Sale of air handling units with a heat exchanger. Energy efficient building ventilation systems with heat recovery. What should be the thickness of the wall for mounting a wall-mounted heat exchanger

Comfortable suburban housing cannot be imagined without a good ventilation system, since it is they who are the key to a healthy microclimate. However, many are cautious and even wary about the implementation of such an installation, fearing huge electricity bills. If certain doubts have “settled” in your head, we recommend that you look at a recuperator for a private house.

We are talking about a small unit, combined with supply and exhaust ventilation and excluding excessive consumption of electrical energy in the winter, when the air needs additional heating. There are several ways to reduce unwanted expenses. The most effective and affordable is to make an air recuperator with your own hands.

What is this device and how does it work? This will be discussed in today's article.

Features and principle of operation

So what is heat recovery? - Recuperation is a heat exchange process in which cold air from the street is heated by the outflow from the apartment. Thanks to this organization scheme, a heat recovery installation saves heat in the house. A comfortable microclimate is formed in the apartment in a short period of time and with minimal electricity consumption.

The video below shows the air recovery system.

What is a recuperator. General concept for the layman.

The economic feasibility of a recuperative heat exchanger depends on other factors:

  • energy prices;
  • the cost of installing the unit;
  • the costs associated with servicing the device;
  • the lifetime of such a system.

note! An air recuperator for an apartment is an important, but not the only element necessary for effective ventilation in living space. Ventilation with heat recovery is a complex system that functions exclusively under the condition of a professional "bundle".

Recuperator for home

With decreasing temperature environment the efficiency of the unit drops. Be that as it may, a heat exchanger for a house during this period is vital, since a significant temperature difference "loads" the heating system. If it is 0°C outside the window, then an air stream warmed up to +16°C is supplied to the living space. A household recuperator for an apartment copes with this task without any problems.

Formula for calculating efficiency

Modern air recuperators differ not only in efficiency, nuances of use, but also in design. Consider the most popular solutions and their features.

Main types of structures

Experts focus on the fact that there are several types of heat:

  • lamellar;
  • with separate heat carriers;
  • rotary;
  • tubular.

lamellar type includes a structure based on aluminum sheets. Such a heat exchanger installation is considered the most balanced in terms of the cost of materials and the value of thermal conductivity (the efficiency varies from 40 to 70%). The unit is distinguished by its simplicity of execution, affordability, and the absence of moving elements. Installation does not require specialized training. Installation without any difficulties is carried out at home, with your own hands.

plate type

Rotary are solutions that are quite popular among consumers. Their design provides for a rotation shaft powered by the mains, as well as 2 channels for air exchange with counterflows. How does such a mechanism work? - One of the sections of the rotor is heated by air, after which it turns and the heat is redirected to the cold masses concentrated in the adjacent channel.

rotary type

Despite the high efficiency, the installations have a number of significant drawbacks:

  • impressive weight and size indicators;
  • requirement for regular maintenance, repair;
  • it is problematic to reproduce the recuperator with your own hands, to restore its performance;
  • mixing of air masses;
  • dependence on electrical energy.

You can watch the video below about the types of recuperators (starting from 8-30 minutes)

Recuperator: why is it, their types and my choice

note! A ventilation unit with tubular devices, as well as separate heat carriers, is practically not reproduced at home, even if all the necessary drawings and diagrams are at hand.

DIY air exchange device

The simplest in terms of implementation and subsequent equipment is considered to be a plate-type heat recovery system. This model boasts both obvious "pluses" and annoying "minuses". If we talk about the merits of the solution, then even a home-made air recuperator for the home can provide:

  • decent efficiency;
  • lack of "binding" to the power grid;
  • structural reliability and simplicity;
  • availability of functional elements and materials;
  • duration of operation.

But before you start creating a recuperator with your own hands, you should also clarify the disadvantages of this model. The main disadvantage is the formation of glaciers during severe frosts. The level of moisture in the street is less than in the air that is present in the room. If you do not act on it in any way, it turns into condensate. During frosts, high humidity levels contribute to the formation of frost.

The photo shows how air is exchanged.

There are several ways to protect the heat exchanger device from freezing. These are small solutions that differ in efficiency and implementation method:

  • thermal effect on the structure due to which the ice does not linger inside the system (the efficiency drops by an average of 20%);
  • mechanical removal of air masses from the plates, due to which the forced heating of the ice is carried out;
  • addition of a ventilation system with a recuperator with cellulose cassettes that absorb excess moisture. They are redirected to housing, while not only condensate is eliminated, but also a humidifier effect is achieved.

We offer you to watch a video - Do-it-yourself air recuperator for home.

Recuperator - do it yourself

Recuperator - DIY 2

Experts agree that cellulose cassettes are the best solution today. They function regardless of the weather outside the window, while the installations do not consume electricity, they do not require a sewer outlet, a condensate collector.

Materials and components

What solutions and products should be prepared if it is necessary to assemble a plate-type home unit? Experts strongly recommend paying priority attention to the following materials:

  1. 1. Aluminum sheets (textolite and cellular polycarbonate are quite suitable). Please note that the thinner this material is, the more efficient the heat transfer will be. Forced ventilation works better in that case.
  2. 2. Wooden slats (about 10 mm wide and up to 2 mm thick). They are placed between adjacent plates.
  3. 3. Mineral wool (up to 40 mm thick).
  4. 4. Metal or plywood to prepare the body of the apparatus.
  5. 5. Glue.
  6. 6. Sealant.
  7. 7. Hardware.
  8. 8. Corner.
  9. 9. 4 flanges (under the pipe section).
  10. 10. Fan.

note! The diagonal of the body of the recuperative heat exchanger corresponds to its width. As for the height, it is adjusted for the number of plates and their thickness in conjunction with the rails.

Device drawings

Metal sheets are used to cut squares, the dimensions of each side can vary from 200 to 300 mm. In this case, it is necessary to select the optimal value, taking into account which ventilation system is installed in your home. There should be at least 70 sheets. To make them smoother, we recommend working with 2-3 pieces at the same time.

Diagram of a plastic device

In order for energy recovery in the system to be fully carried out, it is necessary to prepare wooden slats in accordance with the selected dimensions of the side of the square (from 200 to 300 mm). Then they must be carefully processed with drying oil. Every wooden element glued on the 2nd side of the metal square. One of the squares must be left unpasted.

In order for the recovery, and with it the ventilation of the air, to be more efficient, each upper edge of the rails is carefully coated with adhesive. Individual elements are assembled into a square "sandwich". Very important! The 2nd, 3rd and all subsequent square products should be rotated 90 ° in relation to the previous one. In this way, the alternation of channels is implemented, their perpendicular position.

The upper square is fixed on the glue, on which there are no slats. Using the corners, the structure is carefully pulled together and fastened. In order for heat recovery in ventilation systems to be carried out without air loss, the gaps are filled with sealant. Flange mounts are formed.

