Basic rules of communication with customers in the market. Effective communication with the client. The client came to the office

Proper communication with customers is the key to a successful business that is associated with sales. And we are talking not only about regular customers, but also about potential ones.

Rules for communicating with clients: features of communication

Strong and trusting relationships are created only through free, open communication. If, by the nature of your work, you need to constantly interact with different people, then simple communication is not enough, a professional skill is needed.

Proper communication with customers should aim to:

  • the client's connection with the organization was established (visited the store, arranged a meeting with a consultant);
  • customers felt comfortable during the meeting with the person selling the goods;
  • clients received comprehensive answers to their questions;
  • customers made purchases;
  • customers wanted to continue to cooperate with the organization and the seller.

A friendly smile, courtesy and an invitation to come back - these are not all the rules for communicating with customers. The system of interaction with the buyer includes: all the possibilities of informing about the product, its significance for the consumer, service and motivation for sales growth.

In order to communicate effectively with customers, you need to learn the basic techniques for interacting with consumers during personal sales and always adhere to them in your work activities.

Phrases that are forbidden to say to the client: memo

One phrase of the seller can cause doubts in the client. For example, a person contacts a company with a specific request, and the manager stops him with the phrase “I know what to offer you!”. The client will doubt and think: “I know what I need, but they impose another product on me. Don't be in a hurry to buy."

Find out what phrases sellers should be forbidden to say when communicating with customers and how to replace them, learn from the article of the electronic magazine "Commercial Director".

Expert opinion

Listen, understand and do not delay with the main

Konstantin Belov,

Head of PowerGuide, Moscow

I will tell you my rules of communication with clients.

1. Listen without interrupting. This skill can be called the most difficult and most important rule of effective communication. From the outside it seems that it will not be difficult to just listen and be silent. However, try to restrain yourself when they tell you a few minutes about long-known things. It is required to exercise constant control over oneself in order to listen to the client.

2. Delve into. It is important not only to listen and be silent when something is being told to you, but also to make an effort to understand what is being said. This is how you show that you support the client and are ready to solve his problem.

3. Directly indicate your interests. When communicating with clients, each side has its own goals, about which no one speaks directly, observing tact. Be sincere, but tactful, clarify the situation politely in order to save others and yourself from empty talk.

4. Do not pull with the main. You remember perfectly well how obnoxious speakers are who drive around in circles, delving into irrelevant details. This speaks of their fear to talk about the main thing and analyze the problem frankly. Such fear is understandable, however, there is very little chance that such a speaker will be heard to the end. Therefore, it is important to build communication with clients in such a way that first the main thing is discussed, and then the details (if they are necessary in principle).

5. Do not rise at the expense of interlocutors. The desire for self-affirmation during the meeting is natural and expected. But this should not be done with the help of interlocutors. There is no need to artificially catch up with thoughts about your uniqueness, it is better to be on the same level with the client. It is worth holding back for friends and relatives stories about your achievements that are not directly related to the case. And if the interlocutor inaccurately stated the quote during the conversation, it is impolite to correct him.

6. Rehearse. Try to pronounce the main remarks even before the conversation with the client begins. You can even record them on a voice recorder. When you listen to the recording, you will understand what can be changed - if you are objective, you will definitely find what to fix. In addition, you will feel much more confident during the negotiations if you pronounce key phrases aloud in advance.

Where and how should communication with customers take place

There are a huge number of ways to communicate with clients and just as many ways to express themselves in work. The main thing is to find for yourself those that will be closest to you. Proper communication with customers, taking into account their individual features- the guarantee of a profitable transaction.

  1. Individual negotiations.

Face-to-face communication with clients is a method that has long established itself as one of the most effective. Entrepreneurs say that there is nothing complicated here, you just need to be open, friendly and benevolent. The main thing is not to overdo it. It is necessary to behave sincerely, but not to go beyond the line separating goodwill from flattery. Clients feel this very well.

Let your client have their say. Find out about his opinion, desires, goals and use the information you heard in the presentation of your proposal.

  1. Individual calls.

It is also important to choose a personal approach to each. When you communicate with a client on the phone, you should not immediately focus on a business proposal, it is better to first ask about how the interlocutor is doing, how the weekend went (if your level of acquaintance allows it).

  1. Cold calls.

This method of attracting new customers is still very popular. You should not make direct sales during the first communication with the client by phone. Take the contact details of the prospective buyer, invite to a webinar or provide a link to the site.

  1. Use of e-mail for distribution.

E-mail helps to quickly convey the necessary information to the client. Create messages that are useful and focused on customer needs. Submit educational materials. Each letter must contain your contact and personal details.

The technique of communicating with a client using SMS messages gives quite a high degree feedback over a short period of time - over 30% of users give the opposite answer. But do not forget that messages are sent to those people who themselves provided you with contact information or attended a webinar / seminar.

  1. The site of the company.

Every self-respecting company has its own website. This is one of the most convenient and flexible means of communication. With it, you can add new information within a few seconds. He has endless possibilities.

Communicate with the client on the site, provide all the necessary information there. It is important to remember that the main function of the site is to sell, so you should actively use this tool.

  1. Webinars.

This method is currently very popular. The webinar allows you to visually see the product, and not just listen to stories about it.

When creating a webinar, it is not necessary to focus on general topics, it is better to talk about some narrow focus. For example, health common topic, but "how to lose weight quickly" and "prevention of cancer" are specific.

