Working program for scratch. Description of the circle "Programming in the Scratch environment"

Municipal state educational institution

"Novousmanskaya secondary school No. 3" Novousmansky municipal district Voronezh region


basic general education

on the basics of programming

for students of grade 6 b

for 2015 - 2016 academic year

Teacher: Belomyltseva E.A.

Explanatory note

The work program of the intra-subject educational module "Fundamentals of Programming" is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for General Education - M .: Education, 2012.

Study objectives intra-subject educational module of informatics in the 6th grade:

    acquaintance of schoolchildren by example programming language (and environment) Scratch with programming elements;

    the formation of students' basic ideas about programming languages, the algorithm, the performer, how to write the algorithm;

    the formation of the scientific worldview of schoolchildren, the development of thinking through the study of programming and algorithmization;

    education of responsible and selective attitude to information; development of cognitive, intellectual and creative abilities of students.

Learning objectives:

    to promote the formation of information and functional competence among schoolchildren, the development of algorithmic thinking;

    to give students an idea of ​​the modern approach to the study of the real world, the widespread use of algorithms and computer technology in scientific research;

    to form in students the ability to use a computer as a means of solving practical problems;

    create conditions for the introduction of new information technologies in the educational process of the school;

    realize the growing interest of students in the in-depth study of programming through the improvement of their algorithmic and logical thinking;

    to form the skills and abilities of independent use of a computer as a means for solving practical problems.

The implementation of these tasks will contribute to the further formation of the schoolchildren's view of the world, the disclosure of the role of informatics in the formation of a natural-science picture of the world, the development of thinking, including the formation of an algorithmic style of thinking, preparing students for life in the information society.

The main forms of organization of training sessions are: cognitive lessons, mini-projects, combined lessons, conversation, computer workshops, task according to the model (using instructions).

Summing up forms implementation of the program of the educational module: educational and research conference, defense of projects.

general characteristics educational module

The program of the intra-subject educational module "Fundamentals of Programming" is based on the fundamental core of the content of general education (section "Mathematics and Informatics") and sets a list of questions that are subject to compulsory study in primary school.

The Scratch programming environment is a visual object-oriented programming environment for teaching elementary and middle school students. The teacher and students create projects based on Scratch. The results of this activity are open for viewing, Internet technologies are also being mastered. Possible teamwork over Scratch projects.

The choice of the Scratch programming language is due to the following considerations:

    The software environment should be easy to learn and understand even for a student younger age, but at the same time, it should give a fundamental opportunity to compose complex programs. This allows you to gradually direct the activity of the student in the direction of scientific and cognitive research, without spending energy on studying a new software environment each time.

    The environment we need should allow us to engage in both programming and the creation of creative projects. This will involve the children in an in-depth study of the subject "Informatics" not only with abstract-logical, but also with predominantly visual-figurative thinking.

    This software tool, around which an active, creative, multidirectional, positively minded Internet community has developed, will allow schoolchildren to use it as a space of ideas for their own projects, as an incentive for creation.

By Scratch resources we mean all its features as a programming language and system. First of all, these include: object orientation, support for event-oriented programming, parallel execution of scripts, user-friendly interface, a reasonable combination of abstraction and visibility, organization of program texts from elementary blocks, the availability of tools for interacting Scratch programs with the real world through additional devices, built-in object library, built-in graphics editor, active online user community.

The most significant capabilities of Scratch are aimed at studying the basics of algorithmization, modeling objects, processes and phenomena, organizing project activities, both individual and group, organizing scientific and cognitive activity, the establishment of interdisciplinary connections in the process of design and scientific and cognitive activities.

Thus, the pedagogical potential of the Scratch programming environment allows us to consider it as a promising way to organize the project scientific and cognitive activity of a student aimed at his personal and creative development.

The listed features of Scratch influence the development of such personal qualities of a student as responsibility and adaptability, communication, creativity and curiosity, critical and systemic thinking, the ability to work with information and multimedia tools, the ability to pose and solve problems aimed at self-development and responsibility.

The place of the educational module in the curriculum

The intra-subject educational module "Fundamentals of Programming" is implemented within the framework of the subject "Computer Science" at the expense of a part of the curriculum formed by the participants in the educational process.

The program contains a list of the amount of required theoretical knowledge in the subject, thematic planning, a list of teaching materials for the teacher and teaching materials for students, as well as a list of practical work. The module can be recommended for studying in grades 5–7 as an additional to the computer science program for grades 5–9 authors Bosova L.L. and Bosova A.Yu..

The program is given 1 hour per week (one lesson per week for 45 minutes), a total of 17 hours per year.

The program is focused on teaching materials: Project activity of a student in the Scratch programming environment / V. G. Ryndak, V. O. Dzhenzher, L. V. Denisova.

Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the educational module Fundamentals of Programming

Personal results:

    readiness and ability of students for self-development and realization of creative potential in spiritual and subject-productive activities through the development of their figurative, algorithmic and logical thinking;

    readiness to improve their educational level and continue their education using the means and methods of informatics;

    interest in computer science, the desire to use the acquired knowledge in the process of teaching other subjects and in life;

    the ability to connect educational content with one's own life experience and personal meanings, to understand the importance of training in the field of a subject module in the context of the development of the information society;

    readiness for independent actions and actions, taking responsibility for their results, for the implementation of individual and collective information activities;

    the ability and willingness to accept the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle through knowledge of the basic hygienic, ergonomic and technical conditions for the safe operation of ICT tools.

Metasubject results:

    possession of the skills of organizing one's own learning activities, including goal-setting, as the setting of an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and what needs to be established;

    planning a sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result, dividing the task into subtasks, developing a structure of actions necessary to achieve the goal using a fixed set of means;

    forecasting - anticipation of the result;

    control - interpretation of the result obtained, its correlation with the available data in order to establish compliance or non-compliance (error detection);

    correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the action plan in case of an error;

    assessment - students' awareness of how well they solved the educational and cognitive task;

    possession of basic universal skills of an informational nature, statement and formulation of a problem;

    search and selection of necessary information, application of information retrieval methods;

    structuring and visualizing information, choosing the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions;

    independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

    possession of the basics of productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults, the ability to correctly, clearly and unambiguously formulate an idea in a form understandable to the interlocutor;

    the ability to carry out joint information activities in a team, in particular when implementing a project;

    the ability to speak to an audience, presenting to it the results of their work using ICT tools;

    the use of communication technologies in educational activities and Everyday life.

Subject Results:

Picture of

    the functional structure of the Scratch software environment and the main structural elements of the user interface;

    appointment and use of the main blocks of commands, states, programs;

    possibilities and ways of debugging the written program;

    performers and systems of their commands, the possibility of direct control of the performer;

    the possibility of using the built-in raster editor, the availability and purpose of the main tools;

    algorithm as a formal description of the sequence of actions of the performer, leading from the initial data to the final result;

    using a schematic description of the algorithm;

    writing programs for performers who create geometric shapes on the screen as they move;

    types of cyclic algorithms and their application;

    organization of program interactivity;

    the possibility of interaction between performers among themselves, in different layers of the image;

    using the project method for modeling objects and systems;

    the possibility of describing real tasks by means of the software environment;

Students will be able to:

    independently install the software environment on your home computer;

    change some standard user interface settings (for example, information display language);

    use various ways to debug programs, including step-by-step debugging;

    confidently use the tools of the built-in graphics editor, including working with image fragments and creating gradients;

    simplify programs through the use of cyclic commands and apply them;

    create programs and games using interactive technologies;

    Section 3. Algorithms and Executors

    Section 4. Design activities and modeling of processes and systems

    Thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities

    Section name



    Type of learning activity

    We continue our acquaintance with the Scratch software environment

    The main elements of the user interface of the Scratch software environment. Appearance of the working window. Block structure of information systematization. functional blocks. Blocks of commands, states, programs, startup, actions and executors. Setting the Russian language for Scratch.

