Extra-curricular event for Victory Day in elementary school with a presentation. Alekseev "Victory will be ours!". We read the script of the action to children about the war We read the script to children about the war


Host 2:

On May 4, we are joining the International Campaign "Reading Children about the War". The action is timed to the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Presenter 1:

The longest day of the year
With its cloudless weather
He gave us a common misfortune -
For everyone. For all four years.
She made such a mark
And laid so many on the ground,
That twenty years and thirty years
The living can't believe they're alive.
And to the dead, straightening the ticket,
Everyone is going to someone close.
And time adds to the lists
Someone else, someone else is missing.
And puts, puts obelisks.

Host 2:

May 9, Victory Day is a holiday with tears in your eyes! 72 years have passed since that memorable day. The war is gradually becoming a thing of the past, becoming a page in the history books. Why do we remember it again and again?

Presenter 1:

4 years. 1418 days. 34 thousand hours.And 27 million dead compatriots.

Host 2:

27 million dead. Do you imagine what it is? If a moment of silence is declared for each of the 27 million people who died in the country, the country will be silent ..43 years! 27 million. For 1418 days - this means 13 people died per minute. That's what 27 million means!

Presenter 1:

And how many of these 27 million are your peers. Children who never grew up.Children and war. It is difficult to imagine something more opposite.

Host 2:

Children represent joy and tenderness - life itself. They should not experience the tears and sorrow brought by the war.The war fell on children as well as adults, with bombs, hunger, cold, separations. Children were at the forefront of the life of the entire warring people. They will survive - the people, their history, ideals, future will survive.

Presenter 1:

But children in that harsh time were not only victims - they also became warriors. For special merits, courage and heroism shown in the fight against the invaders, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to Alexander Chekalin, Leonid Golikov, Marat Kazei and many other boys and girls.

Host 2:

Special merit! And they were boys. Even before reaching adulthood, the guys reached such heights of courage that they were worthy of the Golden Stars of Heroes, orders, and medals.

Presenter 1:

Peacefully the country woke up

On this June day.

Just turned around

In the squares of her lilac.

Rejoicing in the sun and the world,

Morning met the country ...

Suddenly spread through the air

Memorable words...

The country immediately recognized

In the morning on our doorstep

The war broke out.

Video track "Remember all by name"


Today at our event we want to read to you one story by Anatoly Mityaev “A Bag of Oatmeal”

Questions about the work:

1. Why were the soldiers angry when the owner of the bag was found?

2. Why did they give away the bag?

3. Why didn't the redhead share the oatmeal with the hungry soldiers?

4. Why didn't the orderly eat the oatmeal himself?

5. What do you know about the role of dogs and other animals in the Great Patriotic War?

6. How do dogs help people in peacetime?

Presenter 1. The war has passed, the consolation has passed,

But pain calls out to people:

"Come on, people, never

let's not forget about it.

May her memory be true

Store, about this flour,

And the children of today's children,

And our grandchildren grandchildren.

Lead 2.

About 40 million Soviet people died. Guess what that means? This means - 30 killed per 2 meters of land, 28 thousand killed daily. This means - every fourth inhabitant of the country died.

Lead 1.

Quiet, guys, a moment of silence

Let's honor the memory of heroes

In the morning they met the sun,

Our peers are almost.

There are none among us

Who went to the front and did not return.

Let's remember through the centuries, through the years,

About those who will never come again.

Let's remember!

(Video clip. Minute of silence)

Presenter 2. Let there be no war ever!

Let peaceful cities sleep.

Let the sirens howl

Doesn't sound over my head.

Let not a single shell burst,

None of them scribbles an automatic.

Let our forests announce

And let the years pass peacefully

May there never be a war!

We invite you to take and read books about the war

On May 7, our library joined the International Campaign "Reading Children about the War".The action "Reading to children about the war" is dedicated to the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The organizer of the action is the Samara Regional Children's Library. For the first time, Belgorod libraries, including library No. 19, joined the action.

