Tips for the first conquest of the legend. Almost any deck is suitable for ascension to the Legend

At our disposal, but to take the legend does not work. What could be the problem?

Now you will definitely be able to take the legend in Hearthstone! Tomatos told us about his experience of taking the legend from Firebat, in the video and description of the tactics for the deck for quickly taking the legend you will find below.

Tomatos Legend Deck Tactics

As usual it is desirable to have a Gravedigger and at least one 1-2 deathrattle manadrops.
It would be nice to merge the silence of the druid (guardian of the thicket) onto someone not very important, this will help us a lot in the late game, for example, to protect the Lion of the savannah. The druid has a lot to put in defense, so you shouldn't count on a fast rush too much.
Try not to keep a lot of units with 1 hp, remember about Swipe. The black knight will be good. Try not to give the frost trap to someone simple, here it plays more of a protective role against late cards.

Oh, the priest is the most serious opponent against our hunter. If he puts a priestess on the first turn, then don't just give away cards with 1hp like a lepregnome, at least use them to make the gravedigger fatter. It is reasonable to spend a blow with a bow on a priestess, a good move. It is very good to throw a wounded swordsman into a frost trap. Try to keep the team to take to the end, or spend on the "tummy". Just like with a druid, it is worth remembering about the holy nova, a little less about the pyromancer, just try not to lose units from the ring + Aukinai priestess. Remember the dark priestess who steals a unit with 1-2 attacks, keep the worst of them alive, smash the Mad Scientist into some unit to get a trap - not a bad move.
You have to follow almost every step, so the most difficult opponent. Your counter against the priest is the Houndmaster and the Lion of Savannah, buffing up to 4x the attack of the priest will not be able to counter anything. 4 attacks is the priest's weakness. Keep mind control in mind when you use Houndmaster on Savannah Lion. Loathib is also very good on move 5, or before the finisher to counter extras / control.

The start is standard, there is a reason to keep 1 flare in hand, but this may also be your weakness of the need for units, then it's up to you. The sooner you burn the gravedigger, the better. Houndmaster\Lothib\Lion of the savannah are your trump cards, do not rely too much on your traps. There is a reason to use the Command to take on the enemy Gravedigger if he has devoured him. Feel free to use the bow, but be careful with your lives. Try to use more class skill shot. Release dogs work great against a frost trap or when you burn down a snake trap and open it = +3 dogs. Loatheb is good against an enemy finisher or removal, on turn 5 it works quite well instead of 2 other cards, but if you can lay out 3, then lay them out.

Pretty easy opponent if done right. The main fear against the magician is not to miss the moment when the magician will call "Tummy" and Split. Here you can even spend the Take Command on a neighboring unit so that the mage does not receive 2 extra. taunt, this can be considered an autoloose. Don't forget about the magician's counterspell, it even destroys your lighting rocket, so you can check with Hunter's Mark or even take it with the Team if the magician already has low hp so that you can shoot down his ice block with a rocket. Loatheb is good.

The average opponent, there are a couple of excellent ways to destroy the warrior. First - if you're lucky with early cards - go rush but beware of Brawl on turn 5, it's great to use Loatheb on your 5th turn to counter. Houndmaster gives a lot of damage, 4/3 and 2 damage itself, the sooner you use it, the better. The savannah lion is very good against a warrior. Use the ice trap and the bow on the Acolyte of Pain and on the armored aunt. The sooner you take them down, the better. Try to finish before turn 9, be afraid of Alexstrasza. Better to use a shot than a snake trap. The second way is - In a two-footer, that is, throw an independent beast and on the next move finish off with the Team to take \ shot \ bow, or Houndmaster on the Lion of the savannah, but beware of Execution here. Most modern warriors use Harrison Jones - don't keep the bow with you for long.

Relatively light handlock and medium zoolok. Against a handlock, the main thing is if the lock has 15-16 hp on the 6-8th move, then you can even wait for the move so that he does not throw out two Lava Golems for 0 mana and Taunt. It makes sense to keep the Command to take later, it's better to use a class shot, in general it is desirable to use it more often. The ice trap on the twilight dragon is very good. Fear Guard+Owl = 4/5 on turn 2-3 is very dangerous. If everything is fine on your board and on the 5th move the enemy has 12-14 hp, then you can go full rush. Remember about Jaraxxus \ Soul Siphon, and most importantly Explode your own unit for extras, it makes sense to kill the guard on turn 3 if there is a large army on the table. Loathib on move 5 is VERY COOL.
Zoolok - who will damage whom, Possessed Crawler, snake trap + taunt will be fine, otherwise the snake trap is useless (you can still devour the gravedigger), Houndmaster, Dogs and a combo with Juggler a la “threw a juggler, broke a Possessed crawler - 2 damage” excellent, Black Knight ok, Fire Imp Frost Trap=divine, Doombringer Frost Trap=useless.

