Bold text with HTML and CSS. How to make it bold in HTML

Today I'll show you how to make words bold on a website using HTML and CSS. This design is used when you need to highlight certain information on a page. And we are talking not only about headlines, but also about simple words, phrases in the text. It is implemented quite simply.

To highlight certain text in bold, special HTML tags are used − and . For example the following code:

Plain text.


Bold text strong.

Plain text.


Bold text strong.

The output gives the following picture:

The last two options visually look the same, but they differ slightly from each other. Tag specifies a simple stylistic bolding of a word, while adds some semantic "reinforced" (important) meaning. That is, the last line is not just bold text, but some important information. In principle, it is recommended for search engines to use exactly .

You can also encounter bold in HTML with styles:

Bold text example.

Sample text with bold word.

On the website it looks like this:

Even though the bold text code for HTML works correctly, it shouldn't be done this way. All design styles must be placed in a CSS file. So in the example above you should have for the tags

And specify the appropriate class, and then prescribe its appearance in the style sheet. These are the rules for coding. So for bold in HTML, use the tag .

Bold text in CSS

To make a CSS font bold, use the font-weight property. With its help, the “saturation” of a text fragment is indicated. Values ​​can be from 100 to 900, but the most commonly used are:

  • bold (bold) - 700 by default;
  • normal (normal) - 400 by default.

There are also options for the bolder and lighter values, which change the font depending on the parent to more or less bold, respectively.

To set bold text in CSS, you need to set some style for this or that element, for example:

Plain text with bold selection in the center.

strong ( font-weight: bold; )

Here I would like to note one small nuance that I was told on - if you create a new class for some element, then it is advisable to use a more or less “understandable name”. For example, in the example above, the style class="my-bold-font" looks more logical than class="new-font", because you can partly understand its purpose. This is a plus for those who will look at and use your layout in the future.

In the next article I will talk about interesting bold fonts that I managed to find.

Bold text in Microsoft Word can be written in several ways.

How to write words in bold letters in Word?

To do this, either before writing the text, press the corresponding key for bold text, or select the already written text and press the key to format the text. On the top toolbar, click on the button with the letter "Zh". Right click on "sheet" in Microsoft Word.

In the drop-down menu, select the button with the letter "Zh". Regardless of the version of the year of release of the MS Office package, and, accordingly, the Word program, the fastest and most effective way, which will help to make the entered text bold is the following steps. Well, this question should not make you suffer for a long time. You need to open a Word document and pay attention to the top panel. There you can immediately see the icon with the letter "g". So by clicking on this icon, you will get a bold font.

By the way, you can make already typed text bold by selecting it and clicking on “g”. To do this, you will need to activate the "W" button, which is located next to the "K" italic and "H" underline buttons in the top panel of Worda. You can easily understand whether this button is activated or not: You can also highlight some text in bold type later, after writing this with poison, select the desired text and press the same button - “F”.

Making a bold font in Microsoft Word is very easy. At the beginning, you need to write the text, then select it and press the W button on the top panel. Nearby there are also letters K - italic and H - underlining with a dash.

And yet, you can immediately click on the letter F and then the print will immediately go in bold, no text selection is required. The main thing is to remember the location of the letter Zh on the panel and then printing bold text will not be difficult. After that, start typing - the text will be bold. If you have already typed the text and you need to make it bold, then just select the necessary words or a piece of text, and then click on the same icon - you're done! The most obvious way is to highlight desired part text and press the button above.

It is in the top menu in all versions of Word, even online. I personally use the keyboard command. In the Microsoft Word text editor, in a simple way in Word, you can write words in bold in this way - on the toolbar, click on the black letter F and write words - they will immediately stand out.

If this is your first time with us: How to write words in bold letters in Word? The location of the "bold text" button for Microsoft Word Regardless of the version of the year of release of the MS Office package, and accordingly the Word program, the fastest and most effective way to make the entered text bold is the following steps: To do this, you will need to activate the "Ж" button , which is located next to the "K" italic and "H" underline buttons in the top panel of Worda:

Make text bold - Word

Select a line and press letter Zh-t. You can just press F first, and write. Is it possible and how to determine the name of the font - on the site, in the text, in the program? How to adjust the font size in Rambler mail? How to increase the font on BV? What font is needed in Word for a line height of 0. How to make a bold font to highlight a piece of text in BV? How to increase the font in Google Chrome?

