Can believers drink cola, eat chips and crackers during fasting and when there is no fasting? Is it possible to eat in fasting: wine, seafood, bread, vegetable oil, pasta, halva Can I eat crackers during fasting . The community has over 58,000 subscribers.

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Fasting is an integral part of the Orthodox faith. First of all, it is aimed at purifying a person spiritually. In addition, you can also cleanse the body, removing all toxins. Therefore, those who are going to fast, try to learn all the rules for its implementation and learn how to cook dishes without oil, what you can eat and drink, what foods you should enjoy.

This question is as basic in this period as the question of whether it is possible to vegetable oil. These two products are closely related, so if bread is allowed, then vegetable oil should not be denied. After all, the main prohibition is products prepared using animal fats and proteins.

It is best to use black bread, you can fry croutons in vegetable oil, but you should refuse white bread, because forbidden ingredients are often used in its preparation.

Thus, the question of the use of bread is not very important for the church, the main thing is to choose the appropriate variety. But is it possible to post pasta causes a lot of discussion. Macaroni is a flour product, so the problem of their use during fasting is among many believers. They are loved because you can quickly cook a dish without much effort and waste of time.

Just like with bread, you should pay attention to the composition of pasta. If there are no products of animal origin - please, to the table. The choice of pasta is now very huge, and manufacturers are trying to take into account the needs of different buyers, including fasting ones, so finding lean pasta will not be difficult.

Can honey be fasted

Since ancient times, when the traditions of Orthodoxy were strictly observed, honey was one of the main products during fasting:

  • many recipes of ancient lenten dishes, which included honey, have survived to our times;
  • on Honey Spas, it is customary to consecrate this product and keep it for the next year;
  • honey has always been served to the needy, because it is considered a gift from God.

Honey in its composition contains a large number of useful trace elements, such necessary during the period of abstinence. It has a positive effect on the entire human body and perfectly replaces sugar, because it contains a lot of glucose and fructose. Therefore, the use of honey in fasting will only bring great benefits.

In addition to honey, as a healthy treat, halva can also be on the table. Halva is not prohibited in fasting, only if it does not contain egg yolk. You should carefully study the composition of the product or cook it yourself at home. To prepare halva at home, you will need:

  • 250 grams of sunflower seeds, previously peeled;
  • a couple of tablespoons of raisins;
  • a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, not necessarily refined.

Using a blender, grind the seeds and raisins. Then add oil and beat a little more. Form a sausage from the finished mixture or place it in a prepared container. Refrigerate for 60 minutes. Halva is ready to use!

Wine in post

Is it possible to fast wine? There are two answers to this question. According to the charter of the monasteries, you can drink wine on weekends. But the priests believe that this rule is not acceptable today.

Previously, it was allowed to drink wine instead of water and medicines, since the inhabitants of Byzantium and Syria had a lack of this raw material. It was in these parts that the Charter was written. Now there is no shortage of this drink, so there is no need to drink wine in fasting.

To the question of whether it is possible to drink wine in, there is a definite answer - it is possible, only on certain days. Wine is allowed to drink only twice a week: on Saturday and Sunday. On other days, alcohol is prohibited. When choosing a wine, it is best to give preference to red, it is good if it is Cahors.

Orthodox people can drink wine, but the clergyman is still recommended to abandon it for the duration of abstinence, because it harms the spiritual development of a person.

Is it possible to fast chocolate

You can eat chocolate during fasting, but not in all confectionery dishes. Often, unscrupulous manufacturers add ingredients prohibited by fasting to chocolate, and mark the label that the chocolate is lean. You can use dark chocolate, but you should refuse milk and white chocolate, because they contain animal proteins and fats.

Based on this, in order not to sin, it is better to cook chocolate desserts at home on your own.

For chocolate lovers, a dish such as bananas in chocolate. For cooking you will need:

  • bitter chocolate bar;
  • 2 bananas;
  • dried fruits.

Dried fruits should be crushed. Cut bananas into thin slices. Chocolate should be melted using a microwave or water bath. Then the banana slices should be dipped in warm chocolate and sprinkled with prepared dried fruits. The treat is ready to eat. You can also leave these candies in the freezer to harden.