The action was carried out jointly with students of schools No. 13 and No. 40 (43 people in total). The honorary guest of the action was a veteran of the Great Patriotic War Alexander Donchak.

The story that was read to the children is called "The Last Departure", its author is our guest - Donchak A.V. The children listened attentively to the head of the library Mikhalchuk N.E., who read the story. After reading the story, a discussion began. The children asked their questions to Alexander Vasilievich, answered the questions of the presenter themselves, shared their impressions and emotions.

Also, students of school No. 40 prepared a literary and musical performance dedicated to the Victory Day. Many flowers were presented to the veteran, the children with respect and interest asked Alexander Vasilyevich about the orders and medals on his chest.

The dead and missing on the fields of the Great Patriotic War were honored with a minute of silence.

The script for the event is below.

Lead 1.

Beginning of May.

red carnations,

Like tears of those distant terrible years.

And veterans righteous faces,

Especially the ones that don't exist anymore.

When these dates come up again.

For some reason I feel guilty

Less and less remember the Victory,

More and more people forget about the war.

There are parades on TV

They burn in archive films of the city.

Those who remain are handed out awards.

And it seems like it's always been that way.

The war is not yet ready to disappear.

Those years are millions of personal dramas.

So let's remember again

All those who gave Victory to us.

Lead 2.

The river of time flows. More than 70 years have passed since that most unforgettable and terrible day, when the huge doors of war, from the Barents to the Black Sea, were thrown wide open.

Much water has been carried away by the river of time since then. The scars of the trenches have grown, the ashes of the burnt cities have disappeared, new generations have grown up.

But in human memory, June 22, 1941 remained not just as a fatal date, but also as a milestone, the beginning of the long 1418 days and nights of the Great Patriotic War of our people.

Lead 1.

The brightest, most summer day of the year,

The longest day on Earth is twenty-second.

The children were sleeping, the apples were ripening in the garden.

We remember

Let's remember it again.

We remember this night and this hour. Explosion,

That the sun extinguished in pitch rumble,

Oozing through the inept bandages,

The blood of the people turned red in that June.

(Levitan's entry about the beginning of the Second World War is turned on)

Lead 2.

The country has risen, everyone who could hold a weapon in their hands, who could defend their homeland, stood up. Yesterday's schoolchildren besieged military registration and enlistment offices, asked to go to the front, hiding their real age. And they left, so as not to return, they left for immortality.

(The phonogram of the song “Holy War” is turned on, lyrics by V.I. Lebedev-Kumach, music by A.A. Aleksandrov)

Lead 1.

About how they performed feats, you will learn from the story "The Last Departure".


I sit in an armchair and read a newspaper. Soft light from a floor lamp falls on the page. I finish reading and turn the page. At this moment, my eyes fall on the photograph that hangs on the wall in a frame under glass. On it, my hotel, along with my front-line comrades.

I fold the newspaper, put it on coffee table, I close my eyes. And it seems to me that my father is looking at me more closely than others. I can even hear him say:

Do you look at us and wonder? Yes, in those distant years we were young, beautiful and cocky. We had the most beautiful plans, the wildest dreams. But the war prevented them from being carried out, which is why we put on our tunics. Unfortunately, two are no longer alive. These were my friends, my fellow soldiers. Their memory is sacred to me. And I ask you to remember their names. Remember for a lifetime. I'll tell you how it was.

Diving into the clouds, and sometimes descending almost to the ground, we flew three planes, three small, nimble PO-2s. They were pretty battered in battles, as the patches on the fuselage and wings clearly indicated, but they still served us. We flew on a mission to take out several seriously wounded soldiers from the hospital, which was located in one of the foothills of the Caucasus Range. We had to hurry. From information received before departure, we knew that our ground units would soon have to leave the area.

When we approached the landing site, it seemed suspicious to us: no cars, no people. Then Vasily Rubtsov, the flight commander, ordered to fly over the landing strip and make sure that this place was not yet occupied by the enemy. We carefully look at the outlines of the surviving buildings, look around the "airfield" and, not finding anything alarming, we decide to land.

