Osteochondrosis symptoms causes. Treatment of osteochondrosis: what means are effective? Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the spine

Osteochondrosis is a serious disease of the spine, because it can cause severe discomfort and lead to various complications. For this reason, it must be treated promptly and correctly. This can be done at home with the help of medicines, folk remedies, physical education and physiotherapy procedures. All treatment measures must be approved by a specialist, otherwise there is a risk of complications.

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    What is osteochondrosis

    Departments of the spine

    If the pathological process affects several segments, then such osteochondrosis is polysegmental. Common disorders have complicated symptoms and are much more difficult to diagnose, since areas located both near and far from each other can be affected. For example, osteochondrosis of the cervical and lumbosacral regions.

    Stages of osteochondrosis

    There are 4 stages of osteochondrosis:

    1. 1. First. It is characterized by initial disturbances in the area of ​​the intervertebral disc. Usually at this stage, the cartilage surrounding the vertebrae is covered with cracks. As a result, the gap between the discs begins to shrink.
    2. 2. Second. The fissured annulus fibrosus narrows so much that the ligaments and muscles of the spine begin to touch and rub against each other. At this stage, a person may experience the first pain syndrome of a paroxysmal nature. The second stage leads to the formation of instability of the vertebrae.
    3. 3. Third. The cartilage lining between the discs is eroded. Thinning is detected when performing x-rays, and the symptoms are pronounced, of an intense nature. At this stage, the pain syndrome can be removed only by the use of potent drugs.
    4. 4. Fourth. It is characterized by excessive instability of the vertebrae, since bone growths - osteophytes - are formed on them. They injure the nerve roots. Usually, at this stage, the symptoms subside somewhat, but manifest themselves seasonally (peaks of exacerbation occur in autumn and spring).


    Osteochondrosis can develop against the background of hypothermia, sharp turns that provoke displacement of the vertebrae, and physical exertion. The opinion of experts agrees that the main cause of degenerative processes in the spine is the incorrect distribution of the load on the spinal column.

    There are many factors that lead to this:

    • weakness of the back muscles;
    • slouch;
    • change in gait during pregnancy;
    • rachiocampsis;
    • weight lifting;
    • active and strength sports;
    • being in an uncomfortable position for a long time;
    • passive lifestyle.

    Also, osteochondrosis can be triggered by other reasons:

    • violation of metabolic processes (lack of zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other useful trace elements);
    • intoxication of the body with chemicals;
    • genetic predisposition;
    • consequences of infectious diseases;
    • falls, bruises;
    • hormonal disorders;
    • nervous shocks;
    • change in core elasticity.

    Deviations in the development of the spinal column can cause degenerative and dystrophic changes. There are such provoking factors as abnormal ossification of the child's skeleton, inadequate physical exercise, fast growth. In this case, osteochondrosis is called youthful, or juvenile.

    If it is not possible to establish the cause and time of occurrence (at what age the degenerative-dystrophic process developed - in adolescence or adulthood) of the disease, then it is called unspecified.


    Osteochondrosis can cause various symptoms, since each segment of the spine is responsible for the conduction of nerve endings to different organs and systems.

    What can affect the pathology of the spine, depending on the localization of the affected vertebrae

    All manifestations are divided into 4 groups:

    1. 1. Statistical symptoms are associated with a physiological disorder of the shape of the vertebrae. As a result of them, a person's posture changes, the mobility of the head worsens, and difficulties arise with straightening the spinal column.
    2. 2. Neurological signs are formed against the background of damage to nerve tissues. This leads to a violation of the sensitivity of the skin and a decrease in the intensity of muscle contractions in certain parts of the body. If at the initial stage the pain syndrome manifests itself locally, then as the disease progresses, it begins to affect distant areas. Neurological manifestations include numbness, tingling, and goosebumps. With osteochondrosis, the symptom of Lasegue is distinguished, which is otherwise called the symptom of tension. It is associated with excessive tension on the fibers of the sciatic nerve. It is caused by pinching of the spinal nerves in the spine or spasm of the gluteal / lumbar muscles.
    3. 3. Possible vascular symptoms that occur against the background of compression of the blood arteries. Usually this is observed in osteochondrosis of the cervical region. If the blood flow in this area is disturbed, oxygen deficiency of the brain occurs, as a result of which dizziness, nausea and changes in the sympathetic nervous system appear. The latter are characterized by prolonged spasms and chronic ischemia in the internal organs.
    4. 4. So-called trophic symptoms are distinguished. They are a combination of vascular and neurological disorders leading to skin defects and ulcers.


