How to get rid of a strong cough in a child. How to cure a cough with folk remedies at home. How to get rid of dry cough at home



Cough is a manifestation of many diseases. Cough can appear with a cold, bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and other lung diseases. First of all, you need to treat the underlying disease, but at the same time, you can alleviate its course by using cough remedies.
Folk remedies for cough:
1) Grind 500gr. peeled onions, add 2 tablespoons of honey, 400g. granulated sugar and cook over low heat in 1l. water 3 hours. Then cool and strain. Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Take a mixture of warm 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day with a strong cough.
2) For coughs, it is useful to eat onions fried in butter and mixed with honey.
3) Mix equal parts peeled hazelnuts and honey. Take 1 teaspoon 5-6 times a day with warm milk.
4) Mix honey and horseradish juice in a ratio of 1:3. Take in small portions throughout the day with tea. Drink 2-3 glasses of this infusion throughout the day.
5) Rub ripe bananas through a sieve and put them in a saucepan with hot water at the rate of 2 bananas to 1 glass of water with sugar. Warm up and drink this mixture when coughing.
6) When coughing, cut black radish into small cubes and put it in a saucepan, sprinkled with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain and pour the liquid into a bottle. Drink 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day and at night before going to bed.
7) When treating cough, the healer Vanga advised to cook 1 potato, 1 onion, 1 apple in 1 liter. water. Cook until the water is reduced by half. Drink this decoction 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
8) Fresh cabbage juice with sugar is useful as an expectorant for coughs. A decoction of cabbage with honey also works well.
9) With a prolonged cough, mix 300g. honey and 1 kg. crushed aloe leaves, pour a mixture of 0.5 liters. water and bring to a boil. Keep on low heat for 2 hours, stirring. Cool down. Store in the refrigerator for no more than a month. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
10) Aloe leaf juice mixed in equal proportions with warm honey and butter. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times a day before meals for severe cough.
11) Mix 3 tablespoons of crushed birch buds with 100g. unsalted butter, put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer over very low heat for 1 hour. Strain, squeeze, discard the kidneys. Add 200gr. honey and mix well. Take when coughing 4 times a day before meals.
12) Finely chop fresh nettle roots and boil in sugar syrup. Take 1 tablespoon daily for severe cough.
13) Pour 1 teaspoon of nettle herb 0.5 l. steep boiling water, insist, wrapped, 30 minutes and strain. Drink as tea for expectoration and thinning of phlegm.
14) 1 tablespoon of crushed plantain leaf pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day for severe cough.
15) Decoction of thyme or liquid extract used as an expectorant for coughs.
16) When coughing, it is recommended to drink hot milk with butter: ¾ cup of milk per 50g. oils.

Igorek M

If 3 weeks - it's time to see a doctor.
Antibiotics, unless it's whooping cough or something like that.


did you make the radish with honey? and cheap "cough pills" bought? (SO GREEN-BROWN)




Have you been tested for allergic bronchitis? ? Please ask, just in case, as this common disease can cause swelling of the larynx - which is deadly for an adult.


my mother, when I was very small, tickled me so that I would laugh and be able to clear my throat! :)

what have you already tried?


Generally, if there is no allergy. try badger fat with honey and milk. For an adult, 1/3 teaspoon, three times a day. The children were small, also treated like that. It should take five days.


Maybe he's allergic. Put the child on a diet, eliminating all foods that can cause allergies and try to identify an external irritant. Perhaps animal hair, indoor dust, a new indoor flower, tobacco smoke, or something else.


the main thing is if the drug does not act on the child for 5 days, then on any --- cancel ... maybe you don’t finish the cure ????

Natasha Vitova
have you tried it too?
if the cough is laryngitis --- inhalations with rotokan on omron and do not drink carbonated drinks such as mineral water or cola

Julia Makhanek

My child was coughing for 3 months, but without fever, they took tests for everything that was possible, the medicines were changed once a week, but it turns out it was necessary to change the doctor ... Our doctor fell ill and we went to another, she prescribed the antibiotic sumamed. She explained that when a child coughs for such a long time, it means that the bacterial microflora has joined, and you cannot cure it with conventional means.
By the way, today we slept peacefully all night, for the first time in three months ...
Consult with your physician.


Rub your back and feet with kerosene! Helped me. And as a child, my mother did acupressure with the Zvezdochka balm!


if the cough is dry - try Travisil syrup, it is herbal and helps well, but before using any drug, you need to consult a doctor. You can also give "Sinekod" - it is suitable even for babies.


the problem is that everyone as one is trying to get rid of the cough, instead of treating the bronchi. .
cough is necessary for the body to bring the disease out, and not leave it inside and develop into a chronic one !! !
Treat the bronchi and leave the cough alone! When the disease does not remain inside, the child himself will stop coughing.
I don't know how old the child is. . brew the root of elecampane, let's follow the instructions based on the body weight of the child.
Get well.


if you didn’t go to the doctor, then you need to, and so to the above camphor oil for rubbing (badger fat (for rubbing) is generally a song, if there is where to get it).

Anita ****

If the cough is of cold origin, then:
You take a medium-sized onion head, wash it WITHOUT CUTTING either an inch or a root from it, cut it crosswise, pour it with a glass of milk and put it on fire. Bring to a boil and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat and cool to a PLEASANT HOT, i.e. such a temperature when you can drink this glass of milk in one gulp without burning yourself.
To improve the taste, you can add honey or sugar.
Give your child a drink before bed and in bed.
We have a granddaughter so cough cured in a week.
And avoid all spicy and carbonated drinks.

Yana Myshlyaeva

Erispal syrup or tablets.

Ksenia Bokhan

Prospan by means of inhalation treats cough well. More than once, bronchitis was treated in this way for a child.

Mila Krokova

Actually, you need to go to the doctor! Personally, cough inhalations help us well, with drops of Prospan. I try to start as early as possible in order to cure it as soon as possible. And it helps every time!

How to quickly and urgently get rid of a wet cough in a child?



Well, I think the most harmless and effective thing is to breathe over a decoction of chamomile, so that you can breathe with your nose and mouth


fewer pills! ! legs continue to rub and chest. wrap after rubbing. More: black radish, cut off the top, cut out a little core. There honey. It will stand overnight, it will give juice .. give this juice a teaspoonful 3-4 times a day. Grate the same black radish, put on gauze and in the form of a compress on the chest and back (pre-lubricate the skin with vegetable oil) gently with the nipples and the heart area. hold for 20 minutes, if he starts to complain ... withdraw. Also: naps. boil potatoes in their skins, drain, put in a plastic bag, knead, wrap in a towel (not thick) and compress on the chest and back ... control ... as soon as it cools down .. immediately remove. In the nose: squeeze juice from fresh carrots and beets (a little, at a time of use) and drip into the nose alternately, once carrot, once beetroot. Buy licorice grass (not syrup) at the pharmacy, brew it and drink it.


