Feast of the Holy Trinity: traditions, customs, rituals and folk signs. Trinity holiday: folk customs, signs and traditions Trinity signs traditions and customs conspiracies

In 2018, a very important Orthodox holiday Trinity was celebrated on May 27. Yesterday in all Orthodox churches the relevant services were held, but for now it would be appropriate to recall the history of this holiday once again.

The most important Orthodox holiday Trinity is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter Sunday. This entails its displacement from day to year. The second name of the holiday is the following definition - Pentecost. The holiday is old, so we can safely talk about the rich history.

Trinity 2018: the history of the holiday

Plunging into a long history, you can pay attention to such important aspect as the fact that on that day the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles. Jesus Christ promised his disciples that after death he would send them the Holy Spirit, with the help of which they would learn to carry the good news to the world. It was on the fiftieth day after the resurrection of the Savior that the flames of the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles. After that, the apostles were able to speak different languages, and went to preach around the world and carry the word of God.

The feast of the Holy Trinity is carefully prepared. Many traditions have survived to this day. In particular, housewives try to clean the house by decorating the rooms with fresh greenery and flowers.

On this day, the whole family gathers at the table. Concerning holiday table, then it must be simple. So, meat, salads, potatoes, regular soup will be appropriate. It is customary to visit the Trinity, as well as organize mass festivities on the street. At one time, young people danced round dances, entertained themselves with the help of ditties and songs.

A remarkable feature of the Trinity is the fact that this day is associated with matchmaking. The fact is that before the guy had the right to approach any girl he liked and offer her to become his wife. If the girl agreed, then the matchmakers were immediately sent.

The girls on the Trinity asked the Almighty to send them a good spouse. But the mothers of the girls dried a piece of the festive cake, which they then brought to the wedding for the young. This was considered a moment that would bring good luck and happiness to a married couple for many years to come.

Trinity: signs, traditions and customs

On the day of the Holy Trinity, it is customary to decorate your houses with grass, flowers, green branches of trees: maple, willow, linden. Aspen, sometimes willow, was considered a forbidden tree by our ancestors. Branches were attached to the windows, to the gates, and it was customary to cover the floor with herbs: lovage, mint, calamus, or, as it is popularly called, Tatar potion.

It was believed that these days the plants have a special protective power, so they protected families from all troubles, helped the sick to recover.

Trinity: what not to do

It is believed that a wedding should not be scheduled on Trinity - supposedly nothing good awaits such a family. It is impossible to sew, bake and work in the garden, as well as on other big Christian holidays, on the Trinity.

Trinity coincides with the end of hard work and preparation for the harvest. Those people who do not rest on this day, according to legend, are waiting for misfortune: for those who plow, the cattle will fall, for those who sow, the hail will beat the crops. Those who spin wool will make their sheep go astray.

Spirits Day is the day after Trinity, when it is forbidden to work on the earth, but you can look for treasure in it. Allegedly, the earth on this day will definitely give good man something valuable.

The people believed that mythical creatures - mavkas and mermaids - come to the Trinity, therefore it is undesirable to go alone into the forest or into the field, Rosregistr informs the portal. Also, you can not drive livestock into the forest. And you can’t swim on Trinity, otherwise, according to ancient beliefs, mermaids will be pulled to the bottom.

What you need to do on Trinity

  • collect herbs: it is believed that it is on the Trinity that all the healing power is collected in them;
  • decorate the house with branches of maple, birch, oak and mountain ash. But in no case should you take a willow. From flowers, preference should be given to daisies and cornflowers, from herbs - calamus (cleanses the house of negativity), lovage, mint, fern and wormwood (protect from evil and give strength, health and energy to overcome life's obstacles). You can’t throw these branches into the trash, otherwise everything good will leave the house. A week later, they just need to be burned at the stake;
  • go to church services. Our ancestors, when they came to church, always took with them the grass that was used in the decoration, it became known w. Such grass was considered a family talisman from many troubles;
  • commemorate those who died not by their own death: suicides and those who went missing. To do this, they go to the cemetery and distribute alms;
  • put only festive dishes on the table. If the hostess baked bread or a pie, then she hid a piece of it and tried to keep it until the time when her daughter would get married. Our ancestors believed: in this way, daughters can be guaranteed a successful marriage, and the husband will not drink;
  • guess at fate. Unmarried girls floated their own woven wreaths that they had. If the wreaths converged, then it was worth waiting for the matchmakers. In addition, dreams on a festive night were considered prophetic.

What herbs to bless in the church on the Trinity?

With the advent of Christianity on the Trinity, people came to church for a prayer service with a bunch of wildflowers and herbs. They believed that holy water enhances their healing and protective properties. Therefore, the consecrated herbs were not thrown away, but preserved. Basically, wormwood, lovage, calamus, tansy, thyme, mint and lemon balm were collected on Trinity.

Wormwood (chernobyl)

With the smoke of dry wormwood, it was advised to fumigate the dwelling before a housewarming party, and then they attached a bunch of grass over front door at the threshold, in order to "not give passage" to the house of dark forces. "Bitter grass" was credited with the ability to protect against mermaids, who were very active during Trinity week.

It was believed that a traveler who hides a leaf of wormwood in his shoe can walk many miles without getting tired, and if you look at the flame of a fire lit in honor of the summer solstice through a bunch of wormwood, this will ensure good vision for the whole year.

AT traditional medicine the root of wormwood was used as a sedative, and the leaves as painkillers and regulating the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and the menstrual cycle.

calamus marsh

Calamus stems were scattered on the floor in all rooms. It was believed that he attracts good spirits to the house, cleanses the house and strengthens the health of the inhabitants. They believed that calamus brings good luck, wealth, peace of mind and reliably protects from adversity only those who have no evil in their souls, otherwise the plant does not show its magical power.

Calamus tinctures were made for rinsing the mouth, and a piece of the dried root was advised to be kept in the mouth near the inflamed gums, as a disinfectant. They also washed their heads with a decoction of marigold flowers, calamus root and burdock so that the hair would not fall out.


Lovage ("love root", "lucky grass") protected from any witchcraft, evil eye, damage or evil spirits. Lovage root was added to bathing water. It was believed that water with it can cleanse not only the body, but also the soul, and can also attract love. Girls washed their hair with a decoction of lovage, and mothers put lovage in their daughters' beds: so that the girl "chooses her own happiness, not someone else's, and so that it stays with her forever."

In folk medicine, decoctions, infusions and teas from lovage were used as a diuretic, cardiac, expectorant, cleansing and analgesic. And its fresh leaves, slightly wrinkled, were applied to the forehead to relieve headaches of any origin.


