What is almond milk. Almond milk - how to make at home, beneficial properties for the body. Sweetened almond milk

By the name, you can understand that almond milk is obtained by processing nuts of the same name. The product is widely used due to its useful qualities. Therefore, more and more people are trying to prepare the composition of the house to improve the body. Today we will look at the basic principles and highlight important aspects.

Features of almond milk

  1. Due to the fact that all major supermarkets are saturated with a variety of products, you can find almond milk with a completely natural (or almost) composition. This only doubles the benefits of the product.
  2. If you buy milk with preservatives, it is usually oversaturated with granulated sugar, other flavoring and aromatic additives. Such components are added to increase the shelf life.
  3. Homemade milk, on the other hand, is not stored for long, but is considered completely natural. You can cook it yourself by following the recipes. The final product will have a creamy aftertaste and a number of useful properties.
  4. In the process of cooking, you can independently vary the amount of granulated sugar. Some use powdered substitutes or honey instead (recommended). As part of such a product there is a daily norm of minerals valuable for the heart and bones.
  5. The simplest cooking method includes only water, salt, lemon and nuts. But you can make the taste richer and add other "notes".
  6. In order to increase the fat content of the product, it is more advisable to use almond oil, coconut oil, lecithin and other natural ingredients. Almond milk goes well with vanilla.
  7. If you decide to give up granulated sugar and not use it in the recipe, the final product will be tender. It can later be added to porridge, coffee or tea drinks, smoothies, etc.
  8. On the basis of almond milk, you can make various first courses, broths, pastries, sauces, breakfast cereals. During the cooking process, natural juice, chocolate chips, turmeric, fruits with berries or candied fruits are added.

Traditional almond milk

  • filtered water - 0.75 l.
  • almonds - 240 gr.
  • salt - 2 pinches
  • lemon juice - 5 ml.
  1. Prepare a container for mixing the ingredients, a glass jar will do. Pour nuts and salt into it, add lemon juice. Pour in water, stir and cover the container with a lid.
  2. Leave in the dark and medium temperature for about 11 hours, during which time the nuts will soak. Then drain the water, we will no longer use it to prepare the product.
  3. Pour the almonds into a strainer and rinse with filtered water. Release the nuts from the skin, send to a blender and pour in the water according to the recipe. Turn all the components into a homogeneous mass.
  4. Arm yourself with a fine-grained strainer. Line it with 3-5 layers of gauze and pour the mixture here. The liquid should drain into a separate bowl under the sieve. Wring out the gauze well.
  5. The nut cake remaining from the procedure is used as a filling for pastries, cereals, cocktails, smoothies and other delicacies. It is also used to make body scrubs or face masks.
  6. After straining, the milk must be poured into a sterilized container and covered with a lid. This composition is stored for about 3 days in the cold and in a dark bottle.

Almond milk with cocoa

  1. Children love this treat. As an additional ingredient to traditional almond milk, you need to take cocoa powder or chocolate chips.
  2. All components, including almond milk, are sent to a blender and thoroughly beaten until a homogeneous structure and shade is obtained. This cocktail is consumed immediately.

  1. Usually, washed and pitted dates are taken as sweeteners. You will need about 5 pieces. Also take a tablespoon of coconut oil and about half a teaspoon of vanilla extract.
  2. The components are added to milk prepared according to the traditional recipe indicated above. Pour in approximately 480 ml. composition in a blender, beat together with the rest of the ingredients.
  3. You can take not natural dates, but a syrup based on them. Some people prefer to replace coconut oil with almond oil to bring the taste closer.

Cinnamon almond milk

  1. This drink is ideal for losing weight, because it enhances metabolic processes and promotes comfortable weight loss. To dull hunger, cinnamon or turmeric powder is added.
  2. To determine the proportions, you need to measure about 450 ml. traditional homemade almond milk and not a full teaspoon of cinnamon. All components are whipped, the cocktail is drunk immediately.
  3. If desired, you can supplement the main components with nutritious fruits, for example, a banana. To do this, it is pre-crushed with a blender, then mixed into the total mass.

