Beginning to see the aura: the best technologies. How to see a person's aura - exercises for beginners Can you see your aura

The aura is a collection of subtle bodies that emit light and envelop the physical body. By the aura, one can determine the type of personality of a person, his character, attitude to life, spiritual essence, state of health, etc. From birth, each of us is able to see the aura. But the important question is not so much “How to see it as why you need it. For example, a baby sees the energy of other people very well. If someone approaches him, he looks over his head and reacts depending on the glow. That is why when he sees some he screams and cries, and reaches out to others.


People with this aura color have a simple, trusting, pure and unclouded consciousness. All manifestations of life are perceived by them neutrally. Therefore, they rarely think about how to see the aura of people. But they have a well-developed energy center, which is responsible for the concentration of attention and the manifestation of will.


Means piety, religiosity and closeness from society. For the owners of the blue glow, the question "How to see the aura of people?" considered sacrilege. In order to improve the quality of life, they need to free themselves from guilt and open their hearts to people. This will help one simple, but very effective exercise. Every day, do at least one act that will really benefit people. At the same time, try to renounce personal selfishness and not expect anything in return.


People with a green glow of the aura are full of sympathy, trust and sympathy for others. By nature, they are altruists and can easily give the last. But do not forget that helping other people is not the main goal of life. Therefore, it is worth shifting the focus from altruism to self-knowledge and self-development.


The color of depression, gloomy thoughts, selfishness and the desire for isolation. A person with a brown aura should be more often in the air and remember nature. It will be useful to surround yourself with beauty, meditate and think only in a positive perspective. Physical activity doesn't hurt either.

All those who are just starting to practice bioenergetics are advised to first look at their energy field before diagnosing others.

Today we will talk about how to see your aura in the mirror with a simple exercise - even beginners can do it. All you need is a room without strangers and a reflective surface where you can see yourself in full growth.


You can choose any time convenient for you, the main thing is that at this moment no one and nothing distracts you. You need to take a full-length mirror and place it so that you have a calm neutral color behind you, preferably a solid color. Black or white is best - you can simply hang objects behind you with a plain fabric or attach it directly to the wall.

Do not do the exercise when you feel bad, in a state of emotional tension or frustration - all these emotions affect your energy field and can create distortions in it.


  1. Stand in front of a mirror, moving away from it about half a meter or further. Best of all, if you will be reflected in it in full growth.
  2. Relax as much as possible, take a few deep breaths in and out.
  3. Look in the mirror at the surface behind you, focus on its texture.
  4. Turn off the mind, stop the train of thought, focus on the inner emptiness.
  5. Now look past the outline of your body - you should see a sheath of light surrounding you. If you try to rock from side to side, she will move with you.
  6. Remember to watch your breathing, because during the exercise you are both the observer and the object of your observation.
  7. You can experiment with lighting. Some people fail to see the aura in the dark, and some see it without light more accurately when the contours of the body are hidden in the twilight.
  8. Try to take a deep breath and observe your energy shell - it should increase, and as you exhale - shrink.
  9. You can experiment, for example, start counting in your mind up to thirty and after every two numbers take a deep breath, and after the number twenty hold your breath and speed up the count - your aura will change, and you will have to see it.
  10. If your breathing is calm and measured, the energy shell of your body will return to its previous size.
  11. If the exercise worked out, and you saw your aura, and also “played enough” with changing its shape, try to mentally imagine a certain color, for example, red or green. Feel how you dissolve into it. If you concentrate on this exercise as much as possible, you can temporarily change the color of your aura to the intended one.

What do the colors of the aura mean?

Now we can figure out what the color of the energy field that you saw means. The color of the aura in most cases will be one of the basic ones, but some people have other colors and shades.

Red and its shades

This color symbolizes strong, cheerful and energetic people with good leadership qualities. They are also loving and sexy.

  • If your aura is dark red or burgundy, this is a sign of a desire to dominate others, determination and a short temper.
  • Scarlet color means self-confidence, selfishness and pride, while the darkest shades of red, cloudy or having dark divorces, speak of an absurd character, aggressiveness, susceptibility to outbursts of uncontrollable anger.
  • Pink is a symbol of selfless love, sociability, spiritual kindness and gentleness of character.
  • A red-brown aura is considered bad - it speaks of a lack of energy, confusion in thoughts, and sometimes indicates committed crimes, in particular murder.