Destroy him before he destroys you, it's simple, mostly depends on luck. You can destroy his servant of the earth so that he does not return it back to himself. The rocket can be used to break the invisibility of the Auctioneer and kill him. Do not use the Houndmaster on strong animals - he will return them to your deck. Under late, you can confuse it with traps and taunts. In general, it is not advisable to go late with a horn. The treasure collector will give an additional card. Be afraid of Gravedigger and Backstab on him, it is advisable to gobble him up with at least 2 units to get at least Eviscerate into him. Loatheb is cool.

A very easy opponent, if you have 2 dogs and an owl in your deck, keep dogs under 4+ creatures on the board. Fear the totem for damage => thunderstorms, fatten up more of the gravedigger. Ideally, it will merge 2 earth shocks, you will not be afraid to lay out the Gravedigger, just try to get a hex from him for some simple creature and then force the Lion of the Savannah - if he does not hex it, the chances of winning are very high. The bow can be spent to break his wolf spirits. Loatheb on turn 5 is not bad, also after Lion of Savannah, so that he doesn’t topdeck hex, if suddenly he doesn’t immediately hex your Lion.

At the priest level, there are few of them in this meta, as well as agro-mages. Your lifeline is an owl/loatheb/frost trap. I advise you to keep the owl either under the Slime Belcher or under Tyrion (which will be better). Don't use the Houndmaster on an Animal Companion, a Houndmaster on a serpent will be much better than on a boar/leok/bear as it can throw an Aldor Peacemaker or Humility and then kodo and destroy it. Highmane Houndmaster = 90% of the time a very bad move, don't do it just to finish him off. The sooner you kill, the better. You can go completely in the face - also a way out.

In general, everything is very simple - FUCK WITH YOUR SOUL and everything will be with:
30% Correct Deck + 30% Game Skill + 30% Luck + 10% Soul = Victory

Attention!!! This method will become obsolete shortly after the release of the Goblins and Gnomes add-on. However, despite the fact that it has been out for like a month now, the deck is still extremely strong and, unless a bunch of new, more imb decks appear, is still capable of taking the legend.

Welcome site readers! This is randomnine, a longtime Hearthstone player and someone who has been stuck around rank 10 season after season. In the same season, I changed my approach to the game, doing everything possible to improve my game. And yes, yesterday I first broke into legend !

I hope the tips in this article will help you achieve Legends in Hearthstone(and minus the 100 games I played between ranks 10 and 3).

Game statistics

1. Don't Focus on One Deck or Class

Let's get started! Until last season, I played exclusively as Priest (I have 1500 wins on Control Priest). My best result was rank 5 in that unstable meta when the Grand Tournament was just introduced to the game.
Priest was often weak in the meta. In addition, Control Priest has always been distinguished by protracted games. It was these two factors that prevented the Priest from rising to high ranks in the ladder. I'm not a Zetalot, so the first thing I did was drop a deck that is very difficult to play on the ladder, despite the fact that I really liked the deck.

2. Stick to one archetype each season, though.

When I first got stuck at rank 5, I decided to try Aggro Shaman to see if the "top 1 archetype" would help me get a little higher. After 50 games on Agro Shaman, I ended up at rank 9. I learned a lot about Agro Shaman, but ultimately the result was negative.

I have played over 900 games on Midrange Hunter, and it was only in the last 100 games that I understood the deck so well that I was able to move past rank 5. Practicing and studying one deck has given me invaluable information about every matchup against it. If you change decks like gloves, deck learning will go much slower and it will be very difficult for you to climb the ladder.

3. Having chosen an archetype, read every guide that you come across about this archetype

There is no deck that fits all metas. When playing on ladder, you should be able to adapt your archetype decks to the current meta. In other words, you need to have a pretty deep understanding of the different ways to build decks.
I started the season playing Midrange Hunter with N'Zoth and Princess Huhuran. I've played hundreds of games with Doomsayer, and hundreds without. As a 5 drop I took Stranglethorn Tiger , Shepherd , Rushing Kodo , Tundra Rhino , and even Leeroy Jenkins ! It was experiments like this that helped me build the strong deck I was able to achieve. Legends in Hearthstone.