    Create and save a document. Concepts of sprite, scene, script. Screen cleaning.

    The main character as a performer of programs. The system of commands of the performer (SKI). Block structure of the program. Direct control of the performer.

    Character library. Scene and variety of scenes, based on the data library. Systematization of character and scene library data. Hierarchy in organizing the storage of character costumes and backgrounds for scenes. Costume import, background import.

    Analytical activity:

    allocate hardware and software of the computer;

    determine technical devices for input and output of information;

    understand the hierarchical organization of the software environment data library;

    highlight the path to the elements of the library;

    Practical activities:

    select and launch the Scratch software environment;

    work with the main elements of the user interface of the software environment;

    resize and move the program window, select the required window mode;

    enter the file name using the keyboard;

    select the necessary file from the required folder of the program library;

    create, copy, rename, move, copy and delete files;

    comply with safety requirements when working in a computer class.

    with ICT tools;

    Consider finished projects in the Scratch environment.

    Computer graphics

    Computer graphics. Built-in raster graphics editor. The main tools of the graphic editor are a brush, an eraser, a fill (with color or a gradient), drawing lines, rectangles, squares, ellipses and circles, selecting a fragment of an image and flipping it horizontally or vertically, using the print tool to copy a selected area of ​​an image, working with text . The scale of the image fragment. Color picker, setting foreground and background colors, picking a color from an image using the eyedropper tool. Changing the center of the suit. Suit resizing.

    Key Change Opportunities appearance performer: 1) using the built-in data library by importing its element; 2) editing the selected element using the tools of the built-in raster graphics editor and importing them into the Scratch software environment.

    Analytical activity:

    select image fragments for further work with them;

    plan work on creating complex images by copying and scaling simple ones;

    choose the most suitable graphic editor tool for creating a fragment of an image;

    to distinguish between the top and bottom colors of the image;

    invent and create various gradients for filling a closed area;

    plan to create symmetrical images.

    Practical activities:

    use the simplest raster and vector editors to create and edit images;

    change the center of the image;

    make changes to images from the built-in library;

    create complex graphic objects by copying and modifying simple objects and their fragments,

    use the possibilities of working with color.

    Algorithms and Executors

    Algorithm. Creation of flowcharts.

    Linear Algorithms

    The main features of the linear algorithm. Software control of the executor. Creation of programs for moving the performer across the screen field.

    Creation of programs for drawing lines. Writing a program for the performer to leave a dotted line when moving across the screen field.

    Writing programs for the movement of the performer along the sides of a square, rectangle. Making changes to the square drawing program, if you need to get a different side size of the square.

    Program interruption.

    Cyclic algorithms

    Features of the use of the cycle in the program. Schematic notation of the cyclic algorithm.

    Types of cyclic algorithms. The main constructions of the software environment used to write programs for executors using loops.

    Writing and debugging programs using the loop-in-loop construction.

    Endless cycle. Repeated change in the appearance of the performer to mimic the movement of the character. Using an infinite loop to create animation.

    Getting a different effect of playing the program when changing the costume of the Scratch performer.

    Analytical activity:

    invent tasks for the executors of the software environment;

    identify situations that can be described using a linear algorithm, an algorithm with branching, repetitions;

    determine effective method problem solving;

    find parallels in the actions performed and program them with the help of several executors;

    plan the sequence of events for a given project.

    Practical activities:

    compose and debug program code;

    use the design of the software environment to create linear, branched and cyclic algorithms;

    organize parallel computing;

    organize the sequence of program events, the transfer of control from one performer to another.

    Design activities and modeling of processes and systems

    multimedia project. Description of plot events. Animation. Creating an animation effect by sequentially changing images. simulation models. interactive projects. Games.

    Analytical activity:

    create an event plan to reflect a specific theme;

    choose illustrative material from the built-in library;

    choose an animation method for a specific task;

    plan a sequence of events to create an animation effect according to the selected scenario.

    Practical activities:

    use the capabilities of the Scratch software environment to create multimedia projects;

    create simulation models, interactive projects and games using the software environment.

    Description of educational - methodical and material - technical support of educational activities

    List of ICT tools required for the implementation of the program


    • A personal computer is a universal information processing device; The basic configuration of a modern computer provides the student with multimedia capabilities.

      Interactive whiteboard - increases the level of visibility in the work of the teacher and the student; qualitatively changes the method of conducting individual lessons.

      Printer - allows you to record information on paper.

      Scanner - for entering graphic information.

      Telecommunication block, devices that provide connection to the network - ensures the operation of the local network, gives access to Russian and world information resources, allows you to conduct electronic correspondence.

      Sound information output devices - audio speakers and headphones for individual work with sound information, loudspeakers for sounding the whole class.

      Devices for manual input of textual information and manipulation of screen objects - keyboard and mouse.

      Video camera USB 2.0 Logitech Webcam C 170 for the formation of communication skills in on-line mode.

      Video camera - for visualization of project activities.



      Operating system.

      File manager.

      Antivirus program.

      Archiver program.

      Text editor, raster and vector graphics editors.

      Software environment Scratch 1.4.

    List of educational and methodological support

      Resources of the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources ( );

      The main Scratch site containing a variety of examples;

      A nationwide educational project with international participation, containing a Scratch training course;

      Project activity of a student in the Scratch programming environment: a teaching aid / V. G. Ryndak, V. O. Dzhenzher, L. V. Denisova. - Orenburg: Orenb. state in-t. management, 2009. - 116 p.: ill.




Head of MO

Ovsyannikova L.P.


"___" _________ 2015


Deputy director for water resources management

Tsup S. N.


"___" ________ 2015



Zhidova T. S.


"___" _________ 2015


"Creating Games"

for 1 year of study

(grade 5-6)


Sopneva Svetlana Viktorovna


Explanatory note

The program "Creating Games" was developed on the basis of the author's program "Creating Games Together" by Chepasov P.A. for the organization of extracurricular activities of general intellectual orientation.

The course is designed in such a way as to help students become interested in programming in general and find answers to questions that they have to face in everyday life when working with a large amount of information; when solving practical and life problems.

If earlier, when organizing extracurricular activities, mainly material was used that introduced the device of a computer, the simplest computer programs, then the “Design Games” program allows you to create your own programs to solve a specific problem. This is the hallmark of the Design Games program.

Novelty and relevance of the program "We design games"

    Scratch is based on a graphical programming language that allows you to control the actions and interactions between various types data. The environment uses the metaphor of Lego bricks, from which even the smallest children can assemble the simplest structures. But by starting small, you can further develop and expand your ability to build and program.

    Formation of the scientific outlook of schoolchildren, development of thinking through the study of programming and algorithmization issues.

    Preparing students for the successful mastering of the basic and specialized course "Informatics" in high school.

The program "We design games" is pedagogically expedient. introduces students to a program that allows programming, simplifying some issues of working with branches, loops.


to form students' basic ideas about programming languages, algorithm, performer, ways to write an algorithm.



    Teaching the basic basic algorithmic constructions.

    Teaching the skills of task algorithmization.

    Mastering the main stages of problem solving.

    Learning how to develop, test and debug simple programs.

    Project training, its structure, design and development


    To develop the cognitive interest of students.

    To develop creative imagination, mathematical and figurative thinking of students.

    Develop the ability to work with computer programs and additional sources of information.

    Develop project planning skills, ability to work in a group


    Raise interest in computer science.

    Foster a culture of communication between students.

