What can be made from pumpkin puree. Secrets of making pumpkin puree. Unsweetened fresh pumpkin puree with cabbage and onions: quick and tasty recipes

Boiled pumpkin puree is a healthy and tasty addition to many dishes. Let's find out how to cook it. Step by step recipe with photo. Video recipe.
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Pumpkin is a popular and sought-after vegetable in cooking. The pulp is tender and sweet, so it is suitable for cooking first courses, baking desserts and much more. Pumpkin is used in a variety of ways: raw, baked in the oven and fried in a pan. But most of all it is used as a puree. It can be added to any dish. Therefore, today we will consider a simple recipe for making healthy pumpkin puree. It speeds up metabolism, cleanses the body, improves kidney function, and relieves nausea in pregnant women.

Of course, these days you can just buy ready-made pumpkin puree in the supermarket. However, many cannot consume it due to the presence of various preservatives and additives. Therefore, it is better to make it at home yourself. Especially if you have a pumpkin grown with your own hands. After preparing such a puree, it can be stored in the refrigerator for several days under a closed lid and used to prepare a variety of dishes when needed. In addition, it can be eaten as a separate dessert. To do this, you will need to add any sweeteners, like honey, jam, dried fruits, etc. Focusing on your taste, you can add various spices to pumpkin puree: anise, cloves, ginger, cinnamon. This puree is very useful for children and the elderly. Usually it is added to porridge.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 75 kcal.
  • Servings - any quantity
  • Cooking time - 30 minutes


  • Pumpkin - any quantity

Step by step cooking pumpkin puree, recipe with photo:

1. Peel the pumpkin, remove the pulp and fibers. Cut it into cubes and place in a cooking pot. The size of the cubes may vary. This only affects the cooking time.

2. Fill the pumpkin with water so that it completely covers it and put it on the stove to boil. By the way, you can not pour out the liquid in which the pumpkin was boiled. On its basis, delicious pancakes will turn out, it can be used for soup, and it’s just delicious to drink on its own.

3. Boil water, cover the pot with a lid, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the pumpkin until soft. Test for readiness by pricking with a fork or knife. The flesh should be easy to pierce.

4. Drain the pumpkin broth, and put the pot with the pumpkin on the stove to evaporate the moisture. Get a pusher or blender with the right attachment.

5. Grind the pumpkin to the consistency of a homogeneous puree. Transfer the finished puree to a convenient container, close the lid and store in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Lots of pumpkins useful substances. Puree soups, jams and candied fruits are prepared from the pulp, added to porridge, pastries and baked in pieces. Its seeds and even flowers are also eaten.

Pumpkin pulp puree is suitable for baby and diet food. Pumpkin puree can be an alternative to regular mashed potatoes as a side dish for meat or fish. Or serve as the basis for a beautiful and delicious soup. Pumpkin puree can even be prepared for the winter.

Classic pumpkin puree

Try making pumpkin puree for dinner with meat or chicken cutlets.


  • pumpkin pulp - 500 gr.;
  • milk - 150 gr.;
  • oil - 40 gr.;
  • salt, spices.


  1. Pumpkin must be washed, cut into slices and seeds removed.
  2. Cut off the hard peel from the pieces and cut the flesh into small pieces.
  3. Boil in salted water until soft and drain.
  4. Puree with a blender or pusher, adding a little warm milk.
  5. Add a piece to the finished puree butter and serve as a side dish for dinner.
  6. You can add chopped garlic and herbs.

Children and adults will be delighted with the bright orange garnish.

More easy way cooking that will keep maximum amount vitamins and minerals in pumpkin.


  • pumpkin - 1 kg .;
  • cream - 100 gr.;
  • oil - 40 gr.;
  • salt, spices.


