What foods stimulate growth. How to grow fast? What do you need to eat to grow fast? Reception of a vitamin and mineral complex

The problem of small stature makes life difficult for many people. Proof of this is not only the reports of psychologists, but also hundreds of new questions to specialists left on forums and websites on medicine and sports.

The people of the most different ages they are interested in whether it is possible to “deceive” nature and increase their actual height by at least a couple of centimeters. All their questions are answered by qualified nutritionists, physiologists and scientists from around the world in their publications.

Is it really possible to increase your height with nutrition?

The actual height of a person is determined by genetics. However, there are a number external factors, which also have a huge impact on him. Among them are a healthy lifestyle, sleep, exercise and, of course, proper nutrition. It is from food that the body receives useful substances that allow it to intensively “build up” connective tissues, in particular bone and cartilage.

Moreover, it is in food that contains arginine. This amino acid promotes the release of growth hormone and, as a result, an increase in the actual height of a person. By the way, arginine "works" more efficiently when paired with other amino acids - lysine and glutamine, which are also found in food.

Nowadays, a person may resort to the use of nutritional supplements or drugs that stimulate the production of certain hormones. However, doctors warn about the dangers of such methods. First, short stature does not always mean a lack of growth hormone in the body. And, secondly, its overabundance can cause an exhaustive search of the final growth. As a result, getting rid of one problem, a person will have to look for a solution to another. When correct use necessary food products, there can be no disastrous results.

Diet to increase height

Those who want to increase their height need to diversify their diet as much as possible. It must contain various vegetables and fruits, dairy products, meat, fish, nuts and legumes. All of them will provide the intake of vitamins and minerals that will not only help you grow, but also stay healthy and as energetic as possible.

However, for the natural production of growth hormone, it is extremely important to enrich your body with protein, vitamins and minerals, namely:

  • Protein of vegetable or animal origin. It is indispensable for the growth and renewal of tissues. And it is on its presence that the production of enzymes and hormones, including growth hormone, depends.
  • Vitamin A. The impact of this vitamin on the body is difficult to overestimate. It improves vision and skin condition, improves immunity and increases growth rate.
  • Vitamin D. It is involved in the formation of bone tissue.
  • Soluble and insoluble fiber. It speeds up the process of food passing through the digestive organs and promotes its absorption, as well as the removal of toxins and waste products.
  • Minerals - calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, selenium and magnesium. All of them are responsible for the growth of bones and the body itself.

However, we must not forget that the same diet can have different effects on different people. First of all, this is due to individual reactions to certain products. Although the final result also depends on gender, age, the state of health of a person, diseases he has suffered, climate, and even the quality and quantity of food eaten. Therefore, to achieve the maximum effect before using this diet, you should definitely consult a doctor or nutritionist.

Top 12 Growth Foods

Milk. A versatile growth product. It is both an excellent source of protein and a drink that improves digestion. The recommended daily allowance is 2-3 cups.

Eggs. They contain not only protein, but also vitamin D (in the yolk). To notice a clear result, you need to eat 3-6 eggs per day.

Hen. Another source of protein that promotes the growth of bone and muscle tissue.

Beef and beef liver. In addition to protein, they also contain iron, an essential mineral for any growing organism.

Oatmeal. Source of vegetable protein, fiber and iron.

Yogurt. It has protein and calcium necessary for building muscle mass and bone augmentation. In addition, regular consumption of yogurt improves digestion and metabolism.

. Drinking enough liquid (about 8 glasses a day) improves digestion and metabolism.

Cod. In addition to vitamins A and D, it also contains calcium and phosphorus. Plus, it's an excellent source of protein. You can replace cod with salmon, tuna or seafood.

Rice, pearl barley. They contain not only vitamins and minerals that have a huge impact on growth and general body condition, but also fiber, necessary for a good metabolism.

Nuts. They contain vegetable protein, magnesium and zinc.

Cabbage. It is a storehouse of vitamins and useful substances, including calcium needed to increase bone tissue.

Avocado. It contains both vegetable protein and magnesium.

