Recipes for the induction cooker. Induction cookers pros and cons. Here are some practical tips to get the most out of induction cookers

In absolutely every kitchen there is a stove, gas, electric or induction. It is an indispensable element of kitchen equipment on which we prepare food. Today we will talk about induction cookers - how to use them, what are the features of cooking with it, what products are most suitable for caring for it.

Device and principle of operation

Induction cookers are the latest round of development of kitchen appliances associated with saving trends. natural resources and increase usable space in the kitchen. Induction panels work thanks to the strength of eddy induction currents that occur under the influence of high-frequency magnetic fields with frequencies from 20 to 100 kHz.

Using an induction cooker is even easier than using a gas cooker, you just need to turn the on/off knob and the hob starts working.

You adjust the heating power using a toggle switch or a touch panel, depending on your model. Often induction cookers are equipped with a control panel with a large number of built-in programs, making it as easy to use as possible. Of the features of the use of induction cookers, one can single out the need to select the appropriate cookware for cooking - the material from which it is made, the size of the cookware, ease of care for the surface of the stove and a very important child lock function.

How to turn it on and off?

To start using the panel, you need to activate it as follows:

  • you need to hold the "Power" button for a few seconds;
  • when the panel turns on, it will emit a characteristic sound signal and a menu will appear on the control panel;
  • for further use, you select the burner, set the required heating power or select the appropriate program;
  • the panel is ready for cooking.

For subsequent shutdown after cooking, you must either select the shutdown item on the touch control panel or, if this is not provided, hold down the "Power" button again for a few seconds until the touch panel turns off - as the main visible indicator of the equipment being turned on.

Some models have a touchpad lock feature. After cooking, you just need to activate the panel lock and the stove cannot be accidentally started until it is unlocked through the control panel, which will protect yourself, children who are so interested in everything unknown to them, and pets, because they sometimes like to relax on horizontal surfaces (many favorite cats).

Well, in addition to this, after activating the lock, there is no need to turn off the stove if you are at home

How to cook on it?

For induction cookers, special dishes with a thick bottom made of ferromagnetic materials are used. These requirements are due to the physical principles by which the product works. Eddy currents, which create a thermal effect on the surface of dishes, most noticeably affect products made of ferromagnetic alloys. In simple words this can be described as induction type cookers or hobs that heat up most efficiently cookware made of cast iron, stainless steel or other type of steel used in the food industry.

If you want to use your usual dishes and not buy specialized utensils, a device designed to deceive the induction heating system will come to your aid - a special disk. It is made of the same ferromagnetic material that you put on the induction hob, and put any dishes (glass, aluminum, and so on) on top of it. It turns out that the disk, when heated, transfers thermal energy to the surface of the dishes, heats it up in the same way and maintains the required temperature for cooking.

There is a small "life hack" how to check if your cookware is suitable for use with an induction hob - take a regular magnet and bring it to the surface of the cookware, if there is a magnetic attraction force - your cookware is suitable.

On an induction cooker, in principle, it is much easier to cook your favorite dish - cook soups, stew vegetables, fry pancakes or pancakes, you can make coffee or cook pilaf in your favorite Turk. All this will be easier, since the induction cooker, with the help of power adjustment, works strictly according to the selected mode or program, laid down there or selected by you. Errors not in modes do not exceed 1ºС. The stoves have a very convenient keep warm function. It allows you to keep the cooked dish warm for a long time.

This option is very useful when cooking several dishes in turn and has been highly appreciated by users.

Care rules

Ease of maintenance is considered a significant advantage of induction cookers, but despite this simplicity, not only the visual condition of the stove depends on its care, but the operation of your induction cooker directly depends on the care of its work surface. The absence or improper care of the working surface of the stove very often causes equipment breakdowns. The operating rules clearly spell out the basic rules for caring for the induction cooker and its surface.

When buying, you should not only read the instructions, but also carefully follow what is written in it, if, of course, you want your stove to please you with its work for a long time.