    To successfully cure osteochondrosis, it is necessary to conduct a detailed examination and establish an accurate diagnosis. First, doctors carry out an external examination of the patient, collecting an anamnesis of the disease, after which they use laboratory and instrumental research methods.

    There are 3 types of therapy:

    • medication;
    • physiotherapy;
    • surgical.

    Of great benefit in the treatment of osteochondrosis is a special diet, bed rest and minimizing stress on the spinal column. When resting, it is recommended to use a hard surface instead of a soft mattress.

    At home, to treat the disease, you can resort to the first two methods. At the same time, it is desirable to combine them. To enhance their action, alternative methods can be introduced into therapy.

    However, self-medication is highly undesirable. All measures and procedures must be approved by a specialist. When treating osteochondrosis, certain rules must be observed in the use of certain methods.

    Moreover, if the provision of medical care has not yielded results and the disease progresses, then surgical treatment is prescribed. Surgical intervention is performed to stabilize the structure of the spine, remove intervertebral hernias or completely affected discs.


    Drug treatment of osteochondrosis should be comprehensive, aiming to relieve pain and eliminate other pronounced symptoms. For this, various groups of drugs are used:

    1. 1. (Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Ketoprofen). They are designed to eliminate inflammation and all types of pain. They also relieve swelling of the tissues.
    2. 2. Sedatives (Eglonil, Gidazepam, Donormil) and analgesics (Analgin, Baralgin). They are used to relieve pain, but do not affect the pathological process itself.
    3. 3. Muscle relaxants (Baclofen, Sirdalud, Mydocalm, Tizanidin, Cyclobenzaprine). They are used to relieve muscle spasm in the spine, due to which pain is noticeably reduced. They act by blocking receptors in the affected muscle fibers, resulting in impaired conduction of impulses to the spinal cord. The effect of these drugs is short-lived, but during this time the muscle fibers manage to return to normal tone and activate their own protective mechanisms against degenerative-dystrophic processes.
    4. 4. Vitamins of groups B, D, A, E, C, phosphorus-containing and calcium-containing drugs. Vitamin- mineral complexes necessary to replenish in the body substances involved in the formation of bone and cartilage tissue, metabolic processes.
    5. 5. Chondroprotectors:
      1. Mukosat, Chondrolon, Chondroxide, Structum, based on the action of chondrotin sulfate;
      2. 6. Artron Flex, Don (glucosamine);
      3. 7. Rumalon, Alflutol (marine organisms);
      4. 8. Arteparon - (mucopolysaccharides);
      5. 9. Teraflex, Formula-C - (chondrotin and glucosamine.
    6. Vasodilator drugs (Eufillin, Pentoxifylline, Xanthinol nicotinate, Trental).

    In case of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, doctors recommend the use of chondroprotectors, which have a cumulative effect and affect the human body after a certain time, helping to restore the intervertebral disc. Such drugs are used for a long period, up to 2-3 months. Moreover, chondroprotectors seriously burden the liver and organs of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore they should be combined with probiotics.


    All these groups of drugs can be used in various forms. For severe pain, injections are usually used for direct injection into the pathological region of the spine. In such cases, patients are prescribed injections with chondroprotectors and so-called novocaine blockades. Any means in the form of injections into the affected vertebrae should only be administered by the attending physician, since this is a very complicated and dangerous procedure. Other pharmacological types of drugs are also not recommended to be used uncontrollably. Dosage and treatment regimen should be determined by a specialist.

    With less concern, ointments and gels can be used, but even in this case there are certain limitations. For example, topical warming agents should not be used during periods of exacerbation of the disease. The most popular drugs in the form of ointments, gels and creams for osteochondrosis include:

    exercise therapy

    In the treatment of osteochondrosis, physical education (exercise therapy) will be useful. Moderate physical activity can have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system. They stimulate metabolic processes, restore mobility of the spinal column and strengthen the muscular corset.

    The method and scheme of therapeutic exercises should be selected by the doctor, since it can vary depending on which part of the spine is subject to the pathological process. Therefore, it is desirable that the classes take place under the supervision of a specialist. After mastering the program, the course of physiotherapy exercises can be continued at home.

