Sheikh al-Qaradagi in an address to the militants: "You are pursuing a noble goal, but the error is in the means." What surprised Al-Qaradagi

Bismillahi Rrahmani Rrahim!

First of all, after the words of welcome, I want to confess that I love you all for the sake of Allah. I want to greet you with the best greeting that can be, the greeting of Allah, Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi vabarakatuh!

This republic is very dear to all of us, because your homeland has become the homeland of forty Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) buried in Derbent, so we love this republic. Your ancestors were united, they loved each other, strengthened friendship among themselves, in no case fought with each other, and did not accuse each other of disbelief. The sabers of your ancestors were never raised against Muslims, they were only raised against enemies who wanted to harm you. There is a long distance between our lands, more than six thousand kilometers, having overcome all this distance, we have come to you in order to remind you of your worthy ancestors. Dear brothers, Islam is a religion of mercy, not a religion of cruelty. Allah Almighty says: "Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was sent down as a mercy to the worlds." And pay attention, Almighty Allah says: “O Muhammad, I truly sent you down as a mercy to the worlds”, the worlds are not only Muslims, the worlds are Muslims and non-Muslims, these are all people, and not only all people, but everything that exists on this earth. Our Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was a mercy to everything in this world, and let us follow our Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, precisely in this, in mercy and mercy. It is also the grace of Allah Almighty that Allah Almighty compares the murder of one innocent person, according to the ata of the Holy Quran, with the murder of all mankind. The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, talking about a woman who tortured a cat to death, keeping it locked up for three days without food, without water, said that she would burn in hell for the torment and death of the cat. Also, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, talking about a libertine woman, the lowest, fallen woman, but who showed mercy to a dog by drinking a dog in the heat, said that she would be saved from hell because of a kind attitude towards a dog. These hadiths about a cat and a dog are among the most authentic hadiths that are among the hadiths of Sahihul Bukhari and Sahihul Muslim. The Prophet Suleiman, peace be upon him, is narrated in the Holy Quran, rejoiced when he found out what the ant said. “Finally, when they came to the ant valley, one ant said:“ O ants, enter your hiding places so that Suleiman and his troops do not trample you without noticing it. ” (Sura “Ants”, 27:18)

The manifestation of mercy for the ants was expressed in the smile of Suleiman, peace be upon him.

Also, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, once, in the presence of his companions, when he noticed that the body of the deceased Jew was being carried past, and the Jews at that time were at war with the Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, stood up. Then the companions asked: “What are you doing, O Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, this is a Jew!”, To which he replied: “Isn’t this a soul, isn’t this a person?” The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, called his companions to such mercy, and he called on all of us to protect the property of non-Muslims, who at that time were from among Christians and pagans, and ordered to protect their lives. The Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “My conscience is clear from the person who encroaches, touches the property of a non-believer.” So called our Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Therefore, dear brothers, we need to direct our souls to follow the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, in this mercy, in this dignity, even in relation not only to all people, but also to animals.
When I studied the situation of Muslims, after a long study, I came to the conclusion that the troubles of our ummah lie in two things. The first is the lack of mercy in our hearts, when our hearts left these feelings, unfortunately, many hearts left these feelings, became cruel, killing both Muslims and non-Muslims, when cruelty, lack of mercy is a property of unbelievers, not Muslims. Crime, cruelty is a property of unbelievers, as Almighty Allah in the Qur'an said that these are the actions of cruel rulers, Allah in the Qur'an says about them that they leave you, walk the earth, spreading outrages.

The second is the lack of love in our hearts, when we do not sow love in our hearts in relation to others, in relation to all of humanity, love for everything that exists, for everything that has been created by Almighty Allah, even if it is love for nature, for animals.

Our religion is based on this dignity, on this quality, in love for the Almighty Allah, love for the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, love for those who believe, in love for all mankind. And this love means that you love, wish for your brother the same that you wish, love for yourself.

Therefore, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, denies, says that a perfect iman is impossible until we are such.

And my call to everyone sitting here, so that each of you looks into his soul to see if this feeling is present in his soul, the feeling when he wishes his brother what he would wish for himself, and does not wish his brother what he would like for himself, what he does not want for himself.

Also, dear brothers, one of the reasons for our backwardness, the deplorable state of our entire Ummah lies in ignorance, in its full sense. When I say ignorance, I do not suspect illiteracy, it does not mean not being able to write, not being able to read, ignorance means not knowing the essence of your religion, not knowing the purpose of this religion, not understanding the foundations of our religion, the foundations of iman, the foundations of Islam. That's what I'm talking about.

You know that the first message of the Holy Quran, the first verse sent down by the Almighty is "read". When “Read” was sent down, the Koran was not sent down in its entirety, this does not mean read only the Koran, the word “read”, sent down for the first time, means to know the world, know yourself, learn all sciences, develop, that’s what the word “read” means . This sura, sent down for the first time, means that our religion is not limited to worship, it means that you, a person, were created on this earth in order to build happiness on this earth, to create this earth.

And what were the angels afraid of when Almighty Allah created man and prepared him for settling on earth? The angels said: “O Allah, how can one settle on the earth who will create confusion on the earth and shed blood?” They believed that Almighty Allah sends a person only for worship, they did not know that Almighty Allah lays on the shoulders of this person the construction, development and prosperity of the earth, this is the mission of the person for whom he was created.