Pharmacies sell the drug prospan (gedelix0. This is an extract of field ivy leaves. It is with a wet cough.
Bastinda wrote you a lot here, but at the same time she confused a lot.
Firstly, if the child is mobile, then no rubbing during the day.
Secondly, radish can be given only after 6 years (you did not write how much for yours), potatoes - yes, but at night. And during the day, put dry mustard in his (her) socks. The oven will not. And the effect is like from soaring legs at night.
Herbs for a wet cough: chamomile, marshmallow root, thyme, sage, calamus. black elderberry flowers, marigold petals (calendula 0.
And here are the roots. and not the herb soldky0 is used for dry cough.
after any warming up at night, rub the child with any fat. It could be pork or beef. barchuk fat, even vegetable oil. This is done in order to keep warm longer after warming up. Oh yes. All these warm-ups are done later than 2 hours before bedtime. 20 minutes after warming up, coughing begins. This is fine. What if you go to bed?
and there is a recipe that my mother-in-law taught. At night, rub both the back and the tummy, and the arms and legs of the baby: in rare proportions, vinegar, honey, water and alcohol (vodka). After such a procedure, you will never cough during the night. Why not zayu, but it works.
And don't forget to drink plenty of water. old people say: The disease comes out faster
Yes, and about a runny nose. INHALATIONS. If you can't keep your baby, don't. Pour water into a large saucepan. After boiling, pour the grass. + add a eucalyptus leaf. Let it boil for an hour, two, a whole day. The water has boiled away - pour it, the smell is gone - add some herbs. And let the kid play where and how he wants. The air is saturated with grass vapors and the result is colossal.


Buy psyllium syrup (DR. THEISS) at the pharmacy. Helped us out more than once (daughter 4 years old). This syrup has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, only you need to drink it for at least 5-7 days. Good luck to you!

How to quickly and without unnecessary problems cure a child from coughing?

To quickly cure a cough in a child, you must first undergo an examination, determine what exactly it is associated with. Usually these are diseases of the respiratory tract, but only one folk methods they cannot be treated, an integrated approach is required. Inhalations, heavy drinking, rubbing - all this can only speed up recovery, but cannot completely get rid of the disease. Such quick recipes activate the protective function of the body, they help it better cope with the infection.

Why does a strong cough occur? There can be many reasons. Most often, these are inflammatory processes, allergic reactions that occur when particles of dust, tobacco smoke, liquid and other irritating substances get inside. Cough can be not only dry, but also wet, wet with a runny nose. An allergic cough may not be an independent disease, but a symptom of some other disorder. In any case, an examination is necessary, after which only a doctor can allow the use of certain methods, including rubbing, baths, cups or compresses.

Dry cough treatment

A child up to a year old or more may develop a dry cough, while it is difficult for him to speak, there is pain when swallowing or itchy. With a dry cough, mucus is not released at all, the body cannot cope with the infection on its own, the bacteria are not excreted, but continue their destructive effect.

In deciding how to quickly cure a child of a cough, the use of traditional medicine methods will help:

  1. Saline inhalation.
  2. Together with a large amount of liquid, it is necessary to take warmed milk with natural honey, soda, it is best to use it immediately before bedtime.
  3. A proven remedy that does a great job with a dry cough is tea with lemon or raspberries. Tea alone will not fix the situation, but together with the prescribed medications, it will be effective.
  4. Fruit drinks and dried fruit compote have proven themselves well. Drink them warm, several times a day.
  5. You can make cough syrup based on citrus fruits, for which one large fruit you need to boil for 10 minutes, cool, cut into pieces. The juice from this lemon must be mixed with honey, glycerin, boiled water. Syrup is taken three times a day.

Rubbing on the basis of badger or bear fat can also help the child. After the procedure, you can drink a rosehip broth with honey. This activates the protective functions of the body.

Treatment for severe cough

For quick treatment of severe cough in children and adults, recipes based on ordinary radish can be used. It is cut into thin slices, you will need about 6-8 pieces. Then each individual slice is generously sprinkled with sugar and infused for 6 hours. The remedy is taken daily, about a full tablespoon. The frequency of admission is after 2 hours.

You can also use black radish, which is mixed with a full tablespoon of honey, aged on fire, and then cooled. You need to drink this remedy 3-4 times daily, the amount is 3 sips 30 minutes before meals. With this remedy, even a very strong cough can be cured in just 2 days.

You can completely get rid of cough with the help of marshmallow or coltsfoot.

This recipe is very simple: you need to take a full spoonful of dried flowers of any of these herbs, then pour it into 400 ml of boiling water. The remedy is infused for about an hour, after which it is carefully filtered. A natural medicine is taken in a teaspoon, this should be done up to 4-5 times a day.

Marshmallow has not only an anti-inflammatory effect, but also a softening one. You can cook it quickly. To do this, take about 2 full tablespoons and pour half a liter of cold water. The roots must first be crushed. The remedy is infused for a day, then it must be filtered, add a small amount of sugar. Drink it should be a tablespoon.

Wet cough treatment

Against a wet cough, the so-called steam inhalations help best of all. The more air you inhale, the more effective the effect will be.

The action of such steam inhalations is sputum-removing, expectorant. As a result, not only does the cough go away, but all the sputum that can cause the disease is also removed.

Usually, the use of steam inhalation allows you to quickly get rid of the cough. Inhalations can be done on the basis of potato decoctions. It is good to add some essential oil to them. The best expectorant effect has oil of eucalyptus, fir, sage, chamomile and others. In addition to the withdrawal of sputum, they all perform an anti-inflammatory function.

To have an effect, it is enough to add only 3-4 drops.

For the treatment of children, you can use the aroma lamp. A couple of drops are enough essential oils together with water to achieve a healing effect. As a result, you can not only remove a wet cough, but also relax the patient, help him better sleep. Oils can also be added to the bath.

To quickly cure a cough with a runny nose, you can use these simple but effective tips:

  1. Carrot juice along with pasteurized milk in equal proportions should be drunk daily, about 6 times a day. It is necessary to use the remedy for a full tablespoon.
  2. A quick cure for cough and runny nose is possible with the use of rubdowns. First, it is wiped into the chest with a dry, clean rag, and then rubbed with lard, lard or melted lard.
  3. Inhalations with dikain or a two percent solution of novocaine help to quickly get rid of the problem. For treatment, you need to mix half a glass of water with 2 ampoules of novocaine and about 5 drops of dicaine. The resulting mixture is inhaled for 5 minutes through the spout of the kettle.
  4. Powder from licorice root in the amount of 30 g is mixed with 60 g of powdered sugar and 15 g of dill. This mixture is taken three times a day, 3 times.

by the most effective methods of the fight are inhalations that help to quickly get rid of any type of cough. If you need to cure snot, then you can use additional essential oils of tea tree, mint, lemon or lavender. Additionally, antipyretics are taken. They cannot be excluded, especially when there is not only a runny nose or a strong cough, but also a sharp increase in body temperature from 38 ° C. A solution based on natural sea salt has proven itself well.