In fact, caring for an induction cooker is extremely simple, there are such basic conditions for caring for them as:

  • use utensils made of recommended ferromagnetic materials, try not to use poor quality utensils that can scratch the surface; if you use dishes from materials that are not suitable for use, use the special adapter described above;
  • try to avoid scratches on the work surface as much as possible, they not only spoil the aesthetic appearance of the surface, but also threaten to disrupt the operation of the stove, it is almost impossible to remove scratches from glass-ceramic surfaces;
  • it is possible to clean the surface of the induction cooker only when it has completely cooled down, otherwise you can get cracks on the glass-ceramic surface or chips;
  • any types of pollution must be removed as soon as possible with special care, the operation of the equipment directly depends on this;
  • to clean the surfaces of such plates, it is necessary to use only liquid products, which are completely free of solid abrasive particles, cleaning must be done only with a soft cloth; it may seem to you that it will not work to clean carbon deposits or other household contaminants with household liquid detergents, do not worry - it is very easy to wash foreign materials from glass ceramics;
  • when using an induction hob at home, it must be remembered that when washing the surface, in no case should you use brushes, scrapers, sponges made of hard material that can leave on the surface small scratches or chips;
  • after cleaning the plate, it must be wiped with a dry soft cloth or sponge to remove any wet residue and stains, this will not only give a chic perfect shine to the work surface, but also remove possible residues detergent from the surface, which is not known how it can react when heated.

Important! You can buy a special liquid cleaner for glass-ceramic surfaces of induction cookers.

When applied, it not only removes dirt, but also creates a thin and transparent protective layer on the surface of the plate.


There are many rules for the safe operation of induction cookers, among which it is worth noting the following:

  • the connection of the equipment must be carried out by a person with special knowledge who will correctly connect the stove;
  • it is impossible to close the ventilation openings of the stove, through which the ventilation of the internal space of the stove is carried out, to ensure the normal operation of the equipment;
  • prevent moisture from entering the working space of the stove;
  • it is necessary to clean and maintain the induction cooker only after it has been completely disconnected from the electrical network.

Installation of an induction hob can be above the oven. Electromagnetic waves emitted by the stove propagate no more than 3 cm from the source. If during installation the distance between the installed oven and the stove is more than this, you have nothing to fear.

For added protection, some manufacturers install a special heat sink that isolates heat transfer to objects below. induction hob which enables safe operation.

As with any other type of stove, you need to install a hood in the kitchen. It will remove excess odors from the cooking process. This question is of real interest to many. But everywhere you will find the same answer - there are no special exhaust systems for induction cookers. And also they do not interact with each other in any way, you will run each of them separately.

Cooks working in the kitchens of catering establishments are already accustomed to cooking on electric (rarely gas) stoves. They have long learned to enjoy the advantages and, if possible, minimize the disadvantages in the use of these plates.

Today, however, almost perfect induction technology is gaining more and more popularity. Electromagnetic induction cookers are the innovative future of the restaurant business. Why only restaurants? It's just that despite the fact that this phenomenon was discovered by Michael Faraday back in 1831, kitchen equipment using this technology to this day remains the most expensive. The price of a single-burner panel is about 150 thousand rubles.


In the USA, as well as in a number of European countries, kitchens of HoReCa segment establishments are actively equipped with induction cookers. This process has been going on for the last 20 years. In Russia, it is just being launched.

Of course it's expensive. But those owners who see a few steps ahead understand: having spent money today, tomorrow these expenses will pay off with interest.

Main difference induction hob from a conventional electric glass-ceramic cooker is based on the principle of heat generation. In a standard electric hotplate, heat is first supplied from the heating element to its surface. Then the bottom of the dishes is heated from it and only then the heat is transferred to the cooked product.

On an induction hob the heating process is as short as possible. The heat generates a magnetic field generated by the copper coil and high frequency current. And it goes straight to the bottom of the dish. There are simply no heating elements and intermediate links. The heat from the bottom of the pot (pan) heats up the food. The temperature of the burner itself, as a rule, does not exceed 60 ºС and after 6 minutes after turning it off it completely cools down. Whereas a gas burner will take 24 minutes for this, and an electric burner more than 50.

