Proper nutrition for muscle growth menu for the week. Foods for gaining muscle mass. homemade protein shakes

Often beginners do not realize that nutrition is the key to success. Training, of course, is important, but it comes second. What should be proper nutrition to the mass? We will talk about this now.

Fundamental rules

Now we will try to tell as clearly and concisely as possible about the most important principles that should be followed in nutrition during regular bodybuilding. First of all, be aware of the fact that in training you are destroying your muscles, not pumping them. They grow during recovery (most of all in a dream), requiring a lot of energy for such a process. Where does this energy come from? Of course, from food. In order for your muscles to begin to increase in volume, they must first be damaged (which is what we do in the gym), and then supplied with a sufficient amount of so-called building materials (proteins) and energy (carbohydrates).

It is easy to guess that muscle growth requires an excess of nutrients, and therefore it is important to get more calories than you burn in a day. Of course, the food must be right, because fast food will definitely not help here.

How many calories should an athlete who is in the process of recruiting muscle mass? The answer is simple: your weight x 30 + 500. Like this simple formula. For example, if you weigh 70 kg, then you need to eat 70 x 30 + 500 = 2900 calories daily. Eat more, grow more. Such a truth.

Body Types

Nutrition for mass cannot be universal, because we are all different. As you know, there are 3 ectomorphs, mesomorphs and endomorphs. Mesomorph (medium type) is ideally suited for the above scheme. A lean ectomorph can safely throw in 1000, not 500 calories, since such a person has an extremely fast metabolism. As for the endomorph (characterized by a rapid set of fat mass), such an athlete needs to be more attentive to the consumption of carbohydrates and fats (it is advisable to minimize their intake by the evening), and also reduce the allowance from 500 to 200-300 calories. We will talk more about diets below.

Nutrient Proportions

This is a rather painful topic. Take a look around: today there are a lot of obese people who eat an extremely large amount of unhealthy food that is deposited in fat. How to prevent it? First of all, stop eating fast food and sweets (1-2 times a month, of course, you can, but know when to stop), and also take into account the very proportion of nutrients. A healthy diet for muscle mass (its set) should consist of the following:

  • Proteins - 20-30%.
  • Carbohydrates - 50-60%.
  • Fats - 10-20%.

Protein (protein)

Don't forget that protein is the most important construction material for your muscles. Keep in mind that animal protein (or protein) is much better than vegetable protein due to a higher quality amino acid set. Important information: the amount of protein consumed should be 2 grams (maybe a little more) per 1 kg of weight. Only in this case will the increased growth of your muscles begin. Sports nutrition for mass gain will help make up for the missing amount of protein if you are unable to consume the proper amount of natural food.


We go further. Carbohydrates are the best source of energy. We think that you have memorized the most important principle in nutrition: you need to get more energy than is spent during the day. Only an indicator of 50-60% of carbohydrates in the diet should already indicate the importance of this nutrient. In principle, they should be 2 times more than protein, that is, 3.5-4 grams per 1 kg of body weight. It is worth noting that they have about the same story as with proteins (the presence of animal and vegetable), because carbohydrates are divided into simple (sweets) and complex ( pasta, cereals). The first, in turn, cause a huge jump in insulin, which is why they are absorbed extremely quickly by the body. This often leads to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat.

Now you understand why it is harmful to eat sweets (nevertheless, fruits are rich in vitamins and fiber, and therefore they cannot be neglected). on the contrary, they are absorbed rather slowly (several hours), which allows you to gradually saturate the body with the necessary energy.


Nutrition for mass (as well as for drying) must necessarily include fats. Their complete absence can threaten you with health problems. As in previous cases, there are 2 types of this nutrient: saturated (lard, margarine, butter) and unsaturated fish) fatty acids. The former should not make up more than a quarter of the total amount of fat in the diet. Try to use more fish, which is rich in omega-3, which normalizes metabolism and improves heart function.

When is the best time to eat and how much?

Recipe for success. If you break up meals by 5-6 times during the day, this will accelerate the metabolism in the body, helping it to better absorb nutrients and enhance fat burning processes. This approach will allow you to absorb more protein, which is so necessary for the muscles.

A diet for mass gain should clearly distribute all the food that our body needs into equal parts. At the same time, remember the basic principle: carbohydrates always go in a descending line (that is, a lot in the morning and less in the evening), and protein (protein) - in a straight line (it must be consumed in equal portions throughout the day). This is the golden rule of bodybuilding. It is especially important before and after strength training, as the body needs a huge amount of energy. So what should be the diet for weight gain? Below is a great example:

2 whole eggs and 3 egg whites + 100 g of oatmeal (possible with nuts or raisins);

250 g pasta ( durum varieties) / cereals (rice, buckwheat) + 200 g steak / chicken breast + vegetables;

200 g rice + fish / lean meat + vegetables;

200 g chicken breast with cheese;

200 g cottage cheese / casein shake.

This is how mass gathering happens. In principle, a similar diet will suit many athletes. What do we get? In the morning, the body is loaded with a high-quality protein-carbohydrate mixture, which prevents catabolism and triggers anabolic reactions.

Training should ideally be between the second and third meals. In order to maintain muscle glycogen and insulin production while working in the gym, you can drink various carbohydrate drinks.

In the last two meals, carbohydrates are excluded. The focus is on proteins.

We especially want to focus on the fifth meal (before bedtime). Cottage cheese or a cocktail contain casein (the so-called slow protein), which allows you to negate catabolism in the body during sleep, as well as saturate your muscles with the necessary building material.