We disguise the cars and head to the building, but it turns out to be empty. Only at the entrance, on the wall, hung a piece of paper that warned: “Comrade pilots! We know that you will arrive, but the hospital has already been evacuated. Come back, happy flight!”

Things ..., - said Vasily Rubtsov.

We have nothing to do with it,” said Tamara Nosko, the pilot of the second car.

What do we do? I asked.

Let's fly back, what else!

Along the road that skirts the runway, a line of people slowly dragged along: women, old people, children. They left their nests, went away from trouble.

Suddenly, a calm column of people began to move. A drawn-out, aching sound of "Messers" was heard.

Raid! I shouted.

Tamara started to run. Rubtsov caught up with her, grabbed her by the sleeve and abruptly stopped her.

Where are you going?

There,” and Tamara pointed in the direction of our planes.

Are you in your mind? Will kill! Wait!

Fascist vultures came in to attack. The column of people scattered, they ran in different directions.

To the cars! Vasily shouted after a while.

We rushed to the planes and began to quickly dismantle the disguise.

And the Germans poured machine-gun fire on the road, dropped bombs into the thick of people. Mothers lay down on the ground and covered their children with their bodies, trying to save them at the cost of their own lives.

The engines started up and the cars began to taxi for takeoff. The women spotted the planes. Clinging to themselves crying children, they rushed to us. Holding out their children, they plaintively prayed:

Take at least them, let them live instead of us. Take it!

The appearance of women was so unexpected that at first we were confused. The planes were too small to fit everyone. There was no hope of repeating the flight.

And the Nazis turned around for a new attack. Women surrounded the commander's plane and waited for an answer. The children stopped crying. The fate and life of these people depended on one of his words. It was impossible to delay for a minute.

Ship quickly! Rubtsov ordered.

Mothers began to put their children on airplanes. When the machines were loaded to the limit, the engines roared. One after another, the planes lifted off the ground and soared upwards. When we gained altitude, the Nazis left the road alone and attacked us.

The machine-gun burst hit the cockpit of Tamara Nosko. The plane was thrown up and it began to roll on its side.

What happened to you? asked Rubtsov over the radio.

Wounded in the head... Blood floods the face... I can't see anything...

Hold on, Tamara! the commander tried to cheer her up. - Listen to me carefully. Follow all my instructions. Take a little to the left... so... good girl...

Tamara performed the maneuver. And the enemies again and again came in to attack and now fell upon Rubtsov.

Vasya! I screamed with all my might. — Messer from above, on the left.

Damn! he suddenly cursed.

What's the matter, commander?

Injured. Lead Tamara, I would now sit down myself.

Suddenly, our fighters appeared. The Nazis noticed them and did not dare to take the fight, flew away.

I don't know how we got there. When I landed Tamara's car and sat down myself, I immediately rushed to Nosko's plane. She had already been carefully pulled out of the cockpit and placed in the shadow of the wing. Children were dropped off and taken aside.

The pilot was breathing a little, her eyes were closed. I leaned over her.

Tom? Tom? I called softly.

She opened her eyes and looked around us all with a strange, jubilant look.

Guys! she spoke slowly. How do you want to live...

And quieted down. Forever and ever.

Barely alive, Vasily Rubtsov was immediately sent to the hospital. He died on the second day.

I look at the photograph of my father and whisper words of gratitude to those people who saved the world from fascism.

On Victory Day, the father will definitely put on his military awards, take his granddaughter and go with her to the monument to the Soviet soldiers who fell during the Great Patriotic War. When they come to sacred place, Natasha will give the flowers to her grandfather, and he alone will go further to the Eternal Flame with a slow gait. I see how his hands tremble, how hard every step is given to him. He will come to the Memorial, carefully place the flowers on a marble slab, on which the names of the heroes burn in golden letters. Then he will go down on one knee, bow his gray head and mournfully be silent. And he will be in his thoughts where his fighting friends lie, who are not around, but who always live in his heart.