    Foster a culture of safe work when working at a computer.

    Foster a culture of working in the global network.

Program implementation period: 1 year.

The implementation of the program is given 1 hour per week (one lesson per week for 45 minutes), a total of 34 hours per year.

The forms and methods of teaching are determined by the age of the students. When conducting classes, computers with the installed Scratch program, a projector, a scanner, a printer, a computer network with Internet access are used. Theoretical work alternates with practical, and interactive forms of teaching are also used.

Forms of conducting classes: conversations, games, practical exercises, independent work, quizzes and projects.

The use of the project method makes it possible to provide conditions for the development of the skills of independent setting of tasks and the choice of the best option for solving them, independent achievement of the goal, analysis of the results obtained from the point of view of solving the task.

The program provides teaching methods: explanatory and illustrative, partially search (variable tasks), creative, practical.

Personal and meta-subject results of mastering the course of extracurricular activities.

The program is implemented on the basis of the following principles:

    Learning in active cognitive activity . Students study all topics in practice, performing various creative tasks, ...., communicating in pairs and groups with each other.

    Individual training . Teaching students to work on a computer makes it possible to organize the activities of students at an individual speed and in an individual volume. This principle is implemented through the organization of a workshop on mastering computer skills.

    The principle of natural conformity . The main activity of schoolchildren is a game, through which children learn the world, so the lessons include game elements that contribute to the successful development of the course.

    Continuity . The course program is structured in such a way that each subsequent topic is logically connected to the previous one. This principle helps students to understand the importance of the material already studied and the significance of each individual lesson.

    integrity and continuity, meaning that this level is an important link in the unified school-wide training in informatics and information technology. Within the framework of this stage of training, the implementation of introductory, introductory training for schoolchildren continues, preceding a deeper study of the subject in grades 8-9 (main course) and 10-11 (profile courses) grades.

    practice-oriented, ensuring the selection of content aimed at solving the simplest practical tasks of planning activities, searching for the necessary information, instrumentation of all types of activities based on generally accepted means of information activities that implement the main user capabilities of information technologies. At the same time, the starting point is the position that a computer can multiply the capabilities of a person, but not replace it.

    Didactic spiral principle as the most important structuring factor in the methodology of teaching informatics: first, a general acquaintance with the concept, taking into account the existing experience of the students, then its subsequent development and enrichment, creating the prerequisites for scientific generalization in high school.

    The principle of developmental learning(training is focused not only on obtaining new knowledge in the field of computer science and information technology, but also on the activation of thought processes, the formation and development of generalized methods of activity among schoolchildren, the formation of independent work skills).

Requirements for learning outcomes

Personal results:

    broad cognitive interests, initiative and curiosity, motives for knowledge and creativity; readiness and ability of students for self-development and realization of creative potential in spiritual and subject-productive activities through the development of their figurative, algorithmic and logical thinking;

    readiness to improve their educational level and continue their education using the means and methods of informatics and ICT;

    interest in computer science and ICT, the desire to use the acquired knowledge in the process of teaching other subjects and in life;

    the ability to connect educational content with one's own life experience and personal meanings, to understand the importance of training in the field of informatics and ICT in the context of the development of the information society;

    readiness for independent actions and actions, taking responsibility for their results; readiness to carry out individual and collective information activities;

    the ability to selectively relate to the information received due to the skills of its analysis and critical evaluation; responsible attitude to information, taking into account the legal and ethical aspects of its dissemination;

    the ability and willingness to accept the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle through knowledge of the basic hygienic, ergonomic and technical conditions for the safe operation of ICT tools.

Metasubject results:

    possession of the skills of organizing one's own learning activities, including: goal-setting as setting a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and what needs to be established;

    planning - determining the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result, dividing the task into subtasks, developing a sequence and structure of actions necessary to achieve the goal using a fixed set of means;

    forecasting - anticipation of the result;

    control - interpretation of the result obtained, its correlation with the available data in order to establish compliance or non-compliance (error detection);

    correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the action plan in case of an error;

    assessment - students' awareness of how well they solved the educational and cognitive task;

    possession of the basic universal skills of an informational nature: posing and formulating a problem;

    search and selection of necessary information, application of information retrieval methods;

    structuring and visualization of information; selection of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions;

    independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

    possession of the basics of productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults: the ability to correctly, clearly and unambiguously formulate an idea in a form understandable to the interlocutor;

    the ability to carry out joint information activities in a team, in particular when implementing a project;

    the ability to speak to an audience, presenting to it the results of their work using ICT tools;

    the use of communication technologies in educational activities and everyday life.

Subject Results:

    the ability to use the terms "information", "message", "data", "algorithm", "program"; understanding the differences between the use of these terms in everyday speech and in computer science;

    the ability to create linear, branching and cyclic algorithms for managing executors in the Scratch programming language;

    the ability to use logical values, operations and expressions with them;

    mastering the concepts of class, object, event handling;

    the ability to formally execute algorithms described using branching constructions (conditional statements) and repetition (loops), auxiliary algorithms;

    the ability to create and execute programs for solving simple algorithmic problems in the Scratch program;

    ability to use ready-made applied computer programs and services;

    skills in choosing a way to present data depending on the task.

As a result of educational activities, in order to solve a variety of educational, cognitive and educational and practical tasks, students will form and develop the necessary universal educational activities and special educational skills, which will lay the foundation for successful educational activities in secondary and high schools.

Forms of summing up the results of the implementation of the program of extracurricular activities: educational and research conference, defense of projects.

Thematic plan

Name of topics

Number of hours

Characteristics of the activities of students

Introduction to Computer Design

Analytical: summarizing the information received about computer devices, choosing the necessary algorithmic design to solve the problem.

Practical: the use of various devices for input, output and storage of information, the creation of a description and verification of the algorithm

Basic programming and project creation techniques

Analytical: comparison of algorithmic structures in the form of flowcharts with a record in the Scratch program.

Practical: creating and debugging a software algorithm in the Scratch language.

Create a personal project

Analytical: Rationale for the choice of the project topic.

Practical: Implementation and protection of the project.

Description of the educational-methodical and material-technical support of the course of extracurricular activities.

Logistics support of the course of extracurricular activities.

Characteristics of a computer class

Number of RMU: 9

Peripherals: Scanner, printer, projector, LAN.

Local network, Internet access.

Operating system: Windows, Linux

Main program: Scratch v 1.4.

Educational and methodological support of the course of extracurricular activities.

Working program of the course.

Practical work.

Development of games, quizzes.

Calendar- thematic plan

Qty. hours

in including



1.Introduction to computer-aided design (7 hours)

Computer device.

Safety regulations.
Quiz "What do we know about computers"

The concept of the performer.

The concept of an executor, algorithm and program, their purpose, types and use. Types of management of the performer.

Game "Executor and programmer"

Algorithm writing methods.

Ways of writing algorithms. Block diagrams. Programs.

Acquaintance with the Scratch performer and the programming environment.

The main elements of the interface of the Scratch program. Create, save and open projects.

Tournament on the Scratch game "Tir"

The command system of the Scratch performer.

The main groups of commands are their colors and purpose.

Basic algorithmic constructions. Linear and branching

Linear algorithm. Branches. Recording in the form of flowcharts

Project "Changing the parameters of the game Tyr"

Basic algorithmic constructions. cycles.

Project "Changing the parameters of the game Tyr"

Stages of problem solving

Statement, algorithmization, coding, testing, debugging of the program.

Project "Game Labyrinth"

Use of borrowed codes and objects, copyright. Network rules.

Quiz "Safe Internet"

Exploring Scratch Objects

The concepts of an object, an instance of an object, properties and methods of an object. Event handling.

