Charm for good luck and luck. Amulets for great luck: how to do it yourself. Which amulet for good luck is better to choose

Since ancient times, people have believed in magic, calling for help from higher powers and magical talismans. It doesn't matter what these little things are made of and how they look, the main thing is how effectively they work for the benefit of the owner.

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You can buy a ready-made talisman, or you can make it yourself with your own hands. Personal, home-made amulets usually work better, more efficiently and more accurately, because when they were created, the settings were set directly by the owner, who understands well what he wants from a magical thing.

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      Why are homemade amulets better than store-bought ones?

      It is quite simple to make an amulet for good luck and money on your own. You can choose many various options depending on the available materials, preferences of the owner and his capabilities.

      Homemade talismans are usually stronger than purchased ones, because they are made for a specific purpose and with a clear intention, besides, they are initially close to the owner.

      • General rules for working with amulets

        For any magical thing to work properly, you need to believe in it and treat it with respect. Including not to speak disparagingly about amulets as such, or about the sphere of influence: luck, money, or the activity that should bring them.

        Talismans, with rare exceptions, are always carried with them. Never give into the wrong hands, do not tell strangers what it is. It is advisable to protect the amulets from someone else's eyes. The result of the impact is not subject to disclosure, and it is better not to talk about the exact amount of income outside the family once again.

        Talismans cannot be re-gifted. You can make a charm for a loved one, but then the little thing is made immediately for a specific person. Another option is to pass it on to a child or student, but this option implies that the amulet will no longer be needed by the sender, since he has retired.

        When the talisman works, he must be thanked for his help. Every time you make a profit and with noticeable luck. If the amulet lives in a purse, it is desirable that the purse is never empty, except perhaps for a few minutes to restore order in it.

        It is not necessary to be limited to one talisman. You can make several different ones and put them in a beautiful bag so that they reinforce each other. You can combine amulets of different effects, attracting wealth to the house and into the hands of a particular person.

        Component Purchasing Rules

        To make an effective talisman with your own hands, you must first prepare the materials. They can be bought or found. It is advisable to follow the general magical rules:

        • You can’t tell anyone why the thing is being bought, you shouldn’t even mention it.
        • You need to buy without haggling and pay without change, preferably in cash.
        • If you have to buy a lot at once (the whole ball, a set of candles, a large piece of fabric), the rest cannot be used for domestic needs.
        • Both when searching and when buying, it is advisable to go for the components for the talisman silently, without meeting people's eyes and not paying attention to them, and you should also return.
        • What was bought and not found, it is desirable to clear. Depending on the material, this can be done with running water, fire (pass over a burning candle), incense smoke, salt (sprinkle and shake off).
        • If possible, it is desirable to engage in the acquisition of components for talismans for prosperity and good luck on a day when luck is noticeable and there is money.
        • You can accept the components for the talisman as a gift from a rich and lucky person.


        Alas, the Christian church as a whole does not approve of magic, considering it a sinful act. A believer is supposed not to create an amulet with his own hands, but to acquire the image of a saint who patronizes the corresponding activity, and turn to him with requests for help.


        Magical amulets that attract good luck and wealth are quite diverse. Everyone can choose an option to their liking.

        Before making a talisman, you need to decide on its tasks. Should he attract wealth to the house or provide good earnings only to its owner. The owner needs to determine what he considers wealth. All this will need to be imprinted into the amulet when it is created.

        magic wax

        To create such a talisman, you will need a wax candle, a piece of cloth and not too much time.

        The candle must be purchased exactly wax, not paraffin and not gel. If possible - not church and not consecrated. The size should be such that you can easily wait until it burns out completely.

        It is desirable to take the fabric dense and such that the owner likes them. The material can be plain, red, yellow-gold or green, or with a pattern associated with good luck and wealth. This is either a piece of new fabric, or a piece of your favorite worn clothes.

        It is best to perform the magic wax charging ritual at night on the growing moon. It is advisable to make sure that no one can disturb the magician during the process, turn off the phone and notifications on the computer.

        Exactly at midnight, the candle is lit and fixed on a surface from which it will then be easy to remove the wax casting. An ordinary ceramic saucer will work well, but a figured candlestick will create difficulties.

        Wishes are whispered into the candle flame that the talisman should attract and repel, what kind of luck the owner needs and what he fears, what kind of wealth he needs. The ritual continues until the candle burns out. If there is nothing left to say, you can just look into the flame and dream.

        When the wax remaining from the candle has cooled, it is carefully removed and wrapped in fabric, you can tie it or secure it with a few stitches. The resulting talisman is worn in a wallet or sewn into a suitable soft toy.

