What beans make milk. Soy products. What can be found in stores

We tend to associate milk and dairy products with animals, mostly cows. but most of The inhabitants of our planet daily absorbs dairy products made from various seeds of plants. In India, Korea, China and in various hot countries, milk is obtained from plants - oilseeds, palm and coconut juices, but still mainly from soybeans.

Milk is presented as an emulsion of proteins and fats, which contains salt and sugar. It can easily be prepared from any seed that contains fat and protein with the appropriate addition. required amount salt and sugar. Naturally, the most suitable raw materials for obtaining such milk will be those seeds that are rich in proteins and fats. In medicine, almond milk is widely known and has long been used. Legume seeds contain the largest number protein, among these seeds soybean seeds are noted. In China, where most of the land is devoted to soybeans, almost all dairy products are made from these seeds. And among other things, a huge number of a wide variety of dishes can be prepared from soybeans.

In the vastness of our country, soybean culture is distributed primarily as an oilseed or fodder plant, as well as for the manufacture of various dairy products ( butter, cream, sour cream, curdled milk, cottage cheese).

Soy milk can also be prepared at home. To do this, soybean seeds are passed through a meat grinder, after mixing with warm water (water is added tenfold in relation to the weight of the seeds). The resulting mixture is heated at low heat for half an hour. The milk is then pressed through a sieve (made of cheesecloth or similar), then seasoned with salt (one gram per liter) and sugar (ten grams per liter). At the same time, a slight aftertaste of legumes is removed by boiling milk. The milk obtained in this way is not much different from cow's milk.

Similar products can be obtained from such milk as from cow's milk. It can be defended and get cream, sour cream. Soy milk can turn sour, so you can get varenets and yogurt, as well as cottage cheese. A wide variety of cheeses are prepared from the resulting cottage cheese, mainly common in China.

Of course, such milk cannot fully replace cow's milk, however, if we take into account the yield of soybeans (up to 40 centners per hectare), as well as the cheapness and ease of preparation of soy milk, then it becomes clear what a competitor soy can be for dairy farming.

Of course, plant-based dairy products can be made from more than just soy. Various seeds that contain oil can be raw materials for vegetable milk, and differ in protein content. Thus, vegetable milk is extracted from various nuts, sunflower, poppy, peanut, sesame.

With regard to soy, it is worth noting that it enters our daily diet in various ways: it is used to produce dietary flour containing a large amount of protein; from confectionery, as oil is extracted from soybeans. In some cases, roasted soy is mixed into coffee. It is enough that in such a mixture there is only five percent of real coffee and it becomes difficult to distinguish it from natural coffee. Cottage cheese from soy milk is widely used for the preparation of plastics and casein.

In a supermarket, it can be difficult to choose even such a seemingly simple product as milk. Pasteurized, ultra-pasteurized, farm - it seems that in order to understand all its varieties, you need special training. For a joint project with the National Union of Milk Producers, The Village asked technologist Sergey Perminov to tell everything about the modern production of this product. It turned out a small guide that helps to understand what is hidden under a particular name.

Manufacturing process
PRODUCTION STARTS WITH THE SELECTION OF MILK FROM FARMS WITH WHICH PROCESSORS COOPERATE. In the laboratory, when milk is received at the factory, the percentage of protein and fat is determined, as well as its acidity and the presence of other elements: for example, residues detergents or antibiotics. So the manufacturer determines how the product meets safety requirements and meets production standards.

IN THE PROCESS OF DOWNLOADING MILK FROM THE TANK, IT PASSES THROUGH A VACUUM DEAERATOR - a device that removes dissolved gases from raw materials. The fact is that when decanting, air enters the liquid from environment, namely, from the barn, where the smells are not the most pleasant. To ensure that the production process is not disrupted and the milk does not smell unpleasant, gases are removed from it.

FURTHER IT GOES TO THE SEPARATOR-CLEANER, which separates the mechanical elements of pollution. In modern production, bactofuge is used. This unit, in addition to mechanical impurities, also removes spore microorganisms and part of the bacteria. Thus, milk passes double cleaning at a stage of acceptance.