Ventilation solutions (manufactured unit) are placed in the housing. Previously, on the walls of the device, it is necessary to prepare several corner guides. The heat exchanger is positioned in such a way that its corners rest against the side walls, while the whole structure visually resembles a rhombus.

On the picture homemade version devices

Residual products in the form of condensate remain in its lower part. The main task is to obtain 2 exhaust channels isolated from each other. Inside the structure of the lamellar element, air masses are mixed, and only there. A small hole is made at the bottom to drain condensate through a hose. In the design, 4 holes are made for the flanges.

Formula for calculating power

Example! For heating the air in the room up to 21°C, which requires60 m3 of airat one o'clock:Q \u003d 0.335x60x21 \u003d 422 W.

To determine the efficiency of the unit, it is enough to determine the temperatures at 3 key points of its entry into the system:

Calculation of recuperator payback

Now you know , what is a recuperator and how necessary it is for modern ventilation systems. These devices are increasingly being installed in country cottages, social infrastructure facilities. Recuperators for a private house are a fairly popular product in our time. At a certain level of desire, the recuperator can be assembled with your own hands from improvised means, as mentioned above in our article.

Supply and exhaust ventilation units with heat recovery appeared relatively recently, but quickly gained popularity and became a fairly popular system. The devices are able to fully ventilate the room during the cold period, while maintaining the optimal temperature regime of the incoming air.

What it is?

Using supply and exhaust ventilation in the autumn-winter period, the question of keeping the heat indoors often arises. The flow of cold air coming from the ventilation rushes to the floor and contributes to the creation of an unfavorable microclimate. The most common way to solve this problem is to install a heater that heats cold outdoor air flows before supplying them to the room. However, this method is quite energy-intensive and does not prevent heat losses in the room.

The best solution to the problem is to equip the ventilation system with a heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is a device in which the outflow and air supply channels are located in close proximity to each other. The heat recovery unit allows you to partially transfer heat from the air leaving the room to the incoming air. Thanks to the technology of heat exchange between multidirectional air flows, it is possible to save up to 90% of electricity, in addition, in summer period the device can be used to cool the incoming air masses.


The heat recuperator consists of a housing, which is covered with heat and noise insulating materials and is made of sheet steel. The case of the device is strong enough and able to withstand weight and vibration loads. There are inflow and outflow openings on the case, and air movement through the device is provided by two fans, usually of axial or centrifugal type. The need to install them is due to a significant slowdown natural circulation air, which is caused by the high aerodynamic resistance of the heat exchanger. In order to prevent the suction of fallen leaves, small birds or mechanical debris, an air intake grille is installed on the inlet located on the street side. The same hole, but from the side of the room, is also equipped with a grill or diffuser that evenly distributes air flows. When installing branched systems, air ducts are mounted to the holes.

In addition, the inlets of both streams are equipped with fine filters that protect the system from dust and grease drops. This prevents the heat exchanger channels from clogging and significantly extends the life of the equipment. However, the installation of filters is complicated by the need for constant monitoring of their condition, cleaning, and, if necessary, replacing them. Otherwise, a clogged filter will act as a natural barrier to air flow, as a result of which the resistance to them will increase and the fan will break.

According to the type of construction, heat exchanger filters can be dry, wet and electrostatic. The choice of the desired model depends on the power of the device, physical properties And chemical composition exhaust air, as well as on the personal preferences of the buyer.

In addition to fans and filters, recuperators include heating elements, which can be water or electric. Each heater is equipped with a temperature switch and is able to automatically turn on if the heat leaving the house cannot cope with the heating of the incoming air. The power of the heaters is selected in strict accordance with the volume of the room and the operating performance of the ventilation system. However, in some devices, the heating elements only protect the heat exchanger from freezing and do not affect the temperature of the incoming air.

Water heater elements are more economical. This is due to the fact that the coolant, which moves along the copper coil, enters it from the heating system of the house. From the coil, the plates are heated, which, in turn, give off heat to the air flow. The water heater regulation system is represented by a three-way valve that opens and closes the water supply, a throttle valve that reduces or increases its speed, and a mixing unit that regulates the temperature. Water heaters are installed in a system of air ducts with a rectangular or square section.

Electric heaters are often installed on air ducts with a circular cross section, and a spiral acts as a heating element. For correct and effective work spiral heater, the air flow rate should be greater than or equal to 2 m/s, the air temperature should be 0-30 degrees, and the humidity of the passing masses should not exceed 80%. All electric heaters are equipped with an operation timer and a thermal relay that turns off the device in case of overheating.

In addition to the standard set of elements, at the request of the consumer, air ionizers and humidifiers are installed in the recuperators, and the most modern samples are equipped with an electronic control unit and a function for programming the operating mode, depending on external and internal conditions. Dashboards have an aesthetic appearance, allowing the heat exchangers to organically fit into the ventilation system and not disturb the harmony of the room.

Principle of operation

In order to better understand how the recuperative system works, one should refer to the translation of the word “recuperator”. Literally, it means "return of used", in this context - heat exchange. In ventilation systems, the heat exchanger takes heat from the air leaving the room and gives it to the incoming flows. The temperature difference of multidirectional air jets can reach 50 degrees. IN summer time the device works in reverse and cools the air coming from the street to the temperature of the outlet. On average, the efficiency of devices is 65%, which allows for the rational use of energy resources and significant savings on electricity.

In practice, the heat exchange in the heat exchanger is as follows: forced ventilation drives an excess volume of air into the room, as a result of which the polluted masses are forced to leave the room through the exhaust duct. The outgoing warm air passes through the heat exchanger, while heating the walls of the structure. At the same time, a stream of cold air moves towards it, which takes the heat received by the heat exchanger without mixing with the exhaust streams.

However, cooling the exhaust air from the room causes condensation to form. With the good operation of the fans, which give the air masses a high speed, the condensate does not have time to fall on the walls of the device and goes outside along with the air stream. But if the air speed was not high enough, then water begins to accumulate inside the device. For these purposes, a tray is included in the design of the heat exchanger, which is located at a slight inclination towards the drain hole.

Through the drain hole, water enters a closed tank, which is installed from the side of the room. This is dictated by the fact that the accumulated water can freeze the outflow channels and the condensate will have nowhere to drain. The use of collected water for humidifiers is not recommended: the liquid may contain a large number of pathogenic microorganisms, and therefore must be poured into the sewer system.

However, if frost from condensation still forms, it is recommended to install additional equipment– bypass. This device is made in the form of a bypass channel through which the supply air will enter the room. As a result, the heat exchanger does not heat the incoming flows, but spends its heat exclusively on melting ice. The incoming air, in turn, is heated by a heater, which is switched on synchronously with the bypass. After all the ice is melted and water is discharged into the storage tank, the bypass is turned off and the heat exchanger starts to operate normally.