Almond milk with strawberries

  1. As in all previous recipes, it is best to take ready-made almond milk as a basis. You will make it according to the recipe suggested above. Everything is simple and transparent.
  2. As for the amount of strawberries, it must be taken at your discretion. For 0.6 l. about 1.5 cups of fresh berries are supposed to be milk. Rinse it, free it from ponytails, dry it.
  3. Now, separately, enter the berry into the blender cup, work it with a household appliance. If desired, add any sweetener, be it granulated sugar, honey or vanilla.
  4. Pour in the almond milk in a small stream while beating the ingredients low power. When the cocktail becomes homogeneous, it is poured into a glass and consumed immediately.

It's easy to make milk from almonds if you follow the basic instructions carefully. If desired, the product according to traditional technology can be supplemented with spices, berries, fruits and other components.

Video: almond milk recipe

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Milk derived from almonds is considered a plant-based drink. As in the case of coconut, this is more likely not a milk, but a mixture of crushed almonds with water. It differs from the traditional cow or goat drink with a delicate nutty aroma and a high content of vitamins.

Almond milk - composition

Vegetarians and fasting people appreciate the composition of almond milk for its absence of animal products, lactose and cholesterol. The drink is suitable for those who are losing weight or for those who suffer from intolerance to cow's milk. There are 3.6 g of protein, 11.1 g of fat and 5.6 g of carbohydrates per 100 ml of the product. Almond milk is rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. Contains vitamins D and E, from microminerals - copper, manganese, a little iron.

Almond milk calories

Depending on the method of preparation and the products involved, the calorie content of almond milk may vary. The simplest recipe, which involves grinding almond kernels with water, gives a product with 100 kcal per 100 ml, but a more complex one, with vanilla and honey, increases the calorie content to 135 kcal. The energy value higher than that of cow or goat, the product is more nutritious.

Almond milk - benefits and harms

Vegetarians will need to know what the benefits and harms of almond milk are in order to be informed about all the properties of the product. The benefits are as follows:

  • no cholesterol and lactose, suitable for allergy sufferers to milk protein;
  • serves as a source of calcium, strengthens bones, teeth, improves the condition of nails, hair, skin;
  • due to phosphorus and magnesium, it maintains the work of the heart and blood quality in order;
  • fatty acids omega 3 and 6 normalize blood pressure, reduce the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis, rickets;
  • B vitamins affect the muscular and nervous system, A provides improved vision.

For medicinal purposes, you can use tender milk obtained from almond kernels. Here are its merits:

  • helps with pneumonia, inflammatory currents, treats colds;
  • eliminates convulsions, migraine;
  • normalizes the work of the food, renal and urinary systems;
  • reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, anemia;
  • relieve colic, coughing, asthma attacks;
  • eliminates insomnia, headaches, numbness of the limbs;
  • has an anti-hangover effect;
  • boosts immunity.

Almond milk is also used in cosmetology. It is rich in useful substances, which gives the following effects:

  • softens, moisturizes the skin;
  • cleanses, whitens;
  • removes makeup;
  • promotes weight loss.

However, there are certain contraindications for use:

  • you can not use milk with an allergy to nuts or individual intolerance;
  • purchased milk contains carrageenan, which, if taken continuously, can cause inflammation of the stomach, intestines, provoke an ulcer, coronary disease;
  • due to the addition of carrageenan, there is a risk of provoking oncology.

Almond milk for children

You can give almond milk to children only in preschool age, that is, after 3-4 years, provided there is no individual intolerance. It should not be given to infants, as they will not receive the necessary nutrients that mother's or at least cow's contains. In addition, it is impossible to predict a premature nut allergy, which will manifest itself in the form of urticaria, edema or diathesis.

Almond milk - cooking recipe

The easiest recipe for making almond milk will appeal to home cooks, because it can be used to make a delicious treat without any problems. The remains of the cake can be flavored with cinnamon, cocoa, decorated as sweets. Each almond milk recipe can be supplemented with other ingredients: coconut, maple syrup, nutmeg. Very tasty substitute classic milk almond when drinking coffee or cocoa, make salad dressings.

Almond milk

  • Cooking time: 12 hours.
  • Servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 135 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Cuisine: author's.