AFTER THIS, THE PRODUCT GOES TO THE SEPARATOR, WHICH SEPARATES IT INTO CREAM AND SKIM MILK. This is done so that in the future, when mixing milk and cream in various proportions, get the so-called normalized milk. Similar markings are often found on labels. The whole trick is that skimmed milk is evenly mixed with cream until a certain fat content is reached.

NORMALIZED MILK IS SUBJECTED TO THERMAL TREATMENT IN THE HEAT EXCHANGER. At the same time, there is a mode of pasteurization and sterilization (ultra-pasteurization). Pasteurized milk is obtained by keeping it in a heat exchanger at a temperature of 70°C to 100°C from several minutes to half an hour - this is how all microflora is removed.
In UHT mode, milk is heated to a temperature of 137-139°C for only 4 seconds and instantly cooled to room temperature. This is the most gentle processing method, allowing to preserve the characteristics, composition and nutritional properties. Milk in a closed bag is stored for up to six months or more, even at room temperature. As soon as the bag is opened, air (and with it bacteria) gets into it - now it can only be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

NEXT IS THE PROCESS OF HOMOGENIZATION, that is, grinding the fat globules of milk in order to make them as uniform as possible. This does not affect the nutritional value in any way, but during storage no sediment or fat clots form.

THEN THE MILK IS FILLED INTO BOTTLES OR CARTON BAGS. In the latter, it is stored longer due to the multilayer structure of the package, including aluminum foil, which prevents air and sunlight from entering. At the same time, pasteurized milk must be stored in a refrigerator at a low temperature, while UHT can be stored at room temperature.

As for fat-free, we should not forget that in it, despite the attractive from the point of view healthy eating properties, there are no fat-soluble vitamins of group D, which promote the absorption of calcium.

Farm milk is usually a marketing ploy of manufacturers. The fact is that there are no criteria and standards for its production, so any manufacturer can call the product a farm product. At the same time, in the vast majority of cases, all the milk that we see on the shelves of stores labeled "farm" goes through all the same stages of preparation and purification as mass, which in turn is almost impossible in farm conditions. If we are talking about milk that comes to the consumer directly from the farm, it is important to understand that its shelf life will be short. In addition, it may contain unwanted bacteria that are harmful to health. By law, milk that has not undergone heat treatment is prohibited for sale. At the same time, from the point of view of the component composition and benefits for the body, it will not differ in any way from mass-produced products.

The difference between baked milk and classic normalized milk is that before being poured into bags or bottles, it is kept for 3-5 hours at a temperature of 95°C. The product is slightly beige with a characteristic taste. In such milk, the composition of amino acids slightly changes. At the same time, the process of languishing makes it more easily digestible. However, it cannot be said that such milk is digested drastically easier than usual.

Milk, which can be found on the shelves with baby food, undergoes a stricter selection at the initial stage of production. High demands are placed on it, primarily in terms of safety. In Russia, milk recommended for baby food can only be ultra-pasteurized, packed in aseptic cardboard packaging. This product is considered 100% safe, while it contains all the nutrients necessary for a child's daily diet. The requirements for the content of vitamins and minerals, in particular calcium, are regulated by law.

Immediately make a reservation, one should distinguish between low-lactose and lactose-free. Differences are not only in the production process, but also in the specifics of legislation.
Lactose-free products are made primarily for people with lactase deficiency, a condition caused by low levels of lactase, an enzyme needed to properly digest lactose.
For those who simply experience discomfort from milk, it is enough to replace it with a low-lactose one. In terms of production, such milk is processed by certain enzymes that break down lactose into two simple elements: glucose and galactose. The product becomes slightly sweeter and is better absorbed by the body - the body does not need to break down lactose.
It is a little more difficult to produce lactose-free products: thanks to deeper technological processing, not only lactose is removed from milk, but also its breakdown products - glucose and galactose.
Removing lactose is a rather expensive process, so the cost of such a product is significantly higher than usual.

