How to be calmer in a relationship. How to be balanced

How to become calmer - we offer great ways, which will help in any critical situation to remain calm, like a boa constrictor.

So imagine the situation...

Morning. The alarm clock shows 7 am. You barely open your eyes and curse the neighbors whose dog howled on the balcony for a good half of the night ...

On the way to work, some goat stepped on your foot on the bus, and some goat accidentally knocked over her coffee on you.

At work, every second client punched your brains with their claims and, and on the way home, the saleswoman in the store cheated you.

And sitting comfortably on soft sofa in a cozy living room, your husband accidentally dropped a plate of sandwiches on the freshly vacuumed carpet.

It was here that Ostap suffered ...

You not only told your husband everything you think about him, but also remembered all his jambs over the last 3-5-10 years of married life.

And this is not the first such case.

You constantly break down on your loved ones, accuse them of all mortal sins only because you completely ruined your mood. stranger and you don't feel like it anymore.

In such cases, you should not blame everyone in a row, but you should think about how to become calmer!

After all, you will agree, why spoil relations with your beloved husband, when you can come into harmony with your inner world.

How to become calmer - work on yourself

    Start setting goals

    When you have firmly decided to become a calm person, start working on yourself with.

    Tell yourself that calmness is the most important feeling that you need to develop in yourself.

    And do not wait: do not wait for the weather by the sea, do not wait for a suitable sign, but do it.

    Decided become calm So start working on yourself today!

    Stop and breathe

    Remember that peace will not come to you this very second, and will not even come in a few weeks.

    It takes months and even years of training to become a calm person.

    And we will begin to train with breathing.

    When you feel that your anger and rage is propping up and asking to be released, do not rush to let it out.

    Instead, close your eyes and take 10 deep breaths in and out.

    Believe me, after five such breaths, the desire to be hysterical and nervous will disappear by itself.

    Helping ourselves to become calmer with the help of sports

    Let me tell you straight up, you should never suppress your anger.

    Suppressed emotions gradually accumulate and can spill out in a variety of ways: you throw a grand scandal, get sick or get covered with acne (urticaria, etc.)

    You don't need this, do you?

    Precisely to avoid composting the brains of relatives, sign up for boxing, karate, aikido or dancing.

    All these activities will help you throw out negative emotions and become calmer.

    Well, if you don’t have money for a gym (or you’re just stingy), then buy a darts, stick a photo of a villain on it and throw as many darts as you like at the hated one.

    If sport relieves stress, then yoga helps to find peace of mind

    Signing up for dancing or boxing, you shoot only those emotions that overwhelm you here and now.

    To become a truly calm person and not fuss about various nonsense, you should dig much deeper - and yoga will help in this difficult matter.

    Regular yoga practice will not only help you become calmer, as well as develop flexibility and bring harmony to the soul and body.

    If you don't believe me, I'll give you an example of my friend, let's call her Christina.

    Krista has always been a neat lady. Wrong step taken to the left or right - everything ... execution)) ...

    And recently, her husband gave her a cute Persian cat for her birthday .. She admired him for a short time) ...

    When no one was at home, the “glorious cat” managed to scratch her expensive corner wardrobe 🙂

    Returning from work and seeing what was done - Christina broke ...

    I don’t know what happened to the cat that evening, but the husband fell under the hot hand of 100%..

    As a result, she realized that she was being torn off by little things on people who, in principle, were not to blame for anything.

    And without thinking twice, she signed up for yoga, started reading Buddhist literature and turned into a super calm person in a tank.

    Now, no matter what happens in Christina's life, she always remains calm and unshakable, she stopped screaming, and began to speak so quietly that her opponents have to listen to her with their mouths closed and not interrupt.

    So learn from the mistakes of others and know that shouting will not help the cause!

And this is how you need to remain calm in any situation!

Watch and learn!

Summing up all of the above..

However, these methods are the most efficient and effective.

Of course, you can search the Internet for a million and one more ways to how to become calmer.

But I'll tell you a secret, until you learn to stop and breathe, not a single piece of advice will help you.

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How sorry we are to look at ourselves at the moment when we break down on our close friends. They are not guilty of anything, but we ourselves present our claims regarding their position. Just when they did not pay attention to how to become balanced. Then all problems will disappear, and we will breathe with all our broad chest.

