How many calories can you eat per day. How many calories do you need to burn to lose weight. The energy that is spent in the process of work

Each person is individual, and each formula may have an error. You need to choose the formula that will work for you.

Start with the average, or a formula that approximates the average. If the results are not as effective as expected, try the following value: for weight loss - a lower value, for weight gain - a higher value.

Harris-Benedict equation

Basal metabolic rate according to the Harris-Benedict formula is determined taking into account gender, age and body size. The equation was first published in 1918. The formula is suitable for men and women over 18 years of age.

This formula has a rather large error - according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 90% coincidence of results with real data was recorded only in 60% of cases. That is, in 40% of situations, the equation can show incorrect data, and, mainly, upwards. That is, as a result of the calculation, it may turn out that the need for calories is overestimated and a person begins to consume more calories than he actually needs.

The New Harris-Benedict Equation

Due to shortcomings in the basic Harris-Benedict formula, an updated equation was published in 1984. Rosa and Shizgal conducted a study on a larger group, with data taken from the research papers of Harris and Benedict in 1928-1935.

This formula already takes into account the features that in the old formula led to excess calories and therefore this formula was more often used to determine the basic metabolic rate until 1990.

Mifflin Formula - San Jeora

Over time, people's lifestyles change, new products appear, food schedules change, physical activity. A new formula has been developed, it does not take into account the muscle mass of the body, and is also calculated based on height, weight and age. This equation is used clinically to determine calories based on basal metabolic rate.

According to research by the American Dietetic Association, the Mifflin-St. Jeor formula turned out to be the most accurate. considered in other sources. that this formula is more accurate than the Harris-Benedict formula by 5%, but can still give a spread of + -10%. But this equation has only been tested on patients in the Caucasian group and therefore may not be accurate for other groups.

Ketch-McArdle Formula

The formula was derived not on the basis of weight, but on the basis of lean muscle muscle mass. Thus, this formula ignores the energy devoted to maintaining fat and its accuracy for overweight people is lower than for people with an athletic physique.

If you are in good physical shape, the result of this equation will be accurate enough for you. If you have just stepped on the path of improving your figure, use the Mifflin-St. Jeor formula.

WHO Formula

The World Health Organization formula is based on the Schofield formula (sex, age, weight) adjusted for height and is currently in use. Previously used in US Dietary Guidelines. Based on basal metabolic rate, thermic effect of food, physical activity and thermoregulation.

Based on body area

The formula is suitable for people over 20 years of age. Energy expenditure (or metabolic rate) at rest is proportional to body surface area, usually expressed in kcal per square meter body surface area per hour (kcal/m2/m). Body surface area can be calculated from your height and body weight

Calorie calculation

Why is it necessary to calculate the number of calories per day?

The answer is simple - to keep, gain or lose weight, you need to know how many calories your body consumes. If you want to lose weight, you need to spend more calories than you consume. You only get calories if you eat or drink something. And you have to spend calories constantly - for the work of the body itself, for physical and mental stress.

Average number of calories per day

Generally, women need 1500-2000 calories to maintain their weight. For men, this value is greater - 2000-2500 calories.

How many calories are required to lose weight or gain mass

Via online calculator or you can calculate the calorie requirement that you need for existence, and calculate the number of calories for losing weight, gaining or maintaining weight. Calories are calculated by weight, height, age and activity. Based on the data and your desired weight, the calculator will calculate the number of calories you need to consume per day to lose, gain or maintain weight. As a rule, calculations are made by several methods that will show an approximate range. This is done to minimize the error of each individual calculation method.

Minimum calories per day for weight loss

The calculation of the number of calories is shown in the "Weight Loss" column. "Extreme Weight Loss" will show you the lowest possible calorie values ​​for reference, but it is not recommended to use them. If you reduce the amount of calorie intake below the minimum, then the body will begin to burn not only fat, but also muscle to get energy. The metabolic rate will drop and even a slight excess of calories will be stored by the body. In addition, muscles consume several times more energy than fat cells. Therefore, burning muscles does not lead to positive results.

Zigzag calories

The results of the calculation include a table for calculating calories by day, the so-called "zigzag". It is believed that the best results are obtained by slightly varying the daily caloric content, observing the average value.