In addition to installing a bypass, hygroscopic cellulose is used to combat icing. The material is in special cassettes and absorbs moisture before it has time to condensate. Moisture vapor passes through the cellulose layer and returns to the room with the incoming flow. The advantages of such devices are simple installation, the optional installation of a condensate collector and a storage tank. In addition, the efficiency of the cassettes of cellulose recuperators does not depend on external conditions, and the efficiency is more than 80%. The disadvantages include the inability to use in rooms with excessive humidity and the high cost of some models.

Types of recuperators

The modern market of ventilation equipment presents a wide range of recuperators different types, differing from each other both in design and in the method of heat exchange between flows.

  • Plate Models are the simplest and most common type of recuperators, they are characterized by low cost and long service life. The heat exchanger of the models consists of thin aluminum plates, which have high thermal conductivity and significantly increase the efficiency of devices, which in plate models can reach 90%. High efficiency indicators are due to the peculiarity of the structure of the heat exchanger, the plates in which are located in such a way that both flows, alternating, pass between them at an angle of 90 degrees to each other. The sequence of passing warm and cold jets became possible due to the bending of the edges on the plates and the sealing of the joints with polyester resins. In addition to aluminum, alloys of copper and brass, as well as polymeric hydrophobic plastics, are used for the production of plates. However, in addition to the advantages, plate heat exchangers have their own weak sides. The downside of the models is considered to be a high risk of condensation and ice formation, which is due to the plates being too close to each other.

  • Rotary models consist of a housing inside which a cylindrical type rotor, consisting of profiled plates, rotates. During the rotation of the rotor, heat is transferred from the outgoing flows to the incoming ones, as a result of which there is a slight mixing of the masses. And although the mixing ratio is not critical and usually does not exceed 7%, such models are not used in children's and medical institutions. The level of air mass recuperation entirely depends on the rotor speed, which is set in manual mode. The efficiency of rotary models is 75-90%, the risk of ice formation is minimal. The latter is due to the fact that most of the moisture is retained in the drum, after which it evaporates. The disadvantages include difficulty in maintenance, high noise load, which is due to the presence of moving mechanisms, as well as the overall dimensions of the device, the inability to install on the wall and the likelihood of the spread of odors and dust during operation.

  • chamber models consist of two chambers, between which there is a common damper. After warming up, it begins to turn and run cold air into warm chamber. Then the heated air goes into the room, the damper closes and the process repeats again. However, the chamber recuperator has not gained wide popularity. This is due to the fact that the damper is not able to ensure complete tightness of the chambers, so the air flows are mixed.

  • Tubular models consist of a large number tubes that contain freon. In the process of heating from the outgoing flows, the gas rises to the upper sections of the tubes and heats the incoming flows. After heat is released, freon takes on a liquid form and flows into the lower sections of the tubes. The advantages of tubular recuperators include a fairly high efficiency, reaching 70%, the absence of moving parts, the absence of hum during operation, small size and long service life. Disadvantages are considered big weight models, which is due to the presence of metal pipes in the design.

  • Models with intermediate heat carrier consist of two separate air ducts passing through a heat exchanger filled with a water-glycol solution. As a result of passing through the thermal unit, the exhaust air gives off heat to the coolant, which, in turn, heats the incoming flow. The pluses of the model include its wear resistance, due to the absence of moving parts, and among the minuses they note a low efficiency, reaching only 60%, and a predisposition to the formation of condensate.

How to choose?

Due to the wide variety of recuperators presented to consumers, it will not be difficult to choose the right model. Moreover, each type of device has its own narrow specialization and recommended installation location. So, when buying a device for an apartment or a private house, it is better to choose a classic plate model with aluminum plates. Such devices do not require maintenance, do not require regular maintenance and are distinguished by a long service life.

This model is perfect for use in an apartment building. This is due to the low noise level during its operation and compact size. Tubular standard models have also proven themselves well for private use: they are small in size and do not buzz. However, the cost of such recuperators somewhat exceeds the cost of plate products, so the choice of device depends on the financial capabilities and personal preferences of the owners.

When choosing a model for a production workshop, a non-food warehouse or an underground car park, you should choose rotary devices. Such devices have high power and high performance, which is one of the main criteria for working on large areas. Recuperators with an intermediate coolant have also proven themselves well, however, due to their low efficiency, they are not as in demand as drum units.

An important factor when choosing a device is its price. So, the most budget options for plate heat exchangers can be purchased for 27,000 rubles, while a powerful rotary heat recovery unit with additional fans and a built-in filtration system will cost about 250,000 rubles.

Design and Calculation Examples

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of a heat exchanger, it is necessary to calculate the efficiency and efficiency of the device. To calculate the efficiency, the following formula is used: K = (Tp - Tn) / (Tv - Tn), where Tp denotes the temperature of the incoming flow, Tn is the street temperature, and Tv is the temperature in the room. Next, you need to compare your value with the maximum possible efficiency indicator of the purchased device. This value is usually specified in technical passport model or other accompanying documentation. However, when comparing the desired efficiency and that indicated in the passport, it should be remembered that in fact this coefficient will be slightly lower than specified in the document.

Knowing the efficiency of a particular model, you can calculate its effectiveness. This can be done using the following formula: E (W) \u003d 0.36xRxKx (Tv - Tn), where P will denote the air flow and is measured in m3 / h. After carrying out all the calculations, it is necessary to compare the costs of purchasing a heat exchanger with its efficiency converted into a monetary equivalent. If the purchase justifies itself, the device can be safely purchased. Otherwise, consider alternative methods heating the incoming air or install a number of simpler devices.

When designing the device yourself, it should be borne in mind that countercurrent devices have the maximum heat transfer efficiency. They are followed by cross-flow ducts, and in the last place are unidirectional ducts. In addition, how intense the heat transfer will be directly depends on the quality of the material, the thickness of the dividing partitions, and also on how long the air masses will be inside the device.

Installation subtleties

Assembly and installation of the recovery unit can be carried out independently. The simplest kind homemade device is a coaxial recuperator. For its manufacture take a two-meter plastic pipe for sewerage with a cross section of 16 cm and an air corrugation made of aluminum 4 m long, the diameter of which should be 100 mm. Adapters-splitters are put on the ends of a large pipe, with the help of which the device will be connected to the air duct, and a corrugation is inserted inside, twisting it in a spiral. The recuperator is connected to ventilation system in such a way that warm air was driven through the corrugation, and cold air went through the plastic pipe.

As a result of this design, there is no mixing of flows, and the outside air has time to warm up, moving inside the pipe. To improve the performance of the device, you can combine it with a ground heat exchanger. In the process of testing, such a heat exchanger gives good results. So, at an outside temperature of -7 degrees and an internal temperature of 24 degrees, the productivity of the device was about 270 cubic meters per hour, and the temperature of the incoming air corresponded to 19 degrees. The average cost of a homemade model is 5 thousand rubles.

