How to make lasagna sheets at home. Homemade lasagna. Recipe for lasagna sheets

Lasagna is a kind of pasta that is long, flat, wide sheets perfect for lamination. The length of each plate should be 6 by 7 inches or 15 by 18 cm. Special climbing sheets can be flat or grooved. Corrugated lasagna is common in southern Italy, but rarely used in northern Italy. It is also popular in the United States.

It was first described in the 14th century in the first cookbook Form of Cury, published in England, which describes in great detail how to make sheets for lasagna.

There are three stories behind the origin of the lasagna recipe. Two of them claim that the dish originally originated in ancient Greece, because the word "laganoz" in Greek means "dough without yeast", that is, only with flour and water. A flat sheet of pasta cut into strips or "lasanon" is Greek for "cooking pot". pasta". Subsequently, the Italians "borrowed" the name of the container and over time it began to denote the dish itself. A third version suggests that lasagna originates from the fourteenth century, where the English dish loseyn (sounds like "lasan") was very popular during the reign of Richard II. However, despite all the many theories and assumptions, lasagna has long been considered to be often prepared for holidays and family dinners.

In Italy, lasagna is completely flat, while in Americans, lasagne sheets are usually wrapped inside to preserve the sauce. The traditional dish should be stuffed with meat, which is seasoned with red wine, nutmeg, béchamel sauce and parmesan cheese. But this basic recipe today is quite modified and expanded. Good lasagna is a perfectly balanced taste of dough and toppings. All recipes for this dish are as follows - lasagne sheets are alternated with various sauces and toppings, as well as other ingredients. It can be meat, spinach, eggplant, tomato sauce, and spinach, as well as ricotta and parmesan. Layered lasagna can be frozen without further cooking and cooked at any time.

Lasagna sheets are made from durum varieties wheat, so they are quite tough even after baking. You can buy them ready-made or make your own. But how do you make lasagna sheets at home? Everything is quite simple.

To do this, sift the flour onto a large and smooth surface or into a large bowl. In the center of the flour, beat the eggs, olive oil and salt. Mix the ingredients with a fork, using all the flour. Continue kneading the dough with your hands until you get a smooth and homogeneous mass. If necessary, add a little water or flour so that the dough is neither too sticky nor too tight. Next, the dough needs to be shaped into a ball and let it rest in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour, wrapped in cling film or covered with a damp kitchen towel.

To roll out the dough and get flat sheets for lasagna, you need to use a special pasta machine. This will speed up the process of making uniform and identical sheets. Separate a small piece from the ball of dough and roll it out to a thickness of 0.3-0.5 cm, giving it the shape of an even rectangle. If you do not have a special machine, you can roll the dough into sheets with your hands. Prepare lasagna according to this recipe, first boiling the sheets in boiled water, to which you need to add a tablespoon of oil.

Even in the colorful world of comics, lasagna has gained considerable fame - the favorite food of the lazy and fat cat Garfield is this particular Italian delicacy. It is also sung by famous singers - Weird Al Yankovic made a parody of the song "La Bamba" called "Lasagna", which was included in his album "Even Worse".

What is lasagna? Describing this dish is quite difficult, as well as preparing it. Lasagna is the pinnacle of culinary excellence, an unusually time-consuming dish - requires not so much a large number time, how much preparation of several components, which are complex in themselves. If you still decide to bake this Italian puff miracle cake, then be patient, and I will tell you in detail how to cook dough for lasagna and two types of sauces: bolognese And bechamel. Together we will definitely succeed!

You will need:

For test:

  • egg 2 pcs
  • water 1 tbsp.

For the Bolognese sauce:

  • minced meat 400-500 gr
  • onion 1-2 pcs
  • tomato juice 800 ml
  • vegetable oil 4 tbsp.
  • butter 2 tbsp
  • garlic 1 clove
  • sugar 1-2 tsp
  • ground black pepper

For the bechamel sauce:

  • butter 2 tbsp
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp.
  • flour 2 tbsp topless
  • milk 0.5 l
  • nutmeg (half)
  • cheese 250 gr

Any cheese can be used - they are sprinkled with layers of lasagne, covered with Bechamel sauce. With hard cheeses (like Parmesan) the lasagne will be drier, with soft ones (like Mozzarella) more juicy. It will also be good with native Russian cheese.

