How to cook sprouted soybeans: delicious recipes. How to Make Sprouted Soy Sprouts Korean Style Soy Sprouts

Once, sitting on the balcony of my room in Ho Chi Minh City, I saw the following picture: on the roof of a neighboring house, a little Vietnamese woman meticulously fiddled in an impromptu garden. She was watering boxes of mysterious plants. It turned out that she germinates soybeans, and there are such greenhouses on many rooftops in big cities and in small villages.

The Vietnamese, like other Asians, eat soy sprouts in incredible quantities. They add them to soups, noodles, salads. In Vietnam, beans are one of the main ingredients in, and in Thailand, fried. In Asia, it is believed that sprouts are very good for health and compensate for the lack of vitamins.

How are soybeans germinated?

Asian stores sell bags of special varieties of green beans specifically for sprouting. The Asian hostess washes the beans well and soaks them overnight. The next day, the procedure is repeated, only now the seedlings are left without water in a special sieve or under a dense cloth that does not transmit light. Every day the beans need to be washed under cold water and again cover with a dark cloth. On the fifth or seventh day, the beans will grow to 8-9 centimeters in length, and this will mean that you can harvest.

They eat only the middle part of the seedlings without seeds and without roots.

Soybean sprouts in Asian stores or markets cost a penny. So why do some housewives still prefer to sprout their own beans rather than buy them? The thing is that bean poisoning often happens.

Factories do not always comply with all hygiene standards and there are infections of seedlings with harmful bacteria, E. coli and even salmonella!

How to choose soy sprouts in the market or in the store?

Stores sell soybeans packaged in perforated plastic bags. They are stored in refrigerators along with other vegetables. It is these factory packages that I would advise buying. If suddenly something happens to you, then on the label it is written to whom you can make claims. The sprouts that are sold by weight in the markets can also be of high quality and good, but if you get sick, then it will be useless to look for the guilty.

Sprouts should be firm and strong, even white. This means that the crop was harvested not long ago and the soybeans are fresh.

Useful and harmful properties of soybean sprouts

This product, unusual for our countries, has supporters and opponents all over the world. The first praise the beneficial and nutritional properties of beans, they say it is a source of C vitamins, carotene, fiber and amino acids. The main argument of the opponents of this product is the presence of toxins and phytic acid in soy. This acid binds useful minerals (phosphorus, magnesium, calcium) in the stomach and prevents them from being absorbed by the body. However, even opponents of beans do not categorically prohibit eating soy sprouts. It is only necessary to know the measure and not to use sprouts more than half a kilo a day. I don't think it's hard at all!

Sprouted soy benefits and harms

Soybean sprouts: benefits and harms, composition, calorie content, features of sprouting at home

Supporters healthy eating often tend to replace animal food with vegetable food. However, in this case, many are faced with the problem of compensating for proteins and other useful substances in organism. To date, there are already quite a few products plant origin, which can partially replace animal protein for those who do not consume it for any reason. One of these products is germinated soy, which will be discussed.

soy sprouts

soy is legume, has been grown in China for many centuries, but in European countries it gained popularity only in the 19th century.

Soybean sprouts are used in the preparation of various dishes and salads, depending on the origin of the beans, the taste may differ. In the processed form, they are similar in taste to asparagus, a little sweet, without a pronounced aroma and taste, in fresh they have a bitter note.

By appearance the sprouts resemble germinated wheat and look like small beans with long white sprouts.

Composition of the product

Soy is incredibly popular in the US, Europe and around the world due to its rich, unique composition.


Soy itself is rich in vitamins, but when the beans are germinated, the concentration of some increases. So, in the germinated grain, vitamin C, which was absent before, appears, the content of vitamins of group B and vitamin E increases almost 2 times, and vitamin K is also present in the composition.


In addition to vitamins, soybean sprouts include in their composition an optimal set of minerals, sugars and fiber: magnesium, sodium, potassium, manganese, zinc, iron, selenium, phosphorus.


According to its composition, soy is a predominantly protein product: 100 grams of the product contains an average of 13.1 g of proteins, 6.7 g of fats, and 9.6 g of carbohydrates.

At the same time, the composition includes fatty acids, especially polyunsaturated ones (linoleic acid), which are not produced by the human body and come only from external sources.

Product calorie content

The calorie content of soybean sprouts is quite low: 100 grams of the product contains 141 kcal, which is approximately 5.5% of the daily calorie intake.