        Stones according to the signs of the zodiac

        Enough effective method attracting good luck - constantly carry a stone selected according to the sign of the zodiac, either as an ornament, or the stone itself separately.

        The owner must like the stone. If this is not the case, there will be no sense, even if it is included in the desired list:

        For whomWhat stones
        For AriesAmethyst, heliotrope, diamond, ruby, sapphire
        For TaurusJadeite, agate, emerald, chrysoprase
        For GeminiGarnet, beryl, agate, alexandrite, topaz
        For CancersEmerald, calcite, pearl, moonstone, cat's eye
        For LionsRuby, serpentine, amber, chrysolite, topaz
        For DevsJasper, kyanite, chrysolite, jade
        For LibraDiamond, aquamarine, lapis lazuli, opal, tourmaline
        For ScorpionsOpal (especially black), cat's eye, aquamarine, garnet
        For SagittariusTurquoise, lapis lazuli, yellow topaz, chrysolite
        For CapricornsOnyx, malachite, ruby
        For AquariusSapphire, obsidian, amethyst, zircon
        For PiscesChrysolite, moonstone, aquamarine, pearl, amethyst

        magic coin

        For this purpose, you can take any coin, but some special one will work more efficiently - found or received at a particularly good moment, unusual, with a year of issue that matches the year of birth of the owner, or simply old.

        Such a coin should always be carried with you, in your wallet or as a separate talisman. If a wallet is chosen as the place to store a coin, it would be good to take care not to spend it by mistake.

        Charge a coin on a full moon. You need to put it in a saucer or cup of water and put it on the window so that the moonbeams fall on the water, transferring the energy of the moon to the talisman. As the moon attracts water at high tide, so the coin will attract money.

        An interesting variety is a homemade coin. It can be carved from wood, molded from clay, cast from a suitable alloy, or even drawn on a piece of cardboard. Such talismans are charged in accordance with the properties of the material. So, you can add a little honey and cinnamon to the clay, soak the wood with wax, and paste over the cardboard with sparkles. The goal is to make it clear that we are talking it's about wealth.

        Pigtail of threads

        Three threads are needed for this amulet: red as a symbol of the power of desire, blue as a guarantee of its fulfillment and green as an indication of wealth and prosperity.

        On the growing moon of threads, you need to weave a pigtail, concentrating on a specific desire. It can be luck in a particular business, or getting enough money to buy a particular thing. It is important that the desire be precisely specific, so that it can be clearly said that it has already been fulfilled. It is good to imagine emotionally rich pictures of his performance, to speak aloud.

        When the pigtail is ready, it is tied around the ankle of the left leg, and worn without removing it until the wish comes true. Then the talisman is removed and burned with gratitude.

        money bag

        Sew a bag of fabric of a suitable color. It can be universal white, gold, red or green - the one that the owner will like.

        Collect a handful of coins - the more the better. It is desirable that there be at least a few pieces of different denominations. Coins are washed, they can be cleaned in any convenient way.

        Money is laid out on a flat surface, sorted out, rejoiced in it. Then they put it one by one in a bag, reading the plot: “ A penny to a penny, a nickel to a nickel, a fifty-kopeck piece to a fifty-kopeck piece, a ruble to a ruble, a chervonets to a chervonets, all to the yard». When everything is folded, the bag is tied and stored in the house in a place where strangers will not see it.

        Sometimes other components are added to such a bag. Magnet to attract money. A cinnamon stick for the same purpose. Some special items symbolizing wealth and prosperity.

        It is important to consider that since such a talisman is tied to the house, and not to a specific owner, then it will work precisely for the prosperity, wealth and good luck of those living in the house as a single whole, the family. If there is no family as such, but there are strangers living under the same roof, such an assistant will not work.

        fiat banknote

        It is necessary in one way or another magical way to get a banknote of the largest possible denomination. This may be part of the first earnings in a new place or in a new profession, a gift from a lucky person, a mentor or an older relative, winning the lottery. Another way is to grow such money on your own: every day during the lunar month, set aside increasing amounts (today - at least for a ruble, but more than yesterday), exchange the accumulated money for one large bill and spend the rest on something pleasant, pleasing.

        Such a banknote is stored in a special section of the wallet and is not allowed to be spent.

        money ball

        A suitable coin or banknote is wrapped with green woolen thread until a ball is obtained. In the process of winding, they dream of wealth, prosperity and good luck, which the ball should attract to the owner's house.

        Place such a talisman over front door from the inside, but so that outsiders do not see it. If you wish, you can make such an amulet not only for your home, but also for your office - then the whole company will flourish.