Seafood in post

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of whether it is possible to eat seafood in a fast. The use of seafood in our country is considered a matter of gourmets, but more and more often, those who adhere to fasting ask if shrimp, squid, mussels, and so on can be fasted.

Since seafood remains a delicacy for many, it is undesirable to use them during fasting, because the church prohibits gluttony. Fasting is aimed at ensuring that a person can come to terms with his desires, engage in the purification of his soul, and not indulge his whims in food, in the first place. Therefore, if seafood is a delicacy, it must be abandoned for this period.

You should not completely abandon seafood if they are in your regular diet. After all, in every post there are days on which you can eat fish. And sometimes they refer to fish different kinds marine products. You can also eat caviar in fasting on fish days. . Since ancient times, caviar has not been considered a delicacy, especially red caviar. But black caviar is strictly forbidden to use.

Fish and seafood should be on the menu, because they contain such useful substances as omega-3 acids and high-quality protein, which remove bad cholesterol and improve the functioning of the heart system.

The question often arises among the Orthodox: what kind of fish can be eaten during the Assumption fast. The answer is none. Fishing during the Assumption Lent is strictly prohibited. You can enjoy this product only on the feast of the Transfiguration during the exit from the post.

Potato in the post

You can cook potatoes in fasting various options. You can fry on those days when it is allowed to use vegetable oil, you can bake, boil, add to soups. The main thing is that in the finished dish, there are only permitted products. Potatoes should be avoided on dry days. But in general, this product is allowed by the charter, but it must be prepared correctly.

Before deciding to fast, you should study all the rules for fasting. Strict - typical only for monasteries; in worldly life, some indulgences are possible, which should be found out from a church employee. You should also receive blessings from him. Pregnant women and sick people should fast especially carefully.

The Lord is always with you!

03.12.2008 11:10:32 Anna, St. Petersburg
Hello, please tell me, is it possible to eat dryers in the post if they include eggs? It turns out that it is impossible if there are eggs. But after all, there are drying without eggs, and the taste is no different from drying with eggs. That is, if I eat drying with or without eggs, they will be the same for me. (taste). Therefore, I think that they can be eaten. But, for example, it is impossible to cook soup on a chicken cube (which does not include anything modest), because the taste of chicken is imitated. That is, judging by the composition, it is possible to eat, but according to taste sensations it is impossible.
Similarly, dumplings with potatoes, sometimes with eggs, sometimes without eggs. And the taste is the same. So it's not clear whether they can be eaten or not?
Perhaps I was very unclear. I beg you to answer my question, because for me it is very important. Thanks.
The fact is that when I carefully study the composition of the products, it seems to me wrong, and if I eat drying with eggs, I suffer that it was impossible to eat it.

Dear Anna!

Everything must be approached rationally and with reason.

Fasting is, first of all, a spiritual cleansing from the filth of passions and sinful attachments in order to draw closer to God. A necessary condition for achieving this is restriction in food.

Bread, plain loaves, oatmeal cookies, gingerbread, cracker cookies are considered lean, but all other buns, cookies and other products, on the packaging of which it is written that they contain dairy products, it is better not to eat during fasts and fast days, except In addition, during Advent, the fish is blessed, except on Wednesday and Friday.On the other days - Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday - it is allowed to eat food with vegetable oil.

During fasting, the following simple rules are required. This is an exclusion from the diet of all meat, fish and dairy dishes, as well as products containing animal fats and proteins. But you can and should eat as many raw vegetables and fruits as possible, and always greens. Fried foods should be kept to a minimum and overcooked foods should be avoided once and for all, especially those cooked in recycled or long-simmering oil. During fasting, you should consume liquids as much as possible: kvass, kissels, compotes should take their rightful place on your table.

A person, starting to observe fasts, immediately notices the result: instead of being angry at the government and reforms and envying the well-fed and rich, we feel peace of mind, peace, and most importantly, confidence in our rightness, because we know that, unlike the well-fed and rich, by fasting, we save our souls.