A webinar is a great opportunity for online communication with a client. It can be used to educate, care for, and provide the tools to accomplish common goals.

  • Customer communication standards: how to develop and implement

Expert opinion

Communication with a client by phone is a special art

Dmitry Brill,

one of the owners of the Briger agency, St. Petersburg

You have made a phone call to a potential client for the first time. He hears only your voice, but cannot see you. He doesn't have much time to waste on a stranger. Perhaps he will be cautious and distrustful in communicating with you. That is why before and during the conversation, you should use the rules of communication with customers:

  • Make a plan for several calls to your prospective clients at once. Take care of the most difficult ones first, and only then move on to the rest, it will be much easier. Maintain a calm, even tone of voice when speaking.
  • Stand while talking. This position will allow you to feel and speak more confidently and convincingly.
  • Stay close to a mirror. Smile when interacting with clients. So you release the internal tension.
  • Do not forget about regional specifics. For example, most people are sure that arrogant people live in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In other regions, they treat calls more simply and will not abruptly interrupt the conversation, saying that they are not interested in the offer. That's the best place to get recommendations.

How to develop customer communication standards

To retain loyal customers and increase sales, implement customer communication standards in your company. The article of the electronic magazine "Commercial Director" will help you to do this.

: 6 useful tips

By focusing on customer satisfaction, you are able to go towards your goal. We offer six communication tips. They help you communicate effectively with your customers.

No. 1. Determine customer needs.

What does the client want? How does he benefit from your services? Before you take action, first find the answers to these questions. After understanding his needs, act in such a way as to satisfy them with your service.

No. 2. Satisfy the customer's needs.

In your speech, use positive statements, focus on what you will do when the client agrees to cooperate. Do not use the words: "maybe", "I'll try", "I don't know". They will show you as an insecure person who is unlikely to be able to really help with anything.

No. 3. Any doubts? Check it out!

If you really don't know how to answer the client, then use the following phrase: "Let me clarify this." After that, find out when you can answer and keep your promise. So, to satisfy the client's needs (in the example above, the need for accurate information), convince him that you can provide the right answer.

No. 4. Use neutral expressions.

The manager's communication with clients should be in a clear and understandable way. plain language. Do not fill your speech with abbreviations, quotes, technical terminology, talk about the company charter and be a walking encyclopedia. Clients do not need to know the subtleties at all, for this there is you. Build your speech so that they feel comfortable, know that they are welcome. Explain all terms simply and clearly.

No. 5. Less promises, more action.

It is important to serve customers and fulfill the promises made to them on time or even earlier. To make fewer promises and more deeds, figure out what time frame you need to fulfill the request. It is better to add a few more days to the deadline so that there is time to spare.

Don't miss out two moments:

  • think about how long you can fulfill the request before you take it;
  • finish everything to the end, keeping your promise, or warn in advance that you are not on time and offer some kind of compensation for this.

No. 6. Solve problems with the result.

The ability to perform high-quality services is manifested during problem situations. They help determine why customers are drawn to you. How do you solve these problems? If during communication with clients you focus on solving problems, then tell about the stages of overcoming issues that concern them.

  • 6 principles for building trust with clients

How the psychology of communication with customers will help build a dialogue

Psychological moments help create effective communication between the client and the buyer. With their help, you can evaluate whether a person will make a purchase, whether he will be satisfied with it or leave you empty-handed.

Effective communication with clients: when the seller found out the name of the buyer (he asked if he introduced himself or somehow), he needs to mention the name of the interlocutor in the dialogue. After all, the most pleasant thing that each of us hears is our own name.

In the case when the seller heard the name of the buyer, but is not sure exactly, you should ask him to repeat, there is nothing to worry about.

Listen carefully to the client. In any dialogue, whether it is communication with regular customers or potential ones, you need to learn how to listen. Allowing the buyer to satisfy this need, you win him over. He is more willing to make a purchase.

If the client wants to tell details from his personal life, he should be allowed to do so. It is possible that such a monologue can take a long time, the main thing is to carefully then turn the conversation towards a specific goal - making a purchase.

Simple but effective rules for communicating with customers

Rule 1

Starting to communicate with the client, you must understand the degree of his competence. The sooner you identify it, the more useful your conversation will be. No need to use complex phrases if the client does not really understand what you are talking about. This approach will only push him away from communicating with you.

Find out what type of buyer you are and stick to the appropriate model when communicating with them.

« Difficult client »- a buyer who does not understand what he wants to buy and does not want to enter into a dialogue. When communicating with him, it is better to abandon the terminology, use simple language. To maintain communication, ask such questions that he involuntarily gives a positive answer to them.

"Know-It-All"- a customer who is well versed in the purchased product. He may ask questions that even you can hardly find an answer to. When dealing with such clients, it is better not to rush. Take full control of your thoughts, think through your speech in great detail and provide a detailed answer.

« Dozing Client"- a buyer who is not focused on buying and is not going to buy anything. Communication with this type of customers looks like this: either transfer yourself in a conversation with him to the moment when he wants to make a purchase, or try to wake him up. Try asking a few questions that will require a monosyllabic answer on his part. Then praise and continue to communicate with moderate compliments.

« Running Client" This client always has a lot to do and little time. He does not enter into a dialogue with the seller, referring to the lack of time. Ask when he will have a free minute, and arrange a call. You must call at the specified time. Such clients are very punctual and demand the same from others.

Rule 2

Don't force yourself to buy. Build communication with customers so that they themselves want to buy something from you.

