If you drink protein after a workout. What is the best post-workout shake? Pre-Workout Protein Shake

You have probably already heard, more than once, the reviews of some disappointed athletes about the futility of taking protein mixtures. However, one must understand that in itself such an opinion is absurd, to enhance growth muscle mass, protein is an essential component.

Criticism of the additional consumption of this substance is most often associated with the fact that a particular athlete does not know how to properly take protein. As a result, it either has no effect or its effectiveness is practically not noticeable.

Therefore, there are certain rules for taking protein.

Proteins perform a wide range of functions in the body.. Without them, the vital activity of the organism would not be possible, since they contribute to all metabolic processes, perform a regulatory, protective, energy, building role. In addition, they form the basis of the structure of the entire human muscle structure.

Protein components are found in almost any food you eat daily. They are especially abundant in dairy products, meat, fish, rice, peas, soybeans, and so on. But why drink protein, if you can get protein from ordinary food, which, moreover, is also adapted for self-synthesis?

In a normal lifestyle, the regular breakdown of protein and its transport for various purposes is approximately equal to its consumption + reproduction. A person can meet the daily requirement for it (1-1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight), following a standard healthy diet.

However, intense exercise the athlete increases protein consumption by 2 times: on the growth, regeneration and energy balance of muscle fibers. Getting it from food does not make sense for many reasons:

  • Double the calories.
  • Slow and incomplete absorption.
  • Stress on digestive system at certain hours of protein intake, implying subsequent physical activity.
  • Protein deficiency, in turn, can lead to catabolism, muscle degradation and various diseases.

That is why athletes need additional protein nutrition from specialized mixtures.

For gaining muscle mass

Not every athlete knows how to drink protein to gain muscle mass for the most effective effect of the supplement. To get started, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If you are unable to gain weight in any way, but are not an ectomorph, before taking high-protein mixtures, consult a doctor for a preliminary examination and the exclusion of diseases that accompany excessive thinness.
  2. If you don't have those, choose the right protein according to your weight gain program and physique. When gaining weight, they most often drink a protein concentrate (in accordance with an individually compiled caloric intake), containing residual components of carbohydrates and fats, or isolate, when there are enough calories from food and other additives (for example, gainers).
  3. Always take mixtures recommended by manufacturers' experts. This will help you to be confident in their professionally calculated composition.

As for how many times a day you need to drink a protein shake, then, of course, it all depends on the training program. But usually it is 4-5 servings per day:

  1. In the morning- when the body, after 8-9 hours of sleep, needs an urgent anabolic recharge. At night, the muscles go through a very complex recovery cycle, so in the morning they need to be fed with a portion of the protein mixture. Otherwise, the body begins to use its own energy resources as fuel, breaking down the reserves of glycogen and amino acids. And, in addition, in conditions of protein hunger, the synthesis of the hormone cortisol increases. The result is a catabolic reaction. To avoid this, have a quick protein shake about half an hour after waking up.
  2. Happy, since the amino acid pool in the muscles must be constantly replenished. Between meals, you should drink 1-2 servings of isolate or slow, complex protein, in case you do not have the opportunity to snack on regular food for a long time.
  3. Before training it is very important to take a quick protein mixture - an isolate or a complex of BCAAs - half an hour before class to maintain the level of amino acids in muscle tissues.
  4. After training the body absorbs nutrients best of all, and in addition, this is the most risky period for the development of catabolism. At this time, glycogen stores are running out, the concentration of amino acids is significantly reduced. The body needs an immediate protein supply to repair muscle fibers and their growth, as well as to replenish energy reserves. When training for mass gain, the best option would be either a complex protein with a predominance of fast carbohydrates. But it is most expedient to drink a gainer with a predominance of simple carbohydrates - this is how you close the protein-carbohydrate window.
  5. For the night You also need to drink protein. After all, in a dream, all physiological processes only slow down, but do not stop, which means that the muscles will also starve. To ensure an influx of amino acids all night - drink casein protein, so it is absorbed within 8 hours.