At self-manufacturing and the installation of the heat exchanger, it should be remembered that the longer the heat exchanger is, the higher the efficiency of the installation will be. That's why experienced craftsmen it is recommended to assemble the heat exchanger from four sections of 2 m each, after preliminary thermal insulation of all pipes. The problem of condensate drainage can be solved by installing a water drain fitting, and the device itself can be placed slightly at an angle.

The creation of an energy-efficient administrative building, which will be as close as possible to the PASSIVE HOUSE standard, is impossible without a modern air handling unit (PSU) with heat recovery.

Under recovery means the process of utilizing the heat of the internal exhaust air with a temperature of t in, emitted into the street during the cold period with a high temperature, to heat the supply air. The heat recovery process takes place in special heat recovery units: plate heat exchangers, rotating regenerators, as well as in heat exchangers installed separately in air flows with different temperatures (in exhaust and supply units) and connected by an intermediate heat carrier (glycol, ethylene glycol).

The latter option is most relevant in the case when the supply and exhaust are separated along the height of the building, for example, the supply unit is in the basement, and the exhaust unit is in the attic, however, the recovery efficiency of such systems will be significantly lower (from 30 to 50% compared to PES in one building

Plate heat exchangers are a cassette in which the supply and exhaust air channels are separated by aluminum sheets. Between supply and extract air heat exchange takes place through aluminum sheets. The internal extract air heats the external supply air through the heat exchanger plates. In this case, the process of mixing air does not occur.

IN rotary heat exchangers heat transfer from exhaust air to supply air is carried out through a rotating cylindrical rotor, consisting of a package of thin metal plates. During the operation of the rotary heat exchanger, the exhaust air heats the plates, and then these plates move into the cold outside air and heat it. However, in the flow separation units, due to their leakage, the exhaust air flows into the supply air. The percentage of overflow can be from 5 to 20% depending on the quality of the equipment.

In order to achieve the goal - to bring the building of the FGAU "NII CEPP" closer to passive, in the course of long discussions and calculations, it was decided to install supply and exhaust ventilation units with a heat exchanger from a Russian manufacturer of energy-saving climate systems– companies TURKOV.

Company TURKOV produces PES for the following regions:

  • For the Central region (equipment with two-stage heat recovery ZENIT series, which works stably up to -25 about C, and is excellent for the climate of the Central region of Russia, efficiency 65-75%);
  • For Siberia (equipment with three-stage heat recovery Zenit HECO series works stably up to -35 about C, and is excellent for the climate of Siberia, but is often used in the central region, efficiency 80-85%);
  • For the Far North (equipment with four-stage recuperation CrioVent Series works stably up to -45 about C, excellent for extremely cold climates and used in the most severe regions of Russia, efficiency up to 90%).
Traditional textbooks based on the old school of engineering criticize firms that claim to high efficiency plate heat exchangers. Justifying this by the fact that it is possible to achieve this efficiency value only when using energy from absolutely dry air, and in real conditions with a relative humidity of the removed air = 20-40% (in winter), the level of use of dry air energy is limited.

However, the TURKOV PES uses enthalpy plate heat exchanger, in which, along with the transfer of implicit heat from the exhaust air, moisture is also transferred to the supply air.
The working area of ​​the enthalpy heat exchanger is made of a polymer membrane that allows water vapor molecules to pass from the exhaust (humidified) air and transfer it to the supply (dry) air. There is no mixing of exhaust and supply flows in the heat exchanger, since moisture is passed through the membrane by diffusion due to the difference in vapor concentration on both sides of the membrane.

The dimensions of the membrane cells are such that only water vapor can pass through it; for dust, pollutants, water droplets, bacteria, viruses and odors, the membrane is an insurmountable barrier (due to the ratio of the sizes of the “cells” of the membrane and other substances).

Enthalpy heat exchanger
in fact - a plate heat exchanger, where a polymer membrane is used instead of aluminum. Since the thermal conductivity of the membrane plate is less than that of aluminum, the required area of ​​the enthalpy heat exchanger is much larger than the area of ​​a similar aluminum heat exchanger. On the one hand, this increases the dimensions of the equipment, on the other hand, it allows the transfer of a large amount of moisture, and it is thanks to this that it is possible to achieve high frost resistance of the heat exchanger and stable operation of the equipment at ultra-low temperatures.

In winter (outdoor temperature below -5C), if the humidity of the exhaust air exceeds 30% (at an exhaust air temperature of 22…24 °C), in the heat exchanger, together with the process of transferring moisture to the supply air, the process of moisture accumulation on the heat exchanger plate takes place. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically turn off the supply fan and dry the hygroscopic layer of the heat exchanger with exhaust air. The duration, frequency and temperature below which the drying process is required depends on the stepping of the heat exchanger, the temperature and humidity inside the room. The most commonly used heat exchanger drying settings are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Most commonly used heat exchanger drying settings

Heat exchanger stages Temperature/Humidity

<20% 20%-30% 30%-35% 35%-45%
2 steps not required 3/45 min 3/30 min 4/30 min
3 steps not required 3/50 min 3/40 min 3/30 min
4 steps not required 3/50 min 3/40 min

Note: The setting of the heat exchanger drying is carried out only in agreement with the technical staff of the manufacturer and after providing the parameters of the internal air.

Drying the heat exchanger is required only when installing air humidification systems, or when operating equipment with large, systematic moisture inflows.

  • With standard indoor air parameters, the dry mode is not required.
The heat exchanger material undergoes mandatory antibacterial treatment, so it does not accumulate pollution.

In this article, as an example of an administrative building, a typical five-story building of the FGAU "NII CEPP" after the planned reconstruction is considered.
For this building, the flow rate of supply and exhaust air was determined in accordance with the norms of air exchange in the administrative premises for each building room.
The total values ​​of supply and exhaust air flow rates by floors of the building are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Estimated supply/exhaust air flow rates by building floors

Floor Supply air consumption, m 3 /h Exhaust air consumption, m 3 /h PVU TURKOV
Basement 1987 1987 Zenit 2400 HECO SW
1st floor 6517 6517 Zenit 1600 HECO SW
Zenit 2400 HECO SW
Zenit 3400 HECO SW
2nd floor 5010 5010 Zenit 5000 HECO SW
3rd floor 6208 6208 Zenit 6000 HECO SW
Zenit 350 HECO MW - 2 pcs.
4th floor 6957 6957 Zenit 6000 HECO SW
Zenit 350 HECO MW
5th floor 4274 4274 Zenit 6000 HECO SW
Zenit 350 HECO MW

In laboratories, PVUs work according to a special algorithm with compensation for exhaust from fume hoods, i.e. when any fume hood is turned on, the PVU hood automatically decreases by the value of the cabinet hood. Based on the estimated costs, the Turkov air handling units were selected. Each floor will be served by its Zenit HECO SW and Zenit HECO MW PES with three-stage heat recovery up to 85%.
The ventilation of the first floor is carried out by PES, which are installed in the basement and on the second floor. The ventilation of the remaining floors (except for the laboratories on the fourth and third floors) is provided by PES installed on the technical floor.
The appearance of the PES of the Zenit Heco SW installation is shown in Figure 6. Table 3 shows the technical data for each PES of the installation.