And then, when Almighty Allah said that Almighty Allah created man and taught him the names of every thing, that is, Almighty gave knowledge to man to create on this earth, and then after that the angels fell prostrate before man. In the same way, this means that the entire Universe, everything created by Allah, bows before man, before the crown of His creations, and he is made such, in order to lead the mission of prosperity on this earth, that is, improving life on this earth. Let us recall that Caliph Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, after the completion of each prayer, drove young men, hard-working people out of the mosque and said: “Come out, go, now do your work, work.” As evidence, he cited the verse of the Koran, which says: "When the prayer ends, you spread on the earth, work." He cited this verse as an argument and did not like people who were only engaged in worship in mosques. The worship of Almighty Allah provides for the ennoblement of our only soul, so that we, having ennobled our souls, go out into the people and engage in creation, work and work. That is why Allah Almighty ordered us to pray 5 times a day, not 6 times, and also limited fasting, prescribing a fast of only 30 days.

My speech, my appeal is directed precisely to those who are only carried away by its external attributes, people who do not understand the essence of the purpose of this religion. If we want to move forward, civilization, development, we must see Islam in this way and practice Islam in this way.

Another reason hindering our development, the development of our Ummah, is the disdainful attitude towards the unity of Muslims, accusing each other of disbelief, such a phenomenon takes place not only in Dagestan, but also in other countries. People have appeared who, wherever they direct their gaze, everywhere call everyone kafirs, declaring that this is a kafir state, that person is a kafir, this jamaat is a kafir, then who will remain on this earth?! The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was he sent for this - to divide people, hang labels on them, accusing this or that person of unbelief, or was he sent to build a civilization so that we move forward, develop, strengthen ?!

In the presence of my venerable elder brother, Sheikh Mufti Ahmad Haji, and in the presence of other muftis from other republics, in the presence of a large crowd of Muslims, I said why the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was sent down. During the time of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, there lived the main hypocrite, the leader of all hypocrites, Abdullah Ubay ibn Salul, pay attention to what was the attitude of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, even to this person, whose abomination is said in the Qur'an, when he said: “Wallahi, when we return to Medina, the best of the inhabitants will drive out the poorest,” meaning himself by the best, and by the low Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Despite this, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, maintained relations with him and did not accuse him of unbelief, moreover, he did not make a decision to eliminate him, and after his repose, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, even performed a funeral service for him prayer. And despite the fact that the companions did not give him peace, demanded from him permission to kill these hypocrites who put spokes in the wheels of Muslims, interfere, cause great harm, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, forbade them, because they did not wanted people to say that Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, kills his companions.

The purpose of my appeal is that we leave the question of faith between man and Allah. This is his own business. We must treat him according to his external actions, the external manifestation of a person, and if he says that he is a Muslim, then we must accept him as a Muslim. We should not be judges, but preachers. Let the judge decide.

My dear brothers, I very much wish that we correct our understanding of Islam, so that we gain a correct understanding of Islam, or else we will remain in contention, in squabbles, in constant conflicts. What do Muslims lack today? They have intelligence, they have human potential, they have finances, they have everything, they lack unity, everyone is busy blaming each other. Therefore, we mark time, while others move forward. When earlier in history Islam built a civilization over a 150-year period, where are our inventions now, where is our participation in world industry, in world science, where are they today?! It is the schism and our ignorance that are to blame for all this!
Remember the times of Harun Rashid, when he sent a watch that was invented by Muslims as a gift to the King of France, and when this watch reached the king, he gathered everyone, they began to guess, they said that these hands move dark forces, genies, they were so backward in compared to Muslims. Today, unfortunately, the situation has changed in the opposite direction, they have become the masters of civilization and inventions, and we have become addicted to all sorts of conjectures and conjectures, that's how we fell behind.

Therefore, dear brothers, from this minbar, from this pulpit, and this pulpit of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), I urge you to return to what your ancestors followed, your best ancestors, who were united among themselves and were efficient people, developing their society.

And I urge you to unite around a common thing, and the first thing we have in common is that we are all people. In the Quran, Allah Almighty said:

« You fear Allah, fear the breaking of family ties ”, all people are descendants of Adam and Hava, there is a common human brotherhood proclaimed by the Koran.

The second common thing that separates us is that in the body of each person there is a particle from the Almighty Allah, which each person carries, and this is a great human dignity, this must be respected.
We talked about the fact that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said that a woman would burn in hell for her ruined cat, how can you humiliate a Human, neglect the life of a Human?!

The inhabitants of Dagestan are more than 95 percent Muslim, it is necessary that you unite, what is stopping you? And all the followers of the Koran and the Sunnah, we are all heading towards the Qibla, that is, from the Ahlul Qibla, and we are all one family, and we must be united.

We have a lot in common, we must unite around everything in common and try to understand each other in our divisions.

Dear brothers, radicalism and fanaticism - it has already been tried, and it has already discredited itself, it did not bring anything good, it brought only devastation, only death, as it was in Chechnya, as it happens in other places, so we need this no need, we must give up extremes, we must try to be united.

I have a lot of experience in life, I have come across various radical movements, I have been in Afghanistan, met with the Taliban, met with others, and everywhere I called them to what I call you. We had a lot of conversations with the Taliban, invited them to our place, but at one time they disobeyed, and now they call me and say: “Oh, it would be nice if we listened to you,” they told me about this today are recognized.

