Comments. Guiding star of Anatoly Aleshin Anatoly Aleshin personal life wife children

Sex symbol of the 70s, ex-soloist of "Araks" and "Jolly Fellows" Anatoly Aleshin on the eve of a solo concert in Tula gave "Sloboda" an exclusive interview.

Retro style is reborn!
Glory to Aleshin thundered throughout the Union in the 70-80s of the XX century. Several generations considered him the best vocalist in the country. During his musical career, he was the leader of many VIA, but he reached the peak of popularity in "Araks". For a long time there was a lull in Anatoly's work, but after participating in the show "You are a superstar-2008" on NTV, he again began to actively tour.
- When you were offered to participate in the show, did you immediately agree? After all, many were offended by such an invitation:
- They are offended not from a great mind. Participation in the project has become an opportunity to remind yourself. The change of generations is happening very quickly, and in pursuit of new stars it is not up to us, singers of past generations. If they offer to participate in any other show, I will gladly agree. Just not in the program "Sex with Anfisa Chekhova"! (Laughs)
- The retro style is designed for a mature audience, but there are also young people at your concerts. Is retro fashion back?
- Yes! It's simple: new styles are not self-sufficient. If in the 70-80s a song performed by "Jolly Fellows" could interest an audience from 15 to 75 years old, today it's hard to imagine that any fashionable rapper or Dima Bilan has 75-year-old fans. And what to dissemble, the song written by the same Bilan, in all respects, loses to the songs of David Tukhmanov. After all, when we say retro, we mean quality. Young people who have satisfied their musical interest in other directions are now listening to retro and enjoying it. I see this in my son.

Anatoly Aleshin from the time of "Araks"
and "Merry Fellows" has not lost his talent and sexuality!

"I do not compete with Kipelov!"
- You and Kipelov were once considered the best vocalists in the country. Did you compete?
We didn't meet in the same time period. When "Araks" ceased to exist, "Aria" appeared. When I was in "Araks", Kipelov sang in "Leysya, song!", and I was higher in position. And then, when our group ceased to exist, how could the legendary Kipelov be compared with the post-"Araks" performer?
- Are you working on your image on stage?
- Of course, every artist should be sexy. I do fitness. Any person who wants to be successful will choose the latter between alcohol and fitness. I also love to swim in the pool.
- You have lived in the USA for almost 11 years. Is the audience there different from ours?
- Much. Here we have an ethnic mix, but there it is mostly the Jewish population of the former USSR. You go on stage, the audience asks who you are. You answer: I sang in "Jolly Fellows". And they: we all sang in "Merry Fellows" here. In our country they are received more warmly.

"Ton" repertoire
- Do you have a favorite song?
- All! After all, if you sing an unloved song, the audience will feel it and will also dislike it. Of course, I sing new things more willingly. For all the time I have accumulated a whole "ton" of repertoire.
Are you preparing a surprise for the Tula people?
- Certainly. I will perform hits and fresh songs, including those that I sang on the show "You are a superstar": "Show must go on", "Cruel love" ... By the way, during my entry on the professional stage, this is already the eighth time when I'm coming to Tula. But before always in ensembles. And now, on May 21, for all 35 years of my career, I will give a solo concert for the Tula people for the first time. For me, this is an event!

From the dossier "Sloboda"
Anatoly Aleshin
Musician, lead vocalist of the rock group "Araks" and other groups and VIA.
On the stage since 1973, in 1980 he became the soloist of the group "Araks".
He graduated from the Moscow Aviation College, a music school in the violin class.
From 1990 to 2001 he lived with his family in New York, worked in a nightclub.
Family: wife, son.

Olga Smirnova.
Photo by Sergey Kireev.

The concert of Anatoly Alyoshin, the soloist of the once popular bands “Merry Fellows” and “Araks”, ended the celebration of the City Day. There was nowhere for an apple to fall in the stands of the stadium, and the people kept coming and coming. And connected to the general performance of Soviet hits. Well, it was impossible to just watch and listen to how two Anatolys sing (Alyoshin performed together with the soloist of the Cheboksary group “Palette” Anatoly Gordeev).