For weight loss

Knowing how to drink protein in order to lose weight is especially important, since on this program, the body needs protein especially because of its deficiency caused by the diet.

Observe the following admission rules:

  1. For weight loss, you need to purchase 2 types of protein - fast isolate or hydrolyzate (preferably whey), as well as slow casein.
  2. Drink mixtures according to the same program, then with weight gain, with the difference that with weight loss, slow protein can be replaced with up to 2 standard meals.
  3. Be sure to follow the established training program, the protein itself will not help you find a beautiful relief body, without playing sports.
  4. In combination with mixtures, you can use almost any other additives, including thermogenics and lipotropics.

How much protein to take per day?

First of all, before you start drinking mixtures, you need to calculate the individual weft dosage of protein. To do this, multiply the mass of your own body by 2 ( 2 grams is the norm of protein for every kg of body weight). For example, you weigh 90 kg. So your daily protein dosage is 180 grams of protein.

How many times a day to take protein depends on the personal needs of the body, the amount of amino acids obtained from other products and the characteristics of the training. But usually this 3-4 times a day, 30-60 grams squirrel at a time.

At the same time, prot can be dissolved in almost any liquid, but if, for example, milk is used, follow the final calorie content.

And although with the help of the mixture you can make up for a full-fledged individual norm, it is still better if 50% of the substance comes from ordinary food.

When is the best time to take protein?

In fact, at what time you need to take a protein shake depends, first of all, on the type of substance in the composition of the mixtures and the training program.

Proteins have different digestion rates. So there are the following main types:

  1. Fast, with an absorption rate of 40 to 60 minutes - whey, egg, meat, rice,
  2. Medium, with complete absorption at 6 hours - for example, soy
  3. Slow, up to 8-12 hours - casein

Thus, there is no need to take protein often so that the muscles do not “starve”, it is enough just to correctly combine the methods of different mixtures.
The main periods of application of the supplement on training days, according to the rate of assimilation, can be divided into:

On rest days, protein should not be stopped either. In it time runs active growth and muscle recovery, requiring an additional portion of protein. Therefore, you need to drink it like this:

  • Morning - fast protein
  • Day - complex
  • Night - slow

If you are a vegetarian, fast, or for some other reason do not want to drink animal products, get fast rice protein and soy, as well as a complex of bcaa amino acids and take them in the regimen as recommended above.

What protein to drink

All protein mixtures can be divided into mass gain supplements and weight loss mixtures (as well as shaping, drying). Choose best supplements can be from the rating of sports nutrition.

So, for example, it contains such isolates for weight loss as:

  1. Zero Carb by VPX
  2. ISO-100 by Dymatize
  3. Iso Sensation by Ultimate Nutrition
  4. Varcil R2

Concentrates and complexes that should be consumed for weight gain:

  1. 100% Whey Gold Standard
  2. 100% Pure Platinum Whey (SAN)
  3. ProStar Whey Protein by Ultimate Nutrition
  4. Syntha-6 by BSN

As well as slow proteins that you need to drink on any training program:

  1. 100% Casein Protein by Optimum Nutrition
  2. Lipotropic Protein (LG Sciences brand)
  3. 100% Casein by Dymatize

Answers on questions

How old do you have to be to take protein??

The question of at what age you can take protein, one of the most popular among adolescent boys and girls. The answer directly depends on the amount of protein consumed from food. You can and even need to take supplements from the age of 14, 15, 16, if it is not possible to get the teenage norm - 1.5 g per kg of body weight, from food, or there is a protein deficiency according to the doctor's testimony. However, you should carefully study the composition and drink mixtures that are exceptionally pure, not containing any extra components, except perhaps vitamins and minerals.

How long can I take protein?

Many mixtures are recommended to be used intermittently, such as creatine, as regular use can interfere with the natural production of this substance. But whether it is necessary to take a break when taking protein depends only on individual medical indications, in particular, with an excess of protein in the body. However, here you can preventive measures- eat more vegetables and fruits, based on fiber. Also, you should somewhat refrain from taking the supplement at least once a year, during the week, during the training pause period, while not giving up on high-protein foods. A rested body will be much more receptive to the renewed use of protein mixtures.

