We celebrate the bright day correctly - signs and traditions for Easter. What absolutely can not be done on the day of the celebration of Easter? Do they make it for Easter

so that the cherished desire comes true, wealth comes to the house, and the girl is called to marry

- one of the most beloved Christian holidays, symbolizing the Resurrection of Christ and the victory over death. On this day, believers visit, pray, congratulate each other, give colored eggs and bless Easter cakes. On Easter it is customary to have fun (in moderation) and visit the sick and suffering, go on a visit and greet everyone you know with the triple “Christ is risen!”.

Miracle of the Resurrection of Christ. Source: liveinternet.ru

And what should be done on Easter so that the year is successful, and money is not transferred in the house?

True omens for happiness

1. To make a wish come true

It is believed to ask Higher power it stands precisely at Vespers from Saturday to Sunday. Then it will definitely come true! You just need to be patient and stand the whole service from start to finish.

Easter services last all night. Source: spravoslavia.ru

2. For wealth to come to the house

On Easter, it is customary to consecrate not only Easter cakes, but also material things. For example, a wallet. There is a belief that a consecrated wallet will subsequently attract money all year round.

3. For good luck

In order for luck to be present in your house, and, our ancestors advised on Easter, when they ring, you need to whisper three times: “Christ is risen, and my family is healthy, my house of wealth, my field is harvest. Amen." Then the year will be really successful.

4. To get married

And also accepted for Easter. During the church service, when the priest says “Christ is Risen!”, You must quickly whisper: “Christ’s Sunday, send me a single guy as a groom!”. Or, in the early morning at sunrise, on Easter, knock on the glass of your window and read: “Easter sun, roll across the sky, and you, bridegroom, show up at my doorstep. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Christ is risen, and the bridegroom is to me. Amen".

5. To stop quarrels

If in your family household members do not get along with each other, you need to roll with high mountain red egg, saying at the same time: “How did this testicle descend from the mountain, so that grief would be released from me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen". Also, to get rid of quarrels and conflicts, they burned a cross on the jamb of the front door with an Easter candle.

What to do on Easter is strictly forbidden

1. Be sad, conflict and swear. The same rule applies to all days of the following week. It is believed that one who falls into despondency on a bright holiday will mourn all year. And who fights and swears, will receive an administrative fine!

2. Get married and have sex . Priests during the entire Easter week do not hold weddings (and also do not baptize).

As for sex, any intimate relationship outside of marriage is not welcomed by the church. And legal spouses sexual life at the time of Easter should be stopped.

3. Arrange noisy festivities and celebrate birthdays. It happens that Bright Sunday coincides with the date when the believer was born. It is better to postpone the celebration of the name day to another day, since the celebration of Easter is more important than a birthday party.

The same applies to the commemoration, it is forbidden to mourn for the dead on a joyful day for all Christians. For this, there are parental Saturdays and Radunitsa.

4. Guess. The Church treats such things as conspiracies, magical rites very negatively. But in the villages, girls quite often gathered in companies on Easter evenings to tell fortunes on Easter cakes and colored eggs about whether they would soon get married, and what the near future would be like.

How to celebrate the bright Resurrection of Christ

The week before Easter, Orthodox believers keep a strict fast. It is customary to break the fast after Liturgy and Communion. On the festive table there should be painted eggs, Easter cakes, cottage cheese Easter, Cahors. They also prepare jelly, aspic, stuffed duck or chicken, pies with various fillings.

Easter cakes and Easter eggs are an indispensable attribute of Easter. Photo VKontakte

Drinking and eating on Easter should be moderate. And the rest after the meal eggshell it is better not to throw it away, but to bury it in a place where people and animals do not usually go. It is also worth doing with a stale cake.

Friends and relatives on Christ's Resurrection can and should be given gifts. For example, candles and postcards, church utensils, books, Easter cakes and Easter baskets. A painted egg was necessarily added to them as a symbol of evidence of new life.

Is it worth working on Easter

On important church holidays, believers tried not to do household chores and work. But it doesn't always work out that the day off falls on a Sunday. If you have to go to the service on Easter, you should not make problems out of this and swear at the leadership (especially now, when there are many for the slightest fault!). Do your work especially conscientiously. It is believed that the Lord will certainly appreciate the diligence of a believer.

But household chores on a bright holiday are better to be postponed. For washing and cleaning it is better to find another day. Easter must be met with ease and joy, and not in everyday troubles!