The head of the administration of Novocheboksarsk Alexander Sirotkin, who came out to congratulate the townspeople, took advantage of the provided microphone and sang one of the songs with them from the stage. “What spring has stood out, what days have come! What are you offended by? Why did we break up? the onlookers went on a rampage. And Aleshin and Gordeev, in the pauses between verses, explained that everything happened, but they sing with the mayor of the city for the first time.
Aleshin put a spectacular end to the concert with the most famous song of the British group “Queen” and rock star Freddie Mercury “The show must go on!”, which turned out to be even more spectacular thanks to the festive fireworks that suddenly shone in the sky.
All this happened last Saturday evening. And a few hours before the concert, in the afternoon, Anatoly Aleshin said that he was not in Chuvashia for the first time. He is connected with Cheboksary by friends, “musicians of a very high level, you don’t often see such people in Moscow” - this is the Palitra group and singer Anatoly Gordeev. He said that he had already given several concerts with them and on October 22 he would come to perform again. And having found out that we have a Palace of Culture, I remembered that it had already been in Novocheboksarsk, in the year 1975, together with the “Jolly Fellows”.

- Anatoly, on the Internet you are presented as a legend of Russian rock ...
- Well, I would say Soviet. Because Russian rock is a slightly different phenomenon. In the Soviet Union, rock existed as an underground until the 80s, although under the auspices of the Komsomol. I remember in 1966 or 1967 the first rock club in Moscow was organized under the auspices of the Moscow Committee of the Komsomol, and it was based in a rock cafe called “Molodezhnoye” on Gorky (now Tverskaya) street. , and all the progressive musical youth gathered there for sei-shny (concerts) once a month. Sasha Gradsky, today a gray-haired veteran of Soviet rock, Alexander Buinov, participated in this rock movement, he also started in those years, played in one of the Moscow underground groups, was considered one of the best keyboardists in Moscow.
And Russian rock is a well-defined musical direction, in which elements of rock are present very, very fragmentarily. Basically, this is an author's song, which is performed with electric guitars instead of acoustic ones.
- Have you worked with "Jolly Fellows" for a long time?
- Six years. From 1973 to 1979. I think that this is almost the most stellar period of the Merry Fellows, because it was then that both Alexander Buinov and Vyacheslav Malezhik worked there. And Alexander Barykin, now deceased, but then a young, rosy-cheeked, handsome young man who had just come from the army. And Alla Pugacheva. We sang a duet with her. Even the song “Cherry” was released on the disc, which we perform together. It was a great time, but maybe a little nostalgia speaks in me.
- And Pugacheva, not yet prima, what was she like?
- In two words, I would say - my boyfriend. But times are changing. You know, they say now: Pugacheva, prima donna, complex character. I would look at any of us, if ... Just imagine, since 1975 she has been pursued by popular love and popularity. Almost forty years. Any person in her place would probably break down from such a heavy burden as fame. She's holding on, well done.
Have you experienced popularity?
- Personal, in such a volume as hers, did not happen. But as part of the teams ... When I came to the "Merry Fellows", the same was the love of the people, then in the "Araks" group. I would wish any artist to experience his finest hour, because for this many of us go on stage. I experienced it and I am grateful to fate for it.
- In which of the teams did you feel truly happy?
- Rather, all the same, in the Araks group, than in the Merry Fellows. Although the period of work there is shorter, only three years, from 1979 to 1982, it is more full of creative events. In “Araks” I was the only soloist at that time, and all the songs were mine. Sasha Barykin, Slava Malezhik, and Sasha Lerman sang in "Jolly Fellows". I got only part of the songs, sometimes not the best. Although I sang most of the program at the concert, I was less involved in the recording than the same Sasha Barykin.
What are you all about me. Let's talk about Novocheboksarsk. I really liked the town. Clean, so comfortable. The stadium, just surprised, is so neat, such interesting stands. Everything is so well organized, everything is on time, the reception is good.
- And yet about you. Many, I am sure, remember such a unique “thing” as the rock opera “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta” at “Araks”. Were you involved in it?
— It was the first rock opera released on a double album. I came a little later, so I only got the stage part, in the theater. In the theatrical version, all the main arias were sung by actors, at that time - Nikolai Karachentsov and Alexander Abdulov. The ensemble played the role of musical accompaniment and extras, we put on costumes, went on stage ...
- What was going on in the hall?
- Always a full house, always a standing ovation at the end of the performance. And then the same “fate” befell the next rock opera “Juno and Avos”. She still, for more than 30 years (an amazing phenomenon!), Goes with a full house.
