Quotes about beauty. Original female beauty statuses for social media

Tell me, besides showing off my beauty in front of my friends, do you still need me for some reason?

Her beauty immediately caught the eye, which is why she never threw herself on the neck of men first.

Real female beauty does not depend on the figure, clothes and make-up, because it lies, first of all, in the clear radiance of eyes full of tenderness.

If you and your girlfriend have complete mutual understanding: she doesn’t get on your nerves, doesn’t bother you with her problems and doesn’t get jealous - this is not a sign of boundless love, but indifference.

Best Status:
Love for a girl, caused only by her beauty, can fade in the blink of an eye.

Marrying a girl for her beauty is like buying chocolate by the color of the wrapper; marrying her for her beauty is even funnier.

And what did such a beauty forget in this traffic jam?

You will regret that you lost such a beauty as me! At least I'll do my best to make you sorry!

No matter how powerful beauty is, the soul is much more important.

It is not enough to feed a pretty girl with promises. I should buy her some more ice cream.

You are as beautiful as everyone else ... - What? ... - No ...

A woman is such a stupid creature, but funny!

Being drunk from happiness is much cooler than from alcohol!

Beauty extinguishes love, because contemplation and passion are inconsistent. Only those who are insensitive to beauty fall in love with beauty.

Why are we all chasing beauty? Because the world is sickeningly ugly. We want to be beautiful, because we want to become better.

If beauty requires sacrifice, then it is better, without arguing, to fulfill its requirements. Otherwise, who will save the world later?

Beauty is a gift from the beloved.

Would you like to meet my BEAUTIFUL WIFE? =)

Beauty requires sacrifice... Who will be my victim? 🙂

breasts - silicone, lips - Botox, nails - acrylic, but here it is - the natural beauty of the 21st century!

It's easy to be beautiful; It's hard to just look pretty.

A bright woman, just a dream, Dive deeper, And there is beauty!

The first rule of courtesy is to be beautiful, or at least not to be ugly.

for lips to be beautiful, speak kind words, for eyes to be expressive, radiate kindness. This is what natural beauty is!

physical beauty is not eternal. remember it. and never reject those who are close to you in soul.

It is said: beauty is the promise of happiness. But nowhere is it said that this promise will be fulfilled.

Love and my beauty will save the world!

That girl is truly beautiful and sexy ... For this, you don’t need to expose your chest and ass.

Goodness needs proofs, beauty doesn't need them.

While painting, she fainted ten times. From your own beauty.

The beauty of a woman is measured in angelino joules.

I will give fidelity to my husband, love to my son, beauty to my daughter, and respect and honor to my and his parents!

Some beautiful people are better not to meet ... it's easier to live without them ..

I'm happy by default. Please don't mess with my settings!

Take me to the wind where the beautiful guys to fig!

Our weapons are beauty!!! But not external, but internal ...

To be beautiful and loved means to be just a woman. To be ugly and to be able to arouse love is to be a princess.

Beauty is a gift from the beloved.

To believe in the beauty of a girl means to follow her with closed eyes.

Girl, you are very beautiful, and beautiful girls need to be multiplied.

beauty adorns a woman .. and a man crawling at her feet)

You are such a beautiful girl, but you are a rare fool.

The only beauty I know is health.

A beautiful woman should not be too smart - it distracts attention.

Not the beautiful one whose arm or leg is praised, but the one whose whole appearance will not allow admiration for individual features.

Only parents like beautiful good girls. Let their parents fuck them)))

beauty will save the world said Piglet, staring at himself in the mirror, but with such beauty, only toilets can be saved, answered Winnie the Pooh)))

No external beauty is commensurate with the beauty of the soul. There are many beautiful people, but are they all beautiful in soul?

Beauty is not in the face, beauty is the light in the heart.

Bloody spring sunsets... They evoke sad and cheerful at the same time... Such beauty brings colors back to life!

Beauty is a sense of self and it reflects in your eyes.