Do tasty milk from almonds simply according to the recipe below. All you need is a handful of nuts and plain boiled or filtered water. Instruction with step by step description The cooking steps will show you how to make almond milk, which is great for drinking on its own or adding to hot drinks. A cup of milk can replace a snack.


  • almond kernels without skin - 200 g;
  • water - liter;
  • vanilla extract - 10 ml;
  • honey - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the almonds in water overnight, leave at room temperature.
  2. In the morning, grind with a blender until smooth, sweeten with honey and vanilla.
  3. Add stevia extract if desired.
  4. Instead of whole nut kernels, you can take a ready-made almond flour. It is allowed to store such milk for a day.

Almond milk jelly

  • Cooking time: 7 hours.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 193 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Very fragrant and unusual, almond milk jelly is obtained, which can be served as a sweet snack or dessert in the evenings. You can even treat them to your friends who have come: it will appeal to those who love the traditional Italian dessert panna cotta, but avoid eating a lot of heavy cream. Do not throw away the cake after making jelly - it will make fragrant cookies or an additive to cereals.


  • raw almonds - a handful;
  • water - 0.4 l;
  • coconut flakes - 20 g;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • cream 10% fat - 100 ml;
  • gelatin - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the nuts in a glass cold water for five hours, drain the liquid, add chips and powdered sugar obtained by grinding sugar.
  2. Beat with a blender with the remaining water, filter.
  3. Combine the cream with gelatin, let it brew for 40 minutes, heat without boiling.
  4. Combine the masses, pour into molds, let cool in the refrigerator.

Porridge with almond milk

  • Cooking time: half an hour.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 72 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: simple.

An older child will love almond milk porridge, which is great for breakfast, provided there are no allergies. A pleasant dish can also be eaten by adults - vegetarians for a snack, fasting for dinner or losing weight for an afternoon snack. Season the porridge well with fruits and berries, pour over with syrup or honey. Instead of oatmeal, you can use any other cereals.


  • oatmeal Hercules - 60 g;
  • almond milk - a glass;
  • bananas - 1 pc.;
  • maple syrup - 40 ml;
  • almond paste - 20 g;
  • blueberries - 100 g;
  • salt - 2 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the cereal with milk, salt, add 2/3 circles of banana.
  2. Boil for 10 minutes, reduce heat, simmer for five minutes.
  3. Add syrup, pasta and berries, mix.
  4. Serve with leftover banana garnish.

almond milk price

In stores, there are different prices for almond milk, which depend on the manufacturer and the network level. You can also buy the product in online stores, where the cost will be slightly lower. The table shows approximate prices for the product:

Find out how to drink it properly for health.

Almond milk obtained by combining nuts and water. Such a drink is similar to soy milk and other plant products. Almond milk has been used since the Middle Ages. Its main advantage was the ability to keep fresh for a long time without a low temperature.

This drink is also popular due to the fact that it is allowed to be consumed in fasting. Almond milk is especially loved by vegetarians, who use it to prepare a variety of dishes instead of the cow version that is forbidden for them. Many people love this drink for its delicate and refreshing taste. Purchased almond milk is best stored at room temperature.

Beneficial features

The benefit of almond milk in the first place is that it does not contain lactose, which causes allergies in many people and cholesterol, which is harmful to health in general. The drink is rich in calcium, which is necessary for strengthening bones, and it also improves the condition of teeth, nails and hair. There is also phosphorus in almond milk, which is involved in the regeneration of bone tissue, as well as magnesium, a mineral that is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle. This drink also contains manganese, zinc, copper and other beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on the activity of the whole organism.

With regular use, almond milk helps to cope with extra pounds. This happens primarily due to the low calorie content in comparison with options of animal origin. The drink has a positive effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system. While almond milk is low in sodium, it contains plenty of omega fatty acids, which can help normalize blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. The composition of this drink also includes vitamin D, which resists the occurrence of osteoporosis in old age and rickets in children.

Almond milk has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, since it contains 50% of the daily value of vitamin E. It will be useful for diabetics to know that this drink does not affect blood sugar in any way, and given the low glycemic index, it reduces the risk of this disease. . When consumed regularly, almond milk strengthens muscles. It contains B vitamins, which are involved in the growth and functioning of muscle tissue, and they also normalize activity. nervous system. This drink also improves digestion as it contains fiber. Given the presence of vitamin A in this product, vision improves, as well as the ability of the eyes to quickly get used to the change in lighting.

