Ringing church bells in a dream. Dream Interpretation hear the ringing of church bells. Dreamed of the Bell, Bell Ringing

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

Ringing - I dreamed of a bell ringing - then interesting news awaits you.

See also: why the bell is dreaming, why the bell ringing is dreaming, why the old church is dreaming.

Dream Interpretation of A. Vasiliev

What is the dream of ringing for?

Ringing - If you heard the clinking of glasses in a dream, then a wedding or a fun holiday awaits you.

I dreamed of a bell ringing - then you will have an important event.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

Why the Ringing is dreaming, how to interpret the dream:

Ringing - I dreamed of a bell ringing - this has a wide variety of meanings.

If you heard an alarm in a dream, then danger awaits you.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why dream of ringing in a night dream?

Ringing - If you heard any ringing in a dream, this means that you will soon receive very important news that will prompt you to saddle something that seems very strange to you.

If you heard the ringing of bells in a dream, then this warns you against excessive talkativeness.

Hearing church bells in a dream portends the death of distant friends or great anxiety.

Dream interpretation for girls

Why dream of Ringing in a dream book:

Ringing - Hear ringing in a dream - get ready for changes in life.

You should not be afraid of them, although it is possible that you will not like the coming changes and you will remember with regret the lifestyle that you had before. Remember that any changes mark a new round in your life, so they do not carry anything negative.

Lunar dream book

Ringing to see in a dream:

Clinking glasses - for a wedding or holiday. The ringing of a bell is an important event.

Universal dream book

Ringing in the dream book:

ringing of bells - Brief interpretation: reminder; time flow; harmony.

Popular expression: the sound is clear, like the ringing of a bell; the hour has struck; get into the stream.

Bells are the favorite musical instruments of the wind. What tune do you hear in your sleep? This ringing relaxes you and promotes peace of mind, or irritates you because it can't stop?

Does the dream speak of your desire to be in harmony with something? Perhaps the ringing of bells symbolizes the desire to merge with the general stream carried away by the wind.

If in a dream they beat bells, it means that someone needs an incentive to act.

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why is the ringing dreaming, what does it mean:

Ringing - Hear ringing in a dream: a) to good news; b) to false news; c) to news about the enemy; d) a call to something as yet unknown, to which it will be necessary to respond.

Dreaming of Ringing? See the next interpreter.

Lewis' dream book

Why dream of Ringing in a dream book:

Ringing - Ringing may mean that the dreamer needs to direct his attention to a specific problem or situation in his real life.

Usually, a bell ringing is a dream when in real life a person is worried about something, or he is waiting for some kind of change. In this case, it is worth noting that if the bell rings sadly, then in real life one must expect disappointing events. If the good news sounds, then everything is in order, the problems will be resolved in a positive way.

What if you dream of a bell ringing?

If you delve into the details of why the bell ringing is dreaming, you should pay attention to this aspect: the sound of one bell is heard, and its ringing resembles an alarm alarm, then trouble should be expected. Such a dream portends a loss. This may be the loss of property in a fire or natural disaster.

Cash investments can go down the drain, or a personal business can fail. The sad, mournful sound of the bells also predicts a loss, but this is already the departure from the life of a loved one, loved one. It is necessary to gather all the forces into a fist, and meet the blow of fate with dignity, fully armed.

If in a dream you only see the bell without hearing the ringing, then this is a good sign. Such a dream will bring spiritual uplift, pleasant emotions. Wings will grow behind your back and you will want to hug the whole world. Especially such an emotional outburst is manifested in people who are visually impaired, blind.

The festive solemn ringing of bells portends a big event in real life, and changes are coming for the better. For young people - it can be a wedding Great love. If the marriage is to be arranged, then this will happily suit both parties.

The solemn ringing can also broadcast that the enemies have surrendered, and victory has been won. After such a dream, you can expect that things will successfully go uphill, no obstacles can hold back a powerful pressure. Blagovest in a dream can predict unexpected glory that will fall on the dreamer like snow on his head.

What portends?

If you ring the bells yourself in a dream, then this is a warning. On a subconscious level, the dreamer is wary of something. Maybe you need to do away with bad habits, get rid of some kind of addiction.

Christmas bells promise auspicious year for people engaged in agricultural labor - a good harvest, high milk yields and a healthy offspring on farms. There is also the so-called crimson ringing - this is a melodic chime of bells. Such a dream portends the joy of victory - albeit not so global, but very significant for the dreamer. For example, victory over your weakness.