After taking the supplement, how long can you eat?

Protein is found in almost all conventional foods and food does not affect its absorption in any way, so you can drink protein and eat right away - there are no restrictions.

If you want to know if eating protein before or after a workout helps you lean muscles, lose weight, or increase strength, then you definitely need to read this article.

Some people say it's absolutely essential to eat protein before workouts and cut out carbs to maximize muscle performance and increase strength.

Should I eat protein before or after workouts?

There is another opinion that what you eat before a workout does not matter, and only what you eat after it is vital.

Others still say that none of these "carb windows" matter, and you just need to make sure that you eat enough protein in general throughout the day, that is, to meet a certain daily allowance based on a kilogram of body weight in accordance with the goals. training, weight loss or muscle gain.

Science has also not yet given a clear answer to the question at hand, because every scientist has research that ostensibly supports his own arguments, which may differ from those of other scientists.

And so you have to think about who is right and what to do.

Should you "act safe" and just eat protein before and after every workout?

Or should you ignore everyone and just eat according to the schedule that you like best?

In this article, we are going to sort out the protein you need to eat before or after a workout, and we will start with this:

When it comes to protein intake, having enough of it every day is the most important thing in quickly gaining muscle and strength.

Everything else related to protein intake - when you eat it, how many servings do you eat per day, the size of each serving, etc. - subject to the general norm of consumption.

But that doesn't mean other factors don't matter at all.

If you treat them condescendingly, you are missing out on an important part of natural muscle building:

While 80% of your progress depends on fundamental factors, you can speed up the process by making some minor improvements to your diet, workouts, and supplements.

The effect of making improvements varies from person to person, and may be small at first, but becomes significant over time.

Protein regulation is one of those small improvements, and it includes pre- and post-workout meals.

You will soon see that protein intake before and after exercise is not as important as many people claim. However, it still has its advantages.

Let's start.

Protein is a compound made up of chains of smaller molecules known as amino acids and is the main building block of your body.

Body tissues such as muscles, ligaments, tendons, hair, organs, and skin are all made up of proteins, as well as hormones, enzymes, and various chemicals needed for life.

The body requires twenty-one amino acids to form proteins.

He can produce twelve and gets the rest from food. They are known as "essential" amino acids, they are:

  • Phenylalanine
  • Valine
  • Threonine
  • tryptophan
  • Methionine
  • Leucine
  • Isoleucine
  • Lysine
  • Histidine

The main reason to eat protein is to provide your body with essential amino acids to repair and build tissues in your body.

Regular exercise with heavy weights and lighter training increase the body's need for protein, but optimal protein intake is also important for the muscles of a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle.

If such a person does not eat enough protein as they grow older, then he will lose muscle faster. And muscle loss leads to death at a younger age.

From a physiological point of view, protein intake is more than just increasing the level of amino acids in the blood (namely, plasma).

Eating more protein also stimulates it synthesis , which is the biological process by which amino acids are used to create new proteins.

Muscle proteins are one of the many types of proteins that are made by the body and these proteins are used to repair and increase muscle tissues.

The opposite of synthesis is protein breakdown , which is the biological process by which the body breaks down existing proteins into their constituent amino acids.

Both of these processes occur in the body all the time to one degree or another.

In terms of muscle growth and muscle loss, both result from the rate of protein synthesis exceeding the rate of protein breakdown, and vice versa.

In other words, when the rate of muscle protein synthesis is higher than the rate of its destruction, muscle mass gain occurs. When this happens, the body is in a state of "positive protein balance".

When the rate of protein breakdown exceeds the rate of synthesis, you lose muscle. When this happens, the body is in a state of "negative protein balance".

At normal conditions these two states balance each other, and the muscle mass remains unchanged. This is why people who don't exercise don't build or lose muscle over time. However, in reality, people are slowly losing muscle from day to day, but this happens at such a low rate that it is difficult to notice.