Nondescript women know more about men than beautiful women.

Beautiful girl not a sparrow will fly a little, it will not seem.

If a woman considers herself sexy, she is sexy.

Natural beauty is much more beautiful than expensive powder, mascara and gloss.

I collect signatures of the most beautiful girls. Would you mind posting yours?

I love you, your beauty outside and inside. And your name is how I love it)

Sadly, in ten or fifteen years, even the most beautiful women will be five years older.

Tearing off the petals, you will never know the beauty of a rose.

Nothing beautifies a woman like Adobe Photoshop..

Beauty requires sacrifice... Beauty is a sacrifice every day]..=)

Love allows you to forget time... Time allows you to forget love...

The one who is dressed in happiness looks beautiful.

Not beauty in our time saves the world, but tonalnik

The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, not in her figure, and not in the way she combs her hair .. The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because they are the way to her heart - where love lives

Charm is beauty in motion.

beauty causes sexual attraction, and the soul causes love.

I am blinded by the light of your beauty.

Did you change? - well, it was once .. with a neighbor .. - I ask: did you change the password for entering the contact?

Beauty requires sacrifice!!! As well as a luxury apartment, a car, the Caribbean, diamonds…

Beauty is not the main thing, money is not the main thing, breasts are not the main thing ... if there is one!

If beauty requires sacrifice, then it is better, without arguing, to fulfill its requirements. Otherwise, who will save the world later?

Guys will never wear anything uncomfortable for beauty. And girls will never wear anything ugly for the sake of convenience .. m-mda ..)) isn't it?!)))

There is no harder job than trying to look beautiful from eight in the morning until midnight.

Beauty is power, as is money, as is a loaded gun.

Beauty both inside and outside. But real beauty glow from within.

A beautiful woman should not be too smart - it is a distraction.

Everything that you look at with love seems beautiful.

To be beautiful and loved means to be just a woman. To be ugly and to be able to arouse love is to be a princess.

Beauty is a terrible force. Especially in combination with a cunning ass.

It is said: beauty is a promise of happiness. But nowhere is it said that this promise will be fulfilled.

Love will save the world ... - Is it? And it always seemed to me that beauty ...

Beauty for a woman becomes a problem only in two cases: when there is none and when there is nothing but beauty.

The beauty of a man is measured in Brad Pit))

Beautiful women today are ranked among the talents of their husbands.

It was still good ... everyone said that we were the most beautiful couple! Well, what did you miss? What?

Maybe I dreamed too much, but a girl is allowed to dream.

Beauty is a sense of self and it reflects in your eyes.

Beauty is Nature perfected.

Once I was handsome and young, now only handsome.

To be beautiful, it is not enough to be beautiful.

The main thing is not beauty but intelligence! And don't look at me like that!

Still, we are brilliant girls! The guy cheated on us, that's a goat. The guy has a girlfriend - nothing will move)

Beauty blinds, but the blind are easily robbed.

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is.

“What a beauty,” I said, looking at my ava!)

Beauty is when the legs go to the face.

I am a beautiful and faithful girl. I don’t cheat on my Dimochka ... and even more so Sasha)))

Natural beauty is much more beautiful than expensive mascara powder and gloss

Some women are not beautiful at all, they just look like that.

Beauty is only a promise of happiness.

Beauty will never save the world. If you do not burden her mind.

You smiled so beautifully that I forgot where I was going.

Sadly, in ten or fifteen years, even the most beautiful women will be five years older.

There are no ugly women - there are only women who do not know that they are beautiful.

Yes, I'm not a gift. But you are not a birthday boy either!

Beauty: the power by which a woman charms her lover and keeps her husband at bay.

To be beautiful does not mean to be conspicuous .. It means to be remembered.

I'm a beautiful girl and I have a normal, sexually satisfied brain, I don't need to *bat it so actively!

and you, too, in childhood, when your mother braided a braid, it hurt, and your mother said - Beauty requires sacrifice)))

Where can I find a stress reliever? After removing makeup...