Project "Project" Game Labyrinth "continuation

The main basic algorithmic constructions and their implementation in the environment of the Scratch executor

Linear algorithm. Movement of an object along a given route. Writing in Scratch

Project "Automatic Turtle"


Branches. Event handling. Change the color and thickness of the line. Writing in Scratch

Project "Hand Turtle"

Cycle. Repetition of drawings. Ornaments. Writing in Scratch

The Tireless Turtle Project

variable and its use.

Variables and their types. Rules for using variables in the Scratch language. Basic arithmetic operations

Project "Calculator"

Random number function. Project design.

Overview of the main functions. Random number function. Rules for the use of colors. Working in a raster editor.

Project "Game Guess the Number"

Working with sound.

Insert sound files. Software processing of audio signals.

Project "Musical Synthesizer"

The main stages of project development.

Formulation of the problem. Choice of game theme. Preparation of design elements.

Project work.

Development and creation computer game using pre-prepared materials.

Testing and debugging the project.

Group check of the created game Troubleshooting.

Project protection.

Project protection. Publication of the project on the site.

Reserve - (2 hours).

Total 34 hours

1.Introduction to computer-aided design (7 hours)

The concept of an executor, algorithm and program, their purpose, types and use. Types of management of the performer. Ways of writing algorithms. Block diagrams. Programs. The main elements of the interface of the Scratch program. Create, save and open projects. The main groups of commands are their colors and purpose. Linear algorithm. Branches. Recording in the form of flowcharts, Loops.

Projects: Game "Executor and programmer", game "Tir", "Changing the parameters of the game Shooting gallery"

2.Basic programming and project creation techniques (20 hours)

Statement, algorithmization, coding, testing, debugging of the program. The concepts of an object, an instance of an object, properties and methods of an object. Event handling. Linear algorithm. Movement of an object along a given route. Writing in Scratch. Branches. Event handling. Change the color and thickness of the line. Writing in Scratch. Cycle. Repetition of drawings. Ornaments. Writing in Scratch. Variables and their types. Rules for using variables in the Scratch language. Basic arithmetic operations. Overview of the main functions. Random number function. Rules for the use of colors. Working in a raster editor. Insert sound files. Software processing of audio signals. Formulation of the problem. Choice of game theme. Preparation of design elements.

Projects: "Game Labyrinth", "Automatic Turtle", "Manual Turtle", "Indefatigable Turtle", "Calculator", "Guess the Number Game", "Music Synthesizer"

3. Creation of a personal project (5 hours)

Development and creation of a computer game using pre-prepared materials. Group check of the created game Troubleshooting.

Project: on a free topic. Publication of the project on the site.

Reserve - (2 hours).

Planned learning outcomes.

At the end of the course, the student must learn how to create linear, branching and cyclic algorithms for managing performers in the Scratch programming language, publish their projects on the global network.

In addition, students should have a cognitive interest in the subject of informatics. The acquired knowledge and skills of students contribute to the development of thinking and the formation of information culture of schoolchildren.

This program is aimed at achieving the first level of educational results, that is, at acquiring social knowledge, understanding of social reality


1. Evgeny Patarakin. Learn to cook in Scratch. Version 2.0

2. V.G. Ryndak, V.O. Jenger, L.V. Denisov. Project activity of a student

3.In the Scratch programming environment. Teaching aid. Orenburg - 2009.

Additional sources

1. – developer page where the code is posted

2. - official website of the Scratch project

3. - download the latest Russian version of Scratch

4. C ait “Learn with Scratch»

Explanatory note.

The program of additional education for children of scientific and technical orientation "Fascinating programming" compiled on the basis of the author's program " Creative tasks in the Scratch programming environment", which is included in the collection "Informatics. Maths. Programs of extracurricular activities for elementary and basic schools: grades 3 - 6 ” / M.S. Tsvetkova, O.B. Bogomolova. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2013. - 128 p.: ill. The program has been modified.

The program involves teaching children 9-13 years old.

The duration of the program is 1 year, 72 hours in total.

Target: to form students' basic ideas about programming languages, algorithm, performer, ways to write an algorithm; organize project scientific and educational activities of a creative nature; to form a student's cognitive interest in learning and research skills.

Classes are aimed at solving the following problems.

Program objectives:


    master the skills of compiling algorithms;

    master the concepts of "object", "event", "management", "event handling";

    to study the functionality of the main algorithmic structures;

    form an idea of ​​the profession "programmer";

    to form the skills of developing, testing and debugging simple programs;

    introduce the concept of the project and the algorithm for its development;

    develop project development skills: interactive stories, quests, interactive games, tutorials, cartoons, models and interactive presentations.


    promote the development of critical, systemic, algorithmic and creative thinking;

    develop attention, memory, observation; cognitive interest;

    develop the ability to work with computer programs and additional sources of information;

    develop project planning skills, the ability to work in a group.


    to form a positive attitude towards informatics and ICT;

    develop independence and form the ability to work in a pair, small group, team;

    develop the ability to demonstrate the results of their work.

O general X characteristics to ursa

We live in the age of informatization of society. Information technologies penetrate our lives from different sides. One of the most amazing and exciting activities of the present time is programming.

Teaching the basics of programming to schoolchildren should be carried out in a special programming language that will be understandable to children, easy to learn and consistent with modern trends in programming.

This course is supposed to lead the study of programming in a playful, exciting way.

Scratch is an object-oriented environment in which program blocks are assembled from colorful bricks.

Scratch is a multimedia system. Most of the language operators are aimed at working with graphics and sound, creating animation and video effects. Manipulation with media information is the main goal of creating Scratch.

Key features of Scratch

Block programming . To create programs in Scratch, you simply stack graphics blocks together. Blocks are made so that they can be assembled only in syntactically correct constructions, which eliminates errors. Different data types have different forms, highlighting the incompatibility. You can make changes to the stacks even while the program is running, allowing more experimentation with new ideas over and over again.

Data manipulation. With Scratch, you can create programs that manipulate and mix graphics, animations, music, and sounds. Scratch extends the visual data manipulation capabilities that are popular in today's culture - for example, by adding programmability to Photoshop-like filters.

Collaboration and sharing . The Scratch project site offers inspiration and an audience: you can look at other people's projects, use and modify their pictures and scripts, and add your own project. The biggest achievement is the shared environment and culture created around the project itself.

Scratch offers a low floor - easy to get started; high ceiling - the ability to create complex projects; and wide walls support a wide variety of designs. In the work on Scratch, special attention was paid to simplicity, sometimes even to the detriment of functionality, but with the goal of greater accessibility.

When students work on a project in Scratch, they have a chance to learn important computational concepts such as repetitions, conditions, variables, data types, events, and processes.. Scratch has already been used to introduce these concepts to children of various ages, from elementary school to college. Some students have switched from traditional, text-based programming languages ​​after being shown programming in Scratch.

Scratch is an open source project, but with a "closed" development team. The source code is freely available, but the application is being developed by a small team of scientists at the MIT Media Lab.

One of the main concepts of the Scratch language is the development of your own ideas from the first idea to the final software product. To do this, Scratch has all the necessary tools:

- standard for languages ​​of procedural type: following, branching, loops, variables, data types (integer and real numbers, strings, booleans, lists - dynamic arrays), pseudo-random numbers;

– object-oriented: objects (their fields and methods), message passing and event handling;

- interactive: processing the interaction of objects with each other, with the user, as well as events outside the computer (using a connected sensor unit);

– parallel execution: running object methods in parallel threads with the possibility of coordination and synchronization;

- creation simple interface user.

Relevance and novelty of the program .