So, at the heart of everything is everything that we do for a quick set of muscles - we train in gym, eat plenty of protein and calories, take the right supplements, etc. — and it performs one of two functions (or both in some cases):

Increases the rate of protein synthesis.
Reduces the rate of its decay.

Strength training, for example, increases protein synthesis and therefore increases muscle mass.

Fasting for a long time, on the other hand, leads to the breakdown of proteins, which explains the loss of muscle.

When it comes to maximizing muscle growth, the key principles are proper nutrition, training, and recovery. Their observance gives most result.

You know such things.

  • Eat enough protein every day.
  • Eat enough calories every day.
  • Focus on strength training.
  • Exceeding the normal load rate within reason.
  • Enough sleep.
  • You need to make sure you don't train at 100% effort intensity for several months.

At least 80% of muscle growth comes from the above, which means that all other strategies and tips that one could follow will always be less important.

Less important does not mean useless, which is especially important for a weightlifter who wants to increase their progress.

That's why it's recommended to do more than just stick to the basics, including supplementing your diet with creatine and beta-alanine, paying attention to timing your protein intake, and keeping cardio to a minimum.

It won't work on its own big effect but collectively can make a big difference in the long run.

And that's where the question arises, is there protein before and after training.

Should you eat protein before a workout?

Some people say that eating protein before a workout doesn't help or is harmful, and often point to research to back up their point.

Others say they are wrong and cite articles like this demonstrating that pre-workout protein intake actually increases muscle growth over time.

So what is actually correct?

The solution to this riddle is actually quite simple, and it was found in a simple detail: during the last meal the subjects had before they ate anything right before training.

It takes the body several hours to digest and absorb protein, so food composition and serving size have a significant impact.

A small amount of fast digesting protein, such as 20 g of whey protein, is usually broken down and completely absorbed in about 2 hours. A steak with potatoes, butter and vegetables can be digested for up to 6-8 hours.

So, let's say you ate a large serving of protein a couple of hours before your workout.

Plasma amino acid levels will rise with food, which means there is no need to specifically consume protein prior to exercise.

Now let's say it's been a few hours since you last ate protein, and it was a small meal, like a cup of Greek yogurt.

In this case, your body will have processed all the protein by the time you start your workout, in which case it is better to consume more protein before a sports activity.

What does all this mean? It's that most people don't need to eat protein before they start exercising.

Most of us eat a mixed meal containing enough protein 1-3 hours before a workout.

For example, you can drink protein shake with fruits and nuts at 3 pm and hit the gym at 6 pm. Or you can have a big breakfast at 8 am and start working out at 12 pm. Or have a big lunch at 1 pm and work out at 5 pm.

In all of these cases, you most likely won't benefit from consuming protein right before your workout.

If, however, you are training right away in the morning on an empty stomach or 5-6 hours after a relatively small meal, then you would be well advised to eat about 20 grams of protein before starting your workout.

It's all so simple.

Should you consume protein after a workout?

Nutrition after a workout is more clear and understandable than nutrition before it.

The consensus opinion among the most respected fitness professionals, based on field research, is that eating protein after a workout is essential.

Consuming protein right after a workout isn't deadly, but studies show it can help build more muscle over time.

This makes sense for two reasons:

1. After a workout, muscles are more sensitive than usual to protein.
2. The rate of protein breakdown begins to increase rapidly after the end of the workout, and protein intake reduces it.

How much protein do you need, you ask. In most cases, 20 to 40 grams of protein post-workout will help you reach your goal, and research shows it's especially good to consume whey protein post-workout. For girls, this is also necessary, as well as for men.

What type of protein is best to consume before and after training?

Great, now you know when to eat protein before a workout and whether to eat after it.

What types of protein should be eaten before or after workouts? Does it really matter?

Ideally, you should have something that quickly increases plasma amino acid levels and therefore protein synthesis rate, and that is rich in the amino acid leucine to directly stimulate muscle growth. Need something from the category fast proteins after training.

