How long can homemade mayonnaise be stored. Mayonnaise: expiration dates and how to properly store purchased and homemade sauce. Rules and terms of storage

Mayonnaise is a sauce, the classic recipe of which contains egg yolk, vinegar, vegetable oil, salt and pepper. There are a lot of types and varieties of this product. The differences are not only in the composition and additives of various spices. This product is distinguished by the number of flavors, preservatives and emulsifiers, which some manufacturers generously endow their products with. It is very easy to get poisoned with this sauce if you do not know how and under what conditions to store mayonnaise. And after improper storage, allow the use of expired products.

How to choose

  1. When buying this product, first of all pay attention to its composition. It is important that the sauce is made from natural ingredients, without various additives to increase the shelf life.
  2. In the store, the sauce should be in showcases - refrigerators. If mayonnaise is stored on an ordinary shelf, it is better not to buy such a product.
  3. The packaging must contain the date of issue of the product and its expiration date. If the period is short, the product is natural, and if it is long, preservatives are present in the sauce.
  4. A high-quality product must have absolutely sealed packaging, since its components are quite sensitive to environment. Based on this, it would be more correct to purchase a classic sauce made from natural ingredients, located in a reliable modern package.
  5. Store classic Provence sauce in the conditions specified by the manufacturer. And use it within the stated shelf life of the product. The shelf life of mayonnaise, as a rule, will depend not only on the ingredients that make up its composition, but also on the presence (amount) of preservatives.

Storage rules according to GOST

Mayonnaise storage conditions are strictly regulated by GOSTs. According to generally accepted standards, these products should be stored in refrigerators or in warehouses equipped with ventilation, with a slight constant humidity.

The storage temperature of mayonnaise varies from 0°С to +18°С (it will depend on its composition). And it should be stored in dark rooms protected from light.

Conventionally, mayonnaise sauces are divided into those that are prepared at home and bought in a store. They have different expiration dates.

Store bought sauce

If the shelf life of mayonnaise in the refrigerator is very long, such a product contains many different additives and preservatives. It is used most often for cooking in fast food chains. But for homemade salads, it is better not to buy such a product.

The maximum time indicated by the manufacturer that mayonnaise can be stored is 3 months. But depending on the storage conditions, the shelf life of mayonnaise may vary:

  • 7 days - at +14°С -+18°С;
  • up to 3 weeks - at +10°С -+14°С;
  • up to 1 month - at 0°С -+10°С.

The above data refer to products in hermetically sealed factory packaging. At the same time, there is no need to place the sauce in an additional container.

When the temperature at the place where the sauce is stored is around +18°C (not higher), the product can be kept without a refrigerator for a short time.

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Storing Sauce in an Airtight Container

When the factory sealed packaging is already opened (damaged), the shelf life of mayonnaise will be reduced several times.

  • At a temperature of 0°C - +7°C, the sauce, which is in an unsealed package, will remain usable for 2 weeks.
  • At room temperature, the storage of mayonnaise in an open package will be very short: only a few hours.

homemade sauce

Homemade sauce recipe includes fresh eggs. In store products, egg powder is mainly used.

Due to the fact that homemade sauces contain only natural products, their shelf life is much shorter than that of factory ones.

  • in the refrigerator - 3 days (in a tightly closed container);
  • without a refrigerator - 1, maximum 2 days (in a closed container);
  • in the refrigerator - 36 - 48 hours (open);
  • without a refrigerator in an open form - no more than 3 - 4 hours.

The shelf life of homemade mayonnaise will depend on the conditions in which it will be.

Optimal conditions storage of sauces home cooking are considered:

  • storage temperature+4°С -+7°С;
  • air humidity — 75%;
  • clean , hermetically sealed container.

If mustard is added to homemade sauce, its shelf life can be extended by 1 to 2 days.

The container in which it is located has a great influence on the shelf life of homemade mayonnaise. It is correct to store it in a tightly closed, clean, glass jar in a cool, dark place.

Storing mayonnaise outside the refrigerator

Sometimes a sudden power outage or breakdown of the refrigerator makes you wonder - how long can mayonnaise be stored at room temperature? And also how much the shelf life of homemade mayonnaise differs from that bought in a store.