It is made from the so-called soy isolate, that is, protein isolated from soy, which is purified from all possible impurities. Such raw materials are still used in the production of soy meat. In addition, soy milk can be produced directly from soybeans using a special machine. Such milk is much worse absorbed by the body compared to the classic one. In addition, soy protein contains virtually no minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and calcium, and the digestibility index of soy protein is lower than that of regular milk.

To buy quality milk, pay attention to the label "Highest Milk Standard". The round badge with the image of a cow on cardboard packaging is a sign of quality, which is used to mark their products by leading manufacturers.
This symbol hides a whole high-tech production process. Specialists carefully analyze the composition of the product and select only high-quality raw materials. Heat treatment kills all harmful bacteria and preserves beneficial features. Milk is packed in special cardboard bags that protect it from direct sunlight and air, and also comply with all environmental standards. Such a product can be bought at any store, these are most of the well-known brands of ultra-pasteurized milk.

Soy milk - vegetable milk, made from soybeans. The birthplace of soy milk is considered East Asia. Just like other types of vegetable milk (rice, oatmeal, almond), it is used in cooking identically to cow's. Tofu, soy yogurt, and other drinks (such as milkshakes) are made from soy milk.

For the production of soy milk, soybeans are puréed before soaking for several hours. The resulting mass is boiled, filtered and cooled.

It can be produced at home, including with the help of special kitchen appliances for the production of vegetable milk.

IN industrial production soy milk soaked soybeans are pureed in the water in which they were soaked, then the mass is squeezed out, and the liquid is heated for a short time to a temperature of 135-150°C.

Soy milk is excellent full fat milk made from soybeans. With a unique nutty taste and rich in nutrients, soy milk can be used in the production of various food products.

Soy milk is fortified with minerals and is an excellent source of high quality proteins, vitamins B and D, iron, calcium and magnesium.

Soy milk is lactose free. Soy milk is an excellent substitute for cow's milk for those people who suffer from allergies, which is why it is recommended as an alternative product in the diet of children and adults.

Soy milk powder is saturated with biologically important elements, does not contain toxic and anti-nutritional substances. This product contains all essential amino acids and has good organoleptic characteristics. Soy milk powder is easily absorbed by the body and has high dietary properties. It is recommended to include it in the diet for gastritis and stomach ulcers, peritoneal irritation, gastric hypersecretion, acute and chronic infectious diseases, diabetes, etc.

How to make soy milk at home?

Where to get soy milk? It's easier to buy. But you can also make it at home. To do this, you need to take dry soybeans, better food, they have more protein and less fat. Soak for 12 hours, grind, the finer the better. The product obtained in this way is called soybean paste, and has independent use. Pour soy paste with water and cook for at least 30 minutes. Separate the liquid from the insoluble precipitate using gauze (or a press, if available). The liquid component is soy milk, the insoluble residue is called okara, and is also eaten. Waste-free production! As we can see, the process of obtaining soy milk is quite laborious (due to milk) and since ancient times in Asian countries there have been small shops specializing in its production.

If you want to get soy milk in properties close to cow's (2.2-2.7% protein and 1.5-2.0% fat), then you need to take 1 kg of soy and 8 liters of water, part of which will go to the lock (the weight of the beans will increase by 2-2.5 times), the rest is for cooking. As a result, you will get approximately 7 liters of milk. It is stored and used by analogy with a cow. The color of such milk is slightly creamy, the taste is with a slight nutty flavor (in English-speaking countries, this flavor is called oatmeal). Does not contain cholesterol or lactose.

Bean curd is made from soybeans. To prepare soybean curd, soybeans are soaked, then rubbed and the resulting slurry is squeezed through a cloth. The squeezed soy milk is boiled and, adding vinegar to it, let it curdle. received curd mass squeezed, pressed and cut into pieces.