Installation Zenit Heco SW includes:
  • Housing with heat and sound insulation;
  • Supply fan;
  • Exhaust fan;
  • supply filter;
  • Exhaust filter;
  • 3-stage heat exchanger;
  • Water heater;
  • Mixing unit;
  • Automation with a set of sensors;
  • Wired control panel.

An important advantage is the possibility of mounting the equipment both vertically and horizontally under the ceiling, which is used in the building in question. As well as the ability to locate equipment in cold areas (attics, garages, technical rooms, etc.) and on the street, which is very important in the restoration and reconstruction of buildings.

PES Zenit HECO MW are small PES with heat and moisture recovery with a water heater and a mixing unit in a lightweight and versatile housing made of expanded polypropylene, designed to maintain the climate in small rooms, apartments, houses.

Company TURKOVindependently developed and manufactures in Russia the Monocontroller automation for ventilation equipment. This automation is used in PVU Zenit Heco SW

  • The controller controls EC fans via MODBUS, which allows you to monitor the operation of each fan.
  • Controls water heaters and coolers to accurately maintain the supply air temperature in both winter and summer periods.
  • For CO control 2 in the conference room and meeting rooms, automation is equipped with special CO sensors 2 . The equipment will monitor the concentration of CO 2 and automatically change the air flow rate according to the number of people in the room, to maintain the required air quality, thereby reducing the heat consumption of the equipment.
  • A complete dispatching system allows you to organize the control center as simply as possible. A remote monitoring system will allow you to monitor the equipment from anywhere in the world.

Control panel features:

  • Hours, date;
  • Three fan speeds;
  • Filter status display in real time;
  • Weekly timer;
  • Supply air temperature setting;
  • Display of faults on the display.

Efficiency mark

To assess the efficiency of installing Zenit Heco SW air handling units with recuperation in the building under consideration, we determine the calculated, average and annual loads on the ventilation system, as well as the costs in rubles for the cold period, the warm period and for the whole year for three PES options:

  1. PES with recuperation Zenit Heco SW (recuperator efficiency 85%);
  2. Direct-flow PES (i.e. without heat exchanger);
  3. PES with 50% heat recovery efficiency.

The load on the ventilation system is the load on the air heater, which heats up (during the cold period) or cools (during the warm period) the supply air after the heat exchanger. In a direct-flow PES, the air is heated in the heater from the initial parameters corresponding to the parameters of the outside air during the cold period, and cools during the warm period. The calculation results of the calculated load on the ventilation system in the cold period for the floors of the building are shown in Table 3. The results of the calculation of the calculated load on the ventilation system in the warm period for the entire building are shown in Table 4.

Table 3. Estimated load on the ventilation system during the cold period by floors, kW

Floor PES Zenit HECO SW/MW Direct flow PES PES with 50% recovery
Basement 3,5 28,9 14,0
1st floor 11,5 94,8 45,8
2nd floor 8,8 72,9 35,2
3rd floor 10,9 90,4 43,6
4th floor 12,2 101,3 48,9
5th floor 7,5 62,2 30,0
54,4 450,6 217,5

Table 4. Estimated load on the ventilation system during the warm period by floors, kW

Floor PES Zenit HECO SW/MW Direct flow PES PES with 50% recovery
20,2 33,1 31,1

Since the calculated outdoor temperatures in the cold and warm periods are not constant during the heating period and the cooling period, it is necessary to determine the average ventilation load at an average outdoor temperature:
The results of calculating the annual load on the ventilation system during the warm period and the cold period for the entire building are shown in tables 5 and 6.

Table 5. Annual load on the ventilation system during the cold season by floors, kW

Floor PES Zenit HECO SW/MW Direct flow PES PES with 50% recovery
66105 655733 264421
66,1 655,7 264,4

Table 6. Annual load on the ventilation system during the warm season by floors, kW

Floor PES Zenit HECO SW/MW Direct flow PES PES with 50% recovery
12362 20287 19019
12,4 20,3 19,0

Let us determine the costs in rubles per year for heating, cooling and fan operation.
The consumption in rubles for reheating is obtained by multiplying the annual values ​​of ventilation loads (in Gcal) during the cold period by the cost of 1 Gcal / hour of thermal energy from the network and by the time the PVU is in heating mode. The cost of 1 Gcal / h of thermal energy from the network is taken equal to 2169 rubles.
The costs in rubles for the operation of fans are obtained by multiplying their power, operating time and the cost of 1 kW of electricity. The cost of 1 kWh of electricity is taken equal to 5.57 rubles.
The results of calculating the costs in rubles for the operation of the WSP during the cold period are shown in Table 7, and in the warm period in Table 8. Table 9 compares all WSP options for the entire building of the FGAU "NII CEPP".

Table 7. Expenses in rubles per year for the operation of PES during the cold period

Floor PES Zenit HECO SW/MW Direct flow PES PES with 50% recovery

For reheatingFor fansFor reheatingFor fansFor reheatingFor fans
Total costs 368 206 337 568 3 652 433 337 568 1 472 827 337 568

Table 8. Costs in rubles per year for the operation of WSPs during the warm period

Floor PES Zenit HECO SW/MW Direct flow PES PES with 50% recovery

For coolingFor fansFor coolingFor fansFor coolingFor fans
Total costs 68 858 141 968 112 998 141 968 105 936 141 968

Table 9. Comparison of all PES

Value PES Zenit HECO SW/MW Direct flow PES PES with 50% recovery
, kW 54,4 450,6 217,5
20,2 33,1 31,1
25,7 255,3 103,0
11,4 18,8 17,6
66 105 655 733 264 421
12 362 20 287 19 019
78 468 676 020 283 440
Reheating costs, rub 122 539 1 223 178 493 240
Cooling costs, rub 68 858 112 998 105 936
Costs for fans in winter, rub 337 568
Costs for fans in summer, rub 141 968
Total annual costs, rub 670 933 1 815 712 1 078 712

An analysis of Table 9 allows us to draw an unambiguous conclusion - the supply and exhaust units Zenit HECO SW and Zenit HECO MW with heat and moisture recovery from Turkov are very energy efficient.
The total annual ventilation load of the TURKOV PVU is less than the load in the PVU with an efficiency of 50% by 72%, and in comparison with the direct-flow PVU by 88%. PVU Turkov will save 1 million 145 thousand rubles - in comparison with a direct-flow PVU or 408 thousand rubles - in comparison with a PVU, the efficiency of which is 50%.