In the cold season, sauce containers are sent to the balcony, and in summer, when the temperature is above + 18 ° C, you can use food foil. It is pre-cooled in water, after which a jar of sauce is wrapped in several layers so that there are no open areas left.

In a jar wrapped in foil, the shelf life of mayonnaise without a refrigerator will be 3-4 days. It is important to constantly cool the foil as it heats up.

Is it possible to freeze mayonnaise

Mayonnaise cannot be stored at low temperatures. It breaks down into components, and completely loses its uniform structure and taste. Therefore, store this product in freezer not best idea.

Storage of salad dressings with mayonnaise

Salads dressed with mayonnaise sauce become unusable much earlier. Therefore, you need to add it to the dish right before serving.

The shelf life of salads with mayonnaise will depend not only on the composition of the sauce itself, but also on the type of products in the recipe. Will spoil the fastest:

  • salads containing eggs, for example (in a few hours),
  • milk (24 hours),
  • containing acidic foods and vinegar (1 - 4 hours).

Beetroot salads dressed with mayonnaise sauce can be stored in the cold for 1 to 2 days in a container closed with a lid or cling film.

Mayonnaise sauces are present in many dishes and are products of daily use. But since they are perishable, you need to know how much mayonnaise can be stored in the refrigerator and without it, so as not to expose yourself and your family to the danger of poisoning.

Mayonnaise is used for salads, sandwiches, appetizers and as a sauce for dishes. Some people make it on their own, because they believe that the store-bought version is unhealthy. You can not ignore the recommended expiration date, because otherwise you can get poisoned. At proper storage the product will last as long as possible. You just need to make sure that they are the necessary conditions. You should remember how long homemade mayonnaise is stored in the refrigerator so as not to exceed this period.

Storage rules according to GOST

Storage conditions are regulated by GOSTs, and these rules must be observed not only by buyers, but also by stores. Mayonnaise should be kept in a refrigerator or in a warehouse where there is ventilation and humidity is within normal limits.

The temperature is allowed from 0 degrees to +18 degrees. It all depends on the composition of the product. It is important to ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on the product, because in this case the ingredient will deteriorate ahead of time. It is best to put the product in a dark place to extend the shelf life.

It is conditionally possible to divide the sauce into homemade and purchased. They differ in composition, so the shelf life is also different. It is important to consider certain recommendations so that you do not have to throw away the sauce later.

Store-bought sauce storage rules

Even when buying, it is important to pay attention to how long a particular product has. The longer the period, the more preservatives and chemical additives. It is better not to buy it home, so as not to spoil your health.

The maximum shelf life is 3 months. However, depending on the conditions, the expiration date may vary.

Approximate shelf life of store mayonnaise:

  1. At temperatures from +14 to +18 degrees - 7 days.
  2. At +10 to +14 - no more than 3 weeks.
  3. At temperature conditions from 0 to +10 - up to 1 month.
  4. If the temperature is more than +18 degrees, then the goods will not be stored for very long.

The indicators refer to those situations where the mayonnaise is in sealed packaging. People do not need to put the contents in a separate container, because it will be stored normally anyway.

If the package has been opened or damaged, then the period will be significantly reduced. At temperatures up to +7 degrees, the sauce will have to be used in 2 weeks. If you leave the product without a refrigerator, then the shelf life will be several hours.

Rules for storing homemade mayonnaise

Self-made mayonnaise is not stored for long, because it does not contain preservatives. The recipe calls for fresh eggs, not egg powder. That is why a natural product will quickly deteriorate even in the refrigerator.

Mayonnaise must be left at a temperature of +4 to +7, while the humidity is 75%. The sauce must be placed in a clean and tightly closed container.

Approximate shelf life of homemade natural mayonnaise:

  1. In the refrigerator in a tightly closed container - three days.
  2. In the refrigerator without special containers - up to two days.
  3. Without a refrigerator in a closed container - from 1 to 2 days.
  4. At room temperature without sealed containers - up to 4 hours.

To extend the shelf life, you can add mustard to the recipe. In this case, the product can be used for two days longer. In any case, it is recommended to place the sauce in a special container so that the sauce does not spoil for sure.