Why did you go to America?
- In order to understand the reasons that pushed me there, we need to remember in which country we lived. And what is for us, for the Soviet people, even the word “abroad” meant. Not to mention the cap-countries, even to go to Bulgaria, Poland, other states of the socialist camp was a big problem. Inaccessible fruit, it is sweet.
The first time I went to America in 1989, my wife's relatives lived there. It turned out to be so easy to buy a ticket and go. This simplicity of leaving was so captivating, and I wanted to live in a different social environment. I did not leave today's Russia, I left the Soviet Union. In it, although perestroika began, everything remained almost the same as before. That is, a shortage on the shelves, constant conversation under a glass in the kitchen about the social system, about when all this will finally end. And suddenly they offer a job in New York. Well, I went. This dragged on for twelve years. Then I got fed up, of course ... To be honest, an adventurous move is to go back. I did not know what I would do here, what kind of country Russia is now. I was already fully adapted to American life.
— What were you doing there?
- He also sang.
- Where?
— In Russian restaurants. There are about half a million Russians in New York... But there was no creative satisfaction. Maybe I came back for this? Because from the point of view of everyday life, life there is comfortable. But, perhaps, this well-being, comfort and predictability at some point become boring, become boring. And you start to feel ten years older. And here all the time in good shape!
Have you already returned to another country?
— The elements of capitalism that are present here are familiar to me from America. Elements of the traditions of the Soviet era have not disappeared either. That is, life has changed little compared to what it was in the Soviet Union. It's just that capitalism has also entered it: there was an abundance on the shelves and ... a problem arose, where to get the money to buy all this. Life here is not so comfortable. Certain social strata, of course, live very comfortably, but in the general mass, little has changed.
- Is a Russian different from a Soviet person?
- Certainly. New features have appeared. But they are not the best. Still, the absence of a national idea, which was, affected the consciousness, had a destructive effect. Many live only for today and only for their own interest.
- Did you find yourself here?
With difficulty, but I found it. I record new songs, participate in various television projects. For example, in Superstar.
Is rock in your activity now?
- Fragmentary. Because it is impossible to throw out a whole page from your musical history, which was called the “Araks” group. But an artist must have an audience, and rock of the Soviet era does not give an audience today. Well, maybe two or three performers. Kipelov works today in rock and, perhaps, “Alisa” (Kinchev), everything else is more of an author's song.
“Young people are into rap. What do you say about this?
- In my time, young people were fond of metal. Polls. Everyone played metal rock and only wanted to listen to it. Where is he now? The same will happen with rap. Rap is new form poetry, street poetry. Rhyming not according to the rules, where there is iambic, trochee, dactyl, but a style subordinate to the rhythm of percussion instruments. Rappers say - "reading". Each new generation is looking for its own way of self-expression, its own pedestal, on which it can establish itself. Rap is their pedestal. For us, this is not clear. And for them, the only possible form, not even musical, is poetic, to express themselves. Among rappers there are also talented and mediocre ones, but today everyone reads, just like 25 years ago everyone played metal rock.
- What are you listening to?
- I try only modern music, and I treat it professionally. And so I read more. I love modern fantasy modern detective, something that doesn't load the brain too much and is well written. Perhaps this is a way of self-isolation from the outside world. Because some people prefer TV, but I hardly watch it, I get news from the Internet. In my free time from music I go to the sports club. I try to do this regularly.
- Can I ask you a question about your personal life?
- Yes. I have been married for thirty-three years. I have a son, he lives in America.
- Have a dream?
- There is a guiding star. For me, it's like a goal - to be in demand. In general, for any man to be needed by someone: family, work, children, grandchildren - this is life. As soon as the demand stops, the man leaves. And if it's hard, then it dies right in the process. Of course, it is regrettable to say: half a year has not passed since Sasha Barykin died. He had to go through a rehabilitation course after a heart attack that happened in January. And he immediately rushed to concerts. But I know that he has full dedication on stage, his heart simply could not stand it. And as opposed to him, Sasha Monin, the lead singer of the Cruise group, died a year ago from lack of demand. One burned down at work, the other from her absence killed himself (alcohol). So he said: “I don’t want to live, I’ll die soon.”
So for me, the guiding star is to be needed.