The protein source that best fits the above and is also the most popular protein supplement in the world is whey protein.

Whey is fast digesting and rich in leucine, so it greatly increases the rate of protein synthesis and can therefore be eaten pre- and post-workout.

While any kind of protein supplement is a stimulant, we're all for whey protein isolate because it's so close to pure protein and doesn't contain lactose, which can potentially upset your stomach.

Protein shakes occupy a significant position in the niche of sports nutrition. To achieve excellent results when working on your body, you need to listen to the recommendations of experts. In this article, you will learn about when to drink a protein shake, before or after a workout. Interested people will be happy to use the recipe at the end of the article.

Pre-Workout Protein Shake

The Undeniable Benefits of Pre-Workout Protein

Considering that your diet requires adequate amounts of protein, we recommend that you opt for a pre-workout portion of sports nutrition with the addition of BCAAs. The product is in optimal form and is quickly absorbed, so at the time of the start of the load, the percentage of amino acids in the blood will be impressive. Know that nutrients taken both before and after physical activity, play a crucial role in building an ideal body and constantly improving its performance. By ignoring pre-workout protein intake, you reduce your potential to increase the effectiveness of anabolism - gaining muscle mass and reducing catabolism (muscle breakdown after training).

Fat burning and muscle nutrition

The beneficial effect of protein intake, and specifically BCAAs, is greatly enhanced in a low-carbohydrate diet regimen. Such a nutrition system creates a low level of glycogen in the body, and, consequently, causes increased oxidation of adipose tissue or fat burning. This process is facilitated by metabolic weight training or interval training. The benefits of consuming protein just before training also lies in the intensive nourishment of actively working muscles. The peculiarity of BCAAs is that amino acids are not processed by the human liver, they are absorbed into the bloodstream and sent directly to muscle tissue.

Protein shakes: protein shakes before and after training help build muscle faster

Other protein shake options

Protein after workout

A large number of experts advise taking a fresh protein shake containing fast protein and a BCAA supplement immediately after exercise. For this purpose, a portion of a surprisingly powerful drink is also suitable - a gainer, which acts as a supplier of carbohydrates and valuable protein. The purpose of such nutrition is to increase the rate of protein production in muscle tissue. This process can be at least three times faster when compared with the exclusion situation. proper nutrition after training. A post-workout serving of protein predisposes to increased production of the anabolic hormone insulin, and also provides comprehensive muscle tissue recovery.

Protein at night

If you want to take care of the muscles without interruption, you must also take into account the fact that they require nutrients even during a night's sleep. True, at night the body is unable to digest solid food. For this reason, we suggest choosing a casein-based protein shake - such a meal in the evening will provide the most delayed absorption and intensive nourishment of your muscles while you rest. In no case do not use carbohydrates in the evenings, because at night they are transformed into unwanted body fat.

Interesting facts about protein and training

In fact, experts disagree on when to drink a protein shake before or after a workout: it is preferable to take the right supportive sports nutrition systematically, including in the evening before bedtime. The distribution of servings of protein is carried out according to the goals of a particular person, his body condition, type and schedule physical activity.

Daily work in the gym or at home will be successful if you put in the body a complex of proteins and carbohydrates. But we urge you not to fill your stomach with food before training, as this will interfere with proper exercise. It is optimal to use a good protein shake prepared on the basis of whey protein half an hour before exercise. When adding carbohydrates, give preference to fructose, which excludes the creation of grounds for the release of insulin, and this hormone, as you know, prevents effective fat burning, as it reduces the percentage of sugar in the blood.

Homemade protein shake


  • base - kefir or natural milk (half a liter);
  • protein component - protein powder (50 grams), fat-free cottage cheese (100 grams), eggs - (1 piece);
  • fat component - olive oil (2 small spoons);
  • carbohydrate ingredient - a choice of jam, fruit syrup, natural honey, sugar (up to 15 grams, since adding 20 grams of sweet ingredients at the output will give a gainer protein-carbohydrate mix);
  • vitamin ingredient - fruits, favorite berries or half a banana (to your taste).

