Planning of educational activities “Spring. The labor of people in the spring "(preparatory group). Calendar-thematic plan for the week. The theme of the week is "Mother Earth Day. The work of people in the spring" The work of people in the garden in the spring

Topic of the week:

“The labor of people in the spring. Instruments"

(17.04. – 22.04.2017)

Target :

clarify children's knowledge about the work of people in the spring.


    Expand your understanding of tools.

    Systematize knowledge about the landing process.

    To form practical planting skills.

    Develop mental activity as a result of completing tasks, solving riddles.

    Improve productivity skills.

    To cultivate a positive attitude towards work, interest in agricultural labor activity.

    Expand vocabulary (greenhouse, garden bed, flower bed, seedlings, planting, greenhouse, rake, shovel, watering can, bucket, plant, sow, water, loosen, whitewash, cut, dig, dig).

Day of the week





Monday – 04/17/2017


- Morning gymnastics.

Essay about Easter.

Target: continue to introduce children to public holidays; talk about the significance of the Easter holiday for the Russian people; to cultivate respect for the traditions of the Russian people.

D / and "Call it affectionately."

Purpose: to form the ability to form words using diminutive suffixes.

D / and “Tell me which one?”.

Goal: continue to teach to highlight the signs of spring, use adjectives in speech, develop the grammatical structure of speech.

Ind. work on r / speech with Yulia, Dima: d / and “Who needs what for work”. Purpose: to exercise in the formation of possessive adjectives (whose tools? ...).

Conversation "Culture of behavior at the table."

Tasks: to update knowledge about the rules of behavior at the table, to offer to evaluate the compliance of their actions with the rules.

Bring illustrations depicting butterflies, stages of development to the nature center. Tasks: introduce the names, talk about life cycle butterflies.

Submit pictures of tools illustrations about the labor of people in the garden and vegetable garden in spring.

Educational activities

    FCCM. Theme: "A person is famous for his work." Objectives: to summarize knowledge about the work of people in the spring, to give an idea of ​​the benefits of physical labor in the fresh air for health.

    Modeling "Tools". Tasks: to develop the creativity of children. To form the ability to freely use various techniques learned earlier to create images of objects; convey the shape of the main part and other parts, their proportions, the characteristic features of the depicted objects; process the surface of the form with finger movements and a stack.



- Observation : signs of spring.

Tasks: activate in speech and clarify the relevant concepts. To learn, based on the results of observation, to establish links between changes in inanimate and living nature.

- P / s "Paratroopers". Tasks: introduce the rules of the game, discuss the tactics of the players, improve the ability to perform jumps from a small height, land softly.

- Labor assignments : cleaning in the flower beds of the site. Tasks: to update the relevant labor skills of children, to teach them to choose the most rational methods of work, to coordinate actions, to evaluate the result.

Sports game badminton. Tasks: to teach how to hit the shuttlecock, to exercise in beating the shuttlecock with a racket. Learn to work out the elements of the game in pairs.

Game - relay "From bump to bump".

Tasks: to improve the ability to pass the baton, perform jumps from foot to foot from hoop to hoop. Develop courage, coordination of movements.

Learn a new physical minute "We took the shoulder blades ...".

Conversation "Clothes and health". Tasks: to supplement the knowledge of children about the properties, qualities, purpose of clothing, about the rules of personal hygiene, about choosing clothes in accordance with weather conditions.

C / r game "Firefighters". Tasks: to improve the ability to independently take on a role in accordance with the plot, to reflect professional relationships and personal qualities of firefighters in the game.

The game "Brook".

Purpose: to fix the rules of the game.

Work before bed

Reading "The Tale of the Miracles to which we are accustomed." (K. Nefyodova, “Tools. What are they?”, p. 5).



Purpose: to form a positive attitude towards gymnastics.

Reading r.s.c. "Seven Simeons - seven workers." Tasks: to consolidate the idea of ​​the role of a person - a worker, knowledge of linguistic and compositional features folk tales; to consolidate the ability to hear and highlight the means of expression in the text. Give the concept of work as a component of a healthy lifestyle (p. 117, N. S. Golitsyna).

Work on the development of speech with Masha, Dima, Vitalik: exercise “Where are they lying? Where do we get it? ”: exercise in the use of complex prepositions (because of, from - under); learn to correctly include them in speech constructions. Develop the grammatical structure of speech.

(p. 5, Teremkova N. E., book 4).

Builder games. Objectives: to improve the ability to highlight the various qualities of objects in the process of perception, compare them in shape, size, talk about the results. Develop connected speech.

Work in the center of the book: game - dramatization according to r.s.c. "Zayushkina hut". Tasks: to teach meaningfully and emotionally to perceive a familiar text, to convey the actions of characters in accordance with their character. Develop children's creativity.


Tree watching. Purpose: to explain the concept of "sap flow".

P / and "Vesnyanka". Purpose: coordination of speech with movement, development of general speech skills.


We took the shovels, dug out the beds: one-two, one-two!

(Child imitates actions with a shovel)

They took the rake in their hands, combed the beds: One-two, one-two!

(The child imitates actions with a rake)

We threw seeds in rows into the ground: One-two, one-two!

One-two, one-two!

(The child imitates the scattering of seeds)

Mobile game "Vesnyanka"

Game progress.

Sunshine, sunshineChildren walk in a circle holding hands.

Golden bottom.

Burn, burn bright

To not go out.

Ran in the garden stream, run in circles.

A hundred rooks have flown"Flying" in a circle .