DRAFT SOYA MILK is a rich, pleasant-tasting, sweetish drink, similar to ordinary milk or cream, white-cream in color with a slight pleasant smell. A drink is obtained from soaked, crushed and steamed soybeans. It can be obtained by adding water to whole full fat soy flour.. By nutritional value practically corresponds to cow's milk of 1.5-2% fat content, however, it is characteristic that it does not contain lactose, therefore it can be used in feeding children with lactose intolerance. An ideal substitute for cow's milk, especially in the nutrition of young children, as well as in case of diathesis, food allergies to dairy products of animal origin. Soy milk is well absorbed by the body, has high dietary properties. It is recommended for gastric ulcer, gastric hypersecretion. Unfortified soy milk is high in protein, B vitamins, and minerals, but contains less calcium and B vitamins than cow's milk. Soy milk is a good source of isoflavones.

Soy milk contains valuable soy protein (about 35%), which contains all eight essential amino acids, as well as minerals. Many varieties are additionally fortified with calcium and vitamin B12, which are also found in cow's milk.

Soya(translated from Chinese - "big bean") has been known to the population of our large planet for more than 6000 years. She can argue even with ancient rice.

Today, soy is experiencing a rebirth: there is a real soy boom in the world - whether we like it or not!

Once in medieval Japan, the Europeans were surprised - from what do the locals, who do not know either milk or butter, make their unusually delicious dairy products? It turns out that from ordinary beans - large (up to 6 cm long), hard enough and containing 3 seeds under their skins at once).

Benefits of soy

■ In terms of protein composition and a set of amino acids, soy is a vegetable analogue of animal food. It contains 20 essential amino acids, vitamins A, B, P, K, E, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, boron.

■ Due to its high content of highly absorbable calcium and boron, soy strengthens bones.

■ It does not contain cholesterol and lactose - so soy products are indispensable in the diets of people suffering from allergies to animal proteins, milk, obesity and diabetes. In addition, soy is able to remove cholesterol from the body.

■ Soy is an ideal product for a vegetarian. Soy is not able to completely replace meat, but it is easy to rid the body of protein starvation.

■ Low calorie soy is easily absorbed by the body and is included in many diets.

■ Soybean oil contains components similar to fish oils, as well as lecithin and choline. These substances are involved in the restoration of brain cells and nervous tissue.

■ Soy products reduce the risk of heart disease - a fact confirmed by clinical studies.

Soy - good or bad?

Perhaps there are few products that have so many supporters and opponents. The debate about the benefits and harms of soy does not cease to this day.

The presence of unique proteins, almost identical to animal proteins, the absence of cholesterol and lactose - all these voices are "for" the use of soy in the diet of not only adults, but also children. And hypoallergenic soybean oil instead of the usual vegetable and olive oil will be even more useful for children.

At the same time, it is impossible to make up your daily diet only from soy products.

These products are useful precisely as a supplement or alternative to traditional ones.

Many manufacturers believe that soy enhances the nutritional value of the product. So, "vegetable protein" is part of very many sausage products, dumplings, dairy products. But in fact, it is better to consume soy not in sausage, but in its natural form: cheese, milk, sprouts.

soy products

Soy has a very wide range of flavors. What is not produced from it - from "cocoa powder" to spicy-salty and spicy products, such as, for example, soy sauce.

Soy milk

Soy milk- a sweetish drink, in appearance it resembles cow's milk, but more transparent. It is also found in the form of a cream-colored powder, with a pleasant nutty smell. Powdered soy milk is characterized by high dietary properties.

It is obtained at a facility called "soy cow" by crushing, boiling and pressing soybeans. Soy milk contains a lot of protein, B vitamins and minerals, is perfectly digestible and is recommended for ulcers and gastritis.

Cream, kefir, yogurt, sour cream and soy cheese are also produced from soy milk. I like the taste of this milk more than usual. In terms of nutritional value, it practically corresponds to cow's milk 1.5-2% fat.

Soybean oil

Russian-made oil- dark amber, with a specific nutty flavor and aroma. Imported - refined, tasteless and odorless. Soybean oil is made from pressed soybean seeds. Soybean oil is good for cooking, but you can also use it for dressing salads.