Rule 3

Honesty is the key to a successful dialogue with the client.

Rule 4

Be punctual and keep business communication with the client.

Rule 5

During a dialogue with a difficult client who insults you, threatens, etc., interrupt the conversation and explain that you are not going to continue to communicate in this form. But in no case do not choose the same communication model.

Rule 6

At the end of your interactions with clients, always say thank you for the attention and time spent on you.

  • Effective work with clients: what will not be useful in a crisis?

Expert opinion

Communication rules apply to internal customers as well

Natalya Modina,

employee of the company "Action-digital"

Not all employees of our company are in contact with external clients. However, the service must be at the highest level for each of them. We ourselves act as internal customers while communicating with employees of other departments or carrying out partners' orders. Thus, in order to get an excellent result, you need to build the same relationships with colleagues as with the most priority client.

First communication with a client

What should be perfect first communication with the client? Naturally well thought out!

Preparation for the conversation is divided into two stages:

  • information,
  • organization.
  1. In the information stage, the main task is to collect all the necessary information about the participant in the conversation:
  • Information about the activities carried out by the client company.

We find information through the media and the Internet. In the case when you are not intimately familiar with the client's business, make inquiries, read relevant articles so that communication with a potential client is comfortable. Try to memorize or memorize the pronunciation of specific meanings.

  • Detailed information about the client company.

The basis of the data source is the company's website. We get acquainted with the structure of the company, the full name of the executives (directors, heads of departments), company news, the range of goods / services available for general study by price lists.

  • Information about direct competitors.

Check out the offers and prices of competitors. Think of a motivational phrase: "You'd better buy from us than from others, because ..."

  • Information about the goods / services that you want to offer to the buyer.

Prepare in advance documents for business communication with the client: a list of services provided / products sold, examples of contracts, price lists, and, of course, do not forget about the general commercial offer if the client wants to review your offer again after the conversation.

If you can use a computer during the conversation, prepare a presentation. So the client will learn the information visually. Plus, graphics and pictures are easier to perceive than speech. Focus on examples of your own sales, they will increase your rating in the eyes of the client.

  1. organizational stage.

The main goal of this stage is to create external conditions to communicate effectively with clients. There are no trifles here, so think in advance:

  • Meeting point.

Of course, having settled down on your territory, you will feel more confident, however, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the meeting is fruitful in the first place. When choosing a location, keep the following tips in mind:

  1. When making an appointment in your own office, make sure that you have a separate office for communication with a potential client. This will show your businesslike approach to the conversation, and people and extraneous noise will not interfere with the meeting.
  2. In the case when your office is not so presentable that you would like to hold meetings there, or the client offers a neutral territory, then find a small cozy coffee shop or rent a meeting room in a business center or hotel. The place and status of the client must be equivalent. When choosing, pay attention to the fact that it can be easily found. When choosing a time for negotiations, stop at when there are not too many people around, so that there are no extraneous noises. Most likely, it will be uncomfortable for the client to have a conversation with you, for example, at McDonald's.
  3. Try not to schedule negotiations at lunchtime in cafes, restaurants and bars. You will be constantly lost, either distracted by food, or waiting for your partner to chew and express his opinion on the issue. Moreover, when you first see a person, you run the risk of not guessing with his tastes and preferences, you can choose a restaurant that is too expensive or cheap, an unloved cuisine, etc.
  • Resources.

Necessary set of things, which the manager takes to build the right communication with clients includes:

  • business cards;

The business card should have short info about you: company name, full name, position, addresses and telephone numbers where you can be contacted, e-mail and address of your office. When choosing a design, favor simple layouts. The main thing is that the words are easy to read, it was good quality the paper has a pleasant font color for the eyes. It is better to take more business cards to the meeting, because you will never guess whether the client will be alone or with business partners.

  • diary with multiple pens;
  • advertising brochures about your company;
  • sheets of blank paper to record for the client, if necessary. It happens that for some reason the client forgets his diary. Since it is not etiquette to tear out sheets from your notebook, blank sheets will come in handy for this;
  • the entire list of documents (agreement, questionnaire, application form) in case you need to sign an agreement;
  • communication equipment (tablet, laptop, mobile phone) that supports Internet access.
  • Your appearance

If you can find out what style of clothing your client prefers, then try to look similar. In the case when there are no reliable sources of information, stick to the classical style. Instead of a shirt, you can use a thin sweater or turtleneck to emphasize the friendly spirit of the meeting. Trousers to change to dark jeans strictly cut. Everything should be restrained and tasteful.

You have come to negotiate with a client. What are the next actions?

  1. Come in, say hello and introduce yourself.

Use any form for a polite greeting and refer to the interlocutor by name and patronymic. Do not forget to introduce yourself: name, position and company in which you work. If the interlocutor is the first to offer you a handshake, do not refuse. However, never take the initiative, as it must come from the cabinet owner. Try to keep the greeting calm and confident at the same time. Don't be overzealous like salespeople on the subway. You don't need it when dealing with clients.

  1. Exchange business cards.

Etiquette rules say that you need to pass a business card from hand to hand. In the event that the client fails to take your business card, then put it on the table in front of him. Having received a business card from a client, we look at the data, and then put it in a business card holder or leave it in front of us. Treat your client's business cards with care, so you show your attitude towards him.

