasting dreams. Hurry up to love, every minute, in every breath, exhale. There is little time, it is stupid to spend it on fuss, conflicts, dislike.

“Sometimes a person does not want to know what he really wants. So he's calmer."

It is impossible to fit into the article all the wonderful quotes from Elchin Safarli's books, because there are so many of them: there is something to think about after the light and bright "Recipes for Happiness", something to think about after the sincere and sensual "I'll be back", well-aimed as a shot "Sweet salt of the Bosphorus" just mesmerizing. His books are about life and about love, about wisdom and self-confidence. Highly recommended reading!

And you can continue our cozy conversation and philosophize on other spiritual topics here:
About the sea in quotes and aphorismsOperation to replace the lens of the eye with cataracts

Life is like a small blanket: if you pull it up, your feet will freeze, if you pull it down, your head will freeze. The one who curls up knows how to live.

Tears do not change over the years. They, like our eyes, are not subject to age.

The greatest misfortune is to be happy in the past.

All our childhood dreams largely determine our adult life.

In order to always have a clear conscience, you do not need to dirty it. It's not clothes, you can't wash it. It's a pity.

Where you meet love, the space shrinks to the heart of one person.

Those who trust only their minds lose their hearts. And the heart is life in it

Women, as a rule, do not have their own principles. They listen to their inner voice, the voice of the heart and the men they love.

Crazy people are called people who have not been able to prove their vision of reality. After all, it is difficult for society to accept the possibility of the existence of worlds unknown to it, well, except for the earthly and heavenly.

Sometimes I think that it would be better if you didn’t exist, and then I understand that there is no better than you.

The exhausting search for a loved one everywhere and everywhere, even when you know his specific location, is what is most insurmountable in longing.

I still don't regret anything, if only because it's pointless.

In life, it does not make ends meet, but expectations with hopes.

When you want to get away from what hurts, it seems to be easier if you repeat back the road you have already traveled.

Everything is possible under one condition: to really want what you are going for.

You have to cross the abyss to get to the other side. This is how everything new begins.

In love, you don't have to prove anything to anyone. In love, everything is always anew, for two.

Fear is the biggest test in love. Overcoming them brings feelings closer to eternity

Someone said that Chance is a pseudonym for God when he is unwilling to sign with his own name.

Elchin Safarli - quotes and sayings

Cynicism is when you justify outbursts of conscience with the words: "Not much depends on me" - and immediately agree with them.

The end of the working day, everyone rushes home. Someone is waiting, someone is waiting, and some hope that they are waiting. The eternal cycle of fate, sometimes unfair.

I look in the mirror, and in the reflection I see not myself, but you. That's the way it should be. Lovers become reflections of each other. I can't live without you and I know you can't live without me. Together forever. Repeat after me. Helps.

Hearing silence in response is the most painful thing for a woman. Better let him say that he fell out of love. It’s better to let him push away with an offensive word and shout: “I’m tired of your love!” Anything but silence. It kills.

People who call themselves weak are actually the strongest.

Each time has its own laws. In autumn you hope, in winter you believe, in spring you wait, in summer you receive.

The longer you wait, the more likely you are waiting in the wrong place.

It's easy for others to say, "Don't take it to heart." How can they know what is the depth of your heart? And where is close for him? It is only possible for oneself to lift stones from the ground that one once stumbled over.

It's good when there is something to remember, and even better when there is nothing to forget.

In love, a man should give a woman not only flowers, but also the feeling that everything is just beginning for them.

Distance is hard to conquer with thoughts alone. Faith alone will not fill you up.

Complain about black stripe those who do not have the courage to paint it white.

No matter how a person lives, he still needs a family. You can't replace a family with money, a career, or friends. Family is like an element of a puzzle: you will find the missing piece, and the picture of life will take shape

You can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its breadth and depth.

Quotes about love. Elchin Safarli

Love is not a situation. Love is the reward.

There are people who are as comfortable as home. You hug them - and you understand: I'm at home.
With many people you can smile, laugh heartily, say anything and everything. But it is very rare when you can forget yourself with someone next to you.

man for real loving woman won't delve into her past

Love has two barriers - circumstances and fears. We often lack the courage to step over the stones of the past, the doubts of the present.

Jealousy in a man should be. But it should not be visible, like salt in delicious food.

A woman is weakest when she loves, and strongest when she is loved.

A man, even despite the armor of selfishness, understands that a woman is better.