It contains a lot of fatty acids in particular, linoleic, which is not synthesized in the body and comes exclusively with food. These acids help to solve problems with the kidneys, nervous system, metabolism, weakened immunity. It also contains vitamins and microelements: E, C, Ca, Na, Mg, K, R salts.

Soy meat

Soy meat in shape and texture it resembles minced meat, goulash, schnitzel or chops. They do it like this: defatted soy flour is pressed until the fibers change structure. The meat is sold dry, so before cooking it must be boiled in well-salted water and rinsed.

By itself Soy meat does not have a pronounced taste, but in combination with other products, it is transformed. Fry it with tomatoes - you get the taste of real beef, with carrots - the taste of mushrooms. Soy meat is digested much easier than usual and does not lead to fullness.

soy cheese tofu

soy cheese tofu made like regular cheese - isolating protein and pressing - from milk, only from soy. It really resembles cheese, only odorless, fresh, white. Tofu cheese is low in fat and carbohydrates, so it is quickly digested.

With him you get delicious sandwiches, tofu cheese is added to salads, snacks, main dishes, used in cooking - in general, like regular cream cheese.

Soy sauce

Soy sauce It is an excellent seasoning for a variety of unleavened dishes.

The method of preparing soy sauce is very interesting: spores of special microorganisms mixed with salt water are added to a mixture of fried soybeans and wheat, which are infused for a whole year, and sometimes two.

Chinese soy sauce dark and very salty japanese soy sauce- lighter and sweeter. And in both there are many microelements - magnesium, copper, iron, phosphorus, manganese. However, people with high pressure It is better not to consume such a sauce.

soy mayonnaise

Mayonnaise based on vegetable protein soy has dietary properties. This mayonnaise contains soy milk powder and no egg powder: it is these factors that make this product much tastier and healthier.

soy okara

soy okara- this gruel from soybeans, which remains after cooking tofu and looks like millet porridge. But in fact - it is a protein concentrate and dietary fiber diet.

Okara is useful for lowering blood pressure, recommended for diseases of the stomach and liver. It can be added to regular cutlets, pancakes and pancakes.

soy sprouts: germinated soy

Soybeans themselves do not contain vitamin C, but their sprouts do. These sprouts can be cooked as a side dish, added to salads and soups. First, they must be doused with boiling water.

Sold in grocery hypermarkets.

soy nuts

Natural soybeans fried in vegetable oil. Contains proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.

soy flour

Soy flour is used confectionery and baking industry for the production of sweets, cookies, gingerbread, biscuits, wafers, creams. And also for the production of mayonnaise, sauces and seasonings.

Soy - contraindications

And for some people, soy products from soy may be contraindicated. So, the proteins contained in soy can cause allergic reactions, especially in children under 2-3 years old. In addition, the active substances that it is so rich in can cause hormonal changes, adversely affect the endocrine system, and the function of the thyroid gland.

Soy products should not be consumed by pregnant women. These beans contain the hormones isoflavones (their other name is phytoestrogens), an excess of which in female body unwanted.

Harm of soy

It is important that soybeans are natural and not modified.. Soybeans can be transgenic, that is, genetically modified (in this case, by law, the labeling of the product must contain this information).

Low quality soybeans grown in environmentally disadvantaged areas, can harm the body. The fact is that soybeans have a very developed property to absorb all kinds of nutrients from the soil. harmful substances: lead, mercury and other elements of the periodic table, unnecessary for the human body.

Russian soybean producers

The leader in soybean production is the company "Soy Products" known for producing environmentally friendly products.

IN Krasnodar Territory 15 soybean production and processing enterprises are successfully operating, united in a single association "Assoya". Powdered milk, flour, dairy products, which are produced at the enterprises of this plant, are developed from environmentally friendly soybeans using new technologies and modern equipment.

Among the leading companies in this industry, one can name the Moscow group of companies "Technomol", company "Inter-Soya", which produces products under the trademark "Soyka", the company "Protein" ( trademark "Bob and Soy"), as well as the St. Petersburg company "Lotta".