The relevance of the program lies in the fact that the Scratch multimedia environment allows children to develop a strong interest in programming, meets all modern requirements for object-oriented programming.

Learning a language greatly facilitates the subsequent transition to learning other programming languages. The advantage of Scratch, among similar programming environments, is also the availability of versions for various operating systems: for Windows , Mac OS , GNU / Linux . At present, it makes sense to consider open source programs, which allows students to form a broader understanding of the possibilities of working with digital technology.

Scratch-free p distributed a program that can be downloaded, for example, from the site: h ttp :// info . scratch. mit. e du / Scratch 1.4 Downlo a d .

The aspect of novelty lies in the fact that Scratch is not just a programming language, but also an interactive environment where the results of actions are visualized, which makes working with the program understandable, interesting and exciting.

The feature of the Scratch environment, which allows you to create cartoons, animations and even simple games in the program, makes the educational program "Fascinating Programming" practically significant for a modern student, because makes it possible to see the practical purpose of algorithms and programs, which will contribute to the development of interest in professions related to programming.

Various teaching methods are used in the classroom depending on the tasks set. All tasks are arranged in ascending order of their difficulty. Practical activities accessible to children help to avoid mental overwork.

Organization of student activities:

Forms of organizing the activities of students:



Teaching methods

    verbal methods (lecture, explanation);

    demonstrative and visual (demonstration of work in the program, schemes, scripts, tables);

    project methods (development of a project in a spiral of creativity, modeling, activity planning)

    work with the Internet community (publishing projects in the Internet community of scratchers).

    explanatory - illustrative (teaching methods, when using which, children perceive and assimilate ready-made information);

    partially search methods of teaching (participation of children in

    collective search, solving the problem together with the teacher). research teaching methods (children mastering the methods of scientific knowledge, independent creative work).

Distinctive features. This training program is based on

the benefits of additional education and is designed to provide the necessary knowledge and

skills in the field of studying computer technologies for schoolchildren, as well as to identify

capable, talented children and develop their abilities, provides great opportunities for the creative development of children, providing for an individual approach to the child.

Pedagogical expediency of this educational program

is that when studying programming in the Scratch environment, students

not only logical thinking is formed, but also multimedia skills;

conditions are created for active, exploratory teaching, wide

opportunities for a variety of modeling.

The enrollment of students is free, at the request of children and their parents.

Class organization mode:

Total number of hours per year - 72 hours;

Number of hours per week 2 hours.

Predicted results.

As a result of the training, students will be able to:

    independently plan ways to achieve goals, consciously choose the most effective ways to solve educational and cognitive problems;

    correlate their actions with the planned results atami, exercise control of their activities in the process achievement of the result;

    evaluate the correctness of the implementation of the educational task, their own ability to solve it;

    create, apply and transform signs and symbols, models and diagrams to solve educational and cognitive problems;

    possession of the basics of self-control, self-assessment, decision-making and the implementation of a conscious choice in the educational program cognitive activity;

    the ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities between teachers and peers;

    formation and development of competence in the field of use of information and communication technologies .

    the formation of a responsible attitude to coercion;

    the formation of communicative competence in communication and cooperation with peers, children of the eldest and the youngest in age, adults in the process of educational, creative and other activities.

    for the formation atmeny formalization and structuring of information, the ability to choose the method of presenting data in accordance with the task set using relevant data processing software;

    the formation of skills for safe and purposeful different behavior when working with computer programs internet, skills comply with the norms of information ethics and law.

Requirements for the level of development of the material.

As a result, a student participating in project scientific and cognitive activities will:


    separate ways of planning activities;

    drawing up a plan for the upcoming project in the form of a drawing, diagram;

    drawing up a plan for the upcoming project in the form of a table of objects, their properties and interactions;

    splitting the task into subtasks;

    distribution of roles and tasks in the group;

Be able to:

    draw up a project plan, including: choosing a topic; domain analysis; splitting the task into subtasks; analyze the result and draw conclusions;

    find and fix errors;

    prepare a short report on the work; make a public presentation;

    outline further ways of development of the project;

Gain skills:

    group work;

    conducting a discussion;

    communicating your thoughts to others.

Will get the opportunity:

    gradually learn programming;

    realize your creative impulses;

    participate in the interactive process of creating games and animations varied stories both individually and together with their peers from different countries;

    receive a live response from like-minded people; evaluate your creativity.

Educational and thematic plan.

    Introduction to the environmentScratch .

Introduction to the Scratch programming environment. Scratch interface. Scratch main menu. The concept of an algorithm, methods of writing an algorithm. The concept of a sprite and an object. Collections of sprites and backgrounds. Using the Internet to import objects. Features of the graphical editor of the Scratch environment.

Practical work:

Installing the Scratch program, drawing up algorithms. Exploring the interface of the environment. Creating and editing sprites and backgrounds for the scene, creating new sprites and scenes. Search, import and edit sprites from the Internet. Saving and opening projects.

    Sprite management.

Theoretical knowledge and skills:

Commands and blocks. Program units: procedures and scripts. Navigation in the Scratch environment. Coordinate system. Coordinate axes. Control commands. Degree measure of an angle. Pen group drawing tools. Acquaintance with regular geometric shapes.

Practical work:

Specifying the coordinates of the sprite. Orientation by coordinates. The project "Robot draws", " Trip around the world Magellan".


Theoretical knowledge and skills:

The concept of a cycle. Team repeat. Design always. Movement cursor control. Team turn in direction.

Practical work:

Drawing patterns and ornaments. Project "beware of the car." Vertical Racing Project. Aircraft flight project.

    Creation of animation projects.

Theoretical knowledge and skills:

Animation. Stages of creating a project. Change of costumes.

Practical work:

Project "Octopus". Project "Girl jumping rope". Project "Running Man". Creation of the animated plot "Cat and Bird".

    Branching algorithms.

Theoretical knowledge and skills:

Introduction to branching commands. . The concept of a condition. Simple and compound conditions. Sensors. Block if. Execution of scripts with branching. Nested branch commands.

Practical work:

Project "Caution puddles". Project "Controlled robot".

Games "Labyrinth", "Dangerous labyrinth". Project "Walking along the corridor". Project "Blind Cat". Project "Memory Trainer".

    Accidents on order.

Theoretical knowledge and skills:

Random number generator, sensors.

Practical work:

The cat and mouse project. Flower project. Project "Timer"

    Running and self-managing sprites.

Theoretical knowledge and skills:

Launching sprites using the keyboard. Launching sprites with the mouse. Signaling. Sensors.

Practical work:

Project "Pererodevaika". Project "Thumbelina". Lamp project. Project "Presentation"

    Variables and levers.

Theoretical knowledge and skills:

Variables. Variable types. Levers.

Practical work:

Hungry cat game. Project "Flowers". Project "Regular polygons"


Theoretical knowledge and skills:

List concept. List items. List creation. Adding and removing items to the list.

Practical work:

Project "Divination". Project "Intrusive Interlocutor". Project "interactive interlocutor". »Project «Test». Game "Guess the word".

    Music of numbers.

Theoretical knowledge and skills:

Introduction to the musical possibilities of Scratch. Volume. Tone. Timbre. Sound recording. Sound file formats. Scoring Scratch projects.

Practical work:

Musical instrument project. Project "Composer"

    Free design.

Theoretical knowledge and skills:

Introduction to design stages. Compilation of a table of objects, their properties and interaction. We create our own game, cartoon. Project storage.

Practical work:

Inclusion in the activities of the discussion of projects. Public presentations of performance results

Methodological support additional education programs.


Forms of classes

Techniques and methods

Basic Skills

Technical equipment

Diagnostic materials for control

Introduction to the Scratch environment

Familiarize yourself with the Scratch programming environment. Be able to create and edit sprites and backgrounds for scenes. Execute and save projects.