Orange and its shades

It is the color of vitality, activity, confidence and humanity. People with an orange aura love their loved ones and are always ready to help them.

If the color of the energy field is closer to golden-orange, this indicates high self-control, and if there are blotches of green in the orange aura, this is a symbol of quarreling over trifles, conflict, and a tendency to quarrel.

Yellow and its shades

Holders of a yellow aura can boast of good health, friendliness, openness to others, a clear and lively mind. They are inquisitive, adore everything new and always look at life from a positive side. Often they realize themselves in creativity.

If the yellow aura has a brown tint, this is an indicator of carelessness, turning into laziness. Such a person does not want to change anything in his life and prefers to sail on the waves of circumstances.

Blotches of red speak of shyness, which can manifest itself in any area of ​​​​life. People with this aura often leave unfinished business and have no opinion of their own.

Green and its shades

A rich and pure green color of the energy field occurs in people with a positive outlook on life and great vitality. A person with such an aura is caring and very kind by nature, he is always ready to help others and show sympathy. Also, these people are characterized by light sentimentality.

The emerald aura is found in multifaceted personalities who remain honest and open in any situation. The color of the sea wave is a symbol of a peaceful person, a reliable and responsible person who can teach other people a lot.

When there are blotches of red in green, this indicates education and love for the work that a person is engaged in. Yellow-green, on the contrary, symbolizes insecurity and duplicity. Nothing good will tell, and a muddy or dirty green color is a sign of cunning, envy, deceit, betrayal.

Blue and its shades

Blue is considered a good color. A gentle blue aura in cheerful, soft, peaceful people with excellent health and good taste. Dark blue is inherent in people who are ready to learn, work on themselves, engage in self-development and achieve their goals.

Pale blue color can symbolize some kind of indecision. Such a person is naturally very gifted, but moves slowly in the right direction, because it is difficult for him to make serious decisions and often he is confused by the opinions of others.

Blue and its shades

  • Blue is the color of wisdom, spirituality, harmony. The owner of such an aura lives in the spiritual world and in harmony with himself and with the Universe.
  • Light blue is an indicator of determination and striving for excellence.
  • Dark blue is found in people who have found their calling in life - they know their mission and follow it.

Purple and its shades

Pure and rich purple (indigo) color of the aura is a sign of good intuition, high morality, rich imagination. Such people are looking for their place in this world and do not want to live a meaningless life. Lilac symbolizes boundless love for people, renunciation of oneself in the name of others, justice, the ability to do heroic deeds.

The violet-blue energy field speaks of pleasures, secrets and magical abilities. If there are blotches of pink in the violet aura, this is a sign of resentment and, in a sense, degradation of the personality, but silver or gold shades, on the contrary, are an indicator of the highest spiritual experience and the highest wisdom available to a person.


Gray color speaks of weakened health, internal limitations, weakness of character. A person with such an aura is confused in himself and his thoughts, has a negative attitude, does not love anyone and is down to earth.

The blue-gray energy field is an indicator that a person is an energy vampire who steals other people's energy due to a lack of his own.


A pure and transparent white aura is considered the most perfect. Its owner has expanded the boundaries of his consciousness, follows a highly spiritual path and uses the intuition given to him by nature.


Black color, on the contrary, is considered the worst. This is the aura of evil, cruel and merciless people, prone to violence, aggression, destruction. In other matters, sometimes a black aura also symbolizes a strong negative magical effect. Black and gray color speaks of depression, melancholy, lack of clarity.

So, if you have learned how to see your aura in a mirror and have successfully completed the exercise, you can move on to further stages of development, for example, learning to see the energy field of other people.

The question is simple and at the same time difficult. It depends on the ability. For one who has developed vision, there is nothing difficult in this. He closed his eyes, mentally moved away or went up and looked from there. I saw a large egg-shaped oval, from which a brilliant energy channel stretches upward. If you train your vision, then over time it will become tritely simple. He mentally spun the alien aura around the central axis, saw a reflection showing the color. Even easier - mentally removed the upper shell, and the true color is in front of you. Carefully examined the aura, is there any dark spots, whether there are breakdowns of the outer shell, if there are, it is necessary to clean, clean, repair.