Soy - recipes

There are many recipes that use soy as an ingredient. We will present you the most useful ones.

Salad of beans and soy sprouts


200 g soybean sprouts, 100 g soybeans, 2 onions, 3 boiled eggs, 1 can of squid, pepper, salt to taste, olive oil, vinegar.


Soak soybeans overnight cold water, then boil in salt water, drain in a colander, cool. Soak the soybean sprouts briefly, drain the water, and sprinkle the sprouts with salt. Chop the rest of the ingredients and season with oil and vinegar.

Bean soup with tofu

Take 450 g tofu, 2 table spoons vegetable oil, 1 green pepper, 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 1.5 table, spoons of red pepper (ground), 1 tsp. a spoonful of cumin, 1 tsp. a spoonful of salt, 3 jars canned beans, 3 glasses of water.

Tofu chop the pepper and onion into small cubes, chop the garlic.

Lightly sauté the vegetables in a large soup pot. When they become soft, add tofu.

Continuing to fry, pepper, salt and add cumin. When the vegetables are ready, put the beans in a saucepan and cover with water. Boil the soup for no more than 5 minutes.

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Healthy low-fat, low-calorie milk? Yes, there is such a thing - vegetable. We will tell you about its types, properties, help you choose the right one and give recipes for cooking at home.

What is plant milk

This is the name of a drink made from herbal ingredients in appearance and taste reminiscent of our usual milk.

Since, according to the regulations, only a product of animal origin can be called “milk”, although it sounds like almond milk in the recipe, it will be written on the price tag in the store - almond drink. By the way, there is also World Plant-Based Milk Day - August 22.

Who prefers plant-based milk and why?

Plant-based milk comes to the rescue when the usual one is not suitable for one reason or another. For example, people who:

  • Do not consume products of animal origin: permanently - vegans, raw foodists, or temporarily - during fasting.
  • Forced to give up regular milk for health reasons, doctor's recommendations.
  • Dissatisfied with the ethics of ordinary milk production - the conditions of the cows, the additives and antibiotics they receive. All this is reflected in the quality and nutritional value of milk.

In addition, vegetable milk diversifies the life of gourmets, lovers of experimenting with new ingredients and new tastes. And for chefs - it helps to convey the local flavor. Coconut milk is characteristic of Thai cuisine, while poppy milk is a common ingredient in Russian cuisine.

What plant milk is not made of!

That's where the scope for creativity! Different types cereals, seeds and nuts. Take note - the sources are simple and accessible:

From nuts: almond, cedar, coconut, cashew, pistachio, macadamia, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pecans, chestnuts and hazelnuts.

From grains and legumes: rice (from white, brown and wild), soy, oatmeal, buckwheat, pea, spelled, barley, millet, quinoa, peanuts, teff, amaranth, etc.

From seeds: poppy, sesame, hemp, chia seeds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

Benefits and contraindications of vegetable milk

Common to all species

Plant milk of each type has its own flavor, referring us to the original product. To balance the taste, spices are added - cinnamon, vanilla, a little sea salt, sweeteners.

We recommend consuming vegetable milk within reasonable limits and alternating its types. Thanks to the rotation, the menu will be varied in terms of vitamins, macro- and microelements. It's easier and more enjoyable than calculating the benefits of each type of milk.

Plant milk, unlike animal milk, does not contain:

Lactose (milk sugar) Some people lack the enzyme needed to break it down, which causes dairy intolerance.

Casein (beta casein A1)- it is present in the milk of most breeds of cows. It is A1 beta-casein that scientists and doctors are increasingly calling the true cause of milk intolerance. A1 beta-casein has been shown to be broken down in the gastrointestinal tract to release the peptide beta-casomorphin-7 (BCM7), which has opioid properties and can cause inflammation in the body.

Cholesterol- people with impaired metabolism of the use of dairy products is not recommended.

Undesirable consequences from the use of plant-based milk are most often associated with allergic reactions on the substrate from which it is made - oats, nuts, soybeans, legumes and additives used by manufacturers: flavors, emulsifiers, vegetable oil.