This leads to the following advantage. Ambient the air doesn't heat up at all. No matter how perfect kitchen ventilation is, but any cook will tell you that the working temperature in the room is usually always far from comfortable. By the way, in kitchens equipped with a line of induction equipment, you can save a lot on the ventilation system. Professional ventilation is not a cheap pleasure. And its periodic cleaning (again, professional) is another expense item.

The next advantage of the induction hob is wide range of heating power. It can vary from 50 to 3500 watts. Moreover, it changes very smoothly with the help of many cooking modes. For example, at minimum power, products are perfectly stewed (as on slow gas). But the maximum level is able to bring water to a boil much faster gas stove. 1.5 liters boil in just 3.2 minutes.

Interestingly, with such a power drop heating accuracy provided up to a degree. And this is another advantage of induction technology. The change in temperature is instantaneous. If necessary, you can use the "booster" function. It allows you to transfer the power of one burner to another in a matter of minutes.

Other advantages of induction cooktops include time saving, electricity and, as a result, money. First, the optimal mode is automatically selected. That is, only the bottom of the pan is heated, even if its diameter is smaller than the burner itself. Secondly, the system automatically regulates the previously set temperature. The programmed limit is instantly reached, and then it is supported by turning the stove on and off. Thus, the preparation takes a minimum amount of time and significantly saves energy.

And the last two advantages are ease of maintenance and maximum security. Since the stove practically does not heat up, it is impossible to burn anything on it. The whole cleaning process comes down to periodically wiping the panel with a damp cloth. At the same time, the safety of the stove has been brought almost to perfection. The burner will not turn on if there is an empty pan on it (without water or other food), if the diameter of the object is less than 12 cm (whether it is a left fork or other small cutlery). Accordingly, it is impossible to get burned.


The main thing, as you already understood, is price. With the cost of a single-burner model of about 150 thousand rubles, purchasing the most optimal 6-8-burner unit will not only be costly, but very expensive. Such a purchase is only possible for restaurants with a high price segment and establishments with author's cuisine.

Another disadvantage is the prohibition of installing induction cookers over conventional ovens, refrigerators and any devices with metal surfaces. These are the cons electromagnetic field. If the issue is acute usable area, then such a problem can cause a serious dilemma.

Due to the electromagnetic field, heating on such stoves can only be special dishes with bottom made of ferromagnetic alloy. When buying, it is easy to identify by a special marker. It can be made of stainless steel, cast iron and even enamelled. However, copper, brass, aluminum and thermal glass in this case are useless, because unsuitable for induction.

A feature that can also be attributed to disadvantages is thin bottom pan. When cooking, even on the most low power the effect of "intermittent boiling" is possible. But the problem is solved by buying a plate of a high price category (although much more expensive).

Another small drawback, again concerning the so-called "inexpensive" models - light noise when operating at low power.


Among professionals, as usual, only high-quality imported equipment. So among the manufacturers of induction cookers, the leaders are Bartsher, Virtus, Mastro, Heidebrenner, Schooll (Germany), Electrolux, Bertos (Italy), Garland (USA).

IN last years manufacturers from Asia Better (China), Kocateq (South Korea) are trying to stand on a par with them. And, it should be noted, they do it well. Their products are cheaper, but the quality and reliability are up to par. Given the already rather high cost of induction equipment, buyers often make a choice in favor of asian model.

In an effort to win the trust of the customer, manufacturers are constantly improving induction technology. So, there were models on which you can cook on any metal utensils. And as more economical option You can purchase special linings for ordinary dishes. The electromagnetic field first heats it, and from the lining it goes to the bottom of the pot or pan.

For establishments with ethnic (oriental) cuisine, models appeared in the range of induction cookers wok. They create the effect of cooking on a "live" fire due to the high temperature. True, such stoves also need appropriate dishes. For example, wok pans with a spherical bottom.

Other novelties include a mobile induction wok cooker from the German company Heidebrenner (for catering), as well as a 4-burner induction stove-stool.

But Whirlpool has gone even further and is launching a new eco-friendly induction oven. The technology is the same, but, according to the manufacturer, it can bring energy savings of up to 30% compared to a conventional class A electric oven. Moreover, the cooking speed has also increased by almost 25%. The oven can gently stew food, fry (including grilling), steam and bake.

