I dreamed bewitched. Who else had a dream about a love spell? Magicum Blogs - Online Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed of a man, then you will have some kind of pleasure. If you see an unfamiliar man in a dream, this portends some kind of adventure. Seeing yourself as a man in a dream means getting into some kind of piquant situation with far-reaching consequences.

If a man seen in a dream is in prison, then this promises you the implementation of your plans for a long time.

Seeing a male actor in a dream means an upcoming quarrel with friends or the loss of someone close to you. Resentment, tears and grief are possible. Annoyance, hassle.

If the man you saw in a dream was an obstetrician, this means an imminent illness.

Seeing the man of your dreams in a dream and enjoying talking with him means that you will have to cry a lot and worry about trifles.

If in a dream a man of small stature is trying to start a quarrel or fight with a person who is superior in strength, this means that you are exchanging for nothing. Also, a dream promises an unexpected acquaintance, thanks to which many joys will appear in your life.

By the way, various historical sources give numerous examples of dreams that predicted events that actually happened later. Such facts are cited in his Comparative Biographies by the ancient Greek writer and historian Plutarch (c. 45 - c. 127), the Roman historian and writer Gaius Suetonius Tranquill (c. 70 - c. 140) and many other ancient authors narrate about prophetic dreams.

About one prophetic dream that predicted misfortune, the story of Plutarch from his famous "Biographies" has been preserved. One night on the eve of the assassination of the Roman dictator and commander Gaius Julius Caesar, his wife Calpurnia woke up sobbing: she dreamed that she was holding her murdered husband in her arms. Her feelings were so convincing that Julius Caesar intended to cancel the Senate meeting scheduled for that day.

If he had attached importance to this warning from above, given to his wife, he would have remained alive (in the Senate he was stabbed twenty-three times, in which all the senators took part), and the subsequent history of the Roman Empire would have turned out differently.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation for Women

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Dream Interpretation - Man

Peeing on your feet - portends great luck, success.

Uncovered head and loose hair - someone is secretly plotting against you.

Uncovered hair and a closed face - there will be a lawsuit, a trial.

If you cut the wasp's hair in front, there will be misfortune in the family associated with the household.

You see yourself with eyebrows on a par with another person - there will be a promotion.

Teeth fall out by themselves - misfortune with a father or mother.

Having performed ablution, they rise on the bed - unfortunately, trouble.

Wash off dust and dirt - portends recovery.

You have sexual intercourse with a man - portends a loss of well-being.

A woman puts on the clothes of a man - indicates the birth of a noble offspring.

A man or husband suddenly turns into a nun - misfortune.

The naked body of a man - portends good luck in fate.

Interpretation of dreams from

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High-quality problem solving: love magic, love spell, lapel, love plot, removal of the crown of celibacy

Angel, you have repeatedly described how a person feels at the time of his transformation for an approximate period of 28 days. With an average impact on the heart and sex chakras.

The question will be a bit different. What does the customer himself feel during this period?

Do dreams about a loved one visit him, does his heart sometimes ache, do any changes occur to him?

However, in the case of a serious attachment between people, the customer can indirectly feel experiences and intensification of feelings on the part of the object of influence.

Abyssus abyssum invocat

I trust the person I work with completely, I just wanted to know your opinion.

It is also worth understanding that your own emotions do not depend on magical influence, but on yourself. The more you think about the current situation, worry, worry, the stronger the attachment on your part to the person.

During sleep, the sensitivity increases naturally.

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Many are interested in the question of how dreams change when it goes magical effect by spell. Can there be prophetic dreams telling about what is happening with the situation.

In this case, I can tell you from my own experience that it all depends on how receptive a person is. Look, a love spell is done on a person. That is, it does not affect binary, but precisely on the one who needs to bewitched. Therefore, the customer of the love spell is not involved in magical work in any way, he is not affected by magic.

On the other hand, if the customer is sensitive, he has a well-developed intuition, then he can unconsciously receive information about a loved one, know and feel what is happening to him. And since this sensitivity increases in a dream (consciousness does not interfere, the subconscious mind is actively working), so-called prophetic dreams may appear.

A prophetic dream is when in a dream you receive real information about what is happening in a relationship, with a person or in a situation that worries you the most.

A prophetic dream may be direct meaning and vice versa.

A prophetic dream of direct meaning is when a person feels something. That is, there is an intensification of a person’s feelings, his love intensifies - you yourself feel and experience the same thing in a dream.

A prophetic dream of the opposite meaning is when information comes upside down. That is, you see in a dream the opposite, you quarrel, swear, hate each other, disperse, and so on, but in reality everything is the other way around. Such a dream can come in cases where you or the bewitched person experience extremely strong feelings, often changing, vague. Then the subconscious gets a little confused and confused, shows you your fears, reinforced by the energy coming from the love spell.

That is why you do not need to be immediately upset if you saw something bad in a dream, and at the same time, it is very intense that even from this dream you woke up abruptly.

And the last moment. It happens immediately after a love spell (within a week after the ritual) that dreams come confused. Then relying entirely on data obtained from sleep is not worth it. It just means that a person is sensitive to magic, can receive information during sleep. But during active magical work, the data may not always be accurate.

In practice, the situation regarding the distribution of the recoil wave is slightly different. If the ritual was performed by a professional magician by order, then after the rite, using methods known only to him, he diverts the retaliatory energy blow from himself, transferring it to the customer.

The more powerful the love spell, the more powerful it can be. Negative consequences for the customer. Their harbingers, of course, he begins to feel already in the process of the ceremony. Therefore, it is imperative to know what the customer of the love spell feels and how to behave after, in order to make the right decision directly about the need for the ceremony.

If you are a customer of a love spell, then you should prepare for the fact that you will definitely feel the moment the ceremony begins. So, what does the customer of the love spell feel directly at the time of the ceremony? First of all, there will be physical discomfort.

It can manifest itself in different ways for everyone, for example:

  • chills;
  • An increase in body temperature;
  • stomach problems;
  • Headache.

But at the same time, it is unequivocally possible to answer the question of what the customer feels during a love spell on a subconscious level. At this moment, always and everyone has a feeling of heightened anxiety. In addition, many have a sharp desire for loneliness. I want to hide from the world around me at once. And even with close people and relatives it is very difficult to be around at this moment.

Since the magical rite lasts no more than half an hour, the sensations described above will be observed for approximately the same time. After that, physical and moral fatigue remains. Internally, it seems that you were engaged in long-term physical labor and performed all the work under compulsion without any moral support.

When performing a ritual related to white magic, the customer experiences the following symptoms:

  • Prostration;
  • Psychological fatigue.

In this regard, knowing when the magician plans to conduct the ceremony, you need to provide yourself with a day off the next day. As a rule, one day of good rest in a positive mood and with quality nutrition can be enough to fully recover. A love spell related to black magic, causing severe harm to the victim, generates a powerful reverse wave of negative energy directed at the customer.