How to count kilocalories

A kilocalorie is a thousand calories. One calorie is how much energy it takes to heat 1 ml of water by 1 degree. But there is also a food or dietary calorie equal to a kilocalorie. On food packages, the calorie content of products can be indicated both "kkak" and "cal", and this will denote kilocalories.

Calorie Calculation Example

Anna, office worker, two children. Does household chores when not at work. He goes in for sports three times a week. Height 163 cm, weight 65 kg, age 35 years. Wants to reduce weight to 57 kg. According to the Mifflin-San Zheor formula, the daily calorie intake will be 1833 kcal, on average 1918. To lose weight, Anna needs to reduce her daily calorie content by about 500 calories per day, that is, consume 1400 kcal.

Should You Eat the Same Number of Calories?

You can stick to the same number of calories per day, or you can move 200-500 calories to the previous or next day from the day of training. Also, if the weight suddenly stops (weight plateau), then eating calories according to the Zigzag scheme will help move it off the ground.

Can you lose weight on a diet alone?

You can lose weight, but by reducing the daily calorie intake, a person loses not only fat, but also muscles. Try to drive more active image life, do exercises, add small physical exercise

Weight loss rate

Weight gain rate

Ideal for increasing muscle mass is 1 kg per month for men and 0.5 kg per month for women. A large increase will lead to an increase not only in muscle, but also in fat.

Should you drink water?

Use clean water essential for weight loss.

A warning

All calculations are based on mathematical and statistical formulas. But only a doctor can give an accurate assessment and recommendations. Please consult your doctor before starting a diet or changing your exercise level.

It is believed that you need to consume 1200-1600 kcal per day. Allegedly, this is a full daily norm. However, there are diets in which the daily calorie intake is not higher than 800 kcal. In this case, the weight goes off very quickly. But, unfortunately, it also returns quickly. How many calories do you need to eat to start losing weight? After all, we want to leave the result for a long time.

How many calories do you need per day? In order not to lose weight, you need to spend as many calories as we get from food. Everyone has their own norm, how many calories you need per day. Therefore, it is necessary, first, to find out exactly how many calories you should consume, based on your exact data: height, weight.

Individual calculation of the daily calorie intake

An individual calculation of the daily calorie intake is carried out according to the following formula:

10 * weight in kilograms + 6.25 * height in centimeters - 5 * age - 161

Then the resulting figure must be multiplied by the coefficient of your activity.

Coefficient 1.2 - very low activity (office work, no sports).

Coefficient 1.375 - low activity (do any sport 2 times a week).

Coefficient 1.55 - moderate activity (sport 3-5 times a week).

Coefficient 1.725 - high activity (doing sports every day).

A coefficient of 1.9 is very active (training 2 times a day or hard physical labor).

So, by counting your calorie level, you can determine how many calories you need per day. When losing weight, reduce this figure by 20%. Then you will gradually lose extra pounds without harm to the body.

At the same time, you should monitor the quality of your diet. Review your menu. You should have at least 5 meals a day. And the last meal should not be later than 19.00. The worst enemy is "fast" carbohydrates. They are digested very quickly, and you want to eat again. These are sugar, honey, glucose. Therefore, for example, it is preferable to consume "slow" carbohydrates for breakfast. This is porridge. If you want to lose weight, then cook porridge with water, not milk.

At lunch, you should eat the lion's share of protein foods. Proteins are found not only in meat, but in legumes, rice. If you combine rice and beans in one meal, then you do not need to eat meat, since you will get all the necessary proteins that your body will better absorb.

Carbohydrates are also necessary for the full functioning of all systems of the human body. The main trouble with all diets is that they practically exclude carbohydrates. Because of this, a person who has gone on a diet with a minimum amount of carbohydrates may feel dizzy and weak.

Such troubles can also be experienced if you sharply reduce the number of calories. It is not by chance that we wrote that you can only reduce the calculated number of calories by 20%. This is what nutritionists advise. A sharp decrease in kilocalories in your diet will affect your health.

Avoid heavy meals for dinner. Stewed or baked vegetables are ideal. You can also make a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs. Learn to eat salads without mayonnaise. The calorie content of such salads is immediately reflected on your scales.