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting,Sit down slowly.

And the flowers are growing.Stretch on tiptoe, hands up.

Day of the week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments

Tuesday - 18.04. 2017


Morning gymnastics.

Purpose: to form a positive attitude towards gymnastics.

Conversation "What tools do you know?". Tasks: remember the types of instruments: musical, carpentry, agricultural. To consolidate the general concept of "tools".

D / and "Describe, I will guess." Purpose: to learn to identify and name characteristics subject in response to questions from an adult. Develop connected speech, thinking.

Exercise "Hide and Seek". Tasks: to develop attention, observation, thinking (p. 21, Teremkova N. E., book 3).

Exercise "And I will" (Vitalik, Yulia, Vanya).

Purpose: to continue to learn to finish the sentence to the end according to the model.

Continue to consolidate the ability of the attendants to set the table for breakfast, carefully lay out cutlery, arrange bread bins; after breakfast - carefully clear the dishes from the table.

Work in a corner of nature: watering and spraying plants.

Board games; pencils, albums.

Examination of the album "Professions", "Work equipment".

C \ r game "Beauty Salon". Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to perform game actions in accordance with the rules and the general game plan.

Consultation "The benefits of board games for the development of children"

Educational activities

    Physical education (according to the plan of the physical education teacher).

    HT. Drawing by design. Tasks: to arouse interest in the proposed work in children, to develop fine motor skills fingers, develop compositional skills, spatial representations: highlight the main and secondary in the drawing.

Activate vocabulary, develop coherent speech. To consolidate knowledge about the color, size of objects.


P / and "Burn, burn clearly ...".

Insect observation.

Objective: to continue expanding knowledge of insect diversity; to learn to establish the simplest connections between environmental conditions and the state of living objects.

Labor activity

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to work together, to complete tasks with joint efforts.

Ball game "Finish the sentence": To plant a tree, you need a hole .... dig out. And then you need a hole .... bury.

In the spring, the land in the garden is needed .... dig up. Under fruit trees the earth should ... dig up.

Individual work: development of movements.

Purpose: to work out walking with an added step and running with an overlap.

Talking to children about self-care appearance. Purpose: to consolidate the habit of being neat, tidy, if necessary, to eliminate shortcomings with the help of cultural and hygienic procedures.

Game exercise "I'm doing well."

Purpose: to consolidate ideas about the culture of relations between people.

C / r game "Journey to the Park." Purpose: to develop the ability to act in accordance with the game situation (self-select attributes, establish role relationships, coordinate game actions with the accepted role, engage in various role-playing dialogues).

Take out sports equipment; material for labor actions: rake, whisk, garbage bags.

Work before bed

Reading: "Spring Cares" (according to T. Shorygina).

People have a lot of worries in the spring. It is necessary to germinate the seeds, prepare the beds, plant potatoes, onions, sow dill, parsley, carrots, beets. In the garden - dig trees, cut dry branches, and plant them in flowerbeds beautiful flowers. Then the summer will be beautiful, and the autumn will be with the harvest, and the winter will be with supplies.

Introduce proverbs and offer to explain their meaning:Work feeds, and laziness spoils. Who loves work, people honor him.

If you want to eat kalachi, don't sit on the stove. Business before pleasure.



They took a rake and shovels -

The boys went to the garden.

They dig here, they loosen there,

Remove trash from yards.

Turnips are sown, onions are planted,

And then everything is watered.

(According to N.V. Nishcheva)

Preparation for the holiday: learning poems, songs, games, dances.

Conversations: “Attitude towards work”, “How people work on their summer cottages”, “Man has always worked”, “Who will I be when I grow up”.

Formation of KGN at the table.

Goal: continue to teach children to behave correctly at the table during meals (sit upright, do not swing in a chair, do not rush and do not talk with your mouth full); cultivate cultural behavior at the table, accuracy.

C / r game "We are farmers."

Board-printed games "Make a whole", "What is superfluous?".

Consider illustrations depicting people of different professions;

compose a story "How we work in the spring in the garden." Purpose: to expand knowledge about the work of adults, to maintain interest in agricultural work, to recall its significance.


Watching the evening sky.

Tasks: to teach children to highlight the features of the evening sky in spring, talk about them, characterize the color of the sky, the type of clouds, the position of the sun above the horizon. Develop interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, observations in nature.

Independent activity at the choice of children.

P / game "Brook". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to move in pairs.

Exercise "And I will" (finish the sentence according to the model)

Mom washes, and I will wash.

My brother is digging, and I will dig.

Dad saws, and I will saw.

Galya is watering, and I

Vitya cleans, and I ...

Nadia is rowing, and I ...

Vova cuts, and I ...

Grandma is planting, and I ...

Tanya sows, and I ...

Vanya whitens, and I ...

Pavel cuts, and I ...

Day of the week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments

Wednesday - 04/19/2017


Morning gymnastics.

Purpose: to form a positive attitude towards gymnastics.

A conversation about the day of the snowdrop: look at the pictures, talk about the versions of the origin of the first primroses, about the many names of this flower different peoples. Purpose: to develop curiosity, cognitive activity. - Offer children board games: "Lotto", "Puzzles".

Explain proverbs:

If you don’t work in the spring, you won’t eat in the winter.

Whoever does not lie down in the spring will be full for a whole year. Spring day feeds the year.

Learn the tongue twister:

In the field Poljushka

Flight of the Pole-polyushko.

Weeds will not be in the field,

If Fields flight field.

