Where is more caffeine: coffee or tea? Where is more caffeine, which drink is in the lead Caffeine is more in tea or coffee

Surely, many in the morning feel the need for a cup of invigorating coffee or hot strong tea in order to get into a working rhythm. These drinks are united by one active substance, which provides an invigorating effect - this is caffeine.

What is caffeine

Caffeine is a natural alkaloid found in some plants. Among them are coffee tree, tea bush, guarana and some others. The peoples inhabiting the areas where the listed plants grow, even in ancient times noticed an invigorating effect from their use, so the beginning of the use of tea and coffee goes back centuries. In medical practice, caffeine is used in the form of a heart muscle stimulant and diuretic. In a sense, caffeine is a narcotic substance, with its regular use it becomes addictive, so it can be very difficult for a person to give up the usual cup of coffee in the morning, without it he feels overwhelmed, sleepy and lethargic. Of course, the effect of caffeine is milder than that of cocaine, but the principle of influencing areas of the brain is the same as when using drugs.

The content of caffeine in tea leaves and coffee beans is different and depends on a number of factors. various factors. However, in general, tea is a more complex drink in its composition than coffee, so its effect on the body is mitigated by the content of another alkaloid in the drink - tenine. If coffee has a quick but short-term effect on the human nervous system, then the effect of drinking a cup of tea is not so obvious, more mildly pronounced and extended over time. Therefore, drinking tea is more comfortable for the body than drinking one cup of strong coffee. Coffee in large doses can cause increased heart rate, irritability and insomnia. Tea is not capable of causing such disorders in the body if consumed in a normal, non-concentrated form (the so-called "chifir").

Where is more caffeine - in tea or coffee?

It is commonly believed that coffee contains more caffeine than tea, but this is not true. The caffeine champion is not coffee, but green tea. However, due to the fact that when preparing instant coffee, a powder concentrate is taken, a cup of coffee has a higher caffeine content than one cup of tea.

If you drink coffee or tea in moderation, do not abuse the amount and give great importance drink quality, caffeine is good for nervous system body - it allows you to keep yourself in good shape, gives vigor and energy for productive work. Therefore, it is worth adhering to the recommendations of experts, according to which the most effective dosage of coffee is no more than two cups a day. Also, don't drink coffee in the afternoon. And doctors recommend combining coffee intake with physical activity - sports, fitness. There are no such strict requirements regarding tea, but it is also not recommended to drink it before going to bed, so as not to suffer from insomnia. In general, it is much more useful not to use fermented black tea, but green, with aromatic herbs, or completely herbal.

Summing up, we can say that all caffeinated drinks are good in moderation, so you should not abuse coffee, black and green tea. Find a golden mean for yourself and be healthy!

People rarely question statements they think are absolutely true.

Well, here's something like this: Everyone knows that coffee has caffeine, but tea does not and should not have it.. This is one of the main "myths" regarding the drinks that we regularly consume.

In fact, there is also caffeine in tea, this has long been proven by science, but it would be nice to figure out in what volumes (dangerous or beneficial for our body).

Recall one figure: doctors consider a daily dose of caffeine to be normal for a person. three hundred milligrams.

But this is an average indicator, for each specific person it can be different, and the difference in numbers is very noticeable. It all depends on individual features that are passed down at the genetic level.

Where is more caffeine: in tea or coffee?

There is no single answer to this simple question. And that's why. When we compare not the drinks themselves, but the initial products with which we are going to prepare them (tea brewing and coffee beans), we get unexpected data: tea has more caffeine content than coffee.

Then the “alignment of forces” changes dramatically: in a mug of tea, the substance of interest to us is already less than in the same amount of ready-to-drink coffee, and three times. How does this happen?

The explanation is quite simple: we always use much less tea leaves than coffee beans, and therefore the concentration of the initial product will differ in favor of coffee.

It is also important to keep in mind that the caffeine found in a mug of Americano and in a cup, for example, black long leaf, is far from the same thing. It affects a person in different ways, and this is the fundamental difference between the two drinks.

Here is what is meant: In addition to caffeine, tea contains a substance called tannin.. “In contact” these two do not represent the powerful energy boost that caffeine gives us in the morning cup of espresso or americano.

As a result of the interaction of caffeine and tannin, a new substance is formed - theine, very slowly absorbed into the blood.

One more important point: coffee gives a person, as it is customary to say, a “charge of vivacity”, but this “charge” passes forty minutes after the last sip is drunk.