What else will help increase your height

  1. 1 Sports. Any physical activity improves metabolism and strengthens muscles. But it is stretching exercises that provide flexibility to the spine and improve the nutrition of cartilage and bone tissue.
  2. 2 Dream. Research has shown that during sleep, the body actively produces growth hormone. Therefore, a good night's sleep is the key to good growth.
  3. 3 Quitting alcohol, smoking and unhealthy food. They poison the body and impair the functioning of all its organs and systems. In addition, all of them are a kind of "retarders" of growth.
  4. 4 Outdoor walks and sunbathing. sunlight- This is an excellent source of vitamin D. Its lack leads to weakening of bone tissue and, as a result, poor posture and reduced growth. It is better to walk early in the morning or in the evening, when the damage from exposure to ultraviolet rays is minimal.
  5. 5 Correct posture. It is she who helps to relax the muscles of the back and straighten the spine.
  6. 6 Strive for ideal weight. Absence extra pounds will have a positive effect on the intensity of human growth. The main thing to remember is that ideal weight has nothing to do with excessive thinness.

From school, we know that a person grows during puberty, which lasts up to 16-17 years, since it is at this time that growth hormone is intensively produced. However, yoga proponents claim that stretching and spinal straightening exercises can work wonders at any age. A vivid example of this is Darwin Smith, who added 17 cm in height. He stated that "a person's height by 35% depends on his health and muscle tone, and not on the level of hormones in the blood." He also created a system called "Grow Taller 4 Idiots", in which he told how he managed to achieve such results so that everyone could use his methods and test their effectiveness for themselves.

And although not all scientists shared his position, they still agreed that proper nutrition and sports can change people's lives beyond recognition. And in this case we are talking not only about their height.

Since ancient times, hair has been considered a symbol of beauty, the pride of any woman. We take care of our hair every day: masks, shampoos, sprays, all this helps to preserve the external beauty of our hair. But if you want your hair to grow quickly, be healthy and beautiful, you need to eat right and balanced, and what foods will help hair growth, you will learn from our article.

Products useful for hair

The main rule of healthy hair is a balanced and proper diet. Mono-diets, which are so popular today, do great harm, after which the hair loses its shine, becomes brittle, dry, and its growth slows down. If the lack of nutrition is constant, then you can completely lose your hair.

  1. In order to strengthen hair, accelerate their growth, Eat foods rich in iron and calcium. You need to diversify your menu with healthy, fresh products: fruits, berries, vegetables, legumes, sea fish.
  2. Our hair is mainly made up of keratin, which is produced from protein. With the limited use of protein foods, the hair begins to grow or fall out more slowly. Therefore, it is important to eat foods that contain a lot of protein: dairy products, cereals, meat, eggs. But for the growth of curls, not only the protein itself is necessary, but its normal absorption and further processing into amino acids. For this you need to eat at least one apple (kiwi), cereals, nuts daily, beef liver 1-2 times a week.
  3. Products such as wheat bran, cabbage, carrots, red fish, yeast, oatmeal, garlic not only increase the growth rate of hair, but also help fight dandruff, strengthen hair roots, heal the whole body.


  1. B-carotene (Vitamin A). This is a fat-soluble vitamin that is stored in our body "in reserve". It is responsible for strengthening hair follicles, hair growth and prevents hair loss, normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Vitamin A is found in large quantities in spinach, carrots, bell pepper, pumpkin.
  2. B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B10, B12).
    Vitamin B1 is responsible for metabolic processes, with its lack of hair becomes dry and brittle. It is found in eggs, tomatoes, pine nuts, meat, etc.;
    Vitamin B2 regulates redox reactions in the body. With its lack, the curls quickly become oily, lose their luster and begin to split. Natural sources of B2 are greens, meat, bran, liver;
    Vitamin B10 is responsible for nourishing the scalp, prevents early aging and hair slowdown. It can be found in large quantities in mushrooms, spinach, chicken yolk, potatoes;
    Vitamin B12 takes part in cellular processes. Its lack leads to brittle teeth, hair, dry skin, hair loss. Natural sources of B12 are: fish (sardines, herring, salmon, oysters), beef liver, kidneys.
  3. Vitamin C helps normal blood circulation in the basal region of the head, providing nutrition to the hair follicles. With a lack of this vitamin in the body, the hair lacks nutrition and they begin to fall. A lot of it in apples, greens, red sweet peppers, zucchini, sea buckthorn, tomatoes.
  4. Vitamin H (biotin) considered a beauty vitamin. Thanks to him, your curls will be smooth and shiny. With its deficiency, the natural secretion of the scalp is disturbed, as a result, the hair becomes excessively dry or oily. Foods rich in biotin: chicken, beef, kidneys, liver, dairy products.