  1. Wash the pumpkin and cut into several pieces. Remove seeds.
  2. Lay the slices on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Season with coarse salt and add aromatic herbs. You can put a few cloves of garlic.
  3. Bake in preheated oven for about one hour, checking doneness with a knife or fork.
  4. The pulp from the baked pumpkin is easily removed with a spoon.
  5. Put the finished pieces in a suitable container and punch with a blender.
  6. For a softer, creamier taste, cream can be added.
  7. From this puree you can make a side dish, or you can make a cream soup by adding a sufficient amount of chicken or meat broth and spices.


  • pumpkin - 100 gr.;
  • water - 100 ml;


  1. Cut the pumpkin pulp into small pieces and boil until soft in a in large numbers pure water.
  2. Soft pieces can be crushed with a blender, and for the smallest it is better to rub through a fine sieve.
  3. For the first acquaintance with this vegetable, which is very useful for the proper development of the baby, it is better to give quite a bit. Dilute pumpkin puree with breast milk.
  4. Cooked puree without additives can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.
  5. For better absorption of beta-carotene in puree, add a drop of olive oil.
  6. For older children, pumpkin can be added as one of the components of vegetable and meat soups a couple of times a week.

Pumpkin contains a fair amount of sugars and is usually very palatable to children without the addition of salt or sugar.

A bright, sunny vegetable dessert with apples can be eaten simply with tea or used as a pastry filling.


  • pumpkin - 100 gr.;
  • apple - 100 gr.;
  • water - 50 ml;


  1. Cut the pumpkin into small pieces and put to boil.
  2. A little later, put the peeled apple slices into the saucepan.
  3. When all the products become soft, remove all the pieces from the liquid and grind with a blender.
  4. Add sugar or honey to taste.
  5. When serving, you can add sour cream or whipped cream.

Both children and adult members of your family will like this puree.

Pumpkin is a very popular vegetable in cooking. Delicate sweetish pulp is used to make soups, pastries and various desserts. It is convenient to use pumpkin in all these dishes in the form of a puree. We will talk about how to make pumpkin puree today in our article.

For the preparation of pumpkin puree, any variety of pumpkin can be used, with the exception of decorative ones, of course. For sweet desserts, it is more appropriate to use a nutmeg vegetable. Butternut squash flesh is bright orange and very sweet.

Selection rules:

  • First and foremost: the pumpkin must be ripe. The indicator of ripeness is mature, thick seeds.
  • Preference should be given to medium-sized specimens weighing up to 4 kilograms.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the tail. It must be dry.
  • In stores and markets, you should buy a whole vegetable, and not a cut part of it.
  • The peel of the pumpkin should be whole and preferably even. Perhaps the presence of a natural wax coating.

How to cook squash for puree

In the oven

The skin of the vegetable is washed under running water and wiped with a cloth. Cut the pumpkin in half with a sharp knife and remove the seeds. This can be done with a tablespoon or just with your hands. The seeds should not be thrown away. They are washed from fibers, dried and eaten.

You can bake the pumpkin immediately in halves or divide each part into several more parts. The skin does not need to be cut.

So that the baking sheet after the pumpkin does not have to be washed for a long time, it is lined with foil or parchment for baking.

Vegetables are placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and baked for 40-50 minutes. Many housewives recommend baking a pumpkin covered with foil. In this case, the pumpkin will definitely not be fried, and the amount of vitamins will remain at the maximum level.

Readiness is checked with a knife or fork, piercing pieces with them.

Ready pumpkin is taken out of oven, and separate the pulp from the peel using any cutlery or by hand.

The AllrecipesRU channel in its video will tell you in detail how to make delicious pumpkin puree in the oven

On the stove

This method is much more labor-intensive than the previous one, since the hard peel will have to be removed from the pumpkin before cooking. The pumpkin, peeled from seeds, is cut, for convenience, into smaller slices, each of which is further peeled from the skin.

A completely peeled vegetable is crushed into small cubes or thin plates, poured with water, and stewed for 15-20 minutes until completely softened.

Watch the video from the Life Mom channel - Pumpkin puree on the stove

pumpkin puree recipes

Natural pumpkin puree for baby

For kids, mashed potatoes are prepared without the addition of various spices and sugar. In extreme cases, puree can be salted with a few grains of salt or sweetened with fructose.