For you to know, I was in Chechnya when Aslan Maskhadov was in charge.

At the time of Maskhadov, I tried to call them to comply with the agreement that was between Russia and Chechnya at that time, but I could not convince them, I cited the verses of the Holy Koran, where Almighty Allah says that agreements should be observed even with unbelievers, if they are closed and cannot be broken. They broke this agreement and allowed Russia to do what happened there, besides, the radical forces that were then in Chechnya intervened, various groups, including those who came from outside, and they did their job, the voice of reason was not heard.

I asked: “How can you violate this agreement, because the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) recognized the violation of the agreement as one of the signs of hypocrisy, according to a well-known verse?” This was a clear violation of the agreement signed by him, Maskhadov. Almighty Allah made the observance of agreements and promises a condition for entering Paradise and said: “These are the people who honor the agreements and keep the given word.”

Of course, you can ask, but what about, is it necessary to observe an agreement with a kafir? I will give you an example: when the Quraysh declared war on Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and the camps of Muslims and non-Muslims were already ready, this was on the eve of the battle of Badr, the Quraysh caught two companions, two people from the Muslim troops. These two captive companions were forced to miss the battle, that is, the Quraysh said that they would let go, but on the condition that they would not fight against them, and the companions gave their word, they thought that they would give the word and return to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) and they will go out with the armies against them. But when they told the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) their story and explained that they were forced to give such a word, otherwise they would have been killed, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Observe your agreement, do not break it,” and forbade to participate with them in this battle.

And my advice to you, anyone can give advice: senior to junior, younger to older. My first advice is to value time, my second advice is to love work, value work, work, work, treat work sacredly, take care of work, try to develop skills, for work is worship of Allah Almighty. How can we live in a good country, in a good republic, dream of success if we do not work? In Japan, if we compare their development, their production, the share of their production for the time of work of each person, then 9 hours of work per citizen come out. Imam Shafi'i has such permission: if a Muslim working for some employer works a certain number of hours, and this Muslim has time for five prayers under the contract, and he performed it, but it turned out that he did not have ablution, and he will be forced to require additional time to make ablution and perform this prayer again. In this case, this additional time at whose expense to pay for it? Imam Shafi'i says that the worker must reimburse the time to the employer, and if he does not reimburse, it will be haraam for him to earn what he received on that day.

Speech by Secretary General of the World Union of Muslim Scholars Ali Muhyiddin al-Qaradagi at Friday prayers in Makhachkala.

We bring to your attention the speech of Sheikh Ali Muhyiddin Al-Karadagi, in which he condemns religious extremism and strongly recommends that the militants recognize the fallacy of their deeds and return to the true path of Islam - the path of peace and goodness.

Speaking at the International Theological Conference in Makhachkala in 2012 as part of a discussion of the problem of terrorism and religious extremism in the North Caucasus, Sheikh Ali Muhiddin Al-Qaradagi said the following:

“Arab-Islamic Muslims in our Islamic world have been known to continue to live under occupation and colonialism for about three decades. Before they had time to free themselves from the colonialists, in most countries they were replaced, to our great regret, by their agents, who behaved worse than the colonialists. They enforced Western laws and regulations and enforced Western practices.

The colonialists and their agents do not allow the Islamic Ummah to return to their glory, strength and civilization, using all direct and indirect means, including through movements of extremism and violence, in our Islamic world, which has perverted the beauty and tolerance of Islam and made it possible to indiscriminately divide Muslims on those who are right and those who are wrong. These movements of extremism and violence at first declared others in disbelief and depravity, and then they began to blow up. All this ended in great confusion.

In such a dangerous situation for Muslims, a great responsibility before the Almighty Allah, and then before their peoples and the next generations, falls on the shoulders of Ulama, thinkers and politicians. It should be noted that those radical people are Muslims who erred in their zeal, like those of their brothers who opposed our master Ali, may Allah favor him! Then the learned man of the nation, Abu Abbas, went to them and discussed with them. As a result, many of them returned to the bosom of truth. So did the brothers from the al-Jihad Movement in Egypt. As a result of talks with them by Sheikh Muhammad al-Ghazali and Sheikh ash-Shaarawi and others, they returned and wrote statements of renunciation of their delusions.

I say to all young people: take advantage of this experience and learn from the rejection statements that were written by radical young people in Egyptian prisons. These statements amounted to 17 volumes. And don't repeat those mistakes.

Brothers and sisters! Holy Quran explains very clearly that Allah created man for creation and development, but not for destruction. Allah says: “He created you from the earth and settled you on it” (Sura “Hud”, ayat 61).

Our religion is the religion of science, the religion of a just world. The Almighty says: “If they incline towards the world, you also incline towards the world” (Sura Al-Anfal, ayat 61). Therefore, Islam wants to acquire not enemies, but friends.

Islam brought the People of the Book, especially Christians, closer to Muslims. Even the Companions of the Messengers were worried when Christian Rome was defeated by the fire worshipers. The Almighty said: “The Romans are defeated in the lowest (or nearest) land. But after their defeat, they will prevail in a few years. Allah has made decisions before and will make decisions after this. On that day, the believers will rejoice in the help of Allah. He helps whoever he wants. He is the Mighty, the Merciful, (Sura Ar-Rum, verses 2-5). The Almighty said: “You will certainly find that the closest in love to believers are those who say: “We are Christians.” This is because among them there are priests and monks, and because they do not show arrogance ”(Sura Al Maida, verse 82).