How to train aura vision? There are plenty of ways. Here is the most common and, in my opinion, quite effective. In the evening, before going to bed, lying in bed or just being in a comfortable position for you, preferably in the twilight, stretch your hand in front of you so that your hand is against the background of the ceiling. Spread your fingers and look in the direction of the hand, but try to make your gaze not fall on the fingers, but pass through them, as it were, and rest on the ceiling.

Try to perceive the space directly in front of your fingertips. Concentrate on this space and look still for a while. But look not at him, but through him - at the ceiling. After a while, you will notice some change in the space around the fingers. Each person may have their own change. Someone sees colorless rays coming from the fingers, someone sees whitish clots of fog, for someone the space near the fingers will change color, become darker or lighter. Try to move your hand a little and you will see that the spot is moving. You see your aura, which is on your hand. If you look at the body, you will see something yellowish, shiny, covering your body, and on your legs too. The same thing, if you look closely, you can see both close people and animals.

Over time, learn to distinguish the aura in complete darkness, and then you will be able to see with your eyes closed. Much of it is a matter of believing in yourself. You cannot see with your eyes closed, but you can feel the warmth of someone else's hand, even if it does not touch you, and the presence of a stranger in the room, and your cat when she is near, and much, much more. The images that the soul gives you are your vision of the aura.

After you learn, everything material will stop bothering you, then it will be possible to look through walls, floors and ceilings. Energy freely penetrates through matter, such as X-rays, here you see about the same, the same energy that passes through everything. And then you learn to master this way of seeing.

Try mentally going up or going down. For example, I mentally rose above the city many times and looked at it from above, this is very interesting in a subtle way. You see the city as a lot of yellow egg-shaped auras, among them there are both very small and very large. You can zoom in and out, you can see the walls of the house, then go through it and see who is inside, but it all comes with time, when this way of seeing becomes familiar.

Aura is a concept quite recognized by scientists. The Russian scientist Semyon Kirlian was the first to discover this strange phenomenon. In the dark, he placed a green leaf from a tree on a photographic plate, and having developed it, he found a bright spot larger than a leaf - this was the aura, or, as they later called it, the biofield. In general, at first it did not make a big impression on anyone, it is clear that the leaf of the tree radiates some kind of energy, which was imprinted on the photographic plate. But when Kirlian put half of the sheet on the photographic plate, he developed it and found that the aura of the whole sheet was again imprinted on the picture, and not half of it, as it should have been. This already seemed strange. It turned out that the biofield carried information about an intact leaf, therefore, it was not just radiation, but something that carried some kind of information.

Approximately at this level, scientists are now looking at the aura. Numerous devices have been created that show a picture of this shell, trying to unravel its properties. Korotkov studied the aura a lot, he created a device using the glow of his fingers, conducted some experiments, measured the aura of the dead.

Much has been written about the aura by Robert the Bruce, and you will find much of interest in his books. His books are available online. Aura is a strange formation, learn to see it, and a huge world will open before you, which has no beginning and end, Unfamiliar, strange, but quite understandable. Because when you see the aura, you can see everything else that is hidden for you. The principle of vision is the same, you see energy, because the aura is energy. And if you saw it, it means that you can see everything else.

A huge universe with many secrets. And behind it are other worlds about which we know nothing at all, which, like bubbles in soapy water, are stuck to each other with thin walls.

Not everyone can see the energy, some can’t do it, but tactile sensations are developed, such people feel with their hands. Often it is even easier than seeing. Here, too, everything is clear: you move away from the person, mentally stretch out your hand and begin to feel the space around. As soon as you feel a barely noticeable seal, it means that you have felt the border of the aura.

Developing the sensitivity of hands to energies is quite simple. The easiest thing is to close your eyes and try to join your two hands. This must be done slowly. Just point your palms towards each other and start slowly bringing them together. At some distance, the hands will stop, as if there was a barrier between them.

It is easy to overcome it, but it is better to remember this feeling, because for the first time you have felt your biofield. In the same way, you can feel any energy and, what is most interesting, at any distance.

Have you probably seen more than once how healers and magicians put their hands in front of them? Thanks to the hands, they receive information about the size of the aura, its condition and further penetrating deep into the body, knowledge about each organ. Sinful, I myself often stretch out my hand, although I can do without it. The hand also acts as a small antenna that picks up signals and is used as a transmitter of healing energy.