First, milk (kefir) is whipped with a mixer with a half dose of protein powder. Then intensively mix the resulting mass with cottage cheese, then put the remaining powder. And at the end, add fruit or berry supplements with butter. You can prepare many variations of the cocktail based on your preferences. In this case, whey protein, cereals, various fruits, berries, gelatin, raw eggs, juices, ice, ice cream, cocoa, cheeses and other products that positively affect the figure are used.

Most experts recommend consuming homemade or store-bought protein shakes half an hour before exercise, but at the same time, do not neglect such a recharge half an hour after exercise. Also, do not forget that the dosage of proteins and other substances that support muscle mass should be determined strictly on an individual basis.

The use of protein shakes by athletes contributes to muscle building, but it should not be uncontrolled.

There are a number of rules for taking this supplement, which we will talk about in our today's material.

What is a protein shake for?

Protein shake - a complex of low-calorie nutrients, the main ingredient of which is a protein mixture. They are commonly used by athletes as a supplement to increase the amount of protein in their diet.


Protein shakes have a number of health benefits:

  • easily absorbed by the body due to low calorie content;
  • are an additional source of protein;
  • positively affect metabolism and its speed;
  • affect the synthesis of muscle protein, which leads to an increase in mass and an increase in muscle volume;
  • contribute to the reduction of body fat and, consequently, weight loss;
  • satisfy the feeling of hunger.

Did you know? The first attempts to invent sports nutrition were made by the ancient Greeks, who, for greater endurance, consumed certain foods, for example, bull's liver.


Protein mixtures have been repeatedly tested, but their harmful effects on the body have not been proven. Most often, some side effects from their use are associated with individual intolerance to their components.

As for contraindications, they are as follows:

  • with lactose intolerance, you can not use milk protein;
  • in case of chronic renal, hepatic or enzymatic insufficiency and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is worth refraining from using the supplement;
  • during a period of severe intoxication, you should temporarily stop taking it;
  • Soy protein contains phytoestrogen, which is partially similar in effect to estrogen, therefore, with hormonal imbalances, mixtures with this ingredient should be treated with caution.

Important! Be sure to pay attention to the dosage and expiration date - if these standards are violated, adverse health effects are possible!

When to Drink

There is no exact time for taking protein shakes. To determine when to drink protein, you should consider lifestyle, amount of training and physical activity. People involved in sports usually consume it in the morning, during the day, in the evening, and before and after training.

In the morning after waking up

Immediately after sleep, it is desirable to use a fast protein, which includes whey and egg proteins. This need is associated with the production of the hormone cortisol and, as a result, a decrease in the amount of muscle tissue.

Throughout the day

Bodybuilders working on muscle gain should drink complex protein shakes. Instead of eating or in the absence of good nutrition, it is necessary to take (slow protein) and a complex cocktail.

Before workout

One of the important steps in bodybuilding is taking a protein supplement before training. About half an hour before sports loads, you should drink a quick protein, it is allowed to combine it with a gainer. But the complex protein is drunk 2 hours before class.

After training

It is recommended to drink a quick protein shake and BCAA or a gainer immediately after a workout. These supplements will help the body restore energy reserves and increase muscle protein synthesis. Eating is allowed no earlier than an hour later.

Did you know? The human body is designed in such a way that it does not know how to accumulate protein.

Before bedtime

Protein intake before bedtime is appropriate for exercising people. The need for muscle nutrition exists at night, but eating before bedtime will only harm health. It is recommended to drink a protein shake with casein in the composition.

How to take a protein shake

Incorrect intake of any supplements can be fraught with sad consequences, so you need to know how to drink protein shakes correctly.

Important! With excessive protein intake, kidney and liver function can be impaired.

Before using protein, you need to determine the individual dosage and frequency of protein intake.