In the future, his body will adapt. In addition, dreams after a love spell become restless or turn into nightmares, less often there are pictures of a happy joint future. Existing chronic diseases are exacerbated almost immediately. On the other hand, after the ceremony is successfully carried out, the customer feels a parallel surge of positive emotions.

The main ones are:

  • A slight pleasant excitement from a premonition of positive changes;
  • The desire to be close to a bewitched person;
  • Joyful excitement from the visions of the future life together with a chosen one.

You should control your feelings, as they will be largely associated with sexual attraction to the chosen one. If changes are noticed on your part, then this may alert the close circle of the bewitched. In this case, the love spell can be removed, which will also entail unpleasant consequences for the customer.

When ordering a love spell, it should be understood that after a magical effect, the customer is promised a wide variety of consequences. It is very difficult to systematize what will happen, because it depends on a variety of factors. The health consequences can be very dangerous. Moreover, if after the rite health problems begin directly with the victim of a love spell, then the next of kin suffer more from the customer. An energy strike can maintain its strength for several generations and it is impossible to predict which scheme it will follow.

One thing can be said with certainty that the reverse wave in the near future after the love spell will hit one of weaknesses. Therefore, if you have sick elderly relatives, then it is better to refuse to bewitch a person. Almost always, a reverse energy strike affects the financial sector.

And this is felt in the first days after the ceremony, for example, troubles at work or problems with your own business begin. That is, the love spell scares off luck, and the customer of the ritual feels completely defenseless. In addition to the main consequences affecting the basic areas of life, after the love spell, the character of the customer as a whole changes.

It should be remembered that negative consequences cannot be prevented, but they can be minimized. Therefore, before ordering a rite, it is necessary to be sure not only of the professionalism of the magician, but also of his decency.

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The customer always feels a change in his own state at the time of the love spell and after it. This is due to the very nature of any magical rite. The energy surge caused by magic affects all participants in the ritual: the object, the customer and the magician. Therefore, the question of what the customer feels during a love spell is very relevant.

In practice, the situation regarding the distribution of the recoil wave is slightly different. If the ritual was performed by a professional magician by order, then after the rite, using methods known only to him, he diverts the retaliatory energy blow from himself, transferring it to the customer.

The consequences of a love spell

One of the most powerful tools of love magic is a love spell in a cemetery. Not every girl will decide to do this sinister rite. And if you dare to resort to just such a way to attract a loved one, it is important to know how to properly implement your plan.

The cemetery love spell is a rather sinister ritual. It applies exclusively to black magic so it is important to be aware of the consequences. We will consider what such a rite threatens with below, and first we will talk about the methods and techniques for performing the cemetery love drying.

Important: such a love spell is very dangerous. It not only completely blocks the mind of the bewitched, but also negatively affects his health. To avoid bad consequences as much as possible, follow the rules of the ceremony thoroughly.

To perform such a rite, you will have to spend quite a long time at the sinister churchyard. If it’s morally difficult for you and you don’t have the courage to decide, use the “light versions” of the ceremony, for which it is enough to take things from the cemetery or purchase cemetery paraphernalia.

To perform the ritual you will need:

  1. A clear and high-quality picture of the chosen one. The man must be alone in the photo. It is desirable that the eyes are clearly visible
  2. Personal item of the chosen one. It can be a piece of clothing, a diary or something else. Ideally, this should be a piece of jewelry or a watch that a man wears with him all the time.
  3. Red towel. Be sure to buy a new towel that no one has used yet
  4. A piece of animal meat. It must be fresh. Ideally, for the ceremony, the flesh of an animal that was killed the day before is used.

Prepare everything you need and go to the churchyard. Look for graves old enough. It is desirable that they be abandoned and neglected. The deceased must be the namesake of your chosen one

The conspiracy must be spoken clearly, clearly and without hesitation, mentally imagining the image of the chosen one in your imagination.

After the reading, you need to cover the cross over the grave of the deceased with a towel. Bury a piece of jewelry or a personal item of a beloved man close to the burial place.

Then go home immediately. Don't look back and don't take anything with you.

This version of the cemetery love spell is the most powerful and effective of all existing ones. But you must be fully aware of the consequences of such an act.

The reviews of those who did the cemetery love spell are very disappointing. Yes, love magic works, and very quickly. But the consequences are as follows:

  • The girl begins to be tormented by constant nightmares - infernal pictures do not allow you to sleep peacefully, often in night visions there is a dead man who could have been disturbed
  • A constant, uncontrollable fear of death arises and pursues, which disappears only in the presence of a loved one
  • It comes to understanding that the feelings for the chosen one were far-fetched and false, I want to cancel the love spell, but I can’t get rid of the obsession of the once beloved man

Such consequences do not always appear - if you are a person with a strong enough energy, you are unlikely to experience something like this. But suggestible and impressionable girls, after a perfect ceremony, live in constant irrational fear and shudder at any rustle.

For a bewitched man, consequences almost always arise. They may appear as follows:

  • The chosen one will begin to experience constant apathy and weakness. Often headaches and dizziness for no apparent reason
  • If you made a mistake and performed the ceremony incorrectly, the consequence may be the death of a beloved man.
  • A man can become addicted to drugs and alcohol because his mind and will are weakened. He is unable to control himself and quickly fades away, leaning on bad habits
  • A bewitched person may be diagnosed with an incurable disease
  • There are problems with the psyche, which can result in mental illness and permanent "registration" in a mental hospital
  • The behavior of the bewitched becomes inadequate: he is extremely aggressive, irritable, spiteful and unfair.

Often a girl on emotions uses black love magic, then gets the consequences, gets scared and wants to undo everything she has done. It is quite difficult to remove a love spell made in a cemetery. But you can try to do such a rite.

Come to church and confess. Order three prayers in different churches. After they run out, cook kutya, pancakes and jelly. Visit the grave of the deceased, where you performed the ceremony.

One time is not enough. You need to repeat the ritual on the ninth and fortieth day. And then how lucky - either the love spell will be removed, or traces of black magic will remain on you forever. It happens that the consequences are manifested in the descendants of the one who decided on an ominous rite - up to the seventh generation.

A cemetery love spell is a very strong and effective thing, but also quite dangerous. If you are afraid and not sure that you can do everything right, it is better to turn to white love magic. It is less strong, but does not harm your soul and does not negatively affect the chosen one.

A strong love spell in its effect resembles damage. Men can often have problems with potency, women can complain about problems in the gynecological part. Such a phenomenon especially occurs if the victim subconsciously does not want to be with the customer or performer of the ritual, but his or her magical influence forces him or her to do so.

As a result, there is an internal resistance to the influence of a love spell, which takes a lot of strength and energy. Often, bewitched people, unable to withstand this, begin to drink alcohol or take drugs, acquire suicidal tendencies, die not by their own death, since a self-destruction program operates inside them.

Almost any love spell can be removed. Timely detection of symptoms of a love spell greatly simplifies this task. The removal of the love spell should be done by a practicing magician. It is very undesirable to do this on your own - due to the lack of magical experience, you can do much harm.