Then Islam tried to bring all people closer, even atheists, by searching for a common truth. So the Almighty said: “Verily, some of us are either on the straight path or in obvious error” (Sura “Saba”, ayat 24). In addition, the Qur'an emphasizes the immutable things that are common to all the children of Adam by origin and nature and the presence of a breath of the spirit of Allah Almighty in every person. Therefore, He ordered us to apply the piety and virtue that was applied to parents, to all people of religions who did not attack us. The Almighty says: “Allah does not forbid you to be kind and just with those who did not fight you because of religion and did not drive you out of your dwellings. Indeed, Allah loves the impartial.” (Sura Al-Mumtahina, verse 8)

Your religion is also the religion of civilization and progress. You must not be backward. You must follow the path of constant progress. The Almighty says: “in order to test you and see whose deeds will turn out to be the best” (Sura Al-Mulk, verse 2). All the verses of the Qur'an emphasized that a Muslim should follow the best morality, adhere to the best of what was sent down.

Speak using best words, treat people in the best way. The Almighty said: “Good and evil are not equal. Repel evil with what is better, and then the one with whom you are at enmity will become for you like a close loving relative ”(Sura Fussilat, ayat 34).

Finally, I have advice for the peoples of the Caucasus and all Muslims in Russian Federation who play a huge role in Islamic civilization and Islamic sciences - to take care of global development and scientific progress, guided by moderate Islamic thought - wasatiya. Especially when you consider that these peoples are still experiencing the remnants of communism and backwardness, therefore, they must develop a strategic development plan in all areas, a strategy for scientific progress and a development strategy modern technologies and agree on unshakable principles common to Islam and move away from extremes, extremism, declaring others as depraved and unbelievers.

Enough disagreements, disunity, ideological, political and military battles. What benefit did all this bring to these peoples? All this led only to tragic consequences!

In our opinion, the Moscow Declaration, which was adopted by the World Council of Muslim Scholars together with the Ulama of this region, fixed, as it were, unshakable Islamic principles. If the work goes in accordance with them, then it would solve many problems, with the permission of Allah.

We pray to Almighty Allah in every possible way to help us, together with you, achieve the rise of this ummah and that we be honored to participate in it. Peace be upon you, the mercy and blessings of Allah,” the sheikh concluded.

Islamic Scholars Adopt Fatwa Recognizing No Causes for Jihad in the Land of Mountains

With the stubborn silence of the Russian media in Dagestan, a rather significant event for local Muslims and for the authorities took place last weekend. On Saturday in Makhachkala, during the All-Russian Theological Conference with the participation of representatives of the World Union of Muslim Scholars, an Islamic decree was adopted - a fatwa, which recognizes Dagestan as a territory of peace - Daru-s-salaam.

This term from Muslim law means that in this territory there is no place for an armed struggle of Muslims with each other and with representatives of the authorities. However, the official and unofficial versions of what happened in the republic differ greatly. In this material - a comparison of both versions.

Official Information

According to official Dagestan media, the conference held in the republic is a continuation of the one that was already held in Moscow in the spring. Recall that in May of this year, the International Theological Conference "Islamic Doctrine Against Radicalism" was held in Moscow.

That event was attended by about 40 foreign Islamic scholars from Arab countries, Turkey, Albania, Afghanistan and the CIS countries. That conference ended with the adoption of the Moscow Theological Declaration condemning the misinterpretation of the Islamic terms "takfir", "jihad" and "caliphate".

This time, the Secretary General of the Union, Sheikh Ali Muhyiddin al-Qaradagi, flew to Russia, as well as a number of other religious figures: a member of the Executive Committee of the Union, Sheikh Abd al-Rahman bin Abdallah al-Mahmud and the Executive Director of the Union, Maulai Rashid Umri Alavi.

According to republican media, they came to Dagestan at the invitation of President Magomedsalam Magomedov. And, according to him, such a solid delegation of world scientists visits the region for the first time in modern history.

Debate on Jihad

Magomedsalam Magomedov, according to official media, expressed confidence that there are no conditions for jihad in Dagestan. In his opinion, one cannot say that believers are infringed on their rights: thousands of mosques and dozens of Islamic churches have been built. educational institutions, believers go to Hajj, Islamic programs are shown on television ...

However, as he emphasized, recent times the region "faces manifestations of extremism and terrorism, new dangerous challenges in the spiritual and ideological spheres that threaten the safe and sustainable development of our republic."

Sheikh Ali Muhyiddin al-Qaradagi, in his response, supported the President's intentions to stabilize the situation in the region and gave some advice to politicians of the republic and young Muslims inclined to radical opinions in Islam, and asked them to adhere to them.

Appeal to the "forest"

Sheikh Ali Muhyiddin al-Qaradagi also stated: “Our advice to politicians is this: be patient and actively involve Islamic scholars who are strong in their knowledge in conversations with them. An idea can be corrected only with the help of an idea, or, as they say, a wedge is knocked out with a wedge. And to those young people I want to advise the following: we, the scientists from the World Council of Muslim Scientists, consider you as our sons. You are pursuing a noble goal, but the error is in the means. As long as Islam is your source, it is your Shariah duty to appeal to strong and moderate scholars.”