Tansy was also considered a herb amulet. They believed that if you carry her leaves with you, then there will be a lapel for every “love spell”. In modern times, tansy leaves and flowers are often used as a moth repellant.

In folk medicine, tansy is used for fever, as an antihelminthic, for gastrointestinal diseases, gout, rheumatism, diseases of the liver and gallbladder. And medical preparations from tansy increase the secretion of bile, tone up the muscles of the digestive organs, increase blood pressure blood, normalize heart rhythms, and also have a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

Thyme (creeping thyme)

Thyme among the Slavs was respectfully called " female grass”(“ Mother of God herb ”) and believed that a bunch of thyme in the house could help a woman attract her betrothed, give birth and raise a child, and maintain peace in the family. The grass could be sewn into a pillow (it was believed that it was able to get rid of nightmares) or carried with you as a charm, in the form of an incense or sewn into clothes. In order to drive an unpleasant person away from home, they poured powder from dried grass into his shoes. In the villages, livestock was fumigated with the smoke of dry thyme grass, protecting it from damage or the evil eye.

They believed that a sprig of thyme would give a man who carries it with him courage, courage, perseverance, courage and bring success in all endeavors. In ancient Rome, soldiers bathed in water infused with thyme to gain strength, courage and energy (“thymus "- means "strong", "courageous").

The aroma of thyme and tea from it soothe and drive away insomnia. Thyme has been used in folk medicine as an expectorant, diaphoretic, sedative and analgesic. Thyme lotions disinfected wounds and relieved pain. Aromatic thyme baths were considered curative for diseases caused by impaired metabolism. It was added to medicinal infusions that cured alcoholism, kidney disease, stomach and intestinal pain, and joint pain.

Peppermint and lemon balm (lemon balm)

Fragrant mint was credited with the ability to scare away evil spirits, cleanse the house and protect it from enemies. Even in ancient times, they noticed that the aroma of the plant is able to restore peace of mind and dispel the blues. Perhaps this is because the aroma of mint and teas from its leaves activate mental activity. Therefore, in ancient Rome, it was recommended to wear mint wreaths to the classes of ancient philosophers, and the tables before receiving guests were rubbed with the leaves of the plant, believing that its aroma contributes to a lively table conversation and uplifts the mood.

Our ancestors used the aroma of fresh crushed mint leaves as a remedy for drowsiness, and dried mint leaves were sewn into a pillow to normalize sleep.

Mint and lemon balm teas have a calming effect on nervous and heart diseases, regulate the function of the gastrointestinal tract, are able to restore tone to the body in case of loss of strength, quench toothache and refresh the oral cavity. Warm balm leaves can be used to treat skin inflammations, and if you chew mint leaves with honey, they will eliminate the smell of alcohol.

Trinity in 2018 is celebrated on May 27th. As with any holiday, the Trinity, which in turn also has a name - Pentecost, is associated with a wide variety of signs, as well as rituals.

Since this Christian holiday is always celebrated exactly on the fiftieth day after Easter, that's why it has such a name - Pentecost. Absolutely all the signs on the Trinity were treated quite carefully and the parents always passed on the history of their meanings to their children.

Folk customs and signs on the Trinity

Signs about the weather on the Trinity say that if it rains on this holiday, then there will definitely be warm weather and a large number of mushrooms.

The most ancient sign is the custom of consecration in the church of special “mourned” grass, tears absolutely always symbolized rain. Such grass was hidden in the house behind a frame or an icon, thereby begging from nature, and from God, a very good summer, that is, without drought, but with a rich harvest.

Birch twigs are a symbol of the Trinity, since they are one of the first, so to speak, dressed in very bright elegant greens, which is why they were inserted behind the shutters and platbands, they were also scattered around the room, thereby begging for a fairly fruitful summer.

The next Monday after the Trinity, the Orthodox people celebrate Spirit Day. And from Monday to Sunday there is Rusal Week. And since, according to popular beliefs, especially on Thursday - Rusalin is a great day, mermaids tried to lure people to them, they tried not to swim for the entire Rusal Week, and they always carried everything with them - wormwood. It was believed that mermaids were very afraid of this grass.

Also, absolutely any work on the Trinity was condemned, except for cooking. There was absolutely nothing to do.

A good enough omen for the Trinity, it was considered - matchmaking. The family life of the young will be very happy and long enough if they marry the Trinity, and marry the Intercession.

All old women went to the cemetery on Trinity, and in order to please the dead and drive away evil spirits, they swept the graves with birch brooms.

It is believed that it is on the Trinity that birch has a rather great power and therefore a special healing infusion is made from its leaves.

The Church rejected all kinds of fortune-telling, but it just so happened among the people that between Christmas and Epiphany, the big Christian holidays, there was a long period of Christmas time - the time of fortune-telling, and on the Trinity, during the mermaids, the girls guessed at fate, at the betrothed, with trepidation they waited for matchmakers .

The most common fortune-telling is the “curling” of a birch and the weaving of wreaths. On the eve of the Trinity, the girls went into the forest, tilted the tops of young birch trees and wove a wreath from twigs - they “curled” if, upon arrival at Trinity to her birch, the girl saw that she had developed or withered - you won’t have to wait for a good one. If it remains the same, there will be a wedding, and a beloved betrothed, and wealth in the house.

Weaving wreaths is also a custom for the Trinity. Weaving girls in the company, men were not allowed to their place, if a guy saw someone's wreath, it was bad omen, the "evil eye" of the girl. Wreaths were woven directly to the Trinity and went with them to the river. There they launched: where he swam - the groom will be from there, stayed by the shore - the girl will not marry, well, if she drowned - she will die this year. Moreover, the wreaths were not removed from the head with their hands, but bent so that they themselves fell into the water.

In order for the betrothed to dream, they put birch twigs under the pillow.

The culture of the Russian people is rich - right hand he prayed to God in the church on Trinity, and at that time he could hold a bunch of grass with his left hand. Then, leaving the church, bow to the four corners of the world, weave at home from this bunch of wreaths, speak the cherished words on it and put behind the icon - for a happy and rich year, until the next Trinity. So, both Christian and pagan views of the Russian people merged into one. And there was no contradiction here, everything is harmonious and harmonious.

Even food for the Trinity was sometimes prepared with a conspiracy and in a special way. In the pre-Christian world, everything round was valued - pancakes for Maslenitsa - the same tradition, since the circle is a symbol of the sun. So on Trinity they baked a round loaf and made fried eggs in a frying pan of two eggs.