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After choosing a font, the easiest way to decorate text is to highlight it. bold, in italics or underlining. To apply these styles, you can use keyboard shortcuts and buttons on the format bar - very convenient.

To make text bold, press or click on the button Bold on the formatting toolbar. The text selected in this way becomes like a walking boss. He has a sense of self-worth. He is immediately noticeable on the page, he begins to put on airs, extremely appreciates his own opinion, talks to everyone on "you" - well, you know.

If you want to italicize text, click or click on the button Italics located on the formatting toolbar. When typewriters were used instead of word processors (that was a long time ago!), underlining was used instead of italics. Italics look much better! It is bright and light, free and poetic. I really like to use it in text, because, in my opinion, it looks much more elegant than a pathetic underline. Underlining is the style of a bureaucrat in a fit of inspiration.

To underline text, use the keyboard shortcut <Сtrl+U> , or click the button underlined located on the formatting toolbar.

Today, in order to focus attention on certain words, we highlight them in italics. But if you like underlining better, I don't mind.

  • All of the character formatting styles listed above apply to selected text. If you first applied one of these styles, and then continued typing, new text will be entered in the style you specify.
  • To undo the character formatting style, use the style command again. For example, if you pressed the keys to highlight text in italics, then press again will return you to normal characters.
  • You can combine various character formatting techniques; for example, make text bold, underline, and italic at the same time. To achieve this, press the appropriate keys to activate the required formats, and then enter the text. You will get text highlighted with three styles at the same time if you click , and . To return to regular text, press all three combinations again.
  • To apply formatting to a single word, place the cursor on it and execute the formatting command. For example, if you positioned the cursor on the word "character" and pressed (or click the Italic button on the formatting toolbar), the entire word will immediately be italicized.
  • The Bold, Italic, and Underline buttons on the formatting toolbar show which style is applied to the text. For example, if the cursor is positioned on a bold word, the Bold button looks "pressed".

Difference between Bold and Bold

The Windows environment, along with bold characters, offers the user special bold fonts, for example Ari al Rounded MT Bold. At first glance, this may seem wild, but since we are dealing with computers, we have to put up with their so-called "logic".

The fact is that bold fonts (their names usually contain the word Bold) are specifically designed to be bold. Both on the screen and on paper, they look better than a regular font, which, on command Bold becomes thicker and darker. Team Bold is good, but still its result is inferior in quality to a special, initially bold font.

Of course, to select one or more words, it is more convenient to use the command Bold than switch to a different font. But in some cases, for example, when designing headings or in ad texts, I recommend using special fonts.

There are three ways to highlight text in bold on an HTML page, but do not rush to immediately use any one you like, as such bolding can have different meanings and affect the site's optimization for the search engine.

Bold font with strong tag

This method is suitable if you want to bold an important part of the text. The HTML tag is a logical formatting tag and its essence is to "emphasize" the importance of the selected fragment.

There are other logical formatting tags in HTML. For example, the tag highlights text in italics and indicates emphasis on the selected phrase.

Other types of text selection are described in the article:.

plain text highlighted important piece of text. Plain text.

Bold text with b tag

plain text bold text. Plain text.

Bold CSS Styles

Bold text can be made not only with the help of special HTML tags. You can make it bold on any tag by setting the property font-weight: bold; (does not work for all fonts).

Such a selection will be stylistic in nature, without adding logical weight to the selected text.

In addition, you can select both a specific tag and a group of elements at once by setting styles through a CSS class.

The CSS property inside the style attribute:

Text in bold.

Text in bold.

Text in normal font.

Text in bold.

What to do if you can't make text bold

If you can't make text bold, it's likely that your site has overridden CSS element styles. In this case, you will have to adjust these styles. In most cases, this will be done through the main CSS stylesheet file. If you do not understand this, contact the webmaster. FROM big share probability that this problem will take no more than 5 minutes of work to solve (although, of course, there may be exceptions).

August 12, 2011

Svetlana Kozlova

Consider another function common to both Word and Excel programs - how to make a bold font.

This can be done in a few easy steps. I will show how this can be done using the Word program as an example. In Excel, this is done in a similar way.