First of all, approach this issue slowly. Everything carefully, thinking it over, otherwise we will be bogged down with all the stupidity in the pit of obscurity. Let's move away from household chores, focus as much as possible and solve the issue quickly, but in the right direction. Consider the typical methods used by the most calm and humble people.

At first, everyone has their own approaches, and all of them guarantee them victory. Only difference is how fast. Therefore, when such a person catches your eye, do not try to convince him. It will not work, everything is just another fairy tale. Relax and all. At the same time, observe his internal state at the time of the action. Whether he is calm, there are lights of the joy of creation on his face.

Surely you will improve your methods even more. Nobody forbade us to change our established views. All unhappiness comes from the lifestyle you lead. Maybe a dangerous job, and all they do is yell at you? In my opinion, we are the most important.

So change that environment. It is for what you want. This is the law. By itself, all opposition and disgust will go away from life. Indeed, why not? Without even giving yourself a chance, you can achieve nothing.

At first, self-love is great, it should be. Therefore, once again we will not break, our balance will be on top. It is extremely unprofitable to subject to torment and suffering. Only an inveterate loafer will suffer so much, and the most amazing thing, every day more and more. I observed a curious type once. In the near 2008.

His actions not only showed indifference to others, but it was probably worth crying at the sight of what he was doing to himself. He quarreled for no reason, and the placid ones watched him. Truly a stormy spectacle. Agree, this rarely comes across, but it is unrealistic not to pass by this. The preparation for how to become balanced.

1. When you are very lucky, stop for a couple of minutes. Think about it, maybe you can take an even greater burden on your shoulders? For example, we managed to attend a business meeting, although we left 3 minutes before it started. So you can brag, flatter yourself. Go ahead and meet new people. That's the whole surprise. And sometimes we lose sight of it. You can take it as a crime.

You are completely healthy. It is difficult to understand those who do not appreciate it at all and do not count it as a plus. Some cannot foresee this, and at the same time they start running from one place to another.

2. There is no permanence. Pretty scary if they can't motivate themselves. Don't believe anyone who says it doesn't make sense to do what you are doing. This is not true, many millions of people suffer from such nonsense.

3. A balanced person is obliged to find balance. So that sharp drops are not so noticeable and tangible, start it. At the moment of laughter, hold this emotion, by all means. Such a wonderful charge should be enough for the whole day. This is not a toy, not a cube to play with. This is your life, you are responsible for it. Accept it openly without yelling. Silent ones enviably watch you in a difficult situation. And do not get rid of the skill of how to become balanced.

You always want more. Do not resist the main law of nature, Earned the right amount of money, you immediately want even more. Your life will go like in a fairy tale, only forward.

4. Fate brightly and loudly applauds those who fight every day. It is difficult not to reckon with this, otherwise there would be no successful people. After all, not only did they create favorable moments for themselves, they were helped in this by unprecedented circumstances. Desire has power, and how effective it will be depends only on you.

5. Gradually, the state will become more balanced. And he will not want to stop already on the past, a secret inner voice tells about the present. Foundation, lean on it in case of anger. Always share with victory. One is not at all, not idly somehow. It's disgusting to cheer. Having shared with someone, we, seeing a smile on his face, imperceptibly rejoice in this

6. It is given to everyone by some wondrous circumstances that we forget to use opportunities. The core, as a rule, is in the life of any family. For example, some wins are considered a surprise, while others are considered a failure. So everyone has different ideas about it. Sit down at your desk and write down the things that you think are.

This will make it easier to take advantage of the opportunity. What if we ignore it? You can get hurt a lot. How? Skip past you. What could be worse than such an act? Complain, of course. So balanced do not act. It is incomparable, no matter how you try to resist it. So, figured it out, let's move on.

7. Buy a rosary. And do not belittle their importance, because for some purpose they were created? It can be seen that only those who have thought of this before, who most rationally want to "burn through" their lives. Prayers before going to bed and at night will satisfy the "hunger" in full. You have to speak up, do it as usual.

reinforced physical activity helps to get rid of bad negativity. Here you are tired, the body aches. Everyone will say that you are kind and sympathetic. The voice is extremely quiet, there is no malice. They might think you're crazy!