If in a dream the bell ringing is not alarming and not sad, but, on the contrary, joyful and solemn, then there is no need to be afraid of such a dream. He portends only positive events, brings good news. Such a dream is a great blessing for the dreamer.

When a dream portends good events, this does not mean that you have to sit and wait for the weather by the sea. A dream only predicts a favorable moment in the fate of a person. It is important not to miss this chance, or at least not to harm with unfavorable actions.

Why does a woman dream of ringing a bell:

Bells, bell ringing - Hearing ringing bells in a dream means the death of distant friends or anxiety caused by the actions of treacherous people. Liberty bells (holiday ringing) mean the joy of victory over the enemy. The jingle of Christmas bells heralds auspicious prospects for all involved in the rural labor and business world. For a young man to hear this ringing - to the realization of his dream. The ringing of bells, which delights your ears with melody, promises you a struggle from which you will emerge victorious.

The more strange the dream seems to us, the more deep meaning he has.

Sigmund Freud

2 Dream interpretation of O. Smurova

Seeing a bell ringing in a dream means:

If you dreamed that you were hearing a bell ringing, this means that you will soon receive good news.
See also: why the ringing is dreaming, why the church holiday is dreaming, why the good news is dreaming.

3 Dream Interpreter S. Karatov

Bell ringing in a dream in a dream book is interpreted as:

If you dreamed of a bell ringing, this promises you good news in the near future.

Inside each of us, even the best of us, slumbers an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


4 The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Bell ringing in a dream means:

To the death of a distant friend, relative.

5 ABC of dream interpretation

The meaning of sleep bell ringing:

Seeing a dream Bell ringing - Hearing is a joy.
Hearing a joyful bell ringing in a dream is very good omen, portending joy and reality. Why do you dream of the bell ringing - This dream will certainly lead you to a state of mind in which luck itself goes into your hands, and you just have to not frighten off this wonderful mood.

6 Women's dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a bell ringing:

Bells, bell ringing - The ringing of a lonely bell in a dream portends anxiety caused by the actions of treacherous people. Christmas, festive ringing of bells means the joy of victory over the enemy, an auspicious time. The melodic bell ringing portends a life struggle, from which you will emerge victorious.

7 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What a bell ringing can dream of:

Bell ringing - You hear a single bell strike in a dream - those who were called your friends will commit treachery; but you will not suffer much, you will even be glad that false friends discovered their essence so early. Why dream of a bell ringing - you hear the alarm - this is bad dream; he portends misfortune, the death of friends. You hear a festive "silver" ringing in a dream - you will be able to bring the enemy to clean water; you will be victorious and will not hide your joy; your friends will rejoice with you and, inspired by your example, will themselves become intolerant of enemies. You dream of a melodic "crimson" chime - your dreams and reality diverge a little, you will easily achieve what you want. It’s like you are ringing a bell - you will complain to friends and relatives about your illnesses; you will nurse your pain.

After sleeping, hands should be washed immediately, because when we fall asleep, an unclean spirit is applied to our hands and it is still there. The face should be washed without touching the eyes.

8 Historical women's dream book

Bell ringing, in a dream means:

Today we have prepared Full description topics: dream "ringing of bells": why dream and full interpretation from various points of view.

The ringing of bells in a dream predetermines the receipt of important news. Some dream books associate the dream with a bad omen. Soon cardinal changes will take place in the dreamer's life - that's what else the chime of bells is dreaming of.

How does Miller explain the dream?

The anxiety caused by the vile acts of people from the inner circle is promised by a psychologist, explaining why one dreams of hearing a bell ringing. Seeing a church ringing with holiday bells means joyful events, a victory over an inveterate enemy.

Christmas church chimes in a dream predetermine the realization of an old cherished dream.

Get ready to overcome difficulties!

For those who happened to hear the bell ringing in a dream, the Modern Combined Dream Book prepares for the upcoming struggle, in which you will definitely succeed. Esotericists compare the dream plot with the moral unpreparedness of a sleeping person for fame, which will lead to vanity.

Did you happen to ring the big bells yourself? Give up bad habits- advises the Esoteric dream interpreter. A valuable find and success in all matters, the dream book promises from A to Z, interpreting what the ringing bells on the church dream of.