And over time, you will feel that fasting has already become your need and it is actually not so difficult to observe it.

Before you start fasting, you need to think very carefully about your diet. No one is forcing you to eat only dry crusts and crusts, and please, let's do without such extremes. So it’s really not long and you get gastritis, and some other bad things, especially if your faith is not very strong yet and you can’t hold on to spiritual food alone, as the saints and ascetics did. Be prudent, do not earnestly "mortify" your flesh. Better learn to live with your body in friendship, listen carefully to its signals, understand what it really needs.

So, what can you eat during fasting? Of course, the most welcome guests on the table at this time are fruits and vegetables. There the largest number vitamins and minerals needed by our body. So in the summer on your table every day let there be salads from fresh vegetables, and in winter - sauerkraut, pickles, carrots, beets.

We eat during fasting and boiled and stewed vegetables. But here, too, we must remember that the less heat treatment, the better - more useful substances preserved in the finished dish. Therefore, it is better to lay the vegetables already in boiling water, and then make sure that they are not digested. Do not cook vegetables in a large amount of water, and do not allow a strong boil when cooking.

And remember that it is not at all necessary to be limited to one potato and cabbage. The whole variety of the fruit and vegetable world is open before you, do not forget about zucchini, peppers, cauliflower, corn, green peas. The more varied, the better.

You can also cook vegetable soups by adding cereals - rice, barley.

A very important component of the lean table is porridge. Of course, brewed with water, not milk, and without adding butter. But this does not mean that porridge will necessarily be tasteless. Remember that there are many fasting foods that can be added to porridge for flavor. These are raisins, nuts, carrots, and mushrooms, which can be combined with buckwheat, rice, and other cereals. Experiment, give scope to your culinary imagination!

There is an opinion that by not eating meat, eggs, dairy products, a person deprives himself of required amount squirrel. This is true, but only if you approach the post illiterately. Remember to include plant-based protein in your diet and you'll be fine. These are mushrooms, and eggplants, and legumes, and, of course, soybeans. Now on the shelves there are a lot of various products from the so-called "soy meat", which, when properly cooked, flavored with spices and sauces, perfectly replace real meat. Nutritionists argue that soy protein in its composition and biological value is an equivalent substitute for meat and fish protein.

Bakery products are not prohibited on fasting, and on non-strict fasting days - vegetable oil, and the whole variety of fish products. And how many different dishes can be prepared from all this, you will see by getting acquainted with recipes set out in section All about Lent.

Just remember that you can’t overeat in fasting in any case - even if you are limited to strictly lean foods. Remember that fasting excludes any abuse - spices, spicy, salty, sour, sweet, fried foods. It's better to prioritize boiled dishes as well as steamed or grilled. Keep your food varied but simple. And you, of course, will be able to feel and appreciate this joy and sanctity of the simplest food.

Let the refusal of milk and dairy products not scare you - for some time it is necessary to do this, and such a ban on the period of fasting is not only not harmful, but useful. According to some studies, milk, as a product intended by nature for baby food, is not very well absorbed by the body of adults. So slowly weaning from milk, at least during fasting, will not hurt you.

We will appreciate the significance of fasting even more if we remember that fasting consists not only in replacing fast food with fasting food, but also in limiting oneself in excesses and whims, for example, sleeping less, abstaining from delicacies, from smoking tobacco and etc.

He remembers that the Church also requires spiritual fasting from us. During fasting, we should take special care to suppress and eradicate our bad inclinations, habits and desires.

On this occasion, St. John Chrysostom spoke like this - can't you fast? But why can't you forgive the insult to your friend? Change your temper: if you are angry, try to be meek; if vindictive, do not take revenge; if you like to slander and gossip - refrain, etc. Do it on fasting days more good, be more sympathetic to people, be more willing to help those in need of your help, pray harder, warmer, etc. In all these directions, fasting opens up a wide field for you to work on yourself - just be willing to work!

We are gradually starting to prepare for the great holiday. People who are just starting out in the Church tend to have a lot of questions about rules and traditions. We tried to collect the most typical questions and asked them to Archpriest Alexei Mityushin, rector of the temple Life-Giving Trinity in Kosino.