        Periodically, the ball needs to be recharged. For this, they drip on him essential oil, the smell of which the owner associates with money, wealth and prosperity, and represent that wealth flows like a river.

        Money Tree

        Coins are buried in a flowerpot with earth and a plant is planted. It can be a "money tree", a cactus, a geranium - anything that grows well at home. You should think about planting money, that they will now grow.

        The plant needs to be taken care of, watered, fertilized. Each time remembering that these actions are a contribution to the future harvest, to prosperity and wealth.

        Outsiders can see the money tree, which is prohibited in the case of other talismans. But to talk about the fact that this is not just a home plant is not worth it.

        Horseshoe over the door

        Above the door from the inside, a horseshoe is attached with the horns up. At the same time, they say that this is a full bowl, and now the house will also be a full bowl.

        You need to perform this ritual on the growing moon and in a prosperous home. Ideally, on a day when money is received, delicious food is bought with it, pantries are full and those living in the house are happy. The house really should be a full bowl.

        little things

        Sometimes a small thing found works better than a carefully crafted amulet. The main thing is that it should be something that immediately attracted the eye, called to itself. Such a little thing is kept in a wallet or worn as a decoration, and if the dimensions do not allow doing so, they are placed in the workplace or in a secluded corner of the house.

        Good in this quality are pebbles and shells, picked up near the water. Sometimes it is possible to find a four-leaf clover leaf, then it should be dried and inserted into the decoration. A piece of birch bark can protect against thieves and debtors, and prevent salary delays. Some people like Chinese feng shui coins.

        Such a trifle can become a toy assistant. Often, leprechaun figurines or favorite small soft toys are used in this capacity.

Keep me, my talisman,
Keep me in the days of persecution,
In the days of repentance, excitement:
You were given to me on a day of sorrow.

Surely many people remember such wonderful lines of Pushkin, and although it was about a special ring, for many people their own talismans matter in life, and, in most cases, they are associated with more pleasant events designed to bring good luck.

In general, this is precisely the purpose of any bright talisman: luck in all endeavors, protection from troubles, and finally. Being our constant companions, they are small in size. Of course, this is also a strictly individual item, so we will tell you how to make an amulet with your own hands at home, it is this approach to manufacturing that is most optimal.

Definition of an amulet and its function

For many centuries, a considerable number of people have tried to find certain objects, such magical properties that would help a person in his undertakings and actions or protect him from troubles. We can say that amulets and charms during this time received their classification and division:

  • to protect its owner;
  • to warn of danger;
  • to help solve problems;
  • to attract happiness and good luck.

It should be obvious that in the event of an attempt to use them negatively, for the purpose of harming others, such an amulet will inevitably lose its magical power. That is, the initial use is only for good and bright purposes.

But, we repeat, in order to get it for yourself, there is no need for purely professional skills or to acquire it corny. How to make an amulet for good luck with your own hands, now we will tell you in detail.

First, the shape of the amulet

Certain forms of the amulet have a strict basis, that is, you must first set a clear goal for yourself - what it is intended for and, depending on this, decide on the type and material.
If the small dimensions are generally understandable, since the amulet must always be with us, then each type of form means the following:

  • a circle is a symbol of prosperity and harmony;
  • oval- this is a designation of talent and flexibility in decision-making;
  • square- symbolizes strength and constancy, embodying the power of all four elements;
  • triangle- Facilitates contact with higher powers attracts good luck.

These are what are called the most common forms of magic items. In addition to them, of course, there are more. For example, in the form stars with different number of rays animal silhouettes, human heart etc.

By the way, even a coin with a specially made hole to hang it on a cord or chain, or already originally issued with a hole like Japanese or Chinese coins, can come off as an amulet. Such talismans, as a rule, for wealth and prosperity, can often be found as a fashionable attribute or decoration.

Even a dice or a small wooden tablet is perfect as a square-shaped amulet. And a talisman in the form of one or more knots is an excellent amulet against negative impact on the one hand, and attracting good luck on the other.

Second, the material for the amulet

There is certainly much more room for imagination here. However, one important, but iron rule, should be remembered:

The material for the amulet can be only and exclusively natural, no artificiality!

Not much less a requirement, this preference is pleasantness to the touch, because sometimes the amulet can be constantly moved by fingers, which should cause only soothing and positive sensations. Therefore, the first thing that comes to mind is wood, whose various interesting and attractive, and sometimes, very, from a magical point of view, valuable breeds can be easily processed at home. No less popular are amulets made from metal or even from various fabrics.

