Prayer to the old woman Macaria for intercession in need and illness. Given by God. Biography of the Blessed Elder Schema-Nun Makaria. Gennady Durasov

All about religion and faith - "prayer of blessed macaria" with detailed description and photographs.

Orthodox elders of the XX century

Staritsa Makaria (Theodosia Artemyeva)

On June 11, 1926, in the village of Karpovo, Vyazemsky district, Smolensk province, twins were born to Mikhail and Feodosia Artemyev: a boy and a girl. It was decided to baptize the children the very next day, since the son was born very weak.

The rector of the Church of the Great Martyr George, Hieromonk Vasily, who had the gift of clairvoyance, hurried the sexton:

Let's christen the boy first. Come on, the boy might die.

As soon as the baby Ivan was christened, he died.

Hieromonk Vasily called the girl Feodosia (Feodosia - “God-given”).

Taking Feodosia out of the font and giving it to the godmother, he said: “The girl is good, she will live, but she won’t walk.” From the age of one and a half, the girl's legs hurt, and from the age of three, she only crawled. Theodosia was a late child in the family, the eldest sons and one of the six daughters already had their own families and raised children.

The sick girl became a burden for big family(twenty people huddled in one house).

Feodosia was often forgotten to be fed, a hungry girl crawled under the table and was glad to find a crust of bread found there, dropped by someone. The girl was sleeping right on the floor under the bed.

Theodosius found consolation only in prayer. One day, the childless daughter-in-law Sophia, who loved the unfortunate girl most of all, brought the three-year-old Theodosius to church. After the end of the liturgy, Sophia could not find Theodosius for a long time, she had to turn to the priest for help. He found the sleeping girl in the altar under the holy throne.

At the age of eight, Theodosius fell into a lethargic sleep (she woke up only 14 days later).

Waking up, Theodosius said that at the time when her lifeless body lay in the "dead" in the hospital, the soul, accompanied by the Guardian Angel, traveled to heavenly abodes. Theodosia told how she cried and asked the Queen of Heaven to heal her sick legs or leave her in paradise, how the Lady of Heaven answered her that she would be useful on earth.

A little later, in a miraculous vision, Theodosius received the blessing of the Queen of Heaven for the healing of people. The Queen of Heaven herself began to appear to the sick from the surrounding villages and villages and direct them to Feodosia.

When did the Great Patriotic War, the father and brothers were taken to the front, the daughters-in-law with the children parted, the mother went to her brother in Kaluga, and the sick girl was left to die in an empty house, soon she was kicked out of the house.

The old woman recalled: “I was little then, I would crawl under the shed or dig into the hay. She suffered, crawled alone in the cold, there was no one around. Sat in the water and in the cold. I’ll dig a hole in the snow, lie down in a lump, put my hand under my face, and I slept like that. Everything was sore on me, my body was hardened. dirty water drank, ate a snowball: a clean snowball claw in the hand and in the mouth. And whoever gives bread, he will freeze, you will not bite. And in the summer she ate grass, flowers.

In 1943, in the village of Larinki, an elderly pious woman took Feodosia into her house. One day, the 72-year-old nun Natalia visited this woman; when she saw Feodosia, she decided to take the sick woman to her.

Natalia was a resident of Vyazemsky Arkadyevsky convent. Then it was closed and the nuns were put in jail. In the cell, it was revealed to nun Natalya that all the nuns except her would be tortured, and the Lord would save her life, since soon she would have to “care for the sick in her house.” Seeing Theodosia, the nun realized that she needed to take care of the sick Theodosia.

IN small house in the village of Tyomkino, sick people began to come, through the prayers of the righteous, the suffering received healing. Feodosia helped as much as she could with the housework: she washed the floor on her knees, looked after the cattle, fed the chickens.

When the girl was 20 years old, Hieromonk Vasily, who baptized her, served a conciliar liturgy with two priests, confessed and communed her, tonsured the girl as a novice with the name Tikhon, in honor of the Monk Tikhon of Medyn, Kaluga, the heavenly patron of their land.

Nun Natalia died at the age of 97.

The novice Tikhona, on the advice of the chairman of the village council, had to buy an unfinished house at the end of the village, two women from the neighboring village agreed to live with her alternately and run the household.

On February 1, 1978, hegumen Donat tonsured the nun Tikhon into the schema, giving her a new name - Macarius, in honor of Macarius the Great (Egyptian).

From the memoirs of G.P. Durasov, the spiritual son of Elder Makaria:

- Some went to her by car, others traveled by trains and buses. Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, Tatars, Jews and Gypsies, Orthodox and those who did not profess any religion came. They all traveled with the sole purpose of being healed of a physical or spiritual illness. Tyomkino village. At the end of the village you can see a small house, like a toy, immersed in flowers. At a knock, the door opens, and the visitor is escorted into the house.

In the front corner there is a table with icons and lamps glowing in front of them. In the corner closest to the door, also hung with icons, there is an old bed.

Sitting on the bed, slightly leaning back on the pillow, is a small, stooped old woman, in a worn black cassock and apostle, covering not only her head, but also her shoulders. Thin, quiet Matushka silently prays, turning over her rosary, and the arrival of another visitor does not immediately break her childishly pure prayer. The rounded pale face with large sky-blue eyes and scarlet lips is very expressive and noble. And in her face, and in the whole figure - an expression of inner peace.

Mother will ask: “Who came, on what business?”

The young man says that for three years doctors have not been able to cure an ulcer on his leg.

“Don’t look that your leg has been hurting for three years. Mother will pray and you will get better. When the water runs out, come right away.

The guy leaves, and Mother says: “He’s young, let him run around on legs. The Lord will help."

A woman, barely stepping her feet, is brought into the room and seated on a chair.

For a moment, Mother seems to withdraw into herself.

Why don't you pray to God? We must pray to God, we must take communion. Drink some water in the morning at seven, in the evening at nine, rub yourself with oil on Saturday and Monday.

Holy water is poured into a three-liter jar, and consecrated oil is poured into a vial.

People walked one after another, and for a moment she forgot herself, powerlessly dropped her head on the pillow.

The schema nun spent the whole night in prayer, and in the morning visitors came one after another.

Each of these methods of suffering people demanded from Mother a huge strain of mental and physical strength. I noticed more than once, going up to her after the reception, and touching her forehead with my cheek, how her head burned with heat. And desperate people, who often did not find help from professional doctors, who were weighed down by ailments for many years, went on and on to Schema-Nun Macarius. And she helped them, setting an indispensable condition for healing - faith in God. The patient had to add his humble prayer to Matushka's fervent prayer for his healing. The patient was only required to read the prayers "Our Father" and "Theotokos".

The last visitor leaves, and Mother can eat and rest a little.

At twenty-three hours and thirty minutes, prayers common to all who were in the house for the coming sleep have already been read and, together with Matushka, “The Zealous Intercessor” and

“Seeing the Resurrection of Christ. ". Numerous lamps were extinguished, and only a light flickered near the icon that hung in the heads by the bed. Two enameled water tanks and a large ceramic teapot filled with oil were placed in front of Matushka for consecration.

The schema nun did not tell anyone about the prayers during the consecration.

After her only well-known prayers, “Let God rise again” was read four times.

Only the inexpressible grace of God, which the schema-nun Macarius acquired through her prayer and many years of deeds, gave her strength for all this.

I noticed that after the consecration of water and oil, Mother Macarius seemed to weaken for some time, but then she prayed and regained her strength.

About herself and about her work she humbly spoke:

- Yes, what my work, I’m sitting on the bed, blind, my hands are sick, my legs can’t walk, I’m useless.

The spirit of wisdom allowed Mother, who was honored by the Lord with the gift of clairvoyance, to receive Divine revelations and give comprehensive answers to people's questions. She advised me:

- Whatever happens, you know pray to the Lord: “Lord, be with me! Do not leave me!" And pray to the Mother of God.

And she edified others:

- We must pray to God, fast. You can know one prayer and please God.

Getting out of bed, ask: "Bless, Lord, live the day according to Your holy commandments of the Lord." Going to bed, ask: "Lord, I ask for my sin, repentance, blessing for sleep" or "Receive me, Lord, and bless the coming dream."

