Avast: Home network is vulnerable to hacker attacks. Troubleshooting How to remove network problems in avast

Hello dear friends!

Today we’ll talk about the free Avast antivirus, or rather, how to fix the problem of its launch. So!

The other day I received a dozen letters at once asking for help fixing the following problem with this antivirus. Quote: Hello! I have this problem: I have been using the free Avast antivirus for more than a month and everything was fine. But three days ago I ran into a problem that I still do not understand. The problem is this: when the system starts, at the bottom of the monitor (in the tray), the Avasta icon is crossed out with a red cross. Hovered over and saw that the system is not protected. When you try to start the protection, nothing happens! That is, nothing at all! I already rebooted the system ten times, and manually twisted something there - zero! What to do? Really it is necessary to take down an antivirus? Can you tell me if there is a way to start it again?

Are you familiar with this situation? With Avast, this happens quite often, and here's why. When visiting certain Internet resources, Avast often informs you that the site you are about to visit poses a threat to your computer. In support of its “words”, the system even shows you a banner with a detailed address and the name of a possible “trojan” or virus. And then he reassures you, they say, do not be afraid, the system has blocked access to a malicious site. But in reality it is not so! In 80% of cases, a virus or "trojan" has already "settled" in your system and quickly registered under some harmless pseudonym. (From the author: most of the "trojans" cannot be identified not only by the "teapot", but also by the free Avast antivirus. The maximum that it can do is to catch and kill a few "lousy" "rootkits". You should not blame the weakness of this antivirus : after all, you use the free version! What do you want for free? Just remember: Avast is far from the best antivirus, especially since its free version. And finally, latest version Avasta often conflicts with the system and blocks many websites that you previously entered without problems. I will say right away: this report is not a “black PR” of Avast, but simply food for thought). But let's continue. Having settled somewhere in the boundless depths of the system, the "trojan" easily and simply blocks the operation of your Avast antivirus, as a result, you are denied access to managing your own antivirus. Paradox? To some extent, yes.

And now let's talk about the main thing: is it possible to somehow push the antivirus off the ground and start it again? Well, you can try: in the end, you will always have time to delete your Avast. So, we perform the following algorithm: "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Add or Remove Programs". In the menu, find your "Avast" and click on the virtual "Change / Delete" button. You will see a window that will display three actions to choose from. Choose the "Update" action. You will see a window in which the update will take place - the download of some file (package). Wait for the download to finish and click on the "done" button. After that, open the Avasta interface and you will see the "Fix" button there. Click on it and the antivirus will work! Wonders? No, friends: you just eliminated the consequence of a system or software failure. However, all the same, I advise you to think about changing the free antivirus: a freebie does not lead to good! At the very least, you can install some other free antivirus and see how it works.

All the best to you and see you soon!

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Avast Free Antivirus is a free antivirus program (requires free registration), which has received numerous awards and has proven itself to be an easy-to-use and reliable antivirus. Some features of the program: the presence of a resident scanner, the ability to scan archives, check outgoing and incoming mail, scripts and files downloaded from the Internet, as well as scanning all devices connected to the computer, and much more. The antivirus has a simple and intuitive interface, which makes it accessible to both advanced and novice users.

Installing Avast Antivirus

It doesn't matter if you want to install one of the free or paid versions, the installation process is the same for all versions.

Step 1

Download the installer for the correct version of Avast from the official website.

Step 2

Run the installer as an administrator. To do this, right-click on the installation package and select "Run as administrator".

Next, you will see an installation wizard prompting you to select an installation type.

Step 3

For most users, it is recommended that you simply click the "Install" button to start the basic installation. In this case, the program will automatically install all necessary modules, security settings and default values. If you choose "customize", you will have the option to choose which program modules should be installed.

Note: If you don't want to install Google Browser additionally, uncheck "Yes, install Google Browser as well".

Step 4

At the first stage of installation, you will be prompted to select the installation location for the antivirus.