Where are the savings...

The main reason for failures in the use of systems with recuperation is the relatively high initial investment, however, with a more complete look at the development costs, such systems not only pay off quickly, but also reduce the overall investment during development. use of residential, office buildings and shops.
Average value of heat losses of finished buildings: 50 W/m 2 .

  • Inclusions: Heat loss through walls, windows, roofs, foundations, etc.
The average value of general exchange supply ventilation is 4.34 m 3 / m 2


  • Ventilation of apartments with the calculation of the purpose of the premises and the multiplicity.
  • Ventilation of offices based on the number of people and CO2 compensation.
  • Ventilation of shops, corridors, warehouses, etc.
  • Area ratio selected based on several existing complexes
The average value of ventilation to compensate for bathrooms, kitchens, etc. 0.36 m3/m2


  • Compensation for bathrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, etc. Since it is impossible to organize an intake into the recuperation system from these rooms, an inflow is organized into this room, and the exhaust goes by separate fans past the recuperator.
Average value of general exhaust ventilation respectively 3.98 m3/m2

Difference between supply air quantity and compensation air quantity.
It is this volume of extract air that transfers heat to the supply air.

So, it is necessary to build up the area with standard buildings with a total area of ​​40,000 m 2 with the specified heat loss characteristics. Let's see what will save the use of ventilation systems with recuperation.

Operating costs

The main goal of choosing systems with recuperation is to reduce the cost of equipment operation, due to a significant reduction in the required heat output for heating the supply air.
With the use of supply and exhaust ventilation units without recuperation, we will get the heat consumption of the ventilation system of one building 2410 kWh.

  • We take the cost of operating such a system as 100%. There is no savings at all - 0%.

With the use of combined supply and exhaust ventilation units with heat recovery and an average efficiency of 50%, we will get the heat consumption of the ventilation system of one building 1457 kWh.

  • Operating cost 60%. Savings with typesetting equipment 40%

With the use of TURKOV single-block highly efficient supply and exhaust ventilation units with heat and moisture recovery and an average efficiency of 85%, we will get the heat consumption of the ventilation system of one building 790 kWh.

  • Operating cost 33%. Savings with TURKOV equipment 67%

As can be seen, ventilation systems with highly efficient equipment have lower heat consumption, which allows us to talk about the payback period of equipment in 3-7 years when using water heaters and 1-2 years when using electric heaters.

Construction costs

If building in the city, it is necessary to allocate a significant amount of thermal energy from the existing heating network, which always requires significant financial costs. The more heat is required, the more expensive the cost of summing up will be.
Building "in the field" often does not involve the supply of heat, gas is usually supplied and the construction of its own boiler house or thermal power plant is carried out. The cost of this structure is commensurate with the required thermal power: the more - the more expensive.
As an example, suppose that a boiler house with a capacity of 50 MW of thermal energy has been built.
In addition to ventilation, the cost of heating a typical building with an area of ​​40,000 m 2 and heat loss of 50 W/m 2 will be about 2000 kWh.
With the use of supply and exhaust ventilation units without recuperation, it will be possible to build 11 buildings.
With the use of combined supply and exhaust ventilation units with heat recovery and an average efficiency of 50%, it will be possible to construct 14 buildings.
With the use of TURKOV single-block highly efficient supply and exhaust ventilation units with heat and moisture recovery and an average efficiency of 85%, it will be possible to build 18 buildings.
The final estimate of supplying more heat energy or building a large boiler house is significantly more expensive than the cost of more energy efficient ventilation equipment. With the use of additional means to reduce the heat loss of the building, it is possible to increase the development without increasing the required heat output. For example, by reducing heat loss by only 20%, to 40 W / m 2, it will be possible to build 21 buildings already.

Features of equipment operation in northern latitudes

As a rule, equipment with recuperation has restrictions on the minimum outdoor air temperature. This is due to the capabilities of the heat exchanger and the limitation is -25 ... -30 o C. If the temperature drops, the condensate from the exhaust air will freeze on the heat exchanger, therefore, at extremely low temperatures, an electric preheater or a water preheater with antifreeze liquid is used. For example, in Yakutia, the estimated outdoor air temperature is -48 o C. Then the classic systems with recuperation work as follows:

  1. o With pre-heater heated up to -25 o C (Thermal energy is spent).
  2. C -25 o C air is heated in the heat exchanger to -2.5 o C (at 50% efficiency).
  3. C -2.5 o The air is heated by the main heater to the required temperature (thermal energy is consumed).

When using a special series of equipment for the Far North with 4-stage heat recovery TURKOV CrioVent, preheating is not required, since 4 stages, a large recuperation area and moisture return make it possible to prevent freezing of the heat exchanger. The equipment works in a graying way:

  1. Outdoor air with a temperature of -48 o C is heated in the recuperator up to 11.5 o C (efficiency 85%).
  2. From 11.5 o The air is heated by the main heater to the required temperature. (Thermal energy is spent).

The absence of preheating and the high efficiency of the equipment will significantly reduce heat consumption and simplify the design of the equipment.
The use of highly efficient recuperation systems in northern latitudes is most relevant, since due to low outdoor air temperatures, the use of classical recuperation systems is difficult, and equipment without recuperation requires too much heat energy. Turkov equipment successfully works in cities with the most difficult climatic conditions, such as: Ulan-Ude, Irkutsk, Yeniseysk, Yakutsk, Anadyr, Murmansk, as well as in many other cities with a milder climate compared to these cities.


  • The use of ventilation systems with recuperation allows not only to reduce operating costs, but in the case of large-scale reconstruction or capital development of cases, to reduce the initial investment.
  • Maximum savings can be achieved in the middle and northern latitudes, where the equipment operates in difficult conditions with prolonged negative outdoor air temperatures.
  • Using the building of FGAU NII CEPP as an example, a ventilation system with a highly efficient heat exchanger will save 3 million 33 thousand rubles a year compared to a direct-flow PVU and 1 million 40 thousand rubles a year compared to a stacked PVU, the efficiency of which is 50%.

Modern technologies that have come to our country are pushing the population to also use the latest developments. Solar panels, room temperature controllers and other smart appliances can not only reduce utility bills, but also maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. Of course, a recuperator for a private house cannot be called an innovation, however, saving money and heat energy is obvious.

This unit is a design similar to the house ventilation system. Their difference lies in the fact that conventional ventilation removes stale air from the room and fills it with fresh air. The recuperator performs similar actions, only brings heated warm or cooled air into the house. The air conditioner performs similar functions, however, it requires the presence of electricity and refrigerant - freon, the heat exchanger does without it. Heating or cooling of the inflow occurs due to the heat exchange of the primary and secondary coolant through the wall separating the air masses.