If you want to receive grace, you must prepare yourself so that you have the spark of God. Any person can receive grace, just pray to God, ask Christ: "Lord, forgive me and have mercy on me." He, when necessary, will send grace. Read the Gospel, the Psalter, the Prayer Book.

You go to the temple, put candles to the Savior, the Mother of God, the Archangel Michael and all the saints. If you put it on any of the days of Bright Week, they will burn for a whole year.

The advice and instructions of Matushka had a beneficial effect on the souls of people who turned to her:

- You can’t eat after ten in the evening, because the “Insurance hours” begin, there is a lot of singing in the sky. In order to beg something from the Lord, one must pray for 40 days and nights.

The amazing gift of clairvoyance of schema-nun Makaria manifested itself in her childhood. However, she tried to hide this blessed gift from people, covering it up with foolishness. And only out of great love for a suffering person and for the sake of necessity did she allow herself to show in public her perspicacity inherent in her.

“Mother, I was going to go to the South to relax with my family,” Boris says and asks the old woman for blessings.

“How I love you,” she answers him, and suddenly begins to cry. “I don't want you to go south. If you don't listen to me, you won't see Mother again. And say goodbye to all your family.

Later it became known that in the area where Boris was going to go on vacation, there was a severe flood and mudflows from the mountains.

“I owe my life to Mother Makaria,” Boris later admitted to his acquaintances.

I asked schema nun Macarius when and for what she prays

I read prayers every day Mother of God Iverskaya.

- Why Iverskoy? - I ask her

“She defends Moscow,” Matushka replies.

She herself prayed fervently for all people, for Moscow, for Russia. She said about Moscow: “Moscow is a holy city, the Orthodox cannot leave here. Russia will never die! The Lord will enlighten her, and she will again be Russia as Russia.

Anna Timofeevna Gagarina, the mother of the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, repeatedly came to Schema-nun Makaria. Once Anna Timofeevna asked the old woman if she could come with her son.

From the memoirs of Elder Makaria:

- Gagarin came, and more than once, he came to me as to a sick person.

Three cars arrived in 1968: two with doctors and a third with Gagarin.

He usually came and said: “I will sit, let the doctors talk to you. »

He is a simple, good, very good person. Childlike. I then told him: “Don’t fly anymore, you can’t fly!” He did not listen to me, and then death befell him in speed.

Having learned about the death of the cosmonaut, the old woman asked the priest who came to her to sing the funeral of the deceased Yuri Gagarin in absentia at her home.

The old woman courageously endured numerous illnesses. In Divine visions, the Queen of Heaven comforted and instructed the righteous woman more than once.

Priest Nicholas testified that one night in the house of Elder Macarius, he suddenly woke up at three o'clock and saw an amazing light in that part of the room where the schema nun was praying:

- At first the light was dim, but then everything in the house flooded bright - bright golden-fiery light blinding the eyes, it is impossible to even look at the bright-bright light.

On June 18, 1993, at half past twelve at night, Schema-nun Makaria peacefully reposed in the Lord. Last words schema nun Macarius: “Fast, pray, this is salvation. »

Staritsa Makaria was buried in the rural cemetery of the village of Tyomkino, Smolensk Region. The tomb of the schema nun is visited not only by her spiritual children, but by everyone who heard about the miracles of healing through the prayers of the old woman, those who were lucky enough to read the book “Given by God”. The author of the book G.P. Durasov receives numerous letters from readers about the prayerful help of schema-nun Macaria, here are some of the testimonies:

Testimony of A.T. Zainiev (Kholm-Zhirkovsky district, Smolensk region):

– I consider it my Christian duty to testify to the fact of my healing during a trip to the grave of schema-nun Makaria, which took place on the day of her memory on June 18, 1999. After serving a memorial service at the grave of Matushka Makaria, drinking holy water from her grave, while turning to the Lord with a prayer: “Lord, Jesus Christ, through the prayers of schema-nun Macaria, heal my body, have mercy on me a sinner.” Upon returning from Temkino, I felt something unusual in my body. I realized that my arm does not hurt, which I could not raise for a week to the chest. My hand was in pain due to fractures of the cervical vertebrae of 4-5 departments, a fracture of the collarbone, and a hand. I also felt a sharp decrease in pain in the spur on the foot and softening of dry calluses on the legs. I testify before God and the Church the truth of my healing, in my deep conviction, and faith in the power of Matushka Makaria's prayer before God, and the communion of holy water from her grave.

From the testimony of G.V. Blinovoy (Moscow):

- I went in 2000 on November 8 to Tyomkino. She consecrated sunflower oil on the bed, in the box with the rosary and on the grave of Matushka Macarius. My baby son Sergei (he was 3 years and 7 months old) had a tumor on the foreskin with a bean, he complained of pain. Seryozha suddenly suggested that I anoint the sore spot with Makaryushka oil. Then we prayed with him three bows and asked for healing, and I took oil and a candle from the grave of Macarius, anointed him with a cross three times with a prayer. Some days have passed. Seryozha asked me to anoint me again, we did the same. After that, a few more days passed, I forgot, but Seryozha reminded me again. “Mom, why don’t you smear me with oil?” After praying, I began to anoint (or rather, I wanted to), but I did not find any more tumor. I could not believe it and checked everything for a week, but in that place there was emptiness and a thin skin. My son now always prays to the Lord in the morning and at night for Makaryushka, our Mother, and on June 18, on the day of her death in 2001, I went to thank Mother.

Testimony of Priest Vladimir (Smolensk):

– My mother-in-law Maria Fyodorovna Grubitsyna, who during the life of Mother Makaria was healed by her of liver cancer, visited Matushka's grave in the summer of 2000. Prior to that, she had frequent attacks of bronchial asthma, and she was in a serious condition in the hospital. Now, by the grace of God, through the prayers of Mother Macarius, as she believes, not a single attack occurs.

Lord, give rest to the soul, schema nun Macarius, give rest to the saints, and save us with her prayers!

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Prayer of blessed macaria

Akathist, troparion, kontakion and prayer

Akathist in chant:

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Creations of Archpriest Michael (Trukhanov)

Beloved by the Mother of God, the great martyr mother

Makariye! / You helped with your prayers in life

suffering, / and now pray to Christ God that souls be saved

For yours, mother Macarius, humility and patience / Lord

gave you His holy grace, / so that you with your

daily prayers / asked him for healing

sick and comfort to the mourners / and called those who came

to you to repentance and to life according to the Christian faith. / Hear

now, righteous mother, us sinners / and pray to Christ God for

the salvation of our souls./

Akathist to Schimonakhina Macarius

The creation of the nun Elizabeth

Chosen from the Russian family to bear suffering and disease

all who flow to you, crowned with a crown of glory from the Lord -

and as if having boldness before God, ask Him for

healing the sick and comforting the mourners. Praising the

move and suffer yours, with love sing to you:

Given by God for suffering to atone for our sins,

wise and blessed for a feat by the Mother of God, an image

You showed humility and patience, jealousy for Bose and the power of prayers

having acquired, you healed the suffering from all the diseases of the afflicted.

We, singing your sufferings, call you:

Rejoice, thou who didst love Christ from infancy;

Rejoice, "given by God" named;

Rejoice, called to the feat of suffering suffering;

Rejoice, having carried your cross with faith and diligence;

Rejoice, from infancy strengthened by the miracles of Christ

Rejoice, our prayer book and sufferer before God;

Rejoice, blessed Elder Mother Macarius, praying

Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Seeing the Lord the humility of your good heart, in a feat

humility and patience of suffering from infancy, gift

your heavenly patron. With your prayers, our hearts

inflame the king with faith and love for God, creating an angel for Him

chant: Hallelujah.

Enlightened by reason from above, blessed mother Macarius, with

infancy, you were honored with the appearance of the Monk Tikhon

Kaluga, chosen by the Lord to be the Heavenly protector

a vigilante who strengthens you with his holy prayers. We

but with love we cry out to you:

Rejoice, endowed with the grace of God from childhood;

Rejoice, listen to the inspired words of the Holy Gospel

Rejoice, appearances of the holy reverend Tikhon of Kaluga

Rejoice, thou who taught him the prayerful feat;

Rejoice, offended by all children;

Rejoice, strengthened by the Queen of Heaven;

Rejoice, blessed Elder Mother Macarius, praying

Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Strengthened by divine power, by His Holy Spirit

melted, as if of old the Queen of Heaven was honored with a stay

on the altar at the throne of God, so are you, blessed old woman,

even in early adolescence, deprived of the opportunity to walk,

la was admitted by the Lord to stay in the altar of the temple. We are,

wondering at such Divine will, we sing to Him:

Having from God the gift of clairvoyance and prayer, the gift of this

Thou didst satisfy the divine sufferings of others, enduring for this

resentment and reproach, but love and strengthening are from God.