    For example, when diagnosing osteochondrosis of the cervical region, the following simple exercises are recommended:

    1. 1. Tilt your head forward and press on the forehead with interlaced fingers. The patient needs to prevent pressure. A similar exercise is then performed, acting on the back of the head, left and right temple.
    2. 2. Press on the forehead with four fingers, as if stretching the skin, for 45 seconds. Actions are performed in different directions. This exercise is designed to restore blood circulation.
    3. 3. Sit on a chair or the floor, keep your back straight and gently tilt your head back. Hands must be gently pressed on the chin up and down. Then turn your head left and right.
    4. 4. Try to reach your chest with your chin. In this position, you need to cross your arms at the back of your head and put pressure on it. In a tense state, you need to linger for 1 minute, and then move your shoulders, lifting them up, trying to reach your ears.

    An example of exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic and lumbar regions

    Physiotherapy procedures

    Drug treatment gives a good result if combined with physiotherapy. For the condition of the vertebrae, electromagnetic therapy, electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy, etc. are useful. Some types of procedures can be performed at home if you purchase the appropriate portable devices. Mineral waters and healing mud have a beneficial effect.

    In the absence of contraindications to massage, the patient can visit a chiropractor. In the treatment of osteochondrosis, sessions of reflexology can be applied - the impact on certain points of the body. Self-massage can be done at home. There are several techniques that help eliminate pain and tone muscles:

    • light stroking of the vertebral region with one or both hands;
    • kneading the muscles with pinching or circular movements, gentle pressure with the fingertips;
    • kneading the muscles with the palms;
    • rectilinear study of the trapezius muscles;
    • longitudinal and beak-shaped squeezing along the massage lines;
    • rubbing the spaces between the ribs.

    Folk remedies

    To relieve pain, you can use the means for folk recipes. The result of treatment with herbs and other natural compounds will appear only with their long-term use.

    Folk remedies are preferable to medications, since the latter, with prolonged use, can seriously harm the intestines, liver and pancreas. Therefore, it is desirable to use alternative medicine methods after stopping acute pain syndromes with drugs. With the presented methods, it is necessary to gradually replace the medicines with the recommendation of a doctor.

    There are several effective recipes:

    1. 1. Honey and potatoes. You need to take a few potatoes, grind them on a grater, add the same amount of honey. The components should be thoroughly mixed, put on gauze and used as a compress on the painful area. The reconciliation application should be wrapped with a scarf and left in this position for 1 hour.
    2. 2. Fuck. You should take 1 leaf of the plant and steam it with boiling water. It must be turned upside down to the painful area and applied. The tool should be securely fixed and wrapped with a scarf. The procedure should be performed at night, and the bandage should be removed only in the morning.
    3. 3. Hot bottle. It is necessary to take a plastic container, pour into it hot water, put on the sofa and lie on his back. It is advisable to try moving the bottle under you. The procedure should be carried out for 30 minutes.
    4. 4. Parsley. It is necessary to eat for 30 days daily for 1 root of the plant.
    5. 5. Pine buds. Raw materials should be collected in the spring. The length of the pine buds should be 2 cm. You need to rinse them and dry them. The raw materials must be ground and combined with sugar in proportions of 2: 1, then mix thoroughly and put in the refrigerator. The tool will be ready when it acquires a rich brown tint. The mixture should be eaten in 1 tsp. per day for 3 weeks.

    When using folk remedies, it is necessary to approach procedures with a warming effect with extreme caution. Such actions can help temporarily get rid of soreness and inflammation, but can be harmful. During periods of exacerbation of the disease, any warming is prohibited, since they cause vasodilation, as a result of which edema may occur. In such situations, you should seek treatment from specialists. With osteochondrosis of the cervical region in any form, it is forbidden to warm up the neck, as this can provoke a severe migraine.


    Each person should carry out special measures aimed at preventing the development of osteochondrosis. The main measure of prevention is maintaining the correct posture during movement and in a sitting position.

    How to keep good posture

    It is advisable to engage in physical education that helps strengthen the musculoskeletal system and the muscular corset of the spinal column.

    Exercises for a beautiful posture

    For sleep, you should choose specially designed orthopedic mattresses and pillows. Their advantage is that they allow you to repeat the physiological outline of the spinal column.

    Orthopedic mattress repeats the shape of the human body, prevents the occurrence of curvature of the spine

    The musculoskeletal system must not be subjected to excessive loads. If you need to lift weights, you need to use the right technique.

    Should be respected diet food. The diet should be balanced, ensure the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Cannot be consumed a large number of caffeine, chocolate and alcoholic beverages. Food should be rich in proteins, calcium and other useful trace elements.

Osteochondrosis is a pathology of the spine that millions of people face different ages. Degenerative and dystrophic changes in the intervertebral discs, the growth of osteophytes cause pain, reduce the mobility of the support column. The symptoms depend on the area affected.