He urged young people to "give up radical beliefs." “Take advantage of the experience of hot young people in Afghanistan, finally in Chechnya. Everyone knows that it was their cruel behavior that led to the fall of the Taliban state. All the blood shed in Egypt did not lead to anything noticeable.

Change was achieved through peaceful revolutions carried out in accordance with a moderate peace program. Take advantage of this experience and learn from the rejection statements written by radical young people in Egyptian prisons. These statements amounted to 17 volumes. And do not repeat these mistakes,” Sheikh al-Qaradagi said.

Fatwa to the authorities

The main final event of this conference was the adoption of a fatwa that condemns extremism and states that "the Republic of Dagestan is a territory of the world, and there are no prerequisites for waging jihad."

The idea of ​​holding an all-Russian theological conference was first voiced at the third congress of the peoples of Dagestan, and now it has come true. For the region, this is a very important event, the role of which is simply impossible to overestimate, said Minister for National Policy, Religious Affairs and Foreign Relations Bekmurza Bekmurzaev.

This fatwa, according to media reports, “very accurately and clearly proclaimed Dagestan Daru-s-salaam, that is, the territory of the world. This means that there are no grounds for jihad, the killing of Muslims and non-Muslims. This fundamental decision must be made and implemented by all who consider themselves Muslims, scholars of the Ulama say.

Describing the fatwa and resolution, which were the result of the two-day stay of the Ulama, the Dagestan theologians claim that this document was expected. The fatwa, in their opinion, will be "a response to the actions of a number of extremist leaders who hide behind Islamic slogans," writes RIA Dagestan.

However, Muslim activists and journalists of Dagestan hold somewhat different assessments of the conference held in the republic. Thus, the author of the "Draft" Abdulmumin Gadzhiev writes on the website that the organizers of the event did everything possible to present the visit of the sheikh as unconditional support for the policy pursued in the region regarding the growing Islamic sentiment.

“No one knew in advance that Al-Qaradagi was going to come to Dagestan; all the theses with which the sheikh arrived were reduced to the fight against terrorism and extremism; only representatives of the official clergy and accredited journalists were invited to the press conference, among whom were not, for example, Abbas Kebedov, who was the first to express the idea of ​​​​inviting the scientists of the World Islamic Council to the republic (in fact, this idea was stolen from him and transferred to state rails) . After all, Kebedov is good at Arabic and has a desire to talk about the real problems of the republic, which was clearly not part of the plans of the organizers,” Hajiyev writes.

According to him, it was with great difficulty that representatives of Muslim youth managed to attend the conference and ask questions, which, as he notes, did not find any coverage in the official media. The meeting was presented in the form of a communist congress, at which everyone in turn condemned extremism and terrorism.

Reach out to Karadag

Further, talking about his breakthrough to the conference, Gadzhiev writes: “We conveyed to the sheikh how his visit to us is represented by the official media, and what ordinary Muslims think about it, which such an approach pushes to doubt and distrust Islamic scholars” .

According to him, the sheikh said that he did not come to support the authorities or law enforcement agencies, that he came to try to influence them, as well as to establish contacts with Islamic youth.

He also, according to Hajiyev, was well aware that the conference was mainly attended by representatives of the official clergy. For this reason, Al-Qaradagi was cheered up and delighted to hear, as he put it, "other voices", immediately thanking the organizers of the meeting for the fact that these "other voices" were admitted to it (albeit with great difficulty).

And the questions of "other voices" were as follows. What does the guest think about the terror by the special services against practicing Muslims? Does he know about the hijab ban in Russian schools? Is it extremism to call for the implementation of Sharia, for Sharia courts, and is it extremism to wear the hijab in schools?

The position of the sheikh and the conclusions of the Muslims

Al-Karadagi, according to Hajiyev, replied that he had talked with officials on this topic and noted that one of the main causes of extremism was the terror of the authorities. The Sheikh also said that calling for the application of Sharia is not only not extremism, but is the duty of a Muslim in the unanimous opinion of all scholars, noting that such a call should be reasonable, and the establishment of Sharia should be gradual.

It is also interesting, the author notes, that the Sheikh does not consider the forest underground "terrorists" and "Kharijites". Instead, he considers the militants to be "his sons" and "part of the ummah of Muslims," ​​with whom he disagrees on the methods of establishing sharia. At the same time, the Sheikh calls on all Muslims to unity on the basis of the Koran and the Sunnah.

The sheikh was greatly indignant and surprised at how entire paragraphs about jihad and the caliphate, written by his hand, were thrown out of the translation of Al-Vasatiya by Ali Polosin of the text of the Moscow Declaration, and some expressions were severely distorted. Speaking about the relative religious freedom in Russia, the sheikh was not aware of the prohibitions on the hijab.

Thus, Hajiyev concludes, it is clear that the authorities are more interested in justifying their policies with the words of Islamic scholars than in listening to and accepting their advice.