The energy of tea is not as powerful as that of coffee, but it is more stable and long lasting.

It is interesting that in nature there are examples of when both tea and coffee do without caffeine at all, and nevertheless make a person more active, give him freshness and strength.

Among teas, this is a variety called "puer", and decaffeinated coffee is very rare, natural, brazilian, which instead of caffeine contains the substance "theobromine", more characteristic of cocoa than coffee.

How many mg are in a cup of coffee

The result may be different, depending on whether we use coffee beans or some other to prepare the drink. So which coffee has more caffeine?

Whole bean coffee

In a cup (volume 170 ml) of natural coffee contains, as a rule, from 70 to 140 mg of caffeine.

In robusta, this figure is higher - from 170 to 200 mg.

In arabica, as in a less strong variety, from 40 to 60 mg.

When buying coffee in stores, we most often take a mixture of two or more types of beans in order to get the most interesting “bouquet”.

A cup of Arabica and Robusta coffee contains approximately 115 mg of caffeine.

What other varieties of coffee are you will find out in the publication.


If you buy not natural coffee beans, but already ground, here is how much caffeine will fall on each cup:

  • espresso (50 ml) - 50 mg caffeine;
  • cappuccino (70 ml) - 80 mg;
  • americano (150 ml) - 300 mg.


When choosing a softer drink for themselves, people are often interested in where there is more caffeine - in natural coffee or instant?

Usually, instant coffee contains less caffeine provided it is genuine and of good quality.

A teaspoon of coffee, which is enough to make one cup (240 ml) of the drink, contains 30 to 60 mg of caffeine.

You can learn about the beneficial properties and contraindications of instant coffee in the following.

How much caffeine is in a cup of tea:

  • in a cup of black tea (250 ml) - from 15 to 70 mg of caffeine, depending on the strength of the drink; information on the benefits and harms of black tea can be found.
  • in white - from 15 to 40 mg;
  • in fruit - from 10 to 30 mg;
  • there is no caffeine in herbal tea;
  • in a 200-gram jar of ready-made iced tea - from 20 to 35 mg of caffeine.

What determines its level in tea and coffee

Various factors affect the level of caffeine in coffee:

  • variety (in different varieties, its amount can be either less or more, so many, but, unfortunately, not all manufacturers indicate on the packaging how much caffeine the product contains);
  • processing method and storage of the product;
  • bean roasting method(if the roast is deep, less caffeine is retained in the product, and if the medium roast is more);
  • how to make a drink(for example, the same mug will contain 65 mg of caffeine if an instant drink is poured into it, 155 mg - when coffee is brewed in a drip coffee maker, but those who make Turkish coffee reduce the amount of caffeine in it by 20-30 percent);
  • method of consumption drink (add milk or lemon - reduce caffeine content).

The level of caffeine in tea is affected by:

  • its variety (for example, a study was conducted according to which HERITAGE green tea turned out to be the owner of 85 mg of caffeine per cup, and black, lemon-flavored DILMAH - 40 mg);
  • structure of raw materials (tea buds and the youngest leaves are the richest in caffeine);
  • the nature of the processing of raw materials(the lower the degree of fermentation, the more caffeine is retained in tea);
  • brewing temperature(the higher it is, the less caffeine in the drink, which is why in the Chinese tea ceremony it is not customary to brew tea with boiling water);
  • method of consumption drink (with milk it will be less strong).

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Thinking about the composition of products and their effect on the body is the norm for modern man. That is why it is important for connoisseurs of strong tonic drinks to know where there is more caffeine in tea or coffee and what effect it has on the functioning of organs and body systems.
How much caffeine is in brewed coffee beans

You need to understand that the number of active alkaloids in coffee beans depends on their variety, place of origin, soil where the crop was grown.

Additionally, the amount of caffeine in a flavored drink is affected by:

  • roast degree;
  • naturalness;
  • cooking method.

The table shows the indicators of caffeine for different varieties coffee in the highest demand.

Variety of coffee beans Number of caffeine in a cup (170 g), mg
Ethiopian "Mocha" 160
"Santos" 160
"Minas" 163
"Peru" 170
"Costa Rica" 170
"Mexican" 170
Arabica 177
"Nicaragua" 180
"Cameroon" 180
"Guatemala" 187
"Salvador" 187
"Javanese Arabica" 187
"Venezuela" 192
"Colombia" 195
"Cuban" 195
Indian "Meleber" 195
Haitian 201
"Robusta" from the Congo 325
Robusta from Uganda 325

With regard to the degree of roasting of the grain, the amount of caffeine increases with increasing heat treatment. The lighter the beans, the less caffeine they contain. That is why espresso is brewed from the darkest strong roasted beans.