This is how the nutrition program for mass gain turns out. Do not forget also about water (non-carbonated), because even with a slight dehydration of the body in the muscles, the recovery process is inhibited. Golden rule: 1 liter of water per 30 kg of body weight.

Mass gain for girls, whose nutrition generally coincides with that recommended for men, is somewhat harder. Firstly, the fair sex has significantly lower levels of testosterone in the blood. Secondly, they need to get much fewer calories (1500 kcal per 50 kg of weight), and therefore it is much easier to break loose. All other principles remain the same.

Sports nutrition for mass gain

Many beginners overestimate it. In principle, for those people who weigh 70-75 kg, there is practically no point in taking additional food. This is because 140-160 grams of protein and 250-300 grams of carbohydrates are easy to consume with natural food. Of course, with the gradual increase in qualitative body weight (over 85 kg), much more nutrients will already be required. What sports nutrition is ideal for gaining muscle mass? This is whey protein. This protein supplement is ideal for post-workout intake, as well as in the morning when the body is in an energy deficit.

As a rule, modern manufacturers with the world name Dymatize, BSN) make high-quality products with a protein percentage of up to 90%.

No less popular is the gainer. This carbohydrate-protein supplement allows you to replenish energy losses after training (100% recovery is possible only after a full meal, 40-90 minutes after the gym).

Next on the list is creatine monohydrate. This substance will help increase strength and overall muscle mass levels. BCAAs are an excellent choice to take during and after strength training as they prevent catabolism in the body.

Sports nutrition will help you achieve your ultimate goal. But do not think that it will fully replace natural food. This is far from true. Imagine a cake. So, cakes are ordinary food, and cream is sports supplements. That is, the basis should always be a standard meal, which will definitely allow you to gain muscle mass. Sports nutrition will only speed up this process by 5-15%.

Anabolic steroid

Anabolic steroids are pharmacological drugs that mimic the action of the male sex hormone testosterone. They allow you to accelerate the synthesis of protein (protein) inside the cells, which causes muscle hypertrophy (anabolic process). In addition, they significantly speed up recovery time, reduce the effect of catabolic hormones and accelerate metabolism. Of course, these properties allow you to build muscle mass very quickly. However, the use of such funds entails side effects(problems with the liver, hormonal imbalance, testicular atrophy, masculinization, and others), and therefore you should always be prepared to consciously harm the body if you decide to take this path.

The nutrition program for mass gain of absolutely all professional bodybuilders includes steroids, and therefore do not flatter yourself with false illusions about a huge body without doping.

Fundamental rules

Summing up all the above, we point out essential principles in nutrition:

  1. For quality growth, you need to create a positive calorie balance.
  2. Crush food into 5-6 doses.
  3. For 1 kg of body weight, there should be 2-2.5 g of protein, 3.5-4 g of carbohydrates and 1 g of fat.
  4. The priority is animal protein, complex carbohydrates and unsaturated fatty acids, as well as foods rich in Omega-3.
  5. Do carbohydrate loading before and after training.
  6. Carbohydrates should always go in a falling line, proteins in a straight line.
  7. Avoid simple carbohydrates and fast food.
  8. You can add sports nutrition to your diet, but do not overdo it, pay tribute to natural products.
  9. Drink plenty of water.
  10. Anabolic steroids will speed up your nutrition at times, however, carefully weigh the pros and cons before you start taking them.


Gaining muscle mass is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Ate more - became more. If you're not growing in mass, increase your food intake (especially carbs and protein). If you start to swim fat, reduce calories. Everything is very simple. Above, we described all the subtleties that a program for gaining mass should have. Good luck in achieving your goals!

If a person who comes to the gym has a clear goal - to build muscle mass, one well-designed training program is not enough. It is necessary to correctly approach the construction of the diet. The menu should be dominated by protein foods, since it is protein that is the main element necessary for building muscles.

The energy expended by a person, replenished by eating food, is directly proportional to physical activity. Strength training requires several times more energy than normal human activity. And if you reduce the diet, the body will begin to experience a lack of nutrients. This will negatively affect both well-being and the result of classes.

Follow a diet to increase muscle mass- this is not to starve, but, on the contrary, to consume more calories than the energy was expended. This fact should not be taken as the only condition for such nutrition. A muscle-building diet should be balanced, based on six basic principles:

Fractional nutrition

You need to eat a lot, but in small portions throughout the day. This contributes to the rapid assimilation of food in order to obtain energy, and not to accumulate body fat. Eating fractionally, the athlete gains muscle, not fat mass.

high calorie food

Each serving of food you eat should contain a lot of calories. The less the energy value food, the more often you have to eat. About 70% daily ration, compiled by the nutrition program, must be composed of highly high-calorie foods.

Slow fats and carbohydrates

From the menu you need to exclude fast carbohydrates and fats - sweet fruits, confectionery and flour products. They require a long time to digest, which leads to the accumulation of body fat, and not energy. The body does not have time to spend most of the nutrients extracted from fast carbohydrates and fats to renew the expended energy, but sends it to “storage”, that is, to the fat depot.

Sufficient amount of water

A diet for muscle gain speeds up metabolism, introduces the body into a stressful situation, which can be avoided by observing the drinking regimen. You need to drink at least three liters of water per day. Failure to comply with this paragraph can lead to dehydration, expressed by a deterioration in well-being and a stop in the growth of muscle mass.


Portions eaten before 16.00 should make up the majority of the daily diet. In more late time foods with fast carbohydrates and fats should be avoided in the diet.

sports diet

It implies mandatory intensive training. Otherwise, all the calories consumed will turn into fat, and not into dry muscle mass. On training days, you need to eat 2 hours before and after training. The additional intake of sports supplements contributes to the acceleration of the process of muscle growth.