She said "I have the right to love", not "I have the right to love." This is where true disinterestedness lies: when you love, in yourself, silently, without asking questions, without hoping for an answer. This is the main advantage of a woman.

I hate myself for missing you unbearably.

For love, distance is not a hindrance. The contractions of the heart of one half always respond in the heart rhythm of the other.

... love without victims does not happen. Either you give up principles, or you give up opportunities.

You need to let the sun inside to feel the heart.

No poetry can replace actions.

Sometimes you need to not know something or miss something in order to remain happy.

The condition of a woman is directly related to the condition of the man who is next to her.

In love, there is no precise definition of anything except the fact of love itself. She either exists or she doesn't. Everything else is pictures with a subjective alignment of feelings and the possibility of consequences.

It is difficult to restrain yourself when you know that the magnet that attracts all your thoughts is in the next room.

Completely different, yet incredibly close.

Magic is offended. It can spin around you for a long time, knocking on the dark glasses of sunglasses that you don’t like to take off, and then turn around and leave. You won't be forced to be nice. As long as it persuades you, there is certainly someone who is looking forward to it. Magic does not have much time to run after someone for weeks, months. If you don't see it, then you don't need it.
Everything that is born in the heart remains forever in it.

There is a power in the heart of every person that helps to get what you want. She will not give rest until you reach the very point to which you aspired. Everything is possible under one condition: to really want what you are going for.

We are accustomed to postponing everything for tomorrow, but you have to become happy today. How important it is to realize that you have no reason to be unhappy right now.

There is no point in true love. You can break up, quarrel, be disappointed - absolutely everything is possible. But whatever the reasons, true love still continues to live in the heart. It separates from the mind, lives outside of what is happening. There is nothing you can do about this love and you just keep it to yourself.

Often I look for you in myself - and I find you.

- Honey I love you. Don't linger there, okay?
- Einstein forbade exceeding the speed of light, but for your sake I will try.

A man should not force a woman to live in uncertainty. Then love will definitely be replaced by hatred, sooner or later. They know how to love even in anticipation.

Love, sometimes, can not stand even a short separation. Too fragile feeling, for which neglect is often fatal.

You are ready to give love, but in the silence of touch, when words are superfluous, and voices scare away the will. You want friendship, but one where silence is more eloquent than any words, and actions prove what cannot be proved with words.

Be with me. Not for nothing that once upon a time, in one beautiful dream youth, I was promised you!

I have so much love that it would be enough for all of you, from childhood to today. And if you accept, then go on.

Elchin Safarli - Azerbaijani writer, journalist. Novels are written in Russian. Books: "Sweet Salt of the Bosporus", "There Without Back", "I'll Be Back", "They Promised Me", "... There are No Memories Without You", "A Thousand and Two Nights: Ours in the East" (collection of stories), "Legends Bosphorus”, “If you knew…”, “Recipes for happiness”, “When I am without you”.

In order to always have a clear conscience, you do not need to dirty it. It's not clothes, you can't wash it. It's a pity. – Safarli

Called a taxi. A yellow car pulled up. “This color, indeed, is for separation,” I thought, and I said to her: “I will be back soon, dear.”

Women, as a rule, do not have their own principles. They listen to their inner voice, the voice of the heart and the men they love.

Elchin Safarli: “The presence of a smile on the face is not yet a joy. Its real manifestation lies in an unshakable faith in the best, even when it seems impossible. “Love from the bottom of the Bosphorus”

Only that love that survived separation can be eternal. “Love from the bottom of the Bosphorus”

All our childhood dreams largely determine our adult life. "I'll be back" - E. Safarli

Crazy people are called people who have not been able to prove their vision of reality. After all, it is difficult for society to accept the possibility of the existence of worlds unknown to it, well, except for the earthly and heavenly.

Only the person who once made us the happiest can make us the most unhappy.

Read the continuation of Elchin Safarli's quotes and aphorisms on the pages:

Love weaned me from looking for answers in books, trying on the stories of other people's heroines, listening to sentimental musical ballads with the thought: God, this is about me! That's all about me! In matters of your own destiny, you should turn to your heart. It, wise, knocks from our first second to the last - like an experienced radio operator sending important encrypted messages on the air. Why do we trust anyone but ourselves? And the heart knows best of all about the irretrievably gone, and about the bright hope. And only after losing contact with him, we stuff bumps and collect scars.

Envy the pigeons. Their freedom and trust. I'm not in a cage. I'm free with clipped wings. I can take off, but not fly away.