And this story was written by Alexander Vasilyevich Donchak, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. He is visiting us today.

Guys, what was your most memorable moment?

Would you be able to get away from your moms?

What would you do in this situation?

Lead 1.

Votes: 153

For modern children and adolescents Great Patriotic War is a distant story. In preserving the memory of generations, literature about the war remains one of the sources that forms historical consciousness and a sense of patriotism. And the usual words “patriotic education” will be filled with lively, real content: good literary texts, memories, conversations about the history of our Motherland and individual human destinies, and the sparkle of children's eyes.

In May, we will all celebrate Victory Day. Many families have their own heroes, participants in the Great Patriotic War, whose memory is carefully preserved by grateful descendants. There are fewer living eyewitnesses who can tell us about it. But we have books and many of them are truthful and interesting. We must read them in order to preserve the memory, the memory of the heroic past.

An hour of simultaneous loud reading of the best works about the war, written for children and adolescents, helps the participants feel like part of one big country in which everyone is responsible for everything; to realize the importance of preserving the memory of the present and future generations about the turning points in the history of the Fatherland, to instill a sense of patriotism and love for the Motherland.

Children's Department of the Central City Library, City Children's Branch, Avangard, Aleksandrovsky, Borisovsky, Bunyrevsky, Michurinsky, Popovsky, Senevsky, Spas-Koninsky, Shelepinsky rural branches of MBUK "ACBS" named after. Prince G.E. Lvov became participants in the International Campaign "We read to children about the war", timed to coincide with the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

All participants of the Action determined in advance works for reading aloud and organized exhibitions of literature about the Great Patriotic War.

On May 4, 2016 at 11.00 at the same time in all institutions participating in the Action, the best literary and artistic works about the Great Patriotic War were read aloud to children. The hosts of the Action spoke about the significance of the Victory Day, about the feat of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War. In tribute to the memory of the fallen heroes, a minute of silence was declared. Then began reading aloud works of art.

AT City children's branch for pupils kindergarten № 21 senior group(teacher Tonoyan G.A.) the book exhibition “We read books about the war in order to Know! Remember! Be proud! and read aloud books on the events of 1941-1945. and the great feat of our people.

The children listened to stories from the series “Grandfather’s Medals” “For the Capture of Koenigsberg”, which were read to them by the librarian of the reading room G.V. Shkolnikova, as well as the stories of E. Vorobyov “The Last Shots”, V. Bogomolov “For the Defense of Stalingrad”. Galina Vladimirovna told the children that soldiers were awarded medals not only for their heroic deeds in the war, but also for their valiant work in the rear. The children learned about this from the book by V. Voskoboynikov "In the city on the Kama". The reading took place in the form of a conversation-dialogue, at the end of each read story, young readers, together with the librarian, summed up the discussion about the works they had listened to.

At the end of the event, preschoolers K. Gomzyakova and I. Dairov read the poems “We need peace”, “My Russia” and sang a song about Russia in chorus. Preschoolers donated drawings to the library for May 9 - Victory Day!

AT Children's Department of the Central City Library Pupils of the State Educational Institution "Aleksinskaya School" took part in the Action.

At the beginning of the event, the children were told about this great holiday - Victory Day, about the Action taking place throughout Russia, in which they are also participants. Then the students were read the story of Anatoly Mityaev "Night blindness". After that, they were asked questions, to which the library staff received competent and correct answers.

Also, the students were presented with an overview of the books placed at the exhibition-memory “The war ended long ago”. The children looked at the books with great pleasure. But most of all, the guys liked to be photographed in a real soldier's helmet.

At the end of the event, the children were presented with St. George ribbons.

AT Avangard rural branch for school students, a poem by Konstantin Simonov “Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of the Smolensk region ...”, a fragment from the book by V.D. Uspensky "Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya", Valentin Kataev "Son of the Regiment", several short stories from N. Khodz's book about Leningrad "The Road of Life", a fragment from the adventure story "The Birdhouse in which the starlings did not live" by Kamil Ikmarov.