Signs related to the cemetery

The clergy claim that the custom of coming to Easter arose during the years of Soviet power, when a ban was imposed on visiting and celebrating various Christian holidays. But to commemorate the dead ancestors, it was allowed. Today, when no one prevents believers from attending services, it is better to postpone until Radunitsa, which this year falls on May 10.

Pagans, on the other hand, believe that Easter Sunday is the only day of the year when the sky opens and the souls of the dead descend to their burial places to communicate with living relatives and loved ones. Therefore, people hurried to come to the cemetery, bring their loved ones and sweets to the deceased, ask the souls of the dead for advice.

But littering on the grave, throwing food crumbs, eggshells, is highly undesirable! This will attract birds and. It is better to leave some of the consecrated Easter cakes, eggs and other products on the memorial table in the church.

Consecrated products - leave some of them in the church.

Easter is a great Orthodox holiday of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. This is the basis, the essence of Christianity, the crown of faith, the first and most basic, great truth. True, few people know that following popular beliefs these days, you can bring good luck and prosperity to your house. But first, let's talk about the main thing - about Easter.

This is one of the wonderful spring holidays. The word Easter in Greek means passing, deliverance. On this beautiful day, we give thanks for the deliverance of Christ the Savior from slavery to the devil, and for giving us earthly life, eternal salvation and bliss. Christ's death on the cross brought about our redemption, and by his Resurrection eternal life was granted to all mankind.
The history of Easter originates in ancient times. The Jewish tribes more than five thousand years ago, in the spring they celebrated it as a feast of the calving of cattle, then as the beginning of the harvest, and later - as the departure of the Jews from Egypt. Christians have put their own meaning on this day, and celebrate Easter as the day of the resurrection of Christ.
In 325, at the first Ecumenical Council of Christian Churches in Nicaea, it was decided to postpone the holiday a week later than the Jewish one, on the first Sunday after the first full moon, after March 21 - the day of the vernal equinox. Therefore, the holiday does not have its exact day, but falls every year on different days.
The week before Easter is Great, or Holy Week. Her especially important last days: Maundy Thursday - the day of acceptance of the sacrament, spiritual cleansing. It is traditionally called Maundy Thursday. That day before sunrise folk custom cleansed with water - bathed in an ice hole, lake, river or poured themselves in a bath. For this holiday, the Orthodox have always prepared in advance and carefully, adhering to certain traditions and rituals. Throughout Holy Week, cleaning, whitewashing of houses, etc., were carried out, Easter cakes were baked, Easter cakes were baked, eggs were dyed, painted, pigs were baked in Ukraine and Belarus. Easter gingerbread had the silhouettes of a lamb, a cockerel, a bunny, a dove, a lark. On the eve of the holiday, Easter dishes were necessarily consecrated in the church.
All Easter entertainments are basically games with colored eggs: rolling eggs on the ground, cue balls - beating with colored eggs, giving eggs to each other. And also everyone tried to ring the bell from the church bell tower. This ringing was magical and cleansing. The holiday lasted for a week, the tables remained covered. They invited to the table and treated the poor, the sick and the poor.

Folk Easter beliefs

What not to do before Easter and on Easter

On Maundy Thursday, everything in the house should be clean and tidy. Who will be dirty - the whole year will live in litter and dirt.
From Pure Thursday until Easter, nothing is given from the house, so as not to give away good luck and prosperity.

What is desirable to do before Easter and on Easter

On Maundy Thursday, before sunrise, count all the money three times - there will be money for a whole year.
On the same day, be sure to stock up on "Thursday" salt to treat yourself and loved ones, to create amulets for the family, home, livestock. For this purpose, we take ordinary salt, put it in a small saucepan or any other vessel. The main thing is that it is covered with a lid. And we pierce it in the oven or oven. Burnt salt is crushed and sifted. Then each family member takes a handful of salt and throws it into a separate bag. Then it is hidden and kept. This salt has healing properties.
Prepare water for beauty and wealth on this day for Easter by throwing a silver spoon, gold rings, coins into a liter jar of water.
All preparatory work: cooking, painting eggs, etc. finish before Holy Sunday.

Holidays Feast and Celebration of celebrations - this is how the Russian Orthodox Church calls the Feast of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. This is the main Christian holiday with a deep biblical history.

Easter is the most favorite holiday for Orthodox Christians. Behind great post, forty-nine days of strict fasting and prayer. Let's think about what they do for Easter? How to prepare and adequately meet the Bright holiday?

Preparation for the holiday

The week before Easter - Holy Week - is the strictest week of the year. Believers are trying to attend the main and significant services this week, on Maundy Thursday - they confess and receive communion.