Video: beneficial features soybean sprouts

The benefits of germinated soy

The ratio of vitamins and minerals in soybean sprouts makes the product very useful for many body systems:

  1. First of all, thanks to antioxidants, vitamin C and selenium, soy helps to strengthen the body's resistance to infections and viruses, strengthens the immune system.
  2. Magnesium, which is part of the product, contributes to the normalization of the nervous system, blood vessels, removes bad cholesterol, and nourishes brain cells.
  3. Folic acid has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic system.
  4. Soybean sprouts are a low-calorie, colon-cleansing food and are ideal for dieters.
  5. Isoflavones, which are part of the product, regulate the human hormonal background, stimulate reproductive function, and reduce the negative manifestations of menopause in women.

Harm of germinated grains

Of course, like any product, soy sprouts have contraindications that you need to remember:

  1. Sprouted soy is categorically not recommended for children under 12 years old - this is due to the fact that the phytoestrogen contained in it can adversely affect puberty by disrupting the natural hormonal balance.
  2. People suffering from thyroid disease should also avoid this product before consulting a doctor, since soy contributes to the reduction of iodine content and without compliance additional measures prevention can lead to dysfunction of the organ.
  3. In diseases of the pancreas and stomach ulcers, urolithiasis soybean sprouts should be avoided.
  4. With great care and only after consulting a gynecologist, pregnant women can use soybeans - at the slightest hint of hormonal problems, the product should be immediately canceled.
  5. When lactating, soy sprouts should be treated with caution. If you have not eaten them before, you should not start, and if the body is already familiar with the product, you can first try a small amount of sprouts and monitor the child's condition. In the absence of allergies and gases in the baby, the portion can be slightly increased, but not exceed the daily allowance.

How to choose the right one and whether it is possible to store sprouts

When buying ready-made, already germinated soybean seeds, you need to carefully choose the product:

  1. First of all, pay attention to the appearance and smell - the sprouts should be fresh in appearance, without foreign odors, without impurities of dirt, completely clean and juicy.
  2. The stem length should not exceed 1 cm, otherwise there is a risk of running into an “old” product that does not provide significant benefits.
  3. The finished product in the store must be in the refrigerator compartment. After the purchase, grain can also be stored only in the refrigerator.

Important! Sprouted soy retains its benefits for several days (the maximum concentration of useful elements in the first 48 hours), after which the plant begins to grow, and the nutritional properties gradually decrease.

How to germinate grains at home

According to experienced soybean germinated consumers, The best way get the most useful product- sprout soybeans yourself.

Features of choice

In order for sprouted soybeans to please you with fresh sprouts and be safe for consumption, you need to carefully select the raw materials. Soybeans are known to be treated with various substances that can be hazardous to health.

First of all, this applies to seeds that are not intended for culinary purposes, but for sowing - in this case, they can be pre-treated with growth stimulants and antibiotics. For this reason, you need to buy soy only in specialized stores or pharmacies, where it passes the appropriate control.

The grains must be sorted out, discarding the damaged ones, and then poured with cold water to determine their suitability. If the grains float, you can safely throw them away - they will not germinate.

Germination rules

In order for the seeds to germinate well, you need to follow the basic rules:

  1. The grains should be well washed (you can wash them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then rinse them several times in cold water).
  2. Sprouts actively develop in the dark.
  3. The seed should germinate in conditions of high humidity and good aeration, water should not stagnate in the container.

For germination, craftsmen suggest using a variety of improvised means. It is most convenient to do this in a flower pot: it has drainage holes through which excess water drains, and it is convenient to place it on kitchen table.

To do this, the prepared seeds are poured into a pot, poured with cold water and covered with a dense dark cloth. Subsequently, the grains must be watered every 2-3 hours, and on the third day you can get an excellent crop of seedlings.
Some use a rather unusual method: they germinate soybeans in juice boxes. To do this, prepared seeds are poured into the washed box, water is poured and the container is cut in several places in the corners to ensure drainage.

IN this case often watering the grains is not necessary, it is enough to add cold water twice a day and let it drain. In both cases, germination of most seeds occurs on the 3rd day. The finished product must be washed in cold water before eating. If the seeds do not germinate within 48 hours, they should not be eaten. We advise you to familiarize yourself with the beneficial properties of germinated wheat grains.