Self-made mayonnaise is much less stored than purchased. At the same time, a natural product is more useful, since it does not contain harmful components. You will have to use it for 2-3 days, so as not to get poisoned.

On the eve of the holidays, practical housewives begin to make a list of their favorite dishes and think about what ingredients you need to buy in advance. And number one in this list, of course, is a delicate sauce with a sour and slightly spicy taste - mayonnaise. On the shelves of stores you can find a huge variety of variations of this product: from the usual Provencal to unusual sauces with garlic and pepper. Almost no salad or sandwich can do without it. Even some hot dishes need the addition of this product. That is why many hostesses prefer to buy this sauce in large enough quantities so that it is always at hand. After all, it's so simple - you throw it in the refrigerator and you don't have to run to the store for each new bag. But in order not to cause harm to the body, it must be borne in mind that the shelf life of mayonnaise, at least natural, is not very long. Therefore, let's talk about what storage conditions for this product must be observed in order to protect your body from poisoning.

The fact that this sauce is very tasty and is liked by both adults and children is not even discussed. But does it bring any benefit to the body?

First of all, let's decide what is included in the composition of mayonnaise. Classic mayonnaise sauce is an emulsion of olive or good vegetable oil in egg yolk with the addition of a large number salt, sugar and lemon juice. In Provence, mustard joins this composition.

It is worth understanding that we are talking about natural mayonnaise, which is made independently. It is this product without preservatives and various food additives that is very useful for both adults and children. This sauce is very nutritious and easily digestible. Thanks to its use, vegetable food is digested many times faster and easier.

Industrial mayonnaise often contains artificial ingredients such as colors, emulsifiers, flavors and flavors. This is done to increase the shelf life of the product. In addition, it should be understood that such a sauce is often addictive and you want to use it more and more often.

How to choose mayonnaise

In order not to suffer from indigestion after eating mayonnaise, when choosing mayonnaise, you should be guided by several rules:

  • Be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition of the product: a really high-quality and natural Provence sauce should not contain preservatives, emulsifiers and flavorings.
  • Pay attention to where the sauce is stored in the store. You should not purchase a product if it is not in special refrigeration equipment, but on a shelf that is not suitable for this.
  • The shelf life is also very important indicator. In addition to informing about the time frame for storing the product, this date indicates the naturalness of the product, because real mayonnaise cannot be stored for a long time.
  • Pay attention to the packaging. First, it must be absolutely sealed. Secondly, due to the sensitivity of natural ingredients to environmental conditions, there are requirements for its reliability. It is advisable to opt for the traditional composition of classic mayonnaise or Provence sauce, which is dressed in good innovative packaging.
  • It is also worth carefully considering the product itself, if possible. High-quality mayonnaise should be thick enough, have a uniform creamy structure of white or light cream color. It should not have bubbles that indicate the spoilage of the sauce. Only the presence of small particles of mustard or spices is allowed, if indicated in the technical description.

After you have bought mayonnaise, it is very important to follow the storage conditions and use it within the expiration date.

Store product shelf life

The most important indicator of the naturalness of mayonnaise is its expiration date. A high-quality product made from natural ingredients cannot be stored for more than 2-3 months, even if it is contained in high-quality sealed packaging.

Usually, the shelf life of industrial mayonnaise is indicated on the packaging of each specific product. At the same time, it should not exceed a month at a temperature range from 0 to +10 degrees. If the temperature ranges from +10 to +14 degrees, the shelf life is reduced to two weeks. If the emulsion is stored at a temperature of 14-18 degrees Celsius, the duration of its storage is only one week. Humidity should not exceed 75%.

The conditions listed apply to the product, the packaging of which is closed. When opened, mayonnaise should only be stored in the refrigerator. Failure to comply with this condition may lead to separation of the emulsion. Damage to the fatty base of the product leads to the appearance of a rancid taste. It is categorically impossible to use such mayonnaise in food.

Storing homemade mayonnaise

Mayonnaise can also be made at home. At the same time, it will be strikingly different from the store due to the use of exclusively natural ingredients. Hostesses can cook both traditional Provence and sauce with all kinds of spices and additives with their own hands.

But in order to enjoy the taste of homemade Provence sauce, it is necessary to observe the conditions for its storage. Let's figure out how much homemade mayonnaise is stored.