Dough for lasagna is prepared in the same way as dough for or , but with less water - this process requires experience and takes some time, so in order to save it precious, you can cook lasagna from ready-made dough. Now there are many types of ready-made dough on sale, choose and read the packaging - it will indicate whether the dough needs to be pre-boiled or raw can be used. More often it is recommended to boil and pour cold water so that it does not dry out while you prepare the sauces.

In Italy, lasagna is prepared in a square or rectangular shape - it's really convenient if you cook this pie from ready-made dough or roll out homemade dough on a special machine. I cook lasagna round shape diameter 26-28 cm for a very simple reason - the dough needs to be rolled out very thinly, and it is easier to do it with your hands in the shape of a circle.

So let's get started!

Step by step photo recipe:

First, prepare the Bolognese sauce. This can be done the day before, a day or two before the lasagna is cooked. Firstly, you will reduce the cooking time, and secondly, this sauce is perfectly stored in the refrigerator and becomes even tastier the next day. After refrigeration, the sauce must be reheated. I talked about how to cook Bolognese sauce in detail in the recipe.

Bolognese sauce

Pour into a saucepan vegetable oil, put butter and warm up. fry garlic and when it browns throw it away - it has flavored the oil and is no longer needed.
cut into onion and fry it in oil until soft. 5-10 minutes.
Add to onion ground meat. Fry minced meat for 10-15 minutes. Stir to break up meatballs. Salt and pepper.

Pour into a saucepan wine, add Italian herbs. stir, cover with a lid and cook until the wine has evaporated. This will take approximately 15 minutes. Stir occasionally. Red wine will darken the minced meat, but white wine can also be used.
Add to pot milk, stir, cover and cook until the milk has completely evaporated - 10-15 minutes. Stir occasionally.

Add salt,sugar cover with a lid and extinguish. Stir occasionally. In the process of stewing, add a little water (0.5 cups). At the end of cooking, taste the sauce, add salt, sugar and pepper if necessary. I add a little ground spices:cloves, cinnamon and ginger. They don’t exist in classic sauce, try it, I like it. If you have fresh Italian herbs (thyme, rosemary, sage, mint…) add those now too.
Here you will get such a bright and saturated one.

Advice:classic bolognese sauce takes a long time to cook, so if you want to shorten the cooking time, cook minced chicken meat sauce: fry the onion, add minced meat from 4 chicken breasts, fry for 15-20 minutes, salt, pepper, add tomato juice (800 ml), dry Italian herbs, garlic (1 clove), sugar, a little cinnamon and cloves. Simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Minced chicken is more tender and cooks faster than minced beef and pork.

When the Bolognese sauce is ready, start kneading the dough.

Dough for lasagna

Sift into a bowl flour make a hole in the flour and break it into it 2 eggs. Add 1 tbsp water(half the shell from a broken egg is 1 tablespoon), a pinch salt and a teaspoon olive oil. Knead the dough with your hand, spoon or knife, gradually mixing the flour into the eggs. When the dough is still semi-liquid, but you can already take it in your hand, transfer the dough to a floured table or board on which you will knead it.

Knead the dough with your hands, constantly adding flour. This can be done on the board, and take the dough in hand. Like this.

It is not necessary to add all the flour, as soon as the dough becomes dense and elastic enough, form a ball out of it, wrap it in cling film so that it does not dry out, let it rest for 20-30 minutes.

To roll out the dough, cut the ball into 8 pieces and roll into balls.

Roll them out in one size equal to the diameter of the mold. At first flatten the ball into a cake, and then roll out with a rolling pin on the board from the middle to the edges by sprinkling flour. The thinner you roll out the dough, the better. The photo shows that dough lets light through.

Rolled dough sheets put on a tray, sprinkling with flour so as not to stick together. You can shout Hurray!))) - half the work is done!

Cover the dough with a clean towel to keep it from drying out and bechamel sauce. Since this sauce takes a little time to prepare and must be fresh, it is prepared last.