How to cook sprouted soybeans deliciously: cooking a salad

Since soybeans are germinated in conditions of constant humidity and heat, in addition to sprouts, pathogenic bacteria can also begin to develop in it, so raw sprouts cannot be eaten.

To avoid possible poisoning, the product is blanched in boiling water for no more than 30–60 seconds in order to preserve the maximum of useful substances.
Soy sprouts are used in various dishes (garnishes, sandwiches, salads) both fresh and fried. Of course, the product that has undergone minimal heat treatment is the most useful, so let's get acquainted with the recipe for a simple and nutritious salad, indispensable during the season of viruses and colds.

Required Ingredients

  • soy sprouts;
  • soy sauce;
  • balsamic vinegar (can be replaced with regular);
  • ground black pepper;
  • chili pepper flakes;
  • garlic (1-2 cloves);
  • sunflower oil.

Important! People suffering from hormonal disorders and children should not consume soy sprouts without consulting a doctor due to their high content of phytohormones.

Step by step list of actions

So, we learned what such a simple, at first glance, product is like soybean sprouts, got acquainted with its composition and useful properties and contraindications. The foregoing allows us to conclude that germinated soybeans are indeed a storehouse of vitamins and protein, and therefore, if used correctly and observed, it will bring undoubted benefits to the body.

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Benefits of germinated soy

Sprouted soy is an extremely useful product. Sprouts can be purchased ready-made or germinated at home. This will take approximately 6-7 days. Soy is considered ready to eat when its sprouts are 3–4 cm long.

Soybean sprouts are indispensable in winter and spring, when the body suffers from a lack of vitamins and nutrients. The composition of the product during germination changes for the better: starch turns into malt sugar, fats into fatty acids, proteins into amino acids. In this form, they are absorbed many times faster and bring more benefits.

Long sprouts of sprouted soy are often added to salads.

Soybean sprouts contain many useful substances:

  • vegetable proteins in the form of amino acids;
  • a large amount of fiber;
  • vitamins B, C, A;
  • trace elements (phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium);
  • lecithin - an assistant in the fight against cholesterol plaques;
  • choline.

Sprouted soy is very useful to eat for young children, schoolchildren, the elderly, women during pregnancy and lactation. For those who are engaged in intense physical or mental labor, sprout dishes will help maintain vigor and strength.

Seedlings can be called living food, as they contain the biological force that is needed for the development of the sprout. This simple product has a good effect on the vital activity of the human body:

  • normalizes metabolism;
  • cleanses blood vessels;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • improves sleep;
  • beneficial effect on liver function;
  • cleanses the intestines of toxins and decay products;
  • restores brain cells;
  • improves memory and concentration.

Sprouts are low-calorie: 100 g contains 30 calories. For this reason, they can be safely eaten by people who are on a diet. A large amount of dietary fiber slows down the digestion process, so the feeling of satiety persists for a long time.

Raw sprouts should not be eaten. They need to be blanched for a couple of minutes in boiling water and then used for their intended purpose. Heat treatment does not affect the value and benefits of the product.

There are no contraindications to the use of soybean sprouts. The only caveat is that they can harm people who are allergic to this product. Otherwise, the ratio of benefits and harms of germinated soybeans is equal to 100 to 0.

Regular consumption of soy sprouts is an excellent prevention of many diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems.

Read the following article: the use of oregano

Soybean sprouts benefits and harms: composition, properties, recipes

Sprouted soybean sprouts are richer in biochemical composition than dry beans. Their use increases the amount of trace elements, amino acids, vitamins and biologically active components in the diet. Soybean sprouts are traditionally used in Asian cuisine as an ingredient in salads, noodles, soups, but in Lately are gaining popularity all over the world.

Soybean sprouts: what is it

Soybean sprouts are obtained by germinating dry seeds in a humid environment. To do this, they are either poured with water, or placed under gauze abundantly moistened with water, folded several times. Under such conditions, the beans first swell, and then germination begins in them. We can say that the beans, once in conditions close to spring, are preparing to grow and make their way up from the ground. This process is accompanied by the breakdown and transformation of complex compounds of proteins, carbohydrates and fats into more simple shapes, easily digestible by an educated plant.