Fats, proteins, carbohydrates: daily allowance

A balanced diet is the main condition for success in following a special diet for building muscle mass. This can be achieved by following the principle of the inverted pyramid, which determines the ratio of nutrients in the diet:

  • carbohydrates - from 55 to 60%
  • proteins - from 25 to 30%;
  • fats - from 10 to 20%.

Compliance with this rule involves an accurate calculation of all substances consumed per day. This makes it possible to receive more calories than is expended during strength training. The excess goes into muscle mass.

To calculate the calorie content of the daily norm, it is enough to use the following formula: "athlete's weight" is multiplied by "30", plus "500" to the result. It should also be taken into account that the ratio of these elements is different for both men and women.


  • Squirrels. Some amino acids are synthesized in the body, other compounds are replenished from the food consumed. And to ensure a sufficient amount of protein per day, you need to include protein-rich foods in your diet, such as meat, milk, fish. The need for a substance is calculated by multiplying its own body weight by two. If an athlete weighs 80 kilograms, then he needs 160 grams of protein per day.
  • Fats. Should be reduced, but not completely eliminated. Without them, the body will not be able to function normally. The daily rate is determined by age. Men under 28 need 130-160, under 40 - 100-150 grams. In more adulthood the amount is reduced to 70 g / day.
  • Carbohydrates. There are simple and complex. The former are of no value to muscle mass, and the consumption of the latter per day should be at least 500 grams.


  • Squirrels. The lack of this element negatively affects appearance representatives of the fair sex. Deficiency leads to a deterioration in the condition of the skin, hair structure, and nail plate. Girls, unlike men, need to consume 1.5 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of their own weight.
  • Fats. The need for this substance is also due to age. Up to 28, it is 86-116, up to 40 - 80-111, after 40 years it is reduced and amounts to 70 grams per day.
  • Carbohydrates. To increase muscle mass, girls need to consume at least 400 grams of slow carbohydrates.

Absolutely any diet food, including for increasing muscle mass, involves the inclusion in the diet of products that allow you to fully provide all the nutrients necessary to maintain normal life. For this purpose, athletes can use both regular food and special supplements.

Along with food that is useful for an athlete gaining muscle mass, there is one that needs to be excluded from the diet. It does not bring any benefit to the body, it is deposited in the fat layer. The list of prohibited foods includes the following food groups:

  • fatty meats, sausages and frankfurters, ham;
  • industrial food products containing dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives and other chemical additives;
  • any kind of spread, natural butter, mayonnaise, margarine;
  • sweet pastries, sweets, cakes and so on;
  • salted, pickled, smoked food.

Protein Sources

Protein-rich foods to increase muscle mass include:

  • Chicken or turkey fillet. You need to consume from 150 to 200 grams of this dietary meat per day.
  • Dairy products with a low percentage of fat content. It can be yogurt and milk.
  • Cottage cheese and egg whites. The first, along with protein, also contains valuable trace elements. Eggs, for obvious reasons, become a source of protein only without the yolk.
  • Sea fish. Salmon, tuna and so on contain the most important omega acids for humans.
  • Cereal crops. Wheat should be consumed sprouted, and whole grain bread, raw or roasted sunflower seeds. You can eat lentils and buckwheat.

Carbohydrate rich foods

Allows you to get the energy required for training. The amount of carbohydrates is reduced only for the purpose of losing weight. People who are gaining muscle mass, on the contrary, need to include the following carbohydrate sources in their diet:

  • brown rice containing more carbohydrates than white;
  • unsweetened fruits by reducing the consumption of grapes, pears, bananas;
  • vegetables, including herbs and garlic;
  • pasta made from durum wheat;
  • cereals.

Sources of Fat

The optimal need for fats is compensated by the use of:

  • brazil and walnuts;
  • hazelnuts, almonds, cashews;
  • applesauce marshmallows;
  • mackerel.

Designed specifically for naturally thin ectomorphs. Assumes six meals a day. Portions should be small so as not to overeat and not feel hungry. The result of such nutrition can be seen after a month.

Diet plan to increase muscle mass

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Oatmeal, nuts, apple.Potatoes, chicken fillet, vegetables.Curd and banana.Fish, rice, vegetables.Tuna with vegetable salad.Fruit salad.
2 orange, nuts, buckwheat porridge with honey and milk.Boiled pasta, baked veal, vegetables.Whole grain bread, kefir.Cottage cheese with honey, kiwi.Baked mackerel, vegetable salad.
3 Oatmeal, banana, apple, nuts.Potatoes, lean veal, vegetables.Black bread, scrambled eggs, apple.Smoothies made from milk and fruit.Turkey fillet, rice,Jam, cottage cheese.
4 Rice porridge with milk, nuts, apple.Vegetable soup, veal.Whole grain bread, kefir.Fruit salad.Turkey fillet, baked potatoes.Vegetable salad.
5 Chicken fillet, scrambled eggs, vegetables.Potato, lean veal, banana.Apple, cottage cheese with jam.Fruit smoothie.Chicken fillet with vegetable stew.Strawberries, yogurt, peanut butter.
6 Nuts, banana, oatmeal.Chicken fillet, potatoes, vegetables.Kefir, whole grain bread.Kiwi, cottage cheese with honey.Baked mackerel, buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad.Fruit salad.
7 Chicken fillet, scrambled eggs, vegetablesVeal, vegetable salad, apple.Banana, cottage cheese with jam.Fruit smoothie.Chicken fillet, rice, vegetables.Vegetable salad.