Beautiful and silky lingerie for my beautiful girl. —– Statuses about the beauty of girls

If a beautiful girl was close to you, do not flatter yourself, Maybe she wanted to know ... WHAT IS IT WITH A SUCKER?

The first rule of courtesy is to be beautiful, or at least not to be ugly.

Hearing gossip behind our backs, we thus pay for our beauty, nothing more ...

They give birth to beautiful girls, and then we suffer ..

I look at myself in the mirror and think: “And who is interested in getting such beauty?”

I didn't go to the university today: my hair is dirty. Bathed .. foam mousses .. creams .. scrubs .. put on makeup .. brought beauty) clean and beautiful) Kaif) and 2 according to cartography ...

Now it's so fashionable: [beautiful girls smoke strong cigarettes and love weak guys] ...

A beautiful woman should not be too smart - it is a distraction.

Beauty will save the world. Says my friend, tinting her eyes. “Aha with your beauty, the maximum that can be done is to save from hiccups through shock therapy,” I answer

"Nietzsche Friedrich"

Rattlesnakes and spectacled snakes are like women: the older and uglier, the more harmless, and the more beautiful and younger, the more destructive their poison.

Distance is the soul of beauty.

"Simone Weil"

Kindness will always prevail over beauty.

"Heinrich Heine"

Spiritual beauty is infinitely more beautiful than all others, and therefore bodies, being only shadows of existence, must have a charm that speaks of spiritual beauty. This type of beauty belongs to nature and surpasses the art created by man.

"Jonathan Edwards"

Ideal beauty, the most delightful appearance, is worth nothing if no one admires them.

"O. Balzac"

The true beauty of a woman is in the meekness of her character, and her beauty is in the meekness of her speeches.


To each his own beautiful.


When we talk about love, it must be understood as the desire for beauty, because this is the definition of love in all philosophers.

"Marsilio Ficino"

A beautiful woman always feels happy.

"Joseph Geyts"

A beautiful woman is heaven for the eyes, hell for the soul, and purgatory for the pocket.

"Bernard Fontenelle"

A beautiful woman pleases the eyes, but a kind woman pleases the heart; one is a beautiful thing, and the other is a treasure.

"Napoleon I"

A beautiful woman dies twice.

"Pierre Buast"

A beautiful woman feels free.

"Joseph Geyts"

Beautiful birds sing worse than others. The same applies to people. In a pretentious style, you should not look for a deep thought.

"Lichtenberg Georg Christoph"

Beauty is the only quality of a woman that can awaken a feeling of pity in a man.

"Etienne Rey"

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is.

"Francis Bacon"

Beauty is one of the types of Genius, it is even higher than Genius, because it does not require understanding.

"Oscar Wilde"

Beauty is a gift for several years.

"Oscar Wilde"

Beauty is also a virtue beautiful woman cannot be deficient.


Beauty is the wealth of a woman. And wealth is the beauty of a man.

"Konstantin Melikhan"

Sometimes women, whose beauty is perfect, and whose virtues are rare, so touch our heart that we are content with the right to look at them and talk to them.

Why do women devote so much time and money to their appearance and not the development of intelligence? Because there are far fewer blind men than smart ones.

"Faina Ranevskaya"

Before female beauty, we all became powerless. She is stronger than gods, people, fire and steel.

"Pierre de Ronsard"

Beauty is a symbol of moral goodness.

"Immanuel Kant"

For the sake of beauty and suffer is not a sin.

"Hans Andersen"

The spring of poetry is beauty.

"Nikolay Gogol"

Next to beauty, the mind and heart always look like poor relatives.

"Etienne Rey"

A woman has only one opportunity to be beautiful, but there are a hundred thousand opportunities to be attractive.

"Sh. Montesquieu"

With a woman, as experience teaches us, health and beauty are inseparable.

"Lope de Vega"

Everyone has their own idea of female attractiveness. Beauty is something more immutable and independent of tastes and judgments.