To perform another exercise that will develop your sensitivity, you need to focus your attention on the palms. It is better to close your eyes, breathe smoothly and rhythmically. Now we mentally imagine that we breathe not only with the help of the nose, but also with the help of the palms. Put your palms opposite each other, and then you will feel that when you inhale, the air between your palms becomes cooler, when you exhale, it becomes warmer.

If you do this exercise several times a day, you will notice how sensitivity increases. After the development of sensitivity, you can do aura diagnostics, that is, by swiping your palms from top to bottom, you can find breakouts, places where malware is located, and much more.

It's a matter of practice and habit. After training, you will begin to feel warm and cold, you will be able to determine from a photograph whether a person is alive or not, simply by swiping your palm over the photo. In case of death, you will feel the cold coming from the photo. If alive - warm. The fact is that any photo is an open channel to a person. Through it, you can reach him, check the aura and internal organs to carry out diagnostics. You can heal with the help of a photo, transferring energy. For me, a photo is a cast of a person, his complete program, an imprint that cannot be repeated or faked. No wonder the Indians did not allow themselves to be photographed, saying that the photo steals the soul. Even fingerprints are not as unique as an aura. And if you look at the aura of two twins, you will see two completely different pictures.

Having laid a mold of a photo in memory, you can find it in space, and work with the energies around and inside it. Remove negative energy, nourish, improve the characteristics of the aura. Heal the body by directing energy to a diseased organ and much, much more, using your hands or mentally for this. It is more customary to use hands, but you can do without them. You just need to understand that we work not with our hands, but with our soul, it is the main tool for working in the subtle world.

The aura is your ethereal body, which reflects both the physical and psycho-emotional state of a person. Your energy and strength depend on the color of your aura. You can see your aura and determine the meaning of its color yourself. All you need is a large mirror.

How to see your aura

  • Sit in front of a mirror at arm's length. Your back should be in this straight line, body relaxed, eyes closed. Sit in this position for about a minute to tune in to the exercise.
  • Open your eyes and start looking at the tip of your nose in the reflection. Try not to blink or look away.
  • Concentrate your attention on the tip of the nose, but do not lose sight of your entire body in the reflection.
  • After about five minutes, you will see how your body begins to emit light of a certain color. The radiation can be of several shades.
  • Your face in the reflection may be distorted beyond recognition. Do not be afraid of this - you see in front of you all your inner fears, anxieties and complexes.
  • Some parts of the body may be darkened or overexposed. These are bundles of energy. In places where you found dark spots, there are holes in the aura, light spots are positive energy.

As soon as you see the color of your aura, then you will have to interpret its meaning.

Human aura color meaning

White color of the aura means pure consciousness and unclouded mind. You are neutral to everything that happens in life and, most likely, go with the flow. It's time to take life into your own hands. You have great potential and ability.

blue aura color you idealize the world. You spend your energy on acquiring new knowledge. It remains to put them into practice.

Aura blue- you are religious and see God's providence in everything. But you are closed to the outside world. You are tormented by feelings of guilt and duty. Try to be open to new events in life and to gain new knowledge and experience.

purple aura color You have a highly developed intuition. You are capable of clairvoyance. Trust your instincts more and develop your abilities.

Aura green speaks of the ability to self-sacrifice. You are very trusting and kind to people. Sometimes this negatively affects your personal affairs. Try to do good not only to others, but also to yourself.

Brown color auras You are often depressed or apathetic. You have a lot of thoughts and reasoning in your head. You need to rest, relax and be in nature more often, as your energy potential is very weak.

Orange color auras speaks of great energy potential. You are at the peak of your abilities and strengths. Use your energy for the benefit of yourself and others.

Aura yellow- your energy is directed to love and creativity. Develop your talents and strive to create a strong and happy family.

Aura red- Emotions and feelings boil in you. You have a lot of strength and energy. Give her freedom and direct her to a peaceful direction.

It should be noted that the color of the aura can change over the course of life. As a rule, this happens when something changes in a person’s life or he changes his worldview. Knowing the color of your aura will enable you to see your inner potential. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

01.08.2014 09:04

The human aura is a barely perceptible environment that is located around the body at arm's length. ...

Emotional health and a high level of human energy are two interconnected things. To maintain normal...