We need the Advent fast in order to prepare our souls for the meeting of the great holiday - the Nativity of Christ. In the Orthodox Church, two events are celebrated in a special way: these are the Resurrection of Christ and the Nativity of Christ.

People have been waiting for the Nativity of Christ for many centuries in order to get rid of the power of the devil over themselves with the birth of the Lord. We continue to celebrate the joy of this birth of the Savior in the world until now. Therefore, Christians prepare themselves for this event in advance, by fasting.

Before the Advent, Christians do not fast for more than three months (after Dormition Fast). We relax spiritually and physically, and before Christmas comes the time to gather inwardly. When fasting disappears from our lives, we give slack both spiritually and physically.

The Advent fast is needed in order to worthily, in a Christian way meet the great holiday of Christmas. To bring gratitude to God for the fact that He did not disdain our human nature and became, like us, a perfect Man, taking upon Himself all the hardships of our earthly existence, diseases of the flesh and spirit.

How to observe the Advent fast?

The Christmas fast is not so strict and complicated, it is called the fish fast. The secular tradition of fasting is easier than the monastic one. Lay people can eat fish during this fast on all days except Wednesday and Friday.

And the monks, according to the church charter, eat fish only on Saturdays and Sundays; on Tuesdays and Thursdays - only if these days fall on holidays. For example, Memorial Day of St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky (December 25), Celebration of the icon Mother of God"The Sign" (December 10) or patronal feast. After the first of January, monks no longer eat fish.

How to keep the Christmas fast for the laity?

It must be said that in the tradition of Russian Orthodox Church the laity should imitate the monks in their abstinence. Whoever has the strength can fast according to the church charter. Whoever does not have such an opportunity, let him not despair, do not lose heart, but during this fast he better exercises in humility, in love for others, in reading spiritual literature, in reading the Gospel.

What can not be done on Christmas Lent?

First of all, during the Nativity Fast, one should not sin with everyday sins. If during the fast we do not eat fast, but continue to be crafty, angry, irritable, we quarrel with our neighbors, condemn others, chat in vain - this will be a violation of the fast. Fasting is an opportunity to abstain not only from food, but also from such moral daily sins that we are used to not noticing in everyday life.

Is it possible to play a wedding (get married / get married) in the Christmas post?

Orthodox Christians cannot, of course, have a wedding during Advent. The wedding does not take place at this time. For those who decide to marry in the registry office, the Christmas post is also not the best time. It is important to remember that there is a time for everything: a time of joy and a time of abstinence. If a person considers himself an Orthodox Christian, then he must heed the voice of the Church.

Can you have sex on Advent?

This is a very subtle, personal question. The apostle Paul, in his first letter to the Corinthians, says: « Wife not has power over her body, but her husband; likewise the husband has no power over his own body, but the wife” (1 Corinthians 4:7). If a husband and wife fast in bodily continence, then by mutual agreement.

If Orthodox Christians have a spiritual father, then this issue must be resolved with him. Such a question is much more personal than, for example, abstaining from meat. Maybe a Christian wife has an unbelieving husband, such abstinence is completely incomprehensible to him, this can lead to a quarrel in the family. Therefore, it is better to solve this problem with your confessor.

What can you eat on Advent?

In the Christmas fast you can eat fish, seafood, vegetables, fruits, bread. You can not eat meat, poultry, dairy products and eggs.

Can you eat fish on Advent?

In worldly tradition, in condescension to our infirmities, fish can be eaten on all days except Wednesday and Friday. For the laity, this is rather not a rule, but an indulgence. Modern man spends several hours a day on the road, gets tired at work, is at home in constant household chores, so we, as residents of megacities, are given such condescending indulgences.

Can you drink wine on Advent?

Wine is allowed to be drunk during Advent on Sundays and major holidays that fall during Lent. For example, the Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos (December 4), the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (December 19), the day of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called (December 13), the Memorial Day of St. Spyridon Trimifuntsky (December 25), patronal holidays.