With regard to naturalness, it is worth noting that instant coffee is not as strong as natural, brewed from freshly ground beans. The amount of caffeine in it is about 60 mg per 170 ml of liquid.

The method of preparation also matters. A drink brewed in a Turk will turn out to be less strong than one passed through a coffee machine, where the grains undergo a long extraction, saturating the water with active substances as much as possible. A cup (170 ml) of coffee brewed in a cezve based on strong or medium roast beans contains about 115 mg of caffeine.

Just like in coffee, contrary to popular belief about the almost complete harmlessness, caffeine is also present in tea. Its level is influenced by several factors at once:

  • the quality of the tea leaf;
  • fermentation level;
  • type of preparation;
  • grade;
  • concentration.

If the answer to the question of whether there is caffeine in tea is unequivocally in the affirmative, then it is worth arguing about the amount of it. The quality of the sheet in this case is almost of key importance. Traditionally, several groups of leaves and tips (buds) are used for production.

The highest amount of caffeine is found in the top sheets. As they decrease, the proportion of caffeine also decreases. The lower shoots contain less than 1% caffeine. The price of finished tea also depends on this indicator. From the upper shoots, expensive elite varieties are produced, from the lower ones - cheap ones. The more expensive the drink, the more caffeine it contains. At the same time, the so-called decaffeinated tea is in most cases made from the lowest shoots and still contains a small amount of it.

The degree of fermentation also plays a role, that is, the level of processing of raw materials. The amount of natural substances preserved in the leaves increases the level of caffeine. According to this indicator, the strongest is green tea, which undergoes the least processing.

One cup of green tea contains 50 to 70 mg of caffeine, while its black counterpart is almost halved.

The indicators give a clear answer to the question of whether there is caffeine in green tea, moreover, they prove that green does not always mean more useful and safe.

The tea preparation method also affects the final level of caffeine in a cup of tea.

one sort or another. The higher the temperature of the water during brewing, and, accordingly, the degree of extraction, the more caffeine comes out of the drink. The classic version of brewing using hot water, but not boiling water allows you to save the alkaloid in tea leaves and a number of active substances that are beneficial to the body. It's about green tea.

Varieties of black tea leaves can only be brewed with water at temperatures up to 100 degrees, so the amount of caffeine in it is reduced by an order of magnitude.

Another indicator that affects the final content of the alkaloid is the concentration, that is, the number of leaves used to prepare one serving. Usually for one cup of green drink you need no more than 4-8 grams of dry leaves, while black will require half the amount of the finished mixture.

Which tea has more caffeine is affected by the variety of leaves used to make it. Popular varieties of green drinks Edwin and Heritage contain 55 and 65 mg per 150 mg of caffeine, respectively, but the well-known Lipton will supply the body with no more than 50 mg of the active substance. The least caffeine in Akbar tea is 44 mg.

The strength of the drink and tonic properties are affected by the amount of flavors. The more it contains, the less strong it becomes.

Useful data about "tea" caffeine

The tonic crystals that make up tea are scientifically called tannin. It was discovered at the beginning of the 19th century and was originally attributed to separate group alkaloids. Only a century later, caffeine was extracted from tea leaves in pure form, and a few years later they came to the conclusion that it is the same as tannin. This conclusion led to the conclusion that tea and coffee contain the same caffeine. At the same time, the effect of drinks on the body is different, which means that something changes the effect of alkaloids.

Over time, it turned out that the tannin in tea leaves partially blocks the effect of caffeine, so the effect of espresso, for example, and Lipton cups is different. Drinking a cup of coffee, a person feels cheerful, energetic and even happy. Sensations last about 30-40 minutes of caffeine action. After tea, the effect of vigor is longer, even despite the high level of concentration in the first drink.

Unlike coffee beans brewed in one way or another, tea perfectly refreshes and helps to cheer up, quenching thirst. It is not for nothing that in some countries the tea drinking ceremony is a national tradition that has not become obsolete even after the discovery of the properties of coffee.

Caffeine component - where is more in tea leaves or coffee beans?

As mentioned above, caffeine is white or colorless crystals with a bitter aftertaste. If you consume it in moderation, you can achieve a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiac systems, as well as the body as a whole.