How many calories should you burn per day?

The answer to this question depends on what goal you are pursuing. If you want to lose weight, then you need to spend more calories than you consume. This is achieved through physical activity, various trainings. Different types Sports burn calories in different ways. For example, running up stairs burns 12.9 calories per kilogram of your weight. This is the biggest number. With other types of exercise, fewer calories are consumed. When running at a speed of 8 km / h, 6.9 calories are burned per 1 kilogram of weight. And when walking - 4.5.

How many calories do you need to burn per day to lose weight

How many calories do you need per day to lose weight faster? The less the better, many say. And even better - do not eat at all, you will lose weight even faster. But do not forget that we need calories to maintain the vital activity of the body - the work of the cardiovascular system, respiratory, excretory, etc. Even at complete rest, the body consumes calories. With this decided, now about the safe minimum.

There is an opinion that a woman needs to consume about 2000 kcal per day, and men at least 500 more. However, for women, especially those with a sedentary lifestyle, this figure is too high. So, in order to find out how many calories you need to maintain weight at one mark and for weight loss, you need to do the calculations. Measure your height and weight, prepare a calculator.

One of the most accurate formulas is as follows:

  • for the fair sex 9.99 x weight (in kg) + 6.25 x height (in cm) - 4.92 x age - 161
  • for the stronger sex the same, but only 5 is added.

With this formula, we calculate how many calories we need to live in a complete state of rest.

And in order to find out how many calories a person needs to consume per day in order to lose weight, you must first find out how much energy you need during your physical activity.

A person with low physical activity (leading a sedentary lifestyle and not involved in any, even amateur sports) needs to multiply the number obtained by the above formula by 1.2. For those who do 1-2 times a week, for example, fitness, you need to multiply by 1.375. With average activity (sports up to 5 times a week) - multiply by 1.55. With even higher activity - by 1.725, and for professional athletes by 1.9.

Let's try to give an example and calculate how much energy you need for a full life and not to gain weight, as well as how many calories you need to burn per day in order to lose weight by a noticeable number of kilograms.

Our example will be a 38-year-old woman, weight 65 kg, height 158 ​​cm. Physical activity is low. 9.99 x 65 + 6.25 x 158 - 4.92 x 38 - 161 = 1289 kcal per day - this is so that the body does not die, but in order to live a full life and not gain weight - 1289 x 1.2 = 1547 kcal. But there is an excess of weight, so the caloric content of the diet must be reduced. For weight loss, it is recommended to reduce the intake of calories by 1/5 part. This means 309 kcal. Thus, the calorie intake for weight loss for a woman from our example will be 1238 kcal. Remember that under no circumstances should you reduce calories to less than 1000-1200 kcal per day, as many strict diets prescribe. As a last resort, you can spend such a fasting day, but it is unlikely that it will clearly affect your figure. In addition, it has been proven that with a sharp decrease in calorie intake, a person not only begins to feel bad, immunity falls, but weight loss occurs much more slowly, since the body simply reduces its energy requirements, lethargy, drowsiness appear, external data worsen. It is much more effective to add physical activity to an adequate reduction in the nutritional value of your food. The main thing is that they are regular, and the intensity can be increased over time if there are no contraindications.

As a coach, I can say that calorie counting is the most effective method weight loss, which, if followed correctly, will give you a 100% result.

Today I will tell you how many calories you need per day to lose weight, which formula for calculating the daily calorie intake is the most accurate. And how to properly compose a menu so that, while adhering to a low-calorie diet, continue to eat varied and even allow yourself sweets.

How many calories are on the diet?

The number of calories you need to consume to lose weight depends on your parameters and lifestyle. This means that in order to lose weight, you need to slightly undereat calories, relative to your own daily allowance. For example: spend 1800 kcal during the day, and consume only 1500 kcal with food.

It was not by chance that I reduced the quantity by this figure. Professional nutritionists today agree that for comfortable, healthy and long-term weight loss, you need to follow a diet that cuts daily calories by 10-20%.

Let's say a person consumes 2000 kcal per day, therefore, in order to lose weight, he needs to eat 10-20% less, that is, 1600-1800 kcal.