A round scrambled egg is both a symbol of the sun and a friendly married couple, "without corners", that is, without quarrels and disagreements. While the scrambled eggs were baking, the hostess would surely say cherished words over her, salted them with Thursday salt, and did not tear the greens, but spread them with twigs and onion feathers, which also meant unity and a strong bond between husband and wife. The husband himself did not participate in this, but waited for the wife to perform all the sacraments, put the scrambled eggs on the rye loaf and go with her husband to the grove, to the birch tree pre-decorated with bright shreds - to celebrate the Trinity and eat together a charmed meal - a talisman from all evil.

For a love spell on a loved one, they take the grass consecrated in the church, weave it into a wreath and put it under the pillow, while saying:

“I go to bed without praying and without crossing myself, Lord, forgive me, Christ. I put a wreath of holy herbs under my head. As these herbs twisted and intertwined into a wreath, so let the servant of God (name) around me, the slaves (name), twist and twist, as the wreath will wither and dry, so let it dry and grieve for me, God's servant (name), food is not seizes, does not drink with drink, does not go on a spree; at a feast, he or at a conversation, in a field or in a house - I would not go out of his mind-mind. Be my words strong and sculpting, stronger than stone and damask steel, a sharp knife and a greyhound spear. And the key to my words and affirmation, and the fortress is strong, and the strength is strong in the heavenly heights, and the castle is in the depths of the sea. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

A conspiracy for good luck, for success in business, was always made at dawn on the street in the morning of the Trinity:

“I will get up, having prayed, I will go out, crossing myself, I will ascend a high mountain, I will look around on all four sides. As on the eastern side, in a green meadow, a black horse grazes, restlessly wild and violent. No one saddled him, no one rode him, that horse did not know the stirrups-reins. I will tame that horse, and he will walk obediently under me, carry me where I want. My will is strong, my word is true. Amen."

Customs for Trinity

Perhaps the most famous custom for unmarried people is weaving wreaths on this day. Such a ceremony should bring the girl good luck and strong love. It is worth noting that such a wreath is woven not just from any flowers that come to hand. To do this, stock up on field herbs and flowers. And for an even greater effect, such a wreath must be launched along the river.

In that situation, if the girl already has a chosen one in mind, then in order to strengthen their love, she should give him a woven wreath. But there is one condition - it is necessary that no one sees this process. Such a rite should cement their relationship for a long time.

It is important to know that a wreath woven by an unmarried woman is also a good amulet. It can even be hung above the front doors.

Oddly enough, but what to bake, almost does not matter. The main thing is that there should be a lot of baking, and it should be varied. There is a belief that the stronger the girl tries to bake various flour products, the happier she will be.

It must be remembered that one cannot deprive the feast of eggs, since they are considered an indispensable element of this holiday. To summarize, there should be all the dishes that the hostess can cook for Trinity: vegetable salads, sausages, fish, fruits, etc. Many argue that the generosity of the owners will be rewarded with the favor of nature.

Remember that when inviting guests to dinner, you need to invite only those whom you are kind to. And in general, it is better to avoid unpleasant people on the Trinity.

This day is just perfect for various fortune-telling rituals that can tell an unmarried girl a trinity for unmarried her fate. So, the girls cut off several small birch branches and put them under the pillow, the Ros-Registr portal writes. If in a dream the image of a guy appeared to them, then, most likely, fate will bring them together.

There is another divination on a birch. To do this, you need to come close to it, close your eyes and pick the first branch that comes across. Next, open your eyes and examine it. If the branch is even and beautiful, then the future is waiting for you, and if it is curved, then you need to prepare for the tests.

You can also guess on chamomile. But you need to take the flower that has already been in the wreath. Then you need to think about something, and you can start guessing. One plucked petal means that it will come true, and the second that it will not come true, and so on in a circle until all the petals run out.

Usually three unmarried girls make fortune-telling with special trepidation, which is explained by the fact that this day is endowed with a special prophetic mystical power.

Protective rite, amulet for the Trinity

This unique protective rite needs to be performed only a few times a year, on which days: at Christmas - January 7, on your birthday, or on your Angel's day, on your birthday Holy Mother of God and on the Trinity. Its incredible magical power is large enough and effective. For this ritual on the Trinity, the following items must be prepared in advance: blessed water, the icon of Jesus Christ, namely 7 church candles, the icon of Vladimir Mother of God, 2 mirrors, matches and Thursday salt.

Absolutely all the available items must be placed on a free table as follows: one mirror will be to your left, the second mirror, of course, to your right and so that both mirrors have your reflection and also so that they are clearly displayed in each other. Between these two mirrors, two icons must be placed, and in front of them - 4 candles. Put 3 more candles a little closer to you. The container with holy water should be placed exactly to the right on the edge of your table. Next, you should put protection, like this: around the table and chair, on which you will later sit in a circle, namely - clockwise in the first way - with holy water, and inside already - Thursday salt. And after all, you need to sit on the existing chair and read the following protective plot on the Trinity:

“The mirror is dark, the heart is black.
Lord, help, sanctify the soul.
I light a candle (light all the candles)
and in prayer I ask: put it on me,
to the servant of God, the prince of Darkness, the seal of Hell,
reflect the fire of Christ, that black seal,
which they put on me, the servant of God,
evil people, protect, Jesus, with an unbearable protection.

Lord Jesus Christ
Mother of the Blessed Virgin,
I put three bows: for the first time (cross yourself)
do not turn away from me, servants of God,
for sins free and not free. Amen.

For the second time (cross)
grant salvation to my soul, Lord. Amen.

For the third time (cross)
to the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
protect me, servant of God,
an indestructible cover, an indestructible protection.

Time after time, cross after cross, lock me up
Lord, with your finger.
I lay three crosses with holy water
(draw a cross on the body with holy water),
in the name of the Lord I close myself with a cross (another cross)
in the name of Jesus Christ I close myself with a cross,
(more cross) in the name of the Holy Spirit
I close with a cross. Amen".

The holy water on your body should dry on its own and the candles should burn out completely to the end. Also, do not forget a rather important point, having performed this protective rite for the Trinity, after that you must adhere to fasting for three days, the next day after the rite, do not forget to visit the church and purchase 12 candles there. 3 candles each must be put to the icons of Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity, the Mother of God and Panteleimon.