Advice. Special preparations will also help to fill the lack of vitamins. We have prepared for you a detailed review of the most effective vitamin supplements for hair growth.


The foods needed for a balanced diet should be natural. For example, meat cannot be replaced with sausage or smoked meats, and dairy products are suitable only for those that do not have preservatives. Do not get carried away with fried, fatty foods, try to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

Here is a list of products that, according to trichologists, can stimulate hair growth:

Milk products

These products contain calcium and casein, substances necessary for hair growth. Most of them are in sour-milk food: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt. Whole milk is also rich in calcium, but it is harder to digest and not everyone likes to drink it.

If you are one of those who cannot tolerate milk, add cheese, kefir or sour cream to your daily diet. In addition, it is effective to use kefir in homemade hair masks.


Sea fish is a real storehouse of omega-3 fatty acids, most of all in salmon. The lack of this acid leads to dryness of the head, dandruff, itching and, as a result, hair loss. Besides, this fish has a lot of phosphorus, vitamin B12, iron, i.e. those substances that are responsible for the health and beauty of the hair. It is best to consume this product boiled, baked or steamed. Even short-term frying does not destroy omega-3 acid. It is better to fry fish in olive or linseed oil.


Our hair is made up of keratin, protein, and the most important source of protein is meat. Trichologists recommend eating meat (poultry, chicken, pork, beef) at least 3-4 times a week. Protein is best absorbed when boiled or steamed.

Another “useful” component of meat is iron. It saturates blood cells with oxygen, which contributes to the rapid growth of hair.


This product contains many substances useful for health and beauty: vitamin B12, A, D, potassium, calcium and a large number of squirrel. Moreover, from the point of view of benefits, no matter what form you use eggs, fried, boiled, chicken or quail, the usefulness of this product does not decrease.


Bran and cereals

Whole grain bread, bran, oatmeal and corn flakes are foods rich in protein, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, selenium. These micro and macro elements have a charitable effect on the growth of hair, their appearance and overall health of the body. Most the best way consume wheat bran daily, adding them 1-2 tsp. in a day.


Carrots and cabbage are the main "beauty vegetables". Carrots contain a huge amount of vitamin A, which makes curls strong and elastic. Cabbage (cauliflower, Chinese, white cabbage) is a source of vitamins C and E, which accelerate hair growth and make them healthy.

Advice. Any vegetables are best eaten raw or steamed. Green and red vegetables enrich the body with iron, calcium and potassium.


If you want your hair to grow faster and not fall out, eat as much fresh fruit as possible. Mango, peaches, passion fruit are rich in vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid), which promotes blood flow to the scalp. Blackberries, pineapple, raspberries, pomegranates are rich in vitamin B9, which helps to saturate the skin and hair with oxygen. In melon, strawberries, papaya - a lot of vitamin A, blackcurrant, kiwi, guava - vitamin C, blueberries, cranberries, nectarines - vitamin E.

fresh greens

With the advent of spring, introduce as much fresh herbs as possible into the diet, add it to salads, first and second courses, and baked goods. In it you will find an almost complete set of vitamins, iron, calcium. Substances found in fresh herbs are able to normalize the production of sebum, which protects the scalp from external influences.

So our stereotypes have developed that people whose height is higher are considered the standard of beauty. Possessing such data from nature, the individual does not even think about what is the subject of admiration and envy among low representatives of the human race. They, in turn, are called “shorties” and “Lilliputians” and from an early age dream of increasing this parameter by all means. Short people want to know everything about how to grow fast.

What does growth depend on?