As King David said in the Psalter: “…And wine gladdens the heart of man, and bread strengthens him” (Ps. 103:15). Wine is allowed to be drunk both on holidays and on fasting days, but in moderation.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the night from December 31 to January 1. January 1st is Monday in 2018. If you are going to receive communion on this day, then you must observe complete abstinence from food and drinks from midnight (this restriction does not apply to very young children and medication). In all other cases, the celebration of the New Year should also be modest, since the Orthodox continue the Christmas fast.

Is it possible to baptize on Advent?

Baptism can be performed on any day of Advent. There are no barriers to baptizing a child or an adult during Advent. Another thing is that you need to prepare for the sacrament: call the temple, agree on the time of baptism, talk with the priest. Now there is a rule of obligatory catechesis for adults and adolescents who are about to be baptized, and godfathers or mothers at the baptism of small children.

Be sure to ask about the preparation for baptism in the temple where you are going to be baptized yourself or baptize a child. You can find this out on the parish website, by phone or for candle box.

Is it possible to receive communion on Christmas Day?

It is possible and, moreover, it is desirable to take communion more often than usual during the Christmas Fast. Since fasting is a time that helps prepare for communion. We are in abstinence, prayer. Therefore, observing the rules of fasting, we can approach the sacrament with the fear of God.

How to Prepare for Communion on Christmas Day?

Fasting, if observed, is in itself a preparation for communion. It is necessary to read the following to Holy Communion, read the canon of repentance to the Savior, the canon of prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos and the canon to the guardian angel.

What prayers are read in the Christmas fast?

Since not all of us have time to read the daily morning and evening rules outside of Lent, it would be best to start with them during the Christmas Lent and try to read them regularly. This will be the best prayer work for us, which it is desirable to leave in our ordinary life after the Advent.

In addition, in Christian tradition during fasting, the Gospel should be read more often: either in a row, or the one that is read that day in the temple (this can be seen in church calendar, where the reading for each day is indicated). And for those who follow the daily rules and regularly read the Gospel, it is worth reading the Psalter.

Is it possible to read akathists during the Nativity Fast?

At home you can read any Orthodox prayers for the laity (without priestly exclamations). There is a well-known expression "The cell does not have a charter." Another thing is that the akathist is a solemn, joyful, thanksgiving prayer, which, perhaps, is not very appropriate, for example, on Good Friday - the day of the crucifixion of Christ. But during the Nativity Fast, you can read an akathist, especially since in December the days of memory of such famous saints as the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, Spyridon Trimifuntsky or St. Nicholas Archbishop Mir of Lycia are celebrated.

What can be commemorated in the Christmas post?

It is necessary to commemorate the dead at any time of the year by prayer: submitting notes for the proskomidia (part of the liturgy), funeral services, home prayer for deceased relatives and friends.

If we are talking about the memorial meal, then it should be lenten. The measure of abstinence and the possibility of relaxing fasting requirements should be discussed with your confessor or priest, whose opinion you trust.

Is it possible to conceive a child during Advent?

There is a tradition to refuse marital intimacy during fasting, so it is not worth conceiving a child on Christmas fast. On the other hand, the apostle Paul says: “Do not deviate from one another, except by agreement, for a time, for the exercise of fasting and prayer, and then be together again” (1 Cor. 7:5), so the question of the possibility of marital relations during Advent should be discussed with the spouse. If the conception of a child nevertheless occurred, do not pay attention to the superstitious ideas associated with this - the date of conception does not affect the child in any way.

Is it possible to eat marshmallows during Advent?

According to the monastic charter, milk and eggs are prohibited during the Nativity Fast. If these products are part of the marshmallow (which can be read on the product packaging), then it is impossible. Recall that the measure of abstinence and the possibility of relaxing fasting requirements must first be discussed with your confessor or priest, whose opinion you trust.

Is it possible to get married on Christmas Lent?

It is not entirely clear what is meant by the word "marry". If we are talking about a marriage proposal or meeting the parents of a chosen one or chosen one, then this is not prohibited. If we are talking about a wedding, then in the Orthodox Church during many days of fasting this sacrament is not performed.