In most cases, negative manifestations affect not only the supporting column and the paravertebral zone, but also spread to other areas. In the absence of treatment, the disease progresses, the functioning of organs and systems is disrupted, the state of health worsens noticeably, constant pain and complications against the background of pathology can lead to disability. It is important to know what osteochondrosis is, the causes of a common disease, methods of treatment and prevention.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Degenerative and dystrophic processes in the intervertebral discs, excessive ossification in the affected area develops in the following cases:

  • back injury;
  • high loads on the support column during hard work, professional sports, carrying loads;
  • congenital defects of the supporting column;
  • deficiency of vitamins, minerals, deterioration of the quality of the shock-absorbing pad;
  • violation of mineral metabolism;
  • hormonal disruptions, endocrine diseases;
  • lack of movement, sedentary work;
  • severe obesity;
  • decrease in the elasticity of intervertebral discs in the elderly, with aging of the body;
  • excessive consumption of strong coffee, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, acidic foods, smoked meats, smoking;
  • tumor process in the paravertebral zone, provoking damage to the elastic structures of the spine.

Types and stages

Stages of pathology:

  • First stage- development . Lack of nutrients impairs the quality of the disc, reduces the elasticity of the shock-absorbing pad. High loads against the background of thinning of the cartilaginous tissue provoke mild or moderate pain in the spine;
  • second stage. Deformations of elastic structures are more pronounced, pain appears not only with loads, but also with bending and turning. The defeat of the fibrous ring leads to pinching of sensitive structures, increased friction of the bone elements;
  • third stage. The integrity of the fibrous ring is broken, the disk protrudes beyond the vertebra, the pain syndrome is pronounced. It is difficult for the patient to do without drugs that reduce discomfort. Against the background of the destruction of the elastic gasket, the mobility of the support column decreases, and develop;
  • fourth stage. The cartilaginous layer is practically absent, they appear on the spine. Bone growths - an attempt to compensate for the excessive load on the affected vertebrae. Dense elements stabilize the spine, but at the same time reduce the mobility of the problem area of ​​the support column. In the fourth stage of osteochondrosis, the pain weakens, but the patient has difficulty performing simple movements. If changes occur in the lumbosacral zone, then paresis or paralysis of the lower body may occur. Often, in the fourth stage of osteochondrosis, the patient draws up a disability.

On a note! Support column disease occurs with periods of remission (from several months to a year or more) and exacerbations (the duration of relapse, the strength of pain depends on many factors).

First signs and symptoms

The manifestations of the disease depend on the stage and the affected department. The more negative factors, the higher the risk of pain, damage to other areas. Blood circulation worsens, mineral metabolism is disturbed, protrusions, vertebral hernias develop, excessive ossification appears in the affected area. Self-treatment, the lack of qualified assistance, combined with the reluctance to periodically visit a vertebrologist, adversely affects the state of the vertebral structures.


Main features:

  • with severe damage to the discs;
  • pain in the back of the head, neck, crown;
  • , fainting;
  • headaches;
  • discomfort in the muscles of the shoulders, neck;
  • numbness of the cervical zone, hands, fingers;
  • discomfort in the chest area;
  • violation of the mobility of the cervical region;
  • decrease or loss of reflexes of the shoulder muscles;
  • feeling of "goosebumps" in the hands, fingers;
  • when a person is tormented by insomnia, depressive states, irritability against the background of excruciating or aching pains in the neck and head.

Thoracic osteochondrosis

Characteristic signs:

  • with a long stay in one position, heavy loads, turns, bends, chest pain appears;
  • with a deep breath, discomfort of varying strength is felt in the middle part of the back;
  • when lifting the arms, moving the body, the pain intensifies;
  • with progression, problems appear in the work of the digestive tract;
  • in the hands there is an unpleasant feeling of "goosebumps";
  • depending on the degree of damage, doctors distinguish - aching pain in the affected spine and dorsago - sharp, excruciating pains of high intensity, restricting breathing, causing muscle spasm;
  • develops;
  • in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoulder blades, aching or acute pain is disturbing;
  • reproductive disorders occur.

Lumbosacral region

Main symptoms:

  • discomfort of varying intensity in the lower back;
  • muscle weakness, development of paresis;
  • coldness and numbness of the lower extremities;
  • pain syndrome is pronounced with heavy loads or lifting loads;
  • painful appear: pain radiates from the lower back to the gluteal zone, groin, legs;
  • intermittent claudication develops;
  • compression of the nerves adversely affects the work of the pelvic organs: in severe cases, urinary incontinence, involuntary defecation are possible;
  • fatigue appears, it is difficult to stand, long walking provokes weakness in the legs.