Step 1. Printing our text

Step 2 Select text with the left mouse button

Step 3 Click on the button "Ж" (bold) located on the top panel of the program

All. The font is bold!

It remains to click anywhere in the document to see it.

Bold font

That's all, the text has become bold. Which is what we needed.

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Hi all. Text formatting in Word is the first tool without which you will not create a really good, readable project. No matter how perfect your text is, until it is formatted properly, it remains just text. But a well-designed work is already worth a lot. Readers will appreciate if the document is friendly and easy to read.

Therefore, let's immediately learn how to format characters and already apply this in your practice. And so, what are the possibilities for text formatting? At a minimum, these are:

  1. Change the applied font
  2. Resizing symbols
  3. Change text color
  4. Highlighting sections of text
  5. Various ways of writing
  6. Applying various effects
  7. Case change
  8. Creating Superscripts and Subscripts
  9. Changing the spacing between letters, etc.

To perform such manipulations, the developers have provided several ways:

  • Application hot keys
  • Pop-up menu, which appears after you have selected text
  • Group of commands "Font" on tape
  • Font Dialog Box, which can be called by the key combination Ctrl+D. It largely duplicates the commands on the tape.

And now about everything in more detail. I give all examples for Microsoft Word 2013, in other modern versions, the functionality and interface may differ slightly.

You don't need any special skills to change the font. If you want to type text in a specific font, open the drop-down menu on the ribbon in the Font group. There, select the appropriate font and start typing.

Please note that in the list, the font names look like your text will look like. Convenient, isn't it?

If you need to change the font of already typed text, select the desired area and select the appropriate font from the drop-down menu on the ribbon or from the pop-up menu. Please note that when hovering over the font name, it will be temporarily applied to the selected text. So, you can choose the most suitable font without a long search.

If your system does not have a suitable font, download and install it. Please note that not all fonts support Cyrillic characters.

By the way, Calibri, Times New Roman, Arial, Verdana and a few others are considered the most “readable” fonts.

To change the size of symbols, select them with the mouse and select right size on the ribbon in the Font group. In the drop-down menu, the font size is specified in points. A point is 1/72 of an inch, that is, approximately 0.35 mm. Then the 11 pt font will be 3.88 mm high. Most often, no one uses these calculations, but sometimes you need to choose the physical font size, and then we apply the above ratios.

The same can be done in the dropdown menu.

When hovering over a size in the list, it is temporarily applied to the entered font. So you can visually evaluate the changes before they take effect.

You can choose one of the proposed sizes, or write down a more accurate value from the keyboard.

Also, you can step by step increase or decrease the size of the characters. To do this, click the "Increase font size" and "Decrease font size" buttons on the ribbon.

Or use the keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+Shift+1 to increase by 1 step, Ctrl+Shift+9 to decrease.

The color of the text is often changed to place emphasis and highlight important segments, terms. Select the desired area and click the arrow next to the "Text Color" button.

You can choose a color from the proposed palette. If you are using theme colors, when you change the theme, the text color will also change. It's comfortable. When hovering over a color in the palette, the text will be colored for preview.

If the suggested colors are not enough, click "More colors ..." just below the palette. In the window that opens, on the "Normal" tab, you can choose from a wider list of colors.

Or on the "Spectrum" tab, set an arbitrary color by clicking on it with the mouse. You can also manually set the RGB ratio (red, green and blue).

An interesting effect can be obtained by using a gradient text color, but I have never used it in my practice. To set a gradient, select a color and click Gradient below the palette. Choose one of the gradient options.

It happens that you need to set the background for the text, as if it were highlighted with a marker. This is often the way to mark controversial points in the draft of a future document.

Highlight the desired text and click on the "Text Highlight Color" ribbon. In the window that opens, select one of the color options.

To remove the selection - in the same window, select "No color".

Under the style should be understood the thickness (boldness), the slope of the letters (italics), underlining, strikethrough characters. These parameters can be set separately or together with each other. For example, bold italic or underlined index.

How to make text bold

To make the text bold- select it and click on the "Bold" button on the ribbon. Or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+B.

How to make italic

To make the characters italic - select them, click "Italic", or the combination Ctrl + I.

Underline text in Word

To emphasize text - select, press "Underlined" or Ctrl + U.