Individual dosage is calculated according to the formulas:

  • a person who does not play sports: weight (kg) x 1.5–2;
  • bodybuilder: weight (kg) x 2.5.

The result obtained means required amount protein in grams, including food sources and supplements. At the same time, 50-75% of the micronutrient should come from food, and the rest can be sports nutrition.

Video: Protein shake for weight gain To calculate how often to take a supplement, divide your daily dose into equal portions of a maximum of 30 g. The body will not be able to absorb more protein at one time.

Protein shakes are a great way to add extra protein to your diet. Subject to the rules of admission, they will only benefit the body and help achieve your goals in sports.

Every athlete who wants to gain muscle mass needs to know how and when to drink protein. The body needs to be provided with the right amount of protein, because it is he who is responsible for the endurance of the athlete and the growth of his muscles. Unfortunately, not everyone knows whether it is possible to drink protein before, after or during a workout. This article will help you understand all the nuances.

It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer to the question of how much protein to drink. The daily rate, as well as the intake schedule, directly depend on the goals of the athlete - drying, building muscle, increasing endurance and strength.

To understand when professional athletes drink protein to improve their performance, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of the human body. As you know, a person sleeps about 7-8 hours a day. During this period of time, the body does not receive any nutrients, therefore, to ensure the normal functioning of organs and systems, it uses pre-prepared substances. These include: glycogen contained in the muscles and tissues of the liver, as well as amino acids, which are formed after the breakdown of muscle tissue.

In the morning, immediately after waking up, the body produces the hormone cortisol at an accelerated pace, which contributes to increased catabolism. Therefore, answering the question when they drink protein, experts say that this should be done immediately after sleep. Taking protein at this time will help stop the above process, which will have a beneficial effect on the athlete's body. One of the most beneficial options is whey protein.

What to do during the day?

Often people wonder how to drink protein to gain mass and replenish amino acid reserves. The answer is simple: in between meals, you should consume 2 to 4 servings of the product (servings of 20 g). If the athlete knows in advance that the next meal will be later than usual, then it is best for him to use a slow or complex protein.

Only some people are allowed to drink protein during training. It depends on their goals and the characteristics of the body, so only a trainer or doctor can prescribe protein intake during training.

In addition to using protein between regular meals, you should also remember how to drink protein before or after training. A couple of hours before the start of the training, the athlete needs to take whey protein.

Protein can easily be replaced by BCAAs, i.e., a complex of amino acids, representing a third of all muscle proteins. They are always actively used by athletes in order to obtain energy for intense muscle work.

BCAAs should not be taken at the same time as drinking protein. In the case of using essential amino acids, they should be taken only 20 minutes before class. It is important to understand that in the absence of a sufficient concentration of amino acids in the blood human body will use muscle tissue as an energy source. Proteins that are easily digestible will be able to maintain the required level of amino acids, and therefore, muscle mass will not decrease during training.

Knowing clearly how much protein to drink per day, many novice athletes forget to take the next serving after training, and this is the technique that plays an important role in muscle growth. When all glycogen reserves are completely exhausted, and a low concentration of sugar and amino acids is observed in the blood, the body is completely ready for consumption and rapid absorption of nutrients. In order to quickly replenish the balance of amino acids and carbohydrates, the athlete needs to take a gainer immediately after training. Such a protein is digested quite well, and sugars immediately go to regenerate glycogen.

Often you can meet the question of how much protein to drink with a large muscle mass. Doctors and experienced athletes say that the more muscles, the more protein a person needs. Due to the deficiency of this substance, problems with the skin, hair and nails can appear. In addition, protein saves muscle groups from drying out, so it is simply impossible to survive without its regular use.

The spike in insulin, provided by carbohydrates with a fairly high glycemic index, allows nutrients to be absorbed normally, as well as restore lost body reserves. If you set yourself the goal of not only building muscle, but also getting rid of body fat, then you need to give up carbohydrates and take only proteins.