The main difficulty is that the reaction to this component may differ depending on the characteristics of the organism. If for one person one small cup of Americano is enough to raise the tone, then for another, several stronger portions of espresso will not be enough to achieve the same goal.

Below is a table of caffeine content in tea and coffee for comparison:

The table shows that the most caffeine is found in ground coffee and green tea.

"Caffeine-free" drink options for connoisseurs of taste are not harmful to health

There is no caffeine, for example, in Ivan tea - a plant with a number of useful components:

  • iron;
  • copper;
  • boron;
  • manganese;
  • nickel;
  • lithium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • pectin;
  • molybdenum.

Tea beats all records for the content of vitamin C and B vitamins, surpasses in this respect the rich sources of vitamins orange, lemon and black currant. In addition, Ivan-tea includes a rapidly digestible protein, in addition to caffeine, there are no uric, oxalic and purine acids that negatively affect the metabolism.

In addition to Ivan tea, safe and healthy are herbal preparations, which can be prepared at home, for example, from linden and chamomile flowers, or bought ready-made at a pharmacy.

In conclusion, we note that a healthy person can afford a small daily dose of caffeine. On average, this is from 100 to 200 mg at a time and not more than 1000 mg per day, depending on age, weight, and health status.

Everyone knows that caffeine is found in coffee, and the fact that it is also found in other products - including tea - is often not taken into account. How much less caffeine is in a cup of tea than a cup of coffee? Can the concentration of caffeine be the same? And under what circumstances is this possible? We deal with this and other issues together with toxicologist Alexei Vodovozov, candidate of biological sciences Yuri Stefanov and Maren Grefrat, an employee of the laboratory of the Teekanne tea company.

Alexey Vodovozov

toxicologist, science journalist

About 60 plant species contain caffeine in leaves, fruits or seeds. It is found in tea and coffee.

It is definitely impossible to answer the question of whether the caffeine content is the same in a cup of tea and a cup of coffee, because “a cup of coffee” or “a cup of tea” is too general a concept, many additional questions will have to be asked. What's the coffee? And, in particular, what kind of tea? How was it brewed? How long did you brew? With tea, in general, a separate story in the sense of biochemistry, making it almost impossible to give a definite answer to the question posed.

A little sketch about coffee: in 2011, employees of the University of Glasgow walked through 20 coffee shops in the city and took a “standard espresso”, after which they ran these drinks through a chemical analysis laboratory. The range of caffeine content in a "standard espresso" ranged from 50 to 300 milligrams per cup, i.e. 600%.

Tea also contains caffeine, and in quantities that give a well-defined physiological effect. For example, in varieties that the Chinese call red, and we call black (fermented), an ordinary cup of 230-240 milliliters can have from 14 to 70 milligrams of caffeine. For the same volume of green (unfermented) - 24-45 milligrams of caffeine. Too many variables affect the final result. In the case of coffee, for example, coffee machine settings and cleanliness, beans, barista skills, water, and so on. In the case of tea, there are even more factors to consider. Caffeine is highly soluble in water, so a longer contact of ground coffee powder or tea leaves with water - even all other things being equal - will result in a stronger drink.

Caffeine is present in a variety of foods. In addition to coffee and tea, it is found, for example, in carbonated soft drinks, energy drinks, chocolate, sweets, snacks, desserts, and so on. Data on the content of caffeine in different products is available, for example, in reviews of the US Food and Drug Administration (US Food and Drug Administration).

According to their data, espresso contains the most caffeine (about 250 milligrams per 100 milliliters), followed by different options brewed black coffee (about 50–80 milligrams per 100 milliliters), and then in coffee drinks with milk or something else (cappuccino, mocaccino, latte).

IN different types In tea, the concentration of caffeine is usually less and barely exceeds 30 milligrams per 100 milliliters. Of these, the highest concentration of caffeine is in brewed black tea, and the lowest is in milk oolongs. There is less caffeine in instant coffee than in ground coffee, that is, about the same as in green tea, which was brewed for five minutes: 20-25 milligrams per 100 milliliters. So these drinks can compete with each other.

However, there are some subtleties. For example, the volume of standard espresso is usually 30 milliliters, while teas are often drunk two or more cups at a time. The volume of one cup is usually 230 milliliters, therefore, for tea drinking you can consume significantly more caffeine than for a cup of espresso. On the other hand, the way the coffee is brewed or the time the tea is brewed greatly affects the caffeine content - a well-brewed black tea can contain more caffeine than an equal-sized cup of weak coffee with milk.