A computer

Sprite management.

Educational and practical, creative classes

Explanation, exercise, practical work

Know navigation in the Scratch environment, coordinate system, control commands, pen group drawing tools. Know how to make projects.

A computer

Educational and practical, creative classes

Explanation, exercise, practical work

Be able to create algorithms and projects with cycles.

A computer

Creation of animation projects.

Educational and practical, creative classes

Explanation, exercise, practical work

Know the stages of creating projects.

Be able to apply animation in projects.

A computer

Branching algorithms.

Educational and practical, creative classes

Explanation, exercise, practical work

Be able to create algorithms and projects with branching.

A computer

Accidents on order.

Educational and practical, creative classes

Explanation, exercise, practical work

Be able to apply random number generators and sensors in projects.

A computer

Running and self-managing sprite sprites

Educational and practical, creative classes

Explanation, exercise, practical work

Know the concept of sensors. Be able to run sprites in projects with the keyboard and with the mouse.

A computer

Variables and Levers

Educational and practical, creative classes

Explanation, exercise, practical work

Know the concepts of peremets and levers.

Be able to apply them in projects.

A computer

Educational and practical, creative classes

Explanation, exercise, practical work

Know the concept of lists. Know how to apply them in programs.

A computer

Music of numbers.

Educational and practical, creative classes

Explanation, exercise, practical work

Be able to create musical projects.

A computer

Free design.

Educational and practical, creative classes

Explanation, exercise, practical work, presentation

Be able to create projects and present them.

A computer

Literature and materials for the teacher: Stanislav Lomakin

Programming for kids, 2015

Internet resources - official Scratch website - Scratch in - Learn with Scratch

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school s.p. "Youth Village"


extracurricular activities

"Fascinating programming inScratch»
on Informatics and ICT,

for grade 5 for 2016-17 school. G.
Program implementation period - 1 year


Compiled by:

Pigasina Elena Petrovna,

computer science and ICT teacher,

1 qualification category


Explanatory note

on the implementation of the educational and thematic plan

The program was drawn up in accordance with the Federal Law "On Education in Russian Federation» dated December 29, 2012 No. 273, with exemplary requirements for the content and design of educational programs for additional education of children (letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 11, 2006 No. 06-1844), sanitary and epidemiological requirements for institutions of additional education for children (out-of-school institutions) introduced on 20 June 2003 by the decision of the chief state sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation on April 3, 2003 No. 27D, with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 29, 2013 No. 1008 Moscow "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional general educational programs."

The educational program "Entertaining Programming" was developed on the basis of the following materials and documents: the module "propaedeutics of programming withScratch", Sorokina T.E.; "Creative tasks in the environmentScratch: workbook for grades 5-6”, Yu.V. Pashkovskaya; "Propaedeutics of the ideas of parallel programming in high school using the environmentScratch”, V.G. Ryndak, V.O. Ginger, L.V. Denisov; "Earlier learning programming in the environmentScratch”, V.G. Ryndak, V.O. Ginger, L.V. Denisov; “Project activity of a student in a programming environmentScratch»/Educational manual/ V.G. Ryndak, V.O. Ginger, L.V. Denisov.

Scientific and technical orientation.

Introduction . Scratchis a creative environment designed specifically for the development of thinking, creative and research abilities of children and adolescents. WednesdayScratchappeared in 2007 under the leadership of Professor Mitchell Resnick in a research group calledlifelongKindergartenresearchgroup, which exists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Regarding the goals of the project, Mitchell Resnick said: “This is the next step in the generation of content (materials) by the user. Our goal was to expand the range of what kids can create, share and explore. Working on a project inScratch, children learn to think creatively (creatively) and solve problems systematically - and these are skills that are critical for success inXXIcentury."

ProgramScratchhas a clear interface, a built-in graphic editor, a menu of ready-made programs (bricks), wide opportunities work with multimedia objects.

Relevance of this educational program is that the multimedia environmentScratchallows children to form an interest in programming, meets all modern requirements of object-oriented programming. WednesdayScratchallows you to form programming skills, reveal programming technology. Learning a language greatly facilitates the subsequent transition to learning other programming languages. advantageScratch, among such programming environments, is the availability of versions for various operating systems, in addition, the program is freely distributed, which is very important for educational institutions in Russia. It is at the present time that it makes sense to consider open source programs, which allows students to form a broader understanding of the possibilities of working with digital technology.

Aspect of novelty thing isScratchnot just a programming language, but also an interactive environment where the results of actions are visualized, which makes working with the program understandable, interesting and exciting.

Environment FeatureScratch, which allows you to create cartoons, animations and even simple games in the program, makes the educational program "Fascinating Programming" practically significant for a modern teenager, because makes it possible to see the practical purpose of algorithms and programs, which will contribute to the development of interest in professions related to programming.

Pedagogical expediency of this educational program is that while studying programming in the environmentScratch, students develop not only logical thinking, but also skills in working with multimedia; conditions are created for active, exploratory learning, and ample opportunities are provided for a variety of programming.

Primary occupation : the game. Also in the classroom, educational, cognitive and creative activities are practiced.

Program goals:

Development of logical thinking, creative and cognitive potential of a teenager;



Mastering the basic concepts of object-oriented programming and applying them when creating projects in a visual programming environmentScratch;

Introducing students to new technologies that can help them realize their own creative potential;

Development of cognitive activity of students in the field of new information technologies;

Improving computer skills and increasing interest in programming.


Formation of culture and networking skills;

Promoting the development of creative abilities and aesthetic taste of adolescents;

Promoting the development of communicative skills and abilities of students.


Promoting the development of logical thinking, memory and the ability to analyze;

Creation of conditions for increasing the self-esteem of the student, the realization of him as a person;

Formation of the need for self-development;

Promoting the development of cognitive independence.

Main personal the results formed in the process of mastering the program are:

the formation of a responsible attitude to learning, the ability to complete the work begun on the example of completed creative educational projects;

formation of the ability for self-development and self-education by means of information technology on the basis of motivation for learning and cognition acquired through an illustrative programming environment;

development of experience in participating in socially significant projects, increasing the level of self-esteem, thanks to the implemented projects;

formation of communicative competence in communication and cooperation with peers in the process of educational, research and project activities, participation in competitions and conferences of various levels;

formation of a holistic worldview corresponding to the current level of development of information technologies;

the formation of a conscious positive attitude towards another person, his opinion, the result of his activity;

development of aesthetic consciousness through creative activity on the basis of an illustrated programming environment.

To the main metasubject results ( about interdisciplinary concepts and universal educational actions acquired by students, the ability to use them both in educational and in cognitive and social practice), formed in the process of mastering the program, can be attributed to:

the ability to independently set and formulate new tasks for themselves, to develop the motives of their cognitive activity;

the ability to independently plan ways to solve a problem in order to obtain effective result, understanding that in programming long program does not mean the best program;

the ability to assess the correctness of the solution of the educational and research problem;

the ability to correct their actions, make changes to the program and debug it in accordance with changing conditions;

possession of the basics of self-control, decision-making;

the ability to create, apply and transform signs and symbols, models and schemes for solving educational, research and design work;

ICT competence;

the ability to cooperate and work together with peers in the process of project and teaching and research activities.