We are faithful to God’s will to you astonishingly

schenya with love verb:

Rejoice, endowed with a prophetic gift from God;

Rejoice, in the altar of the temple at the throne to be honored;

Rejoice, nourished by His Holy Spirit;

Rejoice, taught by His Word;

Rejoice, named bride of Christ;

Rejoice, created to serve people;

Rejoice, blessed Elder Mother Macarius, praying

Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

A storm of joy and bewilderment was around me, as much as I can sing

the life of the blessed righteous woman, the Mother of God from childhood

Called Mother, Protected by the Heavenly Guard, Du-

but with the Holy Throne of God, vouchsafed, holy Si-

meon the God-Receiver from ulcers healed. Marvelous is

to God's will for you, we sing to Him: Hallelujah.

Heard about yours, mother Macarius, special heavenly gifts

opinions and about your chosen one, Hieromonk John, overshadowing

by the will of God, bring you to the altar, surprisingly

those who are in the temple. We are your patience and humility

worship. For this sake, accept from us, unworthy,

Rejoice, met in the church by the priest of God;

Rejoice, bringing them to the altar;

Hail Matter God's prayers trainable;

Rejoice, named Mother of God from childhood;

Rejoice, guarded by heavenly guards;

Rejoice, saint of God Simeon the God-receiver

Rejoice, blessed Elder Mother Macarius, praying

Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

The grace of God beseech you, blessed mother Macarius,

when for eight years of existence you fell asleep for fourteen days and in

with this divine dream you were honored with the vision of the Angel of the Guardian

thread and heavenly abodes.

We, rejoicing at such God's will for you,

We sing thanksgiving to God: Hallelujah.

Seeing an abundance of miracles from the Lord and the Queen of Heaven on you

flowing, you served Him with fasting and prayer, and to

Thou hast shown great love and mercy to the suffering. We are,

reverently deeds and sufferings of yours, in youth by will

Raised for Christ's sake, we cry out to you with tenderness:

Rejoice, you who were honored by God with the sight of heavenly abodes;

Rejoice, Guardian Angel for those bright cloisters

Rejoice, thou who didst see the chamber of Christ Himself;

Rejoice, thou who didst receive the visions of the Archangels of God;

Rejoice, named martyr by the Mother of God;

Rejoice, from the God of enjoyment of the invisible world gifted

Rejoice, blessed Elder Mother Macarius, praying

Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

A storm of obsession with the thoughts of the wicked, neighbors

leave you, O blessed mother Macarius, die alone

well. The inhabitants of that place, trusting in the will of God, brought

you are your little child. You, overshadowed by the grace of God,

Thou hast saved all, whom the Lord will give thee for preservation. Tayazhde

the power of God fall thee to piety and teach thee to glorify Edin-

our God and sing to Him: Hallelujah.

Having inexhaustible mercy for every person, especially

to the sick and the orphans, blessed mother Macarius, the youth

whole being, thou good mother appeared as a child of God,

lent to your care, help us, blessed, to pass

this earthly field in good deeds, but magnifying we sing to you:

Rejoice, blessed mother Macarius, martyr of Christ;

Rejoice, conversion of people to the Orthodox faith

Rejoice, forsaken by cruel relatives;

Rejoice, not abandoned by the Queen of Heaven;

Rejoice, thou who hast preserved all the children of God entrusted to thee;

Rejoice, spiritually grown by your sufferings;

Rejoice, blessed Elder Mother Macarius, praying

Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Thou blessed mother Maka appeared as a divinely bright star

rie, when in the Botanical clothes of the novice of Christ with

Thou hast put on the name of Tikhon; spiritually strengthened,

Thou drank with all thy heart to the one God. The same we

faithful, we sing to Him: Hallelujah.

A new miracle of showing the Lord, always clothe you, blessed mother

Macarius, in the clothes of the Bride of Christ and bestow grace on you

and heal the power of illness, drive out the spirits of malice, infirmity

those who strengthen, striving for fasting and ascetic

I will strive for His sake. The same for us sinners, prays to you -

heal the howl, let us thankfully sing to you:

Rejoice, clothed in rich garments;

Rejoice, having cleaved to God with all your heart;

Rejoice, free from earthly passions by the grace of God

Rejoice, Taught by the words of God the Queen of Heaven;

Rejoice, protected by the Mother of God;

Rejoice, blessed Elder Mother Macarius, praying

Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Wanting to renounce this world, humility of mind and compo-

prompted by joy, thou hast shone forth, like a new luminary in

the lands of Russia, when she accepted, O blessed mother Macarius,

the great angelic rank - the schema, bringing consolation to the grieving

healing to those who are sick, to those who are weak from the spirits of malice because of

addition. We, striving for you, as a source of miracles, with

Let us cry out to God with gratitude: Hallelujah.

Ascension in you abundantly the grace of God, O blessed mother

Macarius, when you accepted the rank of Angel, you were chosen to be more

Queen of Heaven for the feat of suffering. We, marveling at the media

to your mind, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, thou who didst choose the path of the great rank of angels;

Rejoice, having shown the height of your spirit by the vow of suffering;

Rejoice, strict prayer rules and seclusion

Rejoice, thou who didst love the sufferings of Christ;

Rejoice, thou who didst contain the grief and pain of Russia;

Rejoice, enlightening the unhumble with humility;

Rejoice, blessed Elder Mother Macarius, praying

Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Like a candle in the midst of the darkness of the godless was kindled

Lord, blessed old woman Macarius, placed in the service

zhenie to God and people, love to the Lord and mercy to the brothers

warming to our sisters and sisters in suffering and disease.

Yes, and we listen to your orders, we will sing to God: Hallelujah.

Vitya the many-talked, oh blessed mother Macarius, do not

can properly praise your suffering, for grieving

suffering and suffering, your righteousness and holiness

your feat. But we, marveling at such, in our weakness

This little praise we bring to you:

Rejoice, thou who pleased God with thy life;

Rejoice, thou who didst love the common people;

Rejoice, thou who laid down thy soul for the people;

Rejoice, thou who didst keep the commandment of God about love;

Rejoice, thou who didst receive the crown of glory from God;

Rejoice, in the life of your neighbor I selflessly love

Rejoice, blessed Elder Mother Macarius, praying

Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Preacher God-bearing, blessed mother Macarius, not-

ceaselessly struggling with the forces of darkness, exhorted and comforted thou

suffering, sick and mourning. We are strengthening

let us sing to God: Hallelujah.

Ascension in you, blessed Elder Macarius, abundantly God

the gift of clairvoyance, when the Lord has chosen you for a feat

serving Him, as to His prophet, revealing to you the past and

the future for edification, exhortation and consolation of the afflicted.

We rejoicingly call you to such God's providence for you:

Rejoice, thou who acquired the gift of divine foresight;

Rejoice, having collected human sorrows;

Rejoice, unquenchable candle burning in prayers to God;

Rejoice, seeing human suffering;

Rejoice, having shown boldness before God for the suffering;

Rejoice, thou who didst contain sickness and sorrow;

Rejoice, blessed Elder Mother Macarius, praying

Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

All the angelic host rejoiced, seeing you, blessed

naya old woman Macarius, spending sleepless nights in constant

camp fervent prayers to God, the image of conquering mi-

the bearer of darkness and the delights of this world, let us also sing to God

You shone brighter than the Sun with your virtues in the lands

Russian was the true mother's beloved child,

merciful and venerable servant of God, blessed mother

Macarius. The hearts of those who mourn and come to those in need

through contact with grace brought you to God.