Coffee and tea contain the same substance - caffeine. In addition to it, tea also contains amino acids (L-theanine) and tannic acids (tannins), which inhibit the direct absorption of caffeine in the stomach. Because of this, the caffeine in tea has a different effect. But in general, the amount of caffeine in a cup of tea or coffee is similar.

The caffeine content of tea or coffee may vary depending on the variety. For example, Darjeeling has less caffeine than Assam. Also, the content of caffeine is affected by the quality, the season of collection of raw materials and the method of preparation. In addition, brewing time is of great, even decisive importance: if you brew for a short time, then the concentration of caffeine will be significantly lower. But with prolonged brewing, tannic acids interact with water and also inhibit the growth of caffeine content.

Illustration: Nastya Grigorieva

Many people are big fans of tea and coffee, but not everyone thinks about the effect of these products on the body. Most types of tea and coffee drinks contain an element such as caffeine. It is important to calculate the amount of caffeine consumed per day. To find out what is its content in coffee, tea and other drinks, as well as to determine the optimal amount of a substance for your body, check out this article.

Harm or benefit?

By itself, caffeine (also called guaranine) is considered such a constituent of products that have a stimulating effect on the brain and change the state of the body. No wonder it is sometimes called the active component. In some cases, the effect that caffeine has is very beneficial, but it can also be harmful to health.

TO useful properties caffeine include the following:

  • This substance improves concentration. With prolonged mental stress, caffeine is able to help focus on solving the necessary tasks by stimulating brain activity.
  • The composition of this substance also contains elements that have a positive effect on mood.
  • Caffeine also contributes to a burst of energy. Therefore, coffee or other drinks, which include such an element, help eliminate drowsiness for a certain time.
  • A similar element in the composition of tea - theine, differs in the time of action. If after drinking a coffee drink, a person feels a surge of energy and an improvement in mood for no more than 40 minutes, then theine has a longer effect.
  • Tea quenches thirst better than coffee. Therefore, theine can be used in certain cases as an improved analogue of caffeine.

But it is also worth remembering the negative properties of caffeine. It can have the following types of negative effects:

  • After a short effect of a surge of strength from the drink, a decline and a sharp feeling of physical fatigue may occur, especially in cases where the body experienced a long physical load before drinking the drink.
  • Excessive consumption of instant or low-grade coffee can adversely affect the state of nerve cells. Influencing the UNS, the substance washes out of the cells useful material, exhausting them.
  • With a sufficiently frequent use of tea and coffee drinks, dependence on them may appear. This is especially common among those who like to buy coffee in coffee machines.
  • Strong drinks with a high content of guaranine stimulate not only the nervous and physical activity but also emotional manifestations. Therefore, during periods of unrest, you should drink other drinks.
  • This drink can be a risk factor for people who often have high blood pressure. This is especially true for lovers of coffee from natural beans. When the pressure is unstable, it is recommended to refrain from drinking coffee and strong tea, which often has a similar effect.

To lower the concentration of caffeine in beverages, they can be diluted with water, milk, cream and other suitable ingredients. For the body of an adult, the maximum dose of an invigorating substance is 300 mg. The child is not recommended to consume more than 45 mg per day. In the case of a constant excess of a dose of up to 500 mg or more, health problems may occur.

Quantity in composition: comparison

A rather high content of the invigorating element is typical for black tea. During the creation of raw materials for this species, the leaves undergo multiple processing, due to which the amount of theine is reduced compared to coffee. But among all types of tea, black is considered the strongest. Up to 50 grams of theine can be present in one cup of this drink.

If you prefer green, yellow or white species tea, they are characterized by a greater presence of theine. Raw materials for tea do not go through as many thermal stages of processing as raw materials for black tea.

The minimum percentage of caffeine content is 3%. Typically, this indicator is found in some varieties of tea, for example, in a drink, most of the ingredients of which are natural herbal components.

Espresso, on the other hand, has about 30 ml of active substance, so for some people it is enough to drink one cup to cheer up well.

Some fruit teas contain as much theine as caffeine in coffee. The invigorating substance is present in large quantities in drinks without various flavors.

A special tea variety rich in antioxidants is oolong tea. This tea is able to have a very positive effect on the state of the body, despite the rather high content of caffeine. Depending on the degree of brewing and other factors, the indicator varies from 12 to 55 mg.