Objectives: to form vocabulary;

train memory, diction, intonation.

Didactic game"Collect a picture."

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​​​insects, to clarify their shape and color.

Dining room duty: independently determine the appropriate number of cutlery for children at each table.

On duty in the classroom.

Purpose: to teach independently to lay out the handout prepared by the educator for classes, to clean it up.

Looking at illustrations of butterflies in the center of nature: pay attention to the symmetry and brightness of the color of the wings.

C / r game "Gardeners". Purpose: to form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. To acquaint people with labor in the spring. Cultivate respect for work.

Individual conversations at the request of parents.

Educational activities


    Cognitive - research / constructive activity. Design "Snowdrop".

Purpose: to interest children in the manufacture of crafts, to demonstrate them; to consolidate the ability to follow the instructions of the teacher. cultivate perseverance, accuracy; develop creativity and imagination.

    Music (according to the plan of the music director).


Labor assignments. Purpose: to improve the ability to work together, to bring the work begun to the end.

Mobile game "Golden Gate".

Purpose: to develop speed, orientation in space, exercise in walking in a chain.

Role-playing game "In the forest for snowdrops."

Purpose: to teach children to develop the plot of the game, form friendships in the game, consolidate previously acquired knowledge about colors.

Happy week game. Purpose: to exercise in naming the days of the week in direct and reverse order, to learn to name the next and previous days.

Ind. work with Dima, Vanya.

Purpose: to train children in long jump from a place moving forward.

Situational conversation "Cleanliness is the key to health."

Goal: to continue to form a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.

Independent activity of children on the site, games with remote material.

Purpose: to develop the skill of joint gaming activities.

Provide optimal motor activity children throughout the day, using mobile, sports and physical exercises.

Work before bed

Cultural and hygienic procedures.

Reading:RAIN FROM SEEDS (Yu. KRUTOGOROV).Purpose: to cultivate interest in reading, to continue to acquaint people in the countryside with the work.


- Gymnastics after sleep, hardening.

Purpose: to form a positive attitude towards gymnastics, the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Reading and retelling of the story "Spring sowing".

Spring has come. The snow has fallen from the fields. The earth began to dry up. A team of tractor drivers went to live in the field. They brought a trailer, built a kitchen, a dining room, put barrels of fuel. In the morning the tractor drivers began to plow the land. The field came to life, buzzed. Stripes of black plowed land grew with every hour. Tractor drivers will work until late in the evening. (According to A. Musatov).

Didactic exercise "What do people do in the spring." Purpose: to know how people work in the spring, to be able to talk about work.

Conversation: “Magic words are my friends!”.

Purpose: to discuss with children what role these words play in people's lives, how and why they are used.

Learn a new physical minute "Bed".

Coloring, stencils on the topic.

Independent play activity children.


Watching spring events.

Tasks: to teach to observe the characteristic phenomena of nature in spring, to establish the simplest connections between them, to cultivate the ability to notice the beauty of nature, to cultivate curiosity.

Mobile game "Brook". Purpose: to consolidate the rules of the game, continue to teach walking, mindfulness in a playful way.

Fizminutka "Bed"

I've been waiting for spring for a long time.

(Children walk in a circle holding hands).

I have my own business.

I have a plot in the garden

(Change direction of movement)

Mother took me away.

I'll take my spatula

(Stop, show how to dig)

I'll go and dig a bed.

The bed should be soft. They show how they loosen.

The seeds love it.

I'll plant a carrot on it. Children go around the circle, show that And a radish. And from the sides. Sowing seeds.

There will be bean bushes.


Who gives power to the tractor.

Where does the tractor get such power from? After all, the wheels themselves do not spin. The tracks themselves do not move. The tractor is powered by the engine. It drives the car, that's why it's called the engine.

Engines are tiny. You can fit them in the palm of your hand. They are able to lift a light model aircraft into the air. There are bigger engines. For a bicycle, for example. Such an engine, of course, is not suitable for a tractor. He is not strong enough to budge such a colossus. It needs a bigger, more powerful engine. Bogatyr engine. And they created one. It generates extraordinary power. This force sets the wheels of the tractor in motion: the engine spins the shaft, the shaft rotates the wheels.

Like a plow-knife plows the ground.

There is a tractor on arable land ... Behind him is a plow. Behind the plow stretches a black plowed strip as wide as the street. The strip is warm, damp, even steam comes from it. The field is crumbling. The plow turns the soil inside out. Last year's stems. from which the spikelets were cut, hide in the furrow.

Like a harrow harrows.

After plowing, large clods of earth may remain at the top. They prevent the sown rye or wheat seed from germinating. The field must be level and smooth. It is necessary to break large lumps, split! Then give the harrow. The harrow combs the arable land. Like a comb! She, like any comb, has sharp teeth. That's why it got its name - tooth harrow. The teeth of the harrow are iron, sharp, frequent. They not only break up clods, they tear out weeds from the soil. And there are harrows on wheels. The wheels have sharp spikes. Such a harrow rolls across the field - crushes clods of earth. Plow and harrow always work together in the field. Following the plow, the harrow is taken out to the arable land. A harrow, like a plow, without a tractor - not a step. And with a tractor - please: it will comb any field. After all, the tractor on the field is the most important machine

About a factory on wheels.

The harvester is a factory on wheels. Great factory.

Self-propelled factory mows wheat.

A self-propelled factory peels grains from spikelets.

Self-propelled factory cleans grains.

The self-propelled factory itself loads the wheat into the trucks.