4. Playing the ladder is hard work that requires intense focus.

My stats say that my winrate drops when I don't get enough sleep. Before I started climbing the ladder, I always tried to play fast and non-stop, playing the obvious cards every turn. At rank 5+, this does not work. These ranks require maximum concentration and focus, otherwise every mistake will cost you not only a lost star, but also approximately one hour on the ladder.
As already mentioned, in order to avoid mistakes, you need to focus. Love to play to the wick. Use all the time the game gives you to come up with the best moves, or just give your brain a 30 second rest if you need it.
Yes, your opponent wants you to play fast. Fast and bad.

5. The path from rank 5 to Legend requires not only a lot of time. Requires a higher level of play

I had a 60% win rate when I went from rank 10 to rank 5 (twice). Above rank 5 I had a 50% win rate with the same decks. I pretty confidently won at rank 6 and literally flew off my opponents at rank 3. And so again and again.
The higher you climb, the more experienced opponents will be. And if you still keep falling, you should learn from your mistakes.

6. Studying replays improved my win rate by 10% in just one night!

: If you lose a game, then you should immediately analyze the replay to find out the reason for the defeat.
Did you miss a very strong move? Maybe you played wrong against your opponent's card? Missed lethal damage? Or did they receive damage that they could not have received? Why exactly did you lose?
After understanding this rule, my win rate immediately jumped from 50% to 60%. And after 140 games, I reached the Legend.
The obvious benefit of learning repetition is finding your mistakes. I learned a lot about my game when I saw obvious mistakes on the second, and even on the first move, which led to my loss. Now my early game is much stronger. In addition, watching replays also affected final version deck with which I conquered the Legend.
More importantly, this rule keeps me focused and keeps me from going on tilt. Now, when I lose, I stop and analyze the lost match. This process helps keep yourself and your thinking in good shape.

- Each card in your deck will be played in 30% of the games. Remember that every card is important
- Focus on those cards that are in the hand, not in the deck. Relying too much on topdeck will ruin your whole game
- Proper use of the hero power can win you the game
- Meta shifts depend on the time of day. Be aware of the types of decks that can get caught against you in different time
- Study the archetypes that can play against you, especially their possible mulligans against you

Thank you very much for reading this article! I wish you good matchups!

translated Fudge3 , designed Hemlock .

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    They say the first time is always the scariest. I don't know who specifically says this, but damn it, he's right! In order to take the Legend for the first time, it will take incredible perseverance and a lot of time. However, it is a very fun and memorable experience that is ultimately very satisfying.

    In this article, I will share 10 tips to help you on your way to the Legend. It's not only practical advice on the game, but also psychological strategies to facilitate the process of moving up the rating table. Let's get started!

    1. It will be harder than you think!

    "It's just a game! How can it be difficult? Many players often write that they managed to take the Legend, so why am I worse?"

    This way of thinking is the right way strongly make life difficult for yourself. You set yourself up for an easy win, and as a result, difficult sections of the path cause much more problems.

    If you convince yourself that the Legend is easy, every defeat will seem unfair to you, and your aspirations will quickly fade.

    Imagine two players who started the season at rank 20. The first player thinks that his first ascent to the Legend will be very easy. He's read a few guides, put together a couple of good decks, and reasonably considers himself pretty smart. He's willing to put in some effort, but doesn't foresee much of a problem.

    The second player prepared for a difficult journey. He knows how high the competition is. He had read that losing streaks that knocked him down several ranks was not as rare as it seemed. He understands that everything is far from being so simple, and is ready to work hard.

    By the middle of the month, the second player had already reached rank 10. By this point, he was hoping to make progress a little further, but since he didn't expect things to be easy, this doesn't really upset him. He played selected decks and gained impressive experience.

    The first player, in turn, is stuck at rank 15. He can't figure out what exactly is going wrong. He refuses to believe in his failure and tries to find another reason for the defeats. He blames stupid decks and a matchmaking system that constantly throws too strong opponents at him, as well as a new addition that "completely destroyed the game."

    What I'm trying to say is that the person who thinks everything will be easy gets frustrated too quickly when things get out of hand. If he sets himself up for a long journey, any difficulties will not confuse him, because they will meet expectations.

    This leads us to the logical conclusion that the influence of a random factor is absolutely normal. Get ready for both winning streaks and losing streaks. Climbing the ranking ladder, you will periodically lose ranks. Remember this, and defeats will not be able to distract you from the ultimate goal. Players who do not imagine the real state of affairs often encounter obstacles that seem insurmountable to them. At the same time, they blame everything, anything, but not random factor. As a result, they try to change decks and, due to emotional distress, start playing worse than usual.