Let's start with why we don't see it. We don’t see a lot of things or perceive distortedly. The fact is that our computer, that is, the brain, processes information to a convenient content and removes everything unnecessary from perception.

So, for example, an image is imprinted upside down on the retina of the eye, but after processing by the brain, we get a twice inverted image. Another fact: there is an area on the retina called a blind spot, but we do not notice this gap at all.

Bespectacled people will understand me: the frame of the glasses just bought interferes with the view for some time, but soon we don’t see it, as if it doesn’t exist at all. Also with the aura. Practical application she is not in ordinary life. We feel the information that can be seen in the aura very well. Here the brain cuts it off from our perception as unnecessary.

The benefit of the ability to see the aura is, perhaps, in specific areas. With healing methods at subtle levels (there is more understanding of what we are dealing with) and for self-development.

How to see

You need to look at the volume. Defocused look. Remember how it used to be: you read a book, thought, and the letters blurred. Here is what you need. That's exactly the look. It's in that state. Relaxed and without giving importance.

A convenient occasion for opening the ability of vision is a vacation or vacation. When there is a lot of strength, but there is no need to work and there is nowhere to hurry. You lie on the couch and look at your hands.

Look, defocusing your eyes, is there anything around the fingers at a distance of one millimeter? Such a barely noticeable transparent haze with a clear contour. Do you think it seemed? Or is it an optical effect - light bending around obstacles? Then touch it with the finger of the other hand. Or the same haze. This is it, aura. More precisely, its first layer, called according to the Cossack tradition - the first.

How to watch

In order for the look not to jump off the volume, do the following exercise. Look at any point door frame with the door open. Select another point on the other side of the doorway. Draw your eyes along an imaginary line connecting these two points. Choose more points. Not necessarily in a doorway and not necessarily at an equidistant distance from you. Just to glance across space. Let your eyes get used to the new activity a little, and immediately see the aura.

You can look directly at the place where you expect to see something. After training with doorway this is much easier to do, but the eyes still strive to focus on objects that fall into the field of view. Therefore, at first it is convenient to look not at close range, but with peripheral vision.

Where to look

The aura of living beings is multi-layered. Our subtle body resembles an onion, consisting of thin bodies (shirts), each with its own properties. This is how A.M. Skulsky described the structure of the aura in his book Notes of an Observer.

The flint layer is inside the body. It becomes visible in some combat states. For now, we only need the first two layers, which are always wider than the physical body: a silver glow and even.

The first layer looks like a transparent haze over the asphalt on a hot summer day, only with a clear border around the body. However, not only the body. The first is for objects. Its thickness depends on the size of the object. Around the finger, it is about 1 mm, and above the shoulder, about the thickness of the finger.

The second component of the human aura also goes around the body, but it does not have a clear boundary. Looks like fog. The farther away from the object, the more transparent it is and gradually fades away. The thickness of the second is two to four fingers. Changes from mood, state, intensity of breathing. With deep breaths it increases, with exhalation it decreases, as if breathing.

Way to see the aura

The aura can be viewed in any light, but natural diffused lighting is best. On the street it is convenient to look in cloudy weather or at the beginning of twilight, at home - with diffused lighting from the window. Direct light, casting shadows, complicates the task.

Make a white screen out of a sheet, like in a photo studio for ID photos. But you can get by with a simple wall with a calm monotonous color.

Ask someone to stand at a distance of half a meter from the prepared background. Let him breathe deeply and slowly swing like a pendulum. Swinging will help to avoid a residual mark on the retina from a long look at one point.

Observe yourself from a distance of at least 3 meters. Look with a defocused gaze into the space above the shoulder. If you can’t defocus your eyes, then look with peripheral vision. To do this, look at the screen behind the object. Choose a point to the side and about half a meter higher. Look at this point and peep the area above the shoulder with the periphery.

Sometimes it's easier to see the glow against a dark background. Have someone shake their hand while the TV is off.

Once you see an aura, it will most likely disappear immediately. Just out of habit, the eyes will focus again. It will be harder to see on the second try. An untrained body gets tired quickly.

A simple way to fill up with strength will help. Take a very deep breath, strong enough to feel your diaphragm tighten. Hold your breath and count nine heartbeats. On the ninth - exhale through the mouth. It was a flash for Vladimir Golyakov (