It can be purchased at any specialized store or pharmacy. Sore sinuses are washed with this solution. After the procedures, the functioning of the mucous membranes is restored, the disease quickly disappears.

Coughing can be caused by various problems. Before starting to treat it, it is necessary to undergo an examination that will accurately determine what caused the disease in the child. At home, in addition to the medicines prescribed by the doctor, you can use numerous traditional medicines.

The most common cause of a wet cough is a cold. The accumulated mucus makes it difficult for the bronchi and lungs to function, so the body tries to get rid of the infection with a protective cough reflex.


  1. Cough is not an independent disease, it only indicates the presence of a pathological process in the respiratory tract. Sputum appears in both bacterial and viral infections. The most common cause of wet cough- an acute respiratory illness, but more serious problems, such as pneumonia or bronchitis, cannot be ruled out without a medical examination.
  2. Take expectorant and sputum-thinning drugs, such as "Doctor Mom", "Bronhikum", "Lazolvan", "Azz". They effectively thin viscous sputum and help to cleanse the bronchi.
  3. Take herbal preparations. These include marshmallow root (available in the form of syrup), a decoction of coltsfoot (3 teaspoons of herbs in a glass of boiling water).
  4. Drink as much liquid as possible. Even ordinary water contributes to the thinning and discharge of mucus from the bronchi, but a mixture of half a glass of hot milk (fat content of at least 3.2%), the same amount of mineral water, a piece of butter and a teaspoon of honey will be a more effective drink.
  5. Humidify the air in the apartment. This will not only make breathing easier, but also reduce the frequency of seizures. cough.
  6. Perform an inhalation with alkaline mineral water. For the procedure, Borjomi, Narzan, Essentuki are suitable. Pour the mineral water into a glass and mix it thoroughly. When gas comes out of the water, heat it to a temperature of 40-50 degrees. Lean over a container of warm liquid and inhale the vapors. Continue the procedure for three minutes, then lie down. After 15 minutes, the effect of the treatment will appear. For a while, the cough will get a little worse, but the next day you will feel a significant improvement. Carry out the procedure every day 2-3 times.

How to quickly cure a cough in a child?

A cough can be quickly cured only when the exact reason for which it appeared is clarified. Cough is a protection for a child, it appears due to an irritant of an allergic, bacterial or chemical nature. Please note that not always coughing fits can be triggered by a disease, often an allergic reaction of the body to a specific irritant.

Causes of a cough in a child

1. Due to an infectious disease.

2. In cases of appearance of adenoids.

3. If there is an inflammatory process in the ENT organs.

4. With bronchial asthma.

5. Due to dry air.

Before you treat a cough in a child, you must definitely decide what kind of cough you will fight from dry, wet, choking or paroxysmal.

Quick treatment for a cough in a child

In no case should you self-medicate, only a doctor after a thorough examination can prescribe the necessary drugs:

1. Mucolytic agents, with their help you can thin the sputum, remove it from the respiratory tract. Often the child is treated with Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Halixol.

2. Cough medicines, with the help of them you can reduce coughing. Effective treatment with Alteyka, Mukaltin, Pertussin.

3. Expectorant drugs will help to quickly remove sputum, Gedelix is ​​ideal.

Treatment with herbal preparations

In a child, cough is not recommended to be treated with medications, in which there are a large number of different chemicals, it is best to pay attention to preparations that include plants. With their help, you can quickly cure dry and wet cough. They do not have a toxic effect on the body, do not have side effects, so they should be used to treat children.

Licorice root is part of various preparations, it is the main component of tablets, syrups, potions, breast elixir, and it is also often combined with propolis. It is effective to take those remedies that contain other herbs for coughing and inflammation. With the help of marshmallow root, you can get rid of a strong cough, and remove sputum. Children can drink such preparations, which include Alteika - Mukaltin, Bronchostop syrup, breast fees.

Bronchitis can be cured with a herbal preparation, which contains psyllium, leaves and seeds contain a large amount of expectorant and anti-inflammatory elements. It can be found in preparations such as Eucabal, Pectoral, Stoptussin.

Chronic and acute forms of bronchitis can be cured with the help of homeopathic remedies, which include ivy. Children are prescribed treatment with Prospan, Pectolvan.

Primrose is a plant with which you can relieve inflammation, remove sputum, get rid of germs, bring down body temperature. Primrose is included in the syrups Sinupret, Gerbion, Bronchipret.

Almost all cough syrups for children include thyme, thyme due to their antimicrobial effects on the body, so a cough can be quickly cured with Eucabal.

Some therapists advise using drugs of Indian origin - Dr. Mom, Cook syrups, Kofol, prescribe treatment with Travisil.

All of the above syrups must be treated with extreme caution, because each child individually tolerates them, a complication or an allergic reaction may occur.

Effective folk remedies for treating a cough in a child

1. A mixture of honey and lemon helps well, especially if the cough is provoked by a viral infection. To do this, boil a lemon, wait until it cools down, cut it into two parts and squeeze the juice from it, add glycerin, use it three times a day.

2. Quickly get rid of cough, black radish will help the child, it is specially rubbed, honey is added, consumed in the morning and before bedtime. You can also prepare juice from a radish, for this its upper part is cut off, honey is laid there, insist until there is enough juice, give the child up to 5 times a day.

3. It is especially good to drink such a decoction when coughing - milk with carrot juice, it should be warm.

3. Take an onion, chop it, add it to 200 ml of milk, strain everything through cheesecloth, give it to the child every hour during the day.

4. For a decoction, birch buds, butter are needed, mix everything, add honey, take before meals.

5. A strong cough can be cured with figs, warm milk, it is recommended to add mineral water "Essentuki", "Borjomi", honey to this mixture. If the child is allergic to this recipe should be treated with extreme caution.

6. Scroll the lemon in a blender, add honey, insist, consume three times a day.

7. With the help of ginger, you can cure not only a cough, but also a runny nose, which often accompanies it. Tea is prepared from ginger, the effect will increase if lemon and honey are added to it.

8. Hot foot baths help children well, and it is also recommended to warm up the back and chest. To get rid of a cough, you need to warm up with salt, for this it is strongly heated, poured into a sock, and applied to the back and chest. Please note that the salt must be warm so as not to burn yourself.

9. Quickly treats cough goat fat, they need to rub the chest, back and heels of the child. Put on warm pajamas and socks, put him to bed.