Details: what's the tune?

In the Collection of Dream Books, the interpretation of sleep is associated with the melody heard:

  • anxious - broadcasts about the need to mobilize, as difficult days are coming;
  • church morning - announces quarrels and scandals, because of someone else's quarrelsomeness;
  • evening - your sadness will soon be replaced by joy, a quiet calm time will come;
  • veche - notifies of an important, grandiose or extraordinary event;
  • Christmas - promises a dream book to make a profit, an excellent harvest.

On the erotic aspects...

Seeing a big bell in a dream, according to the Erotic Dream Interpreter, means experiencing a desire for bright and unusual intimate experiments, which your soulmate will obviously not like.

Those who happened to hear the bell ringing in a dream should beware of gossip. Even the most unthinkable and implausible rumors can cause a loud quarrel between lovers.

Get ready for change!

Miss Hasse compares the dream vision with unexpected changes. The French dream book, describing why such a plot is dreamed of, indicates exclusively negative life changes.

People employed in the business sector, to see the church and the ringing bell tower, will soon have to jump up the career ladder, conduct successful negotiations and trade transactions.

Changes in amorous affairs!

Young people who dreamed of a bell ringing heralds an imminent reunion with a beloved person. Young ladies who want to get the attention of a handsome guy will be lucky during this period.

The silent bell tower in a man's dream can be a symbol of the dreamer's insecurity or indecision in love.

Take action!

Heard a single chime in a dream is a kind of signal to take decisive action. The dream interpreter advises to cast aside your fears and insecurities, and finally take action.

Looking at the silent bell tower means that in reality, the dreamer is used to acting independently and being guided by his own conclusions.

Women's dream book

Bells, bell ringing - The ringing of a lonely bell in a dream portends anxiety caused by the actions of treacherous people. Christmas, festive ringing of bells means the joy of victory over the enemy, an auspicious time. The melodic bell ringing portends a life struggle, from which you will emerge victorious.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller

Why does the dreamer dream about the bell ringing:

Bells, bell ringing - Hearing ringing bells in a dream means the death of distant friends or anxiety caused by the actions of treacherous people. Liberty bells (holiday ringing) mean the joy of victory over the enemy. The jingle of Christmas bells heralds auspicious prospects for all involved in the rural labor and business world. For a young man to hear this ringing - to the realization of his dream. The ringing of bells, which delights your ears with melody, predicts a struggle for you, from which you will emerge victorious.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine II

What is the dream of the bell ringing, meaning:

Bell ringing - You hear a single bell strike in a dream - those who were called your friends will commit treachery; but you will not suffer much, you will even be glad that false friends discovered their essence so early. Why dream of bell ringing - you hear the alarm - this is a bad dream; he portends misfortune, the death of friends. You hear a festive “silver” ringing in a dream - you will be able to bring the enemy to clean water; you will be victorious and will not hide your joy; your friends will rejoice with you and, inspired by your example, will themselves become intolerant of enemies. You dream of a melodic “crimson” chime - your dreams and reality differ little, you will easily achieve what you want. It’s like you are ringing a bell - you will complain to friends and relatives about your illnesses; you will nurse your pain.

Explanatory dream book

Why dream of bell ringing in dreams?

I had a dream about the bell ringing - Hearing is joy.

Hearing a joyful bell ringing in a dream is a very good sign, portending joy and reality. Why dream of the bell ringing - This dream will certainly lead you to a state of mind in which luck itself goes into your hands, and you just have to not frighten off this wonderful mood.

Dream interpretation of O. Smurova

What is the dream of bell ringing for?

Why dream that you hear the bell ringing - this means that you will soon receive good news.

See also: why the ringing is dreaming, why the church holiday is dreaming, why the good news is dreaming.

Astrological dream book

To see the bell ringing in a dream, what is the dream for?

If you dreamed of a bell ringing - this is to fulfill a long-standing bright desire, good news.

Why dream that you bless someone - then everything will be fine.

Dream interpretation - interpreter S. Karatov

Why dream of a bell ringing in a dream?

If you dreamed of a bell ringing, this predicts good news for you in the near future.

Old Russian dream book

What is the dream of the bell ringing, according to the dream book interpretation:

Hear a bell ringing in a dream - Building is a sign of strength, exaltation and power; breaking a bell portends a loss of honor, a good name, and a deprivation of a place for an employee.