Tamila Shakhbanova

Appeal of Sheikh Ali Al-Karadagi to the youth of Russia.
Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah, praise be to Allah, prayers and greetings to our master Muhammad, his family and all the companions, and to all who followed the path of the prophet!
Dear participants, brothers and sisters, I greet you with an Islamic greeting, and this greeting is "Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and his blessing."
As I sit in this esteemed assembly, I would like to express my deep gratitude to my dear and beloved brother, Dr. Adel al-Falah, for his good efforts and efforts and many good deeds. May Allah bless him and people like him. Also I want to thank Russian center Al-Wasatiyya and the government of Russia, which provided an opportunity for me and people with sincere intentions to be here, and may Allah bless them all. I also thank Mr. President for his hospitality and for giving me the opportunity to speak.
All discussion revolves around the same topics, but I will try not to repeat myself. I propose to highlight the causes of the problems. And the causes of these problems are different: there are internal and there are external. We must not ignore external factors these problems. When I talk about external factors, I mean colonialism, and aggressive policies and oppression by the invaders, and America's injustice in our first trouble, the question of Palestine. And also how the invaders treat our youth and our citizens, our religion and beliefs, and all these factors must be taken into account and we must not forget about them, so that we honestly solve our problem.
And also, my dear brethren, we must mention the unjust governments based on dictatorships that do not give any freedoms. This is another of the main reasons. You know that the first group that became known as "takfir and hijra" appeared in the 50s, during the reign of Gamal Abdel-Nasser, when his secret services subjected people to terrible torture. He pursued a godless policy, humiliating faith and God in the eyes of the people. And then a community of takfir appeared among the people - accusations of disbelief, and Sheikh Hassan al-Khudemi, may Allah have mercy on him, spoke out against them and said to them, we are "preachers, not judges." Then the takfir group re-emerged in the 60s, and therefore those dictators and oppressors against whom the people became, bear great responsibility for the emergence of radical groups. Then they did not have sufficient knowledge, because of which extreme, incorrect opinions appeared in ambiguous and difficult situations. It was because of the attitudes and oppression of the time that all these extremes arose.
Added to this were external factors, which we must talk about, and besides that, the economic situation and illiteracy, unemployment, and the like.
And internal causes are based on education, knowledge, traditions that have developed over the centuries.
There was also a time when even in the Gulf countries, there was a hostile attitude towards those who follow some kind of madhhab. At that time, the most important thing was to condemn the followers of madhhabs. I was in Medina in 75. And I heard accusations against Imams Shafi'i, Abu Hanif, Malik, and other respected Imams. They felt that their ijtihad should not be used. Then this misunderstanding appeared, and we must recognize it as erroneous. If you follow their understanding, then everyone became a mujtahid, because they called for a return to the Koran and the Sunnah. This call, of course, is correct and worthy, but none of the Muslims denies this.
But look at what Allah says in the Qur'an: The establishment of justice is done through two things. Not only by the Qur'an and Sunnah, but also by the scales, this is said in the words of the Qur'an. Allah says in Surah al-Hadeed: “We sent our messengers with clear signs” the first thing He said was “with clear convincing signs” that convince, whether it be signs or arguments of reason. Yes, “we sent messengers with clear signs,” did Allah say that “and we sent down messengers and sent with them a scripture”? or did he say "scripture and scales?" because that's what he said. That is, in order for people to have justice, both the Koran and the scales are needed. Libra is a clear understanding, a correct understanding that is based on science, methodology, wisdom and experience. Or, as our master Ali said about it: "Texts have different concepts." “Whoever does not judge by what Allah sent down is from among the infidels,” each person explains this verse in his own way, but we say that there is “less than kufr”, but these take only the obvious meaning. Therefore, the methodology is the scales, and these scales about which in question in this case the rule of least harm, as the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, did, taking into account the goals of Sharia and its results. “Do not offend those to whom they invoke other than Allah, otherwise they will offend Allah out of enmity and out of ignorance” (ayat). But, unfortunately, today Muslims have forgotten this rule. Then young people came and began to give fatwas in this area.
From this approach, in the understanding of the term "mizan-weights", the validity of various Sharia interpretations of the instructions of the Koran arises. “By the dawn, and ten nights! Even and odd!” (verse). Some followers of the Companions said that witr (odd) is Allah, and everything except him is shaf-a-even. Because Ahkhal said: “Glorified is He Who created all the couples” (verse) and therefore Allah sent down his law in accordance with this double understanding, when you can look at the norm of the law from two positions. And not just one single understanding and interpretation.
Therefore, since a person consists of a pair, and the whole universe consists of pairs, and Sharia also looks like, as Ibn Qayyim said, may Allah have mercy on him: “The Qadarites got lost because they took only part of the truth,” after all, it is said by the Almighty that a person has freedom of choice because Allah said: “Whoever wants, let him believe, and whoever wants, let him become unfaithful” (verse 18:29) and the Jabarites got lost when they said that a person is forced to choose. They also told half the truth, citing the words of Allah, that “You will not wish unless Allah wills” (ayat 76:30) And in the first half of the truth, and in the second half of the truth, and the whole truth consists of two halves. After we connect these two halves, we will see the true position. This means that Allah is almighty, but one of his qualities is that He gave us freedom of choice.
Young people need this technique and these scales. To give an example, I have a book, 20 years ago, I worked on it called "Fiqh of weights, measures and weighing." I saw that all deviations are due to errors in the Fiqh of the Scales. Some people do not rely on the Qur'an at all, and some rely only on the book, and both of these positions are erroneous. There are people who rely only on reason. But we have a couple - we rely on both Shariah texts and reason.
All distortions in the dogma arise due to errors in the "fiqh of the scales", at the level of atheism, for example, let's take the polytheists and the atheists. Because they completely abandoned God, they began to compare the Creator with the creatures, arguing, “if the Creator created us, then who created Him”? Therefore, atheists reject the existence of a Creator. And also the polytheists, and also other sects like the Mu'atazilites. They compared what was present with what was absent, and what was absent with what was present, they also fell into error.
Also the Jews and Christians of the scriptures deviated, and also the deviants of the Islamic sects that introduced innovations. This is also due to the violation of the Fiqh of the Scales. Weights of Shariah and its goals. This also applies to groups that are emerging today. What happened to them? They took the scales of the war, all the verses that were sent about the war, and accepted it as a universal instruction. But these verses concerned precisely the period of hostilities. “And be rough with them” (verse), does Allah want us to be rough with the disbelievers? This only applies to war. And they made one more innovation: they took the verses relating to war and canceled (mansuh) with them the verses that call for peace, for the call of goodness and wisdom, and that there is no compulsion in religion. They strayed from the right path, and began to put everything on one side of the scales, forgetting that Islam is a religion of mercy and sincerity, “and we sent you only as a mercy for people” (ayat). And that the messenger, after how much torment he suffered from the unbelievers, appealed with a prayer, “Lord, lead my people, they don’t know.”
And so, my dear and beloved brethren, I received my first warning. I don't want to keep you. After all, this case is very long and extensive.
Misunderstanding of the word "Jihad". I prepared a text in which I described errors in understanding the word jihad. I point out what Allah meant in the Holy Quran when he used this beautiful word. The word battle (kytal) is used in face-to-face confrontation, when they stand against us, when there is a skirmish between Muslims and polytheists who are fighting against us, and the generalized word in the Qur'an in relation to such cases is jihad. Allah called jihad and the call to Islam (yes-awa), the spread of Islam - a great jihad. Be diligent in it with great zeal. This is the zeal of the Quran.
And jihad, in the sense of war, was forbidden, and when it became allowed, it was said why. This is self-defense. “It is permissible for those who are fought (also to fight) because they are oppressed. Verily, Allah is able to help them who are expelled from their homes without right, only because they said: “Our Lord is Allah” ”(22:39).
To this is added the fact, and what is the unanimity of scientists, that the decision on war is made only by the ruler. And in the case of the seizure of the country, then jihad is called self-defense here and this does not require anyone's permission. And neither celestial religions, nor universal human laws, nor the laws of the United Nations deny this, as, for example, in the case of our brothers in Palestine. And therefore, what is called offensive jihad is decided only by the state. And he, too, has his conditions and his limits, and I have explained these issues in detail.
This is what I find sufficient, thank you, peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah!