The magic of the signs of the zodiac

Speaking of amulets, one cannot pass by, because each of them carries its own, inherent only to him, magic, reflected in objects. After all, we are well aware of how they differ from each other, which means that if we talk about the individuality of the talisman, then we can’t do without a finer adjustment for each. For the most part, this process has already been described, it remains only to try it on and apply it for yourself:

  • Aries, the amulet is preferably round or square, colors - orange, green;
  • Taurus, a talisman in animal form is desirable, or rather, even an elephant, the colors are light;
  • Twins, the most best form- in the form of keys or locks, colors - blue, blue and white;
  • Cancer, the main forms are the heart or the moon, or the figurine or image of cancer made of gold, that is, the colors are gold;
  • a lion, talisman round shape, or in the form of the lion or eagle itself, the color is also gold;
  • Virgo, pure handmade from clay or gypsum, colors - light;
  • Scales, also in form, but the material with color is silver;
  • Scorpion, the shape of a frog or with its image, the color is red;
  • Sagittarius, to choose from bronze in the form of a horseshoe, arrow or scarab beetle;
  • Capricorn, an amulet in the form of a ladder or a coin, the color or the material itself is gold;
  • Aquarius, again purely handmade, associated with the sky (flight) - a bird feather or a small angel;
  • Fish, the sign most associated with water, therefore only the color for them is defined - blue.

Basic conditions for creation

It should be no less obvious that amulets are not created at any time, but on certain days and even hours.

First, what should be remembered after you have decided on the shape, color and material that it is best to start creating it with the growing moon. The Moon itself at this time contributes to all undertakings.

Secondly, there is a difference in the days of the week, since each of them has its own planet, which should contribute, for example:

  • on Wednesday - as for;
  • on Friday it is best to make love amulets;
  • on Sunday, an amulet is made for good luck.

Thirdly, it is necessary to create amulets only in an atmosphere of complete calm and concentration. Both candles and candles are suitable as lighting. sunlight. At the same time, the state should be peaceful - no irritability or negativity, only positive emotional attitude and don't get distracted by anything.

Fourth, be sure, as soon as you complete your work, wrap the amulet in cloth and place it overnight under your pillow. This is important for a more complete connection of your subconscious with what you put into the talisman, fine tuning, after which the amulet can be considered completely ready.

Fifth, one more important rule- try do not part with your amulet, keep it always with you, but do not show it to strangers and, moreover, do not talk about its strength and capabilities. This special knowledge is too intimate for you to be known to outsiders without the risk of harming yourself.

It is very important to observe these main rules, otherwise there can be no certainty that the resulting amulet, made with my own hands somehow able to fulfill its purpose.

AT recent times in addition to the shape, colors and signs of the zodiac, the traditions of the Chinese lunar calendars, in particular, the symbolism of a particular year, gained some popularity. There is no reason to doubt the deep and centuries-old wisdom of the East, so let's look at magical items according to their calendar.

Amulet in 2014

Let's start with the year that has not yet ended, also because, according to lunar calendar it will not end on January 1, 2015, that is, there is every reason to take care of your peace and security even now.

The symbol of the current year, we recall, is blue wooden horse and no matter how overwhelming the task may seem, it completely fits into the description of how to make an amulet for good luck with your own hands at home, that is, it will not only be unforgettable, happiness itself with luck will go hand in hand with you.

But if you are not so confident in the skill of your hands, then, in principle, you can use a ready-made horse made of wood - the main thing here will be blue paint and a gold thread. That is, paint it and tie a neck with a thread. Then pick it up and make your most cherished wish, after which the amulet can be considered ready.

Another symbol of the year is the harness. different kind, horseshoes and bells. All these items are also suitable as amulets. This applies not only to you personally, with the same success they can play the role of amulets of the hearth, protect the house from all sorts of misfortunes and troubles, on the contrary, promising good luck and success.

In the end, you can also use the purchased talisman, if for some reason you can’t do it yourself. But it will definitely need to be recharged. This is done with the help of a special ceremony, which requires three church candles and a special conspiracy, pronounced three times.

You should not think that our ancestors, with constant persistence, in vain, as it may seem to someone, believed in the power of magical objects, various and non-random symbols, signs and mystical signs, that all this, to a certain extent, had and is already having its effect on us. influence on their and our life and destiny. The stable nature of phenomena just speaks of the existence of connections between a person and his, in a certain sense, amulets or amulets. No matter how they later tried to call it or explain it, a miracle or a coincidence. By changing the phrase, not only thoughts can materialize or come true, we ourselves, to some extent, can transfer part of them into what we have done with our own hands.