Anatoly Alexandrovich Alyoshin(March 15, 1949, Moscow, USSR) - Soviet and Russian singer, rock musician.

Vocalist and musician:

Ensemble Cheerful guys (1973-April 1979),
group Flowers,
Aleshin (which included: Denis Kshnyasev - drums, Yuri Plekhanov - keys, Alexander Perfiliev - guitars, Dmitry Safonov - bass, Anatoly Alyoshin - vocals)
Project of Margarita Pushkina "The Dynasty of Initiates"

In 1987, he participated in the recording of a video for the song "Closing the Circle".

Anatoly Alyoshin- musician. This person is the lead vocalist of many domestic VIAs and groups. He studied at the Moscow Aviation College, but he never forgot about his favorite pastime - youth and pop songs.

In 1972, Anatoly Alyoshin was directly involved in the recording of the first popular minion of the VIA "Flowers" ensemble. This information became known thanks to the composer and member of the ensemble Sergei Dyachkov (piano, vocals).

His wonderful backing vocals can be clearly heard in another song by VIA "Flowers" called "Flowers Have Eyes" (R. Gazmatov - O. Feltsman, translated into Russian by Y. Kozlovsky).

In many of the first recordings of VIA Vesyolye Rebyata (1973-1979), the wonderful voice of Anatoly Alyoshin and the sound of his violin are perfectly audible. These are such songs as "At that mountain" (V. Kharitonov - D. Tukhmanov), "Golden Key" and "Little Things in Life" (V. Dobrynin - A. Khait, "The Wind is Noisy" (R. Mayorov - O. Pisarzhevskaya , A. Monastyrev), "Fly with Aeroflot" (O. Feltsmae - A. Voznensky). This list also includes a lot of wonderful songs, the enumeration of which will take a lot of time.

In 1974, Alyoshin participated in the recording of his first disc - "Love is a huge country." On this disc, he and his friend Alexander Lermanov performed the vocal parts of almost all the songs. This disc was mega-popular and brought "Jolly Fellows" great popularity in the USSR.

When Alla Pugacheva (1974 - 1977) sang in the ensemble, Anatoly did not stand aside. He performed a lot of songs in a duet with a not yet very popular singer. This is the song "Cherry" (R. Manukov - A. Prokofiev, and "I love you" (V. Dobrynin - N. Olev), and "Clear bright days”(R. Manukov - V. Lazarev) and many, many others. Anatoly Alyoshin also had solo numbers. These include the song "About a neighbor and chairs", "Snowstorm", but most of all this amazing performer was remembered for the song "Eternal Flame".

In 1976, Alyoshin again takes part in the recording of the no less popular disc of the Vesyolye Rebyata ensemble, entitled We Need to Be Friends. On this disc, the voices of Anatoly Alyoshin and Igor Gataullin alternately sound in the songs.

At concerts, Alyoshin demonstrated all his skills and performed foreign songs. An example of these are the songs "I open the doors", "Mexico".

Unofficial website:

The 69-year-old singer announced the joyful event at the Central Russian Upland music festival, which is held for the second time in the Tula region on the territory of the Golden City tourist center.

All my prospects are primarily related to my personal life. My son is 1 year and 2 months old. All my plans are around him, - says the frontman of the legendary rock band Araks.

"Araks" became famous in the late 70s. This popularity was associated with the names of such composers as Alexey Rybnikov, Alexander Zatsepin and Yuri Antonov.