Sports nutrition with a diet

A complex schedule or lifestyle does not always allow you to eat up to six times a day. And if such a problem exists, various supplements can come to the rescue to fill the “gaps” in nutrition.

Such sports nutrition includes:


Protein powders

Protein supplement involved in the process of building muscle mass. It does not interfere with the gainer, it is consumed an hour before training.


Retains water in muscle tissue. Drink forty minutes before physical activity.

Be sure to take care of a sufficient amount of vitamins. They not only increase the digestibility of nutrients, but are also the prevention of malfunctions in the intestines.

Drying the body with an increase in muscle mass

In order not only to increase the volume of muscles, but also to dry out, the diet is tightened. All sources of fast carbohydrates are excluded from the diet. No cakes, muffins, sweets or sugary foods.

You need to eat not six, but from seven to nine times. This will prevent the accumulation of fat mass. It is highly recommended to use vegetable fats instead of animals.

Good day, comrades. You are on a blog without lies and falsehood, bodybuilding in its purest form.

In today's issue, I will tell you about the basic principles of nutrition for gaining muscle mass, however, I also made a special exclusive issue (practical, everything is detailed and specific from A to Z what and how to do in terms of nutrition) whose name =><= рекомендую обязательно перейти по ссылке и также изучить, я гарантирую вы не пожалеете.

In today's article, you will learn about the basic principles of nutrition for gaining muscle mass and strength, as well as learn about the main differences between a bodybuilder's meal and an ordinary person, what food nutrients and how much to eat in order to become healthy and strong, and finally, how everyone it is to absorb during the day, in order to maximize the process of growth of muscles (muscles).

Basic nutrition rules for gaining muscle mass and strength

First of all, you must know and understand that training with iron causes tremendous stress on your internal environment, which affects many structures and systems of our body (organism).

So, in this situation, our body tries to eliminate all these destructions (this stress received by training), however, it does this with a small margin in case such stress is repeated in the future (this is the so-called).

Smart, isn't it? =) given that in the future this stress (training) will indeed be repeated. So, in order to eliminate this stress (destruction), the body (body) needs two things:

  • Energy (carbohydrates) + building materials (protein)
  • Time

As you may know, any repair requires building materials to build and time to complete it to the end. This applies both to the repair of the apartment, and to the repair of our muscles ...

Because our discussion today is about bodybuilding, we will need enough protein (building material) and carbohydrates (energy) to complete (build) repairs (muscles). Do you understand?

A sufficient amount, those who are not in the know, I will explain: in our body (body) there is a constant exchange of nutrients (that is, part is spent, and part comes).

So, if your goal is to gain muscle mass, you need to adjust your diet so that you get more than you spend. This is the basic principle on which success (mass gains) will depend.

Now, we are talking about the calorie content of your food during the day, which shows the energy intensity (ie, you should receive more energy than you spend). And this is quite logical, because in order to get something, we always need to spend something.

The question arises, how to understand (or find out) how many calories you need to eat for muscle growth? (after all, you need to receive more than spend). There is a special formula for displaying the required kcal per day, which looks like this: WEIGHT (in kg) X 30 \u003d .... Kcal

This resulting figure will tell you the approximate number of calories to maintain your body weight. I repeat, unchanged.

However, if your goal is to gain muscle mass, then we need a lot of energy, so you need to add another 500 calories to the resulting kcal per day, because you need to get more than you spend.

However, there is one nuance here. The fact is that you still need to consider (ectomorph or endomorph or mesomorph).

Well, for example, if you are an ectomorph (because you are thin, roughly speaking, skinny), you can easily add not 500 calories, but as many as 1000, because it will benefit him (ectomorph), unlike an endomorph who will start gaining fat when sorting calories (and this is a very sad sight).

My advice is this: if you are an ectomorph or mesomorph, you can safely add not 500, but immediately 1000 kcal or even more (see and decide for yourself), I would add 500, and then correct (gradually) upwards, because this is the most correct decision .

Okay, after you have decided on the number of calories, you need to find the optimal diet. Optimal ratio of nutrients healthy eating, including for weight gain, should have the following percentage of fat, protein and carbohydrates:

  • Carbohydrates - 50-60%
  • proteins - 20-30%
  • fats - 10-20%

Protein is a building block

Heh (at first it was funny, but now, to be honest, it’s sad), in general, usually, when a person has been visiting and visiting the gym for a long time and has achieved, let’s say, “good results”, he comes to study / work and then from the lips of those around him people, such questions fly out as: “Did you swing yourself or on proteins? Well, in such a spirit ... ".

Many have heard (perhaps not by hearsay), and understand what it is about .. So, I want to clarify this point once and for all, assuring you that all this is complete nonsense. Protein is just protein, it's just food, exactly the same as regular food (for example, or meat).

In general, when you count (if you do it at all, because many are lazy, and in vain, it’s not someone who needs it, but you .. think about it) the amount of protein, remember two rules:

  • You need to absorb protein per day at least 2 grams, for every kg of your weight (in general, I recommend studying the article => )
  • We make calculations only for protein of animal origin or from supplements (sports nutrition), vegetable protein is not taken into account.

P.s. Animal protein is fish, poultry, any meat, dairy products (milk, kefir).

pps. Animal proteins are much better than plant proteins due to their better amino acid profile. Actually for this reason, all experienced bodybuilders, including us (after all, I also recommend you) do not take into account vegetable protein when calculating the daily intake of protein (protein).