Fortune's favor is an unpredictable thing. When luck accompanies, it affects everything: things get better, and life becomes more fun. And so that she never turns away, you can make a good luck talisman yourself that will work in the direction you need. How exactly it is created and how to attract good luck and prosperity with its help, we will learn further.

Talismans of good luck and amulets for good luck are objects that can exert an energetic effect on the space surrounding the owner, attracting the necessary benefits to him. Such magical "things" can not only attract wealth, love, good luck in business at work or in school to their owner, but also protect him from attempts of negative influence from outside (damage, evil eye).

Where to start and what to consider?

Of course, such items can be easily purchased at a souvenir shop, esoteric shop, or ordered from a photo of an individual amulet (talisman or) from a healer or magician who provides relevant services. Although they are able to speak a magical artifact to attract a specific energy flow, it is better to make the magical thing yourself at home.

It is believed that a self-made amulet has the ability to radiate much more magical power than purchased items. Therefore, for those who are thinking about attracting prosperity, we will tell you how to make an amulet for good luck on your own.

Before proceeding with the creation of a magical item, one should decide on its purpose - to attract what specific benefits its energy will be used. In addition, you can turn to history and make an amulet or talisman that would correspond to the traditions of the family, faith or nationality (for example, a Slavic runic symbol, a five-pointed star of Eastern cultures, a Chinese character, etc.).

An important role in the manufacture of mystical objects is played by the raw materials used in the process. Thus, choosing suitable option, what a charm for good luck you can make for yourself, you need to take into account three main criteria:

  • The type of impact.
  • Materials used.
  • Egregorial affiliation.

Another important point are correctly selected day and time of making a mystical little thing. It is best to perform magical procedures (do, activate, speak) when the moon is in its growth phase. This period is considered optimal to create good luck amulets or talismans for specific purposes: attracting wealth, love, money, luck at work and study, etc.

Whatever version of the amulet for good luck you make for yourself (Slavic, Muslim, Chinese or other), it is recommended to do it by candlelight. This means that the ritual to create a magical assistant should be carried out in the evening or at night.

It is advisable to know which day of the week is considered successful for the rituals of making mystical helpers. First you need to decide what the type and nature of the impact of the amulet will be, since the day of the week on which the item is allowed to be made depends on its purpose:

  • On Monday, it is undesirable to start creating magical gizmos, since this day is considered not energetically charged.
  • Business people who are eager to attract good luck can make talismans for good luck in business on Tuesday. This day is also suitable for those who want to become successful at work or achieve a promotion in their career.
  • On Wednesday, it is desirable to make good luck charms for those who are related to the field of trade.
  • Thursday is the most suitable day to make good luck charms that focus on the diplomatic aspect of the wearer's life. Thursday is also suitable for making talismans and amulets that attract luck in studies.
  • In order to arrange your personal life and try your luck in love, it is better to create amulets on Fridays with your own hands.
  • Those who wish to attract good luck in each of their areas of activity, people can be taken to perform mystical objects on Saturday.
  • Sunday is the best time to create a variety of gizmos for success and good luck for those who realize themselves in politics.

When the day for manufacture and the type of magic item are determined, the final step can be taken. In order for a do-it-yourself amulet made for good luck to bring the benefits necessary to the owner (money and wealth, love, success in business, luck at work, etc.), an internal mood is important. Naturally, a strong desire "works" more effectively to attract a specific energy flow.

Therefore, it will be necessary to transfer this potential to a magical object so that it helps to fulfill the desired in a shorter time. Therefore, before embarking on the creation of one or another mystical little thing to attract good luck (a five-pointed star, a runic designation, an amulet in the style of Kabbalah, etc.), you need to tune in to a positive “wave” and think about the favor of Fortune for a specific purpose.

Most Popular

The most popular amulets for attracting good luck are decorative brooms and the Pentacle star. How to make them yourself, read on.

Brooms are magical helpers that reliably protect the house from evil and adverse external influences, attracting good luck and luck for each family member. Therefore, these are not only amulets, but also amulets for good luck. You can easily make them yourself at home. The main thing is to choose a day in advance and prepare all the materials necessary for the ritual.

There is nothing difficult in creating such items to attract good luck. In order for the Slavic whisk to become an effective assistant in achieving the desired goal, it should be made only from natural materials. As the pictures show, to perform such a talisman you will need:

  • Cereal stalks for the base of the craft.
  • Red wool thread for dressing.
  • Dried flowers, garlic clove, cereals, peas, corn, beans, coins - for decoration.