  1. Settle down at the table.

When you are in the client's office, and he has not offered you a seat, then ask yourself where you can sit. In the case where no man's land is being used, sit down without being asked. The most optimal place for negotiations is on the side of the interlocutor, on the opposite side from the corner of the table. Naturally, if communication with customers is conducted on your territory, then invite the guest to sit down yourself. For the duration of the negotiations, turn off your mobile phone or use call forwarding services. The client can also be politely warned about such a need.

  1. Start a conversation on a neutral topic.

Going straight to the point, you move away from the interlocutor, creating a tense atmosphere. It is quite difficult to start productive communication when they start talking about solving important issues from the threshold. You may get the impression that you don't have much time and you want to get everything done quickly and leave. Perhaps this approach will be unpleasant for the client. There are certain stages of communication with the client that must be followed. For example, first talk on some distant topic. The main thing is that the chosen topic should not be too ordinary and boring. Do not talk about political, religious, age or sports preferences. It will be great if you make a neutral compliment to the client's company, and then ask some kind of unobtrusive question. For example, “Nikolai Nikolaevich, you have long been recommended to me as an excellent specialist in the field of financial analytics. Do you think the dollar will fall in the near future?

  1. Get to the heart of the matter.

Now is the time to get in touch with the potential client. Ask him to tell you more about the company. At this stage, he gives answers to the questions you asked, and after commenting on them a little, you continue on with the next question. Use situational questions first. This will help determine how the client's business is going. After situational, smoothly move on to problematic issues. Then find out what the client will do when they know it occurs (action question) and how they are prepared to deal with it (predictive question). After the client outlines a solution to the problem, ask a value question. It will allow you to learn about the required costs for the solution and understand what measures will be taken to reduce them. At the end there should be an informational question. His task is to find out how your companies can jointly cope with the problem.

In the course of positive personal communication with the client, you can move on to getting acquainted with the commercial offer, describing goods and services. Be careful not to overload the client with information. If you do not immediately have a specific solution, tell us in in general terms, clarify the needs and problems of the interlocutor again, and then arrange a new meeting. On it you can discuss all the details in more detail.

  1. At the end of the negotiations, thank you for your attention, once again turn up a new meeting.

After leaving the client's office, immediately outline the agreements received and the most important stages of the meeting. Do not postpone this matter, because some of the information will soon be forgotten.

  • The art of negotiation: how to achieve high results

How to keep in touch with a regular customer

There are two methods for increasing turnover: retaining existing customers and attracting new ones. Here will be described in more detail about how to retain old customers. Why do you need to do this?

Is it worth keeping old customers?

Imagine that new customers are flowing like a river. If everything satisfies them, then most likely they will return. However, you will never guess what interested them and when they will return again. In addition, to attract one potential client, you need to put in 5 times more effort than when working with regular ones.

On "you" and by patronymic.

Think about the next figure: modern man daily receives 3000 advertising messages!

You can try to go through the wall, or you can choose a different direction. In order not to go ahead, you should learn about the needs of each client and personally address the problem. You will need to get a phone number from the interlocutor and agree on periodic SMS notifications. With the help of mailing services, you can individually address each client.


Many businessmen have a fear of SMS mailings, because:

  1. There is no faith in the work of SMS mailings.
  2. They think that people are annoyed by advertising SMS.
  3. They have no idea where to get the base.
  1. Mailing lists via SMS have long established themselves as an excellent system for communicating with customers. However, you need to know how to use them correctly.

One example:

An auto parts store in the city of Podolsk sent an SMS with a 15% discount offer on Ford parts. The message reached 450 users, 14 of whom visited the store and purchased auto parts worth 56,000 rubles. The advertising campaign cost 432 rubles.

That is, using someone else's database is illegal. It's pretty easy to create your own though. Most effective method- issue a discount card in exchange for a questionnaire with filled in data about the buyer. In 2-3 months you will have your own database of numbers with which you can work continuously.

To come to you, you need to invite guests.

Call to your office, offer gifts, discounts, give a good mood.

Company Information

PowerGuide LLC. Field of activity: preparation of presentations and development of infographics, consulting and training in visual communication and presentations. Number of staff: 7. Total number of presentation slides created: more than 10,000.

OOO "Bridger. Field of activity: organization of business meetings, congresses, conferences and press conferences, presentations, seminars, trainings, incentive tours, team building programs, corporate holidays. Location: St. Petersburg. Key clients: Northwestern Academy public service, a company of the ING Group.

Action-Digital LLC. Type of activity: creation of electronic products for accountants - Glavbukh System (, for personnel officers - Personnel System (, for lawyers - Lawyer System ( ; a reference system for financial managers is being developed. Number of staff: 281. Number of users: over 33 thousand.

Online chat, phone calls, e-mail correspondence and other ways of communication are the first assistants in the efficiency of the sale of goods. It depends on the correctness of the negotiation whether the potential buyer becomes the client who placed the order. The methods and rules of communication by various means of communication are largely similar. A detailed and thorough analysis of each type will help you navigate the construction of an algorithm for other types of hilling clients.

Why do we need rules for communicating with customers

A trusting and long-term relationship of a tandem seller-buyer is created through open, easy, free communication. The ability to interest a client is the first step to the fact that he will not only pay attention to the proposed product or service, but also make a purchase. Therefore, communication skills should not remain at the usual household level.

Professional communication is always aimed at:

  • prompt communication - contacts, online chat button, phone numbers of different mobile operators and the like;
  • the comfort of a potential buyer - the client should feel as comfortable as possible, freely and naturally while communicating with a manager, consultant, seller;
  • stimulation of the completion of the transaction - unobtrusive pushing a doubting customer to make a purchase;
  • the desire to return and recommend to friends - the enthusiasm of the buyer leads to more and more new orders.