A reading competition dedicated to the Great Patriotic War was held among children at the Aleksandrovskaya secondary school. After summarizing the results, the manager Alexandrovsky rural branch invited students of middle school age to take part in the campaign “Reading to children about the war”. The book by E. Ilyina "The Fourth Height" was chosen for reading.

After an introductory talk about the war, O.Yu. Telnova read a chapter from the book "Asya", and after reading she asked the guys questions and talked about what she had read. The children took an active part in the conversation and answered questions.

In conclusion, the head of the library congratulated all those present on the upcoming holiday and invited the children to the library to choose their favorite book about the Great Patriotic War for reading.

Borisov rural branch held a loud reading campaign “Reading to children about the war” for students of the Borisov school. Before reading literary work The librarian told the children about memorable date, about the duty of people to the people who gave us the world.

The Great Patriotic War left a deep mark on literature. At the beginning of the war, at a rally of Soviet writers, the following words were heard: "Every Soviet writer is ready to give everything: his strength, all his experience and talent, all his blood, if necessary, to give to the cause of the holy people's war against our Motherland." Writers went on the attack, performed feats, froze in the trenches and wrote, wrote, wrote. In their works we see hatred for the enemy, camaraderie, love and loyalty, the suffering of the people.

The librarian read to the children excerpts from the poem by Alexander Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin". This work was written by Tvardovsky during the war. It greatly supported the morale of the soldiers. The children listened attentively the protagonist Vasily Terkin - a courageous and responsible soldier, overcame all difficulties. In the “Crossing” chapter, he bravely swims across an icy river and reports: ... Allow me to report ... The platoon on the right bank is alive - healthy to spite the enemy! But Vasily not only fights, he dances, sings, plays. In the chapter "Accordion" he catches up with his squad after being wounded and met tankers on the way, whom he fascinated with his game.

Everyone liked the smart, cheerful soldier, about whom Tvardovsky said:

“... Now serious, now funny,
No matter what rain, what snow -
In battle, forward, into the pitch fire,
Russian miracle - a man ... "

Listening to the story of Evgeny Lysov "Sniper", the guys got acquainted with the sniper Mikhail Lysov, who, due to the fact that he had beautiful handwriting, conducted office work in the company. And although he wrote no more than fifteen minutes a day, in the company he was called a clerk. Lysov did not like this position very much and the nickname too. But once he became famous for shooting down a German Junkers with three shots from a semiautomatic device. And since then, no one in the company called him a clerk, a new nickname "anti-aircraft gunner" was assigned to Lysov.

AT Bunyrevsk rural branch the stories of A. Mityaev "A bag of oatmeal" and V. Oseeva "Kocheryzhka" were read (the book "Stories about the war", 2015 edition). Loud reading was accompanied by a review and discussion of the works. An exhibition of patriotic literature was prepared for users. At school, students read about the hero of the Soviet Union - G. G. Nikolaev, our fellow countryman (the book “Their high feat is immortal”, 1983 edition).

On May 4 at 11 o'clock Moscow time, students of grades 1-3 of MBOU "Pushkinskaya secondary school No. 22" joined the VII International Campaign "Reading to children about the war" - 2016.

Employee Michurinsky rural branch the children were read the story of Konstantin Simonov "Baby", from which the children learned about the fragile, but brave seventeen-year-old military assistant Marusa, who, at the cost of incredible efforts, delivered the wounded soldiers to the hospital.

The children liked the story. They expressed their admiration for the brave sister of mercy, joined in a debate on the question: “Was one of them able to fulfill his professional duty in the same way as the heroine of the story did?”

At the end of the Action, the librarian of the branch wished the children to read more books about the Great Patriotic War.

Popovsky rural branch also took part in the International Campaign "We read to children about the war." On this day, with the children of the senior group of the kindergarten "Popovka" (teacher Nemirovskaya I.V.), the librarian held a loud reading of K. Paustovsky's story "The Adventures of the Rhinoceros Beetle", first talking about the upcoming holiday - Victory Day, about the Mass Grave, which is located in the center of the village, where the soldiers who died during the liberation of the village of Popovka from the Nazi invaders are buried.