The main element of the air handling unit with a heat exchanger is a heat exchanger. The device is equipped with a thermal electric heater or a fan, check valves to prevent air from moving in the opposite direction, and much more.

The use of such a system allows you to return part of the heat energy, usually lost when passing through the ventilation ducts. Warm air masses freely circulate in the heat exchanger, come into contact with the cold flow through the separating wall and give the latter their thermal energy.

The surface type heat exchanger is a double-walled heat exchanger. One channel occupies the outgoing primary, the other - secondary, colder. The walls have a high thermal conductivity and are installed to prevent mixing of air flows of different temperatures. The outgoing air element runs along the box, the incoming air element runs across. As a result of heat transfer to cold air, heated air masses enter the house.

The inlet air temperature depends on the outgoing air temperature. The warmer the outgoing jet, the higher the inlet temperature.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of the heat exchanger is that it accumulates heat from the removed flow and communicates it with high efficiency to the air supply masses. This allows you not to spend money on and supply a fresh heated air element into the house.

The principle of operation of the system is determined by two principles:

  1. Spent or stale air masses are removed from the room, pass through the ceramic recovery chamber and heat it up. At the same time, almost 97% of thermal energy is given away. When the recovery chamber is heated, the heat exchanger automatically switches to the fresh jet inflow mode.
  2. The air passes through the ceramic recovery chamber, is heated by the heat accumulated in it, and is supplied to the house. Cooling down of the regenerator serves as a signal to turn on the fan in the exhaust mode.

Such a ventilation system with a heat exchanger allows you to reduce the consumption of gaseous, solid or liquid fuels, which may be necessary for the operation of other devices, and create comfortable living conditions.

Note! Installing a supply and exhaust air recuperator for the home will save up to 80% of heat in the room.

Advantages of a thermal power device

A thermal power device of this type has recently gained great popularity. There is no need to ventilate the dwelling in summer and winter, thereby releasing precious heat into the street. On a dusty summer day, the device will supply the room with clean atmospheric air, which will first pass through the air cleaning filter.

Also, there is no need to use the mentioned system in manual mode - the automation will do it for you. Cold masses in winter will heat up due to the outgoing warm flow, and hot summer days will cool down when heat is released to a cooler jet.

In addition, the system is characterized by such a number of advantages:

  • saving money on heating;
  • savings on separate exhaust fans;
  • removal of unpleasant heavy odors;
  • removal of dust particles;
  • ease of operation and installation;
  • low cost of use;

  • process automation;
  • long system life.

Even the periodic use of a heat engineering installation will allow you to saturate your home with clean atmospheric air masses without losing heat or, conversely, increasing the temperature regime.

High-quality ventilation

Installing a heat exchanger will keep the house clean, together with the influx of fresh outside air. Tobacco, fireplace or other smoke, carbon dioxide or other unhealthy emissions, harmful or unpleasant odors - everything is within the power of a rotary heat exchanger. The operation of the system has a beneficial effect on the human body, drying the air with high humidity, which is especially important for hypertensive patients, as well as people with atherosclerosis or cardiovascular diseases. In addition, high humidity threatens and other ailments.

economical heating

By installing a heat recovery unit, you will ensure stable savings not only of money, but also of the heat in the house. The outgoing warm flow will warm up the cold supply air to a comfortable temperature, which will significantly avoid unnecessary operation of the heating equipment. The heat engineering system carefully handles the heat entering its box, practically preventing it from escaping into the atmosphere. There is also no need to monitor the temperature of the incoming air masses, this will be done by the heat exchanger, supplying them with only a small temperature difference compared to the outgoing flow.

Important! According to experts, the savings in electricity or any type of fuel for heating appliances range from 40 to 50%. Of course, at the same time, one should not neglect the high-quality thermal insulation of the room.

No additional ventilation

Gas stoves, fireplaces, water heaters and weeping metal-plastic windows require additional ventilation or periodic ventilation. Frosty and hot periods of the year greatly complicate this process: the first threatens to cool the room, the second - dust and hot dry winds with low humidity. If you decide to buy an air recuperator, you will ensure high-quality ventilation of the whole house, avoiding unnecessary financial expenses and installation of equipment for additional ventilation.

Silent and high-quality air purification

Atmospheric supply air in any case brings with it dust particles, dirt elements, diluted exhaust gases from cars, chimneys and industrial plants. The air filter installed in the heat and power device will rid the house of incoming unwanted odors and dust particles. After high-quality cleaning, the atmospheric jet will fill the room not only with fresh, but also with clean air. True, the latter will be conditioned by the necessary regular maintenance of the air filter and other elements of the system.

Note! A clogged or uncleaned filter is a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. Its regular cleaning and periodic replacement will help the owner of the house to avoid infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.

Utilizers for an apartment or house have high efficiency and low noise level, which ranges from 25-35 dB. This equates to the sound of an air conditioner.

Recuperator for a private house: types and characteristics

Supply and exhaust recuperators can have various design features. A sales assistant in any specialized store of heating devices will help you choose the right option.

There are such types of equipment:

  • lamellar;
  • rotary;
  • roof;
  • recirculating water.

All of them are designed to create a favorable indoor climate, whether it is an apartment, a large mansion or a country house.

Related article:

Types and features of devices, additional functions. Calculation of power according to the parameters of the room. Care tips.


It is the most common type due to good performance, ease of operation and low price. This type of heat exchanger consists of fixed metal plates with high specific heat capacity and relatively low weight. The plates are collected in a kind of cassettes, which slightly resemble a bee hive. Atmospheric air passes through the box of the device with cassettes and then heats up or cools down, depending on the winter or summer time of the year. The condensate formed during operation is discharged through a specially available drainage outlet or channel.

Along with the listed advantages, the system has a certain disadvantage: the formation of ice in the box, which is especially evident in the autumn-winter period.


A recuperator of this type carries out the inflow and outflow of an air jet due to the blades. The thermal power system has from one to two drive rotors, depending on the model. Outwardly, the installation looks like a cylindrical barrel with a drum. As air is pumped out of the room and the cylindrical duct is heated, the atmospheric mass is taken.

Advantages of this device:

  • improved efficiency;
  • increased efficiency;
  • lack of condensate, and, consequently, discharge gutters;
  • lack of ice;

  • does not dry the air, which does not require additional humidification;
  • adjustment of the amount of air supply and intake due to the speed of rotation of the blades.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • increased electricity consumption;
  • rotating elements wear out faster than stationary ones;
  • the need for additional exhaust to prevent possible mixing of incoming and outgoing air masses.

Note! Before purchasing a rotary heat exchanger, it is necessary to take into account its increased power, which can lead to an increase in the cross section of the room's electrical wiring.


