Private questions to the singer Marina Devyatova. Biography of Marina Devyatova Folk song performer Marina

Personal life, the family of Vladimir Devyatov has never been an obstacle to his professional and career growth, on the contrary, he easily achieved everything with the support of his relatives. Vladimir Devyatov is a famous artist, performer of a huge number of musical works and a talented composer.

The main role and direction in which the singer develops are folk songs and motives. He knows how to combine modern style and traditional folk tunes. The concerts of the artist collect incredibly a large number of fans and lovers of such art.


Oddly enough, Moscow is the hometown of the future artist, here he was born on March 15, 1955. Vladimir's mother worked in the economic industry, his father was a military man. At the age of 6, he had to move with his family to Vologda. At that time, my father was sent to this region for a year, so the time spent outside the capital flew by very quickly.

Vladimir Devyatov: photo

The future artist studied at a comprehensive school, which was no different from all similar institutions. As for Vladimir himself, he has always been an obedient and exemplary guy. He easily comprehended new knowledge and studied quite well. Alongside he was educated at a music school.

He was constantly praised by the teachers, as he showed really good results. He played the accordion very well and had a unique voice.

The personal life and biography of Vladimir Devyatov is a vivid example of the fact that you should always move forward towards your dream, without stopping at anything. A young guy after graduating from school, for a long time pondered which professional field he should choose.

In his youth, the future musician studied at the Military Academy

Thus, the choice fell on military academy. Not many people know, but Vladimir Devyatov is a chemist-technologist by education. In the initial stages of career growth, he had to work according to his profession. But he always knew that he could become a creative person and a professional musician.


Immediately after graduation educational institution received an invitation from a scientific research center in Moscow. Of course, it was not worth refusing such work, Devyatov happily agreed. For some time Vladimir was engaged in laboratory research related to defense technologies. Despite his professional career, he continued to look for various creative ways that would allow him to reveal his talent. He dreamed of becoming a singer, and this desire never left Devyatov.

V. Devyatov on stage

The first musical association of Vladimir Devyatov was the Stary Arsenal group. Together with friends, they decided to start recording experimental music, which included rock and folk songs. It turned out quite interesting, especially since Devyatov became very interested in folklore, which helped to select material for future songs. Vladimir in the group had time in two positions at once: soloist and drummer.

The fateful meeting with Vladimir Vinokur allowed young guy rediscover your talent. Vinokur advised the young talent to get a more qualified musical education in order to easily achieve professional success.

Vladimir Devyatov with his musical group

Musical Pedagogical Institute - this is the institution the musician chose for himself. At that time, many famous Russian performers studied here. In 1983, he submits documents and enters without any special difficulties. After that, his new group "Russian tunes" appears. It was already a professional start, which he had dreamed of for a long time. Together with his friends, he arranged tours in Russia and neighboring countries.

The popularity gradually grew, as many liked the style of performance of young musicians. Many organizers of major concerts began to invite the guys, this became a real success. The scope of the tour gradually increased, trips to European and Asian countries began to appear. Vladimir Devyatov tried himself in a variety of musical directions and was never limited to genres.

At a concert with Iosif Kobzon

Vladimir began to be invited by the heads of opera houses. Thus, the musician performed arias in such operas as "Mermaid", "Demon" and "Snow Maiden". These are the most important works. He never stopped improving himself in terms of education, he received lessons from famous foreign masters. Creative success did not interfere with him, but rather forced him to take new steps.

Subsequently, a center of Russian culture and art was organized, which was led by the artist himself. Such a significant event in his life occurred in 1995. The goals of the institution are not only to involve the population in folk art, but also to help talents in organizing their own concerts. After that, a school of musical arts was created, which since 1999 has trained a considerable number of professional musicians.

During a performance with daughter Marina

In 2003 he received a unique opportunity to become a People's Artist Russian Federation. Of course, in the piggy bank of Vladimir Devyatov there are more than a dozen awards and prizes that he can boast of.

Personal life

Family values ​​for an artist are incredibly great importance. He repeatedly fell under suspicion, became a hostage to circumstances, which led to rumors in the media. But everyone who knows Vladimir Devyatov knows that he is always honest and open.

The first serious relationship of Vladimir Devyatov was not registered. Together with his girlfriend Irina, he lived together for a long time. They got a daughter, whom they named Katya, but after the relationship began to crumble. Thus, less than two years have passed since the birth of the child, as Vladimir Devyatov left the family.