A close friend had an unusually vivid dream that haunts her. At her request, I am writing to get opinions. The dream was two years ago. The plot is like this. Three men, and in a dream she knows for sure that they are all master warlocks, and not just conjuring lovers, perform the rite. Branches of birch and oak are thrown into a large fire with a spell “How this white birch burns, so that it burns from the love of a slave (and the name of a friend is called) for a slave (the name of a man) ...” The spell was not limited to this, there was something else, but this fragment remembers more or less.

Immediately behind the branches, her photo and a photo of a man were thrown into the fire. I know the man in real life. We don’t know such a love spell. Here I have several interpretations. 1. They really did a love spell, and custom-made. Is there such a ritual? If such a ritual really exists, then yes, they did a love spell and she saw part of the work.

A love spell to constantly dream of a loved one - this magical work is very relevant if you and your lover are apart. Despite the distance separating you, you want him not to forget you, yearn for you, often see your image in dreams and not think about other girls. By the way, this magical work helps very well if you are in a quarrel and cannot make peace in any way.

The strength of this love spell is enough for two weeks. Then, if desired and necessary, you can repeat it. Only all ritual accessories will need to be purchased again, and used ones should be disposed of. The best way, wrap in any rag and bury in the ground.

It makes no sense to do this love spell if your chosen one does not feed you any feelings and emotions at all. After all, this influence is aimed at strengthening love, and not at its birth from nothing. That is, if serious problems have already arisen in your relationship (he raises the issue of breaking up relations and says that he likes another girl), it is better to turn to an experienced witch or fortune teller to solve such a problem.

After all, a witch can make much stronger and more targeted love rituals that will eliminate all obstacles, remove a rival and tightly bind your loved one to you. And a love spell on dreams is just a way to support your connection at subtle levels, to give a boost to the feelings of a loved one with the help of white magic.

Love spell symptoms

Anger is the first sign of a love spell

Constant insomnia and haunting thoughts about a person who did not evoke any emotions yesterday, anxious feelings and a desire to constantly be near a man or woman who previously seemed like strangers - all these are obvious symptoms of a love spell that objects of sighing could impose. Many bewitched people can often observe not just a desire, but a real persecution mania for a person who could perform a magical ritual.

Excess love is also a sign

Among the most obvious facts that you have become a victim of a love spell, it is worth noting the constant feeling of anxiety that it is impossible to live without an object of love, however, such a life does not bring even for a moment of joy and happiness. If the victim is a man, he intimacy with the fair sex, he can feel guilty, lethargic and even irritated, without experiencing joy and the usual energy boost.

In addition to a breakdown, the victim of a love spell often loses interest in their work, children, and familiar household chores. Such people can have glassy eyes, be distinguished by their humility and complete lack of initiative. At the same time, many bewitched objects can perfectly understand that something is wrong with them, however, they will never admit it to themselves.

In most cases, they are firmly convinced that everything in their life is developing normally and is under strict control. While the surrounding and close people of the victim can observe the inappropriate behavior of a loved one, suggesting that he seek qualified help. In 99% of cases, such requests will not be heard by the object of the love spell for several reasons at once.

Schizophrenia - as one of the consequences of a love spell

Among the main reasons why a bewitched person will never turn to a magician or healer for help, it is worth noting the unwillingness of the victim to acknowledge the fact that she is under someone else's influence. And even if such thoughts come to a person’s head, they will never cause him negativity, on the contrary, bringing joy and a feeling of euphoria.

Eating unusual foods is a sign of spoilage

Love spells can often cause depression and a sense of hopelessness, severe pain in the heart area and constant disturbances in the heartbeat. In most cases, such health disorders are associated with the fear of losing a loved one, even if she decided to perform a magical ritual.

As a result of inadequate behavior of a person, a series of adverse events may begin in his life. In particular, conflicts often arise at work or in educational institution, there are material losses in business, and also all interest is lost even in those activities or hobbies that just yesterday brought great pleasure and delight. As a rule, such events can be associated with the complete disappearance of interest in the outside world on the part of the victim of a love spell.

Drowsiness - one of the most obvious signs

The main symptoms that will quickly identify the victim of a love spell include a high level of suggestibility, as well as fatigue and constant nightmares. A person can often dream of the same love dreams with the main character in the person of the initiator of the magical rite.

A characteristic feature that will allow you to determine in time whether a person is bewitched is the presence of a double feeling of love and hatred for the same person. On the one hand, a man can understand that he cannot live without a love spell initiator, however, on the other hand, he realizes that such a lifestyle is unbearable and unacceptable for him.

It is important to understand that a love spell is, in any case, damage that can not only suppress the center of a person’s will, making him absolutely weak-willed, but also radically change his lifestyle. The victim of a love spell is very easy to manipulate, because in addition to his suggestibility, such a person can do any rash acts.

Moreover, the stronger the love spell program is, the faster and earlier irreversible things will begin to happen, bearing negative consequences in a person’s life. In particular, one of the most common phenomena that are observed in the life of a love spell victim is a stomach ulcer, which occurs in the case of repeated magical rituals.

Obvious symptoms of a love spell

Why isn't everyone asking for help?

Victim lifestyle

In addition to a breakdown, the victim of a love spell often loses interest in their work, children, and familiar household chores. Such people can have “glassy” eyes, be distinguished by their humility and complete lack of initiative. At the same time, many bewitched objects can perfectly understand that something is wrong with them, however, they will never admit it to themselves.

In most cases, they are firmly convinced that everything in their life is developing normally and is under strict control. While the surrounding and close people of the victim can observe the inappropriate behavior of a loved one, suggesting that he seek qualified help. In 99% of cases, such requests will not be heard by the object of the love spell for several reasons at once.

A love spell cast on a person often manifests itself with the help of indirect signs of a love spell. These include:

  1. black streak in life and chronic bad luck- the blows of fate against the bewitched follow one after another, as if someone is testing his strength;
  2. loss of valuable items as a result of loss or theft;
  3. in married couples - health problems of the spouse (spouse) of the bewitched, changes in her (his) character and behavior (anger, irritability);
  4. detection under the door, in the dwelling, in the pockets of the bewitched strange objects - lining(needles, earth, salt, etc.).

Victim lifestyle

A love spell for sleep is a very effective magical tool that quite easily allows you to bewitch a loved one. This is due to the fact that you will simply appear every night to your chosen one in a dream, and sooner or later he will come to you anyway.

In addition, a love spell on sleep is an actual love spell if you are separated from your loved one and it is important for you that he always remembers you and misses you. It may also prevent accidental infidelity.

Features of sleep love spells

This type of love spell does not differ in duration. The maximum exposure period is two weeks. But at the same time, after a while, it is quite possible to repeat the ceremony.

The important thing is that this type of ritual is a means of white magic, so they cannot harm either the victim or the performer. It is also noteworthy that love spells for sleep do not break the will, but, most likely, are a reminder of another person. After such a ceremony, it is absolutely not necessary that mutual strong feelings arise.