Therefore, the procedure is as follows:

  • Calculate your daily calorie intake
  • Take away 10-20%
  • Do not exceed the received number
  • losing weight

How to calculate calories per day

One of the most popular for many years remains the Harris-Benedict formula. Since its inception, it has undergone several revisions, because progress, changes in living and working conditions of people have greatly affected energy costs. We will take the 1984 version of the Harris-Benedict formula.

For women:

447.593 + (9.247 × weight in kg) + (3.098 × height in cm) – (4.330 × age)

For men

88.362 + (13.397 × weight in kg) + (4.799 × height in cm) – (5.677 × age)

With this formula, you will get your basal metabolism, that is, the number of kilocalories your body needs for a day spent on the couch at rest. To this number you need to add the energy that you spend on household chores, work and training. This is done using the activity coefficient:

low, sedentary lifestyle (1.2)
average activity, 1-3 workouts (1.375)
high, 3-4 workouts per week (1.55)
very high, hard work or 5-7 workouts (1.7)
level of professional athletes and miners (1.9)

basal metabolic rate × activity factor = your daily calorie requirement

The norm is the number of calories that you can consume in order not to gain weight.

You need to subtract 10-20% from the norm and find out how many calories you need to eat on a diet in order to lose weight.

How many calories should a woman eat to lose weight?

Let's say we have a woman named Ekaterina, weight 71 kg, height 170 cm, age 45 years old - an office worker without training, therefore, we will take a coefficient of 1.2 - low activity.

447.593 + (9.247 × 71 kg) + (3.098 × 170 cm) - (4.330 × 45) = basal metabolism, multiply it by activity 1.2 and subtract 20% = 1380 kcal

The 1380 kcal received is the number of calories this woman needs to stay within in order to lose weight.
If, while following a diet of 1380 kcal, the weight does not decrease, then perhaps the number was chosen incorrectly, but this is rather an exception.

Most often, the lack of progress is due to the fact that those who are losing weight bias their activity coefficient, or violate the diet, do not know how to count calories correctly, or write down not everything that was eaten (cottage cheese is considered, but gingerbread is not considered).

An example of a low-calorie menu

Let's go back to our woman. For weight loss, she needs 1380 kcal. The menu for the day might look like this.


⦁ Oatmeal 50g - 185 kcal
⦁ Coffee with milk, 1 tsp sugar - 40 kcal

⦁ Black tea without sugar - 2 kcal
⦁ Cottage cheese (5%) 100 gr - 120 kcal

⦁ Vegetable salad with butter - 130 kcal

⦁ Buckwheat with chicken breast- 300 kcal
⦁ Tea with sugar 30 kcal
⦁ Cheesecake 1 slice - 260 kcal

⦁ Apple average 1 piece - 70 kcal

⦁ Vegetable salad without oil - 50 kcal
⦁ Rye bread 2 pcs. - 37 kcal
⦁ Tea without sugar - 2 kcal

Daily calorie intake for a woman with a child

Let's try to calculate how many kcal a woman needs to consume by name, for example, Nadia. She is a young mother, does not work, dances 3-4 times a week, and at home she is busy with household chores, cooking, cleaning, etc. That is, household activities that consume a lot of calories. Nadia often walks with her child, makes purchases and generally does not sit still. Weight - 60 kg, height - 168, age - 29 years. Activity factor 1.55 - high

Calculate the calorie deficit for the Nadia woman using a formula or calculator: 1733 kcal

Please note that Nadia is 10 kg less than Katya, but at the same time there are more calories for weight loss. Why? Because the woman Nadia goes to dances, walks, takes care of the house and spends more energy. That is, the more a person moves, and the more actively he leads his life, the more kilocalories he needs to eat per day, even on a diet.