8. Always know what a bad enterprise is. And no one else knows. The heart is beating so hard, and you can hear it far away! Get an idea of ​​how to become balanced without the difficulty of creating. All multilateral personalities will confirm this opinion. Just because it's true. Having already read this article, you are convinced that every day is an additional chance and incentive. Even regardless of whether we want it and how much. Please, we have reached the very top. I think you will be happy.

I sincerely hope that the above information has helped. Everywhere there is a way out, the problem is ignorance of it. Manage to fix it you are a hero, if not then how common man, you will have to work and not go the distance in advance.

Anxiety, stress, imbalance have become frequent companions of modern man. A huge flow of negative information leads to such states, the sources of which are primarily television and the Internet. In addition, household and work troubles disturb the state of balance. All these factors negatively affect the psyche. and balanced, how to deal with stressful situations? We will talk about effective ways that will help you learn to control emotions.

Signs of a disturbance

How does such a state manifest itself? Here are the main signs:

  • frequent mood swings for no reason;
  • unreasonable irritability;
  • manifestation of aggression;
  • decreased attention, perseverance;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • insomnia.

Have you noticed any symptom or several at once? Calm, only calm: our tips will help you deal with them.

Why control emotions?

Let's think about how often each of us utters such phrases: "I acted in such a rush", "I could not restrain my emotions" and the like? In fact, people tend to justify their own actions by the inability to control their behavior. But such intemperance leads to destruction social contacts a person, in particular, negatively affects family relationships, hinders professional realization and career growth, as well as personal development. Therefore, one of the secrets of a successful person can be called calmness - only calmness will help you find the right solution in critical situations and confidently take the necessary measures.

How can you develop this quality in yourself? Where to begin? Below we will tell

Psychology considers the concept of balance as the ability to respond to external stimuli. Thus, having learned to correctly perceive factors of various types and strengths, it is possible to achieve the ability to control one's own emotions. How to stop taking the troubles that arise in life too close to your heart? Below we offer a few effective ways solving such a problem.

Complete rest

How is resting modern man after heavy Most often he devotes no more than 5-6 hours of sleep, while at least 8 hours are necessary for health. In addition, the noise of the bustle of the city, highways does not allow you to fully recuperate, and pressing problems do not allow you to relax and fall into a deep sound sleep. IN last years there is a significant increase in various violations nervous system- people more often began to suffer from insomnia, insomia, postsomic disorders (a feeling of weakness and fatigue after rest). Of course, the lack of proper rest contributes to the development of irritability, excessive emotionality. How to become calm and balanced if you are worried about sleep problems? Here are some effective tips:

  • do not watch TV or "hang" on the Internet just before going to bed, it is better to read a book;
  • drink tea with mint and honey - this is a tasty and healthy drink, which also helps to cope with irritation, nervousness;
  • take a hot bath with herbs of sage, lemon balm, oregano, chamomile - such a pleasant procedure will not only relieve fatigue, but also calm the nervous system, set the body for the upcoming rest;
  • it is recommended to exclude the use of strong tea and coffee;
  • do not forget about a daily walk in the park - fresh air will refresh you, and the picturesque landscape will calm you down.

Is it worth holding back emotions?

A leisurely walk along a picturesque alley or relaxing in a comfortable chair with a cup of fragrant herbal tea is, of course, a pastime that is useful for calming the nervous system. But is it worth suppressing emotions when the situation encourages their active manifestation? According to psychologists, such containment of negativity within oneself only aggravates the mental state of a person. Experts recommend dealing with accumulated emotions with the help of a hobby. Each person chooses an occupation according to his interests, but psychologists consider art therapy, sports (including extreme sports), various dance styles to be the most effective hobbies.

Diary of self-control

Experts recommend to patients who complain of incontinence, imbalance, a method such as psychological control. Its essence lies in observing the reactions that arise in a person to any external stimuli. To do this, psychologists suggest keeping a diary in which it is recommended to note various conflict situations and the reaction of the subject to them. After that, the records, together with a specialist, must be analyzed, identified and, if possible, eliminated the root cause of incontinence.

In addition to keeping a diary, there are other ways of self-control. For example, such as meditation, breathing exercises and others. In addition, the inability to control emotions can be hidden under the guise of humor and a positive attitude towards others.