On the eve of the holiday Orthodox housewives, as a rule, carry out general cleaning in the house, wash the most hidden corners of the house, put things in order and cleanliness. Then they decorate the house for the Bright Day: the curtains are changed for festive ones, the red corner is neatly cleaned, Easter wreaths are hung, compositions of eggs, flowers and twigs with the first leaves are placed, the windows are decorated with biblical-themed stained-glass windows ... So, the house is ready for the Great Holiday, it's time to and think about the treat: what is cooked for Easter?

Easter table

The main attributes of the Easter table are:

  • colored eggs
  • easter
  • Easter cakes

Modern technologies greatly facilitate the process of dyeing eggs and allow you to dye eggs in any color. Although the most common dye since the time of our grandmothers is still onion peel.

Buying Easter cake for the festive table is now not a big deal. Bakeries provide us with plenty of this product. However, cooked by our mothers and grandmothers according to old recipes, Easter cakes are much tastier and more aromatic than purchased ones. Baking this treat requires special attention and skill, because the dough for Easter cakes is capricious, afraid of drafts, does not tolerate haste and fuss.

Also, by all means, there should be a cottage cheese Easter on the table, in the form of a tetrahedral pyramid, the symbol of Golgotha.

After a strict fast, the housewives try to cook rich festive table and pamper your loved ones with treats and delicious meat dishes. Such as stuffed duck or goose, lamb roast, pates, jelly, aspic, pies with various fillings are considered traditional.

Celebrating Easter

Easter joy comes to every home of Christians at night. After the liturgy, the solemn night service, the faithful come home, set the festive table, and break their fast. On the table of every hostess - consecrated in Holy Thursday colored eggs, cottage cheese Easter and fragrant Easter cakes.

Throughout the next week, called Bright Week, you can hear everywhere: “Christ is Risen!” - “Truly Risen!” ... Orthodox Christians go to visit each other, take Christ, share Easter joy and give gifts.

Yes, we will also take care of the gifts: what do they give for Easter?

Gifts for a bright day

There is an ancient custom to consecrate colored eggs on Easter. Therefore, you will never make a mistake with a gift if you give an egg: chocolate or decorative, hand-painted or painted, embroidered or fashioned, bought in a souvenir shop or made with children - each egg, as a symbol of the holiday, is expensive and memorable. It is also customary to give Easter cakes, Easter baskets, church utensils, icons, books for spiritual reading, candles, Easter cards, and beautiful scarves for women.

Currently, Easter is celebrated not only by true Orthodox Christians, but also unbelievers are slowly joining the traditions of celebrating Easter. Store shelves are bursting with the variety of Easter cakes, eggs are sold out in dozens, smiles are all around, everyone is happy, housewives are baking pies, sweets ... After all, what can compare with the immense joy and light that this Great holiday brings to every home!

The long-awaited and beloved by all is approaching Easter holiday, which in 2018 falls on April 8.

The Bright Resurrection of Christ is the greatest day for any Christian who stands one step above even Christmas. This is a time of joy and love, as well as a tribute to the memory of Jesus himself, who gave his life for us.

There are many opinions about how to celebrate easter- someone arranges big feasts and does not deny himself anything on this day, while someone goes to church first of all.

Popular superstitions preserved from the times of paganism are closely intertwined with true traditions Orthodox Church, so it can be very difficult to determine what is right and what is wrong. So how is it right to celebrate this holiday, what can you do for Easter, and what can not?

What not to do on Easter

On the Bright Sunday of Christ, the most important thing to remember is that this is the time to rejoice, remembering the Resurrection of Christ. All other restrictions and prohibitions emerge from this.

The celebration lasts all week (Bright Week), so the prohibitions are valid for the entire period of the festival.

Easter bans

  • You can not swear with someone or be offended by someone. If you still have old grievances, try to let them go and forgive.

  • On this day, you can not be greedy and stingy. Since ancient times, it has been customary to share food with the poor and the needy on Easter. And this applies not only to money or food - give your smile to everyone around you, give forgiveness to everyone who asks you for it. In short, try to give everything you can.

  • You can not swear, be sad and indulge in despondency. All seven days you need to be as kind as possible so as not to overshadow the bright holiday to others.

  • You can not get drunk and indulge in excesses. Everything should be in moderation - food, alcohol. Priests say that it is better to drink only wine from alcohol during this period, leaving vodka for other periods.