Accept us, kind mother, who resort to you with love and

Rejoice, mother and nurse who mourns and is in trouble;

Rejoice, defender of the offended;

Rejoice, helping us with soulful advice;

Rejoice, righteous one, sent down from God to us;

Rejoice, healer, healer of our ailments;

Rejoice, wholesome source of God's grace;

Rejoice, blessed Elder Mother Macarius, praying

Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

You exude the grace of God, blessed old woman Macarius,

on all who honor your memory and resort to intercession and

your help. Do not deprive us, still wandering on the earth,

your help and intercession, exude grace from God

healing, let us sing to Him: Hallelujah.

Singing many of your miracles, blessed mother Macarius,

we bless your righteous death, we honor the spiritual

your memory, like a valuable prayer book for people

Russian. We praise thee, blessed mother, and wholeheartedly

we pray: help us, O mother Macarius, with your saints

prayers, may the Lord strengthen our will, so that we can live according to

His commandment and remain faithful children of the Church

Orthodox. We affirm you in Him, we call you:

Rejoice, teaching us righteousness;

Rejoice, our healer of sorrows and infirmities;

Rejoice, spiritually strengthening;

Rejoice, affirming the Orthodox faith;

Rejoice, God's chosen one of the Russian Fatherland;

Rejoice, blessed Elder Mother Macarius, praying

Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Oh, blessed mother Macarius, our joy, now hear

sung to you. laudatory singing and prayer, and

intercession before the Lord, now lift up your

a bold prayer for us, many sinners, ask

Savior our Lord God Jesus Christ right spirit

faith and piety, so that he confirms us in virtue and

mercy, in patience and humility, may we be honored in the monastery

His paradise enter and glorify the Holy Trinity with the saints

This kontakion is read three times, then Ikos 1 and Kontakion 1.


Oh, Righteous Mother Macarius!

You yourself from childhood suffered need, and hunger, and cold,

and homeless wanderings, forever sickness

chained you to bed.

You yourself all your life patiently, meekly and humbly

carried the cross of her love for God and neighbor, and therefore was

for many a torch that radiates an example of patience,

humility and love.

You yourself in your mournful helplessness found

relief, consolation and joy only in the Divine

grace given for humble unceasing prayer

to Christ God and His Most Pure Mother, Ever-Virgin

And we know how many mourners you consoled,

the faint-hearted she instructed and directed to Christ and

Orthodox Church. We also know that your prayer is about

those who are sick and needy always came by faith

both healing and beneficial.

We believe that even now for our humility, for our

righteousness, O mother Macarius, is awarded from the Lord

blessed stay with the saints in the monasteries

heavenly. We believe that even now you do not leave

inconsolable to all who ask for your help and your

Oh, righteous mother Macarius!

Offer up now to the Lord your bold prayer for

us, many sinners, may He have mercy on us, according to the great

mercy, and forgive our sins. May it strengthen

The Lord will our will, to live according to His commandments and

to be faithful children in the Orthodox Church.

Help us, O mother Macarius, with your saints

prayers to march steadily on

path of salvation indicated by Christ, and everything in life

do for the glory of God. Amen.

© 2011–2012 Website of the National Museum of Schema-Nun Makaria

“The Lord gave me suffering above grace,” she told me. “Such torments are not given to anyone. But I suffer and I myself don’t know for whom.”

"Given by God" (p. 145)

Our spiritually difficult time has been given by the grace of God a great consolation - spiritual literature is published in abundance and freely distributed. Almost all the well-known works of the Holy Fathers of the Church, the lives of martyrs and ascetics, works of the dogmatic, ascetic, catechetical direction have already been published and republished. Practically everything that can be published has been published.

But even among this undoubted blessing, among this sea of ​​spiritual treasures of the Church, one can come across books that are sharply alien to the entire spiritual experience of the Church. These books are all the more dangerous because they pretend to be almost textbooks of spiritual life. We can say that such books are pitfalls in the sea of ​​spiritual literature. They can turn, - to paraphrase St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, - church bookshops from the piers of salvation into the abysses of destruction.

One of the brightest examples of such literature is the book about schema-nun Makariy Temkinskaya G.P. Durasova called "given by God".

In this article we are talking not about the personality of M. Makaria, but about the book. We do not undertake to judge the schema nun herself, since we did not know her personally. We fully admit that Macarius was a man of ascetic, perhaps even a holy life. God knows. The thing is this case not in it, but in the book. The reader who takes the "God-given" in his hands runs the risk of receiving false, distorted information about Orthodoxy, and, possibly, being on the path of delusion and death.

An analysis of Mr. Durasov's entire book would take up too much space. In general, this book is a textbook on charms. We took only the most frank lines from the first edition of the book: Satis. St. Petersburg. 1994

So, what in the book “Given by God” directly contradicts the teaching of the Holy Fathers?

1. Attitude towards dreams. The Holy Fathers categorically forbid to believe them. The one who believes in dreams was considered by the ancient ascetics to be in delusion. What does Mr. Durasov write about young Macarius? " Until the age of eleven and a half, the celestials appeared to her in a dream and taught her how to sanctify water and oil and what prayers should be said. “I was a memoryful and brisk, I adopted everything,” she said about herself. Only then did the Heavenly Queen allow Theodosius (Macaria's name before her tonsure) to receive the people and heal their spiritual and physical ailments. Then She began to appear to the sick and told them to go to Theodosius, from whom they would receive healing.". (p. 27)

2. The author devotes a special place in the biography of Macarius to Holy water and oil. But the attitude towards them is more than strange. It seems that the water is not consecrated, but speaks. Yes, and it is sometimes used not for the sanctification and salvation of human souls and bodies, but for very strange purposes: “ The woman sprinkled the sick rooster with holy water received from Theodosia, and he received his sight. This was the first healing through the prayers of a twelve-year-old girl.". (p. 28). As you know, grace in the Church is given to those who can inherit salvation, that is, to people.

Who did not observe fasting days, was not abstinent in food, she allowed to drink holy water less often, who fasted more often. But the hours of her reception were fixed for each, and their combination was appointed by Matushka according to her one law.". (p.51) Such a pharmacist's attitude to Holy water can only cause surprise.

“A three-liter jar lasted about a month, and it was not recommended to store it longer.” As you know, real holy water is stored for years, and this one - "whispered" - no more than a month. Isn't there a hidden indication in this of the false nature of such "sanctification"?

The schema nun did not tell anyone about the prayers during the consecration, she touched on this issue only in passing. “In order to know how to consecrate, one must read the book “Heavenly Ordinance” in heaven, on the Throne,” she told me. - I'm not supposed to tell anyone. And yes, you need to be blessed. I was blessed by the Savior, the Mother of God, John the Baptist and Archangel Michael". (C90).

After her only known secret prayers, “May God rise again” was read four times, as well as incantational prayers from corruption, prayers from a great disaster. “Whoever suffers a lot,” explained Mother, “one of the prohibition prayers of the Kyprianovs must be read nine". However, in the Church there are orders for the blessing of water. They can only be performed by a priest. Such "charismatic" practice has nothing to do with Orthodoxy. Maybe this explains why: The larger the vessel, the longer it took to consecrate the contents.”?

“While my candle is burning, I will give you water and oil,” Mother Macarius said, “and when my candle goes out, then you won’t take it anywhere.” (p.91). Obviously, the Church, as a God-established institution of sanctification and salvation of people, is not taken seriously by the author of the book.

In general, the author has some strange attitude towards the Church: “The water consecrated by the schema-nun Macaria was miraculous. Even diluted with water from a spring or consecrated by one of the priests who visited Matushka, it had a healing effect on a person.” (C93). How should one relate to the Church in order to write such words? It is understood that a hundred priest can only desecrate the water consecrated by the "mother"!

There was also a regularity in the treatment with holy oil, used in conjunction with water. Mother assigned days to each, on which it was necessary to rub certain parts of the body without fail "to a great heat." For those who were weaker in health, on Saturday, two hours after the bath, better before going to bed, it was necessary to rub the crown, back and legs (from the groin to the fingertips). On Monday - chest, stomach, sides and arms. The weakest, in the indicated order, had to rub the whole body, first the "back" and then the "front" ...

Sick backs, arms or legs should also be rubbed to a great heat. If the disease happened from witchcraft damage, then it is also necessary to read the prayer “May God rise again” thirty-three times ... If the nose hurt, it was necessary to smear it on top and inside it, and then read the prayer to the Holy Spirit, baptizing the face, eyes , nose, mouth, ears". (p.52) This practice of using oil resembles more quackery than the effect on a person of the grace of the Holy Spirit.