About different types

Soy milk

Soy milk contains potassium and magnesium, calcium, proteins and fatty acids. It helps to lower cholesterol levels, improve blood circulation and heal wounds.

A distinctive feature of soy milk is the presence of isoflavone in it - a natural substance that belongs to the group of phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are similar in structure to human estrogen, but are less active.

The presence of isoflavone, on the one hand, helps women cope with premenstrual syndrome, on the other hand, makes soy milk an undesirable product for pregnant and lactating women.

However, when properly produced, the amount of isoflavone in soy milk is so low that you need to drink tens of liters daily for any changes to occur.

oat milk

Oat milk is rich in B vitamins, contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, and antioxidants.

Thanks to its high fiber content oat milk strengthens digestive system and gives a feeling of satiety. And the beta-glucan included in it helps to reduce the level of cholesterol and bile acids in the intestines.

Oat milk normalizes metabolism and has a low calorie content, so it is ideal for those who want to lose weight or not gain extra pounds.

In oat milk big share chances are it contains gluten. In case of its absence, there is a special mark on the package. And oat milk is not suitable for diabetics.

rice milk

Rice milk contains fiber, vitamins B3, B6, iron, copper and magnesium. Such milk will be useful for insomnia, stress, chronic fatigue, to improve the condition of the skin and the functioning of the digestive system.

Some manufacturers additionally saturate the finished product with vitamins A, D, B12 and calcium.

Rice does not contain gluten, so rice milk is suitable for people with intolerance to this protein. The calorie content of rice milk is approximately 52 kcal per 100 g.

IN Lately write about the content of arsenic in rice. Accurate data on varieties, places of growth, and so on are not given, but scientists do not recommend the use of rice milk for feeding babies and children. For adults, drinking rice milk is safe.

Coconut milk

Coconut milk has a low calorie content and can be quickly absorbed by the body. It's just a treasure useful substances.

It contains 24 amino acids, Omega-3, 6, 9 polyunsaturated acids, B, A, C, PP, K, E vitamins, mono- and disaccharides, copper, sodium, selenium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc , manganese, essential oils, fatty acids (palmitic, lauric, capric, stearic).

Due to this rich composition, the use of coconut milk has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems, stabilizes hemoglobin levels, glucose and cholesterol levels in the blood, improves brain function and accelerates muscle mass gain.

Almond milk

IN almond milk contains calcium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, copper, potassium, magnesium. Vitamins A, E, C, B1-B9. For example, 200 ml of almond milk will provide the daily requirement of vitamin E. Therefore, such milk is useful for nervous system, muscles, skin.

In addition, almond milk contains a sufficient amount of omega-3, omega-6, omega-9 fatty acids, which help in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Calorie content - approximately 51 kcal per 100 gr.

How is plant based milk obtained?

Consider the production using the example of almond and soy milk:

Almond milk

  1. Whole nuts are soaked and washed.
  2. Then they are crushed in a cold way to a homogeneous mass. It is important to avoid heating during grinding to prevent the destruction of nutrients and oxidation of fats.
  3. After that, filtration in machines begins, like a "French press" through a fine mesh, which separates the particles of nuts, while preserving the fibers / fiber. Thus, almond milk is thick and rich. The main task, the solution of which took technologists years, is to preserve proteins, fats and nutrients in almond milk after filtration.
  4. And finally, the final stage is aseptic bottling, which allows maintaining freshness and quality throughout the entire shelf life.

Soy milk

  1. Soy milk is obtained by extracting all the goodness contained in soybeans into water. Soaked soybeans are crushed with water in special mills and filtered.
  2. The remaining cake, which is called okara, resembles a thick porridge. It is nutritious and healthy, but requires additional cooking.
  3. The filtered liquid is boiled and packaged, sometimes heat treatment occurs after packaging.
  4. High temperature neutralizes undesirable enzymes and specific taste in soy milk. Before packaging, it is possible to add flavoring additives.