"Jean De La Bruyère"

What could be more beautiful than old friends, old books, old wine and young women?

"Julien Falkenare"

What appears to the mind as a disgrace, then to the heart is entirely beauty.

"Fedor Dostoevsky"

To be loved, it is best to be beautiful. But to be beautiful, you need to be loved.

"Francoise Sagan"

To make the hair beautiful, let the baby play with the strands every day.

To make your eyes beautiful, look for only the good in people.

Everything should be beautiful in a person: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.

"Anton Pavlovich Chekhov"

Outer beauty is even more precious when it covers the inner. A book whose golden clasps close the golden content gains special respect.

"William Shakespeare"

Everything that is beautiful is moral.

"Gustave Flaubert"

Hygiene is the best cosmetics in the world, the most fruitful creator of beauty.

"Paolo Mantegazza"

Silly beauty is not beauty. Look at the stupid beauty, look deeply into every feature of her face, into her smile, look - her beauty will gradually turn into a striking ugliness.

"Ivan Goncharov"

Marrying in order to have a beautiful wife is like paying dearly for a piece of land from where one can contemplate the sky that belongs to the whole world.

"Paolo Mantegazza"

Women's sensuality is the source in which men's spirituality is renewed.

"Karl Kraus"

A woman is the beginning of beginnings, this is light and darkness, this is day and night.

The wolf, I know, is fed by the legs, and the man is fed by the head! Every woman will fall for beautiful words ...

Beauty doesn't decide who we love, but love decides who we find beautiful...

When you love and are loved, then you are divinely beautiful ...

There is no better friend in the world than your favorite Internet!

The happiness of Life is when you are filled with the joy of its beauty.

Beauty is temporary, the soul of a person is not a betrayal, a beautiful wrapper is not a sign of a delicious candy.

As you know, women are divided into beautiful and smart. But, unfortunately, only smart ones have mastered the Internet ...

O merciless agent, let me go to the toilet!

The gait should be light, the smile should be kind, the look should be smart. This is what a beautiful woman is!

Everything!!! Developed tremendous willpower, better run away from me, and save your crown Zaya and Kitty for others.

Simple human warmth is more pleasant than the cold beauty of illusions...

The soul is frozen… But it reflects a beautiful mosaic of the past moments of life.

You want to know main secret beauty? Fall in love - it really works!

Abandoning her weakness, a woman loses all her feminine charm.

A beautiful woman always smiles at me in the mirror! And I smile back at her, let her be pleased too!

Even the most eminent geniuses are only traps and transmitters of God's beauty, which is perfect.

True beauty is unobtrusive. And everything bright and catchy in fact often turns out to be props.

The first rule of courtesy is to be beautiful, or at least not to be ugly.

There are no ugly women, there are ugly ones!

You are alive, which means you can EVERYTHING!

Life is arranged so diabolically that without knowing how to hate it is not possible to sincerely love!

Damn it, we are beautiful as always, respectively, and everything around, and the whole world, we make even more beautiful :)

Why be born beautiful, beauty can only come in handy over time.

Flavor without beauty is better than beauty without flair.

To be beautiful does not mean to be born… After all, we can learn beauty… When a person is beautiful in soul. What appearance can compare with him?

Beautiful women, those that cannot be reached with their hands, some of their peasants, will be reached with evil tongues.

Life is short, and not everyone in it is given to be happy, rich, or beautiful. And death is the only thing that awaits everyone.

I would like to send you all my love, but the postman said it was too big.

A beautiful person cannot be modest. For then modesty adorns beauty, and the best is still the enemy of the good.

There are no ugly women. There are unloved and unhappy. It all depends on the man.

To be beautiful and loved means to be just a woman. To be ugly and to be able to arouse love is to be a princess.

Beauty is an illusion... The same illusion as everything else in this world. And we are illusionists, showing tricks to others.

Everyone knows that girls are either smart or beautiful. But beautiful girls have problems with a computer, so only smart ones get on dating sites)))) ...