I'm waiting for autumn. With such impatience that she is ready to sacrifice all the other seasons to her. And I won't regret what I did at all. I need autumn. Very very. She will unleash those who are driven into the dark corner of survival. She will not force you to repeat cruel, but truthful words: “If we are all alone, then we are all alone in loneliness.” Autumn is called the season of sadness. I don’t agree: real sadness comes with summer, when there is no one to share the generosity of the sun with ...

The best teaching aid is life in its various manifestations. “There without back”

Love makes a woman weak. Wise women are those who pass weakness for loyalty.

There will be a new test ... if you stand, you will receive happiness.

The end of the working day, everyone rushes home. Someone is waiting, someone is waiting, and some hope that they are waiting. The eternal cycle of fate, sometimes unfair.

I'm far away now... but who knows... maybe I'll come with the aroma of tea, maybe I'll become a rain and spill on your city, maybe I'll appear before you like a wind... Just you wait!

If life sends sour lemons, build a lemonade plant and get rich!

Over the years, I realized that in family life you need to be able to talk with husbands, be interested in each other's desires. It's not just about sex. Silence slowly leads to collapse...

I look in the mirror, and in the reflection I see not myself, but you. That's the way it should be. Lovers become reflections of each other. I can't live without you and I know you can't live without me. Together forever. Repeat after me… Helps. "No Memories Without You"

I try to catch time, stop it, squeeze it in my arms, but all in vain. It flies, it flies away. He smiles boastfully from above, proud of his superiority. And I understand that time, in fact, is as unstoppable as love. And love, like time, cannot be hidden deep, for a long time - it will break through anyway, it will still declare itself. Reward or burn...

My hope is... mmm... Even if the world disappears, we will still find each other... Even if the nights disappear, we will shine as stars in the daytime... That is my hope. "I'll come back"

Love. A stream of ever-contacting and diverging people with sad eyes. It is insanely hard for me to believe that the strongest of the existing feelings is the most short-lived. Awareness came to me a long time ago, without grief. But each time, embarking on the path of new love, I close my eyes, mentally write and erase two questions to which no one knows the answer: how long?, how soon?.

Women leave men goodbye magical nights. Women's footprints on men's hearts. On the night before parting, she kissed differently than usual. Her kisses froze on my body like snowflakes on an icy window. Somehow it got cold. Now I understand. Parting kisses lose their warmth. In them, the cooled tenderness of parting ... On the last night, she looked at me differently than usual. In the eyes of alienation. Alienation over love. She understood that it was time for her, but in every possible way she delayed the hour of departure. The struggle of the soul and mind. Reason won. Gone. Now I understand. There is no melancholy in the look before parting. It is a silent protest. Protest against yourself. Feelings lose reason. More often…

The desire to become a mother should come to a woman at the same time as love for the man with whom she wants to raise them. "You were promised to me"

In love, you don't have to prove anything to anyone. In love, everything is always anew, for two ...

We women are like that. If a man is interested in us as a person, then he attracts us as a partner.

Each time under the cool jets in the shower, I touch my fingers to the marks of his lips. They still burn on my body with invisible brands ...

Stupid prostitutes believe in love. Wise prostitutes believe in love only while watching melodramas.

- Has God abolished taxes by establishing a visa-free regime between heaven and earth? - Not. Everything is much easier. Today, a million babies were born in the world, there are no deaths. Isn't that a reason to rejoice?

No matter how a person lives, he still needs a family - I realize over the years. You can't replace a family with money, a career, or friends. The family is like an element of the puzzle: you find the missing piece, and the picture of life will take shape ...

Loneliness laughs at those who hide from it in illusions. Anyway, we will return to it sooner or later, disappointed to the last drop of blood.

Words are often not from the heart - from the mind. Trust only the eyes that reflect the soul...

The main thing in the life of any person is the opportunity to share love. It might sound trite. But it is. Check...

You can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its breadth and depth.

The road to happiness is never short. On a long journey, full of vague images and ideas, it is important not to deviate from the goal, to find yourself. This is happiness.

When it becomes indifferent to us how the one we love sees us, it means that we no longer love him.