Carbohydrates are energy

The basic principle is to get more than you spend. Follow this rule and everything will be fine. Do not forget about the proportion that I gave you, i.e. 50-60% carbs throughout the day. Now, about what carbohydrates are.

There are two types of carbohydrates:

  • Simple (they are fast)
  • Complex (they are also slow)

The former cause a rapid rise in insulin and are very quickly absorbed by the body, often leading to the accumulation of excess fat, but complex carbohydrates, on the contrary, are absorbed slowly and provide us with energy for a long time.

As a rule, we need simple carbohydrates when we urgently need to restore energy in the shortest possible time (well, for example, after a workout), and we need the second at all the rest of the time to provide stable energy.

In general, when you count carbohydrates, consider only complex (slow), that is, cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, potatoes, etc.), and do not take into account simple carbohydrates (fast), such as sweet, flour, etc. .

A few words about fiber. The fact is that vegetables and fruits (in fact, they are formally sources of carbohydrates) contain a lot of fiber, and it is very useful for our body, because it slows down the absorption of food (p.s. vegetables must be combined with almost every protein meal, because that they contribute to the digestion and assimilation of animal protein).

In addition, they contain many vitamins and minerals, which are equally important.

In other words, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, you can use within reasonable limits without any calculation.

But fruits such as grapes, pears, bananas, persimmons, etc. (they are sweet) they have a lot of simple sugars, so their use should be limited, and if consumed, it is desirable in the first half of the day.

How much, when, and most importantly, what to eat?

In short, you need to eat often, but little by little (you can reach up to 8-12 meals during the day).

Why, you ask? Because fractional nutrition spins up our metabolism, which is very, very good, because this applies to both fat burning processes (getting rid of excess fat) and muscle gain processes (), however, in addition to this, fractional nutrition also provides us with enough nutrients throughout the day (i.e., small portions of nutrients are constantly supplied to the blood, which will nourish the muscles throughout the day).

Actually, in order to reach 6-8 or more meals, you need to eat every 2 hours, for example, at 8.00, then at 10.00, then 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22. See? 8 meals.

You should also be aware that protein and carbohydrate requirements change throughout the day. Those. there is a time for bulk intake of carbohydrates (energy), and there is a time predominantly for protein (building material).

Just know that the day starts with carbohydrates and ends with protein (in other words, in the first half of the day, you need to eat carbohydrates for the most part, and protein in the second).

However, on the mass, this daily distribution of nutrients plays a secondary role.

For example, I I am constantly on the mass, I eat slow (complex) carbohydrates all day (stupidly from morning to 21.00) and in addition to each meal I also eat protein, in other words, you can not adhere to such a distribution (such as carbohydrates during the day, and only protein in the evening) ..

This rule was said in order for you to understand the very essence, i.e. when you wake up, you need a lot of energy for the whole day, for this you need a lot of carbohydrates, but in the evening, why do you need energy? where will you spend it? for gatherings at the computer / TV? => you need protein (building material) from which your muscles that are damaged during training will heal, and this rule is suitable for those who do not want to get an excess of fat (for example, endomorphs), and ectomorphs / mesomorphs generally do not care.

Therefore, see for yourself (I gave you the information to think about, it's up to you).

A proper pre-workout meal contains slow (complex) carbohydrates and proteins and does not contain fat at all (if it does, no more than 3 grams). As a rule, you need to eat 1-2 hours before training.

As for eating after a workout, there is an opinion, they say, within 30-60 minutes after the end of a workout, the so-called “carbohydrate-protein window” is opened in the body, and it needs to be closed by eating fast carbohydrates and proteins.

As for eating before bed, take the so-called long protein (casein). The fact is that your body will be without new food for 8 hours, so it is very important to take good portion squirrel for the night.

In its turn, a large number of protein drink, will help you ease your nightly catabolic reactions (muscle breakdown), give you casein (which is found in cottage cheese or casein protein from sports nutrition, which is sold in any gym), I prefer cottage cheese with kefir (I recommend it, so to speak).

Finally, in order for you to consolidate the material and be 100% sure of your actions, I have prepared for you a short version of the basics of mass nutrition:

  • To grow muscle mass, you need to get more than you spend (this is the main principle).
  • You need to eat often, but little by little (2-3 meals as before, will not work), at least 6 meals
  • For every kg of your body, you should have approximately 1.6 - 2 grams of protein.
  • We count only animal sources of protein + from supplements, we do not touch vegetable ones.
  • Carbohydrates (energy) is required more in the first half of the day (although this is not important, I don’t care about the mass, the more the better).
  • After exercising in the gym, the body needs approximately 25% of the daily carbohydrate intake.
  • Limit yourself in eating simple carbohydrates (so as not to gain stupid fat).
  • Of the carbohydrate products, we count only complex (slow), simple ones are not taken into account.
  • Eat more fat plant origin and reduce animal fat intake.
  • Drink as much water as possible, at least 3 liters per day, because during periods physical activity the body's need for fluid increases dramatically, therefore, without water, the growth of muscle mass is impossible.

The success of building a beautiful, strong, healthy body is the right balance between competent physical training and a balanced diet.

Beginning athletes make a big mistake by relying only on protein products for weight gain. Of course, protein is the main building block of muscles, but for the proper formation of a beautiful body, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fats are also needed.

The second common mistake is uncontrolled use the most high-calorie foods for gaining muscle mass. Fruits and vegetables with a low calorie content are important for the proper functioning of the body - you should not completely abandon them. But first things first.