With daughter Marina from her second marriage

The reason for the collapse of the first relationship, oddly enough, was another woman. Vladimir could not hide their relationship for a long time, so he told Irina. They maintain friendly relations to this day. Together with his second wife, they have already officially registered.

A daughter, Marina, appeared in the family. As in the first case, their relationship did not last for a long time. The reason for the breakup of the couple was identical.

Marina, the daughter of Devyatov, continues to delight her father with success in the musical direction. She has repeatedly become a participant and winner of international vocal competitions. Artist Vladimir Devyatov values ​​his personal life and family very much, but sometimes there are moments between lovers when it is simply unbearable to live together. Therefore, you should not keep each other, but it is better to leave.

Vladimir Devyatov with his fourth wife Elizaveta Goryashkina

Another child was born in the third marriage. Son Nikita was born in 1995, but there are no details about this relationship. Vladimir tries not to comment on his personal life. The artist maintains a warm relationship with his children and tries to devote more time to them. Nikita lives abroad, but often calls up his father.

Marina Devyatova's repertoire includes Russian folk songs, but this does not mean that only older listeners are her fans: you can often see many young people at her concerts. The audience first learned about the talented singer after her participation in the TV contest "People's Artist-3", where she was able to get into the final.

The path to success was thorny and difficult, however, now in the creative biography of Devyatova there are many victories on stage, as well as bright memorable events, such as a performance in front of royal family Great Britain. She has always been impatient and built her career under the motto: "do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today."

Over the years, the 35-year-old artist has learned not only to enjoy simple things, but also to say words of gratitude to the people around her. Her personal life brings her only joy and happiness, because next to her is her beloved husband and little daughter. Having become a mother, Marina tries not to leave home for a long time in order to spend as much time as possible with her family.

little songbird

The future performer of folk songs was born in 1983 in Moscow. Her parents are creative people: her father is a singer and performer of folk songs Vladimir Devyatov; Mom taught future dancers. Her elder sister Ekaterina also grew up in the family. Her father was already a well-known artist who sang in the Kremlin, the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall and other major concert venues. As a 3-year-old girl, Marina first appeared on stage. Then her older sister played the piano, and the presenter held a huge microphone, as the little one was afraid to take it herself.

Marina Devyatova in childhood. Photo

Already at a young age, she accompanied her father on tour, and when she grew up, she was enrolled in a music school named after Shostakovich, where the future singer received knowledge in choral conducting.

Thanks to the efforts of her mother, Devyatova had an excellent sense of rhythm and acquired the skills of vocal singing. During her school years, she devoted herself entirely to her studies and rarely went out for a walk with her friends.

In 1988, her parents divorced, and her mother had to work in three places at once to support the children, so the girls were raised by grandparents. After leaving school, Marina began to study at the Schnittke College of Music, where she chose the department of solo folk singing. Even then, she had to perform in front of the audience, but the future artist easily coped with the excitement.

Successful performances and tours

As a student, Devyatova competed in various competitions and even won a victory more than once. After meeting Artem Vorobyov, she joined his Indrik-Zver ensemble, performing folk songs on stage in a modern way. At that time, she managed not only to perform, but also to study, and also to collaborate with her father, working as a teacher at a vocal school.

Often the singer heard criticism in her address, which hurt her very much. Soon Marina decided to prove that her work could be interesting and in demand among listeners; she went to the TV project "People's Artist" and sang her songs there. Not only the audience, but also the jury members were delighted with her performance, thanks to which she reached the final of the competition.

Having received recognition and fame, the artist took up the development of her career. She recorded new songs, performed with the Yar-Dance show-ballet and children's musical groups, toured a lot in Russian cities and foreign countries.

The audience took with a bang and her singing with such stars as Nikolai Baskov, Alexander Buinov, Varvara, Nikolai Baskov, Albano, and also noted her appearance on stage with her father, Vladimir Devyatov, and musician Peter Dranga. Devyatova began her solo career in 2013, and during this time her repertoire was replenished with such songs as:

  • "Ah, it is not yet evening";
  • "Through the wild steppes of Transbaikalia";
  • "Don't wake me up young";
  • "Blue scarf";
  • “I didn’t think, I didn’t guess”;
  • "In the upper room";
  • “A nightingale sang in the grove” (with Peter Dranga);
  • “Unharness the boys”, and “Oh, snow, snowball” (with “Bayan Mix”) and others.