Using the principles of proper communication with customers leads to the interest of the audience and, as a result, increased sales. Regardless of the method of communication (phone calls, e-mail correspondence, sending SMS), one should adhere to the general canons of building interaction with potential customers.

Basic rules for building communication:

  1. A clear negotiation plan, possibly with a preliminary rehearsal.
  2. Welcoming tone.
  3. Addressing a client by name.
  4. Listen. delve into. Respond promptly.
  5. Do not delay with the main "problem".
  6. Offer multiple options to choose from.
  7. Push for a quick definition with a purchase/order.
  8. Don't be overly intrusive.
  9. Thank and apologize in time (if necessary).
  10. Say goodbye so that you want to return and continue cooperation.

In addition to these rules, there are also those that are suitable exclusively for a particular type of communication. For example, the item “Listen. delve into. Respond promptly" is not appropriate for correspondence - out of three theses, it is really possible to leave only one "reply promptly".

Common mistakes in communicating with clients:

  • insufficient qualification of the consultant;
  • lack of a positive attitude and a “smile in the voice”;
  • self-confidence and familiarity;
  • fast/monotonous speech;
  • illiterate construction of sentences;
  • diction defects;
  • rare use/mispronunciation of the interlocutor's name;
  • obsession;
  • inattention;
  • slowness in responses;
  • doubt in the voice;
  • lack of identification of needs;
  • unwillingness to hear a negative answer from a potential buyer;

  • affecting political/religious/social aspects;
  • humiliation of the client;
  • ignoring voiced wishes;
  • frequent use of the pronoun "I";
  • questions/answers are not to the point;
  • long silence;
  • answering a question with a question;
  • forgetfulness and asking again;
  • conducting a conversation without a clear plan.

The most effective ways to communicate with clients

A personal meeting

Not suitable for all online stores, as The main advantage of online sales is minimizing the time spent by the client. If personal contact is unavoidable, then you need to take care of:

Telephone communication

Type of communication, subdivided into two subspecies: individual and cold calls.

Cold calls help to collect information about a potential client, as well as to interest him. It is very important to find the line that allows you to remain persistent with absolute visible unobtrusiveness. The main taboo of a cold call is an immediate offer to buy a product or service. It is better to limit yourself to information about the contact details of a potential client, and a little later (possibly using SMS or e-mail) continue further communication, invite to a webinar, interest in a sale, promotion.

Individual calls require the maximum return from the manager. In this type of communication, both the plan and the address by name, the ability to listen, and the timely sounding of profitable offers are important.

Indicative plan of communication by phone:

  1. Say hello, introduce yourself - the name of the company, position, name.
  2. Learn how to address the interlocutor - preferably the name and patronymic.
  3. Clarify the purpose of the call - listen to the end, do not interrupt.
  4. To do everything to help the client in the implementation of his plans or in solving the problems that have arisen - to speak as clearly as possible, explain the pros, cons and possible nuances regarding the product or services provided.
  5. Offer several options to choose from - naming each item, you should immediately highlight the benefits of the product.
  6. Help with the choice, dispel doubts, recommend, but do not impose. A potential buyer must be sure that the purchase is solely his choice.
  7. Push to place an order "here and now" by making a unique offer. Offer to purchase additional goods or related services.
  8. Thanks for the call.

Online chat

A pop-up window on the website of an online store attracts buyers who prefer to receive answers instantly. When using the online chat form, you should be prepared for the following:

  • you need to answer immediately, without missing a single question;
  • the pop-up window can annoy some individuals (it is recommended to set the appearance of the chat form approximately 40 seconds after the visitor enters the site);
  • questions do not always relate to the assortment of the online store;
  • you will have to use additional functionality (the ability to pay immediately in the online chat and the presence of "buttons" of social networks).

The disadvantage of chat is that it is almost impossible to keep a visitor if he does not want to. Sometimes questions and suggestions of consultants remain unanswered.


Communication with the client via email not the most best method conducting negotiations. The problem is that emails from online stores often end up in the spam folder. It is not always clear whether the message was read and, corny, the buyer may not have time to respond to the e-mail immediately, and then he completely forgets about the letter.

If it is the policy of the store to use email as one of the means of communication, you will have to follow the following rules:

  • personalization - the letter must be addressed to a specific person and in no case have signs of mass mailing;
  • the presence of a greeting (preferably using the name of the client);
  • maximum specifics - people get tired of reading long letters, so the essence should be stated literally in one or two paragraphs;
  • "Speaking" subject of the e-mail - the title must explain the main focus of the narrative.

Buyer psychology

All people are different - dry, concise communication may suit one, while others will have to dodge, introducing slippery jokes and not quite decent jokes.