How to make a charm for the Trinity

It is on the very day of the Trinity in the temple that you need to buy 7 candles of only red wax. Further, in front of the image of the All-Tsaritsa - the heavenly one, put all the available 6 candles, pronouncing a conspiracy on each candle when lighting it. When lighting the seventh candle, also read the plot:

I'll get up and cross
Pray to the Lord
I'll go out the door to the gate,
From the gate - into the open field.
In an open field, wide expanse
There is a seven-domed golden church,
And in that church there is a holy icon.
The icon looks, the icon says,
The icon favors me.
I will come close, I will bow low:
“Oh, you, the talking icon,
At me, the servant of God (name), looking,
Intercede for me and pray
In your true favor,
For my preservation
From every misfortune, every trouble:
From deep water, from falling from a high mountain,
From the sword, from the ax, from the secret enemy,
From denunciation and slander, from lessons, damage and slander,
From the enemy of the day, from the enemy of the night,
From fire, poison in food, poison in water and wine,
From striking lightning in the field, forest, on the water,
From those who are far away, from those who are ahead,
From those who are behind me behind,
So that the bullet does not kill me,
The saber was not killed,
They didn’t crush it with a noose”

During the burning of the seventh candle, the wax should drip from it directly into your palm, so to speak, into the hole of life, namely into the center of your left hand. When exactly the moment comes when the floor of the candle burns out, you need to put it out on the wax that is in your left hand. Then clench your fist and go home on foot, and you also need to be silent all this time. Already at home, absolutely everything that you have in your hand must be carefully wrapped in a pure white small piece of cloth, while this manufactured amulet for the Trinity must be carried absolutely always with you, and then nothing threatens you at all.

The remaining cinder from the candle must be re-ignited in case of a strong need for protection, with the following words:

"What is frozen in the hand,
yes fire broke out
bow to three and in the spade,
tears and tenderness,
now it’s good for me to save.

And you need to hide it in the red corner of your house behind the icons.

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Traditions and customs on the Trinity are inherited for many centuries. Believing guys and girls carefully store this knowledge, using signs, divination and special rituals that help solve some issues or tell fate. This legacy is called the wisdom of the people, their culture, which must not be lost. If a person is looking for solutions to some problems, wants to look into the future, or simply celebrate the Trinity in accordance with all the rules, as our ancestors did, it is worth starting with the history of this celebration.

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    history of the holiday

    Trinity is traditionally celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter. That is why the holiday is also called "Pentecost", and its date changes every year. After the crucifixion of Christ, the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, and it is the Trinity that is the memorable day of this event. From this date, the true Christian faith begins, so its importance for the believer cannot be overestimated. In 2018, Pentecost is celebrated on May 27th.

    The feast was established by the apostles, who celebrated it annually, commanding all Christians to do the same. According to historians, this holiday was officially established only at the end of the 4th century, at the same time that the doctrine of the Trinity was written down. Since then, Orthodox believers have celebrated every year the confirmation that God is one and three at the same time.

    The evening service on Pentecost is similar to other sacred holidays, but all churches are now decorated with greenery, tree branches. Churches are especially often decorated with birches. Another symbol of the Trinity is fire, because it was in this form that Christ descended on the apostles.


    The signs and traditions of the Trinity are full of superstition: and not in vain, because they were formed on the observations and wisdom of the people throughout years. There are many different signs that speak of the weather and harvest for the whole year.

    On this sacred holiday and in modern times, one can learn something about the future based on a variety of little things.


    The weather is very important on Trinity Day: it is she who will tell you throughout the year, warning what people should expect and what calculations to make for the winter.

    It could mean both happiness in the year and problems that you should pay attention to in time:

    • If it rains on Trinity, a warm long summer is expected, a good harvest and a lot of mushrooms.
    • If it is hot on this day, the year will be lean, and the summer will be dry.
    • The coolness on Trinity Day marked the warmth for the next holiday - Spirits Day, because according to legend, heat still comes from the earth.


    It is very interesting for young unmarried girls to know their fate, especially in love.

    That is why there are a lot of such signs, traditions and fortune-telling that help to at least slightly open the veil of secrecy and make the right choice:

    • An unmarried girl who goes out to gather herbs and hears the cuckoo singing may ask when she will get married. How many times a bird crows, so much to wait for courtship from a betrothed.
    • The marriage proposal made on Pentecost, and then the wedding on the Pokrov, guarantee a long and happy family life for the spouses.
    • If a guy kisses a girl on this holiday under a birch, then she will become his wife.

    Traditions and rituals

    At all times, the people organized large festivities on the Trinity, during which the young people led round dances, sang, danced, arranged feasts and just had fun.

    There are some traditions that help to find happiness on this holiday, but there are things that cannot be done at all. They concern everything: health, love, home furnishings. The symbols of the holiday are birch and green. The branches of this tree decorate the house, using them as a talisman, and green robes are worn on the Trinity and priests conducting services in temples.


    • On this holy date, regardless of weather conditions, it is necessary to come to the cemetery and cover the graves, preferably with a birch broom. Our ancestors believed that this is an effective way to get rid of evil spirits in the house.
    • Picking up herbs is considered an important custom on the holiday. On this day, they have magical powers, they must be dried and used if someone gets sick.
    • The Saturday before the feast is a memorial day. You need to go to church and light a candle for the repose of the deceased relatives, visit the cemetery, visit the dead.
    • The house for the holiday is traditionally decorated with birch twigs - a symbol of the holy triumph. It is believed that because of this, the year will be fruitful and prosperous, and the tree itself symbolizes the rapid and harmonious growth of everything: children will be healthy and happy, married life is long and stable, there will be prosperity in everything. Before you decorate your home, you need to walk around the rooms and pat on all things and surfaces with a sprinkled birch twig.
    • Girls wash themselves with morning dew to preserve their youth, beauty and health. The dew was collected with a towel, squeezing it into a container.
    • To ask the earth for fertility for a year, you need to consecrate birch branches and bury them in the field. In the modern world, this tradition is observed a little differently: they put a branch of a consecrated tree at the bottom of a flower pot when they transplant it.

    Holiday dinner

    The feast on the day of Pentecost is a very important tradition. You can not invite people who are unpleasant or unkind to you. The tablecloth on the table should be green - this is a special, symbolic color on this holiday.

    It is desirable that among the dishes there are a lot of pastries that the hostess should bake herself. Eggs are also an essential part of the Trinity dinner. The menu for the celebration should be generous: meat, fruits, vegetables. It is believed that then the year will be rich and happy, and nature will give doubly wealth.

    Conspiracies for the Trinity

    Conspiracies on Pentecost have greater magical power than on any other day or holiday. They were composed for centuries by the most wise people people, so their effectiveness should not be doubted.