So that evil spirits do not get into the house, and wealth is added to it, it is better to prepare and speak for good luck on Saturday with the growing moon. As a decor, these products were chosen for a reason. Each of the components symbolizes a certain aspect of a person's life in which he needs the help of Fortune:

  • Cereals, beans, peas are symbols of well-being, harmony and peace in the family.
  • Coins will attract various wealth to the house.
  • Dried flowers serve to enhance the abilities of a magical assistant.

First, a base is created according to the type of folk Slavic broom. Then the listed decor elements are attached to it. When the amulet for good luck and money, prosperity and protection is ready, it should be spoken. Magic words will help activate the product so that it serves to help the owner of the house: “Now this is my talisman! May he bring me good luck, wealth, all sorts of blessings, and take away bad weather and troubles!

Then for some time hold in your hands such an amulet, created to attract good luck and prosperity. After that, the product is ready for use.

The Star Pentacle shown in the photo is part of the Western magical heritage. This pentagram is one of the most ancient symbols used to protect its owner and bring good luck to him.

A star, like a decorative Slavic broom, can be made at home from improvised materials. Since this magical assistant provides patronage to people associated with trade, do it better on Wednesday. For the ritual you will need:

  • A cut out circle of green or gold color from cardboard - a star will be drawn on it.
  • Black marker.
  • Green wax candle.

Light a candle and in its light draw the pentagram shown in the photo above. Take the cardboard on which the five-pointed star turned out and look at it, trying to fill it with your inner energy. Now the amulet is charged and ready to use.

The star, like any other amulet for good luck (for money, wealth, etc.), can be kept in a wallet or breast pocket. The main condition for their effectiveness is contact with the owner. Author: Elena Suvorova

Do-it-yourself charms are created to attract favorable events into a person’s life and protect them from all sorts of failures. Talismans are made from favorite things or natural objects such as stone or wood. So that the amulet does not become an ordinary trinket, it is important to know for whom exactly it is created, how to activate and clean it.

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What is a guardian for?

Depending on who the amulet is intended for, it is needed for the following purposes:

Rules for the manufacture of amulets

Rules for making amulets at home:

  1. All actions are performed alone.
  2. They approach activities with inspiration, putting their soul into it.
  3. It is better to create an amulet at midnight, in moonlight or on a clear, sunny day.
  4. When making a charm for yourself, you need to read your favorite prayer. If the talisman is made for another - in the process of work, you should think about this person, wishing him well-being and happiness.

What materials are used to create amulets?

To create amulets, the following materials are used:

  • woolen and cotton threads;
  • silk;
  • sackcloth;
  • cord;
  • salt;
  • leather;
  • porcupine quills.

Silver and gold rings are also used to make an amulet.

What are the amulets?

Depending on the type of origin, amulets are:

  1. Natural (for example, from birch bark, grass, wood). These are minerals, plants and other things created by nature. They are filled with all the energy and power that exists in the world.
  2. Artificial (from fur). These amulets are made by people, various symbols and signs are applied to them. They are able to protect a person throughout life.
  3. Charmed. These amulets can be presented as a gift close person but not always with good intentions.
  4. Live. This is the name of family heirlooms that are inherited from century to century. Living amulets carry the energy of the family, so they are handled with care.

Magic charms from birch bark

Features of magical amulets made of birch bark:

  1. They can be in the form of scorched magical symbols (letters). The first signs were called "cuts", which in Slavic meant "runes".
  2. Sometimes figurines are cut out of this material, which are involved in the preparation of the future talisman.
  3. The material is suitable from a living tree and from a felled one.

The first birch bark amulets were made for children - a shambler (rattle). When shaken, it makes sounds that are believed to scare away evil spirits.

Birch bark

To make a shank you need:

  1. Steam the birch bark to give it elasticity.
  2. Cut the material into 6 identical strips.
  3. Treat both sides with vegetable oil.
  4. Bend them up and down by 1 centimeter.
  5. Put all the pieces together to make a cube.
  6. Then tightly tie the product with a thread and cook in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  7. In a day, when the shark has cooled down, put grains inside for noise.

Making a sharkunka step by step is demonstrated on Anna Mikeshina's channel.

Fur Talismans

Talismans made of fur were used by shamans in ancient times. They put on animal skins to scare away evil forces and perform rituals.

Today, fur is used more often to create a simple amulet - "Brownie". The amulet is kept in the house and in the car, it does not take up space and does not attract undue attention.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Cut a circle of 8-10 centimeters from the fur.
  2. Finish the edges so that the product does not deform.
  3. Lay foam rubber inside the circle so that the fur keeps the shape of a ball.
  4. Buy or invent eyes and nose for the brownie.
  5. Make a charm for the arms and legs from the same material.
  6. Paws are glued with glue or sewn.
  7. You should make a rope if you want to hang a brownie on a hook.