During the X International Muslim Forum, the correspondent of the "Minbar of Islam" talked with the Secretary General of the World Union of Muslim Scholars, Doctor, Sheikh Ali Muhyiddin al-Qaradagi.

Dear Sheikh, last years You are a frequent visitor in Russia. You recently visited Kabardino-Balkaria, Ingushetia, before that you were in Dagestan. How can you explain your sympathy for Russia, its regions, for the Russian Ummah?

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful! Peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah! Indeed, this is an important question. Yes, indeed, I admire and, for a number of reasons, treat with love the Muslim peoples who live in this country - the Russian Federation. First, because these peoples played a huge role in Islamic civilization. This applies to the Muslims of the Caucasus, and Tatarstan, and any other region of Russia. All of them made a significant contribution to the development of Islamic civilization. Secondly, and I say this with absolute sincerity, my respect and love extends not only to Muslims, not only to my brothers in religion, in history, in aqida. And there are several reasons for this too. We are all children of Adam. And our Russian brothers - not only Muslims, but also Christians, and representatives of any other religion - are also descendants of Adam. The Holy Quran points to this closeness, to this kinship of all mankind. In this sense, you are also my relative, because 30-40 generations ago (God only knows how many) our ancestors could meet. The Almighty in the Qur'an says: “O people, we created you from one man and from one woman ...” We have one ancestors, which means how can I treat another person with hostility for no reason ?! The Almighty in the sura “Women” says: “O people! Fear your Lord, who created man from one soul, and from it created a couple, and settled many men and women descended from both of them. Fear Allah, in whose name you ask each other, and be afraid of breaking family ties ... "The Almighty calls us to try to do what pleases Him, including supporting family ties. Scientists say that the feeling of kinship is inherent, first of all, to a person, because we all came from one soul. Therefore, we must love each other. Our master Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) wrote a letter to his governor in Egypt. It said: everyone living in Egypt is your brother either in faith or in your human nature. This essential principle which makes a Muslim love another.

The third reason that prompts me to treat Russia with love is that this country - now Russia, and earlier the Soviet Union - has always stood on the side of the Arabs, and above all, in solving the Palestinian problem. And with the help of Russian weapons, in 1973, on the 10th day of the holy Ramadan, we were able to win. Therefore, the Russians are closer to us, the Arabs, than any other nation.