Five of the brightest types of buyers:

  1. Know-it-all - a person who is categorically confident in his rightness and positioning themselves as professionals in any business. He is equally well versed in plumbing, furniture, wedding accessories, lingerie, and baby products. It is better not to argue with such personalities, and build all the objections quite carefully, carefully, with evidence. Otherwise, as soon as the know-it-all feels that pride and authority are hurt, he quickly retreats, abruptly interrupting communication.
  2. Bored - a customer wandering in doubt and not in the mood to buy. You can “hurt” and wake up the buyer with the help of suggestive, unobtrusive questions that require monosyllabic answers. It is really possible to incline to an unplanned order only by starting a confidential conversation.
  3. Hurry - always in a hurry buyer. Ready to buy anything, the main thing - promptly. If you do not take advantage of the moment, the client will leave forever. Toropyga does not care about the functional qualities of the goods, nor the beneficial aspects, nor the attractive offers. He has a specific amount that he is willing to spend on a specific product. Fast. Without delay. Right now. Therefore, communication should be reduced to the banal: “Hello. What do you want? The price is something. your check. Thank you for your purchase!"
  4. Gloomy - a person who is obviously dissatisfied. And it doesn't matter how attractive the product or service is and how pleasant and sociable the manager is - for a gloomy customer, everything will not be the way he wanted, dreamed, dreamed. In order not to miss a potential buyer, you will have to patiently answer questions and sell what he points his finger at. This category of clients, for all its gloominess and unpredictability, is one of the most grateful and devoted.
  5. The merry fellow is a customer who appears with a joke and leaves with a smile. Optimists are positive in desires and prompt in purchases. The main caveat in dealing with the "merry fellow" is not to stoop to familiarity and remember the subordination of the buyer / seller.

Confident communication with the buyer of an online store is a guarantee of effective sales. Using several communication options at the same time will help to interest and retain the buyer, thereby expanding the client base.

A well-constructed conversation during a phone call is the key to a good result. Perhaps a potential client will not agree to buy goods immediately and in your company, but he will remember the friendly attitude and professionalism of a specialist. Therefore, in order to leave the most favorable impression with the client, it is necessary to adhere to simple, at first glance, rules. Why exactly at first glance - now we will try to explain.

Answering an incoming call

Do not force the caller to listen to the beeps in the receiver, answer the maximum after the third. This is the best option. Answering after the first call is also not recommended: the interlocutor may have an erroneous opinion that you do not have clients, and you just do what you are sitting by the phone waiting for a miracle.

Voice intonation

A lot depends on the tone in which you communicate with the interlocutor. A person who does not have knowledge or experience in the field of activity of your company can bombard you with a huge number of elementary, in your opinion, questions. In this case, many employees have annoyed notes in their voices. Contrary to the general opinion that telephone communication can hide this, the interlocutor easily recognizes such intonation, and the desire to communicate with you further, as well as to cooperate with your organization, disappears altogether. Be patient, that's why you are a professional, to answer potential customers for all their questions.

Speakerphone and Call Hold

If you need to clarify a question, ask the interlocutor to wait and turn off the microphone. In each program (if the call is made through a computer) and on each telephone set there is such a function. The client does not need to listen to what you have going on. Firstly, information constituting a commercial secret can reach him, and secondly, personal communication between employees who may not be shy in expressions should not be heard by him either. Speakerphone will also not improve the quality of your conversation. Annoying extraneous noises and poor hearing will not have a positive effect on the conversation.

Predicting what the interlocutor might say

It's good if there is a conversation script in front of your eyes. It is even better if, in addition to the obligatory remarks of a company employee, it contains possible answers from a potential client to them. Having worked out possible objections several times, later the correct answers will come at an intuitive level, and, having felt doubt in the voice of the interlocutor, you will already know how to dispel it.


Here we are talking about your competence as a specialist. You should have a reasoned and precise answer ready for any question of the client.

open-minded attitude

If your potential client is a legal entity, it is unlikely that you will immediately get to the management on the first call. Most likely, either the secretary or another ordinary employee will answer you. But it is he who will form the first impression of you and pass on all the relevant information to the person responsible for making decisions. And on how exactly he will present it, in the future it will depend on whether you will have a new client or not.

Communication ethics

In addition to the basic rules for communicating with a potential client, there is such a thing as ethics. It includes at least simple recommendations, as in the previous case.


If you have the opportunity to call a person by name, by all means use it. The client appreciates individual treatment, this gives him the appearance that he stands out from the general flow of potential buyers. Wishing a person a good time of the day (depending on when exactly you are calling) also encourages mutual communication.


The caller needs to know if he got there. As well as when making an outgoing call, you must immediately indicate where exactly you are calling from. It would be optimal to name the organization and introduce yourself by name, so that the interlocutor's imagination personalizes you, and does not paint him a picture of an incubator.


It will be right if you inquire at the beginning of the conversation whether it is convenient for your interlocutor to speak. If you do not, be prepared for the fact that in the middle of your fiery speech, he may interrupt you and say that he is busy. It's good if you manage to call him again after some time, but even in this case, the whole script will have to be repeated again.


Be sure to check before you hang up if the interlocutor has any questions. If he understands everything, wish "all the best" or " good day"and feel free to end the conversation.

Stages of communication with the client

The stages of communication with the client by phone are standard. Much here depends on the specifics of the service or product offered:

  • Greeting and location of the client to yourself. The more correctly you start the conversation, the more chances you will have to continue it.
  • Specification of the purpose of the call. It does not matter if it is an outgoing call or an incoming one, it is necessary to find out or identify the main issue around which communication will be built.
  • Presentation of a product or service. Focus the interlocutor's attention on the merits and unique features of your offer.
  • Work with objections. A stage that is almost never avoided. For the correct processing of objections, entire trainings are compiled and conducted and scripts are compiled, so it’s good if you have a cheat sheet at hand.
  • Make a deal. This stage is the goal of most outgoing calls. Bringing to it is the best result of your communication with the client.
  • Parting. Intonation during parting also plays a significant role. In case of success, you do not need to show excessive cheerfulness, so you will let the client know that this is all that was expected of him. His vivid imagination will instantly draw how you are sitting near the phone and cheerfully rubbing your hands. End the conversation in the same tone as you started it.