Despite the fact that "Araks" never performed political texts, his free behavior on stage irritated the Ministry of Culture. At the peak of popularity - in 1982 - the team was banned. “Disband without the right to work together on the Soviet stage,” the order of the Ministry of Culture read. But the musicians found themselves in other groups, as well as in the theater, where they took part in the creation of cult rock operas, the most famous of which is Juno and Avos. A little later, vocalist Anatoly Aleshin went to conquer America.

The newest history of the Araks group begins in 2001, when Anatoly Aleshin returned from the USA after living there for 11 years.

- Anatoly Alexandrovich ...

Maybe just Anatoly

- Which of the historical periods of "Araks" is most dear to you?

Of course, I would single out the period of our youth. But, to be honest, the most expensive one is the one that takes place. We are here, we are alive and feel great. But the most vivid impressions are connected with the period of the 70-80s.

- When did you play the way you couldn't play? Was it scary when it was banned?

Here it is not only the order of the Ministry of Culture. Creativity is a constant movement, and in concert work, the artist begins to stagnate. The concert schedule is very tight, and we had no time to be creative. When work becomes a craft, it loses interest. And this moment was very noticeable in the second year of our touring work. We are very tired. I wanted to stop, look around, do something new. Just for this period, the situation with the dispersal of the group fell. And then, unfortunately, everything was restored only in the 2000s.

- Have you decided to return to Russia? Why? What happened there, and what awaited here?

The key reason is the passion for movement. Apparently, I'm still a teenager at heart. I need to keep moving, expanding. Not in the sense of getting fat, but in the sense of moving forward. There just came a moment when America bored me. I didn't know what was here, but I knew that I was already bored there.

It is unrealistic for a Russian artist to count on some kind of career in America if he is not a performer of the classics. The classical Russian school is recognized all over the world, and pop music can only be popular where it originated. A Russian pop performer in the USA cannot be in demand in any way. A-priory. And if someone here harbors illusions on this score, let him immediately calm down. In order to become their own for them, you must be so internally Americanized, know the culture and language so well ... And so you are somehow a stranger to them. Therefore, I quickly exhausted all possibilities there.

- And what are the opportunities for a Russian artist?

Sing in a Russian restaurant. This is the only possibility. There is no other.

- What did you expect in Russia?

When I returned from the states, we decided to get together. For some time they teamed up with the guys from Lenkom, but then the theater took its toll. They had a very powerful repertoire, and had to make a choice in favor of the theater. I always want to create something. Music is the only thing that really interests me. Everything else I already know. Therefore, Araks and I hope to move in this direction.

- What audience are you targeting?

Speaking from the point of view of a pragmatist, in show business everything is strictly demarcated. There is modern music and, most importantly, music for peers. We are relevant to our peers. As nostalgia. Therefore, doing something new in the retro genre sounds a bit strange. 35-40 is still reacting to this aesthetic, but the youth that fills the stadiums are gone.

- Do you need a youth audience?

We need an audience. Your audience.

- Is there something you love in the work of "Araks" that does not go away over the years?

It makes no sense to deny that the wonderful songs of Yuri Antonov remain in the soul of the people for decades. This is absolutely obvious. Antonov is one of the brightest pages of Araks' creativity. Upon my return from America, we turned to Sergei Trofimov for help, and he kindly provided us with several of his songs. The public loved them too.

- Have you been to Tula land before?

My ancestors are from Shchekino.

- Did you intersect with Talkov?

Yes. Somehow we performed together on tour. The sad news of his ridiculous death found me in America. I know that Talkov was recently erected a monument in Shchekino. It's right. He has a tragic and heroic fate. He went to this - to some kind of conflict, which will lead either to death or to exaltation. But the first thing happened. This is a tragedy.

- Would you like your children to become musicians?

The older one certainly did not follow in my footsteps. He's in the banking business, in New York. I don't know what will happen to the younger one. Wait and see. Everyone has his own path.

- How do you like the "Golden City" and its festival?

Wonderful, absolutely stunning and absolutely unexpected. There are no surprises near the stage, and after a few steps you find yourself in a fairy tale. It's great that people want to arrange and arrange a holiday for themselves.

Interviewed by Olga Vostrikova.