Also, the child should be calm, the room should be warm and well ventilated, the air should be humid. As you need to drink liquids, so sputum will come out faster and easier. If there is no temperature, do not force the child to adhere to bed rest, the more he moves, the faster the sputum will go away.

Thus, a cough can be cured quickly only if it is without complications. Therefore, it is important to do everything in a timely manner. Please note that at home you can treat a cough only if it is provoked by a cold and is not accompanied by high fever, poor health of the child, shortness of breath, in all other cases it is necessary to contact the attending doctor, he must listen and examine the child, then only make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Cough accompanies most diseases respiratory system. It significantly poisons life, is often strong and debilitating. Children especially suffer from coughing.

There are folk remedies that will help to quickly relieve a cough or get rid of it completely. But before you apply them, you should understand what kind of cough torments the child. There are two types of cough: dry and wet. The first most often appears in the early stages of the disease. A wet cough usually precedes the final stage of the illness. But with prolonged excretion of sputum, recovery may be delayed.

How to treat dry cough in a child

Dry cough is dangerous because sputum does not leave the respiratory tract and accumulates there in in large numbers. Children can cough for a long time, a sore throat appears. This negatively affects the general condition, makes recovery difficult, and can lead to complications. AT this case the child should be given expectorant drugs that will make him feel better.

Perfectly removes phlegm with a mixture of salt and soda dissolved in water. 0.5 teaspoon and a pinch of salt must be dissolved in 0.5 cups of warm water. The remedy is taken 2 times a day. It is optimal to give it to the child in the morning before breakfast and before lunch.

You can add a spoonful of honey and 0.5 tablespoons of soda to warm milk, give the child a drink before bedtime. This is a method proven over the years to alleviate dry cough, helps to remove accumulated sputum, improves the condition of the baby, promotes restful sleep. Instead of soda, alkaline mineral water can be added to such a product.

How to quickly cure a wet cough in a child

Inhalations help to quickly get rid of a wet cough in children. For their implementation, essential oils are excellent, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. The most effective are inhalations with the addition of essential oils of fir, cedar, eucalyptus. They not only contribute to a faster discharge of sputum, but also perfectly calm the child, normalize his sleep. When carrying out inhalation for children, it is enough to add only 3 drops of oil to hot water.

If there are no essential oils in the house, and the pharmacy is far away, you can get by with inhalations with a decoction of potatoes. When inhaling wet vapors, sputum comes out quickly from the bronchi, which greatly brings recovery closer.

Every mother should remember that before treatment, you need to consult a pediatrician who will help you choose the most optimal and safe way. And also tell you how to use it correctly, and select dosages in accordance with the age, weight and gender of the child.

How to get rid of dry cough in a child. the medicine


Elena Maria

I do not know

pertusin was given to us in childhood for coughing



What age?


What is the cause of the cough?

remember me...

half a glass of hot milk add 6-7 drops of camphor oil to it drink very quickly!! ! I do this all the time and others do too.
drink 2 times a day until the cough goes away!


Damn, I love some of the advice. If a slight cough mild symptom colds, from the fact that the child has become cold during festivities, for example, then consult a doctor and follow his prescriptions. And no gag, such as "camphor oil inside quickly," if you do not want trouble from such self-treatment!

Olga X

How old is the child? 1 st. lie without a top of sage herb, pour hot milk (but not boiling), cover and let it brew until warm. Strain, add 1 tsp honey to taste. lodges (if there is no allergy to honey), but the infusion is not bitter at all. And give the child a drink at night when he sits in bed and is ready for bed. Drink milk and sleep. 2 procedures and you will see the result.


It is customary to talk about dry cough in those cases when, when coughing, either no sputum is secreted at all, or very meager amounts of sputum are released. During many diseases, there is often a transition from a dry cough to a wet one, as well as a change in the nature of sputum (for example, from watery to purulent). Such a change in the nature of cough, as well as a change in the nature of sputum, depends on the natural development of the disease. With many viral infections (influenza, parainfluenza, RS infection), the cough is initially dry; the appearance of purulent sputum suggests that a bacterial infection has joined the viral infection - this development is typical for most SARS.
Dry cough is also characteristic of chronic pharyngitis, the initial stages of pneumonia, lung cancer, initial forms tuberculosis, gastroesophageal reflux (gastric juice from the stomach into the esophagus), chronic sinusitis, pleural diseases (systemic connective tissue diseases, tumors), for patients with heart failure, for patients with allergies. Do you know the cause of the cough? What is the tone when the cough is stronger...? It all depends on the treatment, which the doctor knows well.

The fastest way to get rid of dry cough


Personal Account Deleted

Syrup "Bromhexine Berlin Chemi" helps well


best of all, burnt sugar, helps very quickly and without harm!


Inhalations over eucalyptus or potatoes, mixture, tea with honey, milk with honey, butter, soda ... Remember how you heal yourself!

Personal Account Deleted

Brew Icelandic moss and drink. Although the swill is disgusting, it is very rich


Collect fresh warm urine of the child in a clean container and immediately let (in the form of tea) drink at least one tablespoon, and after half an hour carrot juice (warm up a little) about 1/2 cup. Health to you!


I give Linkas syrup to my son, and I also mix soluble Mukaltin and Cough tablets into the tea - they are inexpensive, on herbs and help, and I also definitely give radish with honey - but this is not for allergy sufferers! - I cut a small hole in the radish, pour honey there, after a couple of hours the first portion is ready, then I add honey again, I give it 3-4 times a day in a teaspoon. If there is no temperature, you can pour mustard into your socks before going to bed ...

Kovalenko Petr

bananas immediately relieve cough, but then honey should be used for prevention. drugs.


stoptussin - good remedy for dry cough


Coughing is a defensive reaction that restores airway patency. With its help, the trachea and bronchi are cleared of foreign particles and sputum. If something obstructs the passage of air or inflammation of the respiratory tract develops, special receptors are irritated and a cough appears. Dry cough attacks are very painful and do not bring relief. Dry cough can also occur with respiratory tract infections. With a wet cough, a little light sputum is expectorated. Doctors call such a cough productive because it helps to remove sputum along with pathogens, clears the airways, and also provides air access to the lungs. Therefore, for respiratory tract infections, treatment should be aimed at transforming a dry cough into a wet one so that the body can get rid of sputum with its help.
Mom should not calmly watch how her baby suffers, and take sick leave and treat the child.
Let's have a warm drink. Especially at bedtime or if the baby has a fever, a honey drink can be given to a child over three years old: dilute a teaspoon of honey and a few drops of lemon juice in warm water. Raise the head of the bed at night. Then less mucus will get into the throat of the crumbs, and he will sleep more peacefully.
Humidify the air in the room where the child is. Your baby will breathe much easier. If you don't have a humidifier, hang a wet towel on the radiator in the children's room.