Bechamel sauce

This sauce is easy to prepare in a saucepan with non-stick coating. Pour into it vegetable oil and melt in it butter. Add flour and quickly stir, bring the mass to a boil.
Little by little add milk, stir constantly so that lumps do not form, a little salt, consider the saltiness of the cheese that you will use when shaping the lasagna. As soon as the sauce boils, it is ready, turn off the stove.

An indispensable ingredient in Bechamel sauce is, grate half or 1/3 of a nut (depending on size) on a fine grater into the sauce, mix.

This is how you get it.

Do not despair if, due to lack of experience, lumps still form in your sauce. This can be fixed - beat the sauce with a blender.

Grate - approximately 1 cup, more if possible.

So you have everything is ready - dough for lasagna And two sauces: Bolognese And Bechamel. Taste the sauces - this is the last moment when you can fix something. Add salt, pepper if needed. The final taste of lasagna depends on the taste of the sauces. You can start forming the pie.

Pour at the bottom of the mold a little bolognese sauce- a fifth, put one on top dough sheet. cover it up Bolognese sauce.
Lay down second layer of dough, cover bechamel sauce(a quarter of the total) sprinkle with cheese.

Stack third test sheet, cover Bolognese sauce.

Continue shaping the lasagna by alternating sauces. Last page test (eighth) must be covered bechamel sauce and sprinkled.

Bake in preheated oven t 200ºС 35-40 minutes. As a rule, when the top layer is browned and puffed up on the lasagne, it is ready.

After standing at the stove for half a day, you will finally see the joy of your loved ones, who will sweep away this cake in the blink of an eye, keeping pleasant memories and the desire to taste it again - be sure to treat them! Gain experience and soon you will realize that cooking lasagna is not so difficult!

Lasagna. Short recipe.

You'll need:

For test:

  • egg 2 pcs
  • water 1 tbsp.
  • olive oil 1 tsp (or any vegetable)
  • premium wheat flour 14-16 tbsp with a slide

For the Bolognese sauce:

  • minced meat 400-500 gr
  • onion 1-2 pcs
  • tomato juice 800 ml
  • milk or cream 0.5 cups (glass volume 200 ml)
  • dry wine 3/4 cup (glass volume 200 ml)
  • vegetable oil 4 tbsp.
  • butter 2 tbsp
  • garlic 1 clove
  • dry Italian herbs 1-2 tsp
  • sugar 1-2 tsp
  • ground black pepper

For the bechamel sauce:

  • butter 2 tbsp
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp.
  • flour 2 tbsp topless
  • milk 0.5 l
  • nutmeg (half)
  • cheese 250 gr

Dough for lasagna

Sift the flour into a bowl, make a well in the flour and break 2 eggs into it. Add 2 tbsp. water, a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of olive oil. Knead the dough with your hand, spoon or knife, gradually mixing the flour into the eggs. When the dough is still semi-liquid, but you can already take it in your hand, transfer it to a floured table or board.
Knead the dough with your hands, constantly adding flour.
As soon as the dough becomes dense and elastic enough, form a ball out of it, wrap it in cling film so that it does not dry out, let it rest for 20-30 minutes.
Cut the ball into 8 pieces and roll into balls. Roll them out in one size equal to the diameter of the mold. First, flatten the ball into a cake, and then roll it out with a rolling pin on the board from the middle to the edges, adding flour.

Bolognese sauce

Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan, put butter and heat. Saute the garlic and when it's browned, discard it - it has flavored the oil and is no longer needed.
Chop the onion and sauté it in oil until soft, 5-10 minutes.
Add minced meat to the onion. Fry minced meat for 10-15 minutes. Stir to break up meatballs. Salt and pepper.
Pour the wine into the pan, add the Italian herbs. Stir, cover and cook until the wine has evaporated. This will take approximately 15 minutes. Stir occasionally.
Add milk to the pan, stir, cover and cook until the milk has completely evaporated - 10-15 minutes. Stir occasionally.
When the milk has evaporated, add the tomato juice.
Add salt,sugar stir, bring to a boil, cover with a lid and extinguish over low heat 25 - 30 minutes. Stir occasionally. In the process of stewing, add a little water (0.5 cups). At the end of cooking, taste the sauce, add salt, sugar and pepper if necessary.