The duration of storage of homemade mayonnaise should not exceed 3-4 days. It quickly loses its taste due to changes that occur in the raw yolk, which is part of it. Provencal is stored a little longer: due to the presence of mustard, it can be used within a week. If there are any additional additives in mayonnaise, it is better not to store it at all, but to use it immediately after preparation.

It is recommended that you store your homemade sauce in a clean, dry container with a tight-fitting lid. Prolonged exposure to air leads to oil oxidation and product deterioration. Therefore, the dishes for storing this emulsion must be chosen correctly. Homemade mayonnaise must be stored in a container that does not contribute to its oxidation, namely: glass or porcelain.

Your brownie.

Among the many recipes for salad dressings, mayonnaise (Fr. mayonnaise) and successfully holds its position for many years. But about how much mayonnaise can be stored in the refrigerator or elsewhere, not every person has a clear idea. Before we tell you more about the storage conditions of mayonnaise, let's dive into the history of its occurrence. It's amazing how many people cannot imagine their lives without this sauce, but few people know how it appeared. The name of this sauce comes from fr. “mayonnaise”, which means “yolk” in Russian, and it is he who underlies the mayonnaise recipe. And it was invented in the 18th century by the cook of the Duke of Richelieu in the city of Mahon - these are those distant times when the city was besieged by the British. It is also called "Provencal sauce Maona" or "Provencal". Now there are many ways to make homemade mayonnaise, storage is what unites them. Next, you will learn about where to store, in what and how long this sauce is stored.

The most important thing about storing mayonnaise

    After opening the package, the shelf life is significantly reduced.

    Closed mayonnaise can stand for several days without a refrigerator.

    Mayonnaise should not be frozen.

How to store mayonnaise according to GOST

In accordance with modern GOSTs, only the storage conditions for mayonnaise and mayonnaise sauces are strictly regulated. So they should be in special cold storage or specialized warehouses, the temperature range of which varies from 0°C to 18°C. In addition, the room should be relatively dry, with a constant level of humidity and well ventilated. Mayonnaise should never be exposed to sunlight.

How much to store mayonnaise according to GOST is regulated by the manufacturer, depending on the composition of the product and the presence of preservatives. These terms are indicated in the technical documentation for a particular brand of goods, as well as on the packaging.

How to store store-bought mayonnaise

The shelf life of mayonnaise in the refrigerator depends primarily on its quality.

Do not buy this product if it is intended for long-term storage. If the packaging indicates an excessively long shelf life of mayonnaise, this indicates the presence of too many preservatives in its composition.

The maximum shelf life of such mayonnaise, which is indicated by manufacturers, is up to 90 days. But most often on the packaging you can find such terms, depending on the temperature regime:

  • at 0-10°С safe storage of mayonnaise is possible up to 30 days;
  • at a temperature of 10 to 14 ° C - no more than 20 days;
  • at 14-18°C - 7 days.

It should be noted that these terms apply only to mayonnaise, the integrity of the packaging of which has not yet been violated. Therefore, there is no need to place it in an additional container. If the temperature in the room is up to 18 ° C, store-bought mayonnaise can be stored without a refrigerator. But still, it’s better not to risk your own and other people’s health and send this product to the cold.

How to store open mayonnaise

After opening the package, the shelf life of mayonnaise is drastically reduced. You should definitely not leave it outside the refrigerator, as at room temperature this product will become unusable after a few hours. Not more than 7 ° C - this is the temperature at which open mayonnaise should be stored. In such a temperature regime and humidity up to 75%, open mayonnaise will not quickly deteriorate. If the package is glass with a tight-fitting lid, mayonnaise can be left in it. And if it is packed in a plastic tube, then before sending it to the refrigerator, it is advisable to transfer it with a clean spoon into a clean glass or plastic container to limit the access of oxygen.

The shelf life of open mayonnaise is no more than 14 days.

At the same time, you should not lick the neck or the puncture site of the mayonnaise tube so that bacteria do not get into it. The indicated storage period does not apply to those packages of mayonnaise, the expiration date of which is about to expire! So, so that mayonnaise does not deteriorate as long as possible, when buying, you need to pay attention to:

  • natural thick consistency;
  • package integrity;
  • no air bubbles;
  • foreign particles or liquid;
  • no separation of the product;
  • uniform shade and color characteristic of mayonnaise.