Quite a long time ago, genetic scientists dealing with the inheritance of traits approved a rule by which one can predict the growth of future offspring.

For the calculation, it is required to take these indicators of the mother and father and derive the arithmetic mean from them, that is, add and divide in half. From the value obtained, the calculation should be carried out. To predict, add the number 13 to our figure. The same indicator will need to be taken away if we go to get the same parameter from a girl. Geneticists claim that these calculations coincide with the real facts by 90%. However, it is stipulated that the error may be 10 cm up or down. Think about this number. A short person, probably, would be able to sacrifice a lot in order to be higher by these 10 cm. And scientists say “error” ...

Facts vs Theory

However, in life we ​​observe entirely exceptions to these rules. Short parents have tall children. Often the reverse situation also occurs. These exceptions to the rule make us think about the question of whether only genetics controls this indicator in humans? And if not, then how to grow fast?

The researchers found that the length of our body, in addition to hereditary predisposition, also depends on the quality of nutrition and physical activity, especially in childhood and adolescence. The influence of a person's genetic code on his growth is about 80%. The remaining 20% ​​are external factors.

Nutritionists have long studied the growth of representatives of various nationalities. They found that the short stature of some of their ethnic groups is directly related to a lack of nutrients and malnutrition in general. Based on this statement, many were interested in the question of how to do it in order to grow faster. What needs to be done for this?

By studying the properties of food products in terms of their influence on the process of human growth, scientists were able to conclude that certain nutrients have a certain effect on this parameter. Among them are:

  • and zinc. Of particular importance is the full use of these two substances in the first years of life. An adult should not expect miracles. After a certain age, adjusting your height with a certain diet or taking vitamin-mineral complexes is quite difficult.
  • Protein. It has been scientifically proven that the low growth of the Japanese and Chinese is associated with many years of protein malnutrition of the representatives of these nations. Indeed, the lack of this nutrient, or rather the amino acids that make it up, affects growth. A person is not able to reach the potential that is given to him by nature. For example, today's Chinese youth are taller than their peers fifty years ago by more than 15 cm. So if you are puzzled by the question of what to eat to grow faster, lean on food rich in proteins.
  • Vitamins of group B. It has been proven that their deficiency affects growth.
  • Vitamin A. This substance supports growth.

Also, if you're concerned about how to grow fast, it's not just what you eat that matters, but how you eat it.

To grow you have to chew

Prolonged chewing of food has a positive effect on the condition of the gums, the functioning of the heart and the gastrointestinal tract.

With a long stay in the mouth, the food is sufficiently crushed and moistened with saliva. As a result, the process of digestion begins from here. In the stomach, the breakdown of substances takes place more intensively, which means that the nutrients most necessary for the growth and development of the body are absorbed more efficiently.

Breakfast is the main meal

Many of us believe that breakfast should be light, and some even ignore it and just skip it. This is completely unnecessary and even harmful to health. In the morning, the body needs a large amount of energy, which it spends on starting all systems. Therefore, everything that is eaten in the morning burns in our body without a trace. Every human cell needs energy to grow and function. We get this energy from food. Therefore, if you are concerned about the question of what you need to grow faster, you should eat breakfast thoroughly and efficiently. The ideal food in the morning is whole grain cereals.

Eat regularly and sparingly

For a good metabolism, you need to eat often and in small portions. The interval between meals should be 2-3 hours.

Eating in this way, you will have an excellent metabolism, the body will function correctly and release the hormones necessary for growth in normal quantities.

Can't skip meals

A long break between meals is undesirable for several reasons. First, there is stagnation of bile, which is harmful to digestion. Secondly, by skipping lunch, a person runs the risk of overeating at dinner, and this is fraught with problems for the whole organism. Digesting food takes a lot of energy. When overeating, the body works on an anguish. But this useful energy will be useful for development. Therefore, if you are thinking about how you can grow quickly, use your strength rationally and eat on time.