There is a witch in every woman - and this witch can wake up from time to time.

If I could just sit in the park and chat with God, I would thank him for lending me you...

Beauty is a terrible force, Beauty requires sacrifice! Now explain to me please - how beauty will save the world?

I would like to find out: from whom exactly will beauty save the world? And then suddenly I will be among those from whom they will save.

Each person is beautiful in his own way, but not every person knows how to show his beauty in a visual form.

I'm not the most beautiful, not the smartest, I don't care that I don't wear clothes from Versace and Dolce Gabbana, I don't drive Bentley and Porsche ... But I'm real, sincere, the way I am.

Sometimes you want your conscience to be silent ...

- Beautiful people... These are people who are happy with themselves and with other people, who have a harmony between the inner and the outer, they do not have separation between their social life and their inner life.

Beauty is not only what you see, but also what you feel...

A beautiful woman does not want to object, especially if she is silent.

There is beauty in everything, but not everyone can see it.

Arrogance devalues ​​beauty.

Happiness is the state of our soul! The soul is our mind! Mind is our LIFE! Life is love!

Ugly stories only adorn us, beautiful ones ... by the absence of false modesty ... and the presence of direct naivety ...)))

Beauty does not cause love, but love makes us see beauty.

In beautiful thoughts, as in beautiful women, understatement excites.

The beauty of a woman - grows as the years go by and manifests itself in her care and love ...

In order to be beautiful, it is enough for a woman to have a black skirt, a black sweater and go with the man she loves!

Who is beautiful by nature - they rush to bring a mirror to him.

Beauty and Mind would have argued for a long time about who is cooler, if Old Age had not put them in their place ...

When fire burns in a beautiful vessel - this is perfection!

Every woman thinks that she is the best, but not every woman thinks that she is every ...

The beauty of a woman grows as the years go by.

Beautiful does not need decorations - most of all it is beautiful without decorations.

Kindness does not require posters, it finds its readers by itself.

Beautiful women die twice...

Tears are a refuge for ugly women, but doom for pretty ones.

In beautiful shoes, a woman is a beauty. AT comfortable shoes- She is a goddess.

Being beautiful is happiness. Being happy is beauty.

It is better to buy one pair of good shoes than three pairs of bad ones.

Dreamers dream, smart ones set goals and plan, and wise people do everything right now...

In my opinion, the World will be saved not by beauty, but by Love...

True beauty is boundless and illuminates the whole world with itself.

A beautiful car will adorn any man; a beautiful woman will decorate any car.

A woman after thirty is the most dangerous! She is still young and beautiful ... but no longer a fool!

The girl was small, pretty, pink, like Piglet, the girl grew, grew and grew ... well, what grew, grew!

The protector seeks. The knower finds. The finder is amazed.

Although beauty is not a vice, it alone is not enough for you. The trouble is when a flower is beautiful, in which there is no aroma.

Fat is materialized laziness...

“Not that woman is beautiful, whose arm or leg is praised; but the one whose whole appearance does not allow admiring individual features.

The most beautiful woman is the one who is happy.

Lovely women!!! Love yourself the way you are!!! Men are attracted not by your beauty or thin body, but by your soul and its inner content!

Oh, how beautiful I am today, yesterday, tomorrow ...

In the world, only by our kindness the sediment is removed and vinegar turns into wine.

Beauty is tired of gloss and glamor, dissatisfied with itself - so the world did not save ...

To stay young and beautiful for a long time, it is enough not to change the photo in classmates ...

Not beautiful is beautiful, but the beloved is beautiful.

So that's what you are ... white nights ...

A man without a conscience is a being.

The heavenly beauty cannot be touched by hand.

I'm not looking for a handsome man ... I'm looking for someone who is not ashamed to show. And they will not be sorry!

"You can't spoil me!" Beauty said. "We argue!" - smirking, said Time.

O woman, what could be more beautiful… Since the creation of the universe! Do not argue with us - it's all in vain ... After all, you are unlikely to find a replacement for us!