Dream interpretation of psychologist A. Meneghetti

Why is the Bell ringing dreaming, we analyze the vision:

Bell ringing - A hidden desire to change the existing situation and, returning to the starting position (starting point, original place of action), dictate and control its further course.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Enjoy the ringing of bells in a dream - Expecting major changes. Can symbolize the state of our head; see Extras. R. Sounds (chime of bells), in the next interpreter you can find out what this dream is about.

French dream book

What is the dream and how to interpret the bell ringing from the dream book?

If you dreamed of a bell ringing, then after this dream domestic hardships may fall on your house, especially if you dreamed of an old, dilapidated bell ringing - in this case you are in extreme danger. However, if in a dream you see how the bell tower is being repaired, then this is a good sign, promising success in all endeavors, wealth.

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

The bell is a serious symbol even in real life. He is always associated with power, strength and some important news.

The answer to the question of why the ringing of bells is dreaming of can be very interesting, and correct interpretation and a well-chosen dream book will help to correct actions in the future. Of course, it is possible to determine more precisely what the bell ringing in a dream means only by remembering all the details of your dream.

Chime moods

Bell ringing can have a lot of different shades. After all, the bells can be heard as an appeal, a solemn congratulation or a sign of sorrow.

  • funeral bell
  • Wedding
  • One hit

1. If the bell ringing in your dream is low and sad, you should listen to your vision. Usually such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a warning that serious changes will soon take place in your destiny.

At the same time, it is difficult to say what they will be - positive or negative - the Universe itself will decide this issue. Having seen such a dream, try to be more consistent and attentive in your actions and thoughts in the near future.

2. When you dream of a solemn chime that can be heard during weddings, expect sunny and joyful events in life.

  • For a free girl, the dream book promises an early successful marriage.
  • Hearing such bells for a businessman is a big profit and tremendous success.

The sonorous, pleasant chime of bells in a dream promises the dreamer a dream come true. To a greater extent, this applies to love and family relationships and family, but it can also affect the creative side of life - perhaps you will find your own business or an interesting hobby.

3. Do you dream of a single ringing? Sleep is a signal for action. If on this moment you are struggling with a difficult task and cannot decide on an act, now is the time. There is no need for fear, fate loves the brave.

Your reaction

Of no small importance for interpretation is your behavior and mood in a dream - how did your heart react to the sound of the bells?

When the bell ringing that you dreamed annoys or even frightens, a waking dream can promise the appearance of an enemy. He will probably begin to entangle you with gossip in order to annoy you as much as possible. But, fortunately, the plans of this person are not destined to come true - as a result, he will only harm himself.

Hearing the chime of bells, feeling delight and joy - to great success. The dream interpretation promises: expect career growth, salary increases, meeting old friends, a pleasant purchase - anything can happen. One thing is for sure - what will happen will inspire you and cheer you up for a long time.

When the ringing of bells in a dream makes you feel a real spiritual uplift, and even a feeling of grace arises - a dream is a very bright and good sign. He promises spiritual uplift, peace and the achievement of a sense of happiness.

Other meanings

  • The evening bell, dreamed at night, promises simple, quiet joy. For older people, a dream promises a calm and happy old age. A dream can also promise an imminent holiday, a solemn event in the family.
  • New acquaintances, meetings, a creative upsurge - this is what the dream is about, in which you yourself ring the bell. For entrepreneurs, such a dream promises significant growth in business, success and new prospects.
  • If you dream about how you look at the bells, but you don’t have to hear their ringing, in reality you always try to do everything yourself. This, of course, is a strong quality, but sometimes it is worth accepting the support of your loved ones. The dream book advises not to neglect help, otherwise you will simply be left without strength.
  • When in a dream you see a row of bells that are being struck from afar, you are waiting for great luck, new acquaintances and an interesting career turn. And if the bell shines brightly in the sun, life will change significantly for the better.
  • The huge bell that appeared to your eyes, the dream book explains as a very good symbol. Such a dream will be a harbinger of success and profit growth for business people, happiness and harmony for lovers, and, in general, the fulfillment of all plans.

When dreams send us such strong images as the ringing of bells, it is important to listen to them. And if you had to hear this sound in a dream, turning to the dream book, you will not only find out why it was a dream, but also be able to take into service the signs that the Universe gave you.