Bechamel sauce

Pour the vegetable oil into a non-stick pan and melt the butter in it. Add flour and mix quickly, bring the mass to a boil.
Gradually add milk, stirring constantly so that lumps do not form, salt. Once the sauce boils, it's ready.
Grate half or 1/3 of the nutmeg (depending on size) on a fine grater into the sauce, mix.

Forming lasagna

Pour a fifth of the Bolognese sauce on the bottom of the mold, put one sheet of dough on top. Top it with Bolognese sauce.
Lay the second layer of dough, cover with Bechamel sauce (a quarter of the total), sprinkle with cheese.
Lay the third sheet of dough, cover with Bolognese sauce.
Continue shaping the lasagna by alternating sauces. The last sheet of dough should be covered with bechamel sauce and sprinkled with cheese.
Bake in a preheated oven t 200º for 35-40 minutes.

Connoisseurs of Italian dishes will definitely take into service, in addition to examples of classic pizza, the recipe for such a dish as lasagna. What is lasagna in a nutshell? These are layers of unleavened dough, thinly rolled out, between which some kind of minced meat is laid, each layer is poured with sauce. Then all this splendor is baked in the oven. So, the recipe for lasagna at home with bechamel sauce.

Lasagna recipe with minced meat with bechamel sauce

A hearty version of lasagna. Although in summer period Lasagna in Italy is usually cooked with vegetables or mushrooms.

The most important thing is to buy sheets of dough for lasagna (usually sold in pasta departments). However, from ordinary unleavened or dumplings, you can cook such thin sheets yourself. The main thing is to roll them very thinly, like cutting noodles.

In addition to a package of lasagna sheets (half of this package, you don’t need much), you will need: milk (one liter), dry red wine (five tablespoons), olive or vegetable oil (two spoons), wheat flour (50 grams), one onion , butter (50 grams), one carrot, salt and pepper, a pinch of nutmeg, ground beef, chicken or pork, hard cheese (200 grams), tomato paste (2 tablespoons).

Preparing bechamel sauce

For it, you need to melt the butter in a saucepan or a cauldron, pour in the flour, stirring intensively, pour half a glass of milk in a thin stream, also stir intensively. Now, in a thin stream, add the warmed remaining milk (leave another half a glass of it for the filling) into the cauldron. Add nutmeg, salt, other spices as desired. Cook while stirring until lightly thickened. If they interfere badly and there are lumps in the sauce, just wipe them through a sieve. Leave the sauce aside. Let him persist.

Cooking stuffing

We chop the onion, chop the carrots or cut them into small cubes (the vegetables are peeled, of course, before that). Vegetables are sautéed in butter or vegetable oil. Minced meat is added to them and everything is fried together for three minutes. Tomato paste is added to the contents (you can dilute it in water so that it is not too thick), wine, pepper, salt. The fire is reduced, milk is added, which we left for minced meat. Simmer the stuffing for 20 minutes. And turn off the fire.

We rub the cheese on a coarse grater. Place the dough sheets on a greased vegetable oil baking sheet, but preferably in a rectangular shape. Minced meat is laid out on the dough with a small layer, sauce is poured, cheese is sprinkled. Again a layer of dough leaves, again minced meat, sauce, cheese. Again dough, then minced meat, sauce, cheese. That is, three layers should be obtained. Lasagna is baked until cooked in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. Served in portions on separate plates.

What Italian dishes do you know? If someone asks you such a question, then surely you will immediately list pizza, pasta, ravioli, ciambella and, of course, lasagna.

Lasagna is just the dish that has long won the hearts of true gourmets and just lovers of Italian cuisine. As it seems at first glance, cooking lasagna is a very simple process that takes relatively little free time, however, in reality, this is not at all the case. As practice shows, for most novice cooks, cooking delicious lasagna is akin to something impossible, because, as it turns out, properly cooked lasagna is a real work of art, the creation of which is subject only to experienced chefs.