The basic principles of a healthy diet for gaining muscle mass

  • In a day, food should be taken 5-6 times in 3-4 hours. This is necessary for the uniform supply of nutrients (substances vital for nourishing the cells of a living organism and contained in food) into the body. With 3 meals a day, useful substances come in excess - there is a risk that the body will convert some of them into fat.
  • Drink a lot. When gaining muscle mass, many processes are activated in the body, which require at least 2.5-3 liters of water per day.
  • The number of high-calorie foods for correct set weight should be no more than 70% of the total mass of products consumed per day. Low-calorie foods such as most fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which is important for proper digestion, nutrient absorption, and overall body health. The total daily number of calories for weight gain varies from 3000 to 4000.

When compiling a diet, keep the following balance between proteins, carbohydrates and fats:

  • Carbohydrates 50-60% of the total daily diet;
  • Proteins 30 - 35%;
  • Fats 10-15%.

Most of daily ration (70-75%) should be eaten before 17-00.

Approximately 2 hours before training, you need to eat a portion of the product, and slow carbohydrates. Protein is needed to feed the muscles, and carbohydrates will give energy to the body and brain. After training, it is appropriate to use special sports cocktails containing protein, vitamins and minerals. Entrust the choice of drink and its dosage to a professional - he will help you calculate everything correctly. With the help of sports nutrition, you can resolve the situation when it is not possible to eat properly before training. Within 3-4 hours after training, to restore strength after it and replenish glycogen stores in the muscles, it is important to consume a portion of fast carbohydrates. However, you should give preference to healthy foods with a high glycemic index, and not "lean" on buns, snacks and sweets.

Use sparing heat treatment products (steaming, boiling, stewing). Vegetables, fruits, herbs - eat raw.

Control the amount of weight gain - it should be about 600-800 g per week. Exceeding the upper threshold should be avoided, otherwise the body will begin to store a lot of fat.

Products for gaining muscle mass

What are they for? Consumption rate for an athlete Balance Products
Squirrels The main building material of the body Approximately 1 g per 1 kg of body weight Animals and vegetable Lean meat, seafood, dairy products, eggs, legumes, nuts, millet, buckwheat, pearl barley
Carbohydrates Provide the body with energy, replenish glycogen in the muscles 500-600 g (about 5 g per 1 kg of weight) 65% complex Vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes
no more than 35% "healthy" fast carbohydrates Sweet fruits, dates, raisins, potatoes, pumpkin, rice, muesli
Fats Source of essential acids needed to build proteins Not more than 1 g per 1 kg of weight At least 80% vegetable fats Nuts, seeds and sunflower seeds, as well as their oils
Not more than 20% animals Milk fats, oily sea fish, butter

The best foods for gaining muscle mass

Any product contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, a number of vitamins and minerals, so there are a number of products, the regular use of which will saturate the body with many benefits. List of the most important foods for those who want to gain muscle mass:

  • Lean meat (beef, chicken, turkey).
  • Seafood and fish. It is enough to eat fatty fish varieties 2 times a week or make up for the lack of healthy fats with the help of fish oil.
  • Fat-free dairy products (milk, yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese). Eat cheese and butter in small amounts.
  • Eggs about 6-8 pieces per day. Some nutritionists recommend eating only 2-3 eggs along with the yolks, and only eating protein from the rest to avoid problems with cholesterol. However, there is no scientific evidence for such a recommendation.
  • Cereals - cereals, pasta, rye bread as a source of slow carbohydrates.
  • Legumes are rich in protein and at the same time are a source of complex carbohydrates.
  • Vegetables are a source of carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins. Just do not overdo it with starchy representatives - beets, potatoes, carrots.
  • Mushrooms are rich in proteins, fiber and fats, which are almost completely absorbed by the body.
  • Greens are a source of micro and macro elements.
  • Fruits under the control of the glycemic index. Sweet fruits and berries - bananas, persimmons, pineapples, watermelons - are best eaten after training.
  • Nuts as a source of protein and healthy fats.
  • Dried fruits are an excellent source of vitamins and complex carbohydrates. Ideal for a snack.

Nutrition for gaining muscle mass - menu

Diet for 5 days

Sample menu for a week to gain muscle mass:

7-00 11-00 14-00 17-00 20-00 23-00
Monday Oatmeal + cocoa + a few pieces of cheese Boiled eggs + unsweetened fruit + berry compote A serving of lean beef stew with beans + tea with honey or jam handful of dried fruits Vegetable salad with herbs and butter + boiled turkey + tea or juice Yogurt or kefir
Tuesday Fried eggs with bread + tea + apple or pear Yogurt or kefir Chicken with pasta + vegetable salad with herbs + compote or fruit drink 16-00 training, immediately after it a handful of dates Fish with rice + green tea handful of nuts
Wednesday Millet porridge + cocoa 1-2 fruits Boiled beef + buckwheat + steamed green peas + tea Cottage cheese with honey + tea Vegetable salad + boiled turkey + tea
Thursday Omelet with shrimps and tomatoes + bread + green tea Tea and a few pieces of cheese (you can have a cheese sandwich) Boiled chicken breast + potatoes stewed with mushrooms + buckwheat + tea 16-00 training, immediately after it a piece of chocolate and 2 bananas Curd with raisins Yogurt or kefir
Friday Buckwheat porridge + milk Yogurt or kefir Beef with pasta + vegetable salad with herbs and butter + compote or berry juice 2 unsweetened fruits Steamed chicken with green beans + green tea handful of dried fruits
Saturday Omelet with vegetable salad + tea + cheese sandwich At 9-00 training, immediately after it, persimmon Pumpkin porridge with meat Curd with jam + tea Portion of fish and potatoes + vegetable salad + tea Yogurt or kefir
Sunday Barley porridge + cocoa 1-2 fruits or a handful of dried fruits or nuts Boiled beef with pasta + compote Cottage cheese with unsweetened fruits + tea Seafood with vegetables and herbs Yogurt or kefir

The proposed menu is advisory in nature and is subject to individual correction. Make up your diet according to the rules outlined, taking into account the regimen of your day. Proper nutrition is an important step in building a strong, beautiful body! And be sure to weigh yourself weekly to control weight gain and timely diet adjustments.