3. The author clearly considers the funeral rite an occult act that could damage the health and life of a person, if this rite is performed on a living person: “ Someone fraudulently betrays her three times to the ground. Since that time, Tikhon (the name of Macaria in the cassock) began to dry and hurt one leg and the novice all the time was drawn to lie on the ground"(p. 40). According to Durasov, it turns out that God Himself was deceived, having buried Tikhon during his lifetime and thereby damaging her.

4. The miraculous appearances and revelations of even the greatest saints were visited extremely rarely, and in our time have been reduced to the extreme. Moreover, saints who are close to us in time warn against trusting such phenomena, and even advise rejecting any phenomena. In the book of Mr. Durasov, Makiria's appearances occur almost constantly. And what Macarius says in these revelations would horrify any true ascetic: “ A little time passed after the acceptance of the schema, and the Queen of Heaven again appeared to the schema-nun Makaria and said that she was electing her for the Feat. From now on, she had to take upon herself the sufferings and illnesses of all the people who turned to her with a request for healing, to accommodate all the pain and sorrow of Russia in her heart and humbly carry this burden, incomparable in severity, on her fragile shoulders.

- Mother of God, why did you choose such a fragile ulyuklu? - Asked the schema girl, referring to her illness.

“I went around and didn’t find you better,” the Queen of Heaven answered her. - I'll have to put you in the Chosen Ones.

- What did you think, what a Chosen One I am, I've been on the bed all my life.

- You are perfect! the Lady said to her. (S. 42-43).

The saints say that no person can endure praise without harm to the soul. Here we clearly see that the ascetic is deliberately introduced into a state of pride by someone who appears to her as the Mother of God.

Anyone who is even casually familiar with Orthodox tradition and the true spiritual experience of the Church cannot but be shocked by such statements attributed by Mr. Durasov to M. Makariy: “ I don't know what pride is, - she said (mother - comp.). You can call me whatever you want, I won't be offended"(p. 61). The Holy Fathers teach that pride exists in the most perfect person, and the more perfect a person is, the more proud he sees himself. And vice versa;

“I am not offended by anyone, and if they are angry, then I say: “You are not fit to talk to me today” - and I am silent” (p. 62). Something like: "what to take from you?". However, this is not a sign of humility, but rather the opposite;

“Firstly, I don’t violate anything and try not to offend heavenly ones, and secondly, I put myself below everyone.” As you know, the greatest saints saw themselves as having not fulfilled a single commandment, and they considered themselves below everyone, but did not tell anyone about this;

“I will bring everyone to the Lord,” she said of those whom she personally knew. - The Lord, Verono, will say: “Well, Macarius, you brought to Me no one below: some robbed you, others offended you, others robbed you” (p. 62). The saints acknowledged the salvation of just one soul - their own - with great happiness. Many of them (such as Pachomius the Great) put their own salvation in serious doubt;

In all of Russia, not a single person suffers like me. With my illnesses, I blocked the whole of Russia” (p.86).

“- Mother, is there still a person in Russia who, like you, heals people with water and oil, whom the Queen of Heaven can hear so quickly?

“God did not give such a person,” she said with regret.” (p.86).

I cherish Moscow, as I pray for everyone; there are all the people, there are a lot of people” (C87).

Schematic nun Macarius prayed to the Lady more than once to release her due to bodily weakness from the feat given to her. In response, she heard: “Mother, I would have taken you long ago, but I won’t find anyone to take your place.” And another time: “I went through the whole Christian people, but I didn’t find a replacement for you” (p.100). Is it not this “modest” self-esteem that the Saints feared like fire?

5. In the book of Durasov there are statements, the confirmation of which we will not find in any Holy Scripture nor the Holy Fathers: “ You can’t eat after ten in the evening, because the “Insurance hours” begin; there's a big singing going on in the sky” (p.53).

6. Some of the prayers of Macarius are also surprising: “ Give rest, O Lord, to the souls of your departed servants (say their names) for warm pies, for the holy prosphora, for the worldly canon and create an eternal memory for them” (p.54). It's more like a folk conspiracy.

7. Sometimes the subject of prayers of the ascetic surprises: Once Mother told me how she prayed to the Queen of Heaven and asked: “Mother of God! Bring me your little one. I will never have my own, but I love little children ... The Mother of God appeared to me, - she said, - and brought her Baby. She put it on the bed, and he is curly, he is beautiful! I kissed my hands and cried". If this were written about some Catholic ascetic, like Teresa "baby Jesus", then everything would be clear. (p.74)

8. If the book shows a great disposition towards water and oil, then the attitude towards prosphora - a sign of participation in the Sacrament of the Eucharist - is different: “ IN last years The schema nun Macarius deprived herself of her life not only of the apples that were brought to her, but even of the prosphora. She ate black crackers, soaking them with water from a spring.” (p.88).

9. Sorcerers, corruption, the evil eye - another set of occult superstitions - a characteristic feature of pseudo-Orthodox false spirituality. According to Durasov's book, sorcerers can put almost to the Lord God Himself: “How often and for a long time does it happen to you, Mother, Mistress?” I ask. “I haven’t been for a long time,” schema-nun Makaria sighed bitterly at that time when there were big disturbances from “hozhalki” in her “hut”, “sorcerers ruined everything in the house, and where it’s not clean, She doesn’t happen” (S .97).

They spoil the one, - said the schema nun (about sorcerers) who interferes with them. So I interfere with the sorcerers, they spoil me. I'm on the cross, the Lord God has no such cross” (p.115).

« The illness overcame me. This spoilage is dashing, that's why I don't eat. Don't force me, otherwise I'll cry. It is very difficult to endure their (sorcerers) illness, I can only endure it"(p. 117).

10. The criterion of holiness for Macarius is also very subjective: “ Father Michael is a great old man, a great pillar from earth to heaven. He was the first to bow to my suffering, and no one else bowed"(p. 131).

Despite the seemingly unambiguous conclusion that suggests itself after reading such statements, we will not draw it. Mr. Durasov's book is not proof that Macaria's path was wrong, since it (the book) simply cannot be trusted seriously. The book speaks eloquently of the spiritual illiteracy of its author.

I would like to believe that due to the complete incompetence of the author of the book in spiritual matters, everything that Mr. Durasov wrote about Macarius is not her, but his understanding of Orthodoxy and spiritual life in the Church.

hegumen Ignatius (Dushein)

Priest Alexy (Makhetov)

On June 11, 1926, in the village of Karpovo, Vyazemsky district, Smolensk province, twins were born to Mikhail and Feodosia Artemyev: a boy and a girl. It was decided to baptize the children the very next day, since the son was born very weak.

The rector of the Church of the Great Martyr George, Hieromonk Vasily, who had the gift of clairvoyance, hurried the sexton:

“First, let’s christen the boy… Come on, the boy might die.”

As soon as the baby Ivan was christened, he died.

Hieromonk Vasily called the girl Feodosia (Feodosia - “God-given”).

Taking Feodosia out of the font and giving it to the godmother, he said: “The girl is good, she will live, but she won’t walk.” From the age of one and a half, the girl's legs hurt, and from the age of three, she only crawled. Theodosia was a late child in the family, the eldest sons and one of the six daughters already had their own families and raised children.

The sick girl became a burden for a large family (twenty people huddled in one house).

Feodosia was often forgotten to be fed, a hungry girl crawled under the table and was glad to find a crust of bread found there, dropped by someone. The girl was sleeping right on the floor under the bed.

Theodosius found consolation only in prayer. One day, the childless daughter-in-law Sophia, who loved the unfortunate girl most of all, brought the three-year-old Theodosius to church. After the end of the liturgy, Sophia could not find Theodosius for a long time, she had to turn to the priest for help. He found the sleeping girl in the altar under the holy throne.

At the age of eight, Theodosius fell into a lethargic sleep (she woke up only 14 days later).

Waking up, Theodosius said that at the time when her lifeless body lay in the "dead" in the hospital, the soul, accompanied by the Guardian Angel, traveled to heavenly abodes. Theodosia told how she cried and asked the Queen of Heaven to heal her sick legs or leave her in paradise, how the Lady of Heaven answered her that she would be useful on earth.