There are many options for sleep rituals. But the main condition for their effectiveness is that such impacts must be carried out in a good mood and positive mood. If you are upset by something, then the ritual should be postponed for another time.

The phase of the moon does not play a role for love spells for sleep. But at the same time, it is advisable to spend approximately at the time when your chosen one should go to bed. You can clarify it, for example, by calling. An unobtrusive question about when a loved one goes to bed is unlikely to alert him. But, nevertheless, it is important that your chosen one does not suspect anything, otherwise the impact will not be effective.

With mirror and candle

To carry out a strong impact, you will need the following attributes:

  • Small round mirror
  • A small white wax candle;
  • Red marker.

All items that will be used in the ceremony must be new. Moreover, in order to remove extraneous energy from them, one should clean them with fire or holy water.

Also, you need to stock up on a photo of your loved one in advance, it is desirable that it be new and there were no strangers on it.

The ritual consists in carrying out the following actions:

  • You need to put a photo of a loved one in the center of the table;
  • On top of the picture, put the mirror face up;
  • Write on the mirror full name loved one.
  • Take a lit candle right hand and, passing it over the mirror surface, whisper the following magic words:

    “I, the Servant of God, (my own name) in a dream to you, the Servant of God, (the name of the beloved) will come, and I will bring you a strong love longing for yourself. You will wake up early in the morning and you will remember me and yearn. You will never forget my image. Amen".

Spend about ten minutes doing this. Do not be distracted during this time, think about your chosen one. You need to fully concentrate on thoughts about your loved one. During the ceremony, you should have the feeling that your positive emotions, filled with sincere love and longing, have left you and reached your loved one.

At the end of the ceremony, you need to blow out the candle and just throw it away, and put the mirror and the photo of your loved one under your pillow and try to fall asleep as soon as possible with thoughts of your chosen one. In the morning, the attributes should be hidden in a secluded place for two weeks.

Lunar rites

As you know, the night luminary is often used as an assistant in love magic. And sleep spells are no exception. In order to dream of a loved one, you can turn to the moon for help.

The simplest way

A simple love ritual provides for very simple, but effective action. You need to cross your mouth and looking at the moon, pronounce the magic words.

They sound like this:

“Transfer a dream about me, the Servant of God (proper name) to my beloved, the Servant of God (name of a loved one). Amen".

Such a conspiracy must be repeated several times until a subconscious feeling arises that the words have reached the goal.

Appeal to the Moon

You can use another love spell, which contains a direct appeal to the moon. Before reading it, the magic words should be written on a piece of paper.

They should sound like this:

"Mother Luna! I turn to you, the Servant of God (proper name), send from me to my dear, Servant of God, (name of the chosen one), hello. Make it so that you see me in a dream, remember me, miss you and quickly return to me. Thank you, hearty. Amen".

Words are read from the sheet three times and each time they should sound the same. After that, the leaf must be burned, and the ashes must be scattered through an open window.

The main thing for any love spell is faith in magic. If you are by nature a person with strong energy, then the success of the impact is guaranteed.

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Dream: had a love spell | children's house

Sometimes the plot of dreams is striking in its unusualness. And why dream of a love spell in a dream? Often a love spell promises a person an unexpected turn in business. He should be wary of the intrigues of enemies, who can take the client away from the dreamer or put spokes in the wheels.

If a woman dreamed that she was bewitching her husband in a dream, then in reality he could leave her. It's all the fault of the mistress, who by all means tries to tie him to herself. It will be very difficult for the dreamer to save the family. Perhaps it makes sense for her to turn to a magician who will help reason with her husband. However, she will have to pay dearly for this, so you should think several times before resorting to such a method.

What if you dream of a love spell

According to the everyday dream book, a love spell indicates that a person is not all right in his personal life. He thinks that he was jinxed, so he is ready to turn to the sorcerer. But the magician will not solve his problems, the dreamer must change himself, as soon as he does this, a white streak will begin in his life. He will be able to find a mate and move up the career ladder.

If a woman had a love spell, then she should be more careful with new acquaintances. One gentleman will do anything to make her his mistress. But you should not surrender to his mercy, otherwise the novel will not lead to good. It is better to try to come up with something that will alienate him from himself, otherwise trouble cannot be avoided.

What portends a love spell

According to esoteric dream book, a love spell promises a girl an annoying gentleman. It will not be easy for the dreamer to get rid of him. However, you should not give in to him, as he will not be very a good man. A man should not make hasty decisions, otherwise he may find himself in a difficult situation.

If you believe women's dream book, a love spell portends a person problems in his personal life. He should be more open, otherwise the dreamer will lose his beloved because of a trifle.

To bewitch a loved one in a dream - to part with him. You should not try to restore the relationship, as it is very difficult to do. But even a positive outcome of the event will not guarantee that the old feelings will return again.


Dream book ritual

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Why dream of any ritual? In a dream, any ritual action has its own meaning. To get an accurate transcript, use the advice of the dream book: set the purpose of the event and take into account all related details.

Miller calls

The ritual in a dream is designed to remind you that you definitely need to deal with a business that you constantly put off. Miller's dream book insists: bring it to the end, otherwise you will make a lot of problems.

Had a dream about how you had a chance to carry out a certain ritual? In dreams, this action literally means the desire to achieve the goal by any means.

Did you have to perform a witchcraft ritual? The dream interpretation warns: do not succumb to temptations, you risk getting involved in a dark business.

Had a dream that you set out to conduct a certain ceremony? In reality, failure will throw you off balance, and you will unleash your anger on those around you.

What do you want?

Dreamed of a magical ritual? The dream interpretation suspects that you want to get something forbidden, as a result of which you lose the remnants of your sanity.

Did you happen to see a magical rite performed in a dream by another character? To achieve the favor of the chosen one, you are ready for desperate, but stupid actions.

What are they capable of?

Why dream of a magical ritual performed independently? You really have hidden abilities and can influence fate if you want.

Moreover, in a dream, performing religious acts literally means that your dreams come true.

A little specifics

The dream interpretation offers a list of rituals that will help establish the true meaning of vision.

  • Spiritualism is a health problem.
  • Calling demons, the Devil - dark thoughts, dangerous games.
  • Inducing damage, curses - bad intentions, the desire to subjugate and rule.
  • Love spell - a solution to a problem, a gift.
  • Healing is a good deed, guardianship, protection.
  • Fortune telling - unverified information, anxiety.


Why dream of ritual murder? Going through life, you are guided exclusively by base passions.

Voluntary participation in a bloody sacrifice in a dream means submission (perhaps unconsciously) to someone else's evil will.

Seeing a bloodless offering to the Gods is a worthy profit. If murder happened before your eyes and blood was shed loved one, then in reality you will lose it.

In the night, as if in reality!

Why dream of a real coven of witches with an orgy and rituals? According to the dream book, this reflects the desire to go beyond the usual existence.

Had a dream about how an initiation ritual was performed on you? If in reality you are engaged in spiritual searches, then in a dream you really passed it. For the townsfolk, this is a symbol of achievement, thanks to perseverance.