It is recommended that pregnant women and children include almond milk in their diet as a mild laxative. It will help to improve the condition during the period of pneumonia, with sore throat, as well as with convulsions and migraines.

Almond milk already a large number of time used for cosmetic purposes. The drink can be used for washing and rubbing, and it also has a whitening effect. Almond milk also acts as a cleanser and emollient.

Use in cooking

Almond milk is an excellent independent drink that will appeal to both adults and children. It can also replace the usual cow in many recipes. On the basis of milk from almonds, you can prepare a large number of different drinks, desserts and cocktails.

How to make almond milk at home?

This drink is very easy to make at home. To do this, take 1 tbsp. almond nuts, 6 tbsp. water, honey and cinnamon. Nuts should be taken not fried, because otherwise they will not remain useful substances. Almonds must be thoroughly washed, pour 3 tbsp. water and leave to infuse for 6 hours. After the time has elapsed, the water is drained, and the nuts again need to be poured with 3 tbsp. water. The mass with the help of a blender must be crushed to such a state that the nuts become cereals, and the liquid becomes white. Next, you need to strain the milk and squeeze the remaining cake with gauze. By the way, it can be diluted again with a small amount of water and again grind and strain. Ready-made milk is neutral in taste, so it is recommended to dilute it with honey, cinnamon or lemon juice. Keep ready-made almond milk in the refrigerator for 36 hours.

Harm of almond milk and contraindications

Almond milk can harm people with individual intolerance to the product. It is also worth considering that some variants of a store-bought drink may contain the food additive carrageenan, which, in turn, can provoke inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, worsen the condition of ulcers and coronary heart disease. Also, such industrial milk can provoke the development of cancer.

Almond milk has vegetable origin, and therefore the recipe will be appreciated and loved by vegetarians and fasters. It is on a par with soy milk and coconut milk. Almond milk can be added to coffee, as well as used for baking or making creams and mousses, not to mention a variety of cereals for breakfast. Such milk is also perfect for fasting days or for making delicious cocktails with oatmeal, bran, fresh fruits and delicious syrups - you can't distinguish from a real milkshake!

The taste of almond milk is delicate and soft, without bright expressive notes, but it is richly nutty. You can make it more or less concentrated to your liking by adding less or more water. The rest of the cooking process will take literally 5 minutes - the recipe for almond milk is simple. Just soak raw nuts overnight, and in the morning you will get an unusual and delicious drink.

Prep time: 5 minutes plus time to soak the nuts


  • 3 cups filtered cold water
  • 1 cup raw (unroasted) almonds


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    Rinse the almonds and soak in plenty of cold water. clean water. Leave the nuts in the water overnight. During this time, they will swell and increase slightly.

    Drain and soak them in boiling water for 15 minutes. This will make it easier to remove the skin from them. You can leave the skin on, but then it will give the milk a slightly tart taste and creamy color.

    Transfer the peeled almonds to a blender and add 1 cup of water.

    Grind the nuts with water so that the nuts are ground as finely as possible. This way they maximize the saturation of the water. You will see that the water has turned white - it looks like the usual cow's milk.

    Then add the rest of the water and run everything again in the blender for 30-40 seconds.
    Then strain the milk through a thick linen cloth or gauze folded in 4-6 layers.

    Squeeze out the pulp thoroughly. Do not rush to throw away the cake, it is very tasty and great as an additive to making sweets, pates and salads.

    You can enjoy this milk immediately, or you can add a drop of honey to it or any other additives, such as vanilla and cinnamon.
    Store almond milk in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.


Do not rush to throw away the almond cake, it is very tasty. Use as a topping in homemade candies, chicken patties, and any salads. To do this, dry and store in a cool place.

The almond milk recipe can be complicated by turning it into a dessert drink. For example, add some dried fruits to the blender to the almonds.