  • You can not work to the detriment of the holiday. However, if you have working hours on a schedule, then there is nothing to worry about. But without much need, it is better to devote this time to communicating with friends and relatives. The church does not forbid work on this day, but the clergy recommend postponing household chores for another day.

  • Can't clean up. But there are also nuances: you should not get out in the full sense of the word, devoting half a day to mopping and dusting. Of course, this does not apply to small domestic issues. Although, if it doesn't stop you from being in a festive mood, then everything is in order. In any case, this is more likely not a ban, but moral advice.

  • You can't go to the cemetery. The Church forbids this week to hold requiems and mourn for the dead. Since grief is contrary to the spirit of the holiday - joy on the occasion of the Resurrection of Christ from the dead.

  • Also, you can not lead an intimate life. It is forbidden to live sexually all week. To refuse intimate life two spouses must. This happens by mutual agreement.

I also suggest you check out 21 inspirational ideas on how to decorate your Easter basket with flowers. When I look at them, spring blossoms in my soul!

I sincerely wish that this Holy holiday bring happiness and joy to your home!

If you find this article useful, please share these tips with your friends, I'm sure that for many of them they can be very relevant. And we have a lot of recipes in store for you for a bright holiday.

The Bright Resurrection of Christ is the greatest day for any Christian who stands one step above even Christmas. This is a time of joy and love, as well as a tribute to the memory of Jesus himself, who gave his life for us.

There are many opinions about how to celebrate easter. Someone arranges big feasts and does not deny themselves anything on this day, while someone goes to church first of all.

Popular superstitions that have survived from pagan times are closely intertwined with the true traditions of the Orthodox Church, so it can be very difficult to determine what is right and what is not. So how is it right to celebrate this holiday, what can you do for Easter, and what can not?

What not to do on Easter

On the Bright Resurrection of Christ, the most important thing to remember is that this is the time to rejoice, remembering the Resurrection of Christ. All other restrictions and prohibitions follow from this.

The celebration lasts all week (Bright Week), so the prohibitions are valid for the entire period of the festival.


  1. You can not swear with someone or be offended by someone. If you still have old grievances, try to let them go and forgive.

  2. On this day, you can not be greedy and stingy. Since ancient times, it has been customary to share food with the poor and the needy on Easter. And this applies not only to money or food - give your smile to everyone around you, give forgiveness to everyone who asks you for it. In short, try to give everything you can.

  3. You can not swear, be sad and indulge in despondency. All seven days you need to be as kind as possible so as not to overshadow the bright holiday to others.

  4. You can not get drunk and indulge in excesses. Everything should be in moderation - food, alcohol. Priests say that it is better to drink only wine from alcohol during this period, leaving vodka for other periods.

  5. You can not work to the detriment of the holiday. However, if you have working hours on a schedule, then there is nothing to worry about. But if there is no great need, it is better to devote this time to communicating with friends and relatives. The church does not forbid work on this day, but the clergy recommend postponing household chores for another day.

  6. Can't clean up. But there are also nuances: you should not get out in the full sense of the word, devoting half a day to mopping and dusting. Of course, this does not apply to small domestic issues. Although, if it doesn't stop you from being in a festive mood, it's all right. In any case, this is more likely not a ban, but moral advice.

  7. You can't go to the cemetery. The Church forbids this week to hold requiems and mourn for the dead. Since grief is contrary to the spirit of the holiday - joy on the occasion of the Resurrection of Christ from the dead.

  8. Also, you can not lead an intimate life. It is forbidden to live sexually all week. Two spouses must renounce intimate life. This happens by mutual agreement.

  9. It is also worth mentioning that it is forbidden to sanctify in the church. You can only sanctify those foods that were excluded from the diet during Lent. But alcohol is a complete taboo. Once upon a time, it was customary to sanctify only rich bread (Kulich), eggs, meat, cheese and milk, but now they put everything in the basket.

    You should not put in the Easter basket: alcohol, because there is no place for drunks in the church; money and other material values; black pudding, it is generally not recognized by Orthodox ministers as fit for consumption. You should not consecrate salt and pepper, since these products were not banned during fasting.

    Put these products in the Easter basket soon folk tradition than church. Also, do not bring fruits and vegetables to church.

  10. Don't throw away leftover Easter food. As a rule, after the festive feast, leftovers of food remain - Easter cakes, Easter, eggs. Do not throw away everything that is left uneaten!

    Don't even throw eggshells in the trash! It is customary to give all leftover food to birds or animals.

I sincerely wish that this Holy holiday bring happiness and joy to your home!