Features of psychology

Before trying to sell a product or offer a service to a customer over the phone, put yourself in their shoes. To what extent will your offer be interesting to him? What benefit will he get if he agrees to it? What doubts can the client have during the conversation?

In medium and large organizations, the practice of conducting psychological trainings is widespread. This helps to remove the barrier that many people have when making an outgoing call. Cold calling is a very thankless job. Most of them end with a refusal, and the employee forms the opinion that this type of activity does not suit him. Therefore, for the most part, psychological trainings are aimed at the development of employees. If the operator feels comfortable when making a call, the conversation will go easier and in an atmosphere of more ease than if he just reads the script from the sheet, afraid to insert an extra word.

Be that as it may, putting yourself in the place of the client means understanding his situation. In this case, it will be easier to explain to a potential buyer why your offer is the most beneficial for him. Ordinary persuasion will not bring results; arguments and the ability to confirm them are needed. Only in this way you can dispel the interlocutor's doubts about the obligation of a future acquisition.

What skills do you need to communicate

First of all, in order to be able to communicate with a client on the phone, communication skills are very important. Following them, an equally important point is stress resistance. Not always on the other end of the wire is an intelligent person who can politely refuse your offer. Sometimes the interlocutor may rudely say that he does not need your services or goods. You need to be ready for this from the very beginning and in no case take this manner of communication personally.

The ability to quickly assess the situation also plays an important role in the process of telephone communication with the client. If interest slipped into the interlocutor’s intonation, in addition (or instead) you can offer him to purchase related products. Sometimes it is the presence of an additional offer that plays a key role in making a positive decision.

1. Smile

It's free and it prolongs your life. And, perhaps, works most effectively. If you are on opposite sides of the computer, you can still smile at the client: in a friendly tone in a letter, website, social networks. Politeness is the key to any person, even the buyer of a concrete mixer! :)

Imagine that you are placing a shopping cart in your online store. In one case, the site says to the buyer “Thank you! We have received your order, today we will collect it and prepare it for shipment. Our courier will call you in advance to agree on the delivery time”, and in the second “Order No. 123 has been sent”. What do you think, what text is written with a smile?

2. Ask

Just do not try to ask the question “Do you have anything to suggest?” An emotional person might think to himself, “Am I blind? I can see everything!” Of course, he won't say it out loud, but he may get the impression that he was treated down in this store. The same with other phrases: "Help you?" - “Am I completely weak?”, “What interests you?” - “If I knew, I would immediately buy”, “Have you already chosen the right product?” “If you are in a hurry to sell me something, then I will go to another store where they will not press me.” Of course, we exaggerate a little, but you get the main idea. This also applies to online sales: intrusive pop-ups and direct messages repel rather than push to buy. It is better to ask for whom he buys the goods, specify the details of the order, packaging, delivery. Ask the buyer questions that he will be happy to answer.

3. Be hospitable

It's more complicated than it looks, although you can say: my salespeople or I myself are always friendly, what more do you need? But buyers always feel feigned politeness "for show", and distinguish it from true hospitality. Imagine that each of your clients is your old acquaintance, whom you have not seen for a long time. You will immediately feel a friendly attitude towards him, and it is difficult to hide him.

4. Ask for feedback

The client will gladly give you a couple of minutes to talk about what he likes about the product and what he would like to improve. The same with social networks: users are more willing to repost and answer questions under photos and videos if you directly ask them about it. So you can more effectively collect information about products and improve them.

5. Be proactive

Immediately report everything related to the order: terms, price, special delivery conditions, lack of a specific model in stock. Most orders in the store follow the beaten path: the person finds out the price, delivery and payment methods and then decides to buy or postpones it. Don't make him ask you for every detail.

6. Respect visitor decisions

Is it inconvenient for a client to communicate with you by phone during working hours and is it much easier to answer messages in a messenger? Fine! Don't miss out regular customer only because it is unusual for you to communicate with clients, for example, in Telegram.

7. Pay special attention to someone who doubts

The most common reason is price. A person thinks: “Is this product worth the money that is asked for it?”, But not everyone dares to openly say that it is expensive for him. Offer him a similar product, but cheaper, ask what expectations the buyer has from the purchase. Remember that the final decision is always with the buyer, so give him the opportunity to choose.

8. Don't rate the customer

Especially for appearance- He can be very deceiving. The worst thing is when the attitude of the seller to the buyer, his politeness and willingness to help directly depend on this. Be caring and attentive to any buyer - this will help to consolidate in him the desire to make a purchase from you.

No matter what you do, if you need to communicate with clients, you must always maintain a professional attitude and demeanor. This applies not only to what you say, but also to how you speak and behave. Talking to a client without proper tact and professional courtesy can result in your company losing a deal. Learning the rules of negotiation and how to deal with difficult clients will help you develop professional relationships and advance your career.


Part 1

Effective communication with the client

    Understand the needs of the client. You can find out what the customer wants by understanding his final vision, as well as his history. You need to have a clear understanding of how the current project or deal fits into your client's goals and personality. This will give you a better idea of ​​how important this issue is to your business partner.