    Summing up what has been said, I will note that in any card game we often have to lose. This is due to the very nature of card games. By accepting this fact, you will not react painfully to defeat, but will perceive them as an integral part of the gameplay.

    2. Almost any deck will do to climb the Legend

    When I first started playing, it was very difficult for me to understand this. I thought that high-level games required special decks made by professionals. Later I realized that the deck can be almost anything, it's all about the player who controls it.

    An excellent example of this is my first ascent to the Legend. I played a deck that was admittedly not good for high levels, however I got to rank 5 fairly quickly and then froze in place.

    I blamed the deck for everything, because. other players said she wasn't very good and didn't really use her. I ended up switching decks (and then another and another) and lost so many matches that I ended the season at rank 12.

    After a few weeks, my old deck suddenly gained popularity and was talked about.

    In hindsight, I think I should have stuck with the original and realized that rank 5 is where the competition really heats up. Who knows, maybe then I would be able to take the legend, or at least climb a few more ranks.

    If a deck can take you to rank 5, it can take you to Legend. Trust your results and stats and don't let anyone dictate your deck choice. Start with the deck you think is your strongest and then change it to your liking or adapt it to the meta.

    3. There are no 100% winning decks.

    7. Feel free to ask for help.

    There is nothing wrong with asking another, more experienced player to observe the gameplay and discuss this or that move with him. Such dialogues allow you to learn a lot of new things.

    Currently, services of this kind are quite common, but in some cases their quality leaves much to be desired. You don't need someone who will just tell you what to do. You need someone who will walk you through all the options available and explain why one of them is more beneficial than the others. Ideally, you should offer your own version, and the interlocutor should agree or disagree with you, justifying your decision.

    8. Analyze your matches.

    If you use the above addons, you can always go back and analyze your actions, even if the match has already ended. This amazing feature gives a very clear idea of ​​the reasons for winning and losing. Under normal conditions, the possibilities for analysis are severely limited. In addition, it is often difficult to remember how optimal this or that move was. By reviewing referring to the notes, you can think about each move as much as you like.

    In addition, you can record your matches on video to review them later. The video can be paused or rewound at any time. A handy (and free!) recording tool is called

    Many players prefer not to spend time on this. They feel that instead of learning old matches, it would be better to play some new ones. Of course, to gain experience, you need to play as much as possible, but analysis can significantly increase the percentage of wins, thereby speeding up the process of climbing to the top.

    9. Make connections.

    By establishing friendships with other players, you can expand your horizons. Connect with like-minded people on Reddit or forums, attend local meetups or tournaments.

    Share opinions and discover ideas you didn't know existed before. Each of us sees the world in our own way. Possessing large amounts of information, you can always choose what will help you in your endeavors.

    In addition, you can chat with Twitch streamers. Many of them spare no time and answer questions from the chat.

    The Hearthstone community makes it easy to make friends. People like to talk about their favorite game. Do not be shy!

    10. Have fun!

    This is a simple tip that should not be forgotten. Hearthstone is a game that can be played both seriously and occasionally. Anyway, we play because it's fun!

    Don't get mad at the random number generator and don't worry about losing streaks. Perhaps you just need to take a break and come back later. I assure you, then the path to the top will not seem too difficult for you.


    The first ascent to the Legend is not an easy, but very exciting task.

    As you climb up the stairs, don't forget to reread these tips! Constantly improve your skills! Remember that progress can be smooth and spasmodic, fast and slow.

    Mastering the basics of Hearthstone is incredibly easy, but at higher ranks, you will have to relentlessly analyze your actions and strive to improve them.

    Be persistent and persistent, be prepared to spend a lot of time on the game, and sooner or later you will achieve what you want!


    Hi guys! Welcome to Grind. Grind consists of 4 parts aimed at helping you reach the Legend rank (for the first time). As always, guys, comments, likes, questions, etc. are welcome.

    I would like to start with a disclaimer: Most of the information contained in these 4 parts of the guide is based on real data, computer simulation, as well as basic mathematics\logic\probability, etc.

    Four parts of the guide:

    Right now you are reading part I. In this part I will give some really basic tips and explain what this guide is and what it is for.

    Well, let's get started, shall we?

    About you

    I recently created a survey and one of the questions was, "What are your goals at Hartstone?" More than 60% of respondents answered that they dream of taking the Legend (at least once). Well, this guide is my attempt to help you achieve your dreams.

    "Dreams come true" (c) Gazprom

    So you want to be in Legend this month? That's cool, I'm here to help. But before we start the guide, I want to lay out my requirements for you:

    • you have enough time to devote to the cause (see below how much time you need)
    • You are determined and patient
    • You have already reached rank 5 (at least)

    I expect you've ever reached rank 5, because if you haven't, you probably don't have the skills needed to reach Legend this season. If you don't fit any of the criteria, then you might be better off just bookmarking this page and reading it when you're really ready to grind.