To better understand the difference between the caffeine content of different types of tea and coffee, it is recommended to read the comparison tables. They compare the caffeine content not only in tea or coffee, but also in some other commonly consumed drinks.

What do the scores depend on?

The difference in the considered indicators can be explained by many factors.

The key is the type of drink. It determines its main properties and concentration of elements.

An important factor is the size of the cup. For some, a 100 ml container is the norm, while others prefer to drink more coffee or tea from a large vessel. Accordingly, the concentration of the invigorating substance is obtained more abundant at one time. Experimentally, it has been calculated that a standard glass of coffee from a vending machine contains about 95 mg of guaranine.

The naturalness of the coffee drink plays an important role. Coffee from natural grains contains in its composition much more invigorating element than its soluble counterpart. Some believe that the latter does not contain caffeine at all. However, there is still a smaller proportion of caffeine.

Also important is the region in which the plants for the drink were grown. In warmer climates, caffeine becomes less concentrated with temperature, and its total amount decreases. Therefore, tea leaves grown in cooler climates contain more invigorating substances.

In the case of tea, the location of the leaf in a certain part of the plant also affects the caffeine content. In the upper leaves, the concentration of the substance is weaker than in the lower ones. Often varieties of drink from the lower leaves are much more expensive. Also, the price varies from the age of the leaves, since the invigorating element is contained in a larger amount in young leaves.

In order for the concentration of theine in tea to be saturated, it is important to be able to properly infuse the drink. The most suitable time for insisting is 5 minutes. During this time, the tea will become strong, but its taste will not be bitter.

The way the coffee formulations are prepared also determines the concentration of guaranine. The higher the temperature of the water or steam when creating coffee, the more caffeine will be in the finished drink. An example is espresso, which is made using very hot water and steam.

Also pay attention to the number of brews. Many pour boiling water over tea leaves 2-3 times. Naturally, with each successive time, the concentration of all substances becomes less.

Where is it not?

There are a number of tea and coffee drinks, the content of an invigorating substance in which is minimized or completely absent.

Despite the absence of tannin in the composition, herbal decoction based on willow-tea has a very rich taste. In addition, this decoction is rich in vitamins. It contains a lot of vitamin C, which is especially useful during the cold season, as well as B vitamins, sodium, potassium, iron, pectin and many other important elements. This drink is also characterized by a rather high content of protein, which helps to improve the metabolism in the body.

Also, an excellent vitamin collection that strengthens the state of the body is a drink made from chamomile and linden. Ingredients can not only be collected independently, but also purchased ready-made in pharmacy kiosks.

As decaffeinated drinks, coffee lovers use chicory, and tea lovers use rosehip decoction. To taste, these drinks are not much inferior to the original, but they are much more beneficial for the body.

A caffeine-free analogue that is gaining popularity is a drink such as pu-erh. This type of tea has a kind of invigorating effect and brings much more benefits than coffee or regular teas.

As an alternative to give vigor, a decoction of dandelion roots can be used. Thanks to its special chemical composition the plant is able to increase concentration and contribute to the general awakening of the body.

The pleasant taste of coffee can be replaced with an equally tasty drink - cocoa. The caffeine content in it is minimized, while this drink has a beneficial effect on the body - it cleanses blood vessels, improves skin elasticity and tone.

When calculating the allowable dose of caffeine, also pay attention to your weight and body type. These factors can also play an important role, as they are sometimes direct indicators of overall health.

Remember that caffeine is found not only in coffee or tea, but also in hot chocolate, soft drinks and even desserts. Before drinking soda as an alternative to coffee or tea, check the caffeine content of lemonade. Sometimes it can even be more than in hot drinks.

Even if you are not exposed to the negative effects of coffee on the body, do not drink the drink too often. Perhaps all the consequences, due to the characteristics of the organism, will appear in a few years.

If you drink decaffeinated drinks, for example, herbal decoctions, before going to bed, this will have a beneficial effect on the sleep process, as well as on the state of the nervous system. Thus, we can conclude that the concentration of caffeine in coffee drinks is still higher than in tea. But the invigorating effect of tea lasts relatively longer than that of coffee. Therefore, it is worth either combining the intake of two drinks, or giving preference to one in moderate doses.

The advantage of tea can also be called the possibility of drinking it without sugar, since its taste does not deteriorate with the absence of a sweetener. But coffee is hard to imagine without the presence of sweet additives in the drink, although some may use this option.

For information on how caffeine affects a person, see the following video.