    Spells are simple or, conversely, difficult to pronounce and complex, but more effective.

    Conspiracy for good luck and success in business

    Such a ceremony brought good luck to its performer in a variety of matters and was always carried out at dawn, on the morning of the Trinity, on the street. At the same time, the following words were spoken:

    “I will get up, having prayed, I will go out, crossing myself, I will ascend a high mountain, I will look around on all four sides. As on the eastern side, in a green meadow, a black horse grazes, restlessly wild and violent. No one saddled him, no one rode him, that horse did not know stirrups-reins. I will tame that horse, and he will walk obediently under me, carry me where I want. My will is strong, my word is true. Amen".

    Another slander for good luck serves rather as a talisman for the reader for the whole year. He has a very great strength. It is necessary to go to the forest or park the day before the holiday and find a broken branch there. After bringing it home, and on Trinity Day at dawn, light a church candle, break the branch into three parts and whisper to each:

    “I conjure the Holy Trinity to help me in my affairs, to direct the power of Heaven to overcome obstacles and achieve goals. As this branch was one and became three times, so my strength will be increased three times. May luck smile on me, and my life will turn out differently. May it be as I said. Amen".

    Then you need to tie the branches with green ribbon three times and leave them at home until Easter. After 3 days after it, throw them into the river.

    For cooking

    There are many rituals and corruption that can bring illness to the family. Our ancestors used such a conspiracy to protect themselves from this.

    It is necessary to knead the dough and make cakes. You need such an amount of mass that only your relatives could feed them. On each one should draw a cross and read the following prayer:

    “I renounce the sign of the cross, bread given by God, from the deeds and illnesses of sorcerers of all stripes from all volosts. How will this cake be digested in me, into a city, but it will turn, so no matter what the sorcerer starts against my family, it would turn into a city for him.

    After the baking is ready - feed it to all household members.


    Everyone wants to know the future, especially unmarried girls and single guys.

    Divination for the Trinity is very common, because this day is a sacred folk holiday, when all signs are considered magical, having their own power.

    Divination examples:

    1. 1. One of the most popular Trinity divination is wreath weaving. Only unmarried girls do this to attract strong love into their lives. The girls collected all day wildflowers, making wreaths out of them, and then let them down the river. If the wreath sinks - this is bad sign; float or wash ashore - it means that love will soon appear in fate. A still unmarried girl, but already having a chosen one, should secretly give her wreath to a guy to consecrate their union. Such a wreath is a powerful amulet that he must keep in his home.
    2. 2. Another interesting rite that calls for love is the curling of a birch. The young ladies went into the forest and decorated the birches with beads, ribbons and wreaths. They loved to dance round the trees, calling for happiness.
    3. 3. A very popular divination, always performed at night: a girl puts birch branches under her pillow before going to bed. The guy who dreams about this night is the betrothed.
    4. 4. Another simple way of divination for the Trinity: along a birch branch. It can also be done by adult married women: you need to go to the birch and pick a branch without looking, and then carefully examine it. If the branch is even and smooth, the year will be happy; turns out to be a curve full of irregularities - difficulties are expected.

    The guys that day were guessing on the links of the chain. For this rite, you need to take a chain, make a wish and count how many links are in it.

Trinity is a great holiday in Christianity. This is a significant holiday for every believer, since it implies the unity of the Lord, which was the beginning of true faith. The feast of the Holy Trinity is always celebrated on the 50th day of Easter, which is also significant for all believers. Due to the fact that Easter is celebrated every year in different days, then, accordingly, the celebration of Green Christmas time takes place in different ways, but has not been changed to day 50. In 2019, it falls on June 16th.

In this article

Why does God love the Trinity?

This question has long interested, and still interests humanity. This is due to the fact that the number three is found in almost all word forms and has a special meaning. It can be found in sayings and proverbs, everyday expressions, in scientific definitions, and of course, in biblical canons.

If we take it from the point of view of a religious concept, then the expression "God loves the Trinity" denotes the unity of God's beginning, presented in the form of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. It was in this number that he appeared before his apostles and endowed them with the ability to understand the languages ​​​​of other people in order to convey the faith to them. In addition, it was on this day that the first sermon was delivered, which became the beginning of the construction of the Kingdom of God on earth.

What does the icon of the Holy Trinity protect from?

This icon is one of the most important, because it depicts the unity of the Lord in three faces. The history of the appearance of this image in the form of a mosaic appeared in the 5th century, and in the icon painting it could be seen only in the 14th century. According to Orthodox canons there is no clear depiction of images on the icon, since this contradicts the concept of the incomprehensible and the trinity of the divine principle. This is due to the fact that no one has ever seen God. But knowledge and faith in him allows Christians to honor him in this guise.

Archpriest Alexander Prochenko will express the essence that the icon of the Holy Trinity displays:

Due to the fact that the icon of the Holy Trinity is one of the most important images of this have a bright day she is endowed with powerful divine power. This enables believers to turn to her, asking for help in solving difficult everyday situations. Although initially it was considered confessional, Orthodox believers confessed before it, being cleansed of sins. In addition, this icon protects the one asking from committing any evil deeds in the future.

What do you need to know about the Trinity?

The majestic feast of the Holy Trinity implies a reverence for many traditions and customs that have been maintained for many centuries. The main ones were considered that it was necessary to decorate their houses with greenery, and especially with birch branches and meadow grasses. According to Orthodox beliefs, this contributes to:

  • cleansing from an unclean spirit;
  • deliverance from malicious intent;
  • and makes it possible to find happiness and peace of mind.


But today a lot of traditions and customs have been lost, although the main ones still remain. They are that:

  1. In addition to decorating their home with greenery, this Sunday, as usual, they visit the church, where a special service is held. Be sure to have a branch of birch with you.
  2. After the service, guests are invited to the house, who are treated to a festive meal. The main attribute on the table on this day should be a loaf, hearty pancakes with butter and any dish prepared on the basis of eggs.
  3. Another custom of this day is mass festivities, which were driving round dances, chants, kindling fires, as well as all kinds of fortune-telling.