I would like to introduce you to Kitfort Electric Stove!

I have had this miracle of technology not so long ago, but I have already gotten used to it so much that I have already forgotten how to cook on gas! You quickly get used to good things. This stove works on the principle of induction. Induction cookers are very practical, modern, consume less energy than electric stoves from Soviet times.

So, we study the contents of the package: a box with a convenient carrying handle, an instruction booklet, a warranty card, a buyer's memo and a branded magnet.

Opening the box, there is no extraneous smell of cheap plastic. The declared efficiency of the stove is induction currents. So, these types of stoves work under the influence of electromagnetic induction, which means that the dishes must be appropriate. To select dishes in the kit is a special branded magnet. We take a magnet and go to the store, which bottom of the dishes is magnetized, then we choose. Now these are all modern dishes, mostly ceramic (I won’t go into detail about the advantages of this dish here). The main difference when choosing dishes is a lot of small circles at the bottom of the dishes. Here is such.

We chose the dishes, then we study the instructions. Before using the stove for the first time, the manufacturer warns that each burner has a maximum power of 2000 watts. Multiply by two burners, it turns out 4000 W, not weak! In our new building with a small kitchen there is a power cable for an electric stove, the declared power of this power cable 3700 W. Well… We check the power of the power outlet using an electric stove from Kitfort, press the kWh / Volt buttons… Here's what we see

The declared power differs from the actual. We will keep this in mind, we do not load the stove in total more than this power, but in principle, the use of maximum power is extremely rare and not for a long time. Basically, I set it to a maximum of 2000 W only when I need to quickly bring the water to a boil. It takes about 2 minutes to boil water with a power of 2000 W, about 1 liter of water! Fairy tale! I am immediately attaching a photo with boiling water and a bill placed under the pan.

The surface of the plate itself does not heat up. The bottom of the pan heats up, moreover, as quickly and unusually as possible after gas and a simple glass-ceramic electric stove. The stove does not burn, which is absolutely safe in a house where there are children, especially small ones. The efficiency of an induction cooker is much higher than simple electric stoves (which heat the surface of the burner and the air) and gas stoves (which cause impossible heat during cooking and burning oxygen). In addition, the stove has an indicator of the lack of a frying pan, as soon as you remove the frying pan, the stove immediately stops heating, does not consume electricity. Savings in person!

On the button panel, we see the auto-cook programs: milk, frying, soup, porridge. In my experience of boiling milk on the milk program, it does not escape! These programs, in my opinion, are rather conditional. Let's say frying, this is a power of 1400 W, such power depends, firstly, on the thickness of the dishes, and secondly, on the volume of what we are frying. Personally, it’s more convenient for me to independently regulate the power, sometimes I use the temperature. Power ranges from 120 to 2000 W, in steps of 200 - this is very convenient. 11 power modes, easily adjustable for the desired power. The temperature has ranges from 60 to 280 degrees, everything is easily adjustable with comfortable ranges.

Let's start testing. It will be these cutlets to fry. We turned on the pan, turned around for the cutlets, took them out of the bag and immediately lay down! You don’t have to wait until the pan warms up :) It heats up with lightning speed. I like to fry without oil, on ceramic dishes, but on an induction stove, this is elementary! Although on gas, using ceramic dishes, you still have to add oil. On this stove, I successfully half-bake-half-fry sausages in dough, pies without oil. Healthy food.

Now back to tricks. Cutlets are fried, move the pan and put your hand during frying.

Cutlets were purchased, dry, I had to add oil for taste. When I fry from natural minced meat, a lot of juice is released from the cutlets and no oil is required. That's it. By the end of cooking, we check how much electricity has been consumed for cooking by pressing the kWh / Volt button. To the nearest penny, you can calculate the cost of cooking dinner.

It also has a cooking timer and a keep warm function. Here she is modern technology. You put on dinner and go about your business without worrying.

In addition, I would like to say about:

Attractive price compared to competitors, about the absence of the need for 4 burners in the modern world (slow cooker, electric kettle).