Did you have to perform some ritual actions in dreams? This is an eloquent hint: it is necessary to solve the problem with a non-trivial approach.

To personally perform an unfamiliar ritual means that the time has come to get rid of wild prejudices and gain a different view of the world.

Did you dream that a stranger was performing incomprehensible ritual manipulations? The dream book believes that you run the risk of becoming a victim of a negative program and submitting to someone else's will.


Why dream of a funeral services store? If in a dream you ended up in it by accident, then events are coming that will help you gain a completely different view of the world and life. But if you do not take advantage of this moment, then the dream book predicts complete spiritual degradation.

Did you go to a funeral parlor last night because of the death of a loved one? In reality, you will acquire new, completely unexpected qualities.

Only positive!

Why dream of cemetery wreaths? Most often they promise the dreamer for many years. In general, the interpretation of the dream, in which I had to see funeral wreaths, is positive.

But the dream book reminds: the specific meaning depends on personal actions. For example, to carry a wreath in a dream - to luck, to put a product on a coffin - to the birth of a child or an inheritance. Did you dream of the ritual of laying on the grave? In reality, make peace with an old enemy.


Why dream Love spell - dream book Love spell

If you dream of a Love spell and you want to know what the Love spell is dreaming of, then first of all you need to refer to the meaning of the word Love spell:

LOVE, love spell, m. (Region, people-poet.). In beliefs - that which bewitches, brings on witchcraft power. Then all of a sudden, I don’t know why anymore, - really, sometimes you believe in love spells, - I saw her and the worm crawled into my heart - it gnaws at me. L. Tolstoy.

Love spell - interpretation of sleep

Love spell is dreaming - changes in your personal life await you. In a dream, a love spell means that soon a person will appear in your life, a connection with which will bring you many happy minutes and fill your life with new meaning.

For a woman, a dream in which there is a love spell means that she will be given unambiguous signs of attention. For a man, this means that he will soon meet a girl who will be a good housewife, able to create comfort in the house.

If there are people in a dream where the Love spell is dreaming, then perhaps soon you will participate in a wedding celebration or a magnificent birthday party. If the Love spell is dreamed with animals, then you are promised a meeting with an old friend or girlfriend.

Dear visitors of our dream book website, for everyone we provide free online interpretation of dreams on an individual basis. To do this, you need to describe your dream in as much detail as possible in the form below. Do not forget to indicate the smallest details of sleep - the detailed and accurate interpretation of what the Love spell is about depends on them. It is mandatory to indicate your name and e-mail address, to which we will send the interpretation (your E-mail is not used anywhere and is not displayed on the site). We will be happy to help you!

Let's take a closer look at the signs of a love spell in a dream - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Good evening! Please tell me what the dream in which my beloved man confesses his love to me can mean (the dream was after my love spell)

Sincerely, Elena!

It is very difficult to interpret your dream unambiguously. After all, the nature of the appearance of your beloved in your dream, and even with such news, can be different.

As you know, through dreams we can communicate with our subconscious and as a result of such communication, we learn new information about ourselves that was not previously known. But also many have clairvoyant abilities. Prophetic dreams allow you to see a lot of things that are destined to happen. What does it mean?

First. You are so in love that all thoughts are occupied with only one particular man. All your fantasies about living together, long mutual love do not pass without a trace and are “imprinted”. Thus, in a dream you see what you so passionately want.

But it can also be a good signal. Have you heard of visualization? Visualization is such a psychological technique that implies a wide flight of fantasy in cooperation with the inner conviction of yourself in the reality of your desires. Thoughts are material, and therefore what you most often think about will happen sooner or later. The main thing is to think right.

Second. This is a kind of "notification" to you that your love spell was a success. Such cases also happen, it is not uncommon. Just as fortune-telling in Christmas dreams allows you to see the betrothed in a dream, so love spells pass with a “report” in dreams.

And the third option - because of the upcoming important changes in your life, you had a chance to look at your future with one eye, so as not to stray from the right path in the future, to be ready for changes.

All three hypotheses are quite real and, as you probably noticed yourself, they add up in your favor. So, you did the love spell correctly, which means tune in to romance and happiness. Your lover is already beginning to realize how much he is in love with you. Very soon he will not be able to live without you.

Light love spell for sleep

A love spell for sleep is a very effective magical tool that quite easily allows you to bewitch a loved one. This is due to the fact that you will simply appear every night to your chosen one in a dream, and sooner or later he will come to you anyway.

In addition, a love spell on sleep is an actual love spell if you are separated from your loved one and it is important for you that he always remembers you and misses you. It may also prevent accidental infidelity.

Features of sleep love spells

This type of love spell does not differ in duration. The maximum exposure period is two weeks. But at the same time, after a while, it is quite possible to repeat the ceremony.

The important thing is that this type of ritual is a means of white magic, so they cannot harm either the victim or the performer. It is also noteworthy that love spells for sleep do not break the will, but, most likely, are a reminder of another person. After such a ceremony, it is absolutely not necessary that mutual strong feelings arise.

Effective sleep rituals

There are many options for sleep rituals. But the main condition for their effectiveness is that such impacts must be carried out in a good mood and positive mood. If you are upset by something, then the ritual should be postponed for another time.

The phase of the moon does not play a role for love spells for sleep. But at the same time, it is advisable to spend approximately at the time when your chosen one should go to bed. You can clarify it, for example, by calling. An unobtrusive question about when a loved one goes to bed is unlikely to alert him. But, nevertheless, it is important that your chosen one does not suspect anything, otherwise the impact will not be effective.

With mirror and candle

To carry out a strong impact, you will need the following attributes:

  • Small round mirror
  • A small white wax candle;
  • Red marker.

All items that will be used in the ceremony must be new. Moreover, in order to remove extraneous energy from them, one should clean them with fire or holy water.

Also, you need to stock up on a photo of your loved one in advance, it is desirable that it be new and there were no strangers on it.

The ritual consists in carrying out the following actions:

  • You need to put a photo of a loved one in the center of the table;
  • On top of the picture, put the mirror face up;
  • On the mirror you need to write the full name of your loved one.
  • Take a lit candle in your right hand and, passing it over a mirror surface, whisper the following magic words:

Spend about ten minutes doing this. Do not be distracted during this time, think about your chosen one. You need to fully concentrate on thoughts about your loved one. During the ceremony, you should have the feeling that your positive emotions, filled with sincere love and longing, have left you and reached your loved one.

At the end of the ceremony, you need to blow out the candle and just throw it away, and put the mirror and the photo of your loved one under your pillow and try to fall asleep as soon as possible with thoughts of your chosen one. In the morning, the attributes should be hidden in a secluded place for two weeks.

Lunar rites

As you know, the night luminary is often used as an assistant in love magic. And sleep spells are no exception. In order to dream of a loved one, you can turn to the moon for help.

The simplest way

A simple love spell involves very simple but effective actions. You need to cross your mouth and looking at the moon, pronounce the magic words.