After eating - rest

Do not engage in heavy physical work or sports immediately after eating. Give your digestive system do your job fully. After eating, take a short break to rest for at least 30 minutes. At this time, it is best to take a walk and get some fresh air. This promotes better digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Eat well

Candy, chips, candy bars, sodas, hamburgers, and other fast foods are unhealthy foods. All these foods are loaded with trans fats, salt, sugar or its substitutes, colors, preservatives and flavorings. Such substances are alien to the body, are not digested and accumulate. As a result, metabolism is disturbed, growth is inhibited, obesity and other serious diseases occur.

less salt

Salt is a substance whose use should be limited. The daily human need for sodium chloride is 3 grams. Nutritionists claim that this amount of salt is already found in the foods that we eat. Excessive eating of this substance worsens metabolic processes and does not allow to grow quickly.

More fruits and vegetables

It is in vegetables and fruits that contain all the substances necessary for the body: vitamins, macro- and microelements. All of them will help those people who do not know how to grow fast. During heat treatment, most vitamins are destroyed, so eat fruits and vegetables fresh. You can make juice out of them. Particularly useful for growth are carrot, orange, tomato and

Competent drinking regimen

For human body water is even more important than food. All metabolic processes are based on this valuable fluid. Some organs are almost entirely made up of water. Every day we lose about 2 liters of moisture, and this amount needs to be replenished by drinking pure still water. It is necessary for growth and normal life. But you also need to drink water properly. Experts do not recommend doing this with meals, as this dilutes the gastric juice. It would be better to drink a glass of water half an hour before meals and an hour after. Don't forget this rule. For all the people concerned about how to start growing fast, best advice there will be a proper drinking regimen.

Connect calcium

The direct effect of calcium ions on human growth has not been established, however, without this element, the functioning of the body cannot be called complete. During the period of active increase in the size of the bones, they are stretched in length. In order to avoid the fragility of the skeleton, the body needs calcium.

This element is most easily absorbed from dairy products. It is presented in the form of lactate. In combination with vitamin D, which is also found in milk and dairy products, calcium is absorbed and bound in the body.

Reception of a vitamin and mineral complex

We do not always have the opportunity to eat a varied diet and daily replenish the body's need for all the necessary biologically active substances. Therefore, it is worth taking pharmacy vitamin and mineral supplements. Before you buy these drugs, consult your doctor. He will tell you about how to grow faster in height, and recommend the right complex remedy.

Healthy lifestyle

In order to increase growth well, you need to bypass everything bad habits: smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction or substance abuse. In addition, do not forget about a complete, balanced and healthy nutrition. Avoid foods with light carbohydrates and saturated fat, which can be attributed to fast food and many confectionery products.

Refuse to use energy drinks, they cause irreparable harm to a growing body. For many teenagers, eating like this has become a way of life. However, each of them will be interested in the question of what you need to eat in order to grow quickly? The task of parents, teachers and medical specialists is to tell the younger generation about proper and healthy nutrition.

Physical activity

Proved that physical activity beneficial effect on the human body. To grow faster, you need to play sports. But not all types of physical education contribute to this process. It has been proven that powerlifting slows down the growth of a teenager. This is due to the large compression load on the spine. Therefore, if you set out to increase your height, then take up swimming or athletics.

Medical ways to increase height

In some cases, adolescents have developmental abnormalities that lead to growth retardation. With such pathologies, hormone injections or a surgical method for lengthening the limbs are prescribed.

For such treatment, serious prerequisites are needed. These types of medical interventions can have serious consequences. Hormone injections sometimes result in disproportionate limb growth that cannot be corrected.

Surgery is a very serious and traumatic operation, during which the bone is gradually stretched by means of a special metal mechanism. The duration of this procedure is about a year. Throughout this period, the patient moves on crutches. But for medical reasons, only a few out of millions of people need such an operation.

Therefore, in order to grow faster, it is enough for the average teenager to eat a variety of healthy foods rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals, play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle. If you follow these tips, the result will not be long in coming.

Proper nutrition for growth has a very great importance, especially in the complex of measures applied to increase growth at home. Our general recommendations will help anyone who wants to increase their height, the main thing is to properly organize nutrition and regimen.

Recommendations on how and what to eat to grow. Food for growth.

1. Be sure to stick to a balanced diet. The word "rational" comes from the Latin word "ratio", which means: reason, meaning, reason, explanation, account, method. I.e food for growth should be based on a reasonable principle of product selection.