And finally, fourthly, as a scientist, as the Secretary General of the World Union of Muslim Scholars, I think that together we need to try to set the world on the right path, eliminate the causes of sorrows and sorrows, the causes of turmoil (fitnah) and wars. Indeed, all this is not in the interests of Islam, and not in the interests of Christians, and not in the interests of any religion that respects human dignity. Based on this, I am interested in having order and stability in Russia. And not only in Russia. I am not a supporter of confusion. This is what our religion encourages us to do. Therefore, as a Muslim scientist, and as hundreds of scientists who are members of the World Union, I stand for stability in this country. Both the Muslim world and Russia strive for development - technical, scientific, civilizational. And any war leads to backwardness, to the growth of problems, and if it allows to move forward, then only in the military-technical field. But at the same time, all other areas - technical development, industry, will lag behind. It's not in our interest. Therefore, we treat Russia with sympathy.

Your words are fully consistent with the title of the X International Muslim Forum in Moscow: "The mission of religion and the responsibility of its followers in the face of the challenges of our time." Which of the challenges do you consider the main ones for Muslims?

We all face many challenges: clashes, fitnah, religious fanaticism, increased terrorism, violence instead of dialogue. All these are challenges. To this should be added the growing dominance of those forces that want to take possession of our lands with their resources - oil, gas, etc. They are not interested in stability and are making every effort to ensure that it does not exist. These forces only benefit from instability, it benefits them. All these problems need to be addressed. I am convinced that religions can play a big role in this. Representatives of the three main religions - Islam, Christianity and Judaism, as well as other, not Abrahamic, but traditional religions - must agree on the main value, moral and ethical criteria, universal principles that do not separate us, but unite us. We must formulate these challenges, explain them and, if possible, heal them. After all, many problems, unfortunately, today have acquired a religious coloring. Israel today is actively Judaizing the state. This is a very dangerous thing! After all, Jerusalem is sacred to all religions, not only to the Jews. The Judaization of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) is very a big problem! We must face all challenges with the help of reason, common religious principles.

-Islamic world is sick today..?

Yes you are right.

And there are many diseases - this is ISIS, and the exodus of Christians from the states of the Middle East, and the growing spread of radical views. What are the reasons? Should they be sought outside the Islamic world or within it?

The emergence of ISIS, or the so-called Islamic State, the activities of other extremist organizations - all this is due to a number of reasons - both external and internal. I believe that tyranny, a dictatorial form of government, which do not allow society to conduct a dialogue, is among the internal reasons. To this are added economic backwardness, unemployment, poverty. In addition, there are external reasons. They are aimed at warming up the society. Some forces - international - for the sake of their own interests provoke chaos, anarchy. Some analysts in the West say that anarchy is ruinous for the East, but it allows, makes it possible to dominate, manage in this or that country, plunder it. Today, coalition countries have committed $600 billion to fight ISIS. But what is ISIS? It existed in Iraq, in al-Ramadi, local tribes armed them, but then expelled from the country. So it was 3-4 years ago. ISIS has grown. But who paid for it? It is known who are Arabs, Muslims. Who received this money? This is also known. All this requires from us, scientists, the broadest understanding and analysis.

The World Union of Muslim Scholars this year included 40 Russian muftis, heads of spiritual administrations of Muslims from different regions of Russia, and scientists. Are you interested in their being members of the organization you lead?

Yes, and I want to greet these people. They joined our organization for one simple reason: our World Union of Scientists is an independent structure. His position is absolutely clear. It is not subject to any state, we are against the hegemony of any state. On the other hand, the World Union reflects the interests of the entire Islamic world, because its members are 100,000 scientists living in dozens of countries - from China to Andalusia. The Union has a charter, a program, strategic plans, and they all rely on the middle way, on moderation, on peaceful coexistence, on dialogue as the only means of solving problems. The Union is making every effort to spread this course of moderation, including in Russia, where our brothers live next to Christians and representatives of other religions. Religious diversity is helpful. Civilizations are not created by one people, one religion. Civilizations are being created different nations representing different religions, but which are in interaction. Therefore, we are glad that Russian Muslim leaders have joined our organization.

The forum in Moscow was organized by the Spiritual Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation. How does the World Union of Muslim Scholars intend to cooperate with this structure?

We count on strategic cooperation with the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation, with Russia as a whole, and its religious organizations to implement the ideas I spoke about above - peaceful coexistence, dialogue, display of true Islam. Everything will help Muslims to move forward, to make progress. We have three main programs in the Union: the general program for the training of scientists, the program for the training of specialists in Islamic economics and the training of scientists specializing in contemporary issues. We need all these programs, the muftis need them to keep moving forward. After all, there is no limit to knowledge, knowledge is infinite. So our experience will be useful to the Russian brothers. We are interested in cooperation with DUMRF in the interests of the peoples living in this territory.

At the forum, a proposal was made to make it a permanent platform for discussing the urgent problems of the ummah. Do you support this initiative?

Yes, if the forum becomes a permanent platform, it will benefit both Muslims and non-Muslims. His work will encourage representatives of other religions, including Christianity, to discuss issues that are important for this region. It is necessary that each session of this forum yield results. I am for a permanent forum and for the development of its strategic course.

Interviewed by Olga Semina

Newspaper "Minbar Islam"