As for the main signs of the Trinity, the ancestors believed that, thanks to them, it was possible to foretell fate, therefore they were treated with special respect. Today, many years later, signs and customs have retained their significance and are revered with the same faith. The main ones are as follows:

  1. If it rains that day, it foreshadows a good harvest. In addition, to obtain a crop, a birch twig is placed behind window frame, and meadow grass under the floorboard.
  2. Another sign is that if after 3 days of consecration the birch branches remain fresh, then this portends a wet hayfield.
  3. In addition, the ancestors tried to redo all the work related to the garden, since this is a bad omen that could bring trouble to the house.
  4. It was a very unkind sign if on the street that day hot weather. According to this sign, a bad harvest should be expected, since the summer will be completely dry.
  5. To give strength, as well as heal from various diseases, it is necessary to collect morning dew.
  6. And also on this day, according to the advice of the ancestors, it is impossible to appoint a wedding day, this was marked by a bad omen. And the marriage of this couple will be unhappy. But matchmaking, on the contrary, foreshadowed the happiness and grace of the future family.

What Not to Do

Due to the fact that all preparations are being made for the celebration, but there is something that cannot be done on the Trinity:

  1. You can’t swim, because you can drown, the mermaids could drag it with them.
  2. Do not iron, wash, sew, knit.
  3. You can not swear, quarrel and be offended.

About conspiracies

In addition to traditions and rituals, it was possible to perform various conspiracies on the Trinity, which could help in any endeavors. It was believed that on this day they have special power and will allow true believers to receive the covenant. But, at the same time, their thoughts must be pure, not have malicious intent.

For health and beauty

According to legend, morning dew sunday acquires healing and magical properties, so it was collected and treated for various diseases. But besides this, it was used to prolong youth and preserve female beauty.

On the dew

To do this, you need to put on a dress made of natural fabric and go at dawn to walk around and lie in the dew. Be sure to wash your face with clean morning dew and say:

The feast of the Holy Trinity bestows beauty:
sparkle in eyes and hair,
scarlet reflection on the lips,
velvet skin,
and my mind is light.

Then bring the outfit home and dry. You can also wear it in case of illness or indisposition.

We speak healing herbs

To do this, a bouquet of wormwood, yarrow and St. John's wort is taken for the morning service and consecrated. Also say a prayer in front of the icon of the Holy Trinity, placing seven candles in front of it. Then, after the service, you need to come home, taking an old bowl and setting fire to a sprig of St. John's wort in it. While it smokes a little, you need to go around all the rooms in the house, fumigating them with smoke. While saying these words:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, come out sick and sick,
get out the evil
get lost!

When these words are spoken, the bouquet of herbs should be divided, that is, the wormwood branches are divided into two parts, and one of them lies under the bed, and the second part is hung over the front door. Yarrow from this bouquet is used as a decoction, which is added to bathing water. But the branches of St. John's wort can be brewed as tea.

Conspiracies on the Trinity from diseases

Of particular importance on this day is the ritual of diseases. This is especially true for children. When Small child very often sick, you can use the power of a conspiracy.

For swimming

This day, you need to bathe the child, and after bathing, pour water under the old oak tree, while pronouncing the words:

I pour out the disease
save a child from illness.

In accordance with the traditions, such a ritual will save the child from ailments, since it is believed that on this day when bathing, the disease passes into the water, and after that the poured water passes directly to the tree.

Ritual with herbs

Another conspiracy against diseases at Pentecost is a ritual with herbs. In this case, it is necessary to collect sprigs of St. John's wort, yarrow and wormwood. Then, get three candles and attend the morning service, and after that come home and light them in the room where the patient is. Spread the herbs on the floor and say three times:

Candles are lit - ailments are gone,
they scattered the herbs - they took away all the diseases!

When these words are spoken, the patient is required to walk on them during the day. Make sure the candles are completely burnt out. The next day, the herbs are thrown away as far from the house as possible.

For wealth

There are a lot of conspiracies for material well-being and wealth. To attract money to the house, you can perform a very simple ceremony.

It lies in the fact that it is necessary to pre-collect leaves of lovage, peony and birch. Leave them on the windowsill for three days, namely, so that they see three moons and three suns. Then sprinkle them with holy water. Already at home, stand on the threshold between the rooms, which are closest to the exit. Be sure the foot should be in the middle of the threshold, that is, it touched the floor of two rooms. During a conspiracy for money, the following words are pronounced:

Pass Trinity my loneliness.

Then take a bath of water, put herbs in it and take a dip. At the same time, it will allow not only to attract material wealth, but also to improve health, as well as get rid of the accumulated negativity.

For love and marriage

On all major holidays, it is customary to perform rites or rituals concerning the betrothed. It is believed that on this day there is an opportunity to find out your fate and attract love to yourself or get married soon. Many girls want to meet their soul mate and for this they conduct similar rituals on the Trinity.

For a bouquet

To do this, on the way to the morning service, pick a small bunch of field herbs and bless them. After the end, be sure to put three candles in front of the icons with female images and light candles. Arriving home, they are crushed and a decoction is prepared. When he cools down, wash himself with this water, while saying:

Ant grass,
you grew up in the field
saved the way.
Bring me a groom (bride)
so that the soul burns with love,
so that life boils with a key.

For a wreath

Another effective conspiracy to love is considered a ritual that must be performed immediately before the holiday itself. To do this, you need to collect wildflowers and herbs, and at midnight weave a wreath out of them. During this action, the following words are spoken:

The girls are walking across the green field,
picking flowers,
wreaths are woven and thrown into the water.
you catch a wreath, me,
servant of God (name), give.
Forever and ever. Amen.

Then go to the reservoir, preferably to the river and let it go with the flow. Then, returning home, you can’t talk to anyone and even turn around if you hear any rustles.

A simple marriage ceremony

Regarding marriage, a fairly simple rite can be used. It lies in the fact that an unmarried girl should consecrate the collected bouquet and birch twig at the morning service on Trinity Day. Then, at home, she should weave it into a wreath, pronouncing words, after which she settled it under her pillow. While weaving a wreath, you need to pronounce the following words:

Lord Jesus!
I put a wreath of holy herbs under my head.
How these herbs merged and intertwined into a wreath,
so let the servant of God (husband's name) curl,
intertwined around me
around our house.
And let my words be strong
sharp and slick.
Now and forever, and forever and ever.

For the fulfillment of a wish

Each person has his own cherished desire and wants it to come true. This day, due to its magical properties, provides an opportunity to find out whether it will be fulfilled.

To carry it out, you will need to perform such actions. In the morning, at the very dawn, you need to find a birch, make your innermost desire and break off a branch of a birch. At the same time, pronounce these words:

Bless the Trinity
Holy Mother of God.
Break the branch
and (name) fate appears.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

After that, count all the buds and leaves on the broken branch. If the number of buds and leaves is even, then the wish made may come true soon. And if it is odd, then the desire will not come true, and it is better to refuse it.