Beautiful statuses about beauty

If a man has beautiful hands, truly beautiful, it can not be ugly inside. Hands don't lie like faces do.

A successful combination of beauty and wisdom. A beautiful wife, a wise husband.

The main thing in female beauty- SHINE IN THE EYES! Everything else is a matter of a woman's creativity or a man's taste.

I don’t know if beauty will save the WORLD, but beauty and HUMOR do save.

To have a beautiful and proud posture, a woman should not sleep on a pillow, but on a man's shoulder!

LOVE makes our world more beautiful, and a happy woman embellishes it doubly!

The girl who made up while driving was recognized as the most beautiful patient in the hospital!

A beautiful and unhappy woman is always a consequence of a problem with her head!

To smile a lot - to mimic wrinkles, to be sad - to bruises and bags under the eyes ... Indifference is the key to female beauty and happiness!

Ninety percent of female beauty consists of male imagination.

Curlers are a powerful weapon of beauty that kills all men with the result and kills the husband with the process ...)))

Natural beauty is difficult to spoil, but easy to emphasize!

When the Lord creates a beautiful woman, the devil starts a new account.

A woman throws three glances into the mirror - to see herself with her own eyes, the eyes of a man and the eyes of a rival.

I don't know anything about beauties! I'm not pretty! I'm actually a man!

Beauty does not make a woman happy, on the contrary, happiness makes a woman beautiful.

Beauty is a terrible force ... and with age it becomes more and more terrible ...))

Let them say that I am arrogant, that I have an overestimation, that I love myself too much and look down on others ... I just have such a facial expression))))))))

Women's beauty is like a loan that needs to be constantly paid and fed.

Men first choose beautiful women for themselves, and then they are tortured for it!

The ideal of a woman is beautiful, evil and devoted.

So that all your affairs succeed, and life always sparkles with positive, give yourself an attitude in the morning: I AM HAPPY, SUCCESSFUL AND BEAUTIFUL !!

The most beautiful road in life is the road of life itself.

A beautiful woman attracts not only glances, but also hands ...

Of all my qualities, only the Rh factor is positive.

Caramel lips, fruity hair smell, sugary look, vanilla dreams. I'm too sweet - your ass will stick together ...

It's not a problem if you're STILL beautiful. The problem is if you are ONLY pretty.

It's hard to be beautiful - men are afraid!!!

Nobody is young after forty, but we can be irresistible at any age.

Just because you've done a beautiful makeover using tons of makeup... that doesn't mean you're a beauty queen!

In pursuit of beauty, the main thing is not to go too far!

When a person begins to see beauty and joy in his usual surroundings, he becomes happy.

A beautiful wife is a common property, an ugly wife is the punishment of her husband.

“Appearances are deceiving, so you have to watch it all the time.”

Every woman is obliged to wake up shamelessly happy, and leave the house, brazenly beautiful.

Beauty is the shadow of harmony.

“A girl should be able to do two things: be fabulous and stylish”

Intelligence and kindness require proof, but beauty does not! That is why any woman should make herself a beauty - so as not to prove anything to anyone!

A man doesn't have to be handsome. A man must be a man!

Beauty for a woman becomes a problem only in two cases: when there is none and when there is nothing but beauty.

The more beautiful a woman, the smarter she must be. For only with her mind can she resist the harm that beauty brings her.

And you are very beautiful! ... Although, you can’t tell by sight ...

When a woman feels beautiful, everything around her bows down to her. Even time itself.

They say that a daughter is like a mother with age ... I look at my mother and rejoice - I will age very beautifully ...

The kitchen is the enemy of female beauty ... Only the garden is more terrible than the kitchen)))

A beautiful girl is not the one that all the guys stick to. A beautiful girl is the one at the sight of which they all fall silent.

Glamor is the freaks' concept of beauty. Teeth with rhinestones, and zero literacy.