    Make no mistake guys, getting into the Legend for the first time is a very difficult thing. If you have the skills, time and determination, I am ready to help you. But if you do not have enough of these things, then most likely getting into the Legend will remain a pipe dream for you (on this moment at least).

    Why so serious?

    The Joker asked the thief:

    "Why so serious?"

    When setting up to take the Legend (especially the first time), you should understand a simple thought:

    Tip #1: If you want to get into the Legend, you have to take it seriously.

    Everything that I will talk about in all 4 parts of this guide is related to the idea of ​​being serious, you can even say that I wrote a treatise on the different ways to be serious. The success of your ascent depends on your desire and ability to understand what is written. If you understand only one thing from this guide, please let it be - be serious.


    So, I want to say a very important thing in two short and simple words:

    Tip #2: Download a deck tracker

    You can read more about decktracker. There are two main advantages to using a deck tracker:

    1. It automatically records stats (which is useful for spotting the meta, more on that in Part II)
    2. During the game, the program remembers which cards you and your opponent played.

    These two things can really help improve your win rate. And no, decktracking is not banned by Blizzard and therefore your account will not be banned.

    Hire a coach

    This section is about how serious you can be financially.

    Tip #3: Hire a coach

    Why do you need a coach? Of course, watching streams and reading guides gives a lot useful information, but only a coach can point you to your weak sides for a few views of your game, when you yourself would spend several weeks on it. Knowing your weaknesses, you could focus on them while watching the same streams or reading guides. If you seriously decide to reach the Legend, you need at least a few lessons (you can ask friends who have already taken the Legend to see your game and help with advice)

    Grind time

    So, now I want to calculate how long it will take to reach the Legend. It's worth noting that I'm not the first to try this and you can see that everyone has different numbers. Therefore, I recommend considering the results with an error of +\- 10%.

    Rank 20 to Legend

    I hope everything is clear here:

    • The first column shows your win percentage;
    • The second column shows the number of games needed to reach Legend at a given win rate;
    • The third column shows required amount time;

    Well, in the last column I deduced the number of experiments.
    I ran the program for 10,000 games. As a result, I got that in all 300 experiments with a win rate of 47%, the Legend was taken. But it's not realistic to spend 1090 hours on the game.

    Now you understand that the process of taking the Legend really requires a huge amount of time. And if your win rate does not exceed 60%, then you will not have enough hours of play in the evenings to achieve your goal.

    Now let's carry out similar calculations, but we will start not from the 20th rank, but from the 5th.

    Rank 5 to Legend

    The structure of this table is the same as the previous one. If we take a win rate of 55%, then we need 250 games and 40 hours. And with four-minute games, only 16 hours. Hence the following advice:

    Tip #4: You will need a lot of time: from rank 25 to Legend about 50-90 hours, from rank 5 to Legend about 20-40 hours.

    Of course, with a good game and luck, you may need much less time, but on the other hand, this is the time of a "clean" game in the ladder and if you take into account the Arena, brawl, streams, guides, then you will need even more time.

    Start of the season and card back

    Tip #5: Early start = strong opponents (and that's a good thing!)

    My advice is to start storming the ladder from the very beginning of the season. And there are 2 reasons for this:

    • As we just saw, taking on a Legend can take a long time and by starting as early as possible you reduce the chance of running out of time.
    • Starting from the very start of the season, you have more chances to fight with really strong players

    If you start at rank 20 and work your way up to rank 16 very quickly, you'll start meeting strong players who picked up Legend last season. And most likely you will lose to them.

    An alternative strategy is to wait a few days and let the strong players go ahead, which will allow you to climb the ladder more easily. Why am I against such a strategy?

    Well, I'll go into more detail on that in Part II, but for now I'll say this - if you're going to take Legend, you still have to learn how to beat these opponents, so why not practice now, when the stakes are still relatively low?

    In short, you need to practice playing against such players, you must understand how the Legends think and play.

    So, I hope that I have convinced you that you need to start from the very start of the season - this good idea to test yourself at the start of the season by trying to beat all those ex-Legends.


    This is the end of the first article in the series. I really hope you read the rest.

    Let me remind you once again of the main theses:

    1. You should take the Legend achievement seriously.
    2. Install Hearthstone Deck Tracker.
    3. Get a coach.
    4. Give the process enough time.
    5. Start playing the season as early as possible.