Systematic introspection will also help you learn to control the manifestation of negative emotions. Experts recommend devoting a few minutes every day to thinking, understanding the actions and reactions of others to them. It is important that nothing interferes around - introspection should be carried out in silence and comfortable conditions for a person. Psychologists recommend considering oneself from the outside - only in this case it is possible to achieve an objective assessment, after which it is possible to draw the right conclusions. It is recommended to write down the most significant judgments for a person that were formulated as a result of introspection - this will increase the effectiveness of introspection as a way to achieve balance.

In addition to what has already been said, we will share simple, but effective advice how to become calm and balanced:

  1. Create comfort around you. When a person is uncomfortable to be in any room, there is irritation, aggressiveness. Therefore, it is so important to properly create an interior not only at home, but also at work. You should be guided by the principle: "You need not what is expensive, but what you like."
  2. Minimize communication with people who have a negative attitude towards the world around them, often complain about life.
  3. Set your own priorities and set a clear goal.
  4. Practice time management - time control will reduce the likelihood of occurrence critical situations and organize daily activities.
  5. Don't leave unfinished business.

If you do not know how to become calm and balanced, you should seek professional help from specialists, in particular a psychologist and a neurologist.

Health psychology

How to be balanced?

redundant experiences lead the body to diseases First of all, you seem to be in a stressful, depressed state.

Therefore, you need to control your emotions, negative manifestations of feelings must also be eliminated from your behavior.
You need to strive in your behavior to balance and tranquility.. This is one of the principles healthy lifestyle.
Positive emotions, joy create a healthy beginning in the body. This is what you need to strive for, to teach children be balanced, calmly communicate without raised tones, without splashing out negativity on others.

Of course, positive emotions in a person prevail only when a person has a sense of satisfaction with his surroundings, his relatives, etc.
Any dissatisfaction contributes to the appearance of a psychological imbalance in the soul. And it's coming along life path After you.

What to do in cases of imbalance? How to be balanced?

Folk methods of restoring health, the experience of psychologists say what needs to be done healthy lifestyle life.

Namely, there must be a healthy psychological principle in all relationships.

After all, you can make an elephant out of a fly. This is what happens often when dealing with unbalanced people. So what is better, to be constantly explosive or to somehow correct your character?

It helps me when I analyze the situation. Find out for yourself what makes me feel dissatisfied?

You need to plan some action to get away from this state.

Correct, through actions, by talking in kind terms with your relatives, if they create any problems for you. Balance is a sign of human culture. Therefore, be aware of this, turn on your mind and resolve issues in a calmer state towards the problem.

To eradicate negative character traits from the character, such as envy, greed, hatred, laziness. The more you cultivate such manifestations of character, the worse it will be for you.

And laziness needs to be driven out of life in general, the more order there is around you, in life, in everyday life, in business, the more satisfaction will come to you. Therefore, organization is needed in all matters.

For me, for example, higher spiritual state, joy, they give such a state when everything is put on all shelves, everything is ideal, everything is thought out. At home, in relationships with loved ones, with acquaintances. Bring joy and kindness to people, and all this will return to you a hundredfold.

That is, you need to constantly work on yourself, improve yourself physically and spiritually. As a child, your parents do it; as an adult, you yourself must work on your improvement. It is very important.

Do not live by gravity, the day has passed, how you lived it - everything is important, everything should be directed towards the satisfaction of life.

So if you decide to be balanced in all cases of your life should be:

Incorporate common sense into your behavior.

Stop being nervous and have elevated tone in relationships with your family, this is just an unnecessary expenditure of vital energy.

If you are unable to earn a living for objective reasons (I have a lot of friends, acquaintances, excellent employees, professionals, excellent people in communication, in relation to their duties, but there is no work), you should not despair. Transfer the fulcrum to your family .. Put things in order in the apartment, repair everything. Perhaps gardening, because many of you live in the countryside. In cities, the situation is somewhat better with work. Move the fulcrum to your health, you may need to improve it. Physical Culture, a healthy lifestyle is a huge layer of restoring your health. Think, seek, knock, and "it will be opened to you."