2019 will be a very important year for her, as in April the owner of a wonderful voice celebrates her 20th birthday on stage. Her concert will take place in the Kremlin Palace, where she will perform accompanied by the show-ballet "ЯR-dance". The creative profession brings Marina pleasure and a lot of joyful emotions, thanks to which she conveys her positive feelings to the auditorium.

The role of a beloved wife and happy mother

Even before marriage, the artist had relationships with men in her personal life, but her first lover died of oncology, and with another, the romance quickly faded away. With her future husband, Alexei Pigurenko, she had known each other for a long time. Having met for the first time in the company of mutual friends, the young people did not continue communication, since at that time both were not free.

Only three years later they met again, and then decided to live as one family, bypassing the candy-bouquet period, which usually happens to many lovers. But after three years they were tired of everyday problems, besides, the dream of becoming parents did not want to come true. The lovers could not cope with the imminent crisis, so they decided to leave. Alexei's mother was very upset about this, but she was sure that not a full stop was put in their relationship, but only a fat comma.

A year and a half later, her prophetic words came true. After breaking up with her lover, the artist continued to communicate with him, but already as a close friend. Soon, a misfortune happened in the Devyatov family: the singer's stepfather died suddenly. At that time, she had to support her mother and deal with burial issues. After the funeral, Marina felt bad, and it was during this difficult time that Alexei supported her.

In the photo Marina Devyatova with her husband and daughter

Since then, the lovers no longer parted, and in 2016 they learned that they would have a child. They did not get married, but simply signed at the registry office. Despite the pregnancy, the singer continued to perform and even rode around the country with a concert program. In February 2017, their daughter Ulyana was born; childbirth happened a little ahead of time but the baby was born healthy. For Pigurenko, this is the second child, since this is his second marriage, but Devyatova became a mother for the first time. She did not linger in maternity leave and three months later she again performed on stage with a solo concert, however, she was calm for her daughter, since her mother remained with her.

The artist's husband works in the field of advertising, and also has his own clothing business. There are sometimes disagreements in the family: she is a perfectionist by nature, and Alexey is endowed with considerable stubbornness. Despite the fact that the spouses do not always manage to come to a common opinion, they are both quick-witted natures. If the quarrel drags on, they always use their catchphrase: “I love you, but you infuriate me,” which means that it's time to go to the world.

Marina and her husband are city dwellers, but after the birth of their daughter, they decided to acquire a dacha. At first they only rested there, but soon life in nature captured them so much that the couple decided to settle outside the city. Their spacious two-story house has a living room, bedrooms, dressing room, kitchen, husband's office and even a guest room. On summer days, friends can be received on the large veranda. In connection with the move to the countryside, the artist has to leave for work early, but she has already adapted to this regime.

family photo..

Devyatova continues to communicate closely with her father, despite the fact that he has a different family for a long time and children are growing up. She shares many interests with her father, besides, both cannot imagine their lives without music and the stage. He is also often on tour, so their communication continues on social networks.

Interesting facts from the life of Marina Devyatova
  1. Her first solo albums took place in early childhood, when the girl and her sister left for the village. In order for local residents to come to the performance, they hung an announcement on the well, indicating when and in which house the concert would take place. The sisters included folk songs in their repertoire, as well as hits by Natalya Gulkina, in addition, they read poetry.
  2. Despite the fact that folk songs were present in Marina's life from early childhood, she did not think of becoming a folklore performer and wanted to become a lawyer. Her grandfather was a military prosecutor, so she intended to become a student legal institute. One fine day, the father showed the girl the stage of a large concert hall, with which she instantly fell in love and changed her fate.
  3. Being a student of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, Marina decided to pass her final exams in a very unusual way. She rented a hall in the House of Culture and turned to her colleague Prokhor Chaliapin for help, and then invited teachers there, who soon saw a vivid performance.
  4. Devyatova leads a healthy lifestyle; she does not drink alcohol and does not smoke, she devotes a lot of time to training, practicing yoga and meditation. At one time, she discovered Krishnaism for herself, thanks to which she found inner peace and revealed her creative spirit. For many years, the artist has not eaten meat and fish, becoming a vegetarian. Her husband shares these views and also prefers plant foods.
  5. The stage costumes of the singer are always chosen in accordance with the repertoire, and each time they delight the eyes of the audience with their sophistication. When she goes on stage, she has a slight superstition and never wears jewelry.
  6. Spectators go to her concerts to listen to their favorite songs, as well as share their sore problems with their favorite. Often, from the bottom of their hearts, they give her simple gifts: someone brings dried mushrooms, someone brings their own jam and twists. Marina brings scarves and knitted socks among the gifts. And when her fans found out that she would become a mother, they began to give vests and booties.
  7. The artist often comes to the Far East, where she is very warmly received by the locals. It was for them that she wrote the song "Far Eastern", which became a kind of anthem. She does not perform this song anywhere else, except for the Far Eastern audience.