About convenience for small kitchens (I have 40 countertops)

The stove does not need to be “scratched” after cooking (just wipe it with a cloth)

I have been using the stove for a year and I will say that I have already forgotten how to cook on gas. You quickly get used to the good :)

    3 eggs scrambled eggs induction hob

    3 eggs, salt to taste

    Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil in the frying mode for 1 min, 140 degrees, beat in the eggs, salt and cook with the lid closed in the same mode for another 3 minutes. Cooking scrambled eggs on an induction hob for 4 minutes, and on a regular hob for 12 minutes. Save 8 minutes.

    Borscht in a 3 liter saucepan

    Pork - 300g, carrots - 1 pc., onion 1 pc., beets - 2 pcs., spices and salt to taste, garlic - 2 cloves, tomato paste - 2-3 tablespoons, sugar 2 tablespoons, vinegar 2 tablespoons, potatoes 3-4 pcs.

    Grate on a coarse grater, carrots and beets, cut the onion into squares. Fry in vegetable oil in the "frying" mode 140 degrees, 10-12 minutes. Wash the meat, cut into small pieces, lower into a 3-liter pot with water. Set the mode "frying" temperature 120 degrees time 60 minutes. 30 min. Until ready, add to the meat broth: fried vegetables, potatoes, spices, salt, sugar, tomato paste and chopped garlic. Borsch on a regular stove is cooked for 1 hour and 40 minutes. Borscht on an induction cooker 1 hour 10 minutes. Save 30 minutes.

    Steamed vegetables

    Cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, carrots.

    Cut all vegetables. Pour water into the pan, set the double boiler, put the vegetables. Close the lid and steam. Steaming vegetables on a regular stove for 40 minutes, and on an induction stove for 25 minutes. Save 15 minutes.

    Pickle 3 liters

    Chicken leg 1 pc., Golden rice ¼ cup, potatoes 3-4 pcs., onion 1 pc., carrots 1 pc., carrots 1 pc., pickled cucumbers 3-4 pcs., salt, spices.

    Salted cucumbers grate on a coarse grater, pour 0.5 water, simmer in the “frying” mode (temperature 160 degrees) for 20 minutes. Peel and cut carrots and onions. Pour a little oil into the pan, add chopped vegetables. Put the pan on the stove and fry in the “frying” mode (temperature 120 degrees) until golden brown. Pour water into the pan, lower the ham and cook in automatic “soup” mode. Peel and dice potatoes, and 30 minutes before the end of work, add fried vegetables, washed rice, stewed cucumbers, salt, spices and herbs.

    Beef Goulash

    Beef 700g., 1 carrot, 1 onion, tomato paste, spices, flour 2 tablespoons, salt to taste.

    Peel and cut onions and carrots. Pour vegetable oil into the pan and fry the vegetables in the “frying” mode (temperature 160 degrees) until golden brown. Fry the tomato paste for 5-6 minutes in the same mode. Cut the beef into cubes, fry in the “frying” mode (temperature 150 degrees) for 10-15 minutes, add the fried vegetables and tomato paste, simmer in the “stewing” mode 300w for 40-50 minutes. 5-10 minutes before readiness, salt, add flour diluted in ½ cup of water, stir to form a thick gravy. Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

    lazy cabbage rolls

    Homemade minced meat 700g, fresh cabbage 1kg, carrots 1pc, onion 1pc, rice ½ cup, herbs, spices, salt to taste.

    Fry the minced meat in a frying pan in vegetable oil in the “frying” mode (temperature 150 degrees) for 15-18 minutes. Separately, fry the chopped onions and carrots in the “frying” mode (temperature 150 degrees) until golden brown. Rinse rice. Shred the cabbage. Put the fried minced meat, vegetables, rice and chopped cabbage in layers in a saucepan. Pour 1 glass of water, salt, pepper, add chopped herbs. Cook in the “frying” mode (temperature 120 degrees) for 35-45 minutes.

    Rice porridge

    Rice ½ cup, water 2 cups, salt and sugar to taste, milk ½ cup.

    Rinse the rice, put it in a saucepan, salt, add sugar and pour cold water. Set the “extinguishing” mode to 300w. Cook for 18-25 minutes, stirring constantly. 5 minutes before the rice is ready, pour cold milk. Boil. Add butter to the finished porridge.