Main subject results , formed in the process of studying the program are aimed at:

awareness of the importance of mathematics and informatics in everyday life;

formation of ideas about the main subject concepts - "information", "algorithm", "model" and their properties;

development of logical abilities and algorithmic thinking, the ability to compose and write down an algorithm for a specific performer, familiarity with the basic algorithmic structures - linear, conditional and cyclic;

development of ideas about numbers, numerical systems;

mastery of the symbolic language of algebra, the ability to compose and use complex algebraic expressions for modeling educational projects, to simulate real situations in the language of algebra;

development of spatial representations, skills of geometric constructions and modeling of such processes, development of visual skills with the help of ICT tools;

formation of information and algorithmic culture, development of basic skills in the use of computer devices and programs;

formation of the ability to comply with the norms of information ethics and law.

Conditions for the implementation of the program:

The duration of the program is 1 year.

The program is designed for students V classes - 11-12 years and assumes that students have the skills to work with the keyboard, mouse, methods of working with graphic images, know how to save work, know the logical structure of the disk, the program does not require initial knowledge in the field of programming.

Estimated study time is 1 hour per week.

Classes are held once a week for 40 minutes. The program is designed for 35 hours per year.

This program uses individual, group and frontalwork forms.

current control mastering the material is planned to be carried out through oral and written surveys, in the form of various tests, including in electronic form, independent, practical and creative works; by using a game form of knowledge control in the form of puzzles, crossword puzzles, contests.

Final control - in the form of competitions, defense and presentation of creative works.

ATresult developmentschoolchildren programsget an idea about:

freely distributed programs;

the functional structure of the Scratch software environment and the main structural elements of the user interface;

appointment and use of the main blocks of commands, states, programs;

the rules for saving the document and the need to assign the correct name;

possibilities and ways of debugging the written program;

the essence of the concepts "sprite", "scene", "script";

performers and systems of their commands, the possibility of direct control of the performer;

the availability of blanks for characters and scenes in the corresponding libraries, the hierarchical structure of libraries and the possibility of importing their elements;

the possibility of using the built-in raster editor, the availability and purpose of the main tools;

using other programs (such as LibreOfficeDraw) to create your own images;

algorithm as a formal description of the sequence of actions of the performer, leading from the initial data to the final result;

using a schematic description of the algorithm;

program control of the executor and linear algorithms;

writing programs for performers who create geometric shapes on the screen as they move;

the need for a software interrupt;

the use of cyclic commands if it is necessary to repeat the same type of actions;

types of cyclic algorithms and their application;

achieving the effect of moving through the use of cycles;

the possibility of parallelizing actions of the same type through the use of several executors;

organization of program interactivity;

the possibility of interaction between performers among themselves, in different layers of the image;

types and forms of branched algorithms, including conditional loops;

event management.

using the project method for modeling objects and systems;

the possibility of describing real tasks by means of the software environment;

creating animation, game, educational projects, as well as testing systems in the Scratch software environment.

Schoolchildren will be able to :

independently install the software environment on your home computer;

change some standard user interface settings (for example, information display language);

use various ways to debug programs, including step-by-step debugging;

confidently use the tools of the built-in graphics editor, including working with image fragments and creating gradients;

create your own images in other programs (for example, LibreOfficeDraw) and import them into the Scratch software environment;

use graphic primitives of LibreOfficeDraw vector editor to create objects;

create images from dotted and dash-dotted lines with changing the color and thickness of the line;

simplify programs through the use of cyclic commands and apply them;

compose simple parallel algorithms;

create programs and games using interactive technologies;

simulate situations using the necessary forms of branching of the algorithm, including a loop by condition;

pass messages to executors to execute a sequence of commands (including different types of executors).

plan and create animations for a specific plot;

create games using the interactive features of the Scratch software environment;

plan and create training programs to illustrate the material covered in other subject areas;

think over and describe interactive interaction to create the simplest simulators;

be creative in building models of various objects and systems.

The knowledge and skills acquired at the end of the program can contribute to the development of interest in professions related to programming, animation, animation.

In the classroom, attention is paid to compliance with the requirements of labor safety, fire safety and personal hygiene.

Educational - thematic plan of the educational program:

The curriculum is represented by the following modules:

Introduction to the Scratch software environment

Computer graphics

Algorithms and Executors

Design activities and modeling of processes and systems

lesson planning

lesson number

Lesson topic


Introduction to the Scratch environment. The concept of a sprite and an object. Create and edit sprites and backgrounds for the scene.

Introduction to the Scratch environment (continued). We use the Internet. Search, import and edit sprites and backgrounds from the Internet.

Sprite Control: Commandsgo, turn around corner, drop pen, raise pen, clear.

Coordinate plane. Reference point, coordinate axes, distance unit, abscissa and ordinate.

Navigation in the Scratch environment. Specifying the coordinates of the sprite. Teamgo to the point given coordinates .

Creation of the project "Circumnavigation of Magellan". Teamswim to the point given coordinates .

Creation of the Magellan's Round-the-World Voyage project (continued). presentation mode.

The concept of a cycle. Teamrepeat . Drawing patterns and ornaments.

Designalways . Creation of projects "Beware of the car!" and Vertical Racing. Teamif edge, push off.

Compass orientation. Course management. Teamturn in the direction . Plane flight project.


Sprites change costumes. Animation. Creation of projects "Octopus", "Girl Jumping Rope" and "Running Man".

Creation of the animated plot "Cat and Bird".

Creation of the animated plot "Cat and Bird" (continued).

Compliance. Sensors. Blockif. Arrow driven sprite.


Creation of a collection of games: "Labyrinth", "Whirling Kitten".

Replenishment of the collection of games: "Dangerous Labyrinth".

Composite conditions. Projects "Walking along the corridor", "Blind cat", "Memory trainer".

Random number generator. Projects "Colorful screen", "Chaotic movement", "Cats and mice", "Let's grow a flower garden".

Conditional Loops. Alarm clock project.

Launching sprites with the mouse and keyboard. Projects "Changing rooms" and "Thumbelina".


Sprite self-management. Signal exchange. Blocksto send a message andWhen will I receive a message . Projects "Lampa" and "Dialogue".

Refinement of projects "Magellan", "Labyrinth".

Sensors. Projects "Glutton Kitten"

Variables. Their creation. Use of counters.Animation. We deploy the Bee in the direction of movement.

Entering variables. Project "Flowers". Refinement of the project "Labyrinth" - remembering the name of the best player.

Entering variables with the lever. Projects "Flowers" (option-2), "Regular polygons".


A list is an ordered collection of information of the same type. Creating lists. Adding and removing elements. Projects "Fortune-telling", "Intrusive interlocutor".

Let's play with words. String constants and variables. Operations with strings.

Organization of an interactive dialogue with the user

Creation of the game "Guess the word".

Creation of tests - with and without a choice of answers.


Free design.Create projects of your own design. Registration in the Scratch community.

Presentation of creative projects.

Program content:

Section 1: Getting to Know the Scratch Software Environment

Free software. The authors of the Scratch software environment. Options for downloading and installing the software environment on your home computer.

The main elements of the user interface of the Scratch software environment. Appearance of the working window. Block structure of information systematization. functional blocks. Blocks of commands, states, programs, startup, actions and executors. Setting the Russian language for Scratch.

Create and save a document. Concepts of sprite, scene, script. Screen cleaning.

The main character as a performer of programs. The system of commands of the performer (SKI). Block structure of the program. Direct control of the performer.

Character library. Scene and variety of scenes, based on the data library. Systematization of character and scene library data. Hierarchy in organizing the storage of character costumes and backgrounds for scenes. Costume import, background import.

Analytical activity:

allocate hardware and software of the computer;

determine technical devices for input and output of information;

understand the hierarchical organization of the software environment data library;

highlight the path to the elements of the library;

Practical activities:

select and launch the Scratch software environment;

work with the main elements of the user interface of the software environment;

resize and move the program window, select the required window mode;

enter the file name using the keyboard;

select the necessary file from the required folder of the program library;

create, copy, rename, move, copy and delete files;

comply with safety requirements when working in a computer class.