The pumpkin boiled until soft is pureed with a blender. Since children under one year old prefer more liquid food, the puree should also be liquid. You can dilute the mass with boiled water or breast milk. This puree cannot be stored. But a natural product, without additives, can stand under the lid in the main compartment of the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Pumpkin puree can be stored for a longer time in freezer. To do this, the cooled mass is laid out in small containers and sent to the chamber for storage. Can be used as a freezer container Silicone forms for cupcakes, airtight freezer bags and disposable plastic cups.

Pumpkin puree with juice for the winter

  • pumpkin - 3.5 kilograms;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kilogram;
  • homemade or purchased pomegranate juice - 200 milliliters.

The peeled and chopped pumpkin is placed in a container of a suitable size, sugar is added and the juice is poured. Boil the pumpkin in sweet syrup for about half an hour until soft, and then pierce with a blender. The crushed sweet mass is again put on fire and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. When hot, the puree is laid out in jars and twisted with sterile lids.

Puree with citric acid

  • pumpkin - 2 kilograms;
  • granulated sugar - 500 grams;
  • citric acid powder - 1 teaspoon.

The pumpkin is baked in the oven, and then crushed with a blender. Add the rest of the ingredients and heat on the stove for 10 minutes. Hot puree is laid out in sterile containers and twisted for the winter.

Pumpkin and cranberry puree

  • pumpkin - 2 kilograms;
  • fresh or frozen cranberries - 250 grams;
  • water - 900 milliliters;
  • sugar - 300 grams grams;
  • cloves - 1 bud (optional).

A syrup is prepared from water and sugar, and the pumpkin is boiled in it until tender. If the cranberries were frozen, then they must first be thawed. Juice is squeezed out of the berries, which is also added to boiled pumpkin. All ingredients are pureed, and then boiled for 15 to 20 minutes.

The channel "Visiting Elena" presents to your attention a recipe for pumpkin-apple puree

A healthy vegetable like pumpkin has always been popular. With its help, you can cook a variety of dishes, including mashed potatoes for the little ones. All the secrets of its preparation are in our material.

Choose a vegetable

In order to prepare a healthy puree, you can choose any variety of pumpkin. In the event that you want the dish to turn out sweeter and you would not have to add sugar or spices to it, then it is best to give preference to nutmeg varieties. Their flesh is very juicy, sweet and has a bright orange. It is easy to distinguish such a variety: its fruits are oblong, reminiscent of a light bulb familiar to everyone and have a thin and delicate peel.

Hard-skinned and large-fruited varieties can no longer boast such sweetness. Their peel is thicker and their advantage is that they can be stored for a long time. As a rule, vegetables of these varieties have a round or oval shape.

When choosing a vegetable for cooking, be sure to pay attention to its ripeness. If the fruit is unripe, then its seeds will be thin, empty. In a ripe fruit, the seeds are thick and open easily. The flesh of a ripe and healthy fruit should be saturated in color. In the event that she is pale, this indicates that she is not enough beneficial vitamins. The flesh should be uniform in color. In the case of unripe or improperly grown fruits, the middle of the vegetable differs in color - it is paler.

Also pay attention to the "tail" of the vegetable. It must be dry. If it is not on the selected specimen, then such a fruit should not be taken. The peel of the pumpkin should be whole, uniform in color, without spots, cracks and dents.

It is advisable to choose a fruit with a smooth skin, not bumpy and rough. Each pumpkin of any variety has stripes, and a quality vegetable should have them even.

Next, pay attention to the size of the vegetable. Do not choose too large and small specimens. Most the best way- This is a medium pumpkin. Remember that large ones have a more fibrous texture of the pulp and are unlikely to be suitable for a delicate puree.

In addition, pumpkins come in summer or winter varieties. The former are great for making desserts or purees. But such fruits cannot be stored for a long time. You can freeze the pulp of the fruit for the future or prepare mashed potatoes with a margin.