    Buckwheat porridge

    Buckwheat 1 cup, water 500 ml, salt and sugar to taste.

    Rinse the grits, pour into a saucepan, salt, add sugar, pour cold water. Press the “porridge” button, turn off after 30 minutes. Add butter to the finished dish.

    Steamed fish cakes

    Cod 1kg., egg 1pc., green onion, onion (medium) 1pc., salt to taste, ground black pepper.

    Prepare minced meat from cod fillet, pass fish and onion through a meat grinder, add chopped egg green onion, salt, pepper and mix. Form cutlets. Put a pan on the stove, pour cold water, set the steamer so that it does not touch the water, put the formed cutlets, close the lid and press the “steam” button.

    Stewed meatballs

    Minced beef 500g, onion 1 pc., tomato paste 1 tablespoon, garlic 2 cloves, egg 1 pc., salt and spices to taste.

    Add finely chopped onion, crushed garlic, egg, salt and spices to minced beef. Mix well. Put a frying pan on the stove and pour some vegetable oil. Form meatballs and fry in the “frying” mode (temperature 160 degrees) on both sides. Then reduce the temperature to 120 degrees. Pour water mixed with tomato paste into the pan (1 tablespoon of tomato paste per 0.5 l of water), salt, pepper, simmer in the same mode for 30 minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

    Steamed stuffed chicken breast

    Chicken breast 2 pieces, salt and pepper to taste.
    Filling products:
    Bacon 3 pieces, tomato 2 pieces, spinach 100g, mozzarella 60g, dill 2-3 sprigs.

    Finely chop the bacon, put it in a frying pan and lightly fry in the “frying” mode at a temperature of 120 degrees. Add finely chopped tomatoes. Cut spinach, cheese and dill, put to the filling, mix. With a knife, make a longitudinal incision in the breast and open the “pocket”. Lay out the filling. Tie the breast with silicone thread so that the filling does not fall out. Salt, pepper. Pour water into the pan, set the double boiler, lay out the breasts. Set the steam mode, close the lid. Cut the finished breasts into portions.

    Salmon for a couple

    Salmon 3 stacks, salt and pepper to taste.

    Salt, pepper the steaks, pour water into the pan, set the steamer, put the fish, close the lid and set the “steam” mode.

    Quick breakfast.

    4 boiled potatoes, 50g bacon, 2-3 eggs, herbs, vegetable oil, salt to taste.

    Put the pan on the stove, pour vegetable oil. Slice boiled potatoes and bacon, set the “frying” mode, the timer is 5-7 minutes, then beat in the eggs, salt and cook in the “frying” mode at a temperature of 120 degrees for 10-12 minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

    Cooking pasta

    Pasta hard varieties, salt to taste.

    Pour cold water into the pan, set the “frying” mode. As soon as the water boils, set the temperature to 120 degrees in the same mode for 13 minutes. Rinse cooked pasta and add butter.

    Roast pork in tomato sauce

    Pork 500g, onion 2 pcs, tomato sauce 250g, salt, pepper and spices to taste, vegetable oil for frying.

    Cut the meat into small pieces and fry in a small amount of oil in the “frying” mode (at a temperature of 120 degrees) for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, then lower the temperature to 90 degrees and cook for another 20 minutes. Then add onion rings to the meat, salt, pepper and add seasonings, cook for another 10 minutes at a temperature of 120 degrees. Add the tomato sauce and, with constant stirring, cook the meat for another 10 minutes at the same temperature.

    Shchi from fresh cabbage

    Fresh cabbage 400g, beef 300g, 3-4 potatoes, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 2 fresh tomatoes, herbs, salt to taste.

    Chop onions, carrots and tomatoes and fry in the “frying” mode for 10-15 minutes. Peel cabbage and potatoes and cut into cubes. Rinse the meat well, transfer to a saucepan, pour cold water, cover with a lid. Set the soup mode to 1 hour 30 minutes. After 15-25 minutes, remove the foam. 30 minutes before readiness, add all the sautéed vegetables, potatoes, cabbage, salt, spices and herbs to the broth.