Section 2. Computer graphics

Computer graphics. Vector and raster graphic editors. Built-in raster graphics editor. The main tools of the graphic editor are a brush, an eraser, a fill (with color or a gradient), drawing lines, rectangles, squares, ellipses and circles, selecting a fragment of an image and flipping it horizontally or vertically, using the print tool to copy a selected area of ​​an image, working with text . The scale of the image fragment. Color picker, setting foreground and background colors, picking a color from an image using the eyedropper tool. Changing the center of the suit. Suit resizing.

The main possibilities for changing the appearance of the performer: 1) using the built-in data library by importing its element; 2) editing the selected element using the tools of the built-in raster graphics editor; 3) creating your own images in other programs (for example, LibreOfficeDraw) and importing them into the Scratch software environment.

Acquaintance with the basic graphic primitives of the LibreOfficeDraw vector editor. The ability to create geometric shapes without internal fill, but with a text block inside. Arrows, their direction.

Analytical activity:

select image fragments for further work with them;

plan work on creating complex images by copying and scaling simple ones;

choose the most suitable graphic editor tool for creating a fragment of an image;

to distinguish between the top and bottom colors of the image;

invent and create various gradients for filling a closed area;

plan to create symmetrical images.

Practical activities:

use the simplest raster and vector editors to create and edit images;

change the center of the image;

make changes to images from the built-in library;

create complex graphic objects by copying and modifying simple objects and their fragments,

use the possibilities of working with color.

Section 3. Algorithms and Executors

Algorithm. The concept of an algorithm as a formal description of the sequence of actions of the performer, leading from the initial data to the final result. Schematic representation of the algorithm. The use of geometric figures for the schematic representation of the algorithm. Creating flowcharts in the free vector editor LibreOfficeDraw.

Linear Algorithms

The main features of the linear algorithm. Schematic description of the linear algorithm. Geometric primitives used to describe a linear algorithm.

Software control of the executor. Creation of programs for moving the performer across the screen field. The concept of turning the performer in a certain direction. Right angle. Rotation of the performer at a right angle clockwise and counterclockwise.

Creation of programs for drawing lines. Change the color and thickness of the line being drawn. Dotted line features. Writing a program for the performer to leave a dotted line when moving across the screen field.

Rectangle, square - the main features. Writing programs for the movement of the performer along the sides of a square, rectangle. Making changes to the square drawing program, if you need to get a different side size of the square.

Program interruption.

Cyclic algorithms

Multiple repetition of commands as a loop organization. Features of the use of the cycle in the program. Simplification of the program by reducing the number of instructions in the transition from linear algorithms to cyclic ones.

Schematic notation of the cyclic algorithm.

Types of cyclic algorithms. The main constructions of the software environment used to write programs for executors using loops.

End cycle. Shortening of the program for the performer who draws lines, squares, rectangles when using a loop. An executor program for drawing several geometric shapes of the same type, for example, several squares from the same vertex, but with a different side value.

Constructs of the software environment to hide/show themselves. Execution of the program by an executor not shown in the program execution field.

Writing and debugging programs using the loop-in-loop construction.

Endless cycle. Repeated change in the appearance of the performer to mimic the movement of the character. Using an infinite loop to create animation.

Getting a different effect of playing the program when changing the costume of the Scratch performer.

Parallelism in the software environment

Use of multiple performers. Copying the program of one performer to another. Execution of the same programs by different executors using different initial conditions. Parallel execution of the same actions. Principle of supercomputer technologies. Timer for calculating the program execution time. Decreasing timer readings when using parallel computing.

program interactivity. The possibility of organizing a dialogue between performers. Operators for merging text expressions.

The interaction of performers by touching each other or color. The use of sensors in the interaction of performers. Program execution delay.

The work of performers in different layers of the image.

Branching in algorithms

Using branching when writing programs. Short form. The full form of the conditional operator. Branching constructions for situation modeling.

cycle for now. Repeating the commands of the executor when a certain condition is met.

Sequential execution of program fragments by different executors

Types of executors of the Scratch software environment. Performer command systems. Various systems commands for different types performers.

Event management. Sending messages to executors to execute a specific sequence of commands.

Transfer of control between different types of executors.

Analytical activity:

invent tasks for the executors of the software environment;

identify situations that can be described using a linear algorithm, an algorithm with branching, repetitions;

determine an effective way to solve the problem;

find parallels in the actions performed and program them with the help of several executors;

plan the sequence of events for a given project.

Practical activities:

compose and debug program code;

use the design of the software environment to create linear, branched and cyclic algorithms;

organize parallel computing;

organize the sequence of program events, the transfer of control from one performer to another.

Section 4. Design activities and modeling of processes and systems

multimedia project. Description of plot events. Animation. Creating an animation effect by sequentially changing images. simulation models. interactive projects. Games.

Analytical activity:

create an event plan to reflect a specific theme;

choose illustrative material from the built-in library;

choose an animation method for a specific task;

plan a sequence of events to create an animation effect according to the selected scenario.

Practical activities:

use the capabilities of the Scratch software environment to create multimedia projects;

create simulation models, interactive projects and games using the software environment.

Methodological support:

To implement the program, the followingteaching methods :

Bysource of knowledge : verbal, visual, practical.

Byway of organizing cognitive activity:

Developmental education (problem, project, creative, partially search, research, programmed)

Differentiated learning (level, individual tasks)

Gaming (competitions, construction games, tournaments using multimedia, didactic)


Didactic materials(supporting notes, project examples, handouts for practical work)

Methodological developments(presentations, video tutorials,flash-rollers)

Network resourcesScratch

Video hostingYoutube(video tutorials "working in the environmentScratch»)

Educational and thematic plan


Processor not belowPentium II

RAM at least 512 MB

Disk space at least 800 MB

Monitor with 16-bit video card

Monitor resolution at least 800x600


Operating system:Windows7 orWindows 8

open office

Computer programs:Scrath


Literature for the teacher:

Module "Propaedeutics of programming withScratch”, Sorokina T.E;

Ryndak V. G., Jenzher V. O., Denisova L. V.Project activity of a student in the Scratch programming environment. — Orenburg: Orenb. state in-t. management, 2009.

"Propaedeutics of the ideas of parallel programming in high school using the environmentScratch

"Earlier learning programming in the environmentScratch”, V.G. Ryndak, V.O. Ginger, L.V. Denisov;

Literature for the student:

Creative tasks in the environmentScratch: workbook for grades 5-6 / Yu.V. Pashkovskaya. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2014. - 200 p.: ill.

Internet resources: - official site of Scratch /Scratch - Scratch in

Description of the circle "Programming in the Scratch environment"

Goals and objectives of the circle "Programming in the Scratch environment"

The “Programming in the Scratch environment” circle is intended for students of grades V-VI to increase the level of logical thinking. The circle program is designed for 34 hours (1 hour per week) and is designed in such a way as to obtain, expand and improve the knowledge, skills and abilities of schoolchildren in the field of programming.

The purpose of the circle- development of logical thinking by means of the Scratch programming environment.


  • - formation of practical skills of algorithmization and programming;
  • - the formation of the ability to plan their activities.

Forms of classes:

Classes are held once a week for 1 lesson. In the proposed program, the number of hours for studying the material is determined for blocks (modules) of classes related to the study of the main topic of the block. Within the blocks, the breakdown by study time is made by the teacher independently. Given the regular repetition of previously studied topics, the pace of studying individual sections of the block is determined by subjective and objective factors. The practice is done by the students in every class.

Forms of control:

  • - testing;
  • - design work.