This recuperator processes large masses of air. The expediency of its use can be explained by a large mansion, other residential or non-residential premises. The principle of operation is in many ways similar to the plate unit, however, the latter differs from the roof unit in smaller dimensions. Ease of installation of the device, low cost of maintenance and operation have made it indispensable in the ventilation devices of shops, repair shops, production areas. Installing such a heat exchanger on the roof generally excludes the penetration of any sounds and noise into the room.

Glycol heat exchanger

Glycol (or recirculation) regenerative apparatus combines the qualities of plate and rotary heat engineering devices. Its main difference from the previous ones is the use of an intermediate coolant. The last is a water-glycol solution consisting of propylene glycol or ethylene diluted with distilled water. The mixture has a high heat capacity, which makes it possible to utilize a large amount of heat, retains its working qualities at sub-zero temperatures. In severe low-temperature conditions, it is possible to replace the specified coolant with antifreeze. The equipment allows you to work simultaneously with several ventilation ducts, sleeves or hoods.

Recuperator for an apartment: calculation and overview of manufacturers

An apartment heat and power device will be the best purchase, especially if the home is located in a big city or the center of a metropolis. Automotive and industrial gases, street noise, heat or cold will forever remain outside the premises. The device will not only add a lot of clean air to the apartment, but will also save on heating, ventilation and purification of the incoming atmospheric flow. This is achieved by a simple exchange of heat between the supply and exhaust flows that have passed through a heat-insulating box with a cleaning filter.

Heat exchanger calculation

You can calculate the required heat and power device yourself, without resorting to the services of specialized companies. The calculation of the efficiency and effectiveness of the apparatus is determined by the knowledge of the cost of electricity for supply or exhaust masses. The calculation formula is:

Q \u003d 0.335 x L x (t 1 - t 2),

where L is the flow rate of air masses, t 1 is the temperature of the inflow, t 2 is the temperature of the outgoing masses, 0.335 is the regional coefficient.

Efficiency is calculated using the following formula:

E = Q x n,

where: Q - energy or electrical costs for heating or cooling the jet, n - efficiency of the device.

Useful advice! Before you buy a heat exchanger for a private house or city apartment, you need to familiarize yourself with their types, technical characteristics and the principle of operation. It may be necessary to carry out preparatory installation work and draw up a project.

PRANA recuperator

This manufacturer of thermal power and ventilation equipment has been on the market for more than 15 years. Its equipment has a long service life, high efficiency and reasonable prices.

Operating characteristics of the device:

  • type - lamellar;
  • electricity consumption - 5-90 B / h, depending on the model;
  • noise level - 25-140 dB;
  • unit length - 500 mm;
  • incoming jet - 115-650 m³ / h;
  • outgoing jet - 105-610 m³ / h;
  • Efficiency - 79-80%, depending on the model.

The entire range is equipped with a remote control panel, operates at ambient temperatures from -15 to 45°C. The relatively low price of an air recuperator, a significant retention of the set temperature during heating or heating, and small dimensions make this device one of the most popular, which is confirmed by numerous positive reviews. The Prana heat exchanger can be built into the wall of a room or installed outdoors. Installation of the device is quite easy and is carried out within 2-3 hours.

You can notice such a decentralized system only by the presence of a ventilation grill on the wall. Not the last positive quality are heat exchangers made of copper, which has an antimicrobial effect. The average price of an air recuperator for a house of this brand is about 25,000 rubles. The cost of high-performance devices is in the range from 50 to 110 thousand rubles.

MARLEY recuperators

The compact German heat exchanger is equipped with a ceramic heat exchange element, which allows the device to be operated even at a temperature of -30ºC. Its flushing and cleaning of the air filters is a simple operation that can be carried out by an ordinary user. The duration of continuous operation is about 6 months, after this period the control lamp will light up. Operation of the device near highways or in the central part of the city will force you to resort to more frequent cleaning. This operation does not take much time and takes 15-20 minutes.

You can buy an air recuperator for the home, the price of which is 24,000 rubles, in a specialized store. With a fairly moderate cost, the device has the following performance characteristics:

  1. three phases of power - 15, 25 and 40 m³ / h;
  2. consumed electrical power - from 3.5 to 8 W;
  3. motor rotor - brushless;
  4. noise level - 22, 29 and 35 dB;
  5. heat recovery - 80-85%;
  6. service area - from 60 m²;
  7. external dimensions - 285-500 mm. The small dimensions of the unit allow you to install it in the wall.

The new line of the Marley manufacturer is the menv 180 heat exchanger, which differs from previous analogues in low power consumption - only 3 watts. Nice functional additions are:

  • temperature, carbon dioxide and humidity controllers;
  • improved aerodynamics;
  • low noise level;
  • waterproofing coating for work in wet residential or non-residential premises;
  • high category of cleaning of the supply jet.

By installing a similar heat exchanger, the price of which is within 27,500 rubles, you will forget about street soot and exhaust gases, dust, fog and emissions from industrial enterprises.

DIY recuperator

Any craftsman can make an air recuperator for the house with his own hands. For this you will need:

  • two sheets of galvanized steel;
  • wood-layered box for the shell of the apparatus;
  • cork pads;
  • silicone neutral sealant;
  • pressure controller;
  • metal corners;
  • thermal insulation mineral wool.

An electric jigsaw, metal fasteners and connecting flanges are also useful for work.

Steel sheets must be cut into rectangular plates measuring 200x300 mm. To do this, you need within 3-4 m² of steel. Cutting must be done very carefully so that the cuts do not have burrs and notches. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a special tool - a grinder or a hacksaw for metal.

Then the plates are stacked on top of each other with a gap of at least 4 mm. This distance is ensured by gluing along the perimeter of each element of thermal insulation material (cork, wood or textolite). After laying the plates, the joints are treated with a special neutral sealant.

The housing is then fabricated and must be sized appropriately to fit within its plate structure. Holes are cut in the walls of the housing, into which pre-prepared plastic flanges are inserted, which must correspond to the diameter of the air ducts. All joints are also carefully sealed.

When the sealant dries, the plate structure is placed inside the body. External walls must be lined with heat-insulating material, such as foam or glass wool. The finished structure, in order to increase the aesthetic component, can be placed in a wooden box.

Note! Visually noticeable crevices and cuts in the box of a do-it-yourself recuperator for a private house must be filled with a silicone neutral hermetic mass.

Previously, recuperators and ventilation systems were installed only in industrial production, coal and mining mines. Today, heat engineering devices for the utilization of exhaust gases are increasingly located in houses and apartments.

An industrial apparatus, or a do-it-yourself air recuperator becomes our indispensable assistant. It supplies clean, cooled or heated atmospheric air, cleans the house of dust and unpleasant odors, and at the same time saves some money on heating the room.