Such a conspiracy must be repeated several times until a subconscious feeling arises that the words have reached the goal.

Appeal to the Moon

You can use another love spell, which contains a direct appeal to the moon. Before reading it, the magic words should be written on a piece of paper.

They should sound like this:

Words are read from the sheet three times and each time they should sound the same. After that, the leaf must be burned, and the ashes must be scattered through an open window.

The main thing for any love spell is faith in magic. If you are by nature a person with strong energy, then the success of the impact is guaranteed.

Every living thing wants to love and be loved. Whoever we are and whatever we do, we fall in love. Love can be long-awaited, it can also be a villain that burst into our lives without asking. From that moment on, we no longer control ourselves. When love is mutual and prosperous, we fly, and when failures happen, we fall and break into thousands of pieces. The reality of failure in love is often so unbearable that many begin to drink. The colors of the world are erased, everything becomes black and white and meaningless. The desire to do something disappears and aspires to something. We are all so different, but love suffering is about the same for everyone.

Have you been abandoned or you cannot achieve reciprocity? Don't know what to do? There is an exit! This is a spell. We immediately clarify that the exact “diagnosis” and “treatment method” can only be obtained after viewing.

What is a spell? A love spell is a ritual that connects two people, and then makes one very dependent on the other. A love spell is not a source of artificial love. The bewitched one himself falls in love with the customer of the love spell. We are engaged in a love spell on a photo, and therefore we will continue to talk about it.

How does a spell work? It all starts with intrusive thoughts. At first, the bewitched involuntarily begins to think about you. Next come the dreams. Seeing you in a dream, the bewitched one begins to treat you differently. He thinks more about you. At first, the bewitched person does not understand why he is dreaming of you. In dreams you appear before him in the best possible way. Going out into the street, he is looking for you in the crowd. Looking for contact with you.

The desire to have sex with someone else quickly fades. Your opponent or rival is left with nothing very quickly. Any attempts to save the relationship can give a temporary result, but everything bewitched will still go to you.

There is a myth that love spells are harmful. A love spell can be harmful only if it is done by a crooked magician. When a specialist works, there is no harm. A bewitched person may have a temporary deterioration in well-being as a result of his struggle with a love spell. Sometimes a person doesn't want to love, they just don't want to. He fights, he resists. This cannot go on forever. The bewitched one will give up, stop fighting, and health will immediately return to normal. In the initial stages of a love spell, a bewitched person can become very emotional. Take offense at little things, often cry. It will pass.

Is it possible to build a strong family on a love spell? TV and numerous unfortunate magicians on all corners talk about bewitched people who have become inadequate or gone crazy. In fact, such stories do not say anything about a love spell, but only show the true face of those who tell them. You cast a spell on the person you truly love, and after a certain time, this person becomes attached to you tightly. You love each other and you don't need anyone else. Such a family will be very strong! That is why in our practice there is not a single case when someone was dissatisfied with the effect of a love spell.

How long does a spell last? The duration of the love spell is an adjustable value. Usually it is given for life.

How long does it take for the spell to work? The love spell starts working immediately, but the desired result is obtained within three months.

Is there any way to detect the spell? Yes, the magician can see a love spell, having a photo of the bewitched.

We do a love spell only after diagnosing the situation. A love spell is put only on a “pure” person. By cleanliness, we mean the absence of spoilage, as well as other negatives.

Love spell on a man - what I saw in a dream. « Back to the list of questions

And at first he was very cheerful, and then turned sour somehow (very often this isolation, sadness, closeness in my dreams about him).

Then the continuation: we are with him at the bus station in my city.

Question: what they told me in this dream (the girl is about a love spell, he is about the condition for them to stay together) - is this pure information? Can it be taken literally?


Lunar calendar of dreams

Prophetic dream affirmations calendar

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Cotic, hello :) So the fact of the matter is that I live on, which I wrote about here repeatedly. And magnet previously said that everything was tired and I want to say goodbye to this situation. And I don't think about it that much anymore. You can’t shut up your subconscious :) In general, the experience of my dreams suggests that emotionality and thoughts have nothing to do with it at all. You can think a lot and get prophetic dreams. But life really goes on. This is without a doubt.

Hello Aina. I have not visited the site for a long time, but then I went and saw your dreams. Of course, you will excuse me, but I completely agree with magnet here, she gave a very correct answer. It can be seen that your dreams are very filled with thoughts, it is clear that you do not let go of the situation, you are fixated on it. I don't see the relationship in these dreams either. You need to let go and move away from the situation completely, not to think, and then your dreams will become more truthful and clear. Emotions may reflect what they have in a dream, but not everyone has it for sure. And plus, if you constantly want to get these emotions in dreams, then you will get them. Start living in reality, not dreams and hopes. And your dreams will become different and correct, and will give you clear information, as before. I'm sorry that this is somehow very rude, but it is clear that you are stuck in this situation, and life is a movement and you need to move on.

Hello magnet! Thank you for your opinion) To be honest, I don’t want anything in real life, I’m just tired. But a pattern emerges for me: as soon as I make this decision for myself, I begin to actively dream. And dreams with very good symbols. This is one of many. Yes, there is a detachment on the part of the guy in him, but he is like that in life, closed. I do not want to be deceived and wishful thinking, therefore I am asking for help in order to see an opinion from the outside, for which I am grateful to you. A look without interest is very useful. Sobering.

But, if you look at the dream objectively, what about its ending? Is this not emotion on his part and a desire to stay with me? After all, here, on the site, it has been repeatedly said that the main thing is emotions and the end of sleep. In reality, our relationship was more based on his actions. I'm glad you didn't see signs of a love spell here. In principle, I don’t understand this, therefore, the thought did not arise about something similar in life.

As for the fact that in all my dreams I am trying to see signs of a resumption of relations, then no, why be in illusions. This is not a way to jump on the last car of a departing train. I do not post all my dreams here, and you, of course, cannot know the whole picture.

As for help from my side, he is also incomprehensible, because our communication on this moment boils down to the fact that he congratulates me on all the holidays, demonstrates a good attitude towards me, we cross paths in social networks. I don't show any initiative at all. Again, actions on his part, not mine.

AND main question, which we recently discussed with the girls - it turns out that our dreams are just options for the development of events. There is a set of paths we can take. And it is far from a fact that everything in life will turn out this way. I got stuck in them also due to the fact that before the vast majority of my dreams were prophetic. And literally. No affirmations. Once dreamed, then it will come true.

I did recently installation on symbols. I guessed, if a stone dreams, then that's it, the end, if the trees - there is a chance. In the end, we sat at the table with him, ate, hugged and saved his sister with a child. Clearly nothing is clear :)

Aina, hello, if you have a version of the interpretation according to the plot of the dream, it is difficult to give your own for two reasons: because you are tuned in to a certain version of events that suits you and it is difficult for you to move away from it and look away, and the second reason, the dreamer is in theory he himself must better understand what the subconscious mind is telling him, and here, in my opinion, is a trap, you need to ask yourself questions correctly and answer them if you want to know exactly what the subconscious mind tells you, and not what it wants to see.