To clarify the condition of the spine, you need to contact. In the absence of a doctor of this specialization, you need to visit a neurologist or an orthopedic traumatologist.

Diagnostic measures:

  • Examination of the patient, the study of complaints.
  • in multiple projections.
  • Dopplerography of vessels.
  • Electromyography.

Effective Treatments

How to treat osteochondrosis? Chronic pathology requires attention from the doctor and the patient. Do not expect that the negative symptoms will disappear a week after the start of the course of therapy. Only an integrated approach gives results. The patient must understand that drugs alone cannot be eliminated in the discs, to prevent the growth of osteophytes.

For successful treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis, it is important:

  • perform a complex of exercise therapy;
  • visit massage and physiotherapy;
  • Healthy food;
  • organize work and sleeping place taking into account the recommendations of the doctor;
  • do not lift weights;
  • periodically take vitamins, mineral complexes to maintain the elasticity of the disks, the strength of the bone tissue;
  • refuse too intense training;
  • avoid injuries and bruises of the back;
  • keep track of your weight.

There are other important rules:

  • do not overcool;
  • treat pathologies that adversely affect the condition of the discs;
  • take breaks, warm-up while working at the computer;
  • move more, exercise more
  • give up excessive consumption of coffee and alcohol, forget about smoking;
  • avoid prolonged static/dynamic loads;
  • sleep on and low;
  • less nervous;
  • allocate at least 7 hours for a night's sleep;
  • periodically visit a vertebrologist, monitor the condition of the vertebral structures.


Effective groups and names:

  • . Restore cartilage tissue, slow down the process of disc destruction. Course - 4 months or more. Chondro Strength, Structum, Movex, Teraflex and;
  • . Drugs stop pain, eliminate swelling and inflammation. , Ketoprofen, . good effect give local funds: Voltaren-emulgel, Finalgel, transdermal;
  • . The drugs restore nervous regulation, improve the nutrition of neurons, and reduce the strength of the pain syndrome. Injections are effective (first days, during an exacerbation) and tablets (for a long course of treatment and prevention). trigamma,


Injuries of the back and neck, heavy physical exertion, sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy, old age - all these are the causes of diseases of the spine, the support of the human body. Symptoms of osteochondrosis, cervical, thoracic or lumbar, are different, so any, even subtle signs, cannot be ignored. The sooner treatment begins, the sooner recovery will come. If you notice the first manifestations of the disease in yourself, consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

What is osteochondrosis

One of the most diagnosed diseases of the spine is osteochondrosis, the signs of which are found in every 3rd person after 35 years. It affects mainly older people with excess weight, former athletes or workers whose professional activities are associated with heavy loads. According to the statistics of recent years, it is clear that the disease is getting younger. Girls and guys who prefer to lead a sedentary lifestyle no longer surprise doctors with complaints of back pain.

Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine, in which there is a degenerative-dystrophic lesion of the intervertebral discs. If it is not treated, the destruction of the vertebrae themselves begins, which leads to disability, atrophy and paralysis of the limbs. Such a problem can also result in a spinal cord stroke, sciatica, kyphosis, protrusion. At the first signs of the disease, you need to seek help from a doctor.

Each degree of this dystrophic disorder of the spine is characterized by its own symptoms and signs. There are four stages in total. At the first stage, pathological changes occur, expressed in dehydration and a decrease in the height of the intervertebral disc. On the second, sagging of the vertebral muscles and ligaments is fixed, spondylolisthesis is diagnosed (displacement, curvature of the disc). The third stage is characterized by the appearance of prolapses and protrusions of the discs. At the last stage, deformation of the vertebrae occurs, on which bone outgrowths - osteophytes grow.


Signs and symptoms of osteochondrosis depend on what stage of development it is at. The type of disease also plays an important role. Osteochondrosis affects different parts of the spine: cervical, thoracic, lumbar. Some signs of the patient may not be associated with the spine, for example, heart or headaches, numbness of the fingers and toes. The patient at the same time complains that the neck hurts or pricks in the chest. It is very important to seek help from the hospital. Treatment of the disease lasts about 3 months, plus a year is given for rehabilitation.

The most common symptoms of osteochondrosis:

  • back pain between the shoulder blades;
  • dizziness;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • nausea;
  • loss of sensation in the limbs;
  • elevated temperature;
  • limb numbness.