Everything is done quickly and easily. On the run.

No time to stop, a lot to do.

The combine goes into the field. As if floating among fat ears. A field stretches ahead. And the harvester passed - evenly trimmed stems remain behind. As if the field had been to a barbershop. It's like they cut it to fit the machine.

Crafty hands.

What about wheat grains? Where are they?

into a round sieve. The grains must be sifted. The sieve is trembling. He walks with a walker. The grains are sieved.

The fan is blowing all over the place. The grains are blown with a fresh wind. Blows off thin antennae of spikelets, husks.

Machines helped grow grain crops. A tractor and a car, a plow and a harrow, a seeder and a combine did their best. But they are, of course. did not go into the field on their own. A man led them into the field.

Tractor driver.


And if in a word - a farmer.

Day of the week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments

Thursday - 20.04. 2017


Morning gymnastics.

Purpose: to form a positive attitude towards gymnastics.

Conversation "What a miracle helped spring."

Tasks: to clarify children's ideas about the seasons, about the significance of the sun in the awakening of nature in spring.

D / and "What first, what then."

Purpose: to form the ability of children to compose a story, expand vocabulary, develop logical thinking, coherent speech.

Compilation of a story with Dima, Yura "How we work in the spring in the garden, in the garden." Purpose: to expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic.

D / and “What is superfluous and why?” (Dig, plant, pickle. Water, fertilize, play. Garden, garden, rake).

Situational conversation "Why should we save water?". Purpose: to instill the skills of environmentally competent behavior in everyday life, to teach children to use water sparingly.

Examination of sets of pictures "Spring in the forest", "Spring in the city", "Spring in the village", etc.

Work in the center of nature.

Purpose: to teach children to distinguish in shape and size the seeds of marigolds and marigolds, to sow them correctly.

Individual conversations at the request of parents

Educational activities

    Communication (according to the plan of a speech therapist).

    FEMP. Novikova V.P., No. 45).

    Physical education (in the air).


Observation "What are the colors of Spring?".

Purpose: to summarize the knowledge of children about spring. Develop color perception. Cultivate a caring attitude towards the awakening of nature.

Game of low mobility "Birdcatcher".

Purpose: to fix the game rules.

Experience "Why do they say: strong as a stone?".

Purpose: to give an idea that the stones are solid, durable, strong; learn to compare the qualities and properties of a stone with other objects.

Ind. work on the development of basic movements: tossing and catching the ball with two hands.

Individual work: learning the tongue twister (pronunciation) “There is grass in the yard” (Yura, Vanya).

D / and "Tell me a word" on the topic "Spring".

Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the rules of versification. Learn to select rhyming words based on their size, sound, compose short poems.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: washing hands after the toilet and the street

Free games by interests.

Purpose: to observe the relationship of children.

Work before bed

Cultural and hygienic procedures.

Listening to the work of P. Tchaikovsky "Spring".


Gymnastics after sleep, hardening.

Purpose: to form a positive attitude towards gymnastics, the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Reading the story of Vasily Sukhomlinsky

"Happiness and Labor".

Target:to acquaint children with the story of V. Sukhomlinsky.To educate in children kindness, patience, moral qualities.

D / and "Pick up an action." Purpose: to continue to activate verbs in the children's vocabulary. (What do people do in spring? What do birds do in spring? etc.)

Situational conversation “Is it possible to break toys in kindergarten».

Work in the center of nature: acquaintance with the properties of sand, clay, stones, soil.

Purpose: to teach to distinguish and correctly name various natural materials. To acquaint with the basic properties of sand, clay, stones (minerals), soil.

Games and activities initiated by children in activity centers.

Experimenting with colors on the palette.


Observation of the clothes of children and adults. Tasks: to continue to form the ability to establish the simplest connections between changes in inanimate and living nature, to consolidate knowledge about the classification of clothing by season.

I dress warmly in winter

Frost followed me everywhere.

And now spring has come

And I immediately took off my coat.

I'll put on my jacket

I'm going to play in it now.

Individual work: to consolidate the ability to name the neighbors of a number, the exercise “Count further”.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky "Happiness and Labor"

One poor woman had two twin sons. When the sons were seven years old, the mother gave them a bucket each, took them by the hands and said:

“Let’s go, sons, to get the mind.”

They walked a day, walked another, and on the third they came to high mountain.

- In this grief, - said the mother, - the mind is scattered with small golden grains. To get the mind, you need to find a full bucket of small gold grains. Get your mind. - And she gave her sons a small spatula.

The twin sons were very similar to each other: blue eyes, black eyebrows, white face ... but their soul was different. One son is Hardworking and the other is Lazy.

The lazy one took a bucket and a shovel and went away from the mountain.

“I’ll go to the river,” he said to the Worker, “I’ll catch fish and cook fish soup.”

And the Laborer sat down near a high mountain and began to pour the earth with a small shovel. He picks up a spatula of earth, pours it out, and sometimes a golden grain falls from it. He puts that grain in a bucket.

Many years later. The lazy son remembered his Working brother and decided: I'll go and see if he is still alive.

A day goes by, another goes by, on the third day comes to the mountain. But the mountain is not at all where it was many years ago, when she and her brother were seven years old. The Working Brother stands near the mountain, and next to him is a full bucket of gold grains.

The Lazy One was surprised, he realized that his Hard-working brother poured the whole earthen mountain and got the mind. And he, Lazy, only learned to fish and cook fish soup.

– What are you going to do now? asked the Lazy Brother of the Hardworking One.

“I’m going to get happiness for my mother.”

Can you buy happiness with gold? asked Lazy.

“Happiness is not bought,” answered the Hardworking Brother, “happiness is achieved by work.

Day of the week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments

Friday - 21.04. 2017


- Morning gymnastics.

Purpose: to form a positive attitude towards gymnastics.

Earth Day talk.

Exercise with fingers "Rake".

Hands, like rakes (the thumb is pressed to the palm, and the rest are slightly apart and half-bent), scrape along the rough surface with the fingertips (on stressed syllables):

We rake garbage from the ground,

So that the sprouts could break through to the light.

Formation of cultural behavior skills: learning to listen politely. Tasks: to teach to listen carefully to the interlocutor, not to interrupt or distract him.

Dining room duty (Yulia, Vitalik): teach them to be responsible for the assignment, to bring the work started to the end, to cultivate independence and responsibility.

Role-playing game: "Mail".

Didactic game: "Broken phone". Duty: watering plants, rubbing the leaves.

Individual conversations at the request of parents

Educational activities

    Corrective minutes.

    HT. Drawing Day and Night. (I.A. Lykova, p. 178).

    Physical education (according to the plan of the physical leader).


Observation "Spring wind".

Tasks: propose to determine the strength of the wind; discuss what qualities of the wind have changed.

D / and "Spring calls". Tasks: to introduce children to the spring nicknames that the people used, referring to the forces of nature; be able to pronounce incantations expressively, emotionally.

Finger gymnastics"Spring came".

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills.

P / and "Zhmurki". Tasks: invite children to tell the rules of the game, explain how the players act. Continue to work to improve the health of children.

Self-service: careful attitude to clothes (Dima B., Vitalik).

Tasks: continue to teach how to neatly fold clothes in the closet.

Games. ex. "Pathfinders". (Vanya, Yura).

Tasks: to develop a sense of balance (follow strictly trail after trail along the route).

Conversation "Pedestrians". Tasks: to teach to observe the rules of crossing the street, to explain the importance of the implementation of the rules by all road users.

Game control "Basketball Players" Tasks: to teach to perform throws, throwing the ball to each other from behind the head; develop arm muscles, dexterity, coordination of movements.

D / i .: "Yesterday, today, tomorrow." Purpose: to teach to correlate ongoing events with time. Independent motor activity of children.

Removal of equipment for work on the site, games, assignments.

Work before bed

Cultural and hygienic procedures.

Reading fairy tales of the choice of children.


Gymnastics after sleep, hardening.

Purpose: to form a positive attitude towards gymnastics, the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Reading thin. Literature: Valentina Oseeva


Tasks: continue to educate moral qualities; perseverance, willingness to listen to reading, ability to answer questions.

Fixing the sequence of days of the week with Yulia, Dima, Yura

Listening to P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”: “March. Song of the Lark.

Tasks: to educate the aesthetic perception of musical works.

Visual material for artistic and creative activities: the image of spring in the works of children (drawing, application).

"Bridges over a flooded river". Tasks: continue to develop the ability to establish a connection between the buildings being created and what they see in the surrounding life.


Tree observations. Tasks: to draw the attention of children to the changes that have occurred with the trees in April; to clarify the ideas of children that in spring trees and shrubs wake up, buds swell. To form knowledge about the gradual increase in spring phenomena; learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by branches and buds.

Children's games with portable material. Labor on site. Role-playing games at the choice of children.

Valentina Oseeva


Two women were drawing water from a well. A third one approached them. And the old old man sat down on a pebble to rest.

This is what one woman says to another:

My son is agile and strong, no one can cope with him.

And mine sings like a nightingale. No one has such a voice,” says another.

And the third is silent.

What can you say about your son? her neighbors ask.

What can I say? the woman says. - There is nothing special about him.

So the women took full buckets and went. And the old man is behind them. Women go and stop. My hands hurt, water splashes, my back hurts.

Suddenly, three boys run out towards me.

One tumbles over his head, walks with a wheel - women admire him.

He sings another song, fills himself with a nightingale - his women listened.

And the third ran up to the mother, took heavy buckets from her and dragged them.

The women ask the old man:

Well? What are our sons?

And where are they? the old man answers. “I only see one son!”

1. Golitsyna N. S., “Summaries of complex thematic classes. School prep group. Integrated approach. - M .: Publishing house "Scriptorium 2003", 2015.

2. Zatulina G.Ya., The development of speech of preschoolers. Preparatory group. Toolkit. – M.: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2015.

3. Kravchenko I.V., Dolgova T.L. Walks in kindergarten. Senior and preparatory groups for school: Methodological guide / Ed. G. M. Kiseleva, L. I. Ponomareva. - M .: TC Sphere, 2009.

4. Koldina D. N., "Drawing with children 6-7 years old."

5. Lykova, I.A., "Fine activity in kindergarten."

6. Nikitina A. V., "33 lexical topics".

7. Timofeeva L. L., Planning educational activities in DOO: Preparatory group for school. Toolkit. - Publisher: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2015.

8. Kolesnikova E.V. , Mathematics for children 6-7 years old: Study guide for the workbook "I count to twenty." 4th ed., revised. and additional - M .: TC Sphere, 2015, p. 47.

9. Mikheeva I. A., Chesheva S. V., Cheshcheva S. V. Interaction in the work of an educator and a speech therapist teacher: Card file of tasks for children 5-7 years old with general underdevelopment speech. Publisher: KaroSeries: Popular speech therapy, 2009.

from 25.04.2016 – 29.04. 2016 theme of the week:"The work of people in the spring."

  • Talk with the child about what season it is now, what changes have occurred in living and inanimate nature in spring;
  • remember the names of the spring months, signs of spring;
  • clarify what people do in the spring in the fields, gardens and orchards? What tools are used to work in gardens and orchards?
  • Make sure your child answers in full sentences.

Didactic games and exercises

  • " And I will"(finish the sentence to the end according to the model)

My brother is digging, and I will dig.

Dad saws, and I will saw.

Mom waters, and I ....

Dad is cleaning and I...

Dad cuts, and I ...

Grandma is planting, and I ...

Mom sows, and I ...

Mom whitens, and I ...

Dad cuts the branches and I...

  • "Continue the offer":

In the spring, people dig in the gardens, .......

  • "Call me affectionately" (formation of nouns with a diminutive suffix)

Garden -

Bed -

Apple tree -

Flowerbed -

  • Perform the exercise with the fingers "Rake"

Hands like a rake (the thumb is pressed to the palm, and the rest are slightly apart and half-bent, scraping along the rough surface with the fingertips (on stressed syllables):

We rake garbage from the ground,

So that the sprouts could break through to the light.

Learn a poem:

They took a rake and shovels - the guys went to the garden.

Here they dig, there they loosen, they remove garbage from the ridges.

Turnips are sown, onions are planted, and then everyone is watered.

  • Read and discuss stories


People have a lot of worries in the spring. We need to germinate the seeds, prepare the beds,

plant potatoes, onions, sow dill, parsley, carrots, beets. In the garden -

dig trees, cut dry branches, and plant beautiful flowers in flowerbeds.

Then the summer will be beautiful, and the autumn with the harvest, and the winter with supplies.

The labor of people in the spring

At the end of spring, on warm May days, seedlings of cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage are planted.

Gotta catch up a short time until the soil is dry, sow the seeds of cereal and vegetable plants, plant potatoes.

In gardens, trees and shrubs are sprayed with poisonous substances that kill insect pests. Just like in autumn, the bottom of the trunks fruit trees whitened with lime.

In the spring, fruit trees and shrubs are planted in the gardens.

On the streets of cities, towns and villages, trees are cut and new plants are planted. Decorative flowers are planted in parks and squares.

The labor of people in the spring

In the spring, a family works in the garden. Mom paints the trunks of trees so that insects do not damage them. Dad is digging up the ground to plant young trees. Boy Misha is planting seedlings. The girl Masha waters them because the plants need moisture. For the whole family good mood. Everyone is excited about spring!

Synopsis of search and research activities

"The labor of people in the spring"

Methodist: Pashchenko G.V.

Signature: … … … … … …

Educator:… … … … …

Signature: … … … …

Performed: student

3rd year "B" group


Shevchenko Ekaterina


Target: introduce children to the labor of people in the spring in nature.


educational- to clarify and activate children's knowledge about spring changes in nature; fix the names of the spring months; expand the vocabulary of children on the topic.

Educational- to develop the thinking of children, their attention and memory, speech and fine motor skills of hands.

Educational– To instill in children respect for the work of adults, the desire to help them.

Equipment: pictures depicting the spring months (March, April, May), plot pictures on the topic “The work of people in the spring”.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

Spring has a lot of work
Rays help her:

Together they drive along the roads

talking streams,
Melt the snow, break the ice,
Warm everything around.

From under the needles and blades of grass

The first sleepy beetle crawled out.

Flowers on the thaw

golden blossoms,

Poured, swollen buds,

Bumblebees fly from the nest.

Spring has a lot of worries
But things are looking up:

Emerald field became
And the gardens are in bloom.

II. Main part.

Lesson topic message.

What season is the poem talking about? (About spring.)

Today in class we will talk about spring and what people do in spring.

Spring talk.

Guys, is it early or late spring?

What spring months do you know? Name them in order.

Name the 1st month of spring, 3rd month.

What month is between March and May?

What month is ahead of April? May?

And now I'm going to ask you Tricky Questions. To answer them, you need to think.

What more spring or winter months?

What are more spring months or spring days?

What more seasons or spring months?

Well done guys, and you coped with tricky questions.

Let's remember how spring began.

(The sun is shining brighter.)

And what began to happen?

(The snow began to melt, streams flowed, drops began to cry.)

What happened to the trees?

(Buds swelled on the trees, leaves began to bloom.)

In spring, nature comes to life and many different phenomena take place. What other changes have occurred in spring in nature? (Fresh young grass appears. Birds flew in from warm countries and began to build nests. Animals woke up after hibernation. Insects crawl out.)

Game "Finish the sentence."

Choose action words and complete the sentences.

In the spring sun... (warms, bakes, caresses ...)
In the spring, icicles under the sun ... (melting, dripping...)
In the spring, snowdrifts from the heat of the sun ... (settle, melt...)
Buds on trees in spring... (swell, burst ...)
Spring streams... (running, murmuring, ringing, making noise ...)
Birds in spring... (return, arrive...)
Bird nests in spring... (weave, build, make ...)
Ice on the river in spring... (melts, cracks, breaks, floats...)
In the spring, on the thawed patches, the first flowers ... (appear, bloom, bloom ...)
Spring grass... (breaks, grows, turns green ...)

The story of a speech therapist about the work of people in the spring.

As soon as the snow melts from the fields, they begin spring work. People have a lot of worries in the spring. Spring is the hottest time of the year for farmers. People say: "If you overslept the spring, you will starve in the winter." So people work in the village in the spring from early morning until late evening. Fertilize the soil, plow (harrow) the land in the fields. The fields are sown with cereals.

What crops do you know? Who among you has seen such fields?

Sow the seeds vegetable crops, planting potatoes. You have to do it in a short time before the soil dries out. At the end of spring, on warm May days, seedlings of cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage are planted.

On the shoulders - shovels, and in the field guys!

We are glad to work! And happy with the sun!

The earth is so warm - it smokes a little.

And the arable land is ready to receive the seeds.

A lot of work appeared in the gardens and dachas.

And what spring work awaits people in their dachas?

What worries, deeds, chores await people?

In gardens, trees and shrubs are sprayed with poisonous solutions to repel insect pests. The lower part of the trunks of fruit trees is whitewashed with lime.
In the spring, seedlings of fruit trees and shrubs are planted in the gardens.
In gardens, parks, on the streets, trees are pruned and new young trees are planted. Beautiful flowers are planted in the flower beds.

In parks, gardens, squares, near houses, people rake last year's leaves, branches, garbage. Schoolchildren help clean the parks. Near the houses put things in order tenants. Where people have worked hard, parks, squares, streets of our cities become so beautiful.

And if you work hard in the country, then what will happen there in the fall?

People put in a lot of work. They work in the field and in the garden, in gardens and parks, in the yard and near the house. Then the summer will be beautiful, and the autumn will be with the harvest, and the winter will be with supplies.

Finger play.

And now we will work with you too. Our tools will be fingers. Ready?

Hands, like rakes (the thumb is pressed to the palm, and the rest are slightly apart and half-bent), scrape along the rough surface with the fingertips (on stressed syllables):

We rake garbage from the ground,
So that the sprouts could break through to the light.

Talk with the child about what season it is now, what changes have occurred in living and inanimate nature in spring;

Remember the names of the spring months, signs of early spring;

Observe the changes in nature during a joint walk in the park;

Compare the signs of early spring with nature in May;

Recall how forest animals and birds behave in spring, what changes occur with trees and shrubs, meadow and garden plants, in people's clothes;

Tell your child about spring field work.

For a long time spring passed secretly from the winds and cold,

And today - slaps straight through the puddles,

Drives melted snow with hubbub and ringing,

To line the meadows with green velvet.

"Soon, soon to be warm!" - this news first

Drumming on the glass with a gray foot of a willow ...(Y. Akim)

On the mighty poplar, the buds burst in unison.

And from each bud, leaves came out.

Unfolded the tubes, fluffed up the skirts,

They looked back, smiled and said: “We woke up!”

The grass is green, the sun is shining

A swallow with spring in the canopy flies to us.(A. Pleshcheev)

Conversation with spring

Well spring, how are you? - I'm cleaning.

What do you need a broom for? - Sweep the snow off the hill.

Why do you need streams? - Garbage wash off the tracks!

What are the rays for? - For cleaning too.

I’ll wash everything, dry it, I’ll invite you to the holiday! ( O. Vysotskaya)

They took a rake and shovels - the guys went to the garden.

Here they dig, there they loosen, they remove garbage from the ridges.

Turnips are sown, onions are planted, and then everyone is watered.

Task 3. Pick up as many signs as possible for the noun: spring (what?) - early ...

Task 4. Pick up related words: grass - grass, grass, herbal, herbaceous, blade of grass, herbalist ....

Task 5. Pick up objects to the signs: spring - day ..., spring - thunderstorm ..., spring - sun ..., spring - days ....

Task 6. Pick up nouns for actions: (who? what?): melting..., running..., blooming..., appearing..., turning green..., flying in..., blooming....

Task 7. Answer questions about Spring. nine

What signs of spring do you know?

When did you notice the first signs of spring?

What are these signs?

Name the spring months.

Name migratory birds. Tell us about the life of birds and animals in spring. How do collective farmers work in the fields?

What agricultural equipment do you know? What is it for?

Task 8. An exercise in coordinating speech with movements.

Task 9. Learn the proverb about spring.

March with water, April with grass, May with flowers.

Task 10. Cut out a picture depicting the work of collective farmers in the fields and paste it into the album.

Subject: "The labor of people in the spring"

Integration of educational areas Keywords: cognition, speech, artistic and aesthetic, physical, social and communicative.

Target: Clarify children's knowledge about the work of people in the spring in the garden.

Program tasks:

1. Expand ideas about tools.

2. Systematize knowledge about the landing process.

3. To form practical planting skills.

4. Develop mental activity as a result of completing tasks, solving riddles.

5. Correct the skills of productive activity.

6. Cultivate a positive attitude towards work, interest in agricultural labor activity.

Material: tools used when working in the garden and in other activities (the game "What is superfluous?"); illustrations depicting tools, counting sticks; a picture with superimposed contour images of labor tools; plot illustrations "What first, what then"; boxes with earth, onion seeds (onion sets), aprons for each child, sticks, small watering cans.

Activity progress:


We stretched our hands to the sun

We took the ray and pressed it to the heart,

We smiled, gave the guests a ray,

Hello guests, we are waiting for you all!

AT.: -Here comes the spring. Let's remember what has changed in nature? (children's answers) At this time of the year, people have a lot of work. Guess the riddle, what is it about?

There are carrots, there are cabbages, there smells delicious of strawberries.

And the goat there, friends, we can’t let it go in any way. (children's answers)

That's right, it's a garden. Who has a garden guys? Who among you likes to work in the garden? What kind of work do you do in the garden plot to grow a good crop? (children's answers)

"Explain proverbs"

1. Who does not lie in the spring, the whole year will be full.

2. Spring day feeds the year.

AT.:We live in an area with rather long and cold winters and warm summers. But summer is not long enough for all the vegetables to ripen. What is being built in the gardens for faster growth and ripening of vegetables? Listen:

At the dacha of my grandmother, the house stands, covered with a transparent film on top.

But grandparents do not live in it, tomatoes grow in that house.

Whatever happens to the weather in spring, the house will cover both in the cold and in the heat.

(Greenhouse, greenhouse) Demonstration of illustration.

And what kind of faithful helper friends a person has in the garden, except for hotbeds and greenhouses, you will learn by guessing riddles.

"Guess the Riddles" (with demonstration illustrations).

A black and long snake crawled into the yard,

Watered our garden, did not yawn at work. (hose)

They made it from boards and put on a belt,

And this dish is kept from the garden by the summer harvested. (barrel)

Two brothers went to the river to swim.

One bathes, the other waits on the shore.

They go to the river - they dance, and they go from the river - they cry. (buckets)

Stand in one row sharp tsap-scratches.

It is convenient to rake armfuls of garbage with them. (rake)

The cloud is made of iron, and the cloud has a handle.

This cloud went around the garden bed in order. (watering can)

Digging the earth, leveling the beds,

Brooks broke through and did not get tired. (shovel)

AT.:- And now I suggest that you lay out the tools that you most often have to work in the garden from counting sticks.

"Lay out the tools from the sticks"

Lay out the contours of a shovel, rake from sticks.

AT.:- Guys, today our group received a letter from Grandma Zabavushka. She asks us to help her. She writes that she has become old, weak, cannot work in the garden herself, and there is no one to help her. She has a grandson Antoshka, but he is a little lazy. Can we help? Then get up, let's go to the garden.

Physical minute.

Let's go to the garden, start a round dance. (Walking in a circle holding hands)

Let's take a radish in a round dance, sit down with it low, low. (squat)

We will take a carrot in a round dance, and we will deftly dance with a carrot. (Dance moves)

Stretch up with a bow (Stretch up, rising on toes)

Let's run after the zucchini (Run in a circle one after another)

And we will jump along the path like green peas. (Jump around in a circle one after another)

There is snoring. Antoshka is sleeping in the corner, hugging a huge spoon.

AT.: -Oh who is it? Yes, it's Antoshka! He holds a spoon in his hands. What should we do, how to wake him up? Let's try a song.

Antoshka, Antoshka, let's go dig potatoes! /2p.

Hm, don't get up. Maybe change the song a bit?

Antoshka, Antoshka, prepare a spoon for dinner! /2 p.

Antoshkajumps up, looks around and shouts: “Where is dinner, where is the food? I want to eat! And my spoon is always ready!”

AT.: -We feel sorry for you, Antoshka, that you are a little lazy.

Better you get up soon, do not spare your strength in work!

Antoshka whimpers.

AT.: -Antoshka, what happened? Tell me why are you crying?

BUT.:- Well... I want to eat. Grandma doesn't feed. He says to plant onions first. She even said a proverb. Whoever does not work, that one ... Uh, I don’t remember ... (Children tell me - he doesn’t eat)

AT.: -Your grandmother is correct. What's stopping you from planting onions?

BUT.:-So all the tools are mixed up, I can’t even understand how and what to pull out.

"Find a Tool"

Look carefully at this picture and name what kind of tools are hidden here. (children's answers)

"Trace over the dots and shade"

Now do the task on your paper. Connect the dots with lines and shade. What kind of tools did you get? (children's answers)

BUT.:- Yes, this is an easy task, I could do it myself. All right, I'll bring the tools. Oh, look how much he brought!

AT.:- Something very many tools. Guys, look, are there any extra ones here?

"What's extra"

AT.:-What is wrong here, why? (children's answers)

A .: - Thank you guys, they helped me choose the tools, otherwise I got a little confused. That's why the mood is gone, I'm not that lazy at all. By the way, here my grandmother left pictures for me to make it clearer how to plant. I know everything myself, I just want to check if you know how to plant plants. Look at these pictures and put them in order: what happened first and what happened next.

"What's First, What's Later"

Children arrange the pictures in order and tell what is shown on them.

A .: - I will show you the seeds. Consider them. Tell me what are they? (children's answers)

Do you know how to sow, plant? Well, what does it take to grow vegetables? (prepare a bed, make grooves, plant seeds in the ground, water).

AT.:So what do plants need to grow well? (Soil, water, heat, light)

What do we do? (First, we will draw grooves, seal the bottom of the grooves with the edge of the palm of our hand, pour water, because the seeds must be sown in moist soil, we will lay out the seeds in the grooves one at a time at a short distance)

A .: - Well, now I can entrust you guys with this responsible work!

AT.:- And in order not to stain clothes, put on aprons. (Children put on aprons and get to work).

AT.:- Well, we planted onions. What work needs to be done next so that the bow grows strong and tall? (Water the beds, loosen the earth, weed from weeds).

A .: - What are you good fellows! What a nice effort. Thanks guys! I'll run faster, I'll tell my grandmother. Goodbye! (Waving his arms and running away.)


AT.:- This concludes our lesson. What did we talk about today? What did we do in class, what tasks did we do? What did you like the most? Etc.