By fasting, you can “sign at the registry office”, and postpone the wedding for later, but it’s better to ask the confessor for this blessing, consult with him on how best to proceed.

Is it possible to sew in the Christmas post? Is it possible to embroider with beads in the Christmas post?

Certainly you can. Sewing is a calm and pacifying activity that is quite consistent with the Lenten mood. It is better to embroider and sew than to waste time on TV or after hours on the Internet. Incidentally, according to church tradition, Holy Mother of God she was engaged in sewing - she sewed a veil for the temple of Solomon. On the icons of the Annunciation, the Mother of God is often depicted with sewing accessories.

The main thing is that embroidery should not replace prayer in the temple. Otherwise, there are no prohibitions on doing embroidery at any time.

Any occupation must be approached with inner spiritual reasoning.

Where can one gather on Advent?

Unction during the Advent is a rarer phenomenon than unction during the Great Fast.

Nevertheless, in many Orthodox churches there is a tradition of unction during many days of fasting.

You can find out how to congregate in the temple of your choice on the parish website, by phone, or at the candle box. You will be told when you can confer and how best to prepare for the sacrament.

Residents of the sleeping areas of Moscow are better off choosing a temple in the city center, where there can be significantly fewer people than on the outskirts.

Unction is a sacrament in which we ask God for forgiveness of our forgotten sins. These do not include sins that a person deliberately concealed in confession.

Is it possible to eat crackers in the Christmas post?

Of course, you can eat crackers during the Christmas Fast - this is one of the leanest types of food, unless they are stuffed with milk.

Recall that the measure of abstinence and the possibility of relaxing fasting requirements must first be discussed with your confessor or priest, whose opinion you trust.

Photo: Siim Solman

Orthodox great post. The most strict, without any frills. And although it is believed that fasting is still more of a cleansing of the soul, and food restrictions have nothing to do with diet, it is extremely difficult for many sweet tooth to overcome their temptation. And when thoughts all the time turn from the spiritual in a completely different direction, you can generally forget about the meaning of fasting, writes "MK Estonia".

Therefore, no matter what, we will try to find those lean sweets that can be eaten. In addition, in addition to their “sinlessness”, many of them will certainly also be useful - the fewer ingredients, the more likely that the product will not harm.

First, let's deal with what is impossible. If you act strictly within the "law", you can not do much - all products of animal origin. Meat, cottage cheese, milk, eggs, cheeses - this is what lies on the surface. Did you know that gelatin is also of animal origin? Therefore, it is also impossible. Therefore, we also cross out all types of jelly. Fortunately, gelatin can be replaced with agar-agar, a gelling agent that is extracted from algae.

But there are many such pitfalls. For example, almost all pastries are excluded - the composition contains powdered milk, eggs or egg powder ... Some types of marshmallow and halva will not work - their recipe (kos-halva or protein marshmallow) contains either milk or eggs. Milk chocolate is not allowed - we also cross out sweets covered with chocolate icing.

What remains? Honey, nuts, dried fruits, fruits, jam. And with this you can already live and even come up with different delicious recipes. From homemade caramel to quite lean poppy seed pretzels and sweet carrot cakes. It's just a matter of desire and imagination. But there is not always time for cooking, so we went to the shops, to see how we can sweeten thoughts of the high and brighten up the fasting life.

By the way, high hopes were placed on marshmallows - its recipe is extremely lean: applesauce, agar-agar and sugar. But alas, in store versions, egg white powder is added everywhere. Therefore, to our great regret, the marshmallow had to be crossed out.

At first, sherbet pleased with its composition, but serum was later found in it. And with a more thorough study of the recipe, it turned out that this is a dairy treat. Alas, it is past.

But many other sweets were found, but in order not to turn onto a curved path, read the composition before buying anyway - there are many manufacturers, everyone has their own recipe.