To hell with obstacles! The main thing is that I am on the way to it. Impulses must develop into actions. Unrealized impulses over the years are harder to forgive yourself ... “There are no memories without you”

It's easy for others to say: Don't take it to heart. How can they know what is the depth of your heart? And where for him - close? "You were promised to me"

Spring rain smells of hope. There is no irreversibility of losses in it, as in the precipitation of other seasons. You don’t want to watch the spring rain from the side, plunging into the atmosphere of home comfort. Under it you want to live, love, hope. Count the drops, losing count, catching them with your tongue, remembering the taste of the freshness of the new season. Spring rain is like a mint cocktail with ice cubes. A cocktail from spring, so reminiscent of summer.

A woman is weakest when she loves, and strongest when she is loved.

I don’t even remember the time when they believe in princes, I left them on the pages of fairy tales. "You were promised to me"

You are my biggest victory over pride. "I'll come back"

Fear is the biggest test in love. Overcoming them, you bring feelings closer to eternity ...

Memory also has immunity - it erases what brings pain.

Ask: what did I love most in this life? Answer: weekdays. Their beginnings and ends, their victories and defeats, their losses and gains. They did not even claim to be unique. Everything is familiar, like many people. But the most important meaning of these everyday life was that we met and saw off the days together ... “There are no memories without you”

I believe that we will finally wrest feelings from circumstances. "I'll come back"

Love with a tied heart. Have you had it? When there is no way back or forward. There is only a place where you stand and cannot move...

Love relationships are like airy cottage cheese, the already familiar taste of which can be modified with the help of various dried fruits. This time raisins, and the next - dried apricots ... "There are no memories without you"

Life goes on as long as there is white. Like, while he flutters on the balcony ropes, spinning in the drum washing machine, glows in the dark and contrasts with tanned skin, everything will be fine. There is great truth in these words. It is important not only to see all the shades of white in yourself, but also to notice them in the world around you. This is not difficult. White is strong and durable. Doesn't shed, doesn't fade...

Every man sooner or later thinks about the meaning of life. Well, how long can you work, plump, fuck and toil with garbage? My daughters are the meaning that I needed, although you know how afraid I was of starting a family. I can't imagine how people live without children. When you don't trip over toys at night and no one rushes at your Hey, who's home?. Yes, old man, you can call me a sentimental asshole, but it's nonsense that a family for a man is a heavy fetter. I feel good! Of course, I get tired of my wife from time to time, but the love of children compensates for a lot, if not all.

It is impossible to hide from yourself. There is no point in running anywhere. Still, the pain will return. Will return to where the traces of hopelessness begin. Time reconciles with itself. It stands before you as a mirror, healing the scars of the heart in the reflection. You look at yourself and, through the web of despair, you understand that you want to move on. Live, believe, wait again. Smiling at curly clouds, overeating on cherry ice cream, feeling bubbles tickle in your nose from drunk soda, kissing lips shimmering under the moon. No pain can turn a person away from life. Every locked door has a key to unlock it.

We women take a decisive step forward after taking two steps back.

Childhood is something that we lost in time, but kept in ourselves.

Children are able to forgive absolutely everything. Grievances take root as they grow older ... "Love from the bottom of the Bosphorus"

The return always gives happiness, no matter what burden you return with in your soul.

The suffering is endless. Some spent, the next - appear. We have to choose: live fighting them, or live ignoring them. Of course, there will be no absolute deliverance - but it is possible to change the attitude towards sadness

I'm waiting for surprises again, something that will surprise me a lot and walk happy for a long time after that.

Life is always beautiful, just sometimes there is more life in it ...

Life is like fluff from an open pillow - 1000 opportunities to catch, 999 of them are empty ...

Where you meet love, space shrinks to the heart of one person ...

It's good when there is something to remember, and even better when there is nothing to forget.

Memory also has immunity - it erases what brings pain. “There without back”

In Moscow, there is such a lack of human warmth that some compensate for it with car heating.

Fernando's words come to mind: I've been waiting all the time that the one that will become my destiny is about to appear. Like in books. So rarely does anyone get lucky. Personally, I was not lucky ... Brother, do not set the bar high in your personal life. Our halves are also the fruit of our efforts. It is possible to mold what you want. Not immediately, of course. With time. We, men, are most often to blame for our loneliness, subconsciously choosing freedom.

In love, a man should give a woman not only flowers, but also the feeling that everything is just beginning for them.

Books give people happiness, become a shelter from reality. Books are most women's best friends, not diamonds. When we lack love, we take on a love story. When we want to forget, we plunge into a fascinating detective story ...

Stop the earth at the bend, I decided to get off ...

A man in the kitchen is not only flattering, but also terribly sexy.