Pumpkin puree, made from a ripe and tasty fruit, certainly has a mass useful properties. The calorie content of this fruit is very low, only 19-25 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. The calorie content of a vegetable depends on its variety. As for BJU, namely nutritional value, then the proteins in the pumpkin are slightly more than a gram, in any variety. There are practically no fats, but carbohydrates are from 4 to 7 grams.

This juicy and healthy fruit is almost 90% water. Each piece of this bright vegetable contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that are extremely beneficial for human health at any age. Pumpkin contains magnesium, zinc, fluorine, potassium, copper, silicon, iron and other minerals. Separately, it is worth mentioning the high content of carotene, which has a very positive effect on the health of the eyes and vision in general.

The fruit also contains a large amount of vitamin C and E, B vitamins, fiber, vitamin K, nicotinic acid, carnitine, etc.


This colorful vegetable is often chosen for baby food for babies and older children because it is healthy and tasty. Pumpkin puree is great for the first feeding, but you need to introduce it into the menu gradually. Puree from this vegetable usually weakens, does not strengthen at all and is perfect if the baby suffers from colic and constipation. Pumpkin has the same effect on the body of an adult.

It is necessary to give such puree to children with caution, observing the norms and proportions. Remember that they should never eat raw vegetables.

Due to the high content of beta-carotene, pumpkin has a positive effect on work immune system strengthening it. Also, this vitamin has a beneficial effect on vision, improves skin condition and slows down the aging process.

Other vitamins that are found in large quantities in this vegetable have a positive effect on protein-fat metabolism, prevent blood clots, have a positive effect on the functioning of the circulatory system, help relieve pain in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, positively affect the functioning of the kidneys, heart and prevent the development of osteoporosis.

Also, vitamins, in particular, group B, have a positive effect on work. nervous system, help relieve tension, prevent depression and prevent the body from experiencing stress. In addition, this group of vitamins has a beneficial effect on the brain, helping to improve memory and attention.

Puree from this vegetable is often consumed for dinner, which helps to fall asleep easier.

This fruit strengthens the immune system, preventing viruses and bacteria from attacking the body during colds. A vegetable rich in vitamins normalizes many processes in the body, favorably influencing the formation of muscle mass.

Useful properties of this vegetable can be listed for a very long time. Pumpkin is an excellent prophylactic against many ailments and diseases. The use of such a product, of course, will have a positive effect on the body, but only if you follow the measure and take into account contraindications.


In the case of a disease such as gastritis with low acidity, you should stop eating this vegetable. Pumpkin is also contraindicated for those who suffer from diabetes, gastric or duodenal ulcers. You can not use a vegetable in case of individual intolerance or with allergies.

In case of excessive consumption of such a vegetable in food, it may develop allergic reaction, liver problems may begin and the skin will become yellowish. Especially when it comes to small children. Babies should not be given this puree more than twice a week.

In addition, in order not to harm your body, pumpkin dishes, including mashed potatoes, should not be washed down with chilled drinks. This will adversely affect the health of the stomach and not only.

How to cook?

At home, making healthy pumpkin puree is easy, there are several proven ways to prepare such a dish. It is not necessary to cook the vegetable. It is quite possible to cook it in a slow cooker or oven.

Before starting cooking, the vegetable must be thoroughly rinsed with running water, cleaning the peel from dust and dirt. After you need to wipe the fruit with a dry cloth and cut it into two halves. Summer varieties are easily cut, but for winter ones with a thick skin, you need a rough male power. The next step is to extract the seeds. Do not rush to send them to the trash can. They can be washed, dried and used in salads or to decorate creamy soups.

If the vegetable will be baked in the oven, you can put it on a baking sheet in two halves (if the pumpkin variety is small). If the fruit is large, then you can cut it into large slices and send it to bake in this form. By the way, this method of cooking a vegetable is considered not only the most useful, but also delicious.