The children listened with interest to the story about the gift the boy Styopa gave to his father when he went to war. This is a beetle - a rhinoceros, which went through the whole war with Styopa's father and once in battle even saved him from death. After the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, the rhinoceros beetle, together with Peter Terentyev, Styopa's father, returned to their native places.

After reading the story, the librarian asked the children to remind what holiday we will celebrate on May 9, to remember interesting places from the story. Children - future schoolchildren, already answered questions with confidence. Ahead of them is a visit to the Mass Grave, laying flowers at the monument.

May 4 employee Senevsky rural branch and students of the 7th grade of the Senev school remembered the courage and heroism, steadfastness and selflessness of the defenders of our country and took part in the Action "Reading to children about the war."

Boris Polevoy's story "The Last Day of Matvey Kuzmin" was chosen for joint reading. This story can be called a documentary. It is based on real events. B. Polevoy, as a war correspondent for the Pravda newspaper, was told about them by the inhabitants of one of the villages that ended up in the territory occupied by the Germans.

The children listened with interest to the story and shared their impressions. We thought about what, in their opinion, patriotism, heroism, feat, drew a parallel between the feat of Matvey Kuzmin and Ivan Susanin.

Employee Spas-Koninsky rural branch introduced preschoolers to the work of Susanna Georgievskaya "Galina's mother". The event began with an introductory talk about a significant event, which is celebrated on May 9th. Then the work was read to the children. In conclusion, a discussion was held about what was read.

AT Shelepin Library On May 4, the action "Reading books about the war" took place.The motto of the action was the words of E. Asadov:
And walking for high new,
Remember that every hour
Always look with faith and love
Follow you those who died for you.

The war has become the property of history, but the memory of it is alive. You can only remember what you know. Unfortunately, there are fewer witnesses, eyewitnesses of this war next to us, and books are becoming the main keepers of this sacred memory. It is the books that will not let us forget who and at what cost won the most terrible war of the 20th century. If we read books about the war, we will have something to remember.

Reading aloud is a universal opportunity to help young readers uncover the full depth of the text, and let them draw conclusions for themselves.

Tatiana Kolesnikova
Scenario and reading plan of the action "Reading to children about the war"

Scenario and reading plan of the Action "We read to children about the war" in 2015. MBOU Chertkovskaya secondary school №2

Goals and objectives: to form students' ideas about the duty, courage, heroism of the children of the Great Patriotic War: to help realize the high nobility of the feat; reveal the essence of heroism. To instill patriotic readiness to defend their homeland, respect for the historical past.

1. Song from the movie "Officers". Performed by 7th grade students.

On May 7, our school joined the International Campaign "Reading Children about the War". The action is timed to the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Peacefully the country woke up

On this June day.

Just turned around

In the squares of her lilac.

Rejoicing in the sun and the world,

Morning met the country ...

Suddenly spread through the air

The country immediately recognized

In the morning on our doorstep

The war broke out.

May 9, Victory Day is a holiday with tears in your eyes! 70 years have passed since that memorable day. Children born after the war have already become adults, and they have already had their own children. And the war is gradually becoming a thing of the past, becoming a page in the history books. Why do we remember it again and again?

4 years. 1418 days. 34 thousand hours.

And 27 million dead compatriots.

27 million dead. Do you imagine what it is? If a moment of silence is declared for each of the 27 million people who died in the country, the country will be silent. 43 years! 27 million. For 1418 days - this means 13 people died per minute. That's what 27 million means!

Poets and prose writers managed not only to depict the horrors of the war years, but also to express the emotional system, the feelings of the defenders of the Motherland.