You can cook lasagna in many ways that certain recipes offer us. An interesting fact is that even with a minimal change in the filling of this dish, its taste completely changes and depends on fortune: for better or for worse. That is why there are a lot of tricks and nuances that you need to know and take into account when preparing lasagna.

To date, lasagna is a puff pastry of six layers of dough, which alternate with the filling. The filling can be meat, mushroom, and vegetable is also very often used. It is no secret that the taste of the finished dish will depend on the choice of filling in general.

However, despite the important role of the filling, the second component of lasagna - the dough - plays an equally important role, and the final taste also depends on its quality. Therefore, I would like to pay more attention to the preparation of dough for lasagna.

Today, due to the popularity of this Italian work of culinary art, many stores can offer ready-made semi-finished products for its preparation. Therefore, today, more than ever, when going to the store, we are given the opportunity to purchase ready-made lasagna dough, but it is immediately worth noting that it does not give such a taste to the finished dish as home-made dough. Therefore, if you want to taste really tasty lasagna, prepare the dough for it yourself.

And now it's time to move on to the Italian recipe for making lasagna dough.

Dough for lasagna

For cooking you will need:

  • 600 g of wheat flour;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 30-40 g of olive oil;
  • 1 tsp salt

The preparation of dough for lasagna must begin with the process. This action is mandatory, since it ensures not only its purification from any possible impurities, but is also necessary in order to saturate it with oxygen.

The next step in preparing the dough is to combine the flour with chicken eggs and salt. To do this, follow the Italian tradition: pour the flour on the table in a slide (you can sift it right on the table), and then, making a small depression, pour the eggs into it and add salt. Thanks to this deepening, the eggs will not flow down the hill of flour and will remain inside it. All added components must be mixed and kneaded into a thick dough. If necessary (and it will arise), you can add water in the amount you need - everything directly depends on the quality of the flour you have chosen.

Very important point- the kneading process for lasagna only warms up in one direction, however, if necessary, it can be rotated 45 degrees. Remember that the dough must be very elastic, so you can mix in flour to achieve this effect. It is very easy to check the elasticity of the dough - you just need to put a little pressure on it with your finger and observe the resulting trace: if it remains, then the work must be continued, and if it disappears, then the dough is ready for further use. In this case, cover it with a napkin and leave it to brew.

After the dough has stood for a while, you can return to working with it again. Divide it into three equal parts and roll them out. Each of these parts, when rolling, should become 2-3 times larger. Consider also the fact that, as a rule, the middle of such cakes rolls out much faster than the edges, so pay special attention to the uniformity of rolling. Each layer should eventually become about 1-1.5 cm thick.

After you process all the pieces of dough, you need to give them the desired shape. As a rule, lasagna dough is cut into 10x10 cm squares.

After cutting the dough, you need to dry it a little (but not overdry!) ​​And only after that you can start cooking the lasagna itself.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))

Mar 7 2017


If you are a big fan of Italian cuisine and cannot live without lasagna, try making your own dough for the famous layer cake. It resembles the basis for dumplings and dumplings, but has some features. How to make it right? What are the subtleties?

Lasagna leaves - what is it

Lasagna is an incredibly tasty, world-famous dish originally from Italy. If such a combination of products is transferred to the Russian style, you get something similar to a casserole of noodles with minced meat, baked under a cheese crust. In the original, lasagna is rectangular layers of special pasta (lasagne plates) that alternate with layers of meat or vegetable filling. All this splendor is poured over with Bechamel sauce and baked under a delicious cheese crust.

The basis of such a casserole is thin dough leaves for lasagna. The technology of their production is identical to the production of other pasta, the only difference is their special shape. A lasagne sheet is a thinly rolled, rectangular sheet of pastry made from durum flour (durum wheat flour). The dough is kneaded with the addition of water and eggs and it turns out to be tight, but elastic.

Ready lasagna sheets

Since lasagna sheets are a type of pasta, they are made in pasta factories and freely sold in stores. On the shelves of supermarkets there are a lot of ready-made sheets for lasagna from different manufacturers. It remains only to choose and buy a package of special pasta, prepare the filling and sauce, and it’s so tasty, original dish you can successfully cook at home.