Pouch of herbs


A charm in the form of a bracelet is made from:

  • beads;
  • stones;
  • tree;
  • thread.

These decorations are called shambhala, while:

  1. They protect a person from troubles and bring him good luck.
  2. It is difficult to weave a bracelet on your own - you need to know the meaning of each knot and bead in order for the amulet to be useful.
  3. Animal figurines are woven into the decoration to give it character and special purpose. Owls, for example, symbolize wisdom, dolphins - freedom.

Action algorithm:

  1. Tie several knots on the main rope 60 cm long.
  2. Fix the end of the cord so that it is taut, or tie it to something heavy.
  3. Prepare a second cord (of a different or the same color).
  4. Tie a few knots, then insert a bead, also tying it on the base.
  5. Cut off excess rope when there is enough jewelry.
  6. At the ends of the bracelet, also insert a bead.

Photo of the bracelet making process:

We tie knots on the main rope Preparing the second string Fix the end of the cord Tie a few knots Cut off the excess The bracelet is ready

Protective amulets

Do-it-yourself protective amulets are made from:

  • red thread;
  • pins;
  • coins;
  • key;
  • rings;
  • salt.

Red thread amulet

A charm made of natural red threads is not afraid of moisture and does not require special care. The talisman can be worn by all people, no matter what faith they belong to.

Detailed instructions:

  1. It is best to choose a woolen thread from Jerusalem.
  2. Measure your wrist and cut the yarn to the desired length.
  3. Tie it on the left hand with one knot or ask a loved one to do it.
  4. After a week, tie 6 more knots so that their total number becomes 7.

It is advisable not to hang foreign objects on a red thread amulet.


The pin is used by people whose lives have changed dramatically and are filled with problems. The amulet is designed to protect a person from negativity from the outside and envy.

First you need to pick up a new pin and focus on it, after which you need to say the words:

Take away the bad, drive away. Evil eye and damage go away, this pin can help.

You should stab the amulet under the clothes with the eye up and read the plot again:

Pin, save me from damage and the evil eye. Let all the infection go away at once.


The coin will improve the financial situation and save you from ruin. The amulet is used both at home and in the office.

Possible applications:

  • bury it in a pot with a plant, for example, with a fat woman;
  • carry with you in your wallet;
  • sew a coin pouch and place gems or herbs inside.


Rings are strong protective magical talismans, wearing which on a certain finger will help:

  • become your master immune to negative external influences;
  • achieve the desired heights in life;
  • bring what you have planned to life.

In some families, rings are inherited and absorb the strength of each member. A family heirloom is able to bring good luck and protects the owner better than other talismans.

If the previous owner has died or trouble has overtaken him, the ring must be cleaned and frozen for at least a day.

You can start the tradition of passing the ring from generation to generation at any time. It is enough to buy a new decoration and speak it.

The magic words are:

By the power of all that exists, I conjure you to accumulate strength in the name of goodness and good intentions.

Now you need to charge this ring with energy:

  1. Take a glass of spring water.
  2. Add a pinch of salt to it.
  3. Put the ring in this container overnight for 7 days.

salt bag

A bag of salt is useful not only for cleaning all the amulets - in itself it is able to protect against bad luck and curses.

Procedure for making a salt bag:

  1. Sew a small bag from natural fabrics.
  2. Pour salt into it, for example, sea salt.
  3. Tie tightly so that the grains do not spill out.

Such a charm also needs activation, for which the following words are pronounced:

Salt for happiness, salt for troubles.

It is necessary to make a new talisman if at least a grain has spilled out of the old one. This is bad sign: Throw a pinch over the left shoulder to avoid trouble.


To create a talisman, you need a new decorative key that does not open anything. It is chosen small and inconspicuous to always carry with you. The item must become personal - you can’t show the key and give it to your hands.

When leaving the house, it is important not to forget to say:

Keeping my house, drive away evil and troubles.

How to make a charm for yourself?

You can make a talisman from improvised means yourself or for yourself:

  • on health;
  • for love;
  • good luck;
  • from damage.

For love

An effective way to harmonize the energy of love is to choose a stone as a talisman, while:

  • no need to look for a special gem;
  • you can take any rounded, without sharp edges and chips of a pebble;
  • the main thing is that the mineral is pleasant to the touch and likes its owner.

The ritual of creating a love talisman:

  1. Put the find in salt water for 7 days.
  2. Take a stone in your hands and try to transfer your energy to it.
  3. Wrap the talisman in red cloth.
  4. Put the finished amulet in the southwestern part of the bedroom.

good luck

You can talk for good luck with your favorite thing, which is often with its owner and has already managed to get used to it.