Singer Marina Devyatova revived the youth's love for folk songs. Thanks to her, forgotten songs received new life in the original processing, and famous songs sounded in a new way, remade for folklore.

Successful performers in this direction in music can be counted on the fingers. Some do not find the recognition of the audience, some doubt that folk songs will bring popularity.

But Marina Devyatova turned out to be a very purposeful girl who decided to prove to herself and the audience that she could achieve success by performing with folklore on the largest stages of the country. In this, she was especially supported by her parents, who knew the world of show business from the inside.

Marina's father instilled in her a love of music from an early age. Already at the age of three, the baby felt great music. Later, the father took the girl with him on tour. She liked it so much that she decided to also become an artist, like her parents.

Despite the divorce of her parents, Marina did not stop communicating with her father, and he continued to develop his daughter's musical talent in every possible way. The real popularity came to the girl after participating in the competition "People's Artist". After the competition, Marina's career began to develop rapidly. A few years later, she had the honor of speaking to the Queen of Great Britain, the President of Russia and many well-known political figures.

But popularity did not affect the character of the girl. She did not seek to advertise her personal life and increase interest in herself with high-profile novels and partings. In her personal life there were misfortunes, partings, but now Marina has found happiness and peace with her beloved man.

Looking for a real man

Marina met her first love at a young age. She fell in love with a man who was much older than her. He worked as a doctor and saved human lives. Their feelings were mutual and, perhaps, everything would have ended in a wedding, if not for a fatal illness. Marina's lover was diagnosed with cancer.

The girl until the last hoped for the success of the treatment, but her beloved could not be saved. He died, and Marina was very upset by this loss. For several years, her only solace was music.

Next Marina Devyatova had a relationship with a young aspiring singer Nikolai Demidov. At first, everything was perfect in the personal life of young people. But, as it turned out later, everyone wanted their own from these relationships. Marina dreamed of creating a strong family. She wanted her future husband to become her support and support. Nikolai dreamed of popularity. For him, an affair with Marina was a chance to be noticed.

Naturally, such a relationship could not last long. The girl felt that their relationship lacked sincerity. After talking with Nikolai, she understood everything and decided not to continue them.

Interesting Notes:

After breaking up with Marina, Nikolai began to tell everyone how hard it was for him. He believed that the girl overprotected him and put pressure on him. He wanted to fulfill himself, and then think about the family, but Marina did not want to wait. The girl also did not remain in debt. She simply said that Nikolai was still a child not ready for serious deeds. A little later, passions subsided and everyone went their own way.

Strong and reliable

The hope of meeting a real man did not leave the singer. And it happened. Unfortunately, she couldn't see him right away. From the moment they met to the wedding, five whole years passed.

Marina's chosen one this time was absolutely not a public person. It was the owner of an advertising agency and businessman Alexei Pigurenko. Young people met in 2008. At that time, they were in a different relationship and there was no question of romance between them. Alexey and Marina just started talking and even became friends.

The relationship of young people moved to a new level a little later. Alexey supported the girl in a difficult period for her. It was then that she lost a person close to her, and Pigurenko helped the singer survive this. This time, Marina was able to see in the man what she was looking for. Their romance was fast and beautiful. Just a few months later, they began to live together.

Although Marina appreciated Alexei's personal qualities, she was in a hurry to formalize the relationship. Moreover, the lovers at some point quarreled and decided to live separately. But, after a while, they realized that they could not live without each other and reunited again.

In 2016, it became known that Marina and Alexey formalized their relationship. The couple simply signed at the registry office, and fans learned about the event from social networks.