Inga Adamskaya

milk + honey + yolk

Small miracle

drink more fluids..

How to cure a cough in one day, the question is especially relevant in the cold season. Cough is the main symptom of colds, including tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, it also occurs against the background of allergic reactions. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to treat the disease and, along with the main treatment, take measures that will help get rid of the cough. At the same time, thanks to coughing, the respiratory tract is cleared of dust, sputum, and harmful bacteria. It is necessary to take emergency measures only when colds are accompanied by a cough, as can be judged by elevated body temperature and general weakness.

If the cough only announced itself and the child's temperature is not higher than 37 degrees, warming procedures will help him. Feet must be kept warm at all times. A small child should put mustard powder in their socks, and older children should soak their feet in mustard before going to bed. Simultaneously with thermal procedures, it is necessary to start taking antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs, without waiting for the infection to pass to the bronchi and lungs. Apply a warming ointment on the chest and back of the child and rub it with light massage movements. Massage will ease the condition of the child and help speed up the release of sputum.

Syrups, for example, Ambrobene, which children drink with pleasure, have an expectorant effect. But the syrup should be taken only as directed by a doctor. But you can always resort to the help of folk remedies, the effectiveness of which has been tested by time. Warm milk with honey, with a piece of butter and a pinch of soda will help from a hacking cough. Not all children will like this drink, then on the basis of milk you can prepare another cough remedy that everyone without exception will like. Finely chop two small figs, fill them with a glass of warm milk and let it brew for 20 minutes. Give the child 5-6 times a day for a tablespoon.

Herbal preparations- the first assistant in any disease. With their help, you can treat bronchitis, cough, tracheitis and pneumonia. It is important to properly prepare herbal infusion. Usually herbs are poured with boiling water and insisted for a while. And in order for the herbs to have a therapeutic effect, they must be brewed as follows: pour cold water, 15 minutes to heat in a water bath, then insist for half an hour. The resulting liquid is filtered and the volume is adjusted to 200 ml.

When coughing, a collection of currant leaves, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, oregano, sage leaves, linden flowers and dandelion helps. Take all the ingredients in equal amounts and grind them. A tablespoon of the collection should be poured with two glasses of hot water, and then insisted in a thermos for two hours. Take half a glass every three hours. It is advisable to add a spoonful of honey to herbal tea for taste and enhance therapeutic effects.

Well removes sputum infusion from the leaves of coltsfoot and elderberry. It can be cooked in a water bath or infused in a thermos.

If the voice is hoarse and itchy in the throat, an infusion of blackberry, raspberry, coltsfoot and lime blossom leaves, taken in equal amounts, will help. Pour two teaspoons of the collection with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. The infusion is used as a gargle and is used instead of tea.

AT folk medicine medicinal properties onions are used in many recipes. "Onion for all ailments" is especially effective in treating coughs.

Mix the chopped head of onion with two tablespoons of sugar and 100 ml of water. Cook over low heat for 30 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, add two tablespoons of honey. Take a tablespoon 5-6 times a day.

When coughing, fried onions are also useful. It is fried in butter and mixed with a spoonful of honey.

Get rid of cough folk remedies You can also use garlic. Grind 3-4 cloves of garlic, mix them with a tablespoon of honey and eat this mixture throughout the day.

Dilute a few drops of garlic juice in a tablespoon of warm milk and drink before bed. You are guaranteed a restful sleep.

Honey is traditionally used in the treatment of colds. It is added to herbal infusions, mixed with milk, and medicinal slurries are prepared from it.

The simplest and most affordable cough remedy is to drink warm milk with honey several times a day. Good results are obtained by a mixture of honey (100 g) with the juice of one lemon or horseradish juice. In folk recipes, honey is mixed with grated black radish. But you can cook radish with honey differently. The radish is thoroughly washed, then the upper part is cut off from it, in the middle I make a recess into which two tablespoons of honey are poured. Let it brew for 3-4 hours, then take a tablespoon before meals and at bedtime. This product is recommended for both children and adults.

Especially honey is effective with raspberries, coltsfoot and other plants that have an expectorant effect. honey and medicinal herbs reinforce each other's healing effects.

Honey is used for inhalation, it is mixed with flour, cottage cheese, cakes are formed and placed on the back and chest of the child to warm up.

How to quickly cure a cough in one day

Remedy number 1 for coughing - inhalation. This procedure at home is carried out over a saucepan. In a house where there are children, there should be an inhaler. It is not only more convenient, but also safer for the child. Inhalations can be carried out with any herb that has an expectorant effect, potatoes. For the procedure to be effective, it must last at least 15 minutes. Healing vapors warm the airways and bronchi. If you use potatoes for inhalation, then it is enough to wash it, but do not peel it. Healing properties of this root crop is the peel. After inhalation, potatoes can be used for warming. Knead it and put it on a cotton cloth or several layers of gauze. The compress should be done before going to bed, apply it to the back or chest. When the potato mass has cooled down, the compress must be removed, and in order not to have a cough at night, drink a “healing cocktail” of two beaten yolks, a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of vodka. After such effective warming up from the inside and outside, in the morning there will be no trace of coughing.

How to get rid of dry cough in a 3.5 year old child? coughs when sleeping, no temperature, everything is as usual, only at night



we had a similar situation, called the doctor, he told me that it was because of the dry air in the apartment. I started hanging the battery with a wet sheet (before daytime sleep and at night) and her cough went away, moisturize the air! of course consult your doctor.

Happinnes exists

do inhalations and drink lukewarm more often, let's


"Sinekod" is good for dry cough. Preferably only after consulting a doctor.

Svetlana Biryukova

They took a picture for us, it turned out that bronchitis was treated in the hospital.

Timofeeva Evgenia

It is necessary to establish the cause of the cough - allergies or snot flow down the back wall, and the appropriate treatment (we treat allergies or a runny nose) ..

Elizabeth Pavlova

change your pillow, it's probably an allergy. And so the badger ointment and the mixture of pertusin.

Natalia Maltseva

night cough is often due to discharge from the nose and nasopharynx - you look into his mouth, maybe he has a sluggish inflammatory process in the throat. But in general, it is better to consult a doctor, and a good one, since an allergic cough is possible (for example, a reaction to a puro pillow, or a mattress stuffing), and taking the same synecode can provoke problems.

I am your illusion

Ventilate the apartment, moisten the air, drink plenty of water. And a very good method is to take a cabbage leaf, grease it with honey, put it on the baby’s breast, on top with cellophane and a towel. let him sleep with such a compress at night and in the afternoon. That's the only way I cured my niece. I took medicine for a month and it didn't go away.

Alexandra Pershukova

"Linkas" helped us.


mucoltin foreva! and it would be good to buy a nebulizer and do inhalations.

Alexey Alekseev

ventilate the room before going to bed! the problem may not be in health, but in the climate of the apartment.