Soybean sprouts benefits and harms

In appearance, this product resembles the sprouts of many other cereals and cereals. Sprouts are formed in the form of straight or twisting white pods without a characteristic odor. They are very juicy and crunchy when chewed. There are very few flavoring components in the composition, so the sprouts have a traditional grassy taste. Calorie content does not exceed 40 kcal per 100 grams.

The chemical composition of the product is represented by a variety of vitamins, amino acids and fatty acids. Base nutrients are presented in the following approximate proportions:

  • fats - 20 g;
  • proteins - 36 g;
  • carbohydrates - 30 g;
  • vitamin A - 1 mcg;
  • vitamin B6 - 0.4 mg;
  • vitamin B9 - 375 mcg;
  • vitamin C - 6 mg;
  • calcium - 277 mg;
  • magnesium - 280 mg;
  • zinc - 5 mg;
  • iron - 15.7 mg;
  • phosphorus - 705 mg;
  • potassium - 1800 mg;
  • sodium - 2 mg.

Sprouted soy benefits and harms

Useful properties of soybean sprouts are formed enriched with vitamin and mineral composition. Due to the fact that many substances are converted into simpler compounds during germination, the body spends less energy on their processing. As a result, the body receives very useful substances that are quickly absorbed. Because of this, the most obvious recommendation for eating sprouts is seasonal beriberi.

Benefits of soybean sprouts:

  • Due to the high fiber content, digestion improves, mechanical cleaning of cavities is carried out digestive organs from the ballast, carcinogens and toxins are absorbed.
  • The presence of lecithin in the composition contributes to the prevention of gallstones and plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Due to the presence of choline (vitamin B4) in the composition, the restoration of brain cells and nervous tissue is stimulated.
  • It is believed that the regular use of soy sprouts in food helps to strengthen memory, improve cognitive abilities.
  • The low calorie content of soybean sprouts allows them to be effectively used for weight loss. The diet is not weighed down by excess calories, but remains rich in minerals, vitamins and biologically active components.
  • Diverse composition contributes to the establishment of metabolism, improved nutrition internal organs and systems with the substances they need.
  • Due to the beneficial effect on the nervous system, sleep and memory improve, irritability, absent-mindedness and fatigue go away.

The only exact contraindication to the use of sprouts is intolerance to soy and its derivatives. Therefore, a natural product is recommended to be added to the diet of children, schoolchildren, the elderly, pregnant and lactating women. The latter, in any case, should first obtain approval for the use of sprouts from their supervising physician.

How to cook sprouted soybeans at home

How to cook sprouted soy

First of all, for self-germination of soybeans, it is necessary to select high-quality raw materials, throwing out damaged and broken seeds. And they germinate in the following order:

  1. The beans are scattered in an even layer of a couple of centimeters on the flat bottom of a plastic tray, bowl or jar.
  2. Soy is filled with water at room temperature, which should be 2-3 times larger in volume.
  3. The container with seeds is removed to a warm room without direct penetration. sunlight. Optimum temperature air in the room for germination - + 22˚C.
  4. After 12 hours, the water is drained, and the beans are thoroughly rinsed with cool water.
  5. Soy is dried with a paper napkin folded several times.
  6. The beans are evenly distributed on a damp cloth and, if necessary, additionally moistened from above.
  7. Moistened themselves are cleaned in a warm room, but without direct sunlight.
  8. In the next 12 hours, the first sprouts should appear, and after the period has elapsed, the procedure with washing and spreading on a wet surface should be repeated.

If in the process of germination inactive grains appear that change color, they should be discarded. Cycles of washing and germination alternate until the sprouts reach the length that suits the host. As a rule, this process is carried out no longer than 5 days. On average, during this time, the sprouts gain a length of up to 5 cm. It is believed that in such greenery the concentration of nutrients is highest.

Soy sprouts: cooking recipes

It should be remembered that sprouted beans themselves cannot be consumed. In the process of sprouting, they, firstly, lose a significant part of the nutrients, and secondly, they become poorly suitable for consumption. You need to tear the greens from the seeds and eat only it.

Other important rule prohibits eating raw sprouts. Before cooking and eating sprouted soybeans, it must be blanched in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Traditional uses include adding soy sprouts to Asian salads and noodles. Always remove the cotyledons before serving. Chinese, Korean and Japanese cooking also allows for sautéing and use in sauces.