In one of the interviews, Marina revealed the secret of her personal life. She said that parting with Alexei made it possible for her to understand how dear and close he was to her. After their last reunion, the lovers decided not to leave. The news of Marina's pregnancy pushed them to the wedding. It was then that they decided to formalize the relationship.

Now Marina and Alexey are raising a beautiful daughter, Ulyana. They spend a lot of time together and at the same time devote time to work. The singer did not stay long on maternity leave and went to work just a few weeks after the birth of her daughter.

Now she manages to do a lot. She believes that the pledge of this beloved man is nearby, who will help and support at the right time. She dreamed of such a husband.

Marina Devyatova was born in Moscow on December 13, 1983.
With early childhood her father, People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Devyatov, instilled in her a love for good music. Marina grew up not only on folk songs, but also on the classics, as well as on bands such as The Beatles and Deep Purple.
Already at the age of three, the girl sang well and felt the rhythm, so the decision to send her daughter to a music school in the family was unanimous. And then - the Schnittke Musical College (1999-2003), the Gnessin Academy (2003-2008), performances at vocal competitions and festivals, including the Slavic Bazaar, and, finally, a television project that made her a star.
In 2006, Marina went to the casting of "People's Artist - 3" to prove that the Russian song is interesting to the public and has the right to be performed on the air. On the TV project, the young singer reached the final, losing quite a bit to the winner Amarhuu Borkhuu, and after the end of the show, she signed a contract with producer Evgeny Fridlyand.
Even during her studies, Marina, together with her friends, went on student expeditions to collect Russian folk songs from villages and villages. Now the singer continues to travel around the cities of Russia, where she not only gives concerts, but also studies local traditions, because she is interested in everything related to folk art.
Marina often represents Russia in the countries of near and far abroad: repeated performances at the German-Russian festival in Berlin, trips with concerts to Italy, Estonia, the USA, China, Laos, Vietnam - these are far from all the achievements of the young singer. And at the festival "Slavianski Bazaar" in Vitebsk, the artist has long been a regular guest: there Devyatova has been coming every time since 2002.
In 2007, as part of the Russian delegation, Marina was present at the choice of the capital of the Winter Olympic Games in Guatemala, where she spoke with representatives of the IOC and Vladimir Putin.
In 2009, the production center of Yevgeny Fridlyand took a risky step - the first solo concert of Marina Devyatova took place at the Moscow Variety Theater. The risk was justified, for such a young artist a sold-out concert was a bid for success. Some time later, the singer presented the Russian song to Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and the entire royal family at a social reception in London hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation together with the Russian Orthodox Church.
During her artistic career, the singer managed to perform a duet not only with her father, Vladimir Devyatov, but also with such stars as Nikolai Baskov, Pyotr Dranga and the Bayan-Mix duet, and also repeatedly appeared on the same stage with her beloved choir. Pyatnitsky. Lyudmila Zykina was going to do a joint number with her, but the duet was never destined to take place due to the sudden death of the great Russian singer.
In addition, Marina showed her talent as a presenter - with Yuri Stoyanov and Anastasia Chernobrovina, she hosted several programs of the super show "The Best Years of Our Life" on the Russia TV channel, on the Kultura TV channel she is now working on a series of programs about folk crafts and traditions. Together with Sergey Zhigunov and Alexander Oleshko Marina Devyatova held a festival of Slavic culture "Slavyansk-2011", and a little earlier - the opening of the "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk 2011".
The singer is truly in love with folklore, and this cannot be overlooked when she takes the stage. Few of the young performers with such enthusiasm, with such a twinkle in their eyes, sing songs loved by the people, for which Devyatova and earned the sympathy of the audience even at the time when she participated in the popular TV show "People's Artist - 3".
“The Russian song has always been, is and will be,” says Marina. “As long as there is a Russian person, the Russian song will also live - this is the feeling I want to convey to the public through my work.”
In her free time from concerts, Marina is actively involved in fitness, which explains her excellent physical shape. She leads a healthy lifestyle, is a convinced vegetarian, loves and knows how to cook. healthy meals. “The profession of an artist obliges you to always look good,” the singer is sure. - The audience does not want to see tired faces and sad eyes. The audience needs a holiday, and the artist is obliged to give him this holiday.
The secret of success for Marina is to do what she loves and be moderately ambitious: “What secrets can there be? You need to be honest, decent, work hard and have a goal. We need to believe in God, because he has his own plans for us. Only he can find shelter when you feel bad and you feel that you can’t cope.
In the frantic pace of megacities, Marina believes, it is important to be able to stop in order to think about spirituality and eternal values. Such a “stop” will be a large-scale musical project, which the singer thought about together with her producer Evgeny Fridlyand a few months ago. “I think for the audience it will be a real journey into the depths of time. We will talk about the main pagan and Christian traditions, we will try to convey the atmosphere of Orthodox holidays, ”Marina reveals the essence of the upcoming project.
One of Marina's favorite activities is driving a car. She spends a lot of time behind the wheel, preferring to go to concerts and filming by car. The artist has been driving for about eight years.