    Eggplant salad with tomatoes and garlic

    Eggplant 300 gr., tomatoes 300 gr., onion 2 pcs., garlic 3-4 cloves, salt, herbs, pepper to taste.

    Cut the eggplant and fry in the "frying" mode at t-120, 15 minutes. Cut the tomatoes and onions in the same way, grate the garlic, add to the eggplant, salt, pepper and cook in the same "frying" mode t-120 for another 15-20 minutes, gradually stirring.
    Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

    Marinated cod

    Cod 700 gr., 3 carrots, 2 onions, pepper, salt to taste, tomato paste 3-4 tablespoons, sugar 1 tablespoon, vinegar 1.5 tablespoons, flour.

    Fish fillet cut into pieces, salt. Roll in flour and fry in vegetable oil in the "frying" mode at t-120 until golden brown.
    For the marinade: Cut the onion into half rings, peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater. Slightly fry the onions and carrots in vegetable oil in the "frying" mode t-120. Constantly stirring. Add tomato paste, pour 100 ml of sugar. water and simmer with the lid closed, in the same mode for 5-10 minutes. Put fried fish in a saucepan, a layer of stewed vegetables in tomato sauce. Then again a layer of fish and a layer of vegetables. Add water, salt, add spices. Stew in the “frying” mode at t-120 degrees.
    The fish is served chilled.

    chicken chops

    Fillet chicken breast 3pcs, 2 eggs, garlic 1-2 cloves, salt and pepper to taste, spices for chicken, breadcrumbs.

    Cut the fillet lengthwise. Roll with a silicone roller (or beat off), finely chop the garlic. Salt the fillet, pepper, rub with garlic. Beat eggs (a little). We pass the fillet in breadcrumbs, then dip it in an egg, then again in breadcrumbs and put it on a hot frying pan. Cooking in the "frying" mode timer 10-20 minutes. t-120, turn over and cook in the same mode.

    Stuffed vegetables

    3-4 eggplants, 1-2 zucchini, 3-4 bell peppers, 400 gr minced meat, 1 tomato, 1 onion, 1 egg, salt, pepper, garlic 1-2 cloves , tomato paste, greens.

    Add chopped tomato to minced meat; onion (diced), finely chopped garlic, salt, pepper and egg. Mix. Cut the eggplant and zucchini in half lengthwise, remove the core. FROM bell pepper cut off the top, remove the seeds. Fill vegetables with stuffing. Combine eggplant and zucchini together (so that you get a whole vegetable). Put vegetables in a saucepan, cover with water, add tomato paste, salt, pepper. Cook in the "quenching" mode for 40-50 minutes.
    Sprinkle ready-made dishes with herbs.

    Pumpkin fritters with apples

    Pumpkin pulp 300 gr., apples 2 pcs., egg 2 pcs., kefir 1.5 tbsp., egg white 2 pcs., flour 1-1.5 tbsp., baking powder 1/2 tsp, sugar 4- 5 tablespoons, pinch of salt, vegetable oil for frying.

    Grate pumpkin pulp on a fine grater or pass through a meat grinder. Mix eggs with kefir, add flour with baking powder. The dough should turn out like liquid sour cream. Let the test stand for 30 minutes. Then beat 2 squirrels with a pinch of salt into a strong foam and add to the dough. Remove cores from apples and cut into thin slices. Put the dough with a spoon into a preheated pan with vegetable oil, form into pancakes. Cook in the "frying" mode t-120. As soon as they start to brown on the bottom, place apple slices on them and lightly press them into the dough. Flip pancakes immediately and cook until done.

    Homemade cutlets

    Minced meat (pork + beef) 500 gr., onion 1 pc., garlic 2 cloves, loaf 3-4 pieces, egg 1 pc., salt, spices to taste.

    Add chopped onion, crushed garlic, a roll soaked in milk, an egg, salt and pepper to the minced meat. Put a frying pan on the tile, pour a little vegetable oil, form and lay out cutlets. Cook in the "frying" mode t-120, 10-15 minutes. on the one hand, turn over, cover with a lid and cook for another 10-15 minutes, at the same temperature.