How to store homemade mayonnaise

Some even doubt whether homemade mayonnaise can be stored. This is understandable, because it contains raw yolks - a perishable product. Up to four days - this is how much homemade mayonnaise can be stored for as long as possible, but it is best to use it immediately after preparation. Homemade mayonnaise is stored under the following conditions:

  • temperature 4-7°C;
  • humidity not more than 75%;
  • clean and tightly closed container;
  • to extend the shelf life of homemade mayonnaise in the refrigerator for a day or two, add a little mustard to the composition.

Is it possible to store mayonnaise in the freezer

Do not store store-bought and homemade mayonnaise in the freezer. Technically, of course, this can be done, but it makes no sense. The fact is that at low temperatures (0 ° C and below), the product will delaminate and become unsuitable for eating.

In general, how long home-made mayonnaise is stored also depends on the components that make up its composition.

The second most popular sauce in cuisines around the world is mayonnaise. Yes, this sauce is very high in calories, but really fatty. But he alone is able to give many dishes that very special richness, tenderness and piquancy. For example, Olivier salad without mayonnaise is unlikely to be the world famous salad. But the most delicious mayonnaise is, of course, homemade. And if you prepare the sauce yourself, from products whose quality we don’t have to worry about, then such homemade mayonnaise will surpass many of its purchased types in terms of usefulness.

The subtleties of making homemade mayonnaise

Secret 1. For density and characteristic taste, products for the preparation of mayonnaise should be used at room temperature. And they must be fresh.

Secret 2. To make mayonnaise spicier in taste, use mustard powder instead of mustard sauce in the process of preparing it.

Secret 3. You can make mayonnaise from olive oil, but the sauce may be slightly bitter because of this. In this case, it is better to add sunflower or any other vegetable oil to olive oil in a 1: 1 ratio.

Secret 4. The density of mayonnaise depends on how much oil you will use in it. Too thick mayonnaise can be easily made thinner by diluting it with plain water at room temperature.

Secret 5. Mayonnaise can be whipped with a whisk, a mixer with a special whisk attachment. But the easiest way to do this is with any kind of blender - submersible or in a bowl (cocktail).

Secret 6. Homemade mayonnaise should not be stored even in the refrigerator for more than four days.

Classic recipe for homemade mayonnaise with whole eggs

You can prepare a classic recipe for homemade mayonnaise on one chicken yolk, separating it from the protein. But such mayonnaise is whipped well only with a whisk, which is quite laborious. Let's try to beat mayonnaise with a whole chicken egg in just a minute. And the blender will help us with this.

For one egg put in a blender bowl half a teaspoon of dry or sauce mustard, the same amount of salt and sugar and one large spoonful of sour juice (for example, lemon) or nine percent vinegar. For this amount of spices for an average density of mayonnaise, you need a glass or a little less vegetable oil.

We first lay the spices without oil, turn on the blender, and gradually pour all the vegetable oil into the future sauce with a jet. As soon as we reach the desired uniformity and density of the product, you can turn off the blender. Mayonnaise is whipped in this way in just a minute or two.

Milk mayonnaise

Also incredibly tasty will be homemade mayonnaise and without eggs, cooked in milk. Milk should be fat - 2.5-3 percent fat. We begin to beat in a blender a little less than a glass of milk, gradually adding 300 g of butter to it, as in the previous recipe.

As soon as the sauce begins to thicken, boldly add a couple of small spoons of mustard, a large spoonful of lemon juice, half a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of powdered sugar or sugar to the contents, continuing to beat the mixture with a blender to the desired density. Such mayonnaise will turn out tender, with a creamy milky taste.

Mayonnaise with quail eggs

It is believed that homemade mayonnaise is more useful and safer on quail eggs than on chicken ones. It will take six quail eggs for him. We break them into a blender bowl, put half a teaspoon of sugar, salt, mustard, a pinch of ground black pepper there. We begin to beat, pouring about 200 ml of vegetable oil into the bowl. When the mayonnaise begins to thicken, add a tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar and finely chopped greens to it. Ready mayonnaise should be put in the refrigerator. There he will thicken even more.