A. Tvardovsky. The military theme is one of the main themes of A. Tvardovsky's work. The poet went through the whole war. Drafted into the Red Army in 1939, he was a private, then a war correspondent. His numerous essays, the poem "Vasily Terkin", poems written at the front, received national recognition. To tell about the terrible war is the sacred duty of A. Tvardovsky, and he must certainly fulfill it. In the post-war period, the theme of memory, responsibility, repentance before the fallen soldiers becomes the main one in the poet's work.

2. A. Tvardovsky. "Tankman's Tale". Reading Zaika Anastasia, student of 6 A class.

3. Nastya Grigorieva "Vasily Terkin". 6th grade student.

Children and war. It is hard to imagine anything more opposite.

Children represent joy and tenderness - life itself. They should not experience the tears and sorrow brought by the war.

The war fell on children as well as adults, with bombs, hunger, cold, separations. Children were at the forefront of the life of the entire warring people. They will survive - the people, their history, ideals, future will survive.

4. The song "Children of War". Performed by 6th grade students.

Maya Rumyantseva was born in Moscow. Her childhood was difficult - it coincided with the Great Patriotic War. After graduating from the fifth grade, the future poetess had to go to work and continue her education at a school for working youth. She was a loader, a laboratory assistant. Studied at Timiryazev Academy, then at the Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky. The poem "The Ballad of the Gray-haired" brought her all-Union fame.

Sergei Alekseev. Born on April 1, 1922 in the village of Pliskov, Kiev province, in the family of a village doctor. Since ten years in Moscow. After school in 1940 he entered the aviation school. The war found him in a field camp near the border, but cadet Alekseev was seconded to the Orenburg flight school.

6. You will now hear an excerpt from Sergei Alekseev's book "From Moscow to Berlin." "Bronze ascended into the sky." A student of class 3 A Zvereva Sofia reads.

Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev - Russian Soviet writer and public figure. During the Great Patriotic War, Fadeev was a front-line correspondent for the Pravda newspaper. In 1945, he published his most famous work, the novel The Young Guard, which was awarded the Stalin Prize.

7. An excerpt from A. Fadeev's novel "The Young Guard". Monologue of Oleg Koshevoy "Mother's Hands". A student of class 6B, Polovinka Elina, reads.

Boris Vasiliev - Russian writer and playwright, laureate of the USSR State Prize. When the Great Patriotic War began, Boris Vasiliev went to the front as a volunteer in the Komsomol fighter battalion and was sent to Smolensk on July 3, 1941. He was surrounded and left it in October 1941. Then he was sent to the cavalry regimental school, and then to the machine-gun regimental school, after which he served in the 8th Guards Airborne Regiment of the 3rd Guards Airborne Division.

8. B. Vasiliev. "Not on the list." A student of the 7th grade Osipova Olga reads.

9. Vasilenko. "At the obelisk." A student of class 6 A Timofeeva Lilia reads.

Librarian. In memory of the Great Victory, put aside your affairs, read good book about war. Plunge into that dashing time, feel the breath of time, experience pain, anger, despair, delight, a feeling of love for all living things and the present together with the heroes of the books. Learn to overcome the irresistible, because that is what the generation that preceded us did, so we are lucky to live.

Presenter 1. The war has passed, the consolation has passed,

But pain calls out to people:

"Come on, people, never

let's not forget about it.

May her memory be true

Store, about this flour,

And the children of today's children,

And our grandchildren grandchildren.

Lead 2.

About 40 million Soviet people died. Guess what that means? This means - 30 killed per 2 meters of land, 28 thousand killed daily. This means - every fourth inhabitant of the country died.

Lead 1.

Quiet, guys, a moment of silence

In the morning they met the sun,

Our peers are almost.

There are none among us

Who went to the front and did not return.

Let's remember through the centuries, through the years,

About those who will never come again.

Let's remember!

(Video clip. Minute of silence)

Presenter 1. Let there be no war ever!

Let peaceful cities sleep.

Let the sirens howl

Doesn't sound over my head.

Let not a single shell burst,

None of them scribbles an automatic.

Let our forests announce

And let the years pass peacefully

May there never be a war!