2. To increase your height it is necessary to diversify food as much as possible in order to supply the body with the most essential nutrients and vitamins.

3. Increase your consumption of raw fruits and vegetables up to 3-4 times a day. In general, it is advisable to eat about 1.5 kg of fresh fruits and vegetables per day, and always two or three types.

4. Add vitamin greens to your diet - these are parsley, dill, onion, lettuce, watercress, spinach, rhubarb, tarragon. It is especially important that food for growth also contained wild greens. It is very rich in biologically active substances. It can be nettle, quinoa, dandelion, plantain, mint, sour, gout, Ivan tea, coltsfoot. This greenery needs to be harvested young and you can also make stocks for the winter. To do this, the shoots and leaves are thoroughly washed in water and dried in the shade. If you use it raw - pour boiling water over it.

6. The use of melt water helps to grow well.

7. If you decide to grow up, then your food for growth should be rich in vitamin A. A large amount of vitamin A is found in fish oil, eggs, liver, butter, in any dairy products, carrots, berries, especially raspberries. It is best to drink a glass of carrot or grape juice every day, and for children 0.5-1 liter of milk or fermented milk products, which is even better.

8. If the food is rich in calcium and phosphorus salts, then this will contribute to the growth of bone tissue, and hence the body in general. There are many of these salts in dairy products, in particular in cottage cheese and cheese. Calcium is rich in cabbage, phosphorus in meat, fish, legumes, rye bread, phosphorus-calcium metabolism is regulated by vitamin D, and it is found in fatty varieties of sea fish, egg yolks, butter, sour cream, cream.

9. Many experts say that you need to consume a large amount of protein, which is found in meat and meat products. In animal proteins, there are indeed many substances important for growth, but they are difficult to digest products and contain a large number of various nitrogenous compounds and extractive substances, which in large quantities are not very useful for the body.

It is best to eat lean beef for growth and it is advisable to monitor the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates consumed per day.
The following ratios are recommended:
- for kids preschool age - 1:1:3;
- for schoolchildren - 1:1:4;
- for older teenagers and adults - 1:3:5.

10. Scientists have found that the growth of a child directly depends on the amount of food containing copper consumed by him. Thus, copper plays an important role in the metabolism that occurs in connective tissues (skin, cartilage and bone). With insufficient copper content in the cells of cartilage and bone tissue, protein metabolism decreases and becomes slower, which leads to a slowdown and disruption of bone tissue growth.

Most copper contains foods such as: peas, slaughter meat, fruits and vegetables, egg yolk, milk, liver, bakery products, fish, nuts. In addition, 1 liter of water contains 1 mg of copper.

11. And of course, we must not forget that those who have set themselves the goal of growing up must definitely give up alcohol and smoking. Better yet, don't even start.

All about how to increase height at home

All children want to grow up quickly. Staying small is something out of scary tales like "Little Muck" or "Dwarf Nose" for example. True, a good wizard appears in fairy tales, and everything ends happily. But it happens that a good wizard appears in life - an endocrinologist, and then the dwarf begins to grow and turns into a beautiful young man.

What affects the growth of a child? First, of course, heredity. If mom and dad are short, it's hard to expect their daughter to have the height of a fashion model. In addition to heredity, growth determines many other things: nutrition, daily routine, and even the psychological atmosphere in the family.

The child should eat a lot of dairy products, as they contain calcium - construction material for a growing organism. Every day you need to give the baby vegetables and fruits, because he needs vitamins. Especially useful carrots containing beta-carotene. In order for this microelement to be better absorbed, raw carrots must be rubbed and seasoned with sour cream or butter. Essential for normal growth and protein products- meat fish. If the child is thin, eats sluggishly, it is useful for him to give caviar (of course, in the absence of food allergies).

Those children who spend a lot of time outdoors, play outdoor games, and go in for sports grow better. By the way, if you want your child to be taller, when you choose a sports section, give preference not to power sports, but to basketball, volleyball, tennis.