The benefits of almond milk

Almond milk is the perfect drink for vegetarians. AND best alternative animal milk on fasting days (coconut and soy in our latitudes are still exotic). A quarter (up to 25 percent) it consists of vegetable protein, moreover, it is devoid of cholesterol (which is especially important in diseases of the cardiovascular system). It contains a lot of useful (and again for the heart and blood vessels!) Magnesium and vitamin E. Almond milk is well balanced with other nutrients: it contains phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium and zinc, manganese, and of the vitamins in almond milk, there are especially many vitamins of the group IN.

Calorie content of almond milk - 100 kcal.

I always thought that making almond milk at home is very difficult and dreary. It turned out that this is not so! It is done very simply and quickly. And it tastes just divine! Personally, for me, there is no comparison with cow's milk from the store. And I'm generally silent about the benefits! I have not drunk cow's milk for many years, as I consider it unhealthy. You can read about why I think so in the article. There you will also find out where I get calcium, if not from milk. This is usually the question everyone is concerned about.

Fortunately, almond and any other plant-based milk (coconut, soy, sesame) perfectly replaces cow's milk and does not harm your beloved body. I will make a reservation that you should not drink almond milk in liters per day, since almonds do not have a very favorable ratio of omega-3 and omega-67 fatty acids (read about this in the article). But you hardly drink milk by the liter. Personally, I can drink a mug of almond milk a day, and not every day, but according to my mood. This is good for the body!

How can almond milk be used?

  1. Just drink it. This is delicious!
  2. Add to any .
  3. Use to make vegan puddings. For example, or.
  4. Use in baking and in any other dishes as a substitute for cow's milk. For example, in .

How to prepare almond milk?

1. Take the ingredients:

Almonds (raw) - 150 gr.

Water - 1.5 liters

Natural sweetener - I have coke sugar (2 tbsp)

Vanilla (powder or extract) optional

Gauze or thin cloth - for straining milk

Blender (preferably stationary, not submersible)

It is imperative to use a sweetener, because. Without it, milk is tasteless. You don't need much, as there is no goal to make sweet milk. It will turn out slightly sweet, almost imperceptible. Actually, fresh cow's milk also has a slightly sweet taste.

As a natural sweetener, you can use: dates, coconut sugar, palm sugar, honey, agave syrup, Jerusalem artichoke syrup, carob syrup, stevia extract and other useful sugar substitutes. I really like using dates - for the indicated amount of almonds and water, you need 3-4 pieces. Or coconut sugar - 2 tablespoons is enough. Don't worry, it's not the same as 2 tablespoons of white sugar. It's natural sugar and doesn't taste as sweet.

2. Soak almonds for 8-10 hours, and more! I have already soaked almonds in the photo.

3. When the soaking time has passed, drain the water and wash the almonds. This is important, because when soaking their nuts, pesticides and other chemicals, if any, are released into the water.

4. We put all the ingredients in a blender - almonds, water, sugar + I have vanilla extract (10 drops). Beat at high speed for 1-2 minutes.

I know that many people peel almonds before grinding them in a blender. But I assure you, it's not necessary! It doesn't affect the taste in any way. It is believed that if you remove the brown peel, then the milk will be whiter. But by experience, I realized that when filtering, the gauze perfectly retains the brown particles of the almond skin, and the color of the milk turns white. So do not bother, especially since almonds are not so easy to clean.

5. We filter the milk. I usually do this. I take a jar or a jug. From above I close the jar with gauze (I have 2 layers). And pour milk from a blender. Then I carefully take the gauze with cake, which has not leaked into the jar and squeeze it well, to the last drop)

Everything, delicious almond milk is ready! Enjoy! From 150 grams of almonds, almost 1.5 liters of milk is obtained. It keeps well in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

If you have never tried almond milk or tried only store-bought, then I strongly recommend you to cook it. It's very, very tasty!

Advice! Do not throw away any leftover almond pulp after making milk. You can make delicious and healthy cookies out of it!

To do this, mash a ripe banana and a couple of dates with a fork, mix the resulting banana-date puree with almond cake, add any spices you want (cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla), form thin round cookies from the resulting dough and dry them in a dehydrator (vegetable dryer). and fruits). If you don't have a dehydrator, use the oven.

And this time I made two delicious puddings from milk - one, the other -! This is how delicious it turned out:

Drink the right milk) And be healthy!