Sprouted soybean salad: recipe with eel and chukka

Salad with soy sprouts

This recipe requires fried unagi eel, which is not cheap. However, the final dish is not inferior to restaurant options, not in taste, not in the beauty of presentation, and even more so in price. For cooking you will need:

  • chukka salad - 80 g;
  • eel - 100 g;
  • soy sprouts - 60 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 50 g;
  • carrots - 50 g;
  • sweet pepper - 100 g;
  • lettuce leaves - 80 g;
  • ginger root - 5 g;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.;
  • hondashi broth - 2 ml;
  • sesame oil - 20 ml;
  • soy sauce - 10 ml;
  • sugar - 5 g;
  • sunflower oil - 40 ml;
  • roasted sesame seeds - 3g.


  1. Mix sunflower and sesame oil, soy sauce, hondashi, sugar, sesame seeds.
  2. Add ¼ lime juice and half of the lime zest to the mixture. Add ginger cut into small strips and two thin slices of chili there.
  3. Chop the cucumber, pepper and carrot into thin strips. Mix them with lettuce leaves, add chukka and sprouts, pour dressing.
  4. Cut the eel into pieces and put on the salad.

Vegetarian soy sprout salad with peanuts and seaweed

Vegetarian salad with soy sprouts and sea ​​kale


  • cucumber - 1 medium;
  • carrots - 1 medium;
  • lemon - ½ pc.;
  • seaweed - 200-220 g;
  • raw peanuts - 60 g;
  • green salad leaves - 50 g;
  • walnut oil - 30 ml;
  • soy sprouts - 50 g;
  • salt, ground black pepper.


  1. Cut the peeled cucumber and carrot into strips.
  2. Rinse the lettuce leaves, pat dry with a kitchen towel and cut into either small pieces or strips.
  3. Mix walnut oil with squeezed lemon juice.
  4. Roast the peanuts in a pan without oil.
  5. Combine all prepared foods and soy sprouts.
  6. Toss salad with lemon walnut dressing, pepper and salt.

Korean Sprouted Soy Salad: Recipe

Korean soy sprout salad

The most popular option for preparing and eating this product is Korean soy sprouts. The recipe is extremely simple, and the dish is easy to store for several days (although it is better to act quickly). For cooking you need:

  • 0.5 kg sprouts4
  • 1 medium onion;
  • ½ head of garlic;
  • ginger root (cut 1.5-2 cm);
  • 3 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • 2 spoons of sunflower oil;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of sesame seeds (raw);
  • a spoonful of balsamic vinegar;
  • cilantro or parsley;
  • ground black and red pepper, salt.

How to cook:

  1. Boil the sprouts in boiling water for 1 minute. Discard the water and rinse the product with cold water.
  2. Heat the oil in a pan, fry the sesame seeds until blush (but do not let them burn, otherwise the salad will be bitter).
  3. Onion, cut into half rings, fry in the same place until light transparency.
  4. Mix together soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, minced garlic, and black pepper to make a dressing. For more spiciness of the dish, you can add red pepper to taste.
  5. Rinse the herbs, shake off the water, chop. Finely chop or grate peeled ginger root. Add it and herbs to the dressing.
  6. Mix the sprouts and fried onions, season with the prepared mixture, mix thoroughly and check for salt.
  7. Leave the salad for a good flavor mix for a couple of hours.

Soybean sprouts - sprouted: a description of their benefits, calories, as well as a photo

Soybean sprouts are an extremely useful product. This type of legume has been grown in China for a long time. You can buy sprouts ready-made in the store or germinate them at home yourself. This process will take no more than a week. Soybean sprouts are considered ready when they reach a length of up to 4 cm (as in the photo).

Beneficial features

The composition of soy sprouts includes active protein and all the vitamins necessary for the body. This product is simply indispensable in the winter season, when the body lacks nutrients and vitamins. To prevent beriberi, doctors advise eating bean sprouts. Sprouted soy is an excellent antioxidant. During the germination period, the starch found in soybean sprouts is converted into malt sugar and the fats into fatty acids. Thanks to this, nutrients are much better and faster absorbed by the body.

Soybean sprouts contain fiber, which improves intestinal motility. Regular use of this product helps to cleanse the intestines of toxins, carcinogens and various decay products. Soybean sprouts contain lecithin, which resists the formation of plaques in blood vessels and gallstones in the bladder. In addition, this type of legume contains choline, which helps to restore nervous tissue and brain cells. It is noticed that the use of soy sprouts improves attention, memory and thinking.