A little later, in a miraculous vision, Theodosius received the blessing of the Queen of Heaven for the healing of people. The Queen of Heaven herself began to appear to the sick from the surrounding villages and villages and direct them to Feodosia.

When the Great Patriotic War began, the father and brothers were taken to the front, the daughters-in-law with the children left, the mother went to her brother in Kaluga, and left the sick girl to die in an empty house, soon she was kicked out of the house.

The old woman recalled: “I was little then, I would crawl under the shed or dig into the hay. She suffered, crawled alone in the cold, there was no one around. Sat in the water and in the cold. I’ll dig a hole in the snow, lie down in a lump, put my hand under my face, and I slept like that. Everything was sore on me, my body was hardened. I drank dirty water, ate a snowball: I would grab a clean snowball in my hand and in my mouth. And whoever gives bread, he will freeze, you will not bite. And in the summer she ate grass, flowers "...

In 1943, in the village of Larinki, an elderly pious woman took Feodosia into her house. One day, the 72-year-old nun Natalia visited this woman; when she saw Feodosia, she decided to take the sick woman to her.

Natalia was a resident of the Vyazemsky Arkadyevsky convent. Then it was closed and the nuns were put in jail. In the cell, it was revealed to nun Natalya that all the nuns except her would be tortured, and the Lord would save her life, since soon she would have to “care for the sick in her house.” Seeing Theodosia, the nun realized that she needed to take care of the sick Theodosia.

Sick people began to come to a small house in the village of Tyomkino, through the prayers of the righteous, the suffering received healing. Feodosia helped as much as she could with the housework: she washed the floor on her knees, looked after the cattle, fed the chickens ...

When the girl was 20 years old, Hieromonk Vasily, who baptized her, served a conciliar liturgy with two priests, confessed and communed her, tonsured the girl as a novice with the name Tikhon, in honor of the Monk Tikhon of Medyn, Kaluga, the heavenly patron of their land.

Nun Natalia died at the age of 97.

The novice Tikhona, on the advice of the chairman of the village council, had to buy an unfinished house at the end of the village, two women from the neighboring village agreed to live with her alternately and run the household.

On February 1, 1978, hegumen Donat tonsured the nun Tikhon into the schema, giving her a new name - Macarius, in honor of Macarius the Great (Egyptian).

From the memoirs of G.P. Durasov, the spiritual son of Elder Makaria:

- Some went to her by car, others traveled by trains and buses. Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, Tatars, Jews and Gypsies, Orthodox and those who did not profess any religion came. All of them traveled with the sole purpose of receiving healing from a physical or spiritual illness... The village of Tyomkino... At the end of the village, you can see a small, like a toy, house full of flowers... The door opens at a knock, and the visitor is escorted into the house .

In the front corner there is a table with icons and lamps glowing in front of them. In the corner closest to the door, also hung with icons, there is an old bed...

Sitting on the bed, slightly leaning back on the pillow, is a small, stooped old woman, in a worn black cassock and apostle, covering not only her head, but also her shoulders. Thin, quiet Matushka silently prays, turning over her rosary, and the arrival of another visitor does not immediately break her childishly pure prayer. The rounded pale face with large sky-blue eyes and scarlet lips is very expressive and noble. And in her face, and in the whole figure - an expression of inner peace ...

Mother will ask: “Who came, on what business?”

The young man says that for three years doctors have not been able to cure an ulcer on his leg.

“Don’t look that your leg has been hurting for three years. Mother will pray, and you will get better... When the water runs out, come right away...

The guy leaves, and Mother says: “He’s young, let him run around on legs. The Lord will help."

A woman, barely stepping her feet, is brought into the room and seated on a chair...

- What is your name?

- Anastasia.

For a moment, Mother seems to withdraw into herself.

Why don't you pray to God? We must pray to God, we must take communion. Drink some water in the morning at seven, in the evening at nine, rub yourself with oil on Saturday and Monday.

Holy water is poured into a three-liter jar, and consecrated oil is poured into a vial...

People walked one after another, and for a moment she forgot herself, powerlessly dropped her head on the pillow.

The schema nun spent the whole night in prayer, and in the morning one after another came visitors...

Each of these methods of suffering people demanded from Mother a huge strain of mental and physical strength. I noticed more than once, going up to her after the reception, and touching her forehead with my cheek, how her head burned with heat. And desperate people, who often did not find help from professional doctors, who were weighed down by ailments for many years, went on and on to Schema-Nun Macarius. And she helped them, setting an indispensable condition for healing - faith in God. The patient had to add his humble prayer to Matushka's fervent prayer for his healing. The patient was only required to read the prayers "Our Father" and "Theotokos" ...

The last visitor leaves, and Mother can eat and rest a little...

At twenty-three hours and thirty minutes, prayers common to all who were in the house for the coming sleep have already been read and, together with Matushka, “The Zealous Intercessor” and

Seeing the Resurrection of Christ... Numerous lamps were extinguished, and only a light flickered near the icon that hung in the heads by the bed. For consecration, two enameled water tanks and a large ceramic teapot with oil were placed in front of Mother for consecration...

The schema nun did not tell anyone about the prayers during the consecration...

After her only well-known prayers, “Let God rise again” was read four times...

Only the inexpressible grace of God, which the schema-nun Macarius acquired through her prayer and many years of deeds, gave her strength for all this.

I noticed that after the consecration of water and oil, Mother Macarius seemed to weaken for some time, but then she prayed and regained her strength ...

About herself and about her work she humbly spoke:

- Yes, what my work, I’m sitting on the bed, blind, my hands are sick, my legs can’t walk, I’m useless ...

The spirit of wisdom allowed Matushka, who was honored by the Lord with the gift of clairvoyance, to receive Divine revelations and give comprehensive answers to people's questions... She advised me:

- Whatever happens, you know pray to the Lord: “Lord, be with me! Do not leave me!" And pray to the Mother of God.

And she edified others:

– We must pray to God, fast... You can know one prayer and please God...

Getting out of bed, ask: "Bless, Lord, live the day according to Your holy commandments of the Lord." Going to bed, ask: “Lord, I ask for my sin, repentance, blessing for sleep” or “Receive me, Lord, and bless the coming dream” ...

If you want to receive grace, you must prepare yourself so that you have the spark of God. Any person can receive grace, just pray to God, ask Christ: "Lord, forgive me and have mercy on me." He, when necessary, will send grace... Read the Gospel, the Psalter, the Prayer Book...

You go to the temple, put candles to the Savior, the Mother of God, the Archangel Michael and all the saints. If you put it on any of the days of Bright Week, they will burn for a whole year.

The advice and instructions of Matushka had a beneficial effect on the souls of people who turned to her:

- You can’t eat after ten in the evening, because the “Insurance hours” begin, there is a lot of singing in heaven ... In order to beg something from the Lord, you have to pray for 40 days and nights.

The amazing gift of clairvoyance of schema-nun Makaria manifested itself in her childhood. However, she tried to conceal this grace-filled gift from people, covering up with foolishness... And only out of great love for a suffering person and for the sake of necessity did she allow herself to show her inherent perspicacity in public.

“Mother, I was going to go to the South to relax with my family,” Boris says and asks the old woman for blessings.

“How I love you,” she answers him, and suddenly begins to cry. “I don't want you to go south. If you don't listen to me, you won't see Mother again. And say goodbye to all your family...

Later it became known that in the area where Boris was going to go on vacation, there was a severe flood and mudflows from the mountains.

“I owe my life to Mother Makaria,” Boris later admitted to his acquaintances.

I asked schema nun Macarius when and for what she prays

Every day I read the prayers of the Mother of God of Iberia.

- Why Iverskoy? - I ask her

“She defends Moscow,” Matushka replies.

She herself prayed fervently for all people, for Moscow, for Russia. She said about Moscow: “Moscow is a holy city, the Orthodox cannot leave here... Russia will never perish! The Lord will enlighten her, and she will again be Russia as Russia.

Anna Timofeevna Gagarina, the mother of the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, repeatedly came to Schema-nun Makaria. Once Anna Timofeevna asked the old woman if she could come with her son.

From the memoirs of Elder Makaria:

- Gagarin came, and more than once, he came to me as to a sick person ...

Three cars arrived in 1968: two with doctors and a third with Gagarin.

He usually came and said: “I’ll sit, let the doctors talk to you ...”