To get rid of it, you need to find out the cause, be examined for adenoids (if it is the cough in the supine position that intensifies) or is it allergic (to fluff, wool, dust, plants, washing powder ...) - this is to an allergist.

Relieve a cough or get rid of it permanently. But before you apply them, you should understand what kind of cough torments. There are two types of cough: dry and wet. The first most often appears in the early stages of the disease. A wet cough usually precedes the final stage of the illness. But with prolonged excretion of sputum, recovery may be delayed.

How to treat dry cough in a child

Dry cough is dangerous because sputum does not leave the respiratory tract and accumulates there in large quantities. Children can take a long time, a sore throat appears. This negatively affects the general condition, makes recovery difficult, and can lead to complications. In this case, there are expectorants that will make him feel better.

Perfectly removes phlegm with a mixture of salt and soda dissolved in water. 0.5 teaspoon and a pinch of salt must be dissolved in 0.5 cups of warm water. The remedy is taken 2 times a day. It is optimal to give it to the child in the morning before breakfast and before lunch.

You can add a spoonful of honey and 0.5 tablespoons of soda to warm milk, give the child a drink before bedtime. This is a method proven over the years to soften dry, helps to remove accumulated sputum, improves the condition of the baby, promotes restful sleep. Instead of soda, alkaline mineral water can be added to such a product.

How to quickly cure a wet cough in a child

Inhalations help to quickly get rid of a wet cough in children. For their implementation, essential oils are excellent, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. The most effective are inhalations with the addition of essential oils of fir, cedar, eucalyptus. They not only contribute to a faster discharge of sputum, but also perfectly calm the child, normalize his sleep. When carrying out inhalation for children, it is enough to add only 3 drops of oil to hot water.

If there are no essential oils in the house, and the pharmacy is far away, you can get by with inhalations with a decoction of potatoes. When inhaling wet vapors, sputum comes out quickly from the bronchi, which greatly brings recovery closer.

Every mother should remember that before treatment, you need to consult a pediatrician who will help you choose the most optimal and safe way. And also tell you how to use it correctly, and select dosages in accordance with the age, weight and gender of the child.


At home, the treatment of cough in children should involve the use quick recipes, folk remedies and special medicines. To recover, the child will need to ensure peace, give plenty of fluids, and humidify the air in the room. Such complex therapy will help to quickly rid the kids of possible complications caused by the disease.

What is a cough

In medical terminology, a cough is understood as a sharp exhalation, which serves as a protective reflex of the body to cleanse the bronchi of foreign particles, microorganisms and sputum. This is a reflex reaction of the body that occurs with a disease of the respiratory tract. It is accompanied by vomiting, hoarseness, anxiety, sleep disturbance and deterioration in the condition of children. Most cases of prolonged cough are accompanied by acute infections (SARS, influenza), inflammation of the ENT organs, and the presence of adenoids.

How to treat a cough in a child depends on the type of pathological disease and the correct diagnosis. In the classification, subspecies are distinguished:

  1. By duration- acute disease (up to 3 weeks) and chronic (with a runny nose).
  2. The nature- productive (wet, with sputum) and non-productive cough (dry, without mucus discharge).
  3. Origin- barking infectious (jerky, with inflammation of the larynx), convulsive (whooping cough), whistling (bronchial asthma).
  4. Type of bronchial mucus- light (chronic bronchitis), with an admixture of blood (pulmonary tuberculosis).

How to cure a cough in a child

To rid children of coughing, you need to start with drinking plenty of water, inhalation, the use of non-drug preparations and herbal teas. Medicines are prescribed only by prescription - it is forbidden to independently select children's remedies, at the same time take antitussive and mucolytic drugs, antibiotics, bronchodilators. For treatment, pediatricians prescribe:

  • mucolytics- to thin and remove sputum (Ambrobene, Halixol, Lazolvan);
  • antitussives- to suppress cough in children (Bronchicum, Sedotussin);
  • expectorants- help with sputum production (Gedelix, Pertussin, licorice root).

Methods of treatment

Depending on the dry or wet type, the treatment of cough in a child is different. If a dry one occurs, it must be transferred to a wet - productive one in order to speed up the healing process.

For treatment, it is allowed to use a plentiful warm alkaline drink, warming compresses, bronchodilators. The wet subtype is easier to cure - they take mucolytics and expectorants. Additional methods of treating inflammation of the bronchi are physiotherapy, electrophoresis, inhalations, banks, rubbing, mustard plasters and massage.

Popular medicines for the treatment of children's cough are the following varieties:

  • antitussives- Bronholitin, Gerbion;
  • expectorants-, Gedelix;
  • mucolytics- ACC, acetylcysteine, Carbocysteine;
  • lollipops– Septolete, Doctor Theiss;
  • - relieve swelling of the larynx: Diazolin, Cetirizine;
  • bronchodilators- Salbutamol;
  • nasal drops- Naphazoline, Xylometazoline;
  • to prevent relapse– Broncho-munal, Broncho-Vaksom;
  • rubbing- Pulmeks, turpentine ointment;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs- Erespal.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

If inflammation of the airways develops, anti-inflammatory drugs will help. They facilitate the healing process, remove pain and discomfort when swallowing. How to quickly cure a cough in a child, the doctor will tell you, he will also prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • , Serrata;
  • Herbion, Omnitus;
  • , Fluditec, Bronchipret.


To speed up the withdrawal of sputum from the lungs and treatment, expectorant cough preparations in children are intended. The active ingredients in them are plant saponins and alkaloids, which make the mucus liquid, increase its amount, and promote expectoration. Babies should not use them because of the high risk of allergies and deterioration of the drainage function of the bronchi. Expectorants relieve cough:

  • syrup of marshmallow root and licorice root;
  • collections of thyme, coltsfoot, plantain;
  • Gerbion syrup with plantain - herbal preparation;
  • Bronholitin, Solutan - remove mucus from the bronchi;
  • Tussin, Pertussin;
  • soda (sodium bicarbonate);
  • potassium iodide;
  • can be treated with Prospan, Linkas, Dr. Mom, Gedelix, Ascoril syrup.


Mucoregulators have the ability to reduce the amount of mucus produced, preventing its accumulation in the lower respiratory tract. This includes Fluifort in syrup and granules. Fluifort promotes the transfer of a dry cough into a wet one, as well as the removal of sputum. The active substance of Fluifort is carbocysteine ​​lysine salt monohydrate. Carbocysteine ​​has a complex action among mucoregulators. It activates the enzyme responsible for correct composition mucus. Also, under the action of carbocysteine, the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is restored, the number of cells that produce mucus is normalized. As a result, less mucus is produced.