By many signs and symbols, your ex is pulling away from you and he is in a bad mood, then he frowns and leaves with another girl. In the first story with him, you see a dead woman and tell him about it, what can this mean symbolically? it shows that the emotional part of your relationship is in the past.

You are taking part in the game, according to the symbols, this may mean some flirting and a relationship between a man and a woman, but he does not show interest and other similar signs. Sometimes words with information in dreams can be regarded as direct speech, but in your dream, there are not enough additional details indicating that the words about the impact on him are correct. It is precisely from the details of sleep that I personally do not see the attributes of damage or love spell, as well as any signs pointing to it.

You asked the question - are you deceived in your feelings? I think you sincerely want to see the signs talking about the return of the relationship, but so far, in my opinion, there are no arguments for this. There are moments of your help to him, he does not refuse this, maybe before your relationship was kept more due to your actions.

You do not write, did you see these dreams by affirmation? if not, try doing an affirmation, but with one clear question, like is there a love spell for it? with a specific symbol, if there is, let the earth dream, for example, and if not, then water, well, something like that, then did you do affirmations for “sincerity of relationships”, “look into the eyes”? I don’t remember, I’ll even advise you to do them again, in order to see and understand everything more clearly, and then changes may occur in his plans and dreams that have been dreamed for a long time may lose their relevance. Maybe more opinions? In my opinion, it is necessary to try to obtain additional information.

love spells in a dream

what is the dream object of a love spell for?

Because I don't like slaves.

But it could be much simpler. You often think about this person and it is not surprising that you dream about him.

1. the object you dreamed about thinks, speaks about you,

2. this person leaves your life. (depending on circumstances)

1. the object you dreamed about thinks, speaks about you,

2. this person leaves your life. (depending on circumstances)

I don't have one, but it's very interesting

already ready to procreate. My feminine essence has matured.

Works and quite quickly.

Your opinion about the meaning of sleep is interesting. I broke up with my ex-boyfriend a few months ago and have not talked since then. But recently I dreamed that we were in the same room, where there were many people besides us. And he doesn't come up to me, but he keeps looking at me, trying to meet my eyes. What does this mean?

Dream book ritual

Why dream of any ritual? In a dream, any ritual action has its own meaning. To get an accurate transcript, use the advice of the dream book: set the purpose of the event and take into account all related details.

Miller calls

The ritual in a dream is designed to remind you that you definitely need to deal with a business that you constantly put off. Miller's dream book insists: bring it to the end, otherwise you will make a lot of problems.

Don't give in!

Had a dream about how you had a chance to carry out a certain ritual? In dreams, this action literally means the desire to achieve the goal by any means.

Did you have to perform a witchcraft ritual? The dream interpretation warns: do not succumb to temptations, you risk getting involved in a dark business.

Had a dream that you set out to conduct a certain ceremony? In reality, failure will throw you off balance, and you will unleash your anger on those around you.

What do you want?

Dreamed of a magical ritual? The dream interpretation suspects that you want to get something forbidden, as a result of which you lose the remnants of your sanity.

Did you happen to see a magical rite performed in a dream by another character? To achieve the favor of the chosen one, you are ready for desperate, but stupid actions.

What are they capable of?

Why dream of a magical ritual performed independently? You really have hidden abilities and can influence fate if you want.

Moreover, in a dream, performing religious acts literally means that your dreams come true.

A little specifics

The dream interpretation offers a list of rituals that will help establish the true meaning of vision.

  • Spiritualism is a health problem.
  • Calling demons, the Devil - dark thoughts, dangerous games.
  • Inducing damage, curses - bad intentions, the desire to subjugate and rule.
  • Love spell - a solution to a problem, a gift.
  • Healing is a good deed, guardianship, protection.
  • Fortune telling - unverified information, anxiety.


Why dream of ritual murder? Going through life, you are guided exclusively by base passions.

Voluntary participation in a bloody sacrifice in a dream means submission (perhaps unconsciously) to someone else's evil will.

Seeing a bloodless offering to the Gods is a worthy profit. If a murder took place before your eyes and the blood of a loved one was shed, then in reality you will lose him.

In the night, as if in reality!

Why dream of a real coven of witches with an orgy and rituals? According to the dream book, this reflects the desire to go beyond the usual existence.

Had a dream about how an initiation ritual was performed on you? If in reality you are engaged in spiritual searches, then in a dream you really passed it. For the townsfolk, this is a symbol of achievement, thanks to perseverance.

Did you have to perform some ritual actions in dreams? This is an eloquent hint: it is necessary to solve the problem with a non-trivial approach.

To personally perform an unfamiliar ritual means that the time has come to get rid of wild prejudices and gain a different view of the world.

Did you dream that a stranger was performing incomprehensible ritual manipulations? The dream book believes that you run the risk of becoming a victim of a negative program and submitting to someone else's will.

Why dream of a funeral services store? If in a dream you ended up in it by accident, then events are coming that will help you gain a completely different view of the world and life. But if you do not take advantage of this moment, then the dream book predicts complete spiritual degradation.

Did you go to a funeral parlor last night because of the death of a loved one? In reality, you will acquire new, completely unexpected qualities.

Only positive!

Why dream of cemetery wreaths? Most often they promise the dreamer for many years. In general, the interpretation of the dream, in which I had to see funeral wreaths, is positive.

But the dream book reminds: the specific meaning depends on personal actions. For example, to carry a wreath in a dream - to luck, to put a product on a coffin - to the birth of a child or an inheritance. Did you dream of the ritual of laying on the grave? In reality, make peace with an old enemy.

Strongest Gypsy Magic

Many are interested in the question of how dreams change when there is a magical effect on a love spell. Can there be prophetic dreams telling about what is happening with the situation.

In this case, I can tell you from my own experience that it all depends on how receptive a person is. Look, a love spell is done on a person. That is, it does not affect binary, but precisely on the one who needs to bewitched. Therefore, the customer of the love spell is not involved in magical work in any way, he is not affected by magic.

On the other hand, if the customer is sensitive, he has a well-developed intuition, then he can unconsciously receive information about a loved one, know and feel what is happening to him. And since this sensitivity increases in a dream (consciousness does not interfere, the subconscious mind is actively working), so-called prophetic dreams may appear.

A prophetic dream is when in a dream you receive real information about what is happening in a relationship, with a person or in a situation that worries you the most.

A prophetic dream can be direct and reverse.

Prophetic dream of direct meaning- this is when something is, then a person feels it. That is, there is an intensification of a person’s feelings, his love intensifies - you yourself feel and experience the same thing in a dream.

Prophetic dream of the opposite meaning- this is when the information comes "inverted". That is, you see in a dream the opposite, you quarrel, swear, hate each other, disperse, and so on, but in reality everything is the other way around. Such a dream can come in cases where you or the bewitched person experience extremely strong feelings, often changing, vague. Then the subconscious gets a little confused and confused, shows you your fears, reinforced by the energy coming from the love spell.