The vegetable is baked for an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees. You can check the readiness of the vegetable with a fork. And one more little tip: to bake the pumpkin faster, you can completely wrap it in foil. Once the vegetable is ready, the pulp can be easily separated from the peel, mashed and mashed.

Another method of making puree is notable for its simplicity and speed. A thoroughly washed vegetable must be peeled and cut into small cubes, about 1 by 1 cm. Put the vegetable cubes in a saucepan, pour a little water to cover the vegetables and simmer over low heat for twenty minutes. Once the pumpkin is fully cooked, you can mash it into a puree.

You can turn boiled or baked pumpkin slices into puree using a pusher, but if you want a more uniform and tender mass, it is best to use a blender. Children are given mashed potatoes without the addition of spices, salt or sugar. If desired, you can thin it a little with a vegetable broth or milk.

Ready puree without additives can be stored in the refrigerator for several days or frozen for future use. It is best to do this in special containers or molds for making cupcakes.


In the event that you want to prepare healthy juicy summer pumpkin puree for the winter, then we offer the following recipe. To prepare it, you will need a medium-sized vegetable weighing 2-2.5 kg, 800 g of regular sugar and 100 ml pomegranate juice. Juice can be used and prepared at home, and purchased. The vegetable should be peeled and chopped, then put in a saucepan and add all the remaining ingredients. Boil the vegetable in this syrup for about 30 minutes, then grind with a blender to a puree state and simmer for another 10 minutes. Next, put the puree in prepared sterilized jars and close. This recipe can be repeated with frozen pumpkin, it also turns out very tasty and cooks quickly.

Another option for winter harvesting. To do this, you need 2 kg of peeled pumpkin, 0.5 kg of sugar and one teaspoon of citric acid. In this version, the vegetable must first be baked in the oven. We have described this process in more detail above. As soon as the pumpkin is ready, it should be chopped in a blender, transferred to a saucepan, add all the ingredients and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Puree can be consumed immediately or rolled into jars.

To prepare a healthy dish for a baby, you need to take 100 grams of peeled pumpkin. Try to choose nutmeg varieties, as they make puree very tender, without hard fibers. We cut the vegetable into thin slices and fill it with water (half a glass). The pumpkin should be simmered for 20 minutes on a very slow fire under a closed lid. As soon as the vegetable is ready, the remaining liquid should be drained, and the pumpkin should be crushed to a puree state. Add a couple of drops to it vegetable oil. For babies, add to the cooled puree breast milk. For older children, add milk or cream.

If you think that pumpkin puree is very sweet, and you want to dilute its taste a little and serve as a side dish, we recommend that you refer to the following recipe. We take a kilogram of peeled pumpkin fruit, 100 grams of fresh cranberries (you can use frozen ones), 0.5 liters of purified water, 100 grams of sugar. If desired, you can add a little ground cloves or cinnamon, it all depends on personal taste preferences. Vegetables should be cut into cubes. Prepare syrup from water and sugar and send pumpkin into it. We cook until ready. While the vegetable is boiling in syrup, prepare the juice from the berries and add it to the vegetable after it is ready. Using a blender, make a homogeneous puree and boil everything for fifteen minutes. Puree turns out to be a very original sweet and sour taste.

If the house has such a miracle device as a slow cooker, then preparing delicious mashed potatoes will not be difficult. The peeled fruit must be divided into small pieces and steamed using a special cooking mode. It will take fifteen minutes. As soon as the vegetable is ready, it must be chopped in any convenient way. Already in this form, you can use mashed potatoes, for example, you can give it to children as complementary foods. And if you want to serve it as a side dish, you can add a little grated cheese to it. Try to choose hard varieties so that the cheese simply melts and does not stretch in the finished dish. You can also add spices, such as ground black pepper, to taste.