You can change the shape and color of the underline. To do this, click on the arrow next to the "Underlined" button, select the line type. Go to Underline Color to choose a new color.

Strikethrough text in Word

Strikethrough text is rarely used. It is avoided because such a style does not comply with the rules business letter and it just looks unattractive. If you have an idea to apply strikethrough - I recommend to think three times before using it.

If you firmly decided to cross something out, select the desired text and click "Strikethrough".

To add color to your work, use the built-in effects. Select some text that isn't pretty, and click Text Effects & Appearance.

There will be some "preset" sets of effects in the drop down menu, or you can customize individual symbol components:

  • Strutkura- customize the outline and fill of letters
  • Shadow- we achieve volume through the use of shadows
  • Reflection - the effect of letters reflecting off the surface
  • Backlight - letters seem to be backlit with the selected color
  • Number styles- choose different ways to draw numbers (rarely used)
  • Ligatures- special characters formed by combining two or more characters. Often they carry a certain semantic load or simply save space on the sheet, improve the readability of the text. Transcription marks are a great example of the use of ligatures. Work for the OpenType font group.

Combine these options, experiment with "deep" settings to get the best effect, in your opinion.

Everyone knows: to print a character in capitals, you must first hold down Shift. To capitalize several letters in a row, press Caps Lock before typing. In addition, Word automatically capitalizes the first printed character after the dot. But what if you need to quickly correct the case in the already typed text? Don't even think about doing it manually. Select a section of text to correct, click on the "Register" ribbon and select one of the options:

  • As in the proposals- capitalize only the first letter of the sentence. The rest are lowercase;
  • All lower case
  • All uppercase
  • Start with capitals - Every word has its first letter capitalized.
  • Change register - make uppercase lowercase and lowercase uppercase

I have always had enough of such a set of commands. And I think that's enough for you.

If you need to make a subscript character (index) - select it and click on the "Subscript" ribbon. Or the key combination Ctrl+=

Similarly, to create a superscript (degree) - you will have to press "Superscript", or the combination Ctrl + Shift + =

Please note that such characters are quite small, sometimes it is difficult to read them.

To make text more stretched or compressed, select it and press Ctrl+D. In the "Fonts" menu that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab. Here we will find a group of commands "Intercharacter spacing", where you can make the following settings:

  • Scale– increase or decrease the display scale relative to fixed size font
  • Interval– set the distance in points between characters
  • Bias– shift of the selected text down or up relative to the baseline (in points)
  • Kerning…- Intelligent text compression to save space. Don't use it for fonts that are too small, where letters can blend into each other.

It happens that you want to copy the formatting done earlier and apply it to another piece of text. There is a Format Painter tool for this.

Place the cursor in the text whose format you want to copy. Click "Format Painter" on the ribbon, the formatting will be copied. The brush image will appear to the left of the cursor. Highlight the area to which you want to apply the format with the cursor. When you release the left mouse button, the formatting will be applied to it.

It happens that you need to “reload” the formatting, i.e. clear the format and apply the new one. To remove formatting - select the desired text and click on the ribbon "Remove formatting. This method will completely clear the text settings.

To clear only manual formatting, select the text and press Ctrl+Space. In this case, the formatting styles will be preserved.

Friends, thank you for reading this long post to the end. Be sure to test all the techniques outlined here, so they will remain in your memory. And the formatting in Word does not end there. In the next article I will talk about formatting paragraphs. The information there will be no less important, read on and let everyone applaud your work!

It happens that in the printed text there is a certain part or one concept that you need to pay attention to. That is, you need to make sure that some part is striking, and the reader can focus on it. For these purposes, different types of text are used.

Below is an example of how letters and words can be written.


In order to change the style, Microsoft Word has special buttons.

Bold (popularly referred to as "bold")

Italic (Italic)


How to change the style

First you need to highlight the word you want to change. To do this, move the cursor to the very beginning of it. Then press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag to the end of the word. When it is painted over in a different color (usually black or blue), it means that the word is highlighted.

Then click on the button with the style you want.

You can assign multiple styles at once.


To return the changed part of the text (word) to its original form, you need to select it and click on the button with the assigned style. Most likely, the button you need will be of a different color - yellow or orange.

By the way, it is customary to highlight headings in the text in bold.

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