That is why you do not need to be immediately upset if you saw something bad in a dream, and at the same time, it is very intense that even from this dream you woke up abruptly.

And the last moment. It happens immediately after a love spell (within a week after the ritual), which dreams come confused. Then relying entirely on data obtained from sleep is not worth it. It just means that a person is sensitive to magic, can receive information during sleep. But during active magical work, the data may not always be accurate.

Dream interpretation online - detailed interpretation of dreams

I have collected several dream books for you. You can use the alphabetical index provided after the description of each dream book to see explanations for specific images of your dreams.

Or you can write a description of the dream (see the form below) and conduct a sleep analysis by selecting the dream book you are interested in.

You can also download dream book, which interested you, and some programs for interpreting dreams from the Library.

Signs, dreams, omens. About signs

The world of Esotericism, Practice in the field of magic is far from the objective reality of an ordinary person. But even for "mere mortals" the surrounding space often suggests the next path, points out possible dangers, and warns. Only now, not everyone listens to the voice of the world, it is lost against the background of our emotions, thoughts and aspirations. But it is not so difficult to learn to SEE what the world shows us, and this will allow us to avoid many mistakes.

In the first part of the cycle “Signs. dreams. signs." let's try to contact signs .

If everything is clear with signs as proven by history and "approved" by time samples of people's observation, then with signs it is a different story - they are a kind of "signs" individualized. Each of us during our lives has more than once encountered foresight, foreboding. For example, we feel that there is absolutely no desire to go somewhere. Obeying a fleeting whim, a sense of duty or an agreement, we nevertheless set off and encounter a number of tangible troubles that would not have happened if we had sat at home. Just remember, with whom it has not happened: you need to get to one place or another, but you are catastrophically late. The alarm clock didn't ring in the morning and you overslept. While they were frantically gathering, the coffee on the stove turned into a Niagara Falls, and while you eliminated the consequences of its “flood”, you managed to plant a stain, you had to change clothes. Having jumped out into the street, they remembered that they had forgotten important papers. They returned, took the papers and forgot the cell phone. We got into the car, set out to catch up on time by reducing the distance through the yards and stumbled upon a freshly installed hosebaum .. as a result, if you are a person of strong will and determination, “in soap” rush to the right place with an hour and a half late to find out that For technical reasons, the business / meeting / meeting that you were in such a hurry for was postponed / rescheduled, and by an unfortunate accident they forgot to warn you. “Because I felt…”

And how many situations when we avoided danger with the help of premonition have we forgotten? After all, the most vivid and dramatic events of our life are remembered. For example, you are going to a party/shopping center (there are many options) and a dog crosses your path. It doesn’t matter what it is - black, spotted, thoroughbred or not, whether it’s big, small .. just runs across, barks, doesn’t even look in your direction.

Your reaction is important: if you feel discomfort, fear from surprise. And it's not the dog itself, it's just a factor that gives an impulse to your subconscious mind, prompting your inner voice to come to life and warn you "don't go there today." And indeed - at an event you manage to get poisoned by a seemingly familiar cocktail or in a shopping center you lose your wallet with all its contents.

In the first case, yes, I felt it. The signs that accompanied the above-described delay were expressed through your actions: it was your ears that “didn’t hear” the alarm clock today, your hands unevenly placed the Turk on the stove and your head decided to change the usual route (which for the sake of it is the tenth thing). Everyone has the ability to feel the world to one degree or another. We are endowed with it from birth. The only difference is that in some it is more developed - more often these are people who are directly related to esotericism and those whose lives are closely connected with the world of animals and plants - because magic and nature are inseparable. For others, mostly residents of megacities, employees of offices / offices, whose attention is focused on the perception of artificial signals of the “concrete jungle”, their inner vigilance, natural “chui”, unfortunately, are almost atrophied. We will talk separately about how to revive an almost lost intuitive ability in yourself or develop an existing one. For now, back to our topic. We have considered the variety signs of internal, intuitive.

It also happens that in a chain of not too positive events, fate itself diligently warns you not to go to this or that place, not to meet this or that person. This is unlike the first case, the signs of fate do not appear in your own actions, but on a more global scale: for example, I had one client whose object of adoration was in Germany while she lived in Russia. Each time asking me (more precisely, my cards) the question of whether to go to him or expect the arrival of a sweetheart in the Russian Federation (which was beyond reality), I received an unequivocal answer: NO, do not go. He will come, no matter how incredible it may seem. The meeting will take place only if it is in our vast territory. The lady received an answer, agreed and .. broke down to fly after her sweetheart, like the wife of a revolutionary .. On the first such “breakdown”, the lady did not have enough cash for a ticket, and there were some problems with the plastic card, and the flight did not take place; in the second, on the eve of departure, her little son came down with the flu, which forced our heroine to stay; and on the third, the flight was cancelled. As a result, the woman, tired of making useless attempts, heeded my admonitions that the meeting would still take place in Russia and the faithful would fly here himself. Literally a few days after our last communication with her, a lady at work was sent to the airport to meet with one of the important clients of the company, who was “flying” for 2 hours and .. among his “retinue” she met with a beloved, now her husband.

As you can see, here the “opposition” no longer comes from a person, but is the result of a “coincidence of circumstances”. Such a series of accidents (or patterns?) is too obvious to be just accidents. For there are events, so to speak, background - auxiliary, which lead us to the main thing in our life, and there are - karmic, not subject to either people or magic. It is about karmic events that they say “according to fate.” It is karmic events that are the essence of our stay on earth. And the background ones are those that we change by performing ceremonies, performing rituals, and they can be - as they say - “miscalculate” if we scatter cards too often. Background events are variable, vector, informational. The latter is expressed in signs of the external world.

There is another option, somewhat rarer: what is called "check for lice". And in this case, the achievement of the goal means the acquisition of something necessary in your life. That is, the barriers were not put up for you to protect you from mistakes, but in order to test your determination. It happens that life arranges such exams for those who deserve it. This often happens after “big words” thrown in the heat of the moment or through indiscretion, something like “Yes, if I were in his place .. I would ..” and - ale-op - you find yourself in a situation similar to the one that was spoken about . And the events in it unfold in such a way that, as if on purpose, they contradict your seemingly very sensible voiced “I would.” Here already there is an overlap with one of the magical (Universal) laws, where the word is identical to the action *.

The conclusion, I think, you can draw on your own: what we say does not dissolve in the air, and is not an empty sound - never. Moreover, sooner or later it materializes in the form of events, sometimes significant for us. Be careful in your statements: the world hears you and always answers.

In any case, personal growth and spiritual perfection are impossible without overcoming obstacles.

Listen to yourself, for "The whole world is in you, man". After all, the subconscious knows much more than the consciousness. And a feeling of latent or open joy can accompany even a rather dramatic event, testifying to its generally positive nature. And vice versa, even the most joyful at first glance sign can cause a state of anxiety in the soul. Listen to yourself and the world!

More details about the laws of the Universe - in a separate article.