A conspiracy for good luck in an important matter for the Trinity

Such a ceremony must be carried out if very important matters are foreseen or a trip is planned soon. Or is it supposed to get a job.

To do this, at dawn it is worth conspiring for good luck. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that at dawn you need to warm your hands, but this is done not through glass, but best of all on the street. At this time, it is necessary to pronounce the words:

I will rise and pray
I will go out, cross myself,
I will climb a high mountain
I look around in four directions.
As a black horse grazes on the eastern side in a green meadow,
restlessly wild and violent.
No one saddled him
nobody rode it
that horse did not know stirrups-reins.
I'll tame that horse
and he will go downstairs obediently,
carry where I want.
My will is strong
my word is correct.

Ritual with a birch

One of the important rituals on this Sunday is the weaving of wreaths from birch branches. Basically, it was performed after dinner, and in the evening they were put on the water, and make a wish. In addition, on this day it is customary to decorate their homes with branches of this tree with a birch. It is believed that she is strong amulet from all troubles and diseases, and also brings good luck and prosperity.

Charm for family happiness

In order for happiness to reign in the family on the Day of the Holy Trinity since ancient times, they made an appropriate amulet.

It was prepared from two eggs, as they symbolize a friendly couple, namely a husband and wife. During the preparation of this amulet, the wife should pronounce the appropriate words:

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us;
Lord, cleanse our sins;
Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for your name's sake.
Lord have mercy (three times).
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
And now and forever and forever and ever.

  1. Fried eggs must be salted exclusively with Thursday salt and be sure to season green onion, garlic and parsley.
  2. It is very important that the greens are whole, they cannot be chopped. Thus, the integrity of the family is symbolized.
  3. In this case, the scrambled eggs should be round.
  4. Then, she was placed in a loaf, which had previously been consecrated in the church.
  5. After that, such a “sandwich” was wrapped in a towel, and the couple should go to the grove, where the birch was decorated in advance.
  6. And only then this dish could be eaten.

The plot is quite simple, but has a very great power.

To strengthen the family

The family life of a husband and wife is sometimes subject to discord, which negatively affects their relationship. Therefore, to strengthen married life, you can lead a very good ritual.

  1. In addition to cooking scrambled eggs, it is believed that on this day it is necessary to treat all your relatives and friends with a meal.
  2. The main attribute in this is a white tablecloth, which is covered with a festive table.
  3. After the feast, this tablecloth must be removed, and without washing it, put it under the family bed for the spouses.

According to legend, this will help strengthen family ties and renew hot feelings.

Ritual for the protection of the house

According to old legends, birch is a symbol of purity and purity. Thanks to its properties, you can not only cleanse yourself of evil spirits and thoughts, but you can also protect your home.

  1. To do this, before the holiday, a general cleaning is carried out not only in the house, but also in the yard.
  2. Highly important point in this case, is that you need to wash the floors with the addition of wormwood.
  3. After fumigating all rooms with incense, or you can use thyme.
  4. Then, decorate the house with meadow herbs, and of course with birch branches.

Trinity candle

In Orthodoxy, on a holiday, it is advisable to put a candle to the icon Holy Trinity, but this is not required. On this day, you can put them to any image that is needed at the moment.

In addition, despite the fact that on this day the dead are remembered, it is better to put candles for the repose on the eve of the holiday, namely on Saturday. This is due to the fact that it is considered Parental, therefore it is necessary to remember the deceased.

On Sunday, it is recommended to put candles for the health of your loved ones and relatives. Since the holiday represents the beginning of unity, health and the beginning of life. After lighting, the candle can be saved and used during the rituals or during the pronunciation of prayers.

Divination for the Trinity

Despite the fact that Orthodoxy is against all sorts of fortune-telling, it has long been customary that on Pentecost, girls were attached to all sorts of magical rituals. They were mainly associated with the definition of marriage, the search for a betrothed and love spells.

On braided wreaths

One of the most truthful was considered fortune-telling on wicker wreaths, which unmarried girls made from all sorts of meadow grasses and birch branches. Then they launched them into a natural reservoir, thinking about the narrowed one. If the wreath picks up the flow and it floats, it meant that this girl would soon have a solemn event and the coming year would be successful. But, if it drowns, it means to be in trouble.

throwing wreaths

Another fortune-telling among the girls was throwing wicker wreaths on the roof of the house. If he falls back, it means soon to be married, well, and the remaining wreaths promised another year without a betrothed.

To the birch

Since the birch is the main symbol of the Trinity, divination was also carried out on it. For this, the girls went out to birch grove and from a distance they chose any birch tree. After, when she approached the chosen tree, then by its bark it was possible to determine what kind of marriage she would have. If rough, then this portends difficulties in the family. Smooth - happiness and well-being in family relationships. And when the tree turned out to be old and rotten, then the marriage will be very bad.

Removal of spoilage

Orthodoxy does not welcome any magic, but provides an opportunity for purification from evil spirits, corruption and other magical actions. Corruption is a rather strong sorcery, which is sometimes quite difficult to remove. But on the Holy Trinity, you can do a ceremony that will help remove even very strong damage.

  1. To do this, you need to collect a bouquet of wild flowers, you can also take garden flowers, but there must be at least 40 species.
  2. Then, with this bouquet, you need to go to church and consecrate it at the morning and evening services.
  3. It is worth remembering that the ceremony will last 40 days, that is, according to the number of flowers collected.

To make the ceremony, every day one flower is taken from the collected bouquet, which is placed in a glass. Then it is poured with sacred water. When the water from the flower has all drained into a glass, then dip your finger in this water and wet the crown of your head three times. And then all the water is drunk.

In addition, you need to prepare a small box in which after each time you need to add one coin. At the end, you should get 40 coins in 40 days. After their expiration, visit the church again and order a health service for yourself.

Be sure to listen to the entire prayer service, and do this for three days in a row. At the end, candles are lit to St. Panteleimon, St. Tryphon and the Immortals Cosmas and Dimia. And the coins that were collected (40 coins) - to be divided among the beggars.

And at the end

Trinity is a majestic holiday in Orthodoxy, which is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter.

Everything you need to know about the Trinity can be found in the final video:

On this significant day, believers absorb even more the feeling of the presence of the Lord, which gives them strength and faith, as well as the opportunity to atone for their sins and avoid committing them in the future.

A little about the author:


Rites and conspiracies for the Trinity have always enjoyed special honor. Christian traditions they intertwined with pagan, peasant life - with urban (since ancient times, finding a lively response not only in villages, but also in large cities such as Moscow, Kyiv, Novgorod ...)