The more beautiful you are, the more consumers for your beauty appear, but it doesn’t become more men who are ready to love you for real!

Do men look at me? Yes, they are simply afraid to go blind from such beauty!

When she entered, even grandfather's clock would wind up.

They often tell me that I have beautiful eyes ... They also say a lot behind my eyes ...

Woman: In the morning after drinking in front of the mirror: “I don’t know you, but I’ll make you up!”

Better to be a young dung beetle than an old bird of paradise.

A woman after 40 years is like aged expensive wine: mature, with a refined taste, aged, and if she is also well preserved, then she has no price !!!

If a man does not notice your beauty, then he is blinded by it.

I look at myself in the mirror-beauty! I looked closely ... Damn ... GODDESS!

Can not be beautiful eyes who never cried.

I go to bed - beautiful, wake up - again beautiful, at work all day - and again beautiful. Mystery? No, I just love it!

Men are too predictable to be a mystery - not that We are Women!

Beauty does not decide who we love, but love considers who we consider beautiful.

Beautiful female legs turned more than one page of history.

Amazing creatures of a woman - a moth in a swoon imagines itself to be a swallowtail, a true firebird considers itself no more beautiful than a quail.

There are no ugly women, there are women of rare beauty.

The beauty of a woman is in the care that she gives with love, in the passion that she does not hide.

A life flowing in love for everything in life is a full, rich life, constantly increasing its beauty and strength.

With smart woman you can talk about everything, but with a beautiful, it's all nice to do.

It's good when a beautiful woman is also moderately smart.

Glamor is the idea of ​​beauty.

The living beauty of a woman is 30% appearance, 20% mind, 50% character, and everything else is makeup.

In a Girl, two things should be beautiful - this is the Look and the Lips, because with a look she can fall in love, and with her lips she can prove that she loves

Old age is when they don't bother bad dreams but bad reality.

Just because beauty is free doesn't mean it's available!

Beauty remains, but good looks disappear. But for some reason, women do not strive to be beautiful, they want to remain pretty.

If the beauty takes out your brain - do not be surprised. Beauty requires sacrifice!

Nothing can hold back the pressure of beauty! (Looking at the hole in her skirt) F. Ranevskaya

Beautiful people also poop.

I am hellishly funny, damn smart, drop dead beautiful and unrealistically SMOOTH!

If a woman is not beautiful, then she is simply stupid.

This morning, while wearing makeup 5 times, she fainted from her beauty ...

They say that a man is made in God's likeness, then a woman is incomparable!!!

If you want to live beautifully - live!!! No one will do this for you but yourself!

God gave me beauty, the devil - the mind! Not loving me is a crime, loving me is a punishment...

A beautiful woman is everything. Even a small, bald and old millionaire.

I love a thunderstorm at the beginning of May, when the first spring thunder and everyone goes, the idiots get wet, and I'm BEAUTIFUL WITH AN UMBRELLA))))

Probably, every girl has an attack of “prettyness” when you run around the whole apartment thinking “what else to smear on?”

The older the photo, the younger I look on it.

Beauty that destroys the world has no right to be called that ...

I will not wear a tight skirt to appear a little slimmer. I love my "Ukrainian" figure... How do they say? EVERYTHING WITH HER!

Not beautiful is beautiful, but the beloved is beautiful.

Powdered my nose! Painted my eyes! Ready to be a doll and live in a fairy tale again!

More beautiful than women's legs can only be the place from which they grow)))

After all, life is a roulette wheel. Someone is beautiful... And someone is loved.

Do you want to know the main secret of beauty? Fall in love - it really works!

To seem accessible and simple, but to be inaccessible - this is the art of a woman, which few people possess.

Being a Goddess isn't easy, but I'm doing well so far!

Do not fall in love with beauty. They fall in love with a mole on the priest, with a scar near the eyebrow, with hysterical laughter. But not in beauty. They want beauty.