The calorie deficit menu for a woman with a child is as follows:


⦁ Fried eggs with vegetables in oil - 200 kcal
⦁ Rye bread 1 piece - 55 kcal
⦁ Banana - 101 kcal
⦁ Half a snickers (regular) - 124 kcal
⦁ A mug of coffee without creamer and sugar - 8 kcal

⦁ Apple average 1 piece - 70 kcal

⦁ Finnish ear - 300 kcal
⦁ Caesar salad 75g - 182 kcal
⦁ Half a snickers (regular) - 124 kcal
⦁ Green tea - 0 kcal

⦁ Yogurt - 134 kcal

⦁ Salad with squid - 250 kcal
⦁ Chocolate wafers 35g - 184 kcal
⦁ Green tea - 0 kcal

As you can see, it is quite a busy day in terms of food, there are even sweets. The main part of the calories comes from lunch, but this is not necessary - the distribution of calories and the choice of products can be anything. However, eating 234 kcal sneakers per 1 pc, you will not be able to get rid of the feeling of hunger and will simply break loose.

And with a competent diet, you will always be full, even on a scarce 1733 kcal. That is why for weight loss it is advised to choose low-calorie foods - salads, curds, soups, fish. So that, with a small calorie intake, you have a feeling of satiety. Diet food is simply a way to make your diet comfortable and keep you healthy while in a calorie deficit.

  • Calorie formulas and the number of calories per day are rather inaccurate values, because it is impossible to thoroughly calculate all your costs.

    Stress, mental activity, there was nowhere to park the car, I had to walk long and far, and so on. The resulting number of kcal is just an approximate guideline. However, this is the first and very important step towards losing weight. You should start with this number, and then observe how your body behaves.

  • Many people believe that the greater the calorie deficit, the faster the weight loss - this is not entirely true. You will indeed lose weight faster, but it will be muscle tissue, not fat mass.

    Losing weight with muscles - you will lose proportions, and everything will sag. The rate of fat loss is fixed, so the deficit should be minimal.

Opinion of a nutritionist

“In fact, in order to lose weight, you do not need to reduce your daily calorie intake to less than 1300-1500 kcal per day,” says Anastasia Pavlovna Pirogova, weight correction specialist at the MEDI on Nevsky family medicine clinic,

1500 calories a day is not enough for the excess weight to start to go away; considering, of course, that you work, do intellectual work and go to the gym.

Three full meals fit into this figure, and you can even afford sweets - ice cream or a piece of chocolate. “However, - adds Anastasia Pavlovna, I advise you to eat desserts only in the morning, so that during the day the body has time to process and use up sweets.


For breakfast, it is better to cook yourself porridge or another cereal dish. Cereals consist of slow carbohydrates, which will gradually supply us with energy over several hours, so that we can work quietly for 2-4 hours without feeling hungry. I recommend cooking for breakfast oatmeal, buckwheat or a mixture of four cereals. You can add fruits, dried fruits, berries to it.

It is better to cook porridge with water, not with milk, as we were taught by caring housewives. When cooked, milk protein breaks down, and no longer brings any benefit, moreover, the combination of cereals and milk is not always well digested in the stomach. To make the porridge tastier, add 10-11% cream or low-fat yogurt to it before serving.


One meal a day should be full, satisfying, so that there is something to chew, and it will be lunch or dinner - it depends on the person's lifestyle. For lunch, you can eat soup and the second - meat, fish with a side dish, for example, from vegetables.

It is important to get both protein and carbohydrates at lunch. Proteins give a feeling of fullness: the feeling that you really ate. Carbohydrates are essential for normal life. If you consume less than 70 grams of carbohydrates per day, as advised in protein diets, this can result in fainting, increased fatigue, nervous breakdowns, etc.

Carbohydrates are necessary for the body, the only thing is to change their quality.

Good carbohydrates for you are those with a glycemic index of less than 50 - most of the grains, vegetables. Look at the glycemic index table. Fats are minimally necessary, at least 30g. per day.

Fats make any dish tastier. And enjoying food is very important. People who enjoy all the flavors of a dish, chew their food for a long, slow time rather than swallowing chunks, and end up eating less and getting fewer calories.

After six...

Many nutritionists advise. “I completely agree with them,” continues Anastasia Pavlovna, “according to biorhythms, according to the way a person’s hormonal background is arranged, it is desirable that the last meal be at 18:00 no later than 19:00. Then the food will be digested and well assimilated.

After 6 pm, i.e. from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., the body’s ability to “disassemble” food decreases, and after nine in the evening the body is already preparing for bed and cannot properly digest food and use up the incoming fats. And unused fats go to the depot - they are deposited in the subcutaneous fat. Therefore, I advise you to have dinner no later than seven in the evening. But if, due to circumstances, a person is forced to go to bed late, then the last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime.