Taking before bed

Most people believe that eating before bed at night is the key to the accumulation of unnecessary body fat. This opinion is true regarding the use of fats, as well as carbohydrates, but not proteins. Since the body does not receive food during sleep, it draws energy from internal reserves, due to which the process of muscle recovery can be stopped for a while.

To put obstacles for nighttime catabolism will help a cocktail of slow proteins, taken half an hour before bedtime. This mixture will provide a normal concentration of amino acids in the blood.

Most of all, a protein complex is suitable for this purpose, in which micellar casein, whey protein and milk protein are present. The cocktail is guaranteed to provide enough nutrients for muscle growth, as well as help improve strength performance.

Boys and girls closer to the summer season, it becomes interesting how to drink protein for weight loss. To effectively lose weight, you need to consume enough protein, which, unfortunately, cannot be done with regular foods. Due to the insufficient amount of this substance in the body, catabolic processes in the muscles are activated, which do not allow a person to calmly reach his goal.

During the period of weight loss, people practice frequent meals (about 5-6 times a day). You can make the task a little easier with the help of protein shakes, which replace up to 2-3 meals. They do not contain fats and carbohydrates, so losing a few extra pounds will not be so difficult. In addition, these drinks provide the body with a lot of nutrients for muscle growth, and therefore help to increase strength.

When losing weight, one serving of proteins should be only half the usual - 15 grams. The cocktail must be drunk a couple of hours before training and the same amount after it.

Slow proteins will help to achieve the main goal. They go in a complex and guarantee the normal concentration of amino acids that the body needs.


Thanks to the research of physiologists, it has long been clear that for the rapid growth of muscle mass, an athlete needs to consume more than one and a half grams (preferably 2-2.5 g) of protein per 24 hours, based on a kilogram of weight. This means that each athlete will have their own dosage. That is, a person weighing 80 kg should consume less protein than an athlete who is approaching the 130 kg mark.

Complex proteins are mixtures of various types of protein. This type of protein is considered to be the best in terms of impact on the body and digestibility. All the best in casein, whey, soy and egg proteins in one product.

Whey protein is made from whey. It has a fairly high biological activity. It should be consumed immediately after training. The advantage of the whey component over others is its low cost.

Soy protein is difficult to process in the body if it is not completely purified. Despite this, it is considered one of the most sought after today. Its main advantage is the ability to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the body.

Casein protein is a milk protein that is good because it has a sufficient indicator of biological value. It is absorbed rather slowly, so it is best to take it before bedtime. Casein protein is difficult to dissolve in liquid and has an unpleasant taste.

Egg whites take about 5 hours to decompose. It costs, of course, a little expensive, but it has a maximum indicator of biological value.

In the process of gaining muscle mass, complex protein should be taken a couple of hours before training, at bedtime, and also between meals.

Casein products are more problematic than other components of complex proteins, so they should be considered separately. They break down several times longer than whey proteins. Casein is often used by people who are eager to get rid of extra pounds or build muscle, as well as provide muscles with essential amino acids.

When burning fat cells, casein is actively used due to its property to give a feeling of fullness and block hunger. The composition of this product is completely absent of carbohydrates, and the amount of fat is minimal.

During muscle growth, casein supplies the fibers with amino acids for several hours. After training, the muscles actively use the received elements in order to recover.

If the main goal is to increase muscle mass, then casein should be taken between regular meals. This is especially true in cases where it is not possible to make a snack. A portion of casein perfectly replaces a portion of the usual meal, without harming the body.

In the case of fat burning, the product helps to satisfy hunger without destroying muscles. It is required to drink it 2-4 times a day, and one serving should be equal to 25-35 grams. You can do this either before going to bed, or in between meals.

Where is protein found

A large amount of protein is present in foods of animal origin (meat, fish, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese and other dairy products). In addition, there is a lot of protein in cereals (oats, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, and so on).

One of the richest protein sources are nuts (pine nuts, cashews or almonds). These products are very useful for the human body, so they should be used not only by athletes, leading active image life, but also to other people. Legumes (lentils, beans, peas) are also a good source of protein.