Statuses about beauty, about beauty

Be sure to choose an original and unique status for yourself by the day of world beauty and be one step ahead of everyone else. Each of the presented statuses evokes interesting thoughts and original thoughts in a person, let your status by the day of beauty be one of the most original and unusual, because in any case this holiday cannot go unnoticed. All statuses are very cool, charming and unusual. Each status carries its own meaning, theme and subtext. On the day of beauty, all statuses should be not only beautiful, but also unique, because this is not an easy holiday, but a day when all the best and extraordinary are sung. Keep your eyes on our beautiful, interesting and unusual statuses, and then you will definitely choose the right text for yourself.


Beauty for a woman becomes a problem only in two cases: when there is none and when there is nothing but beauty.

It's hard to be beautiful - men are afraid!!!

To be beautiful does not mean to be conspicuous .. It means to be remembered.

In pursuit of beauty, the main thing is not to go too far!

A woman who is confident in her beauty will be able, in the end, to convince everyone of her.

Every woman is obliged to wake up shamelessly happy, and leave the house, brazenly beautiful.

To seem accessible and simple, but to be inaccessible - this is the art of a woman, which few people possess.

A successful combination of beauty and wisdom. A beautiful wife, a wise husband.

Cool statuses with beauty day: Beauty requires sacrifice... Who will be my victim?

There are no ugly women, there are women of rare beauty.

A beautiful woman is everything. Even a small, bald and old millionaire.

Beautiful women today are ranked among the talents of their husbands.

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is.

The beauty of a girl is not in a layer of makeup on her face, but in her soul without falsehood. The beauty of a guy is not in a long tongue and elastic muscles, but in his thoughts and actions!

A beautiful wife is a common property, an ugly wife is the punishment of her husband.

Cool statuses with beauty day: Only the one who is dressed in happiness looks beautiful.

Beauty does not make a woman happy, on the contrary, happiness makes a woman beautiful.

The first rule of courtesy is to be beautiful, or at least not to be ugly.

I go to bed - beautiful, wake up - again beautiful, at work all day - and again beautiful. Mystery? No, I just love it!

A beautiful woman attracts not only glances, but also hands ...

With a smart woman, you can talk about everything, but with a beautiful woman, it's all nice to do it.

From now on, I will do everything so that you regret two hundred times that you do not have such a beautiful girl like me!

If a man has beautiful hands, really beautiful hands, he cannot be ugly inside. Hands don't lie like faces do.

Women's beauty is like a loan that needs to be constantly paid and fed.

When a woman feels beautiful, everything around her bows down to her. Even time itself.

Beauty for a woman is a problem only in two cases: when there is none and when there is absolutely nothing but beauty.

Beauty requires sacrifice!!! As well as a luxury apartment, a car, the Caribbean, diamonds...

The more beautiful you are, the more consumers for your beauty appear, but there are no more men who are ready to love you for real!

To have a beautiful and proud posture, a woman should not sleep on a pillow, but on a man's shoulder!

Beauty turns a man into a slave, and a woman into a bitch.

Beauty is a terrible force... and with age it becomes more and more terrible...

Natural beauty is much more beautiful than expensive mascara powder and gloss.

A beautiful girl is not the one that all the guys stick to. A beautiful girl is the one at the sight of which they all fall silent.

Cool statuses with beauty day: A beautiful girl, not a sparrow, will fly in a little.

A beautiful woman should not be too smart - it is a distraction.

To believe in the beauty of a girl means to follow her with closed eyes.

A girl who seems like everyone wants to undress her is wrong about beauty - she simply has no taste for clothes ...

Ninety percent of female beauty consists of male imagination.

Just because beauty is free doesn't mean it's available!

If the beauty takes out your brain - do not be surprised. Beauty requires sacrifice!

The beauty of a girl is not in fashionable clothes, a slim figure or a stylish hairstyle. She glows in the depths of her eyes. After all, the eyes are the gates of the heart, in which love has settled.

Maybe I dreamed too much, but a girl is allowed to dream.

A man doesn't have to be handsome. A man must be a man!