He is a simple, good, very good person. Childlike. I then told him: “Don’t fly anymore, you can’t fly!” He did not listen to me, and then death befell him in speed.

Having learned about the death of the cosmonaut, the old woman asked the priest who came to her to sing the funeral of the deceased Yuri Gagarin in absentia at her home.

The old woman courageously endured numerous illnesses. In Divine visions, the Queen of Heaven comforted and instructed the righteous woman more than once.

Priest Nicholas testified that one night in the house of Elder Macarius, he suddenly woke up at three o'clock and saw an amazing light in that part of the room where the schema nun was praying:

- At first the light was dim, but then everything in the house was flooded with a bright, bright golden - fiery light, blinding the eyes, it was even impossible to look at the bright, bright light.

On June 18, 1993, at half past twelve at night, Schema-nun Makaria peacefully reposed in the Lord. The last words of schema-nun Makaria: "Fast, pray, in this is salvation..."

Staritsa Makaria was buried in the rural cemetery of the village of Tyomkino, Smolensk Region. The tomb of the schema nun is visited not only by her spiritual children, but by everyone who heard about the miracles of healing through the prayers of the old woman, those who were lucky enough to read the book “Given by God”. The author of the book G.P. Durasov receives numerous letters from readers about the prayerful help of schema-nun Macaria, here are some of the testimonies:

Testimony of A.T. Zainiev (Kholm-Zhirkovsky district, Smolensk region):

– I consider it my Christian duty to testify to the fact of my healing during a trip to the grave of schema-nun Makaria, which took place on the day of her memory on June 18, 1999. After serving a memorial service at the grave of Matushka Makaria, drinking holy water from her grave, while turning to the Lord with a prayer: “Lord, Jesus Christ, through the prayers of schema-nun Macaria, heal my body, have mercy on me a sinner.” Upon returning from Temkino, I felt something unusual in my body ... I realized that my arm did not hurt, which I could not raise to my chest for a week. My hand was in pain due to fractures of the cervical vertebrae of 4-5 departments, a fracture of the collarbone, and a hand. I also felt a sharp decrease in pain in the spur on the foot and softening of dry calluses on the legs. I testify before God and the truth of my healing, in my deep conviction, and faith in the power of Mother Macarius's prayer before God, and the communion of holy water from her grave.

From the testimony of G.V. Blinovoy (Moscow):

- I went in 2000 on November 8 to Tyomkino. She consecrated sunflower oil on the bed, in the box with the rosary and on the grave of Matushka Macarius. My baby son Sergei (he was 3 years and 7 months old) had a tumor on the foreskin with a bean, he complained of pain. Seryozha suddenly suggested that I anoint the sore spot with Makaryushka oil. Then we prayed with him three bows and asked for healing, and I took oil and a candle from the grave of Macarius, anointed him with a cross three times with a prayer. Some days have passed. Seryozha asked me to anoint me again, we did the same. After that, a few more days passed, I forgot, but Seryozha reminded me again. “Mom, why don’t you smear me with oil?” After praying, I began to anoint (or rather, I wanted to), but I did not find any more tumor. I could not believe it and checked everything for a week, but in that place there was emptiness and a thin skin. My son now always prays to the Lord in the morning and at night for Makaryushka, our Mother, and on June 18, on the day of her death in 2001, I went to thank Mother.

Testimony of Priest Vladimir (Smolensk):

– My mother-in-law Maria Fyodorovna Grubitsyna, who during the life of Mother Makaria was healed by her of liver cancer, visited Matushka's grave in the summer of 2000. Prior to that, she had frequent attacks of bronchial asthma, and she was in a serious condition in the hospital. Now, by the grace of God, through the prayers of Mother Macarius, as she believes, not a single attack occurs.

Lord, give rest to the soul, schema nun Macarius, give rest to the saints, and save us with her prayers!

Near our village there are two springs, from which the local population takes water. One is located near the village of Vyazishchi, the second source is located in the village of Temkino, Smolensk region.

Previously, it was an inconspicuous spring about which few people knew, but over time it was put in order and consecrated.
I do not know if anyone has tested the water, but there is an opinion that this water is impeccably pure and you can drink it without boiling, some consider it healing.

Source of Elijah the Prophet (in the Temkinsky district)

This spring has a very interesting history.

In this village Theodosius was born in the future schema-nun Macarius. All her conscious life she helped people, healed from physical and spiritual illness. It was she who pointed to the place where the spring should be.

Schemanun Makaria said: “When I am gone, come to the spring and take some water, and it will help you. I strongly pray about this to Elijah the Prophet.

Until her death, Matushka Makaria made sure that the source was in proper order, she hired workers to clean and equip the spring.

After her death, everything fell into disrepair and it was decided to build a chapel over the holy spring in honor of the prophet of God Elijah. A bath was also built where you can pour holy water.

Yu. A. Gagarin came to Matushka Macaria, she said about him that he was a simple and good person. He helped her with her pension. Shortly before the death of Yu. A. Gagarin, she warned him that he did not need to fly. After his death, Mother Macarius prayed for the repose of his soul.

A memorial sign with the image of Yu. A. Gagarin was opened next to the cross in memory of the revered Saint Macarius.

In the village of Temkino, the Church of the Smolensk Mother of God was built in 2002 by the architect D.V. Pshenichnikov, and a folk museum was also opened.

Strange as it may seem, I learned about everything that I told you quite by accident, although I lived in this area for quite a long time. I thought about this, we fly to other countries for something unusual, but sometimes we don’t notice what is next to us and it’s sad.

How to get there

If any of you want to visit the holy spring and treat your ailments in it, learn more about the life of Mother Macarius, visit her grave, I am writing to you how to get there.

Date of Birth: 11.06.1926
Citizenship: Russia

The power of God is perfected in weakness.

A village without a righteous person is not worth it. Behind this truth lies the centuries-old experience of the Orthodox people. It seems to us, mere mortals, that the holy righteous are something of a legend. But they lived and live now among us. Quietly they do their uninterrupted prayer - for us, for all of Russia. They, according to the confession of the righteous Mother Macarius, are still many, very many, "... they are in the mountains, in small huts, so small - just go up: a table and an icon hangs. They are pillars from earth to heaven!". The schema nun Makaria herself is one of them. Righteous, great spiritual worker, chosen one of God.

The village of Tyomkino, Vyazemsky district. Outback of the Smolensk region. Elder Macarius lived here for more than half a century, serving God and people. People from all over Russia came to her for healing from mental and physical ailments. Here her earthly journey ended. But people are still coming.

Her grave is the very first from the entrance to the rural churchyard. On the grave - a black granite slab, a large cross. Flowers - so many flowers! - and lit candles. I knelt down, put down my candle and laid my head on the damp and warm earth. I whispered to her passionate words, either prayers, or complaints, or excuses. I addressed her as a living being to a living one, confident that Mother hears me and lifts my chaotic outpourings to where they can be received.

The summer sky shone above us. The grass was green, the birds chirped happily and freely. A car stopped at the fence. A middle-aged woman came out, well dressed in a city fashion. Obviously waiting to go to the grave herself. She comes here from Obninsk every summer, as she came to Mother during her lifetime. With prayers, consecrated water and oil, and wise instructions and a laconic spiritual conversation, Matushka Macarius treated her from a fatal illness. And cured. How she cured many others who turned to her.

I hold in my hands a small colored icon. I try to discern in the features of the old woman, written by time and life, a blue-eyed girl, lively and well-spoken.

She was born on June 11, 1926 in the village of Karpovo in the same Vyazemsky district of the Smolensk region. She was born on the day when the Orthodox celebrate the icon of the Mother of God "The guarantor of sinners" and remember the virgin - the martyr Theodosia. It's true: nothing in the world happens by chance! At baptism, the girl was named Theodosia (her mother was also called), which means "given by God." The rector of the church where she was baptized, Hieromonk Vasily, was endowed with the gift of clairvoyance. Handing over the child to his parents, he said: "The girl is good, she will live, but she won't walk"

And so it happened. A nimble girl and started walking early, and babble. But one day, an outsider, having entered their house on business and seeing a lively girl, stroked her head and back and said: “What a little one, but she’s already walking.” Immediately, the girl’s knees buckled, she fell and never got up on her feet again ...