Antitussive therapy helps to cope with a painful cough, but it can only be used as directed by a senior doctor. The reason is the risk of stagnation of sputum, mucous secretions in the respiratory tract. Indications for the use of antitussive drugs are whooping cough, sleep problems due to frequent attacks. Doctors recommend that children rarely use such means - a viscous secret worsens the drainage function of the bronchi, increases the risk of secondary infection, respiratory failure.

Antitussive drugs are divided into central action (narcotic Codeine and non-narcotic Sinekod), peripheral (Libeksin). Non-narcotic drugs are prescribed for painful dry cough, vomiting, chest pain, sleep disturbance. It is not recommended to use them on their own. The doctor may prescribe combination drugs - Hexapneumine, Loraine (contraindicated in preschoolers) and ephedrine products (Bronholitin, Solutan) in case of abundant liquid sputum.


Drugs that relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi and expand their lumen are called bronchodilators. They are prescribed by the therapist in case of obstructive bronchitis, or asthma. Popular medications for treating signs of chronic inflammation are:

  • Salbutamol, Ventolin- are used as bronchodilator therapy;
  • Atrovent- anticholinergic drug;
  • - combined remedy;
  • Eufillin- short-acting theophylline.


Cough recipes for children contain instructions for the use of homeopathy. The choice of drug depends on the type of cough, the cause of its occurrence, the first symptoms of infection. It is recommended to use the following useful tools:

  • Hepar sulphuris- from dry hoarse cough;
  • Arsenic album- from dry, exhausting, irritation in the larynx;
  • Antimonium tartaricum- from dry debilitating, intermittent, vomiting, nausea;
  • Ipecacuanha- from prolonged night, pain in the head, stomach;
  • Spongia tosta- from hoarse barking, burning, tickling in the larynx;
  • Rumex- from dry strong, soreness of the sternum with a deep breath;
  • Sambucus nigra- from the croupy, disturbing sleep, indomitable.

What can rub a child

With absence high temperature the patient can apply rubbing and massages, the procedures are carried out with caution in the dry cough subtype. We treat a cough in a child at home - the following ointments are applicable for dry cough with allergies, whooping cough or false croup:

  • Doctor Mom- with camphor, menthol, eucalyptus, nutmeg, turpentine oils, thymol;
  • Badger, Pulmeks, Evkabal- warming, not suitable for children of two years of age, prone to allergic reactions;
  • badger, bear, interior, goose fats- they rub the chest of a child who has reached the age of 3 years, the massage is carried out carefully.


Inhalation is used to alleviate dry cough. You can do them with nebulizers, inhalers, or just breathe steam over a pot of hot water. The last inhalations are contraindicated in children under 3 years of age. At home, with the symptoms of the disease, the following solutions, medications will help:

  • , Ambrobene, ACC, Fluimucil, Rotokan, Tonsilgon;
  • calendula extract;
  • medicinal herbs - decoctions of sage, St. John's wort, raspberries, mint, eucalyptus, juniper;
  • Evkar or Ingafitol fees;
  • solution of soda, alkaline mineral water (Borjomi).


For the treatment of cough in children, it is effective to use compresses. The following mixtures are impregnated with gauze, applied to the throat, sternum or back, wrapped in cellophane and a warm cloth. In the treatment of colds, compresses can be done at bedtime or left overnight. Popular recipes:

  • honey, butter, flour, vodka are added to dry mustard - on the throat for several days in a row;
  • mix a spoonful of honey, vodka, sunflower oil, heat in a water bath, close the neck, interscapular zone, do it every other day;
  • crush the potatoes boiled in their skins, add butter, tie on the chest;
  • dimexide diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4, heated - for 40 minutes before bedtime on the heart area, in the absence of high temperature, only for children over 12 years old;
  • moisten a napkin with vodka, saline or mustard solution, apply on the skin, smeared with baby cream, for half an hour.

mustard plasters

With a dry type with difficulty in sputum discharge, cough treatment in children occurs with the use of mustard plasters. Contraindications - fever (above 37.5 ° C), skin irritations, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, tumors or asthma, up to one year of age. Avoid putting mustard plasters on the area of ​​the heart and spine, it is better for small children to lay them in these places through gauze.

Depending on age, the exposure time of the quick procedure differs: up to 3 years - 2 minutes, up to 7 - 3, up to 12 - 5. After treatment, wipe the skin with a softening cream, in case of bright redness, immediately remove the product and remove the remaining powder with a damp warm towel. Mustard plasters are applied in the evening, after which you need to change the baby into pajamas and cover with a blanket.

An effective cough suppressant for children

Not only expensive funds may be effective in the treatment of cough syndrome. From the dry type, the following drugs will help:

  • mucolytics- dragee for resorption Falimint, syrups Halixol, Lazolvan;
  • bronchodilators- tablets and syrup Libeksin;
  • antitussives- elixir Codelac, syrups Gerbion, Stoptussin;
  • anti-inflammatory- syrups Omnitus, Ambrohexal;
  • antipyretic- Lorraine powder.

The following will help fight a wet cough: effective means for the treatment of children of different ages:

  • expectorants- ACC tablets, Bromhexine, syrups Ambroxol, Mukaltin, Gerbion with primrose, Pertussin;
  • warming up- Doctor Mom ointment;
  • antitussives- Broncholitin;
  • thinning sputum- Ambrobene capsules, suspension;
  • antispasmodic- Gedelix syrup.

Strong remedy

The following strong remedies and methods of treating children will help to quickly get rid of the cough syndrome:

  • expectorant mixtures- extract of licorice root, marshmallow, thermopsis infusion, Pertussin;
  • to loosen mucus- a solution of potassium iodide, Mukaltin, Bromhexine, Lazolvan, Fluimucil;
  • inhalation- a spoonful of soda in a glass of water, ACC, Lazolvan;
  • vibration chest massage- lay the child on his stomach, lightly beat the sternum with short movements with the edge of the palm of your hand.

Folk remedies

Some folk remedies for coughing for children are considered effective. Recipes to help get rid of obsessive seizures:

  • radish, onion or carrot juice with honey - a tablespoon up to 5 times a day;
  • you can give the child warm milk, vitamin fruit drinks;
  • baked radish with sugar - strain the juice, give two teaspoons before meals 3-4 times a day;
  • squeeze the juice of a lemon, mix with two tablespoons of glycerin and add the contents of a glass of honey - take a teaspoon up to six times a day;
  • mix hot milk with Borjomi in equal proportions and drink with honey or figs;
  • mix honey with anise or butter, take three times a teaspoon;
  • heat the salt in a frying pan, wrap it in a cotton sock, quickly heat the baby's chest and back.