Since soy sprouts are low-calorie foods, they can be used in your diet during the diet. In addition, the dietary fiber contained in this product reduces the digestion process, which means that the feeling of satiety will last for a long time.

Use in cooking

You can’t eat soy sprouts raw, so they are either blanched in boiling water for half a minute, or poured with sauces and make a Korean salad. Before you start eating, the cotyledons must be removed. Most often, sprouts act as a seasoning for first courses. In addition, they are added to sauces. Also, soybean sprouts can be fried and used as an ingredient in various salads, side dishes, meat and fish dishes. It has been proven that after heat treatment, the nutritional value and benefits of soy sprouts increase several times.

The benefits of soy sprouts are due to the richest composition, which helps to normalize metabolism. Regular use of this product helps to get rid of "bad" cholesterol, which in turn helps to cleanse the blood vessels. In addition, liver function is normalized and nervous system. Thanks to this, you can improve sleep and get rid of irritability. Eating soy sprouts is an excellent prevention various diseases heart, blood vessels, cholelithiasis and even some types of oncology.

Harm of soy sprouts and contraindications

Soy sprouts can harm people who have an individual intolerance to the components of the product.

To prevent beriberi, doctors advise introducing it into the diet. Ready-made sprouts can be purchased at the supermarket or grown independently. In order for soybeans to germinate at home, it will take about 6 to 7 days. Recipes of dishes with sprouted soy initially attract those people who take care of their health and figure. It is impossible to use sprouts without heat and heat treatment. When you start cooking, you need to remove the cotyledons.

Most often, sprouted soy is found in recipes with these five products:

There is a huge selection of gourmet recipes to suit your taste, from a variety of sauces to original salads, interesting side dishes, meat, fish and seafood dishes. In most cases, this ingredient acts as the basis for healthy and savory seasonings. It is confirmed that the heat treatment of the product does not worsen its properties, but on the contrary, the nutritional significance and benefits increase several times.

Soybean sprouts are well known for their health benefits, containing a wide range of vitamins and minerals, as well as plenty of protein. They are especially popular among vegetarians, raw foodists and dieters. proper nutrition. But there is a fine line between benefit and harm, and consumption of soy sprouts should not be carried away.

What is it and how to eat

Soybean sprouts are the growth phase of soybeans with the highest concentration of bioavailable nutrients in a plant's life.

It is one of the most common and staple foods in Korean cuisine.

Soybean sprouts can be eaten raw, but after boiling they become much tastier: the crunchy texture is retained and a nutty flavor appears.

What soy sprouts look like - photo

Soybean sprouts are long, about 5-7 cm, at one end they have characteristic yellow "caps" - cotyledons.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Nutritional value of soybean sprouts per 100 g:

  • calorie content - 43.2 kcal.
  • fats - 2.1 g;
  • proteins - 4.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 2 g.

Sprouted soybeans are richer in nutrients than dry beans. In addition, it contains phytonutrients that appear only during germination.

As part of soy sprouts:

  • dietary fiber (fiber);
  • vitamins : A, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), pantothenic acid, pyridoxine (B6), biotin, folic acid, vitamin C;
  • minerals: calcium, magnesium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, selenium, iron, sodium, zinc;
  • essential amino acids: cystine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, tyrosine, valine;
  • minerals: boron, calcium, chlorine, chromium, cobalt, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, potassium, silicon, sodium, titanium, vanadium.
  • phytochemicals: isoflavones, phytosterols, saponins, protease inhibitors, phytic acid, enzymes.

How to choose and where to buy

Soybean sprouts are often sold in the vegetable section of supermarkets and stores that specialize in Asian produce. Usually they are packaged in transparent vacuum bags and lie in the refrigerator.

When buying, check the date of manufacture and carefully inspect the contents of the package. Sprouts should be white, clean, juicy and not too big. The shorter they are, the higher the content of biologically active substances in them. The ideal size is 2-5 cm.

Avoid overgrown, sticky and slimy-looking sprouts - this is a sign of a stale product. Quality sprouts should not have a musty smell.

How and how much to store

The shelf life of soy sprouts is only 2-3 days. Store them unwashed in a plastic bag in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator.