Until today, conspiracies and rituals for the Trinity for wealth, health, love, beauty are popular among the people ... On this day and the day before, nature has truly magical properties, allowing people to accomplish their plans, cleanse and heal.

That is why it is customary to use natural magic on the Trinity holiday, reading prayers, a spell, a conspiracy or a whisper, conducting fortune-telling, making amulets, using folk omens to improve the quality of your life.

For health and beauty

Healers and healers (among them - and the famous Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova) revere the power of the Holy Trinity, recommending at this time to carry out all kinds of rituals and conspiracies for health and healing from diseases. Knowledgeable people often pick up the grass that remains on the floor in the church, and with its help they heal the seriously ill. In addition, healers on this day have a chance to get rid of the disease that has passed to them from the patient - for this they need to defend two services in the church (mass and vespers), having fresh flowers with them. The plants are then dried and tea is made after twelve days. Having dipped their fingers in a decoction, they draw crosses on their own body, reading a prayer or a conspiracy asking for healing.

By conspiracy on the feast of the Trinity, you can put protection against diseases that are “transferable” (which other people throw at you with the help of magic). Such protection-prevention can be done not only for yourself, but also for your household. We make cakes from the dough - one for each family member. Before you put them to bake, cross each cake and say three times

"As the cake gets inside, so the witch's disease will go away."

Ready cakes should be eaten on the same day.

Rites and conspiracies for the Trinity - Everything will be kind - Announcement of the 607 issue - 05/27/15

Folk divination for the Trinity.

Rite of the Trinity

On the Trinity holiday, it is good to do rituals and read conspiracies for beauty and youth. In the morning, young women can do a ritual with dew to gain beauty. To do this, put on a shirt or dress made of natural fabric and go early in the morning to walk barefoot and lie on the dewy grass. Do not forget to wash your face with dew saying:

“The feast of the Holy Trinity endows with beauty: a sparkle in the eyes and hair, a scarlet reflection on the lips, the skin is velvety, white, and my soul is bright.”

Do not wash your shirt after dew - fold it and hide it, and in the future put it on yourself in case of illness or indisposition.

For wealth

Trinity conspiracies for money and wealth are one of the most widely read. On this holiday, they come to the church with a bunch of grass, and when they leave, they bow to the four cardinal points and weave a wreath of grass. Then the wreath is spoken, saying “I am braiding the grass, I am calling for a harvest year, the work will go smoothly and the house will be in abundance.” A charmed wreath is placed in the house behind the icon, prayers are said. For a whole year, this wreath serves to attract wealth and prosperity to the house.

There is also a money ritual with a centaury plant. It must be plucked at dawn and taken with you to church for service. During the service, the plant must be kept in the bosom. Then, with prayers, the centaury is woven into a bath broom and steamed with it that night. This ritual brings wealth and prosperity for the whole year.

For success in work, trade, or for additional income, take three coins with you to church for service and squeeze them in your fist. Be sure to put a candle in front of the icon of the Holy Trinity, pray. At home, throw three coins into a cup of milk and say the plot three times

“Like white milk, my life will be pure, honest, righteous and prosperous.”

Drink milk, and distribute the coins as follows: put one under the icon, the other in your wallet, and donate the third to the church.

For love

On the Holy Trinity, it is also customary to perform rituals and pronounce conspiracies for love - to attract a beloved man, to strengthen marriage and good luck in marriage. To find a husband this year, go to church service with grass and flowers plucked at dawn. After the service, sit down under the "female" tree (rowan, birch) alone and weave a wreath, saying

“As flowers and herbs are intertwined, so are our beloved narrowed destinies intertwined for mutual happiness and eternal love.”

Put the wreath under the pillow - at night you will be visited by prophetic dreams, and during the year you will connect with your betrothed.

The rite of love in the family and the strengthening of the marriage union is carried out with the help of ordinary eggs. From two eggs, the hostess fries the scrambled eggs, placing them side by side, like a married couple. A round scrambled egg and a frying pan represent the sun and a smooth life - without "corners". The dish is salted with Thursday salt and decorated with greens (at the same time, the greens are not cut, stacked with whole stalks). The dish symbolizes the integrity of a married couple - the hostess shares it with her man at a kind of picnic, sitting under a birch. (Some women bake scrambled eggs into a round loaf and then divide it in two.)

For the fulfillment of a wish

Using the magic of the Trinity holiday, many on this day perform a ceremony to fulfill a wish. The ritual is very simple and suitable for those who have already tried to implement their plans, but did not achieve success. Such a person should ask for a little luck and help from divine and natural forces. You need to sit down near a birch tree, hug it and quietly talk about your problem, ask for help in fulfilling your desire, pray and thank you in advance. (This custom is also resorted to by women who cannot become pregnant for a long time).

Exist different kinds fortune-telling that will tell you whether it is worth spending efforts in the intended direction. You can tell fortunes on a wish with the help of a chain if you have never counted its links before. This type of fortune-telling is done on the Trinity once in a lifetime. According to custom, having put on a chain, you need to go to church and light candles for all the people who compete with you and interfere, for all enemies and ill-wishers. Donate as much as you can to the church, then count the links of the chain at home (several times so as not to make a mistake) - an even number means that your idea will come true.

Customs and signs

Signs for the Trinity are considered especially truthful - with their help you can find out how prosperous the year is expected, and prepare for it in advance. And omens also allow you to improve the future by doing a little magical work.

  1. So, the rain on Trinity suggests that the year will be fertile and fruitful.
  2. You can also “ask” for rain from nature by bringing “mourned” herbs to the church for this holiday, and then putting them in the house behind the icon.
  3. You can’t swim on this day, “so that the mermaids don’t drag them to the bottom.”
  4. It is impossible to do any work on the Trinity, except for the preparation of food.
  5. To rid the beds of weeds, tear out one of them and plant it with leaves in the soil, and root up - this year you will have to weed the garden much less.
  6. Scatter green branches on the floor in the house, put and hang them on the windows - this is how you will call for a warm and fertile summer, and besides, greenery will become a talisman for well-being and prosperity in your home.
  7. It is believed that couples married to the Trinity will live especially happily.
  8. On Saturday before Trinity, be sure to go to the cemetery, put the graves of relatives in order. Prepare a special dinner and commemorate the dead, light a candle for them, and pray. So you show attention to your family and improve your personal destiny.
  9. It is believed that the greenery that decorates the house on the Trinity does not lose magical power even when dried. It can be kept all year round as a talisman against thunderstorms, quarrels and troubles.