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There are two categories of people in the hall: some came to lose weight, the second - to gain it. For a beautiful muscle relief, it is not enough to get rid of excess kilograms, you need to build muscle mass. And many athletes are faced with a problem: the weight is normal, training is on schedule, but the cherished relief does not appear. To achieve your goal, you need to balance the nutrition for gaining muscle mass.

Fundamental rules

The diet should be organized so that nutrients are distributed evenly throughout the day, so introducing three meals a day is a bad idea. Break your daily calorie intake into 5-6 meals. Between them there should be intervals of 3-4 hours. It's not the only important rule, there are others:

  • Drink a lot pure water. To gain muscle mass, you need at least 2.5 liters of water per day, because without fluid, many of the physiological processes necessary for muscle growth will take place slowly.
  • The daily amount of calories for an adult athlete is from 3 to 4 thousand. At the same time, high-calorie foods should account for no more than 70% of the daily requirement, everything else - nutrient-rich non-calorie foods like fruits and vegetables.
  • Keep a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your diet. The daily rate of carbohydrates is 50-60% of the diet, proteins - 30-35%, fats - 10-15%.
  • Do not exceed the recommended dose of fats, give preference to vegetable fats. Completely exclude margarine, lard, smoked meats and sausages from the menu.
  • Avoid fried and baked foods. Use gentle cooking when cooking: boiling, stewing, steaming. Vegetables are best eaten raw.
  • Eat the main part of the daily menu before 17:00. Two hours before training - a portion of proteins and carbohydrates necessary for muscle nutrition. After training - sports shakes with protein, vitamins and minerals.
  • Eat within 3-4 hours after your workout healthy foods with a high glycemic index to recover from exercise and replenish muscle glycogen stores. Sweets and buns, although high in calories, save them for exceptional cases.
  • Do not wait quick results. Normal weight gain is 600-800 grams per week. If you gain weight faster, this is a reason for excitement, not joy: not only muscles are growing, but also adipose tissue.

Body Types

Some athletes build muscle mass more easily, others more difficult. Someone can train for years, lifting barbells for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but remain thin, without a hint of relief, while someone has been going to the gym for a couple of months - and already flaunts the perfect press. It depends on body type. It affects the training plan and the choice of products for gaining muscle mass. Therefore, before compiling a diet, it is important to determine your body type.

Ectomorphs have the hardest time. People of this physique are excellent athletes and climbers: they are naturally thin, energetic, mobile. They have a fast metabolism, so an ectomorph can gain weight only because of serious health problems. But it’s not easy for such an athlete to build muscle, so they are recommended to consume proteins before and after training.

If you belong to this category of athletes, do not worry: yes, you need to balance your diet so that you get a lot of protein, and the result will not be quick. But when it appears, you will look great. The absence of fat and narrow bones allow you to achieve a very beautiful muscle relief.

The direct opposite of an ectomorph is an endomorph. If you lose weight hard, but gain it easily, have a naturally powerful build and solid, slow movements, most likely you have this particular body type. The good thing is that you quickly build muscle mass. The bad thing is that it is not visible behind the adipose tissue. Endomorphs should train to burn as much fat as possible. If this is your case, after training, in no case do not eat starchy, fatty or junk food. You should keep your intake of these foods to a minimum.

Mesomorphs are the fastest to achieve brilliant results in the gym. These are men of athletic build, with developed muscles, but without a tendency to be overweight. They do not need to put in as much effort to increase muscle mass as ectomorphs, but they do not need to limit themselves to food, like endomorphs. Mesomorphs can afford great freedom in choosing a training and nutrition program for gaining muscle mass.

Caloric content of food

To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you take in. For muscle growth, you should follow the opposite principle, but do it in such a way that the excess calories go to the muscles, and not to the adipose tissue. Calculate the optimal number of calories in different ways. Sometimes coaches recommend this method: write down the amount and weight of all meals for the week, calculate the average daily calorie content, and then simply add 500 calories to the resulting figure. Theoretically, this is enough for the body to build muscle.

But there is an easier way to calculate the correct number of calories: multiply your weight by 30, the resulting number will be the approximate norm of calories per day. So much energy you need for the body to function normally. Since you want to build muscle tissue, you need a little more energy, so add another 500 calories to the total figure.

The full formula for calculating the daily calorie intake looks like this:

Weight × 30 + 500 = calories

However, consider also the specifics of your physique. If you are an ectomorph, 500 calories will not be enough, add 1000 immediately.

Proteins for mass gain

Not all calories are equally good for muscles: you can not eat pizza containing a daily portion of energy, and assume that this contributes to muscle growth. To gain muscle mass, nutrition should be balanced, and proteins in one form or another should make up no more than 30% of all food.

Most bodybuilders do not count vegetable proteins, but only animal proteins, because they are more digestible. You can also get your protein from supplements, but it's best if you consume both supplements and animal proteins.