Love is not a situation. Love is the reward.

Everyone chooses their own color in life. Some are sunny yellow, some are cloudy gray, and some are depressingly black. Each of us is responsible for his own choice, and each of us lives in his own color-light.
Interesting all the same creatures people. We are raised by mothers and fathers, we play in the yard with boys and girls, we are friends with brothers and sisters, and then suddenly one complete stranger becomes the closest. So close that it takes your breath away.(5)
Jealousy in a man should be. But it should not be visible, like salt in delicious food.
When you miss a person, the first impulse is to replace him with other people. An endless string of novels. At worst - books, chocolate, whiskey. But this is not a replacement, as we think, but an insignificant self-deception.
We are passed by people with different destinies, views, problems. The fog of other people's thoughts envelops us.
Women recognize the character of a man silently. We do not ask questions, we do not climb into the soul. We look, we listen, we feel. We act without words.
Every woman meets a man only once, who divides her life into two parts: before meeting him and after.
Silence wants to speak, but silence does not need it.
When a person behaves like a pig, this is normal. It happens to everyone, no one is immune from it. Therefore, it is pointless to be offended. But when someone behaves like an intellectual, aristocratic and high-ranking last pig - it will infuriate the dead!

***** The fact that we must go further - in spite of and in spite of everything. That there is no such grief that cannot be experienced, stubbornly and severely. That women are much stronger than men precisely because they are able to sacrifice and give, sometimes receiving very little in return.
The life of two is much happier when the desire to understand is more important than to be understood.
Rain is not just heavenly water. I think rain is always some kind of sign...
Fear of love arises after you learn from your own experience that there is still more languishing anxiety and piercing sadness in love than joy. And now it seems that allowing yourself to be loved is much more profitable than loving yourself ...
The doors swing open in front of us only once, the rest of the time we have to open them ourselves ...

There is nothing more eloquent than silent touches.
"She didn't talk the way she thought. She wasn't the way most people thought."
My love for him bordered on gratitude. In non-stop mode, I wanted to say “thank you”. For the fact that he taught me to laugh again, started my mental mechanisms, revived the will to live, pulled me to the surface of the ocean, where, as it turned out, eternal summer, tenderness is poured in the air, and the dawn blooms with caramel gems.
"A yearning woman is unpredictable. A yearning woman is like a Rubik's cube that only one person can solve."

- Son, remember, a man should not force a woman to live in uncertainty.
When you do everything the way even the dearest person wants, it’s not that uninteresting, but it’s simply not your life, and sooner or later it will turn into disappointment.
Maybe you were not an ideal man (which, in principle, you did not pretend to be). Maybe you didn’t become my faithful life partner (which, in principle, you didn’t aspire to). Maybe you won’t wait for me anymore at the crossroads of trolleybus tracks (which, in principle, you don’t fight for). Be that as it may, in the madhouse of my memory you were and remain the only man whom I, like a full-fledged woman, imitated and will imitate. It's not funny, it's not nonsense at all. A loving woman is often imbued with the interests, the whole psyche of her beloved man, wanting to create the effect of a “true soul mate”.
Our guarantee was love. Even the simplest of its types ...
There is so much I want to tell her about the dream. That it cannot be put off until later, that giving up a dream because of “something important” is actually giving up because of your own cowardice. Do not believe in yourself, prefer the familiar warm swamp. I'm holding back. She must come to her own decision. Any
we make the choice ourselves. Yes, it depends on circumstances, knowledge, opportunities. But no matter what we rely on when making this choice, then we will live with the results.

Being ashamed of your own tears means not acknowledging your feelings.
But even in these ordinary, not the best and most useful features, I saw an unusually sweet and attractive naturalness. The negative tends to attract more than the positive.
Without love, it's dark even with the most powerful lamps...
The expectation of personal happiness is like waiting for an electric train on the platform of a provincial station. Contrary to the exact schedule, the train will definitely arrive. It is not known exactly when. Maybe half an hour late. Maybe with an emergency delay due to extraordinary circumstances. So is love. Breaks into the fate of a person contrary to the life schedule. One visits early. The other is a little later. Someone is too late. Love will surely reach each of us. An indisputable fact disputed by people without faith in themselves ...