What can be found in stores

For many years, plant-based milk was exotic - it is easier to cook at home than to buy in stores. First, imported brands appeared on sale.

The most famous to this day remains Alpro from Belgium. They have in the line soy milk with different flavors, almond, hazelnut, cashew, coconut, oat and rice. There is also a line of vegetable yoghurts, desserts and cream.

The shops also offer:

Isola bio- milk from rice, oats, spelled, barley, millet, sorghum, almonds and soy.

Scotty- Rice milk in various combinations (chocolate, with added vitamins), including brown rice, quinoa and oat milk.

Foco and Aroy-D- coconut milk and cream.

From domestic, until recently, it was possible to buy only soy milk. The most famous manufacturer company " Soymik"(previous name "Soiko"). They produce two types - natural without additives and vanilla.

Now three more domestic brands of vegetable milk have appeared on the shelves - Bite, Ne Moloko and Flora.

Bite from BioFoodLab - almond, rice with coconut, oatmeal, soy and soy with vanilla. The peculiarity of the line is that it does not contain sugar and a bright design that continues the series of bars.

Ne moloko from Sadov Pridonya - three types of oat milk: classic, light and chocolate. Please note that rapeseed oil is present in the composition. It contains more omega-6 than the body needs, which can cause inflammation. At the same time, it is a cheap ingredient, and perhaps it is the reason for the low price of the product.

"Flora"- the company produces rice, soy and oat milk, under a contract in Spain. Contains no sugar, contains refined deodorized sunflower oil.

How to choose right

  1. Read the ingredients on the label carefully.
  2. If there is sugar in any form, it may be worth looking at another product.
  3. A bio/organic certification would be a plus.
  4. The presence of salt, sunflower oil, preservatives is rather a minus. The simpler the composition, the better.
  5. Lecithin do not be afraid, it is good for the liver, brain and nervous system.
  6. Gluten-free options - free of wheat, rye, and barley are preferred.

How to do it yourself

Try making plant based milk. We give three recipes: oatmeal, almond, coconut.

Useful advice: By changing the ratio of water to the dry part, we get a consistency from light "milk" to rich "cream".

"Animated" milk from sprouted oats:


  • Sprouted oats (soak naked oats for several hours, and then leave to germinate in a container from 12 to 36 hours) - 1/4 cup;
  • Water - 4 glasses.


1. We wash the oats.

2. Mix all the ingredients and load into a blender, grind at high speed for 2-3 minutes.

3. We filter in any convenient way.

Almond milk, chef version:


  • Unroasted almonds, pre-soaked for 6-10 hours, washed - 1 cup;
  • Coconut flakes - optional;
  • Cinnamon stick (or replace ground) - 1/2;
  • Water - 5 glasses;
  • Finely ground sea salt - a pinch;
  • Sweetener (stevioside, honey, Toba syrup, agave syrup, etc.) - to taste;
  • Unrefined linseed or cedar oil - 1 tbsp. l.


1. Beat all the ingredients in a blender.

2. Strain through cheesecloth or a tight mesh or a special bag for nut milk.

3. Before use, store in the refrigerator.

Simplified version: Whisk almonds and water.

Coconut milk, the "from scratch" version and the simple one.


  • Big mature coconut.


1. Remove the fiber from the coconut, wash it.

2. We find recessed eyes on it and pierce it with a gimlet.

3. Through the resulting holes, pour the coconut water into a bowl.

4. Break the coconut into pieces and peel each of them from the shell and from the inner brown crust.

5. Rub the peeled white pulp of coconut on a fine grater or chop in a food processor.

6. Put it in a bowl with coconut water, pour warm water (so that it covers all the pulp) and leave for several hours so that the water is saturated with the aroma and taste of coconut.

7. Strain through cheesecloth (you can use a special bag for nut milk).

8. When all the liquid has drained, twist the fabric and wring it out properly to use coconut milk to the last drop.

Simplified version: We beat the chips with water in a blender. We filter. Now we have two great foods at once: coconut milk and defatted coconut flakes!