How to cure a cough in a baby

At the age of up to a year old, the problem can torment the baby due to a cold or teething. Means for eliminating physiological cough are drugs, methods and rules:

  • regular airing of the room, installation of a humidifier;
  • plentiful drink, light back massage;
  • rubbing with animal fat, walking in the fresh air;
  • inhalations are carried out with physiological saline through a nebulizer;
  • mucolytics - Gedelix, Prospan;
  • homeopathy - Stodal syrup and Oscillococcinum granules;
  • patches on the chest Nozzle;
  • spray Tantum Verde - only with a strong inflammatory process, because. there is a risk of suffocation.

Cough, being a protective reaction of the body, gives the patient not only discomfort, but also painful manifestations in the chest area. A painful physiological reflex often accompanies colds, but it can also be of an allergic nature. At the initial stages of the disease, a dry form of cough appears, and as the disease progresses, it turns into a wet form. Therefore, it is necessary to rid the child of coughing as soon as possible and in safe ways.

With a strong cough, you need to take measures to save the child from coughing

What are the causes of cough

Depending on the cause of the cough reflex in children, it is divided into physiological and pathological.

Physiological. This reflex does not irritate the upper air passages and is seen in babies 6 months of age and younger. The reflex effect of coughing helps to clear the upper respiratory canals from accumulated mucus and dust. Given the fact that the nasal passages in children are narrow and clog quickly, they must be released in a timely manner, which is what the body does with the help of a cough. The situation is aggravated by the dry microclimate in the room - this leads to the formation of hard crusts in the nose, preventing the normal passage of air. Thickened mucus flowing into it can also irritate the larynx.

The physiological reflex, aimed at pushing the mucus out, does not require special treatment. Better create favorable conditions in the room (temperature up to 20 degrees, humidity up to 75%) and take care of proper care for the baby. It manifests itself as a separate symptom, coughing in the range of 10-15 times is considered the norm, while there are no attacks, the sound is moderate, not loud.

Physiological cough is often found in infants, does not require treatment, it is enough to provide optimal humidity and fresh air

Pathological. This category includes everything that provokes irritation and inflammation in the upper respiratory tract or causes bronchopulmonary diseases. The whole range of reasons can be conditionally divided into groups:

  1. allergic in nature, where the cough reflex appears as a result of exposure to a source of irritation (allergen) on the larynx;
  2. infectious origin, where cough signals the presence of pathogens (viruses, bacteria) in the respiratory tract;
  3. non-infectious origin, as a result of mechanical or chemical effects on the larynx, intense stress on the vocal cords.

To understand how to quickly rid a child of an annoying cough, you need to find out the cause of its appearance.

One of the most common causes of abnormal cough is an infection of the respiratory tract or lungs.

Cough as a symptom of a cold

The appearance of a pathological cough reflex in children against the background of acute respiratory diseases has its own distinctive characteristics:

  1. body temperature rises above 37 degrees;
  2. there is a runny nose, deterioration in general condition, loss of appetite, whims, anxiety;
  3. the transition of a dry, non-productive cough to a wet form.

A change in the nature of the cough may indicate the development of a specific disease, so when:

  • pharyngitis concomitant symptom to cough felt sore throat;
  • inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis), the child suffers from a dry, barking cough, accompanied by a hoarse voice;
  • inflammation of the tracheal mucosa, the pathological reflex is loud enough with pain behind the sternum;

With bronchitis in children there is a strong cough

  • bronchitis, moist rales are noted, abundant sputum formations stand out, the cough reflex becomes loud;
  • influenza cough syndrome is unproductive, painful, persistent.

If a small patient has an elevated temperature, then warming and inhalation procedures are not recommended.

How to treat cough in children

It is possible to use medications to get rid of an unpleasant symptom in children if there is a deterioration in general well-being. With a debilitating cough reflex, a qualified specialist prescribes antitussive drugs. The symptom appears as a result of the excessive viscosity of pathological mucus, in order to dilute it, funds are needed to thin the secret.

If nothing helps, see a doctor

With paroxysmal, intense and debilitating cough with a gag reflex, sleep disturbances, therapeutic therapy is aimed at suppressing the symptom. In order to avoid a deterioration in the well-being of a small patient, it is impossible to use medicines on their own. Only the attending physician will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe a course of treatment.

For high-quality liquefaction of sputum formations, children are prescribed mucolytic drugs: ACC, Bromhexine, Mukaltin, Ambroxol. Children with a dry cough are recommended Bronholitin (from three years old), Gedelix - a herbal medicine, it can be used from a year.

Bronchodilators, for example, Eufilin, Theophylline, are prescribed for coughing, accompanied by spasms of the bronchi, contributing to their relaxation.

Combined drugs help babies with symptoms of SARS. To thin thick mucus, suppress coughing attacks, relieve the inflammatory process, Dr. Mom, Codelac Phyto drugs are used.

How to get rid of dry cough at home

To reduce irritation of the mucous respiratory canals, it is good to use aerosols, inhalation procedures with medicinal herbs.

Among the effective folk recipes can be distinguished:

  • Black radish combined with honey. To prepare the medicine, a small depression is cut out in the root crop, honey is poured into it (1 tablespoon) and left overnight. The liquid is drunk before meals.
  • A mixture of onion and honey. One peeled onion must be chopped and combined with the same volume of natural honey. The medicine for barking cough is taken three times a day. The recommended dosage is 1 tbsp. l. Babies under one year old should not be used.
  • A mixture of lemon juice, natural honey (two tablespoons) and glycerin (one tablespoon). Combine all components and use up to 6 times a day for 1 tsp.

It is very useful when coughing to take onions with honey.

  • Medicine made from carrot juice and sugar syrup. The ingredients are taken in equal quantities and mixed. The potion is used up to 5 times during the day, 1 tsp. (small patients) and 1 tbsp. l. (teenagers).
  • A decoction of viburnum fruits. Boil one glass of berries in 1 liter of liquid (10 minutes). Pass the resulting broth through the filter material, cool and take with honey 1⁄2 cup per day. The frequency of receptions 3-4.
  • A decoction of viburnum berries with natural honey. To prepare the drug, you need to boil 100 g of fruits in 1 glass of honey (5 minutes). The medicine is used for 1 tsp. (children under 6 years old) and 1 tbsp. l. (from 6 years).
  • Phytocollection of dried leaves of coltsfoot, chamomile flowers (2 parts each), oregano herb (1 part). Take 2 tbsp. l. dried flowers and pour boiling water (1/2 l), let stand (5 hours) and pass through the filter material. The broth is drunk in 1⁄2 tbsp. three times a day before eating.

A decoction of viburnum with honey will help strengthen the immune system and cope with the disease faster

  • Figs. Boil 2-3 figs in one glass of milk. It is better to drink the remedy before going to bed.
  • Cabbage juice with sugar. This is an excellent tool that stimulates the process of mucus discharge, which must be drunk in 1 tsp. 2-3 doses are enough per day.

How to cure a children's cough at home - this will be discussed in the video: