Curious kids. Curious child or how to develop curiosity in a child Curious children

Life with children is full of big and small surprises. Parents do not get tired of rejoicing at the achievements of their children - the first steps, a good appetite or good grades. However, children have secret superpowers that adults are not even aware of. Well, who would have thought that a 3-year-old toddler could shout down an opera singer without much effort?

  • You don't have to be clairvoyant to know how your child will grow. It is enough to multiply the height of a 2-year-old baby by 2. The resulting number will show the approximate growth of the child in the future. As a rule, by 24 months, the height of the baby reaches 85-88 cm. However, it should be remembered that many factors affect the growth of the child - from genetics to nutrition and sports. It is also believed that the younger children outgrow the older ones.
  • When children get sick with colds or viral diseases, their growth process is temporarily suspended. Perhaps the stop is due to the fact that the body throws all its strength into fighting the infection.

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  • Most likely, your child will not remember events of his own life until the age of 3. This phenomenon is called childhood amnesia. Scientists have found that at the age of 5-7 years, children remember about half of the events that happened to them in early years, and by the age of 9 they will even forget that. This is due to the underdevelopment of brain structures that are responsible for long-term memories.
  • Contrary to outdated beliefs, children's hearing is very acute. The ears of a child pick up even sounds at high frequencies, unlike adults. Perhaps the child is just pretending not to hear you. But with age, due to noise pollution, hearing decreases. However, there is another point of view: children do not pretend, it's just that their brain cannot yet distinguish the desired one from the mass of sounds. Another strong argument against yelling at children.

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  • Children are very afraid of clowns. Research conducted at the University of Sheffield has shown that clowns who are supposed to comfort children in hospitals, on the contrary, scare them. Even 16-year-old patients admitted this fear. Psychologists are sure that modern horror films are to blame, where clowns are presented as the absolute embodiment of evil.
  • Before your child gets used to the potty, he will wear out a whole mountain of diapers. By the time your baby is 2.5 years old, you will have changed your baby's diaper between 6,000 and 10,000 times. Perhaps the parents really deserve a medal for heroism.

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  • All babies are born without kneecaps. Just because they don't need them yet. This bone is replaced by cartilage, and even that develops only by 6 months. That is why children begin to crawl on their bellies, and later get on all fours. It is important not to push the child, not to force him to crawl or walk ahead of time, because the bones and muscles may still be unformed.
  • Children scream very loudly. But did you know that a 3-year-old kid can drown out an opera diva with his cry? A child's screech has a range of 2,000 Hz, while a coloratura soprano has a range of 1,400 Hz.

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  • Neuroscientists believe that young children do not dream. This ability develops along with spatial imagination and abstract thinking. Children begin to see dreams with a plot and characters only at the age of 7–8 years, and before that, dreams are fragments of memories and vague images.
  • For harmonious development, children need not only parents. Grandparents, aunts and uncles play the most important role in education. Anthropologist Sarah Hrdy believes that close relatives help an infant expand their understanding of the world and show a wide range of human emotions, which is why children who come into contact with a large number of relatives develop faster than their peers.

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  • Children born in May are real champions: they weigh 200 g more than babies born at other times. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the mother's pregnancy occurs in the winter: because of this, mobility is limited, and the diet becomes more high-calorie.

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  • Despite round-the-clock care and night vigils, babies will still scream. Scientists believe that at the age of 4-6 weeks, the so-called peak of crying occurs in newborns. Virtually all children, no matter how caring their parents are, will scream heart-rendingly. This is a natural process: the child's brain develops, the baby learns what it means to feel hungry or uncomfortable.
  • Scientists say that a 6-month-old baby knows what is good and what is bad. Tests have shown that at this age the baby is already able to evaluate the act from a moral point of view. This amazing discovery suggests that people may come into this world with a certain "moral code."

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  • Watching TV during painful procedures (such as a blood test, for example) can be a real pain reliever. The Italian scientists who conducted the experiment claim that the TV distracts from such procedures more effectively than the mother.

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  • Middle children tend to be independent from an early age, which makes them successful in adulthood. You should know that more than half of the presidents of the United States were middle children in their families.

The child grows and every day the number of questions asked by him increases exponentially. Why? pursues parents at every turn, sometimes even driving them into a stupor. To dismiss the curiosity of the baby is completely unacceptable, because little man similarly learns the world and learns to extract the necessary information. But it happens that the child asks such tricky questions that even the parents do not know the answer to them. There are two ways out: find answers in books, the Internet, the library, or watch a training program together with a curious child, aimed precisely at covering various aspects of life.
The series "Family of Why".

It is to such programs that the "Family of Whys" refers. This is an animated series in which versatile family members give comprehensive answers to the numerous questions of the boy Vova.

By looking at it, you can find out:

  1. How do plants grow from seeds?
  2. What is lightning;
  3. Why does the head hurt;
  4. Why do animals hibernate?
  5. How did the Earth appear, etc.

There are 25 episodes in total, which contain quite a lot of answers. The series is designed for children 5-6 years old, but my 4-year-old daughter is already watching it with pleasure. Adults, having watched this program with their child, will also find a lot of information for themselves and replenish their knowledge base.

Are they the same as us adults? Sometimes it seems that they are special beings from another planet. Scientists make amazing discoveries related to babies so often that soon the number of the most incredible facts about them will reach seven figures. In the meantime - 40 of the most striking of them.

  1. 206 vs 207
    No, this is not the result of a football match, but the number of bones in a newborn and, accordingly, an adult. It's just that later the bones of the skull and spine fuse in the child.
  2. Small and big-eyed
    The child grows quickly, and only his eyes do not change so noticeably. Because the size of the eyes of a baby is 75% of the adult size.
  3. Dad's stubble is 2 mm, and Uncle Serezha's is almost 3 mm.
    The sensitivity of infants is so high that already in the first days of life they can distinguish varying degrees of unshaven.
  4. First smile time
    You will have to wait at least a month before the child gives his first smile to his mother. But there is nothing more precious than her.
  5. Your chest is closer
    Incredibly, newborn babies can smell (perhaps some other signs) their mother's breasts from all the others, which they most often ignore.
  6. Funny pictures
    If you hang a picture of a smiling face above the baby's crib, then the mood and condition of the baby will be positive.
  7. You - to me, I - to you
    A sense of justice visits children as early as 12-15 months. Kids are ready to share their toys and expect the same from others.

  8. "Everything is purple"
    In the first months, all babies do not distinguish colors, besides they are short-sighted - they distinguish people and objects only at close range.
  9. In native language
    Scientists have made an amazing discovery: a child's knowledge of intonation and speech begins even in the prenatal state. The babies of each particular country even cry in their own way.
  10. Coral for each
    In many European countries, children are still given, as many centuries ago, rattles made of natural coral. On the one hand, people believe that such an object is the best amulet against the evil eye, on the other hand, it is an excellent teether.
  11. What's in a name?
    As you call the baby, so ... the child will live his life. Studies have shown that a girl with male name are distinguished by more rigid character traits and an obstinate disposition.
  12. Here I remember, there I don't remember...
    Infantile amnesia, with rare exceptions, is present in all children. Until the age of 3, they do not remember their early experiences.
  13. The main device of motherhood - diapers
    Just imagine that, on average, about 3,000 of them are spent per child every year.
  14. Music lovers from birth
    Babies up to six months are able to distinguish melodic music from more rhythmic, showing emotions in different ways. Good from bad they learn to distinguish later.
  15. "About injury"
    Statistically, the largest number injuries have children under the age of 6 years.
  16. Walk yourself
    Canadian children are learning to take their first steps without a walker. This invention, advocated by many parents in other countries, is banned there. It is believed that they cause severe harm to the still weak children's bones.
  17. Born with a gadget
    Where are the most advanced children under 10? No, not in Japan, but in Germany. There, kids from birth use modern smartphones and tablets.

  18. Loudest of all
    A three-year-old child is able to speak louder than 200 adults talking at the same time. Presumably, children need such a gift so that their mother always hears. Debatable.
  19. "Bad, Good, Evil"
    In Japan, which is loyal to children, the words “bad” and “bad” are prohibited in relation to them. Children are treated there only in a positive way.
  20. A little bit about geniuses
    The diagnosis of “prematurity” is by no means a sentence for the child’s future talents. And this is an example of Albert Einstein (he did not speak until 9 years old), Pablo Picasso, Isaac Newton, Winston Churchill and many others famous people different years.
  21. Works at 100%
    In indigo children, the right and left hemispheres of the brain work autonomously.
  22. And again about geniuses...
    A 6-year-old kid came up with a toy drop-down truck. He drew and offered to dad to make him one. And plasticine, so beloved by all children, was invented by a schoolgirl, and initially it was a means for cleaning coal dust from wallpaper. But almond oil and dyes were added to it. And the children were happy.
  23. Into the corner... or naked?
    An effective, but not entirely humane way to prevent child disobedience was invented in one Indonesian school. Hooligans were shaved bald for several months for fights and absenteeism. Soon the discipline became exemplary.
  24. recommended to laugh
    Laughter is the best medicine or the main defense of the immune system. For health, children are recommended to laugh at least 300 times a day, which is every 3 minutes on average.

  25. Infants who are on breastfeeding, are able to perform a unique trick: they can swallow and breathe at the same time. At 9 months, the magical ability disappears.
  26. Born in a car - get it registration number
    In the US, about 300 babies are born on the road each year. As a place of birth, they enter not the name of the area, but the number of the car into which the “stork flew in”.
  27. We grow taller
    If a person grew at the same speed and intensity as a child under 4 years old, ultimately, his height would be more than 7 meters.
  28. no taste
    In the first 3 months, the child is not able to feel the salty taste.
  29. Special boy
    Every crown prince in England, in the 15th century, had a single friend and part-time whipping boy. And all because it was strictly forbidden to punish status children. And so the expression was born.
  30. "Bears" rush to the rescue
    The kids in Miami are the luckiest. Miami State Police Stations have "bear patrols". Teddy bears accompany law enforcement officers on patrol and often come to the rescue when meeting with a crying baby.

This scene, common in all homes, sends the parents into a panic; Parents are asked by interrogation, what was their mistake? Some react so severely that the punishment leaves scars for life. To deal with this inevitable scene, you need to know what is normal, what is not, and what to do.

What's ok? Children are curious, especially about differences, and what could be more attractive than the difference in the genitals? Understand that this is a normal childish curiosity. Parental sensitive understanding is required, and then this will not be repeated. Look at everything through the eyes of your child.
You can distinguish innocent sexual curiosity from abnormal sexual behavior by the following signs. Actions can be considered innocent if:

  • Children are small (up to ten years old), close in age and know each other.
  • There is a mutual agreement; one child does not force another.
  • There is the usual atmosphere of the game: playing "doctor" or another game.
  • The mystery is part of the game. They understand that they will meet the disapproval of their parents and use the bedroom, garage or a secluded place. (This is also true for abnormal actions.)

What to do. First, calm down and resist the urge to tell them they did something "dirty" or "bad." Feel free to offer them the new kind activities, for example: “Let's go have a snack. I'll help you get dressed." When you are alone with your child, talk to him. Explain that you are not angry. If children feel that they have done something bad and you are angry with them, they will withdraw into themselves. Tell your child that it's okay to be interested in other people's body parts and that you understand their curiosity, but explain that "it's not right to touch any of the other person's private parts or allow others to touch theirs." Let the other child's parents know how you handled the situation so they can do the same.
Children can start exploring "intimate parts" at a time when they are interested in other parts of the body.
Explain to your child that private parts are just as important to a person as other parts of the body. It is important to warn your child against sexual harassment. Explain to him that the private parts of the body should not be allowed to be touched or shown to others, except for mom and dad during washing or dressing, as well as the doctor during the examination: “If someone touches the private parts of your body, promise to tell mom or dad about it ". Reassure the child that he should never have secrets from mom and dad. Start explaining the meaning of intimate parts as early as three years old so that modesty becomes part of your child's sexuality.
To prevent occasional games of "doctor", "mom and dad", etc., do not create opportunities for this. Find out what the kids are doing this moment. Don't let them be out of control behind closed doors. We have made a rule in our house that the bedroom doors should always be open when friends visit (at any age). Our teenagers grew up with this rule and still respect such requirements. Apply the same principles to sexuality as you would to any other aspect of parenting: Parents make the rules and then set conditions that make it easier to follow those rules.
If the child shows curiosity, parents need to get rid of the feeling of awkwardness and answer calmly and evenly without embarrassment and irritation to all questions. Start together to look at a picture book that depicts the structure of the male and female genital organs, which has answers to all questions as they arise. Keep in mind that answers must be given according to age, and they should not confuse anyone.
Report the incident to other parents so that they can use it for educational purposes. Tell them that you understand the innocence and normality of childish curiosity, but that you want to prevent such incidents from happening again. Be open, honest and factual. Do not blame anyone for what happened, then you can not worry about the continuation of friendships between adults.

When sex play is not normal. If an innocent childish curiosity that can be understood and explained is repeated and makes you anxious, you should pay serious attention to it. It is important for parents to know what to say and how to act if one child is harassing another. Here are the suspicious signs.

  • One child forces another to play a sexual game.
  • There is a difference in age between children (more than four years).
  • Sexual play is not normal (for example, oral sex between a six-year-old and a three-year-old child).
  • The disturbing actions are repeated despite your careful intervention and guidance. This is the basis for the termination of friendship. If sexual play occurs between siblings, seek professional help.
  • Secrecy.

What to do. If a child is often the initiator of such games, he needs professional advice. It is necessary to find out the life attitudes of the child, to examine environment at home and at school. If your child is a victim, talk to them calmly and confidentially. Make sure the child understands that you still love him and he is good himself, but it's wrong when someone touches the private parts of another person's body. The victim may also need professional advice.

What can be said about gender denial and cross-dressing? Don't panic when your four year old son dresses up in your daughter's clothes, dad pants and suspenders. Laugh and enjoy. The stage of curiosity and fantasy soon passes, and the child school age learn to wear clothes that match their gender. In one family, a three-and-a-half-year-old daughter suddenly wanted to be a boy. She did everything to look like a boy: clothes, games; she even said that she would become a dad when she grew up. It all started when she was born younger brother. Not considering this normal, the mother turned to the pediatrician. The doctor, unfortunately, even more alarmed the mother, confirming the presence of sexual disorders in the child. All the mother needed was to spend more time with her daughter in order to strengthen her position in the family.

Education and sexuality
The style of raising a child affects the formation of future attitudes towards sex. Attached children learn to love and trust because they are loved and trusted. An infant who spends many hours a day in her arms and at her breast learns to enjoy mutual touch. This child knows intimacy. A small person who grows up in a house where mother and father respect each other and their children is likely to form a healthy and correct understanding of the relationship between a man and a woman.
A child who is brought up with harsh, offensive remarks may absorb these negative traits of the parents' character or subconsciously look for such qualities in a future life partner. A child whose personality is tightly controlled, expressiveness trampled under excessive parental control, may, as an adult, have difficulty expressing sexual feelings or use sex as a tool to control or be controlled by others.
The most important task - the education of sensitivity - very much affects the issues of sexuality. One of the main goals of education, in our opinion, is to help the child learn to analyze how his actions affect other people. After all, sexual satisfaction is basically mutual concern - the desire and ability to satisfy one's own needs and bring joy to another person.

Book: Your child from birth to 10 years