Will, if you have a bad state of mind, show will. Change your inner attitude towards those factors that rock your emotions and which you cannot change. Develop philosophical attitudes towards the many inevitable events of life.

Be even and calm about your achievements and your failures. Both that, and another in a life are lessons. Analyze and move forward.

Be restrained in internal assessments of politicians and other people. They came to Earth to solve their problems. It is possible that they are deeply wrong from your point of view, but you cannot re-educate everyone, and you will not re-do them. Therefore, correct the situation in your family. And let others think for themselves how to act in different situations.
Watch your mood, do not rejoice and do not worry beyond measure.

Be critical of TV viewing, watch what balances you. And get rid of the things that annoy you. Great works of art elevate the soul, and aggressive television series, which now fill the screens of 50 channels (I have a plate of Tricolor TV), alas, do not add either health, or intelligence, or knowledge, or anything.

Get yourself a pet, they are very helpful in creating joy in the soul. They are smart, affectionate, devoted, grateful. Most importantly, they will never offend you. My Barsik, for example, loves me to the limit. And a smart girl, what white light has never seen. Even, at the memory of him, I begin to smile sweetly, and quiet joy returns to my soul. And most importantly, this is a psychologist not only in relation to you, but also to your entire family. Everyone loves him and everyone is happy.

If you are engaged in creativity, then this is what you need to bring your state of mind into a balanced or sublime one. So look.

In a previous post, I gave what herbs will help you come to peace of mind. That's why. If you cannot get out of this state with the help of your will, common sense, use herbal medicine.

Perhaps the tips given in the post will help you maintain balance, maintain health.

You need to understand that a balanced person is promoted by success, luck. He looks more confident, causes positive emotions in others. So strive for peace, and many things in your life will change for the better.

Doctors are sounding the alarm: the number of neuroses is steadily increasing, and a large proportion of the world's population is simply on the verge of mental health. The rhythm of life in megacities is accelerating, every day the list of unfulfilled plans is growing, provoking an inferiority complex, leading to nervous breakdowns.

Calm, able to control the emotions of people around less and less. And if others are honest with themselves, they admit: most often these lucky ones are not at all “cold-blooded” by nature, but simply learned to control themselves. So, others can comprehend this science. Moreover, negative emotions really destroy, lead to a number of serious diseases. And the ability to "let off steam" without screaming and inflicting moral beatings, on the contrary, enhances the body's immune properties.

Extremes are fatal

Psychologists call the search for the “golden mean” one of the main conditions for gaining peace of mind. Indeed, simple observation shows: lazy people and workaholics are equally unhappy; and egoists and altruists. You have to love your job in order to succeed in the profession. But don't "fan" at work. Otherwise, people around you will quickly get used to the fact that you are ready to shoulder their responsibilities, and will begin to actively use it. And soon the burden will be simply unbearable, you will begin to break down on your colleagues, and they will be surprised to state that you are no longer the same, not the same.

Sometimes it is enough to strictly stipulate the scope of one's duties, and the work will not become hard labor. Well, if you didn’t take up your business or it doesn’t work out with the team at all, it’s better to change everything: sooner or later, the unloved business will “finish it”. And if you stay, plan your day properly. Less empty talk, gossip, more concrete deeds. You will succeed in everything, you will be satisfied with yourself, and your bosses will notice your labor enthusiasm.

Again - no overdosing! Rest fully, otherwise you won’t help the cause, and the family will suffer, and your health will collapse. We didn’t get enough sleep at night, but there is an opportunity to take a nap on the bus or train - use it. Read manuals on auto-training, there are a lot of useful recommendations.

Amazing - close by

But often the transport itself becomes a source of neuroses. If this goes beyond what is acceptable, you need to look for a job closer to home.
Many do not know how to share experiences, they are afraid to open up, accumulate negativity in themselves, which is fraught with almost inevitable explosions of emotions. But there are special services: hotlines, psychologists, where they will give professional advice Or at least just listen. Don't waste your time on this.

Sport is the most natural way out of accumulated negativity. Options: country affairs, forest walks, fishing, shopping. Just a change of scenery: they got on the train, on the steamer and drove off wherever their eyes looked. We talked with people, listened to their stories and breathed a sigh of relief: compared to their problems, yours are the little things in life!