Everyone paid attention to the fact that some things bring success. For important meetings or events, to attract good luck, a person dresses up in “happy” clothes, takes some significant items. Sports teams have their own talisman that brings them good luck. Is it a coincidence or do they enter into some kind of interaction with a person?

It is not uncommon for the amulet to reveal itself. You have probably noticed that an accidentally acquired trifle, clothes, an animal brought into the house, suddenly begin to “work” for success and luck. Meeting with such a talisman is not accidental, he lured you with something: texture, color, shape. If such an amulet has not appeared in your life, it is enough to buy or make it yourself. What can serve as a talisman? It all depends on preference, because the amulet must be liked. It could be:

  • Souvenir;
  • Coins, horseshoe;
  • Jewelry: pendants, brooches, rings;
  • Leather Products;
  • Things made of fabric;
  • Bijouterie;
  • Shells;
  • Pets;
  • Flowers, trees, other plants;

It is advisable to purchase an amulet from natural materials, they have warm energy.

Amulets according to the signs of the Zodiac

A correctly chosen magical item plays an important role, therefore, attention should be paid to its compliance with the astrological calendar.

Colour The form A rock
Aries Orange
A circle

Taurus Beige

Cancer Gilding Cancer
A heart

a lion Gilding a lion
A circle
Virgo Beige
Bright hues
Scales Metal
modeling Diamond
Scorpion Red Scorpion
cat eye
Sagittarius Metal

Lapis lazuli
Gilding Coin

Aquarius Any Winged creature handmade
Fish Blue
Any marine item


With an amulet for good luck, chosen according to the sign of the Zodiac, it will be easier to establish an energy exchange, you will “make friends” faster.

Talisman for good luck and its activation

A handmade amulet has more power. The main thing is to follow the rules so that the magic item can gain strength:

  • to be in good mood, with good thoughts;
  • it is forbidden to make during illness;
  • the environment should be quiet, calm;
  • do not tell anyone about the talisman and do not give it into the wrong hands;
  • on Sunday, so that the moon is in its growth phase;

Before you start manufacturing, you need to decide on the form, since the sacred meaning is embedded in the configuration:

  • circle - promotes stability in financial affairs;
  • oval - helps in business;
  • square - a symbol of constancy;
  • triangle - brings good luck;


It is a simple and effective amulet. This amulet is easy to make with your own hands at home - you only need a natural thread. For good luck in our work, we use wool yarn: tie it on it, mentally accompany each with wishes for success in areas where you want to reach heights. You need to keep it until the plan comes true. You should not give the amulet to strangers. To attract prosperity, it is preferable to wear a bracelet on the wrist made of red, white and black threads intertwined with an odd number of ties. Knot magic has been tested for centuries and was widely used by our ancestors.

They are sacred objects with applied symbols. They are made from different materials, each carries its own magical meaning:

  • Wood, stone - universal in application;
  • Genuine leather - attracts cash flow;
  • Clay - suitable for divination;
  • Bones, animal teeth - used in black magic;

Make it yourself, best of all from clay, wood. These materials lend themselves well to processing, symbols are applied by burning and scratching. After stripping and staining, the finished amulet must be activated. Write down the plot on a piece of paper, it is permissible to use your own text, the main thing is not to use the “not” particle. Then say the name of each rune, burn the leaf over a candle flame, and scatter the ashes in the wind. Sprinkle the fire after the ritual with drops of wine. Before charging magic items, you need to learn the meanings of the symbols well. The names of the runes charged for good luck: anzus, yer, urzus. Keep such talismans in a bag away from prying eyes. Sometimes take it out, hold it in your hands, warming it with your breath, thus recharging.


The simplest, but strong amulet for good luck, which you can make with your own hands to attract success. How to make a similar talisman?

For work you will need:

  • church candle;
  • Half of the water container:
  • Matches (new box);
  • fabric bag;
  • Small paper bag;

Set the candle in a glass of water, burn it and read the spell while the fire is burning. Take out the floating pieces of wax that you like in shape and place in a small paper bag, then in a cloth bag. Amulet for good luck - ready, wear it constantly in your pocket or purse.

Great Amulet of Good Luck

Creating such an item for yourself is no different from making small talismans. They are large, therefore, more than one symbol can be applied, and its protective energy increases accordingly.

If you don’t have the ability to make an amulet yourself, you can buy it. In this case, the amulet also needs to be charged. This can be done in several ways: dip in a salt solution, hold under the sun, sprinkle with holy water.

It is not difficult to make an amulet, the main thing is to believe that it will bring happiness and good luck into your life.