Sushi and bagels

It didn’t work out with marshmallows, but the composition of the dryers and bagels pleased me: flour, water, yeast, sugar. The icing is also simple: sugar and water or poppy seeds. Raisins are sometimes added. In general, no crime, you can safely eat.
Price: EUR 0.72 for sushi (200 g) and EUR 0.88 for crackers (150 g)


It is more difficult with cookies - many of the ones we are used to contain butter, eggs, milk (including condensed milk). We have found variants of oatmeal cookies - they are almost all harmless from the point of view of lean food and very healthy from the point of view of health: oat flakes whole are used, which is very good for digestion. There is also a "digestif" - round biscuit cookies, which are often called Marie. They also do not contain crime.
Price: €0.74 for 250g oatmeal cookies.


Oriental sweets, by the way, are one of the ways to seriously diversify the diet. Halva, Turkish delight, gozinaki - everything that is sweet, nutty and very, very lean. For example, halva is made from seeds (nuts, for example, peanuts), sugar, flour, water, vegetable oil. If you decide to cook at home, sugar can be replaced with honey.
Price: 0.65 euros for 150g.


Lokum is made even simpler than halva: sugar, water and starch. For flavor notes, either lemon juice or nuts are added. The delicacy is inexpensive, due to its sweetness it is also economical - you won’t eat much, and the amount of sugar will satisfy the most severe sweet tooth.
Price: 1.90 euros for a box of 100g.


Kozinaki is a nut mixture boiled in sugar or honey syrup. There are no more additives in the ideal gozinak, and due to its composition, it is also a calorie bomb. Eat carefully - the sweetness is quite hard.
Price: 0.55 euros for 50g.


Almonds grated with sugar. What else can you tell about marzipan? It is unlikely that this mass can be eaten just like that. Therefore, you can dream up: cut the mass into cubes, melt the dark chocolate and pour over the cubes. You will get lean and very tasty sweets. True, calories. But in the post, perhaps, it's even good.
Price: 2.45 euros for 150g.


There are no problems at all. Sugar, water, flavors, dyes - for every taste and budget. Caramel can be consumed without any reservations.
Price: from 0.53 euros for 90g.

candied fruits

Here you can find cranberries in sugar, cranberries in sugar and chocolate, a variety of pieces of fruit in chocolate icing. The main thing is to look at the composition of the chocolate so that there are no milk and egg inclusions.
Price: candied cranberries 2.19 euros for 110g.


Quite a tasty treat. Just look at the ingredients. In the “correct” marmalade, you can find only fruit puree, agar-agar, sugar, possibly acidity regulators and dyes. Preferably natural.
An excellent natural marmalade from one of our farms was found on the eco-lot of one of the retail chains. The downside is the price, which is 3.25 euros for 200g Plus - a completely natural composition, no synthetics.
Price: 0.85 euros for 150g.


With chocolate, everything is very complicated. Dairy contains milk powder - it can not be consumed at all. But, if completely unbearable, dark chocolate is allowed. Just make sure it doesn't contain milk first.
Fortunately, we have no problems with dark chocolate, a rich assortment is presented in any distribution network, there are a variety of companies, and the density of the product is also for every taste: absolutely hard varieties and slightly softer. Like the cocoa content - from 50 to 90%. It seems even higher.
Price: 1.09 euros per 100g.


Here, too, there is something to relax on. As part of the gingerbread we studied, no dangerous products were found, so you can brighten up your lean life with them. And if you look at the markets, then among other sweets there are also Tula sweets - spicy, tasty, with jam ...
But! When we were looking for lean gingerbread, we found options that included both cream and egg powder. And, of course, you can’t take gingerbread stuffed with condensed milk - fasting.
Price: €0.63 for a pack of 250g vanilla gingerbread.


But not the usual, which is made on the basis of proteins, but fruit. Its production is a rather long process, but it is worth it (by the way, it can be easily made at home). Fruit puree, stewed with sugar, is laid out in a thin layer on baking paper and dried for a long time, evaporating excess moisture. The result is a plate of very tasty treats. You can buy in stores, in the department of eco-products. (The sea buckthorn marshmallow is very tasty, but you still have to look for it ...) In addition, funny Veri Beri fruit pastilles were found in one of the central grocery stores - completely based on fruits, the composition also contains the fibers of these very fruits, which is considered very useful.
Price: Veri Beri lozenges - from 1.15 euros for 50g.