Click the "Browse" button and specify the folder where the program will be installed. Then click the "Select Folder" button. You can leave the default installation path.

Step 5

Here you also need to select the components that you want to install for Avast Free Antivirus. In most cases, you should just leave this part as default. You can configure the installation of individual protection components and services. After you are done with the setup, click the "Install" button and wait for the installation to complete.

Step 8

After the installation is completed, the program will offer to install the antivirus on mobile devices. If you don't need it, click No.

Installation is complete - if you install the free Avast antivirus, then a reboot is not required, but if one of the paid versions of the product, you will have to restart your computer before you can use all the features of the program.

Step 9

After you have installed the program, depending on which version is installed, you must perform the following steps:

  1. If you have installed the free version of Avast Free antiirus, you can start using it right away.
  2. If you have installed one of the paid versions, then after the 30-day trial period expires, you will need to purchase a license to continue using the program, or upgrade to the free version.
Note: if you are a Windows 8 user, then the default Windows Defender antivirus will be automatically disabled as alternative antivirus software is detected.

How to use Avast Free Antivirus

Below you can see what the Avast Free Antivirus interface looks like.

How to start a scan?

First, open the Avast user interface by double-clicking the icon on your desktop or system tray.

The first time you launch the program, you will be taken to the "Overview" home page. The easiest way to run a malware and virus scan in Avast Free Antivirus is to click the "SMART SCAN" or "Smart Scan" button.

"Smart Scan" combines everything necessary tools scanning. One scan can solve all your problems in most cases. If you want to customize your scan, do the following:

Step 1

Go to "Scan" and select "Scan for viruses" (or any other option, depending on your needs).

Step 2

On the Scan screen, select the scan type from the drop-down menu and click the Start button.

Step 3

Wait until the end of the procedure. After the scan is completed, a notification will appear with the result.

Step 4

If a threat has been detected, click the "Show Results" button to view any actions taken automatically according to the scan settings, or take manual action on any types of detected threats. You can also access scan reports by clicking View History at the bottom of the scan screen.

Scanning browser add-ons

If "Smart Scan" doesn't make you tired, you can go back to the "Overview" home page and select "Scan for Browser Add-ons".

This process will give a detailed analysis of all the add-ons in all your web browsers.

Note: you must first make sure that any add-ons found are really useless to you before deleting them.

Home network scan

After selecting this item, the antivirus will start scanning your home network for vulnerabilities such as portable devices, WiFi status, router settings, factory passwords, etc. This is a new feature in Avast 2015 that helps you detect potential problems across the entire network you use. As in the previous step, you can analyze if there are problems with your network.

Finding performance issues

Also a useful feature that helps identify unwanted software that adversely affects the performance of your computer in general.

Click on the "Details" button to view the issues found. If everything is correct and you really do not need these programs, click the "Optimize PC" button.


Avast Free Antivirus has a powerful virus and malware detection engine, along with low CPU and memory usage, making it a popular yet reliable antivirus that protects your computer. , November 14, 2014

Your home network is vulnerable to hacker attacks

Router vulnerabilities and weak passwords make it easy for cybercriminals to gain access to your home network

This little box, which was given to you by your ISP, or you purchased yourself from one of the chain stores of home appliances and electronics, is the weak link in your home Internet connection.

Team Avast took care of it and developed a new function to protect your home network Home Network Security. which has been integrated into the new versionAvast 2015.Home Network Security scans your router for vulnerabilities and identifies potential security issues. Today, routers are the weakest link in home network security in many homes and small businesses, so this is a much needed and useful feature.

However, here we run into a problem. Today in the world there are a huge number of different types routers, but most users just buy the one that is “cheaper and works” or just get a router from their ISPs. And this means that security is already at risk. The Home Network Security feature has been designed to protect against these threats:

    Your wireless network is insecure due to lack of encryption. Thus, someone in the area, such as your neighbor, can connect to yourwifi,using the bandwidth of the channel and get access to your devices (printer, network drive, etc.)