Many and often met with her G.P. Durasov compiled a biography of the blessed old woman schema-nun Makaria on the basis of personal meetings, testimonies of people who knew her, and her own stories. And if you read his book "Given by God" (publishing house "Satis", St. Petersburg, 1994 and Voronezh, 2000), your own life will become deeper and richer.

Very early manifested her chosenness. When the baby was placed in a cradle suspended from the ceiling, from noon to three in the afternoon, a candle taken from nowhere was lit on a beam. Those who saw this said: "Aren't our children the same? And it doesn't light up over them."

One day a strange man came into the house. Claimed to be a baker. “No, you are not a stove-maker, you are a father,” Feyonushka said, as her family called her. “Save me, my legs can’t walk.” "Be patient, so please the Lord," he replied. Then he read a prayer over her, and advised her mother not to take her to doctors anymore and not to give her to a shelter. Leaving, he ordered the girl to learn the prayer to St. Tikhon of Kaluga. So the monk himself first appeared to Theodosius.

When she was 8 years old, she, for no outwardly visible reasons, plunged into a lethargic sleep, during which her soul was in paradise - the Guardian Angel showed her the heavenly world. In the Kingdom of Heaven I met the Mother of God for the first time. "She's the prettiest of them all!" - told later.

With the blessing of the Queen of Heaven, she receives a gift

healing people.

Until the age of eleven and a half, celestials appeared to her in a dream and taught her how to bless water and oil for healing, what prayers to read. She remembered everything. And only then the Queen of Heaven allowed her to receive people, heal their physical and mental ailments.

People began to come from nearby and distant villages. First they asked to cure a sick cattle. Then they began to ask to treat them themselves. And she helped them, prayed for them, instructed them how to pray themselves. It was a difficult time, the "godless five-year plan" began, collectivization was underway, churches were being destroyed, faith was uprooted from people's consciousness. And in the outback of the Smolensk region, the preservation of believers and the conversion of new people to the faith was carried out through such grace-filled people as the chosen one of God, young Theodosia ...

The path of the chosen one is very difficult. He is constantly being tested. They affirm his spirit.

The hardest test fell to the girl during the war years. In August 1941, the Germans entered the village. The family dispersed in all directions. Theodosius was left in an empty and cold house, without a piece of bread. The villagers brought their children to her, and they themselves went into the forest. A 15-year-old girl, almost helpless, found herself alone with 36 children in her arms. "I lit 7 lamps and 12 candles and began to pray"... No one touched them, and the German officer gave her a "protection letter".

When the enemy left the village and the residents returned home, the collective farm foreman and his family settled with the Artemievs, and Feodosii said: "Crawl to Heading, the village council is there, they will help you." In winter, through the snow, she crawled to another village. But no one wanted to shelter her - they themselves had more than enough difficulties. She stayed on the street and lived there for 700 (!) days, hiding in haystacks, and even in the snow. It's impossible to imagine! By chance, she was met by 72-year-old nun Natalya, who lived in the village of Tyomkino. She sheltered, warmed the unfortunate.

At the age of fifty, the maiden Theodosia was tonsured a nun under the name of Tikhon, and a year and a half later, in February 1978, she received the great angelic rank - schema - with the name Macarius. And soon after that, the Queen of Heaven again appeared to her and said that she was electing her for the Feat. From now on, she had to take upon herself the suffering and illness of all the people who turned to her with a request for healing, containing in her heart all the pain and sorrow of Russia, and humbly carry this incomparable burden on her shoulders.

Mother of God, why did you choose such a hook? - asked the schema girl, referring to her illness.

I went around everything and didn’t find you better, ”the Queen of Heaven answered her. - You are perfect!

And after already, before last day life, to her loved ones, who asked Mother about her health, she said: "I will never be well, I am not allowed to be well"

From the cemetery to the house where Mother lived her last 20 years, about half a kilometer. At the end of the village, in the shade of a linden tree, there is a small village house with a front garden. We enter the darkish senets, from them - into the hallway, from there - into the room where the righteous woman lived, prayed, received people.

A small metal crib with a nickel-plated knobbed back, the kind that used to be in many homes. There are icons on the walls, icons - many icons. The author of the already mentioned book “Given by God” recalls: “Sits on the bed, slightly leaning on the pillow, a small stooped old woman in a worn black cassock and an apostle covering not only her head, but also her shoulders. and the arrival of another visitor does not immediately break her childishly pure prayer. The rounded pale face with large sky-blue eyes and scarlet lips is very expressive and noble. And in her face, and in her whole figure - an expression of inner peace. "

Do not count, do not tell how many people and with what needs stayed with her. It is not even 7 am yet, and in the yard the first visitors are waiting for their turn to talk to Matushka, to ask. What are they asking for! Pray for her husband - he died; for a son with a daughter-in-law; "the cow is sick, she milks poorly"; for his brother - "he is twenty-eight years old, he has six children, he does not walk" ... A person will sit on a chair near the bed or kneel, and Mother will ask: who came, on what business? He listens, consoles, provides holy water and consecrated oil, explains how to use, how to pray and at what hours to drink water and rub the sick with oil, let him go with the words: “Do not look that your leg has been hurting for three years. Mother will pray, and you will get better.”

She was asked many questions. She gave an answer to each according to his spiritual maturity. “If you want to receive grace,” she said, “you need to prepare yourself so that you have a spark of God. Every person can receive grace, just pray to God, ask Christ:“ Lord, forgive and have mercy on me. will send". She urged everyone to prayerfully turn to the Savior and the Queen of Heaven. She herself prayed fervently for all people, for Moscow, for Russia. About Moscow, she said: "Moscow is a holy city, the Orthodox cannot leave here." "I'm afraid to sleep," she admitted, "they don't sleep at such an alarming time. It's not known what's going on in our Russia." And, as if having received an answer to her prayers from the heavenly heights, she said: "Russia will never perish! The Lord will enlighten her, and she will again be Russia as Russia."

Mother, isn't it hard for you to carry such a great cross? they ask her.

Even it seems easy, - she will answer.

A special, amazing side of Mother's life is her relationship with the Queen of Heaven. The schema nun not only saw Her, but also talked with Her.

When you go from the house of Mother Macarius through the courtyard to the gate to the street, on the right you will see a blue door facing the sunrise. Through this door the Queen of Heaven entered the house of the schema-nun. "Wherever She passes, there flowers bloom, and where She stays, there flowers bloom. And here she passes through the terrace, all the doors obey Her, She walks and visits."

The Mother of God talks with Mother, instructs her, answers questions, tells what is happening in the world. But the main thing is that She supports, pities the prayer book and reminds her of her duty: “Mother of God, get me out of bed,” the schema nun asked. And I heard in response: “The time has not come. I would have taken you long ago, but I won’t find anyone to take your place.” She asked: "Will there be Russia? Will there be Russia?" And she received the answer: "Russia is multi-Orthodox. Russia will not perish!"

The last years of Matushka Makaria's life were difficult. Diseases piled up, strength receded, a heavy and incomprehensible fuss grew around. At the junction of two great weeks - the Week of All Saints and the Week of All Saints, who shone in the Russian land, on June 18, 1993, at 23.30 minutes, the earthly journey of schema-nun Macaria ended. started new life her soul. Her last words: "Fast, pray, this is salvation!"

Even during her lifetime, Matushka Macarius once, looking out the window, said: "And here a temple will stand." And in July 2000, on the day of the 7th year of the death of Matushka, a wooden church in the name of the icon of the Mother of God of Smolensk was laid exactly at this place. "A village cannot stand without a righteous man," says a Russian proverb. And without a temple, the village is not worth it.

Schematic nun Macaria did not have her own children, but she was given such power of maternal love for all living things that next to her a person felt like her "baby" and clung to her with childlike trust. With this feeling of childish security, we also left the quiet holy dwelling of the righteous.

At home, I put the cassette I bought there. The lively voice of Mother Macarius, slightly cracked, but resonant and deep, seemed to sing directly to me: " Holy Trinity, have mercy on-a-s, Lord, cleanse our sins-a, Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities-a, for the sake of your name-and ... "

The body of schema-nun Macaria was weak, but her spirit was high and strong, her prayer was strong and healing, her Feat was great. Truly, "The power of God is made perfect in weakness."