    • Ask the right questions to understand what the customer wants. Be as precise as possible, and ask for precise and clear explanations in return.
    • For example, as an investment advisor, you might ask a client: "Are you willing to lose 10% of your investment to gain 20%?"
    • A lawyer might ask questions such as, "What is your ideal litigation outcome?" or "How aggressively do you want to communicate your position?"
  1. Be a good listener. The ability to listen has great importance in any business partnership. Take the time to really listen to the client. If you do not understand the importance of some aspect for your partner, then most likely you are not listening carefully or asking the wrong questions. Ask more specific questions and listen to what the client has to say.

    • Don't interrupt. Use neutral language to encourage the client to say more, such as "go on," "clear," "yes, I understand."
    • Maintain eye contact and take notes whenever possible.
    • Nod your head lightly and/or smile (if appropriate) to show that you are listening. Follow the thread of the conversation; smiling while a client is talking about losing money will not add points to you.
    • Rephrase what the client said to ask additional questions. For example, if a client says they are not happy with their current return, you could say, "I understand your dissatisfaction. What return do you expect from your investment?"
  2. Bring clarity. Clarity is vital important component your relationship with the customer. The client should always be provided with enough information to make informed decisions. If there is no clarity between you, then your partner will not be able to make the right decision and this will end in a loss of trust in you.

    • To do this, you need to use a language that your client will understand. If the customer is not familiar with the technical jargon, rephrase everything so that it becomes clear to him.
    • You need to clearly communicate your actions at each given stage, why you are doing it and what results you expect from it. If the client does not understand the rationale behind how your suggestions will help them, then your ideas will be rejected or supported with great reluctance.
    • Even minor changes, like delegating minor powers to your subordinate or colleague, can upset the client if they are not warned about it. Just tell the sanctuary in advance what you are doing and why.
  3. Document all customer relationships. Keeping a record of interactions with the customer is a very useful practice. This will help you if you need to provide your superiors with a report on the working time that you devoted to the client. It is also helpful to keep clear and professional records if the wildlife refuge requires proof regarding any of your business meetings.

    • Any interactions with a client should be documented, including face-to-face meetings, phone calls, voicemail messages, text messages, and email.
    • Write down the name of the client, the date (time if possible), the nature of the interaction, how long you talked, and the details of what each party said.
    • It is also helpful to send a confirmation letter with your understanding of the agreements reached during the communication, the time frame and the final product. This is another way to make sure you and your customer are talking about the same thing.

    Part 2

    Customer Relations
    1. Be professional all the time. No matter how you interact with a client, you must remain professional in every way. This includes how you conduct a conversation, what you say and how you behave with a customer.

      • Don't be too familiar. Remember that you are communicating with a business partner, not a friend - do not use obscene language, do not make inappropriate jokes, do not use emoji in text correspondence with a client.
      • Always double-check grammar and spelling. Mistakes that are too conspicuous can confuse the recipient and look unprofessional.
      • Ask about the client's personal life only if he himself shared some information. Do not interfere in other people's affairs and do not be too familiar. Balance can be found through trial and error.
      • Use polite and appropriate phrases, such as: "Good to see you. How was your weekend?"
      • Avoid divisive or inappropriate topics such as politics, religion, social issues, and romantic adventures.
    2. Be proactive. Failure to be proactive can frustrate the client and ultimately ruin your professional relationship. Always try to be the first to start a correspondence, especially if there is any news that your customer will certainly want to know about.

      • Don't wait for a client to call you with news that directly affects their business. You must tell him about it yourself, and then he will appreciate you. Constantly scan news feeds in search of valuable information.
        • At the same time, do not spread rumors, unless it affects the value of your client's assets. Check your source before contacting a client.
      • You must have your own opinion about the events that you report to your client. It must be clear and unshakable.
      • For example, if a client is not sure which stock exchanges to invest in, you might say, "Based on your desired return level and risk limit, I think you should consider ______ because ______."
      • Or, if you are a doctor, you should contact the patient if the results of his research are ready or you have learned about a new treatment for his disease.
    3. Respect the client's time. Even though you need to keep in touch with your business partners regularly, don't take too much of their time. In general, unless the client requires more time or there is a need for closer attention to the situation caused by high blood pressure per customer, most phone calls should last no more than 10-15 minutes.

      • Do not call clients for idle chatter. They're just as busy as you are, so keep your communication professional unless you're keeping in touch outside of work.
    4. Ask clients for their ideas and opinions. Each time you discuss a new case, ask partners what they think of the information you shared. You must speak your mind about what you discuss with clients. Get their opinion on the information provided to see if your views match.

      • Recognize and respect the client's opinion. Even if you don't agree with him, say "Yes, I understand what you mean."
      • If you are sure that the client is wrong or that this will cause a major mistake or a significant loss of money, do not be afraid to say so.
      • Don't tell the client they're wrong just to get them defensive. Instead, ask questions like, "Have you considered ______?" or "What if ______ happens?"
      • Or, for example, a lawyer may ask if the client understands the measures being taken and agrees with the tactics chosen.
    5. Pay attention to body language. Body language can reveal many emotions, whether you realize it or not. This can be to your advantage as you can read the client's body language, but your own gestures can also give away your intentions.

      Be mindful of your tone and demeanor. Just like body language, they betray unspoken feelings. Pay attention to the tone of your speech and how the client might perceive it so that you can adjust your voice or expressions appropriately for the situation.

    Part 3

    Dealing with difficult clients

      Control your emotions. Sometimes it can be difficult to work with some clients, but in such cases you need to control yourself even more. Losing your nerve with a client can ruin your business relationship with that person and even cost you your job.