    You can access your router via the Internet, therefore, hackers can control and change your home network settings, disconnect you from the Internet and steal personal data from your electronic device.

    Your internet connection is at risk and your router could be hacked. Your router is already hacked (for example, some well-known trusted sites and hidden redirected to false IP - the address a).

    Your devices can be accessed from the Internet. This happens when Internet protocol version 6 is enabled in the router settings. (IPv6) and devices receive IPv6 addresses that are not secure. The problem lies, first of all, not in the protocol, but in the router, which is not able to provide security to devices receiving these addresses.

Avast helps you secure your home network

With Home Network Security integrated in all products Avast we can keep your devices safe.

There are many step-by-step guides available for free from router manufacturers. For example, . Look for the manual for your model and read it. Everything you learn will help you secure your home network.

Thank you for using avast antivirus! and for recommendations to friends and family. O breaking news, interesting events and official promotions of the company read in

Until recently, I did not even know that the Avast router scares its users with "scary" warnings regarding their routers. As it turned out, Avast antivirus scans Wi-Fi routers. It gives results that the router is configured incorrectly, the device is vulnerable to attacks, or in general that the router is infected and infected, and attackers have already intercepted DNS addresses and are successfully redirecting you to malicious sites, stealing credit card information, and in general everything is very bad. All these warnings, of course, are seasoned with a dangerous red color and confusing instructions, which even a good specialist without beer will not understand. I'm not talking about ordinary users. This is how the problems found on the D-Link DIR-615 router look like:

The device is vulnerable to attacks:

Of the solutions, of course, updating the firmware of the router. For what else 🙂 Avast can also display a message that your router is protected by a weak password, or the router is not protected from hacking.

In some cases, you can see a message that your router is infected, and connections are redirected to a malicious server. Avast Antivirus explains this by saying that your router was hacked and its DNS addresses were changed to malicious ones. And it also provides instructions for solving this problem for different routers: ASUS, TP-Link, ZyXEL, D-Link, Huawei, Linksys / Cisco, NETGEAR, Sagem / Sagemco.

In short, all of these recommendations are aimed at checking DNS addresses, and services associated with the DNS. Through which attackers can change the DNS on your router and redirect you to their malicious sites. There is detailed instructions how to check everything on routers from different manufacturers.

How to respond to a warning from Avast about a router vulnerability?

I think everyone is interested in this question. Especially if you have landed on this page. If you are wondering how I would react to such warnings from the antivirus, then the answer is simple - no way. I am sure that Avast would have found holes in my router through which I could be hacked. I just have Dr.Web. He doesn't do those checks.

Maybe I'm wrong, but no antivirus other than Avast checks the Wi-Fi routers you are connected to on different kind vulnerabilities. And this feature, called Home Network Security, appeared back in 2015. In the version of Avast 2015.

Avast scans the router for device security issues. However, I don't fully understand how he does it. For example, how it checks the same password to enter the router settings. Follows the user, or the method of selection? If you picked it up, the password is bad 🙂 Well, okay, I'm not a programmer.

Personally, I think that all these warnings are nothing more than simple recommendations to enhance the security of your router. This does not mean that someone has already hacked you and steals your data. What Avast offers:

  • Set a good password and update the router firmware. They say otherwise you can be hacked. Ok, that's understandable. It doesn't have to be signaled as some kind of scary vulnerability. Although again, I don't understand how the antivirus determines that the version of the router software is outdated. It seems to me that this is impossible.
  • The router is not protected from connections from the Internet. Most likely, such a warning appears after checking open ports. But by default, on all routers, the "Access from WAN" function is disabled. I highly doubt that someone will hack into your router over the internet.
  • Well, the worst thing is the substitution of DNS addresses. If any problems with DNS are detected, Avast already directly writes that "Your router is infected!". But in 99% of cases it is not. Again, almost always the router automatically receives DNS from the provider. And all the functions and services through which attackers can somehow change DNS are disabled by default. It seems to me that very often the antivirus "understands" some user settings incorrectly.