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Miller's dream book

Hearing a bell ringing in a dream is the death of distant friends or anxiety caused by the actions of treacherous people. Holiday ringing - the joy of victory over the enemy. Christmas bells ringing is an auspicious prospect for everyone involved in the rural labor and business world. For a young man to hear a ringing - to the realization of his dream. The ringing of bells that pleases your ears with melodiousness is a struggle from which you will emerge victorious.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation

To see and hear the bells portends unexpected glory. If you yourself ring the bell, you need to abandon harmful, health-damaging habits. The festive solemn ringing of bells portends a big event in real life, and changes are coming for the better. For young people, it can be a wedding of great love. If the marriage is to be arranged, then this will happily suit both parties.

Family Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed that you heard a bell ringing, this means that you will soon receive good news. When the ringing of bells in a dream makes you feel a real spiritual uplift, and even a feeling of grace arises - a dream is a very bright and good sign. He promises spiritual uplift, peace and the achievement of a sense of happiness.

English Dream Interpretation

Hear the bell ringing - to the good news. For young people, he promises an early entry into a happy marriage with a beloved person. In the business sphere, luck will smile, people will be promoted through the ranks and profitable trading operations. For sailors, the ringing of bells promises a happy return and a successful marriage.

Modern Dream Interpretation

The ringing of a lonely bell in a dream portends anxiety caused by the actions of treacherous people. Christmas, festive ringing of bells means the joy of victory over the enemy, an auspicious time. The melodic bell ringing portends a life struggle, from which you will emerge victorious.

Erotic Dream Interpretation

For lovers, the ringing of bells promises the fulfillment of desires and a successful marriage. However, beware of gossip - even with all its improbability, they can cause a quarrel between you and your loved one.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Hear the bell ringing - get good news. To hear the evening ringing - sadness will be replaced by joy and in old age to spend life without worries.

Chinese Dream Interpretation

You hear the sound of a bell - a person will come from afar. Loud sounds of the bell - portend happiness, prosperity, a successful career.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Hearing a bell in a dream - to amazing news that will lead to good changes.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Chime of bells - to joy; sedation; dedication to suffering.

The ringing of bells in a dream predetermines the receipt of important news. Some dream books associate the dream with a bad omen. Soon cardinal changes will take place in the dreamer's life - that's what else the chime of bells is dreaming of.

How does Miller explain the dream?

The anxiety caused by the vile acts of people from the inner circle is promised by a psychologist, explaining why one dreams of hearing a bell ringing. Seeing a church ringing with holiday bells means joyful events, a victory over an inveterate enemy.

Christmas church chimes in a dream predetermine the realization of an old cherished dream.

Get ready to overcome difficulties!

For those who happened to hear the bell ringing in a dream, the Modern Combined Dream Book prepares for the upcoming struggle, in which you will definitely succeed. Esotericists compare the dream plot with the moral unpreparedness of a sleeping person for fame, which will lead to vanity.

Did you happen to ring the big bells yourself? Give up bad habits - the Esoteric dream interpreter advises. A valuable find and success in all matters, the dream book promises from A to Z, interpreting what the ringing bells on the church dream of.

Details: what's the tune?

In the Collection of Dream Books, the interpretation of sleep is associated with the melody heard:

  • anxious - broadcasts about the need to mobilize, as difficult days are coming;
  • church morning - announces quarrels and scandals, because of someone else's quarrelsomeness;
  • evening - your sadness will soon be replaced by joy, a quiet calm time will come;
  • veche - notifies of an important, grandiose or extraordinary event;
  • Christmas - promises a dream book to make a profit, an excellent harvest.

On the erotic aspects...

Seeing a big bell in a dream, according to the Erotic Dream Interpreter, means experiencing a desire for bright and unusual intimate experiments, which your soulmate will obviously not like.

Those who happened to hear the bell ringing in a dream should beware of gossip. Even the most unthinkable and implausible rumors can cause a loud quarrel between lovers.

Get ready for change!

Miss Hasse compares the dream vision with unexpected changes. The French dream book, describing why such a plot is dreamed of, indicates exclusively negative life changes.

People employed in the business sector, to see the church and the ringing bell tower, will soon have to jump up the career ladder, conduct successful negotiations and trade transactions.

Changes in amorous affairs!

Young people who dreamed of a bell ringing heralds an imminent reunion with a beloved person. Young ladies who want to get the attention of a handsome guy will be lucky during this period.