Sleep plays a special role, it is not in vain that they say that children grow in their sleep: 70% of the growth hormone - somatotropin - is produced at night. If you put your baby to bed late, he sleeps restlessly, wakes up often, the production of growth hormone is disrupted.

How to ensure that the baby falls asleep early and sleeps soundly? It will be necessary for a while to subordinate the way of the whole family to the interests of the child. Turn off the TV early and see the guests out. In the evening, play only calm games with your baby, tell a story before going to bed, read or sing a lullaby. You can listen to relaxing music together.

Very important for the growth of the child and the general atmosphere in the family. There is such a thing - psycho-emotional short stature. It occurs in children not only in dysfunctional families. You can feed a child well, dress him, buy him excellent toys and at the same time not really love him, but pay off with expensive gifts to make amends for his guilt.

When a child misses true love, heat, its growth slows down. Recently, psychologists have calculated that in order for a family to have a favorable psycho-emotional atmosphere, it is necessary to hug and kiss loved ones at least eight times a day.

When to sound the alarm

The child grows fastest in the first year: its height increases by about 25 cm. Then the rate decreases: in the second year, the baby grows by 8–12 cm, then by 4–6 cm annually.

If in the third year of life the child has grown by less than 4 cm, it is necessary to show it to the endocrinologist. Sometimes parents do not pay attention to the fact that their baby is lagging behind their peers in growth, and they realize only in adolescence, when it is already difficult to fix anything. If they turned to specialists in time, they would help the child grow up.

Fortunately, most short children have what is known as constitutional stunting. It turns out that their parents grew up in much the same way: for a long time they went to the closing lessons in physical education, and then suddenly they waved and found themselves in the top five. These are boys and girls with late puberty. They do not need any treatment, they will catch up, and even surpass their peers by the age of 16-18.

But in some cases, a special examination - carried out only in a hospital - reveals a deficiency of growth hormone (GH) in the body. GH is produced by the pituitary gland under the control of the structures of the hypothalamus. Its deficiency may be genetically determined or associated with disorders in the endocrine system. Previously, the fate of such children was a foregone conclusion, they were doomed to dwarf growth: the boy did not grow above 140 cm, and the girl - 130 cm. Today they can be helped.

magic drops

These children need treatment with growth hormone. GR, which is synthesized by a genetic engineering method, is identical to natural, has practically no side effects. Only a specialist after an examination can prescribe growth hormone. The treatment lasts for several years, until the growth zones are closed (this is determined using an x-ray of the hands) and the growth effect stops. GH is injected daily using a special syringe pen, the device of which allows you not to lose a single drop of the precious drug.

GH deficiency is often combined with another endocrine pathology: dysfunction of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, gonads, so treatment should be carried out under the constant supervision of an endocrinologist.

GH preparations are very expensive, a course of treatment for a month costs a thousand dollars, but Russian children are treated with GH preparations free of charge. What are the results? During the first year of treatment, it is possible to achieve an increase in height by 8-12 cm, in the second - by 6-8, the third - by 4-6. In the first two years, the body is saturated with the hormone, then the growth rate becomes the same as in healthy children. The earlier treatment is started, the more effective it is.

Moscow endocrinologists have a patient whose height is now ninety-five meters, although without treatment he would not have grown above one and a half meters.

With family short stature, the effect of using GH preparations is lower than with growth hormone deficiency, they need to be administered in larger quantities. In this case, you can increase your height by only 6-8 cm. If the height of the parents does not exceed 150-160 cm, the height of the children will be about the same.

Parents often ask doctors if the second child will grow poorly if the first one has a growth hormone deficiency? No, the second one can be born absolutely healthy, but before planning a pregnancy, you need to contact a medical genetic consultation.

By the way

To determine the approximate height of a child when he becomes an adult, you need to add the height of the mother and the height of the father, divide the resulting amount by two, and then add 6.5 centimeters for a boy or subtract the same amount if we are talking about a girl.

Our reference

Muscovites can be examined for growth retardation at the Endocrinological Dispensary, tel. (499) 246-27-66, residents of other cities - in the Department of Pediatric Endocrinology of the Endocrinological scientific center RAMN, tel. (495) 124-02-66.