Something like this. Of course, you may not agree with me. It seems to me that it is much easier to access a computer directly and infect it than to do it with a router. If we are talking about an attack via the Internet. I would be glad to see your opinion on this matter in the comments.

How to protect the router and remove the warning from Avast?

Let's try to deal with each item that Avast most likely checks and issues warnings.

  • The router is protected by a weak password. There is no encryption. In the first case, the antivirus has a password that you need to enter when entering the router settings. Typically, the default password is admin. Or not installed at all. And it turns out that everyone who is connected to your network can go into the router settings. Therefore, this password must be changed. How to do this, I wrote in the article:. As for the Wi-Fi network password, it must also be strong, and the WPA2 encryption type must be used. I always write about this in the instructions for setting up routers.
  • The router is vulnerable due to old software. This is not entirely true. But, if there is a new firmware for your router model, then it is advisable to update it. Not only to improve security, but also for more stable operation of the device and new features. We have instructions on the website for updating software for routers from different manufacturers. You can find through the search, or ask in the comments. Here's for .
  • The DNS settings have been changed. The router has been hacked. To be honest, I have never seen such cases. As I wrote above, all services through which this can happen are disabled by default. Most often, the router receives DNS from the provider automatically. The only advice I can give is not to manually enter DNS addresses that you are not sure about. And if you specify addresses manually, then it's better to use only Google's DNS, which: . This is also advised in the Avast recommendations, which can be viewed on the official website:. There are detailed instructions for solving DNS problems for almost all routers.

That's all. I hope I was able to at least clarify these warnings in Avast antivirus. Ask questions in the comments and don't forget to share. useful information on this topic. Good luck!

Hey! Today I decided to write a short article in which I will tell you what mistake is most often made when setting up routers on your own. What problems appear later and how to fix it. Where do I get all this information from?

Look now a little to the right, in the right column of the site. You see, there is the total number of comments that are left on this site. I don’t know what number you see there now, but on this moment it's almost 9000 comments (to be precise, 8894).

Almost all comments are questions that I had to answer, give some advice, give a link to the desired article, etc. What am I getting at, these comments are a great source of unique information both for me and for visitors to this site. These are unique cases, I would even say vital problems :).

Also, most of these comments relate to problems that arise in the process of setting up and operating routers, wireless adapters, Wi-Fi networks, etc. So I drew some conclusions from these comments, and even from articles that relate to this most popular error.

Network without internet access

Yes, this is the most common problem. I wrote about her in an article. By the way, the article is also no less popular :).

Why does this problem occur and why is it the most popular?

It usually occurs due to the exact fact that when configuring the router incorrectly indicate the parameters provided by the provider.

Also, pay attention to binding by MAC address. If the provider does it, then do not forget to clone the MAC address in the router settings. Only clone from the computer to which the Internet was attached.

Also, in the properties Wireless network connection, or LAN connection in Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) you need to set to receive IP and DNS automatically.

Here is the most common mistake and its solution.

And one more important point

If you have a provider for which a special connection was created on the computer before installing the router, and after installing the router, the Internet works only on one computer, or works while this computer is turned on, then something needs to be clarified.

You see, the router itself must establish a connection to the Internet, not the computer. On the computer, you need to delete the previously created connection. And in the properties of the network adapter, set to receive IP and DNS automatically.

All parameters that the provider provides are specified only in the router settings. Connection on a computer, if you have a router, is not necessary.

I also wrote an article on this issue.


I don’t know how useful this article was for you, but I hope that I didn’t waste my time.

Before setting up the router, the main thing is to understand how it works and specify the correct settings that the provider gave you when you connected to the Internet. If you do not know what parameters to specify and what to choose, then just call the provider and ask.

As always, ask questions in the comments, we will understand. Good luck!