For dinner, you can eat a carbohydrate dish (with a glycemic index below 50), such as a vegetable salad. It is possible with chicken breast, it is possible with seafood - any, but not very fatty. The main thing is that you enjoy eating, chew for a long time and feel all the shades of taste. And there is no need to deprive yourself of pleasure and starve.

The daily calorie intake is the total number of kilocalories that you can consume during the day so as not to gain weight. Weight loss according to this scheme at the time of the diet will be gradual and correct. With this approach, you can consume different foods without limiting yourself to your favorite dishes. Of course, each candy or sandwich with white bread will need to be calculated in your menu.

Calorie calculation for weight loss during the diet period, you can use formulas manually, or you can use our online calorie calculator. To calculate, just enter your age, weight and height. Your attention will be presented to the formulas of famous nutritionists, so you should not doubt their accuracy. This article will help you choose the right path to lose weight, based on the exact calculation of calories for each day. You will also learn the basic rules for compiling your menu. A balanced diet and accurate calorie counting are the two main levers that affect the gradual weight loss.

online calorie calculator

weight loss calculator

KBJU Calculator

Your age 0-3 months 4-6 months 7-12 months 1-3 years old 4-6 years old 6 years old (schoolchild) 7-10 years old 11-13 years old 14-17 years old 18-29 years old 30-39 years old 40-59 years old 60-74 years old over 75 years old

Pregnant: yes lactating (1-6 months) lactating (7-12 months) pregnant: no

Your weight in kg.

Your physical activity little physical activity light physical activity moderate physical activity high physical activity very high physical activity

Calorie burn calculator

Why you need to count calories

Milk products

Kefir low fat 3 0,1 3,8 30
Kefir fat 2,8 3,2 4,1 59
Milk 2,8 3,2 4,7 58
Ryazhenka 3 6 4,1 85
Sour cream 10% 3 10 2,9 116
Sour cream 20% 2,8 20 3,2 206
Curds and special curd mass 7,1 23 27,5 340
Processed cheese 24 13,5 0 226
Low-fat cottage cheese 18 0,6 1,5 86
Mayonnaise 3,1 67 2,6 627
Vegetable oil 0 99,9 0 899
Butter 0,6 82,5 0,9 748

Bread and cereals

Vegetables and fruits

Zucchini 0,6 0,3 5,7 27
White cabbage 1,8 5,4 28
Cauliflower 2,5 4,9 29
Potato 2 0,1 19,7 83
red carrot 1,3 0,1 7 33
cucumbers 0,8 3 15
Radish 1,2 4,1 20
Salad 1,5 2,2 14
Beet 1,7 10,8 48
tomatoes 0,6 4,2 19
Spinach 2,9 2,3 21
Bananas 1,5 22,4 91
Cherry 0,8 11,3 49
Pomegranate 0,9 11,8 52
Pear 0,4 10,7 42
Apples 0,4 11,3 46
Orange 0,9 8,4 38
Grapefruit 0,9 7,3 35
Lemon 0,9 3,6 31
Grape 0,4 17,5 69
Raspberries 0,8 9 41

Dried fruits and beans


Mutton 16,3 15,3 0 203
Beef 18,9 12,4 0 187
Rabbit 20,7 12,9 0 199
Lean pork 16,4 27,8 0 316
Pork fat 11,4 49,3 0 489
Veal 19,7 1,2 0 90
Beef Heart 15 3 0 87
beef tongue 13,6 12,1 0 163
Pork liver 18,8 3,6 0 108
Pig's heart 15,1 3,2 0 89
Pork tongue 14,2 16,8 0 208
Turkey 21,6 12 0,8 197
chickens 20,8 8,8 0,6 165
ducks 16,5 61,2 0 346



Chicken egg 12,7 11,5 0,7 157

Fish and seafood


It is necessary to use a calorie counter not only during the diet period, but also during normal nutrition. The main thing is to strictly monitor the minimum and maximum threshold of daily coloration. Accurate calculations in the process of losing weight are the key to proper and balanced nutrition.