The norm for an adult athlete is approximately 2 grams of protein per kilogram of weight. For example, with a weight of 85 kg, you will need 500 grams of chicken breast per day (contains 100 grams of protein), 100 grams of cottage cheese (30 grams of pure protein), 5 eggs, 2 glasses of milk. This is just an example, you can include more or less of the food you like in your meal plan.

Carbohydrates account for the bulk of nutrition: 50-60%. If you have calculated the optimal amount of protein, the calculation of the daily intake of carbohydrates will not be difficult - exactly twice as much protein.

Keep in mind that carbohydrates are simple and complex. Simple ones are absorbed quickly, causing a sharp jump in blood glucose. Complex ones break down more slowly, maintaining glucose levels for a long time. Preference should be given to complex carbohydrates, which are found in cereals and legumes. However, if you need to replenish energy reserves urgently, you can also eat fast carbohydrates: sweets. But you can’t take them as the basis of nutrition.

Finally, do not forget about vegetables and fruits - they have a lot of fiber, which slows down the absorption of food. Therefore, in reasonable quantities, fresh vegetables can be eaten without counting.

How much fat should you eat

The daily norm of fats is 10-20%. It is impossible to completely exclude them, but it is important to give preference to vegetable fats, reducing animal products. The only exceptions are seafood rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Eating mode

Stick to the regime: eat at approximately the same time. A chaotic diet can cause a set of adipose tissue, and for people who actively train, it can cause a slowdown in muscle growth.


Breakfast options: oatmeal in milk, two hard-boiled eggs, toast with jam. Or corn porridge with milk, scrambled eggs, whole grain bread sandwich with butter. Rice porridge with milk, scrambled eggs, dried fruits are also suitable.


For lunch, you can eat rice, boiled chicken breast, cucumbers, tomatoes and some whole grain bread. Another day - barley porridge, beef goulash, vegetable salad and a slice of rye bread. Or pilaf, shrimp, coleslaw.

afternoon tea

Do not skip an afternoon snack: it is important to maintain a diet. At this time, you can eat buckwheat, turkey fillet, vegetables. Or barley porridge, beef steam cutlets, banana. On another day - lentil stew with vegetables and chicken fillet.


For snacks, a glass of yogurt and a slice of hard cheese, cottage cheese with yogurt, a milkshake, low-fat cottage cheese are suitable. Don't take snacks as permission to eat, like Snickers.


Pollock, beans, vegetable salad seasoned with sour cream - great option sports dinner. You can replace this set with rice, veal and Greek salad. Or lean pilaf, fish soufflé and squash caviar.

What to eat before a workout

Before training, you need to eat a solid meal 2-3 hours in advance: try to make the basis of complex carbohydrates and animal proteins. For example, rice with chicken fillet or a turkey. An additional intake of whey protein and a few amino acid capsules before exercise will protect the muscles from splitting.

What to eat after a workout

After an intense workout, the body needs to be fueled within 24 hours, so do not rely on one meal and stick to a meal schedule. Immediately after, you can drink a protein shake or resort to its closest analogue: eggs and cottage cheese.

Best Foods for Muscle Growth

The first thing that many coaches tell athletes is that it is useful to eat egg yolk no more than twice a day, and protein - as much as you like. After all, this is a source of protein necessary for muscles! But on the egg white, the world did not converge like a wedge. By combining different products for gaining muscle mass, you will create the right, healthy eating schedule.


Porridges provide the energy needed for training. They are rich in slow carbohydrates, as well as amino acids and protein.


Fish helps to effectively build muscle. It contains not only protein, but also amino acids and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for the proper absorption of proteins. Therefore, do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating tuna, salmon, cod or mackerel. Ocean fish is best suited, it has the most nutrients.


Fruits are rich in fiber, vitamins and amino acids. The most useful for athletes are pineapples, melons, sour apples, as well as citrus fruits: grapefruits, oranges.


Poultry meat contains up to 50% protein, but you need to eat it without high-calorie skin. Beef and rabbit fillet contain creatine, an acid necessary for burning fat and building muscles. It is important that the meat is lean. In terms of benefits, the advantage is on the side of chicken and turkey fillet, beef, and rabbit.


Not all sweets are equally harmful: among them there are also non-calorie desserts that will help replenish the supply of fast carbohydrates, and besides, they will bring pleasure. Sometimes the only reason for the excruciating feeling of hunger is the lack of pleasure, the joy of eating. Therefore, do not deny yourself small portions of dark chocolate, marshmallows or marmalade.

Milk products

We hope you are not lactose intolerant, because whole milk and fermented milk products are rich in calcium and vitamin D. There is a fierce debate around how lactic acid bacteria are good for the body, but in any case, calcium is needed for muscle growth. Little trick: full-fat milk reduces post-workout pain.


Like fruits, vegetables are rich in fiber and useful substances like vitamins and amino acids. Athletes are advised to eat foods to gain muscle mass - for example, lettuce, cabbage, asparagus, spinach. A naturally fermented soy sauce will replace the salt.


White bread, sweet buns and custards are the foods that are recommended to be avoided. But it is not necessary to exclude all flour products from the diet. This is not even desirable: whole grain bread, bran bread, yeast-free pastries and diet breads are quite suitable as a source of carbohydrates.

Athletes recommend not just choosing a healthy diet and counting calories, but also keeping a food and training diary. This will help you control your weight and adjust your diet according to circumstances, body type, and health conditions. In the future, you will be able to develop an optimal diet for yourself. However, at the initial stage, consult with an experienced trainer.

If the change in diet caused an increase in waist size, train harder than usual, and cut the daily food intake by 10%. Only a systematic approach to sports and diet will help you always stay in shape.