Cervical osteochondrosis

If we consider the signs according to the type of disease, then problems with the cervical vertebrae are dangerous due to proximity to the brain. There is a partial overlap here. blood vessels carrying blood to the head. Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are:

  • dizziness;
  • clouding in the eyes;
  • noise in ears;
  • "drifts" when walking;
  • pain in the back of the head, arms, shoulders.

Thoracic osteochondrosis

This type of disease affects the heart, as a result of which the patient begins to complain of such symptoms:

  • pain in the chest, back, shoulders;
  • heart pain;
  • angina;
  • sensation of a lump in the throat;
  • bouts of shortness of breath;
  • tightness of breath;
  • numbness of hands and feet.

Lumbar osteochondrosis

A disease affecting the lower spine leads to problems with the pelvic organs. Sexual function suffers. Signs of lumbar osteochondrosis are:

  • pain in the coccyx, sacrum, lower back;
  • spasms of the muscles of the thighs, calves, buttocks;
  • shooting in the legs;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • poor joint mobility;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Symptoms of wandering osteochondrosis

This concept means osteochondrosis, which develops on two parts of the spine, for example, the cervicothoracic type of the disease. In this case, the patient will feel painful signs that appear first in one place of the back, then in another, i.e. the location of the pain will move. In this case, the patient can diagnose a violation of the cardiovascular system and even take drugs to treat this problem, which cannot be done without a medical examination.

Signs of osteochondrosis

Depending on what the disease affects, doctors distinguish four groups of syndromes, each of which is characterized by its own symptoms. Syndromes of osteochondrosis are as follows:

  • static syndrome. This concept refers to a change in the shape of the spine. There is a violation of posture: a person begins to stoop, hunch over, lower one shoulder below the other. Scoliosis appears.
  • neurological syndrome. The disease affects the nervous system. The person complains of tingling, numbness. Neurological symptoms develop into complications in the form of paralysis or seizures.
  • vascular syndrome. Here we are talking about squeezing of vessels by processes of a vertebra. This situation is often observed in the cervical form of the disease. The result is a violation of blood circulation, oxygen starvation of the brain, leading to clouding, dizziness, nausea, loss of hearing and vision. With thoracic or lumbar osteochondrosis, chronic ischemia of the internal organs is observed.
  • trophic syndrome. It is characterized by insufficient nutrition of tissues with essential substances. As a result, ulcers, inflammations and other defects appear on the skin.

- This is a condition in which a number of disorders in the articular cartilage of a dystrophic nature are observed. Osteochondrosis can manifest itself in different joints, but most often osteochondrosis affects intervertebral discs . If we consider the location of the disease, then osteochondrosis is usually divided into chest , cervical , lumbar .

Osteochondrosis is a disease that causes back pain in about 80% of cases. In case of complications of osteochondrosis herniated discs pain sometimes occurs in the head, limbs, and other organs. The most common is considered lumbar osteochondrosis causing pain in the legs. Many people complain about manifestations cervical osteochondrosis in which the hands and head hurt. At breast form disease pain occurs in the internal organs.

Causes of osteochondrosis

The primary cause is believed to be upright posture. There are many different theories regarding the causes of osteochondrosis. Such, for example, are a predisposition of a hereditary nature, trauma, a violation of metabolic processes in the body. Determining the causes of this disease is complicated by the fact that the disease manifests itself in people of different ages, different physiques and physical levels of development.

There is also a theory that the cause of osteochondrosis is salt deposits in the spine. However, experts argue that it is to some extent a delusion. And it is the correct analysis of the causes of the disease that is the main effective treatment illness.

With osteochondrosis, the nature of the disease is non-inflammatory , degenerative-dystrophic . In the process of the development of the disease, the nutrition of the tissue is disturbed, its structure is reborn. People who constantly have active physical activity have stronger and more elastic bone tissues. This is due to the fact that the discs of the spine in an adult do not have their own vessels, therefore, both oxygen and nutrients enter the discs from tissues that are located nearby. Such a process can be complete only if active circulation, which is possible only in the process of constant intensive muscle work.

Each intervertebral disc consists of two parts. In the center of the disc is the nucleus pulposus, which makes the disc elastic, and surrounds it with a fibrous strong ring. If the nutrition of the intervertebral discs becomes worse, then the structure of the biopolymer compounds can be destroyed. Due to the decrease in moisture content in the disc, it becomes brittle. And if the spine is subjected to overload, the nucleus pulposus is divided into fragments. As a result, its elasticity is significantly reduced. Fibrous rings also lose strength. Such phenomena become the starting point for the manifestation of osteochondrosis in humans.