An unusually tasty and healthy puree can be made from pumpkin with apples. The taste of the finished product will be unusual, slightly sour. This puree will be an excellent source of vitamins if it is prepared for the winter. For cooking, you will need the following ingredients: a kilogram of peeled vegetables, 0.5 kg of peeled apples (it is better to take hard and sour varieties), 80 grams of sugar and a teaspoon of citric acid. Apples and pumpkin should be cut into small pieces, and then passed through a meat grinder or chopped in a food processor. The resulting mass should be covered with sugar on top and let stand for five minutes. Then cook over low heat for two hours.

Once everything is ready, add citric acid and cook for another five minutes. Then you can roll up in banks or use. It is not recommended to store such puree in the refrigerator for a long time.

If you often use a vegetable such as pumpkin as a side dish, then the following step-by-step recipe will appeal to you. Such a puree may well become an independent dish. We take 5 medium potatoes, 500 grams of peeled pumpkin, two cloves of fresh garlic and some favorite herbs. Peeled vegetables are cut into cubes and poured with a small amount of water. Cook everything for half an hour, salt to your taste.

As soon as the vegetables are ready, drain the liquid, add garlic and 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil, olive oil can be used. If you want, you can add instead of olive or sunflower butter to taste or heavy cream. Grind everything to a state of puree, sprinkle with herbs and serve.

For information on how to make pumpkin puree for a baby, see the following video.

Pumpkin puree is ideal for baby and medical nutrition. It is part of the diet No. 5p for pancreatitis. How to cook delicious pumpkin puree - a simple recipe.

Diversify in autumn diet food with pancreatitis, you can use such a wonderful seasonal vegetable as a pumpkin. Many people unfairly underestimate its usefulness for human body properties. But the pumpkin is perfect dietary product, especially if the patient is recommended diet No. 5p.
This beautiful orange fruit is 90% water, low in calories (only 22 kcal per 100 g of product) and, at the same time, contains a lot of fiber and a whole range of vitamins and minerals necessary for normal functioning. internal organs.
Pumpkin dishes are recommended to be added to the diet for pancreatitis for the reason that they are not only not harmful, but also contribute to a more successful treatment of pancreatic diseases and obesity. Pumpkin reduces the level of bad cholesterol, has an anti-inflammatory effect. She is the leader among vegetables in terms of iron and vitamin T content. In addition, she has all the B vitamins, vitamins E, C, D, F, PP, as well as carotene, potassium, magnesium and calcium. In a word, it is a real natural storehouse of health.
The quickest way to prepare an orange vegetable is to boil pumpkin puree, the recipe of which is extremely simple and delicious.

Pumpkin Puree Recipe

To prepare this easy and very healthy dish you will need:
1 kg of table pumpkin pulp;
40 g butter;
sugar to taste.
How to make pumpkin puree:
The vegetable is peeled and seeds are peeled, the flesh is cut into large pieces and lightly stewed in a small amount of water. Warm pumpkin is rubbed through a fine sieve, 5 g of butter are added, sugar to taste and boiled again for 5-10 minutes over low heat, preventing the gruel from boiling (at t = 85-90 ° C). At the end of cooking, the remaining piece of butter is added to the pumpkin puree and mixed thoroughly. Before eating, the dish can be poured with a small amount of sour cream or milk sauce.
Pumpkin puree, the recipe of which is given above, is very easy to digest and helps to digest more “heavy” dishes, which is very important for people who are prescribed the No. 5p diet. Therefore, it is recommended to eat a few spoons of this yummy even after the main meal to facilitate the work of the stomach.
Little advice: when buying a pumpkin on the market for food use, be careful, because, in addition to the table variety, there are also fodder and decorative fruits. The former are unsuitable for making pumpkin puree, as they have a disgusting taste, while the latter are very hard and completely inedible.

Calorie content, nutrient content in pumpkin puree.

If you cook the dish according to the recipe described above, then the calorie content of 100 grams of pumpkin puree is 77.55 kcal.

The dish can be more nutritious if you put more oil or add an additional ingredient.

The calorie content of the dish will be less if the pumpkin puree is prepared without oil, or if you replace part of the pumpkin mass with a lower calorie component, for example, apples.