At the age of three, she first appeared on stage. In one of her interviews, Marina recalls that her older nine-year-old sister sat down at the piano. Then she herself entered the stage, and behind her the presenter brought out a huge heavy microphone, which was used in the late 80s.

The man handed her the equipment, but she refused: “No, uncle, keep it yourself!”. So the entertainer had to stay on stage with the girls and hold the microphone for the young star until the end of the performance.

continue the dynasty

When the children grew up a little, the parents separated. For some time, Vladimir Devyatov disappeared from the lives of girls. One day she will tell that she met him again when she turned 11. But then dad not only continued to raise children from his first marriage, but also helped to decide on the future. For Marina, absorbed in music since childhood, it turned out to be a foregone conclusion.

The children's performances were followed by the prestigious music school. Dmitry Shostokovich, and then dad decided to show the child the world of professional music from the inside and took it with him on a big tour. It was assumed that Marina would decide there whether she wanted to continue the dynasty.

National artist

Returning from the tour, the girl realized that she would connect her life with folk music and continued her studies in this direction. At the College of Music, Marina joined the Indrik-Beast group, which was engaged in modernizing Russian folk and giving it a fashionable sound. She remembers those years as a period of trials and experiments.

But television brought real fame to the girl. Having learned about the recruitment in the show "People's Artist - 3", Marina did not hesitate to try out. The show gave her a huge experience on the modern stage and, of course, a huge number of fans.

pickle jars like love

She says that the public’s favorite began to be loaded with jars of jam and pickles, and at the market one day, her grandmother, who recognized her, poured a whole bag of vegetables and did not want to take the money.

Marina says that she loves and knows how to cook, but loves animals and does not eat their meat. The girl admits that, having learned about her vegetarian addictions, fans bring even more vegetables and fruits to concerts, thinking that vegetarians are starving.

tragic love

Fans noticed that one day Marina's songs became deeper, and the sadness in the saddest of them became more heartfelt, and suggested that something happened in the girl's life unrequited love. But it turned out that the feeling was mutual, but the story ended tragically.

It was the first serious relationship. A man much older than Marina, far from show business, a professional doctor, a respected specialist.

The artist admits that she was passionately in love, but one day the singer had to hear the terrible news: her beloved was diagnosed with oncology. Doctors don't like to be treated. So their story with Marina ended with his departure. The girl was very upset by the tragedy.

Path to love

But everything eventually ends. A few years later, the already successful singer began to court the young singer Nikolai Demidov. They came together, and Marina has already admitted in an interview that she would like to hear an offer. But the marriage never happened. The couple parted badly: Demidov provoked a real scandal.

After a strange relationship, the girl could not enter a new one for a long time. A good friend and former young man came to the rescue: before the scandalous romance, in 2011, Alexei Pigurenko already lived with Marina. But then the relationship was upset because of some nonsense.

Second try

The former met for the second time in 2016. Now they themselves have become older, they were interested in being together. In the same year, the couple applied to the registry office, and the next year little Ulyana was born, to whom Marina devotes a lot of time and energy.

The singer says that she was on maternity leave for very little: a month before the birth of her daughter, fans persuaded her to finally rest and prepare for childbirth. And two months after giving birth, Marina returned to form and went on stage.

Soldier Jane

Ole is now two. Mom calls her "Soldier Jane", because the girl grows up restrained and not at all capricious. The family lives outside the city, in their own house. For Marina, this was not an easy decision - the girl grew up in Moscow.

However, now she is quite accustomed to nature and silence. The artist says that she wakes up from the singing of nightingales and the rustle of trees and has already forgotten how the sleepless city and noisy neighbors in city skyscrapers sound.