In view of the manifestation degenerative-dystrophic changes happens in the spine calcification damaged discs, ligaments, capsules. Such a phenomenon is the last stage of the development of the disease.

Unfortunately, the reverse process after such changes in the spine is practically impossible. Therefore, the main task of the treatment of osteochondrosis is to maintain the current standing.

Basically, the manifestations of osteochondrosis become more pronounced in people after reaching the age of thirty-five. Moreover, the older a person becomes, the more manifestations of the disease he observes. However, in recent times With complaints of back pain, more and more young people turn to doctors.

The reasons for such an early onset of osteochondrosis is primarily very little physical activity , posture problems , as well as curved spine , and . To date, the main causes of osteochondrosis are considered to be the following:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • problems with metabolic processes, intoxication, infections;
  • overweight, malnutrition (low fluid intake, lack of trace elements);
  • the presence of injuries of the spine, its curvature, incorrect posture, flat feet;
  • existence in poor environmental conditions;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • regular lifting of weights, work in uncomfortable positions for a long time, activities in which a person often repeats jerky movements, turns and bending of the body;
  • too strong physical exertion, overload of the spine due to foot diseases, inconvenience in the process of wearing shoes, as well as stress during the period;
  • sudden cessation of constant training by people who play sports, stress, persistent smoking.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis

People who suffer from osteochondrosis, first of all, have noticeable back pain. Sometimes such pain is accompanied by numbness, as well as sensations of aching in the limbs. If therapy for osteochondrosis does not start on time, then the person quickly loses weight, he has atrophy limbs . With exercise and stress, as well as in the process of lifting too heavy objects, in the process and coughing, the pain may become more intense. In a patient with osteochondrosis, the range of motion decreases, muscle spasms .

Cervical osteochondrosis manifested due to the structural features of the cervical spine. The vertebrae of the cervical spine are much smaller than the vertebrae of other parts of the spine. Accordingly, cervical osteochondrosis manifests itself due to the constant load on the neck. Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis are expressed as follows: pain is manifested in the arms, neck, shoulders, headaches may also occur. For this type of disease is characteristic. With the manifestation of this syndrome, a person feels the presence of noise in the head, “flies” flash before the eyes, dizziness. Multi-colored spots may appear before the eyes, in parallel, a person feels severe pain in the head of a pulsating nature. Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis sometimes resemble signs, but at the same time, the patient does not observe changes in the heart during the study.

In patients osteochondrosis of the thoracic region spine, the patient feels pain in the chest. Pain can radiate to the region of the heart, as well as to other internal organs.

Sick osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine feel pain in the lower back, which can radiate to the legs, sacrum, to the pelvic organs. Their nerve roots are affected, sensitivity is disturbed, they can decrease and manifest hypotension .

Diagnosis of osteochondrosis

The preliminary diagnosis osteochondrosis The specialist establishes already during the initial examination of the patient. As a rule, the examination is carried out by a neurologist. Usually the patient comes to the appointment with complaints of pain, as well as deformity or limitation of mobility.

The study of the patient's spine is carried out in a standing position, lying down and sitting, the doctor examines him both in motion and at rest. During the examination, the doctor necessarily pays attention to the posture of the person, the features of his physique, the features of the spine, the relief of the muscles that are located near the spine.

Due to the palpation of the spine, the results of the examination of the patient can be supplemented with information about whether there is a deformation of the spine, where the pain is localized, and also determine the degree of its intensity. In the process of palpation, it is also determined how tense the muscles near the spine are, because muscle tone accompanies most diseases and injuries. In order to determine the amplitude of movements of different parts of the spine, the possibilities of its flexion are studied.

In the diagnosis of osteochondrosis is often used CT scan , x-ray , Magnetic resonance imaging . These methods allow you to find out what the level of damage to the spine is, determine whether there are hidden pathologies and specify the diagnosis.

Thanks to the right approach to diagnosis, the doctor can determine which therapy tactics to choose so that the result is the most highly effective.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

Treatment cervical osteochondrosis, as well as other forms of the disease and their complications, is carried out using conservative methods, the purpose of which is to eliminate pain, restore the functions of the spinal roots, and also to prevent dystrophic phenomena in the structures of the spine.

If all methods of conservative treatment do not bring the desired effect, and there are special indications for this, then patients are sometimes prescribed surgical methods treatment of osteochondrosis. The volume of surgical intervention directly depends on how affected the spine is and how intense the symptoms of the disease are.