Letting go doesn't mean forgetting.
So it is in life most often: first you want it, you want it, then you get it - and in the end you think: what to do with it?
Books give people happiness, become a shelter from reality. Books are most women's best friends, not diamonds. When we lack love, we take on a love story. When we want to forget, we plunge into a fascinating detective story ...
I haven't seen you for a long time. Changed my phone number, deleted all your contacts. She learned to restrain herself when unbidden tears betray longing, and to hide her hands in her pockets when they themselves clench into fists with rage. I cheerfully answer questions, communicate with people and sometimes dance when the music is cheerful and does not resemble our songs. And I also work a lot. Everything seems to be fine, but all this is ... a game.

If the past does not let go, then it has not yet passed.
Love relationships are like airy cottage cheese, the already familiar taste of which can be modified with the help of various dried fruits. This time raisins, and the next - dried apricots ... Such an attractive fantasy. We rush into it, knowing where everything will lead. All the uncertainty of love lies only in the timing ... Either you eat cottage cheese, and it ends, or you hesitate, and it just expires.
Everyone makes mistakes, because pencils have erasers for a reason.
Love is carried in oneself, not with oneself.
"Unhappy love is like ... a sore throat. Quite compatible with life, it's just unpleasant, but it's impossible not to think about it. Tea with lemon and honey helps for a while, and also time and silence. When you speak, it only becomes more painful "It even takes your breath away. Therefore, it's better to sit down and write it down. With each letter, what hurts becomes sore. True, you don't feel it right away - the effect comes a little later."
"We are often expected exactly where we do not want to return."
Don't you know that everything is done for the best? Just very slowly. We must move on and not carry suitcases full of the past. Hands are not enough, and you will run out of steam halfway.
Time is the way the Universe tests our desires for truth. This is probably why we almost never get everything at once.

Afraid there is nothing. Change the leaves, but keep the roots.
Live others- this is true madness. This is the biggest love mistake...
Women able live moments, but none of them is able to be satisfied with them. Women always claim more, although they rarely talk about it.
Love makes a woman weak. the wise women are those who pass off weakness as loyalty...
I'm afraid of the word hate". It is too weighty, destructive. "I hate" easily shatters thousands of human hearts. Forever.
My advice to you is nothing. don't plan. Just go with the flow and smile.
Can't wake up strong in the morning human I wish I could, but it's impossible. But you can stop banging your head against the same wall and change direction. If there is no road to the west, then it is better to go to the east. Earth anyway round Sooner or later, everyone will come to what they should come to.
The longer you waiting the more likely you are waiting not there.
autumn memories rise to the surface of the mind. With a mental movie projector you look through frames from the past. Far from a pleasant film, and often painful. There is a good thing in this: looking at the past, you look into the future differently. Vain illusions are dispelled, mental immunity is strengthened. A kind of soul-searching... Autumn is the only time year that teaches. Heal from the past, do not fold your hands sadly, look for love and wait. Autumn is gifted healing...
It's just that I was finally and irrevocably convinced that love has no fixed time arrival. No need to stand on the platform, trying to get into any train that has arrived. Follow your schedule hearts...
Be strong. Don't drop arms even if you cut them off...

I didn't want anything from you but love. So ordinary, human. No touching notes in bouquets of flowers, no beautiful words from the other end of the wire, no plush “hare” and “sun” dozens of times a day. I just wanted to be near you.

"Girls love read Marina Tsvetaev, and I say - beware of her poems. She is not at all like earthly women, all out of pain. It is as if she is standing naked in the cold, turned inside out, and her words are also all turned inside out, like pockets. It's shameful to watch, but it hurts to live like this..."
Those who are happy have no time to write diaries, they are too busy a life Yu.
at dreams no expiration date."

Can you imagine I jealous you to the rain. He can touch you.
The German language has the word "hasslibe." According to the dictionary, it translates as " feeling vacillating between love and hatred." That's how I feel about each of my "today."
Love- it's not a situation. Love is reward.
"Your" people stay with you, as if you he didn’t whine, no matter how yelled, no matter how he disappeared. They are simply eat, they are happy to open the door for you, stretch out your hands, share a sandwich.

They say it's the people you're protecting who get stabbed in the back. breast.

We are afraid to admit to ourselves how sometimes we want to hug someone and bury our nose on the cheek. A life because it is beautiful when someone's cheek needs your nose.
I actually I love you with an impossible love.

Lack of wealth is not poverty. Poverty is the thirst for wealth.

It happens that you can’t understand yourself, but you stumble upon some book - and it puts everything in its place, breaks the seals from souls.
Man truly loving woman won't delve into her past