To keep germinated soybeans longer, rinse them, discard the darkened and rotting sprouts, and put the good ones loosely in a container. Fill with water so that all the sprouts are immersed in it. This will keep them fresh for about a week.

How to germinate soybeans yourself

Soybeans can be grown very easily at home without special equipment and even without soil. It takes 5-7 days and does not require much effort and experience.

Choose only live, chemically or thermally untreated soybeans as feedstock. Before germination, store them in a cool, dry place. Freezing will not affect germination.

Basic Rules:

  • Clean the sprouting container thoroughly with hot soapy water before and after use.
  • The ideal temperature for soybean germination is around 20-22 C.
  • Do not soak it longer than the allotted time.
  • Large beans require more frequent rinsing and draining.

Soybean has a low germination rate compared to other legumes: only 50% of all raw materials will germinate.

In the bank

You will need soybeans, a jar of 1-3 liters, gauze, gum, water.

  1. Wash and soak soybeans in a jar at the rate of 1 cup of water for each tablespoon. Leave overnight.
  2. The next morning, drain the remaining water and rinse the beans.
  3. Fold them back and cover the neck of the jar with gauze, securing with an elastic band.
  4. Lay the jar on its side and leave for a few hours. During the day, rinse and drain the water two to three times.
  5. On the second day, rinse the sprouts in the evening and put them back in the jar: cover with gauze and put upside down.
  6. Repeat this process 2-3 times the next day.
  7. Repeat the algorithm daily until you see sprouts.
  8. Rinse them thoroughly, separate from the cotyledons.
  9. After rinsing, dry on a paper towel.

in the soil

You will need the beans themselves, ready-made soil for growing vegetables, a tray, water and gauze.

  1. Soak soybeans overnight.
  2. In the morning, drain the water, rinse the beans and place on cheesecloth folded in several layers. Cover with cheesecloth on top and leave for 1-2 days at room temperature. Make sure the fabric doesn't dry out.
  3. After the seeds hatch, put them in a tray filled with soil, sprinkle a thin layer of earth on top.
  4. Water carefully, but rather moisten with a spray bottle.
  5. Place the tray on a windowsill and keep the soil moist.

In the germinator

For convenience, you can use an auxiliary device - a sprouter. At the same time, you do not have to repeatedly drain and wash soybeans, moisture is automatically maintained in it, and seeds germinate faster.

  1. Rinse about half a cup of beans and spread evenly over the sprouting container.
  2. Fill with water 1-2 cm above the level of the soy and cover with a ventilated or airtight lid.
  3. Leave for 8 hours or overnight.
  4. Drain the rest of the water and rinse the soybeans thoroughly.
  5. After that, put it back into the germinator under the lid with holes.
  6. Leave indoors at room temperature until the sprouts reach the desired length.

From half a glass of dried soybeans, the volume of finished seedlings will turn out to be 2.5 times larger than the original.

Application in cooking

Versatile and inexpensive, soybeans are used in a variety of recipes raw, boiled, or blanched.

How and how much to cook sprouted soy

First, place the soybean sprouts in a bowl of cold water. Rinse and discard rotten and darkened. Drain the water.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Pour 1 cup of water per 400 g of soy sprouts into a saucepan and season with salt.
  2. Cover with a lid and turn on medium heat.
  3. Boil for 7 minutes without opening the pan. If cooking over medium heat, simmer for 8 minutes or a little longer.
  4. Immediately after this, drain the water and let the sprouts cool in a colander. Can be rinsed with cold water. If you leave the sprouts in the pot, they will continue to cook.

Cooking Tips:

  • When boiling soybean sprouts, keep the lid closed and DO NOT open the pot during cooking, otherwise they will take on a specific taste.
  • It is not recommended to separate the tips with roots - they have a lot of useful substances.
  • DO NOT overcook the sprouts as this will destroy the crispy texture.

What can be cooked

Soybean sprouts are common almost everywhere, but they are most loved in East Asia. In Europe, they are also popular: they are used for various dishes, from sandwiches to soups. With the addition of sprouted soybeans, prepare:

  • Pad Thai, popular in Thailand, made from rice noodles, shrimp or chicken, eggs, herbs and vegetables seasoned with sauces;
  • Korean salad with sweet and hot peppers, onions, garlic and soy sauce;
  • salad with egg noodles, chicken fillet, vegetables, drizzled with oyster sauce and sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds;
  • soba (buckwheat noodles) with chicken and vegetables cooked in a wok and seasoned with yakisoba sauce;
  • rice with vegetables in Vietnamese style bell pepper, young corn, bamboo shoots, garlic and onions and sesame oil;
  • many other dishes.