The duration of therapy also depends on the severity of the disease. As a rule, the active phase of treatment with conservative methods usually takes about 1-3 months. After the operation, the patient recovers in about one year. After the start of conservative treatment, many patients with osteochondrosis experience an increase in pain. This is expressed by the reaction of muscles and other formations to treatment.

If the pain syndrome is too strong, it can be stopped relatively quickly with the help of physiotherapeutic methods, drugs and the use of a set of specially designed exercises for patients with osteochondrosis. It is important to consider that an important factor that affects the effectiveness of treatment is the correct behavior of the patient, his adequate attitude to the need to adhere to the developed method of treatment. For this, perseverance, patience and the desire to defeat the disease are important. It has been proven that the most effective is the conservative treatment and recovery after surgery in sanatorium conditions, as well as in medical centers that specialize in the treatment of this disease. With the necessary equipment, as well as qualified doctors, complex treatment will be the most effective and efficient.

The complex therapy in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis necessarily includes physiotherapy , massage , reflexology , the use of medications.

One of the most important methods impact on the state of the human musculoskeletal system is exercise therapy. The patient regularly performs a certain number of exercises, during which the nerve roots are gradually decompressed, the muscle corset is corrected, and the flexibility of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus increases. Special exercises for cervical osteochondrosis can also provide effective prevention further development diseases. The main condition for this is the regularity of all exercises.

When using physiotherapy, osteochondrosis is treated with the help of physical factors - magnetic fields , low frequency current , ultrasound and others. This technique allows to reduce the period of rehabilitation after surgery, as well as enhance the effect of various medications.

With the help of massage, you can relieve muscle tension, improve blood flow, and produce a strengthening effect in general.

Used to relieve acute pain manual therapy. This technique also allows you to correct your posture. Pain is also relieved with spinal traction- procedures carried out on special equipment. During reflexology, the reflexogenic zones of the human body are affected and can significantly improve the impact of other methods.

During an exacerbation of the disease, treatment is used with the help of medications, with the help of which inflammation is removed, pain is stopped, and metabolic processes are activated. Medicines administered intravenously or intramuscularly.

The most tangible results of treatment are observed when using several methods in combination. However, in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis and other forms of the disease, only the attending physician should prescribe them.

The doctors


Prevention of osteochondrosis

To prevent the manifestation of osteochondrosis, you must constantly remember to perform several important rules. First of all, patients suffering from a certain form of osteochondrosis should be aware that they are forbidden to lift weights exceeding 10 kilograms. If a heavy load and heavy lifting is expected, a special belt or corset should be used. Do not hold heavy objects on outstretched arms, this creates an additional load on the spine. When lifting weights, you should squat down and stand up with heavy object. The load must be distributed evenly.

It is very important to drink a certain amount of liquid before starting physical exercises or before another load, because if the body is dehydrated, then the spinal discs cannot absorb the right amount of moisture.

Periodic back massage improves blood circulation and metabolic processes. After loads or long work in one position, it is advisable to hang on the horizontal bar or at least stretch a little with your arms raised up. Do not allow sharp turns and movements.

There is a special set of exercises aimed at the prevention of osteochondrosis. These are exercises aimed at developing flexibility and training the muscles of the back.

Complications of osteochondrosis

The following diseases appear as complications of osteochondrosis:, protrusion, disc herniation, .

Diet, nutrition for osteochondrosis

List of sources

  • Epifanov, V. A. Osteochondrosis of the spine (diagnosis, treatment, prevention) / V. A. Epifanov, A. V. Epifanov. - 3rd ed. - M.: MED-press-inform., 2008.
  • Zhulev N.M., Badzgaradze Yu.D., Zhulev S.N. Osteocondritis of the spine. Handbook for doctors. SPb., 1999
  • O. N. Rodionova, G. A. Nikitina Osteochondrosis. Best Methods treatment. - M .: Vector, Nevsky Prospekt, 2007.
  • Julia Popova Osteochondrosis. Most effective methods treatment. - St. Petersburg: Krylov, 2008
  • Kuznetsov, V. F. Handbook of vertebroneurology: clinic, diagnostics / V. F. Kuznetsov. - Minsk: Belarus, 2000

Education: She graduated from the Rivne State Basic Medical College with a degree in Pharmacy. Graduated from the Vinnitsa State Medical University. M.I. Pirogov and an internship based on it.

Experience: From 2003 to 2013 she worked as a pharmacist and head of a pharmacy kiosk. Awarded with certificates and distinctions for long-term and conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.