    Wheat porridge with milk

    Millet 125g, water 350ml, milk 150ml, salt and sugar to taste.

    Rinse the grits, pour into a saucepan, salt, add sugar, pour water. Without closing the lid, put on the stove, set the “porridge” mode, after 7 minutes close the lid and cook in the same mode for another 7 minutes. Pour milk, cook until tender for another 17-20 minutes, then turn off. Add butter to the finished porridge.

    Fried pork in breadcrumbs

    Pork 500g., Breadcrumbs, lemon juice 1-2 tablespoons, garlic 2-3 cloves, egg 2 pcs., salt, pepper and seasonings to taste.

    Cut the pork into portions, roll with a silicone roller so that the piece is thin. Salt, pepper, rub with finely chopped garlic and seasoning and drizzle with lemon juice. Dip both sides with egg and breadcrumbs. Fry in “frying mode” at a temperature of 120 degrees, on both sides, until cooked.

Modern manufacturers of household appliances regularly offer new, original devices for home use. One of these innovations is the induction cooker. However, in order to use this unit effectively, you need to know the features of its application. Cooking on induction cookers requires special cookware with a perfectly flat bottom. What are the other usage requirements?

About the reasons for popularity

Compared to traditional gas, electric stoves and induction, the latter benefit in the following parameters:

Cooking speed. Due to the special principle of operation, the process of heating the products in the dishes is many times faster.
Absolute security. The induction current interacts only with the bottom of the pot, frying pan, without heating the panel itself. Therefore, it is impossible to get burned on the surface of such a plate.
Possibility to fine-tune the cooking temperature.
Ease of maintenance. Since food that has fallen on the surface of the stove does not stick, cleaning the worktop is very easy.
Wide functionality. The user has the opportunity to choose a convenient program for preparing a particular dish.

About the choice of dishes

Not everyone knows what utensils should be used for cooking on an induction stove. The creators of this equipment are advised to purchase special pots and pans with a flat, weighted bottom that is magnetic. Many housewives ask, is it possible to use ordinary dishes on an induction cooker? No, traditional enamel or aluminum cookware does not fit.

To cook food on an induction stove, you should choose pots, ladles, frying pans and other utensils according to the following characteristics:

Thickened bottom, at least 6 cm high and 12 cm in diameter.
The bottom of the containers used on the induction surface must be flat. Do not use dishes with a concave, deformed bottom.
Cooking utensils for a special stove must be made of ferromagnetic material. It is this alloy that reacts with copper heating elements.

To be able to cook on an induction hob, you need to purchase special utensils.

In this case, you will have to abandon the use of containers from:


But kitchen utensils made of stainless steel, cast iron, with an enameled surface are perfect.

Learning to cook on induction cookers

Hostesses who first encountered induction surfaces, are wondering if it is possible to fry on an induction stove? Of course you can. For example, to fry pancakes, you should select the highest heating power of the panel and place a frying pan on it. For fast heating, it is recommended to select position 10. Then we pour required amount dough into the pan and reduce the power level to 5. To fry one side of the pancake, 7-8 seconds are enough, after which you can turn the dough over and bake on the other side.

Before you start frying meat, it is recommended to cover the panel with a paper napkin or towel. Then we install a frying pan of a suitable diameter and heat it at maximum power. We put the meat in the pan and fry on each side for no more than 1 minute. After obtaining an appetizing crust, reduce the heating power level to 7, and cook the dish for a few more minutes.

Can you light coals on an induction cooktop? Certainly you can. To do this, you need to use special dishes with a magnetic bottom. Having laid the required amount of coals in a vessel, we install it on the stove and turn on the maximum power. As soon as the coals turn red, they should be removed from the surface.

Another question often asked by housewives is whether it is possible to leave dishes on an induction stove? Users answer that it is possible, provided that the stove is turned off.

In custody

An induction cooker allows you to cook any dish in the shortest possible time. However, in order to learn how to use this technique, it is recommended to study the instructions from the manufacturers, purchase special dishes. Not every housewife gets to use the stove the first time. But with experience, users can easily use the cooking equipment.