Health benefits of soy sprouts

Beneficial features:

  • Improve digestion. Fiber in soybean sprouts increases stool volume and increases intestinal motility, reduces flatulence and bloating, and helps with constipation and diarrhea.
  • Promote weight loss. Soybean sprouts are low-calorie and contain dietary fiber, which stimulates satiety, helping those who lose weight not to overeat.
  • Strengthen bones. Manganese in combination with calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, zinc and copper improves bone density, reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Improve metabolism. The complex of nutrients in soy sprouts, when consumed regularly, speeds up metabolism.
  • Help with stress and anxiety. The combination of zinc, magnesium and vitamin C can lead to mental health. The bioflavonoids contained in the sprouts also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Increase immunity thanks to the high concentration of vitamin C.

Contraindications (harm) and side effects

Soybean sprouts are grown in warm and humid conditions. Such an environment is also ideal for the growth of bacteria, including Salmonella and E. coli.

There was an outbreak in Germany in 2011 intestinal infection, which could be caused by soybean sprouts. More than 2,000 infections have been recorded. In 600 people, the kidneys and nervous system were affected.

Such situations are rare and can be caused by any other types of germs. But still, it is better not to give them raw to children, pregnant women, people with weak immunity and the elderly.

To be on the safe side, boil soybean sprouts before adding them to meals. Heat treatment will kill harmful bacteria.

When used in in large numbers raw soy sprouts can cause side effects:

  • severe nausea;
  • gases;
  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea
  • vomiting.

Sprouted soy is contraindicated for people with allergies to proteins characteristic of legumes, as well as for thyroid diseases due to the presence of isoflavones in the composition - substances belonging to the group of phytoestrogens.

In general, for healthy people, the benefits of soy sprouts outweigh the potential harm.


soy sprouts is an extremely useful product. This type of legume has been grown in China for a long time. You can buy sprouts ready-made in the store or germinate them at home yourself. This process will take no more than a week. Soybean sprouts are considered ready when they reach a length of up to 4 cm (as in the photo).

Beneficial features

The composition of soy sprouts includes active protein and all the vitamins necessary for the body. This product is simply indispensable in the winter season, when the body lacks nutrients and vitamins. To prevent beriberi, doctors advise eating bean sprouts. Sprouted soy is an excellent antioxidant. During the germination period, the starch found in soybean sprouts is converted into malt sugar and the fats into fatty acids. Thanks to this, nutrients are much better and faster absorbed by the body.

Soybean sprouts contain fiber, which improves intestinal peristalsis. Regular use of this product helps to cleanse the intestines of toxins, carcinogens and various decay products. Soybean sprouts contain lecithin, which resists the formation of plaques in blood vessels and gallstones in the bladder. In addition, this type of legume contains choline, which promotes the restoration of nervous tissue and brain cells. It is noticed that the use of soy sprouts improves attention, memory and thinking.

Since soybean sprouts are low-calorie foods, they can be used in your diet during the diet. In addition, the dietary fiber contained in this product reduces the digestion process, which means that the feeling of satiety will last for a long time.

Use in cooking

You can’t eat soy sprouts raw, so they are either blanched in boiling water for half a minute, or poured with sauces and make a Korean salad. Before you start eating, the cotyledons must be removed. Most often, sprouts act as a seasoning for first courses. In addition, they are added to sauces. Also, soybean sprouts can be fried and used as an ingredient in various salads, side dishes, meat and fish dishes. It has been proven that after heat treatment, the nutritional value and benefits of soy sprouts increase several times.

Benefits of soy sprouts and treatment

The benefits of soy sprouts are due to the richest composition, which helps to normalize metabolism. Regular use of this product helps to get rid of "bad" cholesterol, which in turn helps to cleanse the blood vessels. In addition, the work of the liver and the nervous system are normalized. Thanks to this, you can improve sleep and get rid of irritability. The use of soy sprouts is an excellent prevention of various diseases of the heart, blood vessels, cholelithiasis and even some types of oncology.

Harm of soy sprouts and contraindications

Soy sprouts can harm people who have an individual intolerance to the components of the product.