What can you substitute for lasagna sheets?

There are many recipes, slightly interpreted by skilled housewives to simplify and reduce the cost of the cooking process. Sometimes it's not even about money or time, but about the fact that in small provincial towns it can be problematic to purchase special pasta. You can replace sheets for lasagna with thin pita bread, ordinary noodles, cut into layers or puff pastry without yeast. You can also use cabbage leaves, thin slices of zucchini or eggplant as a base.

How to cook lasagne sheets

If you still want to experiment and bake an Italian layer cake, but you couldn’t find ready-made layers, try making your own lasagna sheets. To do this, you need to knead the dough from just four components: flour, water, eggs, salt, then roll it thinly and form plates. Some cooks prepare the dough with the addition of muffin, but this is a matter of taste. You can roll it out in two ways - using a regular rolling pin or a special machine. After that, the base is dried a little and proceed to the preparation of the casserole.

How to make lasagna dough

Cooking pasta is the most time-consuming step in the traditional recipe. Italian food, but the look and taste of the pie directly depends on it. To make lasagne sheets with your own hands, it will not take so much - time, desire, ingredients that are always at hand for any housewife. To prepare the dough for lasagna, you need to combine flour, eggs, water in the proportions indicated in the recipe. It's simple, the main thing is to knead the base correctly, make it soft, elastic, supple, so that cooking the dish is easy and simple.

Lasagna dough - homemade recipe

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 375 kcal per 100 grams.
  • Purpose: for cooking lasagna.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Making lasagna dough at home is more difficult than just buying it, but a homemade product will definitely turn out to be more pleasant and healthier than a store-bought one. You can easily change the usual recipe by replacing the usual wheat flour, for example, with buckwheat or bran flour - the dish will come out original, and it will contain fewer calories. Below is the simplest, but proven lasagna dough recipe, complete with a photo.


  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 4 tbsp. (with a slide);
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil (olive or corn) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with half a glass of cold water.
  2. Pour the sifted flour on a clean, dry surface of the table, add salt, mix with flour. Make a hole at the top of the hill.
  3. Pour the mixture of eggs and water into the formed funnel.
  4. Carefully collecting flour from the edges of the slide to the middle, mix the liquid with the flour.
  5. Start kneading the dough. Add two tablespoons of oil while kneading.
  6. Knead until the mass becomes completely homogeneous and stops sticking to your hands. This may take 10 to 15 minutes.
  7. Sprinkle the work surface with flour, lay out the resulting lump. Leave for half an hour. Cover with cling film, textile or paper towels to avoid chapping.
  8. Then form a thick tourniquet from the dough for lasagna, divide it into equal parts with a knife.
  9. Roll each part to a thickness of 1-1.5 mm, cut into sheets of the required size, focusing on the size of the baking sheet, pan or baking dish in which the workpieces will be laid out.

How to make lasagna dough - secrets from chefs

If you are careful, clearly follow detailed instructions, then even the first attempt to cook this delicious Italian pie will be a simple and feasible task. To make lasagna dough tender and elastic, remember the following recommendations:

  1. You need to start cooking pasta by sifting flour so that the dough becomes soft, tender, pliable.
  2. So that the store-bought dough does not crumble, it must be pre-processed - frozen dry plates should be boiled for a couple of minutes in salted hot water. Freshly prepared dough does not need to be boiled.
  3. When boiling, the sheets must be very carefully lowered into water (it should boil slightly) and removed so as not to damage.
  4. In order not to spoil the surface of the table with a knife, you can cut the rolled dough into sheets on a large cutting board, but before that, be sure to sprinkle it with flour.
  5. Before cooking pasta, it is worth considering the size of the eggs. If they are small, you need to put one or two more so that the finished dough does not turn out too steep.
  6. To give the dish originality, the base can be made puffy (put butter and milk in it) or multi-colored (experimenting, add as a natural dye, for example, turmeric or beetroot juice).
  7. Sometimes, after making the pie, some plates may remain. They can be dried or frozen, and later used for their intended purpose.

Video: Sheets for